Storage Unit Truck LOADED.. Treasure Boxes FULL! LOOK FOR YOURSELF!! #53

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you guys ready hey man we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this what's going on guys welcome to Wade's ventures YouTube channel we got some crazy boxes down box for you guys but before we get started there has been an issue with YouTube so if you click the little bell below the video guys that lets you notify notifies you when we upload videos people are saying in the comments that they're not getting notified and YouTube is clicking the Bell off I don't know how this is working but make sure you click the Bell and you put on all notifications or at least make sure your Bell is clicked that way when I upload a video that seconds you'll get notified and if you don't have that clicked you won't know that we released a video for today alright so let's get into this we have boxes we got a hurry because we got a lot of stuff to unbox today plus it's auction day so we've got a lot of good stuff to happen today so real quick we've got a bird making kit we're gonna show you just in a second bird making kit and we have Grandma ventures all right so we have a bird making kit today I want to see supposedly alright let's see let's see okay I first thought it was angel wings but then I saw the birds okay well I think it is where you make birds oh they are punching they punch out and you put the bird together it has instructions back here on how to put the different birds together yeah this is pretty cool this is back from the 1990s yeah okay we open the box prior because it takes you know some people few all joking okay good what do you got what is that oh it's a tree and it has little openings Wow oh that's a Suzie Zhu tree Oh a hell what that's Susie Zoo right I don't know yeah it is it is a Susie Zoo tree let's see is it there any markings on here I mean that is yeah I think you need to put this on Poshmark somebody will love it and you open these are I have so much Christmas stuff Oh [Music] [Applause] I'm like what does a stinker smell that's when you give it to me oh yeah so this is there's not much in there that's really normally they keep their crops up really nice this one was kind of just thrown in there is that in there oh are those might be personal are these stickers are personal some miscellaneous nail art ooh these okay I already have a lot knowing ready for these okay Wow yeah this is all food oh wow there's a lot of it in here [Applause] that's different you got hours and hours in here we have a bunch of who this is a good condition what do you what do you I don't know if it's anything good Tibbie oh yeah hold on one second let me let me show them what let me get this open okay all right not like crazy stuff that I see but we'll see I mean that's pretty cool probably handmade got another one and we have some more I'm wondering if this is real one of them looks real one of them does not okay one second no that's it's not real god I'm almost afraid to see what I'll have to test it but oh there we go no that's not real okay it's made out of composition yes and I know that because I have one of my grandmother's it's very old we got to be really careful you think that's 30s ah oh my gosh this thing is old old I think 30s 40s maybe oh I'm not an expert they had it wrapped up so well it's a little creepy in all these bags well and it's got oh why is old oh it says right here a product of dull bodies Inc New York here it doesn't have a year just as a product of dull bodies ink that up yeah and here's some basic tennis shoes I'm gonna put this over here mmm-hmm that is very old because my grandmother had like that we have some shoes they never kept really good care of their shoes yep this is from 1985 down there yeah it needs new glass it was in a chemistry / fan tears a purse what what brand is it good yeah yeah do you like Psalm vs. you like so uh purses I do alright alright so let's go ahead and do another box that was you want me to just get this part of that was like really good what's in there sort of craft materials stack of good records now what one person's taste is good yes not only that are they there remember last records half is one more not there oh goodness what is that this is cool it's an embroidery hoop it's that you can it's gonna take a second okay there you go [Laughter] have you ever seen one like this no but it makes sense you can sit on a table and work on it you wouldn't have to hold wow that is really cool I think too many we don't have more embroidery stuff for a lot embroidery live well in your paper watch this it's a flower notebook I actually think it's wonderful I love that yeah that's probably 80s cool very cool no this isn't used either for guess okay that's cool sparkle it's the word of the day cool guys that's my word get drunk on cool work hot coco one of the two whatever that's cool this is so cool this is gonna give them a break now I'll wait for five minutes again Oh a stationery kit we've seen these before my hands have create a lot just with it just at this there's more stationery [Applause] doctor Toys R Us bag about there was something now oh the rest [Music] yep small little guys we've got jars for days what the heck this is gonna be a very random Bach oh you don't wash my hand stares this is like all the hair all these things in there 11 years yeah these are like