WORLDS BEST Storage Unit Box Truck... YOU HAVE NO IDEA!

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all right whether it's 4 degrees like that one unit we got aggression or it's 90 degrees we're gonna be here for you guys just hit the subscribe button alright so I the mattress I moved out guys so now you can kind of see we still have a lot to go this up in like 2 or 3 or 5 or 10 videos 800 of these things or more yeah like a famous juicy Florida the rings monopoly she guys tip you can see at the beginning its they get to it you'll see a lot of like it's perfect boxes over here but then at the front of you know how much of this stuff cuz then that's kind of the odds and ends that they shoved in that's a very good [Music] hmm silver picture that was a prop maybe it's just like the offering yes smart so crafty stuff in there very intelligent oh that that that could be worth some money in your hand Oh to ask Jeff why did you spit the three second time a shower you paused oh it's old Oh proline has some stains on it well steal stole apex so it'll still books always use more paper sheets with their new printer there's a heavy heavy no it looks like a filing cabinet oh cool all right let's take a we got to take a trip to the truck and we'll be right back we're back we're back we're back so I'll show you guys progress real quick yeah if you guys can remember this was pretty full this is all on the truck now so I think we're gonna be able get all this and a little bit of that and then we're going to sit back and so dragon book in shelves you gotta look through here cuz a lot of times they'll keep jewelry stuff like that the quarter oh it's in there I'm not sure I do with that put my lips on beautiful so the crane we had in the comments that you need to buy one reason or I can use this my voice and size as well with the comments if you guys want me to start now now see you think a lot of the small stuff isn't worth money but you add it all up and it's like it adds up quickly you know somebody was it alright pull over tops we're doing the tops Oh what do we got let me guess fabric just some t-shirts [Music] these actually look pretty good condition this is the first the flirt there's two box sets those tools yep a lot of money and clothes guys you just kind of look don't don't pass over clothes a PC no no it's a this thing is a backup battery thing agency you put all your what's yeah see your socks don't get fried close close close close close close this colorful colors let's lock this the stone see better days well maybe but all Navy jeans is kind of like bread-and-butter people people like Old Navy jeans nothing what Star Trek deep space Wow paramount yep paramount can you guys see that mm-hmm it's got Star Trek there this thing will sell and I don't know I haven't looked these things up but I'm a slot 40 50 bucks on this thing right there 40 50 dollars just one item that's why did you got a look at it of course I gotta look up comps right I haven't seen it up Star Trek stuff nope these sport it's a vintage Lee sport that's still I mean this will sell mm-hmm that old big logo stuff that's not a big logo but the old stuffs coming back I mean people love it even the kids are wearing it now yeah dude doesn't rock phone across I say this a lot people can see it off with food people get scared off with food but it's expensive you know we just expensive nowadays like what do you spend like 3 bucks for this thing minimum wages flat 15 bucks so you spend a good portion of your hour working for one freaking thing of rice it's like you know it's expensive I'm not gonna eat this food yeah you still got to be careful yeah make-a-wish guys it was mr. wish wait okay ooh this is Copco oh this stuff is expensive oh my gosh guys I sold a set of these for 250 dollars a set of Cutco knives 250 bucks look up this brand seriously look at petrol right here look this brand up do you favor and look up this brand the spring goes for good money I'm hoping I find the other knives in there see that's what I'm saying don't discount kitchen to look up your Cutco knives so I promise you you will not be disappointed the things are expensive [Music] he's probably like you sent me the knives like that was a waste of hobo I know you're like dude use the knives I sent you man we in the United States I can tell you what happened this was in a drawer you know all these were in a drawer and this stuff sells there's actually a lot of money in here like there's a lot of money in here individually so you get the garage sell all look through to force you put it in the top and then antique books what four bucks nah I couldn't sell for four dollars with brand-new but some reason you get a loss we have not anymore it's full from the last unit oh I thought I was getting the house back but it that just made more room freighters so just with the knives you know jerseys and I mean I pretty much was mind boggling but just sewing so much time so pretty good and this like I don't know how much these things sell for but I would imagine 1,200 bucks eight to twelve hundred dollars for just up I'm not well I was gonna ask if we could keep that alright guys so this site was missing something plus it open I can still fix it but let's go through this I've got a dime over there some random stuff in that one OOP personal stuff dance can't believe I broke this thing I take all the tours out here I ready oh there we go that's it it's actually kind of a cheap cheap thing Oh science pawns oh it's not even helped by any screws huh metal tab we're okay