Storage Locker The Good Stuff

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all right we are now live we're alive what's going on guys mom we had a pretty interesting day today didn't we we yes so guys this is storage locker number sorry number two but part two and we took some of the big stuff out of here remember this thing was jam-packed I'm sure yeah let me show him real quick so you can see my box truck is full again so this is gonna be dump number two but right now we're gonna go through some of these boxes kind of find out what's going on in here what's going on Oh them I'm really pleased mom what do you think I think we can probably sell this for 150 bucks each what's going on Justin flipping what's going on Rosie what's going on guys welcome in so these are really unique I think we can I think this will pay for my dump fees and the storage unit I'm gonna ask for 150 bucks each and if you guys can't see they're probably about 4 foot up maybe more right mom maybe four yeah they're big yeah they said hi mom but you can see ID now I paid a hundred bucks for the storage unit this one's got a little cracks but I believe this will pay for the unit right here but there's some other good stuff too the video games have taught me anything there is some treasure in those yes all right guys so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna prop the phone up and we're gonna go through all these boxes and we're gonna find the goodies there's already some good stuff that we found will kind of show you again what we found some brand new shoes and different things that we found so again paid a hundred bucks for the unit just spend a hundred and fifty four dollars on dump fees which was kind of high but yeah and there's better ways to get rid of it I just we don't have a lot of time we could have went downtown save money but that's another story but we'll go through these boxes and I will prop the phone of right this is the best part the best part what's going on welcome in okay so let me play with the phone situation and see where just got a new offer you guys are lucky you guys are lucky he pays blowing it up okay I'm just gonna mess around here real quick I want to get you guys the best I know I'm trying to be like her up she goes like Robin mattresses they just incorporate that with the dumb fees like as how much they weigh but there's a lot of ways you can get rid of masters if they're really good condition Salvation Army's take them if they're really crappy condition call your local color your local garbage company because a lot of times they'll take them for anywhere from fifteen to twenty dollars and and then also you could dump them and they just they don't charge extra for them they just incorporate them with the weight of your items so that's another option another cool another amazing person just commented on my last video how they will take out the sides and make it like really flat so there's a lot of ways you can do it guys okay I'm trying to position the phone perfectly so it doesn't fall yet you guys can see so give me two seconds here guys bear with me okay that's actually pretty good huh okay I wish my internet was better here but t-mobile doesn't get good internet here I have my computer but the hotspot won't work okay perfect let's do this let me put on my gloves are you ready mom I'm ready she found some jewelry and she's like all excited guys excited it sends a special box over there yes I got like the sliver hold on one second guys so get this I was one second that's one second guys let me get this yeah man that hurt yeah it's like a big old sliver all right let's do this so those vases are pretty cool right I almost feel like we should move them in the storage unit what do you guys okay let me see actually let's can you move that box can you get that box for me that way we can put him in the storage unit what's going on ballista how are you I met Melissa and her daughter at eBay open we'll put put it towards all the way in the back this actually will work great hand me another box real quick now right there mystery box [Music] okay it's gotta be really careful here but I think we're good well I broke a few phones this is better what's going on all right let's do this so we're gonna pick I'd found a box of these um Wade making use of the pottery I found the box of these bad boys guys let me know if anybody sells them they're not in bad condition so and just so you know so we found a lot of shoes there's a lot of shoes uns in this unit okay sorry guys well you're not getting sick yet okay there we go I'm so found these bad boys okay and then I also found these they're FootJoy you guys have seen that in last video these are brand new never use like brand new so found those and then I found basically you want a clear corner and work on a corner so I found these as well these are brand-new never used and these are adidas so these are brand new yep both golf and then I found another pair of Air Jordans and remember on the pay 200 bucks was units so and then you got dumb fees in time but you know another pair of Air Jordans and this pair how much do you guys think I can get for this I know we're not looking at comps yet but anybody saw this kind of stuff let me know all right let's go on some more okay alright let's open up some more boxes you see by the way guys I got a lot of brand-new clothes in here too so let's just do it this way it's actually easier okay forty bucks okay hey getting there let's get in there okay this is a lot better okay um let's go ahead so there was a lot of these I know they're not too crazy cool but they they have the tags they're new but your question here again the question when you guys ask me a question that goes so super quick because it fades away I'm on my phone oh the rope oh no no we're good oh my gosh the phone thing is just not