Japanese style mayn't oh I don't know they're from the 80s stainless steel cool from the 80s wow those are cool oh that's a rustic little shelf you hang on the wall has a wire in the back it was not attached guys yeah that is cool though I'm gonna give you this it's on cork it's a metal al then I'm gonna give you this and let you be the one to unveil it okay sir is there what is it I don't know oh you didn't even open it I'm like all right thank you there's still a lot of stuff in there there's a lot of random stuff in here okay oh there BB's for a BB gun I was not expecting that okay this next thing is from its stationery from Italy and hasn't been opened Wow stationery from Italy gotta be special yeah I think of price tags oh yeah I was $17 for this little thing back then yeah little kitty oh is this more stationery oh this is brand-new yes those people love the secret garden just as much as I do box of no cards this little piggys on it it's oh it's nice lace with little piggys oh that is so cool for your sewing 100 for people that like to play bridge this is cool little bridge keeping score pads never seen them like that yeah they haven't been used those are neat they are cool yeah okay and much of random stuff in here oh you've got some unused oh my gosh stationary just goes for days like stationary no but I need to create a whole nother stationary lot now it's a new food it's here Oh what is it it's an old 50's I'm looking for a date old addicted to dictation discs old dictation dish yes I don't know if it teaches you how or what it does but it's on a 45 record it's got all its paperwork yeah that could be worse I'm having trouble with my wallet in the purse I like that I got Oh a Norman knight the walk Rockwell calendar from 1999 hmm now these are supposed to be the good ones okay are they actually in that I think they are might be the good one who the Beatles I think they might be and they're in there this will be a lot okay okay that's okay Breakfast at Tiffany's and it's so scratched this is the kind you melt on the stove and make a candy dip my sister oh man don't know about them okay what is it time out bit quartet here's another one I don't know and they're in there guys these are in there here's another one some of these can be kind of wiped off but this one they scratched up Ricky Nelson oh no that's so shameful yep I probably still play but it's not looking yeah what is this one here that the same day oh oh Disneyland The Hobbit The Beatles and the other Beatles was not in there this one's in there Wow [Laughter] [Music] where were you when I needed you he looks young in this one did he pass away young or something or what or is he still alive I mean look at the front no this is a while ago I think he's passed away but I don't think he passed away yeah all right what do you got on you don't know a Dean Martin's song everybody loves somebody sometime [Music] everybody somehow okay Paul Anka you know any of his songs look at the list but I'm sure I do and it's in there all the one will tell you if it's not in there that guy's a jazz artist I guess jazz goes to college huh this is more groove back you must have been a hit with these people I'll tell ya I don't know who he is it could be Christian meet Christian stuff Cassell's really well we sold some henry mancini already yeah there's some more of him okay and then mr. lucky again must be a good one they had two of them we should listen to it yeah oh yeah hundred million seller hits of 1966 but these are stirring music ooh and it's in there uh-oh we have someone without a taste of honey Martin Denny not sure I'm wondering if we have Rick Nelson okay relation B touch the records like this there was a blue dress on good golly Miss Molly good golly Miss Molly play guitar with the ventures really I think it's something to do with teaching you how yeah this I remember the sleeve for this baby in okay is that it or wands okay the coming of the Martians the War of the Worlds remember when uh what's-his-name did that rip now some things for you fools rush in okay fools rush in the venture surfing okay we like that I kind of like it take off of the this has got a huge scratch on it oh this is explosive hits a bee gees I got a message for you oh yeah it's got a scratch right there tell me why Bobby oh I remember it's not there no do you remember us Reena doll for now are you sure the Roger Whitacre Christmas album I know Roger Whitacre not personally but I got he's pretty snowy in this one Christmas is Percy fate that's it there was a few the faith see these do our faith the LP stay well everybody out there is praying we find no more albums after this max don't let him find any more album okay so we have this one this is a light box oh I'm thinking my guess is pillows what is your guess and it says pillows from 2004 I guess you know you have your night here 1999 pillows your 2004 pillow all my pillows are like from they have a five or six year [Laughter] they have some good oh oh those are disgusting those are really those are they've seen better days yeah those could be dog pillows okay yes they are all right okay that was interesting when I first met Jack he had such sharp teeth I sat on the floor and I let him have the couch remember you left me I was home alone that day and you and Ashley went somewhere and I met Jack yeah okay the couch is the whole time [Music] yep and more clipping it's boy