ABANDONED LOST LUGGAGE I Bought A Storage Unit Locker Auction Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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120,000 no way look at you with your Papa you're gonna be looking at me a lot more looking fly because we just scored another unit in a very affluent neighborhood we heard that there have been some incredible finds here and we are able to get this one cheap you want to go and check it out with me we're gonna go treasure hunting and we might even get to go to see the beach if you want to go with treasure hunting with us and if you want to see the beach what should they do Jordan make sure you subscribe and hit that foul notification icon to get notified every single time we upload a new video and when we go live every Sunday [Music] what's the craziest thing you've ever seen in this business I'm crazy a guy and a girl like coming everyday the same time come to find out they had they had a little thing going at work so he will come into the unit to mess around mess around you oh man the unit was the it was an outside but he would come every day and they were mess around in the outside unit yeah that was their rule of no way what's the best thing you've heard people find it in your units Cassius Clay fight oh really no way no way wow they were telling me in West Palm two days ago they found $30,000 in a dresser drawer but man I'd rather have the road man you serious that's incredible yeah Cass is clay this was before he's a Muhammad Ali yeah yeah exactly good collector must have just had it in there huh a collector must have just had it in there yeah some boxing gloves some wards and stuff you know some stuff here we are at the unit how much we get this one for George $60 now remember you pay a percentage on top of that once George treasures calm and you pay a little bit more so we're gonna say roughly $100 so let's open it up we've already heard that there was a Muhammad Ali row a fighting Cassius Clay before even changed his name a hundred and twenty thousand dollars I want to see if we can find that in here open it up come on let's see here we go now we know we know that I don't know grab it really quick see what's in there what could that be and does it have a name oh now I'm with a George and the Sam a life grand both of you got our lights and let's take a better look now now here's one of the things that we saw and you got it you got a figure that's worth at least the purchase price we also saw see this here one two three cut locks three cut locks George what does that mean that probably means that the previous owner paid for it got delinquent and then paid for it with their own lock back on God delinquent and then paid for it so what that means in the long run there was something important in here for somebody to keep paying the bill and they get behind and pay again we got to figure out what it is that right there is a reason why we put a bid on it because it was delinquent and paid for multiple times that and that let's start the treasure hunt George couldn't wait any longer she went straight for it she didn't go for bag laughing yeah Florida's got the laptops look at this widescreen widescreen we got the mouse in the middle look at that we definitely we don't find the power cord in this unit we found extra Dell power cords in the last unit we still have a hundred dollars just right there that's a conservative estimate a hundred dollars what else could be inside here don't worry we're gonna go through everything like this here you guys know what this is called right George do you know what this thing is called I always call it like a hugging pillow this is called a husband you can finally have that one thing you looking for as a matter of fact you can even have to this Chris Mader than one husband George George you're not gonna believe it you are not gonna believe it it's Jake his name is Jamie found Jake Jake from State Farm George are you thinking what I'm thinking what are you thinking we cut this scalp off and we put it on my head and I'll finally have hair again we'll have a nice crisp hairline something like that this is awesome Jake I got you Jake that looks like Christmas what is that doesn't look like an oil burner I know what that looks like what is it that looks we're just not gonna we're not gonna even acknowledge it Oh Jake that's Jake's hair that's for Jake look there's Jake's hair we found it and any survival top any survival stuff in there whatsoever does it look like it [Music] yeah I won't be surviving off of that yep put that back in please put that back in please that is did you see the did you see okay look the front said del I saw del on it so yep there goes to the lab hi nice the charging cords in here well one way or another we're gonna find it so now we've got a case to the laptop that's our fourth laptop since we've been in Florida yeah nope nothing in there that looks like paperwork dig down where where where where oh that is one weird this looks like essential oils down what is that what is you sure that's essential oils or is that legal oils hold very it's very no whoa maybe he or she was a Mary Kay consultant definitely something was going on okay so let's go through that with a fine-toothed comb we'll see if we can find anything awesome what'd you find well this is what you found in your mary kay bag these were the only I matter everything else was books on cosmetology and stuff like that I did just take a bag of clothing and I've got