Self Storage Abandoned Units.. ENTER THE JUNGLE 2020

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oh my gosh it's the first time ever shut the front door whoa look at wait its opening up oh this must be the one oh it has a Jedi tab [Music] and we're back hi hi quick 20-second recap bought two storage units owned by the same person you guys probably already seen this video yes I still have to organize it go through it if you haven't go watch that video first we pulled off some crazy stuff nice stuff so now we're gonna go to the second video we're gonna go through this one ten by ten it's cold it's getting dark so we've got to hurry and film this also the truck is full this is all going to the dump not her I'll be the first thing he'll throw out this is all going to the dump kind of unique I had it half-full already so we're gonna get mattresses and different things and then go to dump when they come back and pick up the good stuff but in the meantime we are going to film this unit and show you what's in here alright so camera person yes let's get going so empty box story of our life empty except a nice little football no we have not gone through any of this stuff it looks like we have cousins open but he wouldn't let me I tried oh well I'm definitely disappointed on that wood box I thought there's gotta be something great in there I'm actually gonna sell that box yeah oh my gosh it's the first time ever what is it I never got this before ever well that's great for shipping wouldn't people love to get that in their boxes negative you shipping was I don't want that I take those very personally help that me for a week oh my gosh is heavy be careful we got out what is that bug don'tdo gonna make people sick cuz I'm running I'm joking there is no bug alright so guys that is a My Little Pony let's watch the first video I put the bug on her alright oh isn't he proud I'll try to videotape how I get him back this is a rubberband shooter thing right oh there's how I can get him back I do have rubber bands I don't I'll hold that for you I'll set that aside right over here okay so we have there's a lot of bugs in here keep them to yourself I always say seeing this type of stuff but somebody will this will go to a good home a bunch of books in here have the other one there some candle huh this looks like pewter they wanted five bucks each for it there's two of them in here I don't think it's pewter then that looks pewter oh no nevermind look yeah there are some nice Bibles in there perhaps I will sell well and this rest is all books alright what is it oh something on the wall decoration it's a modern art oh this is a table it's just yeah it's on this side yeah the other video oh that's cleaner than the others I like tubs you never know what you have in a tub oh we have games NES games alright let's see let's make a pole hold them up higher before oh I'm gonna put them right here oh okay before we go through are they in here are they not in here cuz they're never in here are they or not I'm gonna say beans you say they never I'll go with never and then you can bet that they are I won I didn't think I would really I didn't think you would either dang why are they never in there because they're in the machine somewhere or something net it never fails they're always not in there they're probably in those cases right there Wade those colored cases it's all rest of us as books guys yeah could be shut the front door is this more Cutco if it is you'll start skipping around no it's not well it's a nice Center a lot of knives what's it called six star cutter II I don't know anything about them never heard a lot but wouldn't you think they look like they might be good that's cheap are you sure yeah that's cheap that's me and China stuff I know somebody's looking about right now good news is it'll sell the word ah so yeah I got a look at all these though cuz yeah it's cheap stainless steel stuff but that's an awful big box it can't be all names or candidates actually let me move this stuff first what is that that's like will you make a drink and you spray it or oh that's from Australia okay what is this I don't know I don't want to say cuz people oh don't do it don't do it let's you don't do it I'm moving its we're making drinks and you spray now I don't know for the other or not but my guess is let's put a little disclaimer oh isn't that cute what is this oh it's a picture it's got there first what a cute frame I've never seen one like that I was gonna say something but it might not be politically correct so I want darn it I don't save mine I don't open them that's what I'd use a paper shredder for J class I don't know okay we don't know a lot today no on a lot of this stuff is oh this is Polo Ralph Lauren it's heavy duty and it's big 3x yeah he might have been a big boy I think he was a big doctor okay okay now we get to see so gotta be careful yeah these are cheap be careful in their way we'll keep that fer what a nice knife I got I kid it looks a camouflage oh oh it's a hook knife what do you use a hook knife for whatever I don't know we're gonna use this for our boxes okay but their other knife is lost in the other unit oh wait wait oh did you hear that I thought I heard please no give some nice shoes in here these are rock Porter I may not like really expensive but these are nice nice shoes in here yeah shoes on the bottom there we go not bad we've seen worse than we've seen better look at that huge amount of boxes in the back you guys see them back there oh yeah now you can always tell with it they didn't pay their bill multiple times guys by the locks if there's a lot of locks in the corner cut it means they went delinquent a lot of time there was a pile here and also if the clocks are still cut on the ground that means possibly they haven't been in the unit right because they normally would have picked up your locks alright another video I go through on the course so if you want less storage units click the link below I'll tell ya he keeps