worth ten okay all right you guys are amazing seriously all right brand-new all right we got some Michael Kors guys Michael Kors Brandi with tags you know I don't sell a lot of Michael Kors used but I bought it brand a lot of brand new new at Ross remember when I bought like those 400 items so I thought it's on tag they're exactly the same only brown black but you still use clothes oh yeah I thought I saw much of new here I did use leather guess smells funky they'll have to clean it and have to clean it guys not bad miss nice guess leather so I'm going through this up in real quick guys see when you go through that's not worth anything this Patriot's an old team apparel Patriots huh it's not worth much guys but I'll actually solve this all right I'll wanted to see what's it here guys now I know it's jewelry cuz he said something you guys want to see what's in here go Pat's I had Tom Brady my quarterback last week well this is interesting guys no no they get to see first they get to see first yeah it does it's Pauly all fake it's full I can see what they can see can you oh man oh wow there's new more in here it's kind of a cool little lot of jewelry yeah where is thrifty treasures where is thrifty treasures that all right mom you can check this out before but looks like it's PlayStation 2 and it's one of these anybody play this Adam did you play this game don't don't don't be bashful I know you probably played this all right we have some old Navy guys looks like they wanted 40 bucks on sell for 1949 so what you do is you take off take off the orange and then you know just keep that on there wow this is this is colorful women's oh it's a colorful one huh maybe a Playstation one or two oh this was not staged guys this is not staged mom you want to hold it oh wait now you don't be all see this is now staged it's okay and I have the game for it guys so that's cool I think we're gonna find some video games in here we'll see I think you put all their Christmas stuff in your trailer took it to your friends Oh any baseball fans in here anybody know a lot about baseball let's see what we got oh my gosh what the heck oh that is so cute you ready guys you still say one I want one two three one two three go hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty yes you do Times Square can't shine as bright as you I swear it's true hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City [Music] I'm seeing it arrested raccoon Times Square can't shine as bright as you rusted raccoon and I swear it's true [Music] guess my autograph let me know anyways all right anybody know about pool sticks this is a really unique one actually so mom you don't hold the camera yes because I think they're gonna glare there you go sorry guys what do you think about this American flag pool stick it's actually really really cool and it comes with its own case so I don't know exactly I've sold a lot of pool sticks even if they're not good like the even if they're not like great like there was a back in the day I know was it the Vietnamese or something really cheap pool sticks that came over there's a lot of vaping supplies in here yeah all to show you so let me turn the so this is the storage unit so I am Square can't shine as bright it's you I swear it's true it's hard to do with one hand but I'll see thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty up this is just a random box trying to get some goodies for you guys to look at oh there's a lot of shoes in here I haven't took a look at these yet yeah tool box is in good condition that's funny you brought that up because I saw a lot of craftsman like tool boxes people love them too Adam what do you say buddy I didn't see it oh there anything in here Oh close okay let's see what's in those tubs let's see what those are these are closed boring closed boring closed what can you say you guys down there I really should have brought my stuff for my phone so I can would enhance that make you guys sick all right your collection I think it's for your hair look yeah there's a lot of them in there guys I get there's a there's like a whole box full of brand-new clothes full brand-new clothes the whole box full of it that's not bad you're not even know well they're brand new yeah Wow new attacks a whole box wow I did not expect that another one Wow there's whole box I'm waiting for the video games to pop up because there you get a lot of video games we've gotta go through all these clothes yeah Columbia fleece guys so yep clothes all right so this is let me get them real quick it's gonna be a horrible horrible video here guys unfortunately so I think it's a bunch of box of random stuff here just chords in there is there more teeth I don't know yeah you would you like some pink salmon don't this is just all random stuff okay Xbox about more Christmas guys we don't want any Christmas we don't want any Christmas this is all kids clothes oh here's another they really like their faces wow this one was 50 bucks pure wine I'm gonna actually try to sell that locally here's another box let me show you guys oh just full of shoes let's go through here cuz there's a lot of shoes in here I know this Brianne I mean I've sold it brand new cuz they saw that Ross but there's not from the looks of it there's not anything crazy here's a mint so oh I know I know I especially right now guys we got to get your Christmas stuff I'll show you the Christmas - well Ashley loves Christmas what is that that looks brand-new I don't know I had to get to it mom thinks she's like really smart but she just she's just reading off of you should it is fun searching for more shoes more shoes oh we love our shoes okay super super yep mom's right again because it says shoes on here guys okay let me show you let me show you these shoes not bad so far that vintage adidas I think I'd have to check so those will sell