days they have so much time but cut those little itty-bitty clipping I don't know that's why I think we need to put this in a lock there's a Dazzler paper this is Dazzler pee who would who would scrap burgers use this oh yeah lots of people would use that for crab I'll get ready for more your your stationery card collection oh it almost looks like it says paper adventures almost looks like Indiana Jones typo yeah more they're gonna be more stationary well pound the paper right there all the you get a pound right here cardstock brand-new cardstock just got to be more than a pound yeah I'm actually making a cardstock box to sew all color let's sort it no but they do it's just all this is metallic color I mean there's hundreds at all hours here and this is the same paper towels in a bag that we saw in another box that very same paper towel bag they put it's their signature oh and we have some toilet paper I'm thought I had tissue paper but I don't look at that first crap booking Wade this is old textured stuff what do you want this back on huh mentioned a lot of it it's Texas this stuff can be spendy yep you need okay here you go there's an even better one what's in there we got show them everything they're dirty rags for the neighbors to do their oil with yep those are okay all right okay no we have that one you always know when he hands me something he probably should because he grins and laughs he gets it away because he gets pleasure out of it that's fun to watch what's in there close that one was not labeled I don't know if they're dirty or clean yet that's the big question isn't it that's the question mark dumped a mountaineer wait oh look like they're dress slacks they don't look dirty yeah we want to show them all you know they're all pants we've got it these are action slacks from Levi's Oh so they actually may be worth some money oh you hear that that's it's the the yeah the lining is it bright no it's it just hasn't been worn in a while a lot of years all right what's that one say this one says pencil oh well sizes I have a puzzle monocle well you just got some puzzles for your puzzle you got some good puzzles the other day yeah I guess I was impressed [Music] I guess I almost feel like singing everything today I should just pick a day where I do nothing but seeing everything I think we're fine all right oh these are holy moly there oh you got a big puzzle Wow and they're new Wow brand new they're sealed they're all sealed wow these guys are all sealed they're just beautiful these are all vintage oh my gosh talk about colors Wow and these are sealed to Bananarama puzzles over Wow yep look at the colors in the birdhouses I love these the way these are wonderful beautiful and they're all brand-new see I never use and so such a variety this is a great lot good here this is a great lot this $104 were the puzzles so nice I love the collection this one looks hard yeah oh yeah oh yeah that one looks pretty hard I was a pretty good luck eye I just happen to like puzzles all right I'm gonna put these away while I'm doing that you can open up oh oh okay let me put these away real quick yeah be more fun to have know when to hold them and when to hand them okay and I think I'm gonna ham this one here all these puzzles are no wait this is not gonna be a good bag I can tell you right now but I have been wrong no it's not garbage it's not that bad oh my god you guys have seen that video already the one where we actual garbage a whole huge box alright that's one thing I never expected out of this unit no you know maybe the garbage can was full I know one thing if my garbage cans flow I am NOT going to do that I'll just put it in the neighbors the truth is out yeah by the way one of our neighbors keeps putting garbage in my things these are actually pretty cool okay we have here a lot of clothes oh here's a Nevada shirt ooh that's an old one yep vintage made in the United States slacks we won't do this last do we really want to do this whole box obviously a lot of work what the worst selective youtubers okay 45 videos well we're on like 50 now okay after 50 that's pretty cool no it's not that bad yeah but I don't yeah okay okay I'm done yeah no but I saw a lot of thumbs up when I said are you guys what this is a lot yes I'm so glad you guys voted with me on that okay so now that we got that done a little or bag would be nice let's see this one oh this was my Christmas oh that's a Christmas tree that's a handsome hand decorated squashed up in a bed Wow iron for tinsel Christmas tree do you put your thingies in there like the little short pencils are the things whatever yeah pink assume yeah no that'd be a big pincushion I mean this is 15 inches guys there is pins up in here though yeah yeah those are gonna watch out oh there's pins everywhere it's made out of pins everything's hold up by the fence normally they're cushions are fantastic but a lot of them are new these are these are bad yeah okay well we're moving pretty quick where do you put your hat when you're packing in the middle of the cushions yeah it's seen better days you guys like the hat on don't torture them oh I like this one I like this one very clean very cute little bear he's about 20 inches he's a big boy yeah ooh what's in me it's old and he's old and soft and clean oh I don't see any tags I think he may be handmade oh he's so cute any soap I love the feel of his fur yeah this is sweet he's