coming up with ideas on that course Ashley and I are amazed I just did two more videos to kind of surface things alright so some more clothes wants good it's like the dirty laundry bath this smells doesn't smell too bad I wish or some way we could give them the smells of this unit so we go wouldn't that be fun yeah she never said well I think it would be fun to share everything these are nice I like them well so I always like hitting golf clubs and getting three clubs I don't understand that we'll add it to our other bucketful okay so oh those are two end tables yes it's a very dirty hippo he's right out of the mud I know if someone cows anybody watch flipping hippos they're on YouTube I'm nice it's in good shape to want to sit on it no oh yeah first is it's wet and moldy I might not know just go ahead they need to show show you how that fits yeah okay oh my god that is so mean I just check and see if it was wet moldy okay oh he's sometimes he's not very nice have you guys noticed oh my gosh well we can't look at it we're waiting I'm ready whoa oh my god what's wrong over this forehead oh I think I think he's missing a hat I love his coat okay let me give you the whole thing's got his little little bag that's a cool Santa he's gonna love him and he's not in red I like that there's got it well Santa is fat where is it Oh Yoda bet you know what you got two Star Wars now and you got two boy and they do talk yep do it again that's what we're doing that's not what I thought is voice it sound like better stuff I thought he'd have like a younger voice okay so oh no he's the old one we got to that'll be cool for the kids hope they're good ones and I know people want oh there's two of those so I can't wait to sell oh yeah I mean I don't there's not even stack neatly I can't see the title I don't discredit books but cuz everybody's always like your videos are long can you imagine go through every no but then there's other people that want to see the books which I wish we could just make everybody happy with a magic wand I love those in tables we need to replace these well it's got to be down there somewhere we're gonna use this that's our new table I know people are dying to see everything we're dying to see everything Oh God now we need another knife oh maybe we'll find one in another box movies yeah we sold a lot we sold all our movies Oh a blu-rays ashley gets first pick on all blu-rays oh yeah she does I was like look cuz sometimes in the DVD area oh this is sealed I I has just started watching The Sopranos yeah but this is not I know but I watch him on TV but that somebody will love that yeah it's not open for Sopranos oh I loved it I liked that I started watching them they are good yeah anyway we needed some more that's gonna be one of our staples I think everybody goes right to home yeah there we go that was books yeah well I'd like to go through the books I haven't got to go through the other ones I got yeah because it's too busy Louis what is that makeup no electric oh wait yeah that's special that's a look at the price tag on it yeah one hundred and eighty dollars yeah let's see what it looks like well it's an erotic wand in there whoa Aidan has a handbook if you don't know okay well looks like this this is our care book our care buck eye care focus that way you don't I'm assuming oh I thought it was a tell you how to use it book this is a hundred and eighty dollars new we'll sell it for eighty oh okay Charles Dickens oh it's got three of a minute yeah oh that's a whole set of Charles Dickens Wow Ashleigh should keep that for the boys so there's more of them that there's three more in here I like that what if they're wonder if they're worth any money I don't know we're gonna have to look at everything it's everyman edition yeah what does that mean there's another one here and look there's the quality of it yeah they got gold badges yes I got Moby Dick somebody look online and give us a link where you can talk to us right now tell us more books is it hey when you see the people we'll see I don't mind being one of the people oh that is awesome Charlie Brown yep we got a few cute little figurines this is actually not too old but he's still Charlie yeah it's cool this is sealed yeah don't recognize that more stuff some games no all right we're back every every few minutes the camera turns us off because it's out enough okay so there's video games down here do you think they're in here this time I'm not even gonna play that game and they are they are they're not fun oh they're not yeah one is is it gonna be 50/50 that's it yeah these are ps3 well guess what I won cuz they're there no I'm wondering if we're gonna find there's a lot of boxes back here about here nine of them I wonder if we're gonna find a machine back here would be nice or more games I'll take the games too yeah a lot of Star Wars books in all forms yeah remember guys you know I don't know I'm just I think he was possibly a doctor well I think it definitely was and that being said you know you when you buy storage units you want to look for expendable income and you know I don't know the extent of the situation but I would assume that you made pretty good money he'd being a doctor so that's okay this is a big box we'll go through this is let me see let me figure out where I'm out here whitewash whitewash death I'm trying to tackle this it's different if we were putting it in the truck but we're not figurines that go with the other stuff yeah random stuff each pins pictures family pictures oh they got a whole box for that sustainless teal of cambridge i mean this stuff is in the back of the storage unit there's a lot of furniture guys will kind of go through the boxes now and then would come back to put it all on the truck will show you the actual furniture right I like that it's like it matches this only it has it back there's a whole set would you like to exchange your tenure no no I'm fine that one's twiddles a little more than I want to swivel that's a nice set of barstools