so you gotta look through this things you never know oh I wonder if that's in here maybe there's two is that for the same thing yeah I wonder if that searchers in here they are missing the Sony another scissors these things are not cheap though so okay let's show people so they don't think I'm for crap look at this thing it's only helped by this little metal tap right there there's no screws all right we're gonna we're gonna show them off put this thing together and so technically I don't need to leave this behind I'm gonna leave it behind it's the flag so I don't know if you guys know if you ever seen me in my videos I do at home but I've got a flag just like this and I've never opened it it's where my dad when he passed away when I was four and I never opened it because they fold it like a certain way and so I'm gonna give this back to them with the personal effects a lot of people me to scream maybe maybe people say this so it but it's just bad juju for me so this is going to go back to the family back to the family it's over here if you guys notice over here I'm making a small pile for the personal stuff so alright we have more clothes but now that I got all those other vintage clothes and I'm all like crap I need to look at all what does it here actually see whoops fabric books I love this self install package on there man tousle Oh what Funko okay you can have it you can have happy wife happy life right yeah some of them are common but go up some flip those elements luck around so this is software you can still solve out to the slum people lose there's coffee table fabric oh my gosh I would be lost with that stuff I like no patience what do you think is in here guys nothing you are so special you get your own container you're so special okay what are we happier some New York jeans skirts it's funny the guys that are watching this right now but like please is something this is a little shirt holding up the carts as we do [Applause] just-just yeah this wants a sweater we do have a ugly sweater contest this Christmas sweaters coupon join in let me know let me know in the comments if you want to join in as always if you see something that's worth money please let me know in the comments it helps me out tremendously guys so Vicky you know you guys are always done I always leave the amazing comments what is the deal here what is the deal here old Navy the trips yeah you don't think that's all Navy you know that's all baby [Music] clothes fabric some postcards oh my gosh yes another vintage piece Wow can you see that honey mm-hmm I'm telling you right now money back and some I make a lot money on this unit that's the way it's gotta be I got the trick Old Navy San Francisco and yarn fabric all right we're gonna head to the truck we're gonna be right back I'll be back we are back guts what's the thing for when they're ready action actually yes all right so I may or may have not peaked in here guys but there's some good stuff in there so we really let's go through a couple these steps first just cuz right now stuck in the tubs it's working really good fabric it's all fabric except today's yes they don't look used at all so maybe they're just youth the shoes we're just used for I'm like you know please I bet it burns I don't know what can you just get it will stay fabric Oh careful there's a lot of that yeah I do I've made my own pillow if I can junior high it's actually really nice and they don't go for a lot of money thanks you're cheb the big question is for those see kind of this [Music] what do we have here marek fabric and fabric fabric for days oh there's no this is all fabric I mean just a lot of fabric and bullwinkle yeah or just a mousse it could be just a flowing volunteer but they're aimed sweater pants more fabric you getting the top honey yep everyone's waiting for the oh my gosh wow it's like a whole mother storage unit I feel will be here for days well this is a 8 by 20 so yeah let's just hope 90% of that is not I'm just off that big well although I do see some you do see that thing it looks like crap what is that like my god let me see you guys come here alright that's just the first time I've been able to really get up in here but oh there's some more fuckos over here sweet yeah oh yeah can you get up in there anyway it's all boxes back there actually boxes tubs I mean Jesus there's a lot of money here alright let's continue always safety first right watch behind you safety first I don't wanna get injured like my last storage unit so dangerous team whoo look it's not even out your eyes dear oh you put on real quick let's see what you look like oh you so scary who chosen we're gonna go to a party you know okay risk with some odds and ends this is personal lights we're gonna use these lights kind of random stuff in here dear Fisher self [Music] Christmas grandma's getting your own poor puppy listen what's going on with this puppy you had an accident okay are you so recovery money it's like and last one yeah now old film even expired film sells well these are fuels I don't know yeah no these are actually pictures now and I think I'm gonna give this whole thing back yeah they're gonna you know these are really old pictures and these actually do solve really well on eBay also I'll show this just because it's super old and I'm probably not here anymore but like old pictures like this they actually saw really well black and whites so well on eBay if they're like the first first print you know but I'm gonna give all these back especially since I know this lady is still alive that