heavy too somebody will love him I wonder if it that squirt you if I put water minute Oh would there's no water well should we try it out see if it works I think you're good this is uh these are nice I I think you tilt it to squirt it in a cup and it keeps it real cold [Music] there's nothing in it that's that's pretty cool you know when I was a kid my dad my and my sister we had water fights and it's the only time my mom would not kill us when we get stuff all over the house cuz we get water everywhere Oh lots of nice fabric for the girls well we have a massive fabric lot on they have to do to lots oh wow because there's a lot of fabric and Cotton's for seersucker seersucker fabric yep quilted o more cotton for quilts wow there's a big chunk of quilted fabric for a blanket oh my God look at this nice quarter right Wow and there's a lot of cotton in here oh this is silky ooh this is nice it's like a silky this is older type yeah it's very it's definitely and here's some scraps and there's pins everywhere in this bag I just took myself to do careful well I don't worry about it that much myself but this is just a little tiny peices thing yeah we can put that in our box this is it we have to lose some of these have tags very few this is made in the United States brand-new vintage piece with tags a big wool blanket yeah we have a random wool blanket in here okay oh did you know how some things just shrink yeah I shrunk one of my dad sweaters went like a little baby doll but look how old this is yeah and it's got the designs on there you can tell this is shrunk because the caller is so big and then the body look at this is an old piece it wow it's 100% wool this was seen better days you remember those slippers we can put those with the slippers oh yeah no it's called a butt pack is what UK people were saying but pack the other one there was three of them there's three of them well they'll tell us again maybe this is hand painted Wade that's nice it reminds me of them Jesus they did the sparkly you know Sam painted and it's clean all right here you go there you go and they've never been open they're all sealed and they're very pretty and this would go real nice with your stationery okay stationery lot they might want to use or even your card you know your card stock lot they may want to use those storage boxes yes they're pretty they're cool and they're brand new yep and they're sealed and they're sealed okay whoa look at our pile yep that's a big pile our pile of good stuff then here's our pile best right there they don't see the bad stuff okay what now so let's go ahead and this is the last box of the video really what's in there ooh paper for pin pin drawings okay a judge pant we can put that type of all together I love this what is it it's an old barn book oh wow and speaking of old barns here's some old barn drawings that they did oh wait there's two brand-new passes reading any meds but that isn't what I'm doing about I love this oh and they have more sketches Wow look at this one I know this is Scott crust it's yielded paper where you make your own crust it's pattern so we'll add this to the drawing lot or crap I'm very old oh it's Scott you can make your own puzzle in here it's got puzzle puzzle pieces now I don't know what we're getting here hmm oh this is chalk this goes for drawing old chalks that will put that now this is a magnifying glass to trace things yes and we'll add that's a lot - yeah that would be there's more in here oh and then you got this this is one big lot right here yep this is one big lot okay so there's just random stuff in there then yep we'll keep it over here for now it's like that yep yep well that was a pretty good one that was a very unique video because we had everything from everything my name to the other alright so guys smash the like button remember hit the bell icon because sometimes the notifications are getting wonky now from what people are telling me so I would amazing day hopefully you enjoyed this video and we'll see you tomorrow we've got about probably 20 more videos and then we're done with this unit won't have more Oh we'll have more tomorrow alright see you guys what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got over about 1300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop Wayne's ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this replica count 500 items everything the finds in the storage units you can go to eBay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching a hundred and thirty-six videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's Ventures YouTube right below or she's me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from Wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 11,880
Rating: 4.9370627 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Unit Truck LOADED.. Treasure Boxes FULL! LOOK FOR YOURSELF, Storage Unit Truck LOADED, Treasure Boxes, HEAVY, Boxes, Labeled Fragile, Found, Abandoned, Storage, Unit, mystery boxes, box, 2020, vintage, antiques, storage unit, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, self storage, how to make money, Money inside boxes, fragile boxes, old box, auction hunters, how to buy storage units, whats inside boxes, treasure hunting, mystery boxes unboxing, mystery boxes opening
Id: 3uB6Adb4cCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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