now we just need the bar oh there's a beautiful white dresser back here we'll have to show after well let's quit giving them tips so we can surprise them very cold out here two folks it's a erector set I don't know if that's a it but that's how oh that goes with that car that was on the other one where you built that we'll put that with that I know something I could do good money this is just a big sleeping bag Louis mallet don't blow the wind this way so we're gonna take in these boxes real quick besides I can't even see those boxes from where I'm at all this stuff's in front of us so we're gonna be real surprised we don't even know what the boxes look like up against the clock for daylight and we're oh more I love the artwork in this place I'm just wandering over yep fisherman salmon pitcher and it's find I don't think that's him that's old enough we'll show it some of the older ones sure that might be him it's an awful bright outfit and then some of his clothes were pretty bright I don't know if it's him because the lady was like you know she's like I saw him at karaoke he's flying out karaoke let me look at this foot on make sure it's not there we go yeah there's two of them not to set yep and I bet that threes I set are they any good let's family oh no he likes westerns yeah there's another one you follow you my dad these are personal okay okay keep him under wraps mother ups okay I have a feeling that I'm moving around a lot but I'm trying to make sure you guys see everything I [Applause] like the little containers I like I like containers of all kinds oh this is a rosary yeah that's a nice case it soon we haven't led Maine Italy I sold one recently for 80 bucks Wow so there's sterling silver they suffer good we haven't changed their helps to pay for the unit I don't think we have to worry about that this time we made really good money and by the way this unit here guys the last unit we paid 150 this unit was $200 brass mug mean Italy sorry maybe I won some kind of Hammer this is just a knick-knack patty-whack okay listen that's it are there a lot of mini fridge back here oh good so it's or much many more boxes cool this is what he goes around the house with well they carry them in teen on baby I never know what type of dog here are we talking about it could be a different type of doctor we don't know right I think we'd find more of that stuff of is that okay I like those containers though they're kind of cool Charlie Daniels you know who he is don't ya those oh honey it's great singer is he still here with this yeah I think poem Oh was he I don't know if he passed away I don't know I don't want to say just in case he has or hasn't okay so this is all that's all good book that was just all knickknacks all righty we don't want to wrong kind of knickknacks okay so we have just a few more boxes here and then we'll start doing the boxes over there I know it's not awkward way of doing the unit but how we'll change it up we change it up another Star Wars books go slow because some people like to look at them oh I like that movie I Robot well I usually don't watch this kind that's one way I have all-time favourites of him well that's kind of cool Harry Potter these go first still good money okay I'm gonna put this right below you okay all right you feel surrounded I'm surrounded that'll be nice to look at these big old boxes oh this is toy box for outside all right oh it just says are they all okay here you go no they won't crumble okay so just this is just a random outdoor unit box now you see it with the boxes I mean it's over a little bit you think you can I don't want everything to tumble ohmygosh more books for here oh why that's so funny I guess it isn't but every unit every unit there's books some would have better ones than others I love books his father used to get really mad when we would have to move my books around okay he's back in the back forty looking at blanket oh that is cute as we load the furniture in the truck will show you everything lot closer smells nicely this is older that oh that is cool that's not barcode so it's probably before the 70s I didn't realize what it was for a minute yeah so before the 70s and that's in there let's see what is your careful in the box there we go yeah it's in there yeah have something you think it's a you clean bagpipes with it or something it's a it's an instrument oh oh yeah you tell me watching capsules they're blister pack is some kind of medicine where when the X oh there's no oh yeah oh they're still good zero six 2020 yeah but do they have I wonder if they're prescription or not I don't want to try to sell something somebody's prescription what they have we'll get to see it tomorrow Wow I don't know how he's getting this stuff out of there oh that's right okay okay who's in the rock Damien rocks over there that actually is a that's got teeth shucks I think it's part of a body or no not a human body bound what do they call that it's in there all the games you know I hope the lady that came last week loves games Oh battleship we used to play that yeah this is really I've never seen a battleship in a case like this we know that's a maybe that's a take along go somewhere battle show now that used to be a fun game [Music] thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left [Music]
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 17,455
Rating: 4.9072709 out of 5
Keywords: Self Storage, Abandoned Units, 2020, storage wars, storagewars, auction hunters, storage auction, storage locker, storage units, storage wars full episode, luggage auction, treasure hunting, mystery box, storage unit auction, storage unit buying, lost luggage, storage auction full episodes, storage auction online, storage locker business, storage locker finds, live storage auction, bid, buy, sell, storage auction tips, taco stacks, resale rabbit, wades ventures, storage, units
Id: 54sTkx_4HE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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