on this unit costume jewelry but you never know if these real stuff in here so you have to check everything you have to check everything there's couple chains in here that do look like they Naver your real want to see tells me Oh captain to the bridge Richard captain Ashley yeah I don't watch that this is main tight Juan is that what they say on the show no no I think there's a table on the show no captain the way oh I have no idea actually I could be getting start tracking but you're already corrected people want [Music] their shoes good shape it's like really good shape and uh Mitchell very pointy shoes though sometimes may be worth more money than the shoes look at that sauce clean no these are Doc Martens gonna say Doc Martens almost new yes meaning Vietnam Doc Martens I told you guys there's there's no money in storage unit buying don't buy some don't fit on units though just gotta take a chance oh here's Tom's uh-huh you know every Tom's you buy they donate money to charity what do we have here okay we'll start with the top and work our way down of course you need to be careful now that one man it's rusty we have a lot more crap this stuff is expensive guys I mean think of if you have everything that we have here on this unit you just add it all up thousands thousands of dollars and craft stuff here right honey mm-hmm you're on yarn don't worry grandma she's all worried she's watching the kids let go so you don't lose the hard oh my gosh it's a belly dancer thing what what is that I think it's for your neck okay put it on I think that I could be wrong oh hey you forgot this one huh don't phone more place let's go putty is one thing they wanted to dollars and 29 cents for that might be pulled still I mean just the idea of like every little thing here you know people are gonna love this stuff at the grab cell oh that looks like they made their own oh yeah that's cool I did that and art dude you okay guys let me put this stuff away so we can make more room and we are back back back back again it's Patrick somebody's gonna pay money just for this case yeah it's a nice case I'm trying to get free geez this is a kitchen books I believe this yep yep scan these in the Amazon they don't go to Amazon and share your local bookstore Powell's I think this is a sock drawer sucks [Music] panty drawer teacher look at these just every full of shoes in here just really nice they have their own tub God says this looks at hand and Donna won't be shocked if it was it's your nice I love these very interesting yeah there's only one in there Oh interesting stuff like that there's stuff that you don't know what it is that's typically this stuff is [Music] that's this ladies let me guess for inna okay I see more yarn yeah to your top left lace more lace it's gonna make it easy to sell huh look at like each one of these tubs is like 450 you know I'm saying brand new but still I'm gonna saves you money thanks heavy they want 749 for that and you are da we may have to get this back oh there's nothing in there okay this just says I can actually sell this this will sell because it shows that University Nate shows the University and it's brand new so you know but tommix mm-hmm four bucks for that [Music] begin a lot of comics yeah we have [Music] looks like an older one yeah that might be worse um Kimberly miss she's an actress these are some expensive scissors actually everything out of here I'm gonna keep I mean it's just a 16 so I'll have to keep that okay no person without their be personal in there let's go through this oh grandma and your piles the piles stuck it up what are these things all the candles like the best-smelling box ever do you guys want to smell where this on saying how do you say huh fabric all right let me put this stuff on a cart we'll be back okay let's move on like they've never been used before which is great the languages these things oh I bet you they held CDs oh yes see you are your invaluable to the team you were invaluable right right and you guys watching are your valuable tips or is leaving comments put links to products and everything there's a Hershey's kiss I'll pass but thank you incense small make sense got along right that's a pretty hustle this one has to light out to people it's a penguin Larry it's a penguin cute yeah oh that's wood it's a wood dragon it's cool there's some talented people what's in here Oh see what they're equal look Wow so we have a drawing of course penguins to us more tools for making jewelry yeah [Music] they wanted seven bucks just for this one I've done jewelry making before guys I'm not afraid to say that and it gets expensive tickets it can really expensive some of that does jewelry would love something like this you see those are stressful yes these are for earrings guys see what you do is you put whatever beads you want or whatever you want on there and then those are for earrings [Music] Wow this this is the hole I may actually give this to mom because she loves doing this stuff but it's so expensive you know does she select oh yeah I mean just everything in here look at this this is a lot of money in here I wouldn't be shocked if this was like 600 bucks oh yeah just I bet they spent $600 just on like this box yeah let me know in the comments if you guys think I'm right because I do think that they spent a lot of money just in this box and we haven't even really went through the whole box yet there's just so much small stuff in here you know but look how it's all just because this alone the store alone could have been like three bucks right