some some they're not worth yeah these these will sell those are the Bible's desert by my desk Ashley we found a lot of Nike shoes these guys took care of their shoes I mean look at these look at the soles on these things these are Dida's slip-ons but these we'll saw really well I got the pair of those and you got these Pumas that man they took really good care of their shoes so those will sell I'm telling you guys like I'm paying for this unit just in shoes and there's a ton more shoes in here I mean look at the soles on these things like they're clean so I don't know like maybe 30 pairs of shoes right mom or I mean there's a lot I want to get also look at some of these some of these power cords do really well guys and they saw quick try to get to this I think there's a gaming alright let's open this box it's starting to get dark out here man I forgot my don't worry I used to scrap metal at this place called I used to drop it off a called cherry City it's in Salem and then I ended up finding a scrap metal guy but since I haven't been buying storage units in a while when I mean a while probably like four or five months I used to really buy them but now I don't so I think it's much metal anymore but you so metal try to come right to the house pick a polar metal huh remember that we bought like five storage units a couple days and then we have so much metal he came by any paedon see with city in the garage sorting metals this is office yeah but it's not making anything oh it is they're mine tonight thank you I mean they're like four candles all right let's go please brand-new box over here guys this one says fragile you guys are on it did you guys know you're fragile you got a I'll have to get it I think it's a crystal vases moonstone what's a moonstone it's pretty oh okay gotta figure how to do this hold on guys I'm gonna set you and I set you right here hopefully you're not getting sick yet let me know in chat if you guys are getting sick I didn't come prepared I thought I'd be able to use my hotspot to power my laptop which would have been a lot better this is not fragile oh these are sweats you know they're well they should because all those other clothes are new but no these are these are old sweats and they're not vintage or anything they're not lis whatever okay let's get in some more tubs this is actually kind of cool oh it's crap is that correct oh no just got something in there these are actually not cheap like if you were to buy them in like pure one or something I mean they're not cheap so I can sell this locally if it works you know I got to check the back well if it works I think like what 30 bucks or something I can get for it if I sold it real quick yeah 20th Fleet yeah I mean they're not cheap okay let's see what's in here it's just glass but I just want your clothes I thought I found a nice place Beth are you still in chat Beth do you want some just books mom just books there's some craft stuff here I pretty much bought our units everywhere I bought units in Turner Oregon Salem Portland Mount st. Helens I bought two big units man that was a massive unit those are heavy tools let's see I bought some in Vancouver at there's this couple they're older couple that auctioneers and I went to Vancouver bust them from u-haul storage there I bought you all storage here in Beaverton I haven't been I haven't been too far out of the organ areas you guys want some jeans that's why I love storage units as you you can get like a lot of inventory yes there's a lot that you have to donate and it's work okay let's get into some boxes let's get into some boxes our favorite part right okay I'm gonna put you guys down right here hopefully okay but mom are the beans in here probably nothing it's weird some of these have like actual shoes and some of them don't you know just random parts this is trash what's going on buddy welcome all yeah I've got a lot more boxes so I'm trying to get through all the boxes why I've got them why what is this oh it's actually nice jacket they actually kept good good care of their clothes though I sold one of these for 50 bucks the competition so this one's not bad that you don't sell these for a ton but it's not in bad shape so medium right there no 100 bucks for the you know like I said okay this box this fragile what's in here that's fragile ah so this is an old like thermal blankets and what you could do is you can take these out and sell these controls individually so right here no no well I missed you I missed you when I it's on my phone check this by so quick you guys need a higher okay Oh DVD player and games on the side guys the trophy hit my toe today oh my gosh it was so heavy so cute it's made out of wood I mean honestly let me point you towards the light hold on all see I just got a hundred dollar payment Kate Spade New York oh okay that was the person yep anyways so yeah it's solid wood it's kind of hard to see you guys sorry I yeah I don't know yeah so I don't know that's a wolf man there's a lot of genes in here guys I mean anybody want some chains there's some cheese yeah they do I've sold some of these older myths not this brand but this is a catcher's mitt I you guys probably don't know but I played baseball for one year and then ended up quitting baseball because I was horrible at it but I loved basketball more shoes more shoes dude they keep really good care of their shoes holy cow like seriously they keep really good care of their shoes no but but yeah like most shoes you buy you have to clean oh these are some nice Nikes these are women's well a lot of people go for men's Nikes but like when you're buying it from the stores and you get your friends and family keep on all that but women's are actually where it's at when you sell Nike there's a lot of women's a lot of Nikes women's shoes so and the soles are just like no cleaning needed you know