Owner Passed Away After 20 Years Paying On Storage Unit Fees..

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all right i think we're live we are live we are live from the phone today guys so i'll try not to make it shaky uh just bought a storage unit guys paid 1200 dollars for this 10 by 10 storage unit that i'm about to show you bought it yesterday online um kind of got ran up on the bid i think we're going to make good money on this unit i want to show you guys a couple things out of the unit i'm not going to show you the whole unit because we are going to do unboxing videos in the warehouse with grandma ventures on this we're in a beautiful facility guys and yes i'm going to show you a few things i did not go through any of the boxes so you guys will be as surprised as i am the few items i'm going to show you guys out of the storage unit right now are stuff that was out of the boxes that were out in the open and i want to show you guys a couple things to give you guys a sneak peek it was a very old storage unit the um owner was paying almost 20 years on this thing and passed away recently so there's a lot of old stuff in here guys there's nothing really left in the unit that i'm going to show you because i don't want to spoil the fun for our unboxing videos so i'm going to show you a few things we got out of the unit now this stuff was out of boxes so this is the unit guys we pretty much cleared it out all the boxes are in the box truck and there was boxes stacked everywhere so you guys are going to get a lot of cool unboxing videos in the warehouse so this was out in the open this is a really cool phone from the 70s a little yellowing but he was on top of the um and we are going to go through these drawers by the way and i haven't gone through any of them yet oh whoa whoa whoa oh we got some good stuff so we're gonna go through these drawers i haven't gone through these yet um because i kind of figure i can't really take these and do an unboxing video in the warehouse anyways so these were the things that were out in the open we have this cool guy uh now this was on top i did peek in this because it set you at joe and it was on the thing so honey do you want to open that one up yeah yep these are old these are old yes these are old and this all wow oh this guy's heavy he is solid he's probably like half a pound accessories and there's a bunch of accessories in here guys this unit was very old there was a lot of old stuff in this unit um and this is just stuff that wasn't in the boxes because i don't want i don't like to peek in boxes because i want you guys to be as surprised as i am all right so we have that we have this now i may need your help with this i think these are very expensive these were on the side wall there right over there i think these are really expensive and give me one second guys so these are old fishing fishing poles and this has got a wood handle to it and they are old um i'll show you guys the so i don't know exactly how much these things are worth there's a bunch of them here so there's this one and then this is the um there's tops to it here honey you want to hold that and it's kind of zoomed in quite a bit so there's a top to it i don't know how old these are but i think these are old and i don't know what type of poles these are because these um if you look here on the tip it's kind of kind of got a weird tip to it and then look at that it's on both sides and it's wood so i've never seen poles like this before but it looks like it's expensive and they look really old so there's two of these we also have another set here and it's just in this old cloth so this is another old old set and i'll show you guys the um brand on here let me see you're moving i know it's hard to so this is the brand so i don't know anything about these rods but these supposedly are i don't know if they're expensive or what but they're old so we have two of those rods and then we have this rod here and i think this is another spendy one this is kind of a lighter rod oh wait actually uh let's see this is a great lakes rod so this one says great lakes se6 this guy had so much next night wait until we do the unboxing guys you guys are going to love the unboxing i guarantee it there's gonna be some really good stuff in the unboxing and then this is the last rod guys so if you guys know anything about fishing stuff this is the last rod here and let me know in the comments guys because this is live and i can't see what you guys are typing in so if you guys know anything about these fishing rods let me know all right so we also have some of these i haven't even checked these suckers out yet oh by the way look at this table i think this table is worth some money so look at this table so this is the old i think this is from the 70s if you look and it's got it's a leaf table from the 70s and it's in beautiful condition and then these are the extenders for it there's no scratches no issues so if you guys know anything about these tables let me know because this thing is really freaking cool and it's got some extenders to it too so uh it's a beautiful beautiful table okay let's show you guys the golf stuff i don't know a lot about golf um your boy they had to like hire you know a landscaper to come like behind me and replant the grass because yeah i'm not dude kathy says it's older than the 70s i was thinking 60s yeah and it's a beautiful condition yeah someone said looks like 60s and worth money okay so we also have some rods guys oh sorry rods we have um golf clubs golf clubs looks like a wooden driver yep so these are i don't know anything about these so we've got a whole set of them and then we also have a set over here with an old wilson bag this is really cool i think ashley's gonna keep the pluto this is an older set that's snoopy or snoopy and i think this is a really older a lot older set spalding um oh here's another one so we'll have to see what these are worth hopefully something right okay so again this whole place oh yeah i forgot um these were in the corner as well guys um these were in the corner as well and i don't ski i've snowboarded a few times this is the full set guys i don't know exactly how much this is worth i have to check on this but this is the full set they're numbered and it has everything on there so if you guys know about these skis let me know it says made in spain these are made in spain the sports series 5000 let's see look at the rods up by serial number i will yeah because they had serial numbers on there i think they're old um but yeah this is uh another set this is an older set so i'm hoping that this thing is worth some money we'll have to see all right so that's this thing was full of boxes so what we did was i only showed you stuff that i can see out of boxes we took all the boxes to the warehouse and then we're going to do unboxing videos in the warehouse and it will be five unboxing videos with me and grandma okay all right we're going to look in here i have not seen what's in here so we did peek in this just now so let's go ahead and look in this drawer and see what we got if there's personal stuff we'll drop it aside oh these are sealed i think we're going to make some money we're going to make some money on this unit what up kathy welcome to