here six bucks I'm not saying that's what I can get for it I'm saying that's probably what they spent retail you know just a ton of stuff in here I mean how much they want for this they wanted five dollars just for that look they have that for $18 those look real those are real girls yeah this one's here a real do you see it those are real pearls somebody's gonna love this baby I'll give it for Mom's birthday guys mom's birthday my late birthday we stopped when ice trays - a lot of money in this unit guys a lot of money hopefully you guys can see that all right now the answer is not one incident we call that personal and keep it here come a little closer if you will I've got injured though this thing is actually worth and it's a huge this is money this isn't a normal dresser this is actually like industrial one mere caps okay see those things hey that's that's storage unit caps all right so Jesus this thing is just full Wow I don't know how we're gonna I trust in your abilities I don't don't use velcro in your guys's listings can I see any cards you're so beautiful yes you are goodbye he doesn't get his own plastic toy okay I don't know if I want to show you why this me or people you know your oh this is what you saw and I asked you that I actually don't know if it's something you want what are those isn't that starch Babylon no that's the show Oh Babylon Ares no I don't want this there are Babylon was there a date on this is 1995 can you believe 1995 how long ago was Jesus crazy oh my gloves okay oh oh all that work oh there we go cool some of these are not working this is a Kodiak can you guys see that that's really cool I like that yeah they're kind of in like pretty cool from Ikea [Music] thank goodness the surgeon has light over there well these are all brand new they wanted Lucas 339 for of course they may not paid that - but still like that's what it's crazy how much money is in crops in here you know and there's three of them in here so you got nine bucks per case what if this guy that's brand-new look at this just of all I need to do is scan the barcode and then of course you got your Halloween stuff in here that's important whoa whoa x-files is it yeah does that work money or what I don't know x-files what I'm doing that's emails oh that's going with Ashley just okay what's it at this stuff is gonna go back it's personal I'm sure that's not I'm not gonna mess with your personal stuff for her she's old birds with your stride just some more Star Trek Star Trek hey like I yeah the beautiful forehead huh mmm all right I'll make it look at this battery recharger for a camera see I love the stuff that's sealed wanted to do a say in it Oh bring my big shoes and look at that just boom brand-new brand-new stuff sealed face crazy business okay Oh getting old guys once more penguin [Music] science willing to do this because this could be soft we're gonna zip floppies [Music] what do we have yeah some shoes and the receipt she paid $71 Wow the shoes are not even on here okay shoes they're not even on here look guys you've always wanted here again yeah beautiful we're gonna finish the video it's probably gonna start itching is it a little bit long all do oh my gosh this is heavy we're gonna do look at these suckers yeah what where Oh Apple hard drives holy crap not that one okay well we're gonna have to look these suckers up huh Wow yeah Oh Tsar's messing that off that book what that's your hair in your face yes I know how it feels I'm miss getting my hair cut just getting a haircut the smell the conversation you know us have great conversations and people cutting your hair and it depends on the person I said now of course when I lose all my hair they can come up with this but now they have was it men's cuts or something where they have like a ball and crap going on in there like hair cut for men oh and the worst part about I can't well I guess I can still do this but the hot tell finish you can go in and get your beard done yeah you put like if they put a hot towel on your forehead I miss stuff all right so don't take for granted you have hair guys okay so let's continue here I think what's the best point or action Johnny want room yeah I'm curious what they'll take this thing down real quick yeah be very careful with it yeah this thing may be worth some money here I don't know but it looks yeah oops I have a friend that had one of those yeah I don't know but - bleep you oh but oh my gosh what is it no all books this whole thing is books I kind of thought so being that there's a stack of books right there these are all all books I mean yeah what is there 40 boxes of books here there's a lot of them here yeah what is this I'm guessing it's like an encyclopedia but that's my guess yep yep it's a really old cyclopædia I'm gonna be careful with it oh gosh okay well say goodbye it's getting itchy not feels for you ladies getting here in your mouth and your bum out put it in my mouth nothing disgusting until next time hey boo this beautiful mirror yeah this thing is really cool and it's got this with it as well I really wish I could remember what the name of it was I'm not gonna take on this love cuz I'm worried it's in top all around books let's go to the shop old sweaters hold maybe they're really like fabric these are empty I'll keep them though yeah I am oh my gosh there's just so much here for all your clothing sellers I know you want to see start with that oh there's swords Wow be careful okay there's like five swords back here looks like shirt they're gonna fall oh I worked on a farm when