I mean a little bit that's this whole thing is full shoes guys Wow women's shock I mean you saw washes ya see let me try to turn it well--there's mom Oh mom like so amazing all the time I mean there's a lot of Nikes in here guys so yeah there's a lot of shoes in this you know I would say there's what we're gonna walk away like maybe 40 pair of shoes I mean look at these soles on these things I mean they're clean they're clean Wow okay this is the remaining boxes we're gonna go through guys I know it's been a long video but you're gonna want to see what's in here but there's a lot of shoes in this we're gonna make we're gonna we're gonna make some good money I think we'll make 2 grand because you got the fit that these things right here yeah I think we're gonna make about to me I wouldn't be surprised we want 3 grand on this thing because we made some other stuff too I got to show you guys but man yeah and it's easy stuff to list you know and and I'm not to mention like all the clothes in here like I already went through all the clothes and I saw some vintage a couple vintage pieces so man ok so let's get into this the rest of these boxes here guys is heavy do one hand here oh mama ventures I do this I'm gonna do it that's quite more just my two little guys for for my two little guys were born and I haven't been to in a lost or genus but for a while there what mom like maybe 10 I'm 10 a month or so it's hard to do it when you all may have a garage and you got two kids and and you know I thrift i source other ways i've wholesale I do a little bit of Amazon and then you got your stocks and social media and yeah I gotta wake up early for that so yeah I got a lot of stuff going on the guys okay let's pull up the rest these boxes this may be a bad angle but let me get this box out of the way beast mode there's like three boxes of these things and they're the souls of them like I may even just not even clean them and just say hey they're a little dusty dirty and just sound the way it is just the same time you know cuz these things are like really clean I'm shocked like all our money's at shoes and all those those brand new pair we got over there it's like Jesus I did not suspect that I mean look how big this thing is it's full shoes yeah there's like there's another hole another box on the work oh and then all the boxes of new clothes yeah more shoes more shoes like what is up your picker guys this Sunday we have fortunes of reselling a bearded picker myself rise & grind Chris Lauren all gonna be live does anybody know bamboo let me know but this is all shoes I don't know how many boxes video games video games I don't know oh here let me let me get these shoes out of the way here huh man this is a good year the people that were here at the storage unit should have bought this unit huh 400 bucks guys if you were ever here in Portland Oregon yesterday you should probably bought this units oh all right oh it's a fake out there's no games there's no games nope not even shoes oh my gosh I got a show what you say I'm gonna smell really this is the best smelling box in the whole storage room guys [Applause] it stopped it was labeled teams I got super excited but yeah okay VD player now almost better than the DVD players of the remotes guys like these remotes are amazing and it has the back to it and it's really easy to use a little baking powder and you can get some of the corrosion out of it if you need to there's other ways too and then when you're at the bins you just tap it and it gets the it gets the batteries out of it yeah I honestly don't know how much and through luck oh man I'm so lucky the storage unit Andrew Luck made me money at fans'll a couple weeks ago so I can hate I can't hate nice a vinegar baking subtle remove the corrosion beer picker number did you see the show with berry picker he is the best beard in the wrestling business it's this it's this big you guys beer picker and make a greased Santa seriously if you ever don't want to do Riesling beard picker just Scott just do just do uh your Santa they actually make good money Barry doesn't alright so we got to move along because that was it white Sierra jacket oh hey don't be afraid of old Levi's they sell I would be a bad Santa more pants shoes but you got to look through these shorts man this one stinks you might play battleship Gingka some of the old games you can just piece out the parts cuz people lose the parts not opened shoes another shoes oh oh your boy Wade loves some shoes let's see where can I put you I need to put you in the light somewhere where you can see these shoes right over here oh that's much better much better more shoes and bucks I tell you something somebody should have been on this unit this is a good unit huh I don't know they don't a lot of shoot a lot of converse here we go yeah work boots converse like brand new here's another I mean look at the soles they're pretty good they're pretty good I haven't sold any of these boots there's Crocs in here I haven't sold these boots seem I sold them recently I don't know what they go for home to check but these are in pretty good condition yeah they they like shoes for some okay when you guys are at do storage auctions Oh somebody just don't need 20 bucks but I can't see who it's in the way on the phone it's really weird scrunched up let me know who who gave me the $20 guys I could so I can thank them for supporting the channel I say this every time I wish that like I can do something for you guys I know when I was starting out on social media and I did a lot of super chats I kind of wanted to like be recognized to kind of grow and so if you guys are sending super chats and you want my support in any way please let me know the flippin south thank you so much buddy I appreciate it more than you know don't send the email but if you ever anything send me on send me a