great news for you George even though we spend that money on all those clothes for you yesterday at Goodwill guess what I found you some new threads whoa why wouldn't you go wrong look at this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was the very first movie I ever watched in the theater oh look at this I got you some jammies for tonight so my jammie-jams got some jammies for you some Superman jammies nice how can you go wrong those are actually really cute that's what I'm trying to say you're trying to say I'm trying to help you out now normally I wouldn't go through every pocket and I don't have to those ones are untucked so let's let's get some of this clothing out of the way you want to go to the beach and go swimming I got your back mm-hmm right there eventually we'll make our way to the beach there you go it gets dark so quick that by the time the Sun sets feels like it's 10 o'clock at night and their day is gone well then we better hurry up let's cut the scene and let's get in another bag and cut remember where everybody hides their best stuff all right check one of them let's see what we got yep actually might work for us is that in the corner mm-hmm who is it who is it oh that's Naomi hey baby this is a dream it's a nightmare buddy has a nightmare yeah and what else do you have going on back there you know I knew they had the best stuff in the back corner you have a full singer look at that she just found a full singer so er alright let's see is it all it's all in there bobbins bobbins that's just a fun word to say can I hear you say it bobbins for bobbin how would your mom and dad say Z bobbins this is equal bunnies yeah there we go so that's a good it's a good investment right there more person more person versus and more purses in this sounds like well where do you keep your spoon your single spoon in emerg my single a man purse and my bed at night I singly spoon myself oh there you go there you can finally get your armpits it'll just grow back in ten minutes okay well that's for you we got to survive somehow there's some more stuff in here okay nothing good let's see what we have here I'm gonna dump it out against my better judgment where's it coming from [Music] okay so the kitchen was in here yeah looks like it this is a mud bag Oh in case of an emergency when you're in a continent cleverly disguised as a responsible adult huh okay if the pin fits wear it George it'll match your best you should wear it I think so yeah [Music] do you think this is another pad and I ain't that kind of pad like a tablet pad yeah could be do you think all right we wouldn't fight we've been scoring on electronics oh yeah what does the Bible teach oh you know what this is this is a Bible first without the bippity off you know what Biblio says uh-huh what Bible yeah that's great for the Bible okay and there is no biblio in here but there's a bunch of paperwork okay so I get another bag you meanie miney we're going for this one cuz I found money in the last one this one is called the innovation okay the innovation okay and it is extremely innovative because water paints in it maybe that was her hair no yeah but I think the previous owner was a bit of an artiste this is her hair you want that you can brush your hair now okay and I don't brush my hair I wake up like this you're right this is the artist pack acrylic paint acetone look at all this this was the artist yeah this is paints what do we have here oh yeah we got brand new Stambaugh we got deeper edge just in time to make you a homemade holiday card we've got charcoal and acrylics oh wait crap look at that huh look at that this whole thing look this is brand-new stuff this is easy oil pastels thank you a homemade holiday cards now family oil pastels this bag alone is an easy $50 yeah easy art supplies is expensive okay so we'll set we'll set that one aside we'll let you get in here and dig into the next point okay I thought you were saving the other corner for me would you well you're already there I'm the cameraman no I don't want to do those cutters you found shoes any good choose any Nikes any bugs I guess I don't need those bags my goodness do like finding book bags sure does it have books in it definitely a student algebra one okay so probably a cosmetology student still in college and which means we could find all kinds of IT electronics gift cards because parents would send that so we got to check everything for gift cards so we'll go through that with a fine-toothed comb where did you just find that are you serious what kind is it she just found another tablet here we go the trio I don't know if that's at the fourth ok so she just found a trio as we were just talking about it no we did not manifest it manifesting was real I would be a multimillionaire ten times over live in Sanibel Island and I would not be fat and bald and yet disguise isn't a responsible adult hmm what else do you have down there yeah I think we've got wholesome gonna have a Vilanch there I think we definitely got that going do you think maybe she was selling their art yeah could have been selling art even oh that would be good for you what could we use them actually we should keep those price tags so we can sell some of this stuff and make some money while we're on the road and we're trying to survive yeah maybe maybe if we want to make like no money if you want to make big money we throw it up on eBay let's see I sell some sin who is that what I think it is get that away from me get it away from me