I was younger I got I got what it takes okay before we do this let's show them back here okay look at this oh wow okay remember the swords oh okay there's about four or five maybe six of them over there I can't get right now well there's everything in here guys all boxes this is all boxes that we have not gone through yet stacked and look look actually look at a small your see she's all the way down here I'm all the way up here I'm up by the beam guys so wow there's a lot of stuff back here a lot of stuff so we're gonna have one heck of a few videos for sure these are one of these better type units you kind of want to show you know yeah we got a long ways to go all right let's get into these he's maybe costume I was thinking that too oh yeah maybe costumes it doesn't I don't really what can made [Applause] yeah yeah people are gonna really love this though people love costume stuff you guys and this seems like there multiple layers to you know movie prop companies stuff like that you can probably even contact them and say hey I got all students you guys want to take a look out and the fact that she he or she kept them in here and so nicely you know obviously this this is bridge where looks like an older tag Oh remember that forget all about the other storage unit I can't believe that and that's why I like storage units is like the sheer volume like I spent 700 bucks I got all this look at that somebody's gonna love that because how bright colorful it is look at that I don't think I can wait till next Sunday that released this video maybe I can make us some sushi in that [Applause] another piece like that would you wear something like that no I wonder what role playing look silicon I hate to say this but I feel like I'm opening like a coffin or something weird you know like our dead bodies in there mmm look at those like pearl snaps on here pearl buttons on there turn high-quality that one oh this is a Star Trek seat right there is it I think they did get into the good stuff this will sell for good money mm-hmm well since I've sold some of our stuff so what their t-shirt when I trusted keep coming or [Music] okay ladies are too cool looking but No we lost one give me this one these ones are long other addresses just all kinds of dresses in here [Applause] if [Applause] sorry that will set you guys since got tagged this is the J Peter main company definitely costume jewelry you know her costume clothes nice one last one I got stuff last one it's in the zipper or crossing right it's been like five hours going at this crazy it's so much fun but this is why a lot of people quit work oh my gosh almost worth that let's broke our starting table alright that's it for today today's Saturday I'm gonna load up the rest of this stuff and as you can see let me show you the damage that we've done so it doesn't look like we've done a lot I promise you we have yeah this thing was all full packed and then we had this thing so this is a three trip this is definitely three trips we're not gonna be I'll get this in two trips there's just so much this is 8 by 20 so it's a very big unit packed to the brim I mean that chair right there is probably nine foot in the air so give you guys an idea how far up it is but yeah we shall continue we shall continue tomorrow this is it this is it and we're gonna take this at the very end so it doesn't break as well so we can kind of soften the blow but I will see you two later actually any final words that's all next time like like this video subscribe we've got a lot of cool things coming I can't tell you much about this but we have a show coming up with yours truly and some other people that will probably release in the next month and a half with episodes that's all I'm gonna say alright guys have an amazing day again wayde's ventures family grandma ventures ashley ventures Kade ventures Axl ventures the three dogs and that's it see ya bonus footage we have the yeast we're gonna put in there you can tell everything that Ashley wants to keep she puts everything over here and everything over here and then you've got yes the mom stuff right here this is the truck inside the truck if you guys haven't seen it it's actually a newer truck and then this is why I like the sights guys not the back you notice on the back there's no you can't get in on the back is this all that thing is holy moly so get this it's this on the passenger side right but if I roll up on my storage unit or whatever right where I'm I load it or pick it up I could always do this side to open that yeah so that's the beautiful thing about this truck but we're gonna put this stuff in that tiny little area there and get going it's been a long day Ashley you want Jamba do you like Jimbo I know even Kate likes it alright guys until the next adventure this is Waits ventures and Ashley adventures see ya
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 74,926
Rating: 4.8575726 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Unit, WORLDS BEST Storage Unit Box Truck, Box Truck, WORLDS BEST, the worlds best, storage unit, storage unit living, storage unit auctions, storage unit wars, how to, unboxing, opening mystery boxes, storage unit auction, treasure, storage facility auction, buying storage units, storage unit buying, abandoned storage unit finds, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage locker, buy, sell
Id: kLE5PEBsH1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 43sec (4723 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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