message on Instagram if you want to come on my show live on YouTube or anything like that Danner boots sell for a hundred bucks is that brand new or used but these look in really good condition besides a few scuffs maybe a few solace shoes that's probably brand new these are still I mean heck if I still for 40 bucks I said the this is numbered and over see that this is kind of cool yeah this is really cool you guys think that's cool mom does they really like silver here didn't they praised argon yes so that sounds gonna breed up another thing too is when you're when you're bidding on storage units you can only see what's in front of you most storage units you cannot go inside so one thing you want to look for is if they have goodwill tags if they have goodwill tags there's nothing wrong with that but you kind of want to stay away from storage units that have a bunch of goodwill tags another thing too is you also want to look for garage cell tags if you see a lot of garage cell tags primarily they probably tried to sell it before they put it in storage they probably did like a garage sale most times so you want to try to stay away from garage cell tags goodwill tags you also want to look to if there's if it's real dusty because it probably means nobody's been in there for a while also when foxes sit on each other for a while the corners start to crease and when the corners crease that means that they've been sitting there for a long time and those are really the storage units you want to go for people that's been paying for it for years and it's just been sitting there with nobody in it and the corners crease that typically means it's been there for a while [Music] okay and thanks so much for the super chat again I really appreciate all your guys support it's amazing thank you thank you thank you thank you for being I appreciate it my man and if you need anything please let me know all right even if you guys want me to introduce you to some other youtubers or whatever the case may be wow this is just a bunch of clothes more clothes alright so let's go on to the more foxes guys we have five more boxes left five more boxes left need a pair of shoes you need a pair of shoes anyone I love that okay let's see what's in this box ooh Christmas anybody dude the storage units gonna I gotta admit I was a little worried when I bought this unit right but then we got three massive boxes full shoes and they're all Nike Adidas like you know sports shoes and the cool thing is is all they're clean like this unit was not cleaned yet all the shoes are clean so that's really cool okay what is this it's Christmas oh okay there's three Christmas boxes I didn't show you guys do you want me to show you Christmas boxes no Ashley's not here Ashley are you here anymore we don't need any more Christmas I have more Christmas stuff stared at home than I do in the eBay inventory yeah it's got a little bulb in there you can turn it on I'll try not to there's a lot more Christmas more clothes more clothes Wow more clothes it's crazy did they keep everything on the hangers this is a vintage Nike piece you let me show you guys and doesn't it doesn't smell funky I sold something similar to this for 25 was 24 25 bucks a couple days ago you guys can look at my eBay store I don't know the exact amount but yeah hangers they took really good care of their clothes man and they got a lot of Nike in here wow that's a really good unit another shoebox no not another shoebox Oh Ashley's in shop she's making fun of me somehow I know hundred bucks for the unit guys but then you got to incorporate time right my time I spent this all day and dump but there and there's a lot of trash but honestly I think I'll make a few grand on this unit and that's being conservative so I'll work a day for a few grand and you get household stuff too that you not household stuff but stuff that you Ashley wants or mom wants you know so alright let's see what's in here I'm going to show you guys they kept everything on hangers like real nice no okay guys I've got another four boxes so I'm gonna have to move this to show you oh nothing another cool thing about this unit is you know sometimes I'm sitting at a desk a lot right with eBay updating my listings listing you know so it's nice to be able to get out get some exercise you know get that blood pumping okay let me show you guys sorry for the close-up how's my skin I'm just joking Harry oh I'm tapping the screen why are you changing oh I may have to take off my gloves okay sorry guys they're gonna be like really sick after this they're all gonna be puking okay ready okay so you got to look up these remotes guys and they're super easy to look up right there's the number you can just look that up another thing with the remotes to guys is you got to put batteries in there make sure there's not anything corroded there's a lot of ways you can test it you can put batteries in there and you can put the power button against a mirror or you can use your phone too so what you can do is you can put the power button and turn on your phone and if you see the light then it's working so yeah am i hiring elves for the holiday possibly actually here's another one guys I know it sounds crazy but remotes sell really good especially if you're competitively priced and some you know can upwards of you know thirty forty fifty bucks no joke so you gotta look out for remotes stay away from Comcast you know stuff like that but look for remotes because they can bring money what is in there okay this must just be the okay it's just much pitchers okay alright what is in this box mom what's in the box yeah yeah of course you're not good unless you can see the label all right let me see if I can do this with one hand ready boom man ok well there's a oh man bunch of clothes and dirt got in it that's not good okay there we go sorry guys I'm