it's not a good one the good one is up there and all-natural coffee relief nice not bad at all to throw at you when you get on my nerves I'm holding on to this so when George was going through those bags with the fine-tooth comb she did find a Texas Instruments calculator the older ones sell for the most but we easily get $25 out of that eBay so that's the Texas Instruments right there cover the whole deal that you probably get more I always always put conservative prices on the video we don't want people go oh you're bribes people still do it people who don't understand resale will always do it just ignore them all right that's what we do look at this here look at this here you took the best spot there in the corner but I found something it's like the Hispanic cowbell more cowbell and I think she was selling her hurt look at this I think she was doing some leather art $2.99 this one's heavy which means more Bibles and the Bible you're looking doesn't fit that Bible cover but I think there's another one in here there is there is another one okay it definitely is another one the first Bible I sold do you remember how much I sold it for I don't seventy-five I was a brand new leather one wasn't mm-hmm yeah that's not that's an amazing deal for a brand new Bible okay the most purchased book in the world all over the globe all over the globe yep okay we've got we got an old mill cookbook that's kind of cool since I don't know how to cook I have no clue how to cook except I do make really mean toast George you also make a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich baby I've never figured that one out yet I get stuck after the peanut butter no it's really good peanut butter and honey book sandwiches brand-new it's got Beats Audio oh wow hewlett-packard that's brand-new Beats Audio so that's tablet number five since we've been in Florida five nice this is the special edition the price tag I can't see it's a really nice one it's a 17 gig red special edition 4501 remember that one look it up alright I hated that awful you thought the best stuff was in the corner it was right next to it and how can it get any better than this right here water bottle and oh we got some of the Trash Pack supposed to be like modern-day Cabbage Patch yeah it's remember Japan mousse is the new toy company making all that stuff making making shopkins and all that stuff so you can sneak down in here looks to be safe okay go ahead peek down in there there's perfumes a lot of this stuff like curious Britney Spears and that stuff will resell I'm gonna set that aside isn't it crazy used or a few bottles and cologne bottles will sell on eBay well shave their vintage crazy so don't ever throw those out or discount those you guys when you're buying storage units and you find them okay I see Angry Birds and I see I see some art all right let's clean this mess up we move on to nothing you getting tired [Applause] [Applause] [Music] looks like that afterwards - here put it in your hair so let's test it you put them in your ears no you put in your ears put in your ears ready yeah heart still beating unfortunately it was still going when it wasn't in your ears oh those are those are Bluetooth earbuds the wrapper on your head good garbage-can nice hasn't been used all right she's saying all costume no gold no silver it'd be incredible if we can actually add another piece of gold costume yeah pick that up our national tone did you just find gold some candy it may be gold to some it's gold to me last thing in here here we go something a little little pockets oh this will be perfect yeah for my comb-over that'll be great for survival that's actually really good and more money more money more money ooh that's a little Christmas snow there don't touch it don't touch it don't touch it should I claim dibs on this it's a sweater filled with charms yeah you should ugly Christmas sweater that thing up well you can do both nice look at this look at all the charms on this all the crazy charms that's awesome for all the Red Sox fans from bos Dhin who is it Ortiz 34 nice nice oh we haven't found da thing ya know I don't we haven't found that thing yet that's in every unit have a feel I was gonna be hidden in here that's my gut instinct going through another purse [Music] excuse me excuse me it was that snow powder that George spread everywhere yeah chick-fil-a go team we love chick-fil-a this prayed it was for cosmetology day you all my goodness it is it is this bag alone this bag alone has got to be a couple hundred dollars oh my goodness everything hair actually I could use that right there we could put that right in my head cover up the bald spots this bag alone has got to be a couple hundred dollars Wow okay what could we use those nail files for we could use that for friction to make fire when it gets cold outside on the beach to survival my talons are what protects you and keeps you safe every day and night this this has got to be at least a couple hundred dollars just right in here in this bag oh look at that no keep keep this keep this we need this absolutely that's what's gonna take care of that armpit hair not a bad haul not a bad haul at all [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 66,556
Rating: 4.814672 out of 5
Keywords: bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, I bought an abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 8uC8FCO9OcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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