the ventures family thank you so much for joining as a member seriously kathy just joined as a member table late 50s early 60s how much do you guys think this table is worth because it is in beautiful condition beautiful condition and it's got the two leaves how much do you think this is worth all right let's see what's in here i'm needing your help honey hey good i may give this to grandpa he loves those those are brand new is there more are those handkerchiefs and these are made in 100 cotton hand rolled i don't know what that means yep what do we got what do we have what do we have [Music] cufflinks yeah i was just waiting wait wait is there any gold because some of these can be gold couplings there's more um oh my goodness that one is full i wonder if there's any jewelry in there uh about 300 300 bucks for that table dang it's in maculan condition guys maybe he worked at a bank 500 three wow that paid for half the storage unit just the table guys there's so much old stuff in here it's unreal how much is the honey where'd you put the here can you open this up again how much is this guys yeah how much is the gi joes i haven't actually got gi joe's in a while there's a bunch of this old stuff guys you should see i can't wait to do the unboxing because i guarantee there's gonna be some great stuff in here um me and grandma ventures tomorrow are gonna start filming the unboxing videos for you guys tomorrow so there's no delay so we got this guy and we have all the accessories and this guy is heavy he's solid rubber anyway let me know if you guys have sold any of these recently i'm not sure how much this set goes for hey hey hey hey hey hey hey you're going ahead of time ahead of okay what else did we miss in here did we get everything okay there's like boxes oh there was some box named sports memorabilia and had a bunch of old baseballs on the top of it so i'm hoping that's good inside you always gotta look at these drawers people hide stuff in here people hide stuff in there okay open that one what the heck are those things you put ice in there oh you put ice okay you put ice in them i don't want anything good in [Laughter] okay well this storage unit's been here 20 years and he hasn't been in here in 20 years so i'm really curious to see what's in those boxes what's that very collectible oh these are kind of like are those boy scouts they look brand new there's a whole bunch of i think yeah boy scouts are these boy scouts club there's a bunch of them in here wow does anybody want these scout oh here's clubs old football wow that is old and that's thick he was a leader possible here we go that looks in great condition boy scouts yeah oh he's on the council yep what else is in there hold on i can't wait pull it out oh we found we saw we have one of those yeah a house from another unit yeah that's what that is what is that what is that oh it's a golf club yep columbia gorge okay what's on the front is there a name yeah okay we don't want to show the name we like to be respectful but that's cool huh what else is in that drawer anything okay anything in that oh what's that some of the shirts shirts are better old do you want to show off your new nike uh watch i got you for your birthday look at that i got her a new night you watch yeah okay all right so okay we also have that old helmet that was on there here honey can we move this over here so i can show them the old helmet okay so we have this old old helmet they're um there was a bunch of sports stuff boxes that were labeled sports boxes so i'm really hoping that there's some stuff in here by the way this is all the personal stuff i'm giving this back to the uh the facility guys because we like to give away as much personal as we can i know it sounds crazy but there's a lot of old photos in there and everything we're gonna give that back to the family so and then we have these really cool chairs this these things are old um i actually might keep these these are like so cool um these are really really cool chairs virginia is a new member guys thank you so much i'm gonna get some more members only content i'm gonna try to get some more members only videos so if you guys join as a member it's right beside the subscribe it's red i'm gonna try to get you guys some more content so um all right so this people are saying that table right there by the way there's zero scratches on it and it's beautiful it's perfect condition that goes for three to five hundred i paid twelve hundred dollars for the unit so this pretty much pays for close to half of the unit right there um i didn't see how much the gi joes go for i didn't see in the comments yeah and the accessories so i don't know how much that goes for or even the 1970s snoopy but this thing was full of boxes we haven't even gone through the boxes yet so i'm assuming there's gonna be some really good stuff and i don't know how much the fishing pole stuff go for so we'll have to see on that one all right guys get excited weirdo get excited so we're going to get the rest of stuff hopefully we can fit all in one truck load then i'm going to take it to the um warehouse we're going to put all the boxes ready to go and then what we're going to do is have me and grandma tomorrow do the unboxing of all the boxes and then for the next three or four days we'll have daily videos for you guys going through them the unboxing here at uh for this for the storage unit um i did bid on another unit i bid up to 2900 for that thing i'm kind of glad i didn't buy that because i think it was more of a household unit but this one's really nice what are those oh those go with the did anybody know how much that goes for um did anybody know how much this thing goes for i don't know i'm not positive but there's this there's the stuff for it so all right i can't wait okay so um like i said i haven't been through any of the boxes yet guys so i'm like i'm ready i'm ready to ready to look and see what's in there hopefully there's some good stuff in there um you guys can see when i see and uh grandma said tomorrow or the next day we're gonna do the videos so get ready guys and then we'll release them alright thank you so much have an amazing day um yeah i just wanted i was just super excited this is such an old unit and i wanted to share with you guys even though i didn't get to share a lot with you guys so have an amazing day hit the thumbs up share the video my hands are disgusting right now um you want to see whose hands are more disgusting old skis and shoes do not put them on ebay yes i probably i don't know what to see thanks for sharing yes yes yes all right guys and we will be putting the snoopy up for auction so if you guys want the snoopy we can put him up for auction or we can sell him um we don't want to keep him do huh we you want to keep them no we can't keep them okay all right let me get a little squirt here on camera just so you guys know i'm staying safe there we go all right have an amazing day thank you so much until next time until probably day after tomorrow look out for these videos much love see you guys
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 21,949
Rating: 4.9133921 out of 5
Id: F-otvIt-4ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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