trying to one-hand this so I can show you just a bunch of clothes man we're gonna have to oh my gosh I'm not gonna get through all these clothes am i there's just so much and I already have so much yeah okay well that's a lot of clothes so let's go through a few more boxes I'm making my way over here okay that's my truck guys it's beautiful isn't it I love the side doors that makes it perfect look how close I'm getting towards the facility it's only like a foot away so it makes it super easy like literally I can just shove stuff in when it's like really full so it's really cool what is it oh I haven't we got to go through every single box for my my amazing amazing people here let's go through this first I wonder if it's in there yeah it's really rare the side-door sir oh it's office you're gonna get a lot of office a lot of Christmas okay listen here oh I gotta give that personal stuff back that's all I think this is all personal sometimes you do get gold I got a lot of gold and you just got yeah you just save it for people leave gold all the time you just I just save it for they oh these are cuffs huh they're in there the cuffs yeah so no it doesn't have a lift gate unfortunately okay nothing's in this one see turns out there yeah we'll have to go through that okay we have a few more guys Oh few more yeah it is it's this is not the best way to go through a unit but to show everybody you know Oh mom we got some weird-looking Chinese stuff going on here that's actually looks like it's not that it's yeah Beth if you're still in chat literally got some more clothes just contact me Beth if you want some of these clothes like literally Beth I can supply you it clothes for the next two years just let me know okay all right so let's go to the next I can't believe we got so much so many shoes my hats gonna be amazing well okay hi mom you want to hold this well it's it's a jewelry bag yeah or lingerie bag yeah right more clothes looks like it's for her that's cute good ones too okay I wonder what they're wearing [Laughter] all right let's Schaffer like two minutes okay it's been a long day it's been a really long day hopefully you guys like these storage unit videos I'm gonna try to do more like I said I lost two or three months I've kind of toned down I haven't bought nearly as many as I used to and just love to do a space so but I just want to say appreciate you guys supporting the channel if you've never watched in these videos this is the first time hit the hit the thumbs up button if you like but to subscribe we've got a lot of cool stuff going on I'm working on a really cool tutorial to take pictures and so I'm doing the cons and pros flat lane versus mannequin and then also showing you how to get pure white photos and what equipment to use and all that and it's all going to be in one video so I'm working on that I'll have a dumpster video out for you tomorrow so you guys can see so you guys can see you know kind of how it is to to go to the dump and stuff and what to expect at least for the one here so that will probably be out tomorrow and then Sunday guys we have the reselling fortunes of reselling on Chris's channel and that's gonna be Sunday and then Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday of next week we have interviews so we have four interviews next week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday with people that you guys know in the community that's gonna be live on my youtube channel so we're gonna go back to that next week and so I'll keep you updated all give you a shoe haul if you want cuz we got a mat I literally think we're gonna make over two grand on this units we just put the shoes and clothes and then you have these big like I don't know these big clay things over here I think that's gonna bring me like 200 bucks and then just everything else so I think this was actually a really good unit for a hundred bucks it was a lot of work for the dumping portion but it's gonna be a lot of reward for the items as well so man I missed that does my dump that's all I saw it fades away guys on the chat here it fades away after I only want I only see one comment at a time so but alright guys so I'm gonna this is shows been going kind of kind of long here so until the next storage unit until the next dumpster dive which I'm working on another dumpster dive video - until the next until next video crazy crazy crazy amazing journey so I know I should uh employees will be soon we're working on buying another property and then before we build a house on it we're gonna build a warehouse kind of like Ryan and alley rally roots so we're gonna buy another property and put a big warehouse there and then eventually put a house on it but until then we'll put a warehouse so I can keep all my toys because I've got this truck I've got my Ford Escape I've got the Jeep I've got my box trailer as well brand new box trailer so I've got that and then you know I want to do like obviously a lot of room for inventory and all that as well so as opposed to renting somewhere I'd rather own the lands and build it myself so hopefully that's coming soon it's coming soon so alright guys have an awesome day have an Austinites appreciate you coming in much love thanks for the super chat I truly do mean it I don't know how to express that I mean it but appreciate all you guys uh support have an awesome mr. day guys see ya you
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 25,718
Rating: 4.6744184 out of 5
Keywords: how not to make money with a storage locker, live auctioneer, oregon, public storage, storage locker auction, storage locker auctions, storage locker finds, storage locker unit, wades ventures
Id: LjtZOuhTj1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 5sec (4265 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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