PAWN Stars Abandoned Storage Unit Buyers Of Oregon!

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[Music] hi there it's girls day as the storage unit me and ashley ashley's the producer are going to show you this unit so you're ready for the first one in a while oh i hope you're ready to wait oh that's why some women know more than others you're ready what do you think ash ashley's the producer i know where you're you're wondering where the bearded man is i'm back here laughing until it's shaking um he was a little under the weather today so he's at home watching the kids which i think might be oh it's way harder way harder i have my phone on just in case um so we're gonna just get to this all right ash just like wade i don't have a knife so well you gotta don't wanna break tradition do we what's she gonna find first here we go ashley's so nice she remembered a chair this is a lot of oh you have thread we're going to put that in the sewing auction nightlight nightlight some sunglasses right we put those on people will not miss us will they oh my gosh we might need them today what is that ash some band-aids odds and ends oh never know how if we don't need those today it looks like toothpicks let's see interesting what is that is that a year oh it's not even oh oh oh that's personal we'll give that back okay oh wow oh i don't even know you know wade sells a lot of those old electronics don't he there's a lot of things in here whoa i used to have this phone what what kind is it oh yeah i don't even know i can't remember the names of the old phones looks like i don't think that's a phone i think there's a music player but oh an ipod all right that's kind of a fun thing to find now that we know you know wade's kind of got a ebay thing going with that stuff we are in a tight space so i mean look at it's a little tiny one so and she's working around me ashley's very nice oh those are good for the kids hi there come over and say hi he's actually not here today okay what is this it's a civil war ambulance cake please tell me that is full of whiskey i'm here today at the pawn shop to sell my civil war ambulance k when i seen it it just had an old antique appeal to it i've had it for about six months and it's been in storage in my storage unit i'm hoping to sell the cake for 700. this is pretty cool man there's wade's friend what's your name kevin hi kevin not yet not yet maybe one day a future youtuber how's your video how's your unit this unit there's just a few video games in it and that's good and a little kid's bicycle we only paid five dollars wow so we're at about 120 pounds all right it's not bad we should go down there and spy on his unit but we won't yeah he the first time he has it coming but we needed to pick this up but he wasn't feeling very good so yeah he's been flipping a lot and i think he just overworked himself yeah there's a lot of hours put into all this that people may not know no he works seven days a week usually long hours you almost have to at this business you know because uh people will just show you on tv or some or storage where's it right i watched a little bit of that you have to work harder than a normal job than working for somebody else yeah but there are perks yeah he does work non-stop he doesn't really take a break no he doesn't he's a workaholic really you got to take some kind of break because there's got to be a balance or something that's what he's doing today and so it's the ladies day at the storage unit if you guys have anything happy you need me to help but just let me know oh thank you yeah we don't know what's in the bottom over there did you see it yeah go ahead it's fun isn't it oh yeah this is an interesting unit i remember seeing it yeah i remember seeing the guitar and the fishing poles that's always again really hard to see yeah we don't know what's under all that stuff back there i'm sure there's a few goodies but uh yeah it looks like you guys you guys uh have your work cut out for you today yeah but again if you guys have anything how do you need help okay thank you so much we appreciate that a lot nice guy huh yeah it's really nice oh it's a team okay this is all first personal i feel like ashley's doing all the work but she kind of knew that when she brought me along oh is that a pretty ball let's go it's all right yeah it's all right [Laughter] just a nasty cooler so all right oh we're going to spare you the nasty cooler some kind of personal science process oh my gosh oh we always need more hangers that is a joke i know he likes to show everything but we're going to show the good stuff and everything's just all that yeah we showed it there we go new producer new rules i'm afraid to open this oh it says uh what does it say sweet butter slices crinkle cut somethings oh oh my gosh i would have never guessed that hair clips who would have thought oh popcorn so cute last night mom i want popcorn yeah and he wanted it now jade loves popcorn what's so yeah i think that's a pillow don't you or is it a sleeping bag what is it it's sure got a soft cushy looking top oh it's it's a it's a recreational bung oh there's a few in there should we show these i don't see their artwork until you use them i guess this one's broken i don't want to stick my hand all the way down there no a little bit of artwork there [Laughter] this amazing does that look real it does don't it yeah i think so it just has the thing missing from it wow that's kind of cool isn't it it's got it feels like good quality you want to try it on i'm good where'd you find ash there's something aren't they they're cds oh maybe a lot for blade yeah wade oh yeah someone's a dress on it though should i pull well we check them all out i don't think you need to do you want to no not really i'm not going to tell her how to do her job ashley's a professional here she knows more than i do oh yes you do she does all our editing ashley works as hard as wade does i try nice hello all righty one we don't want to hang on to too long what is that ass oh it's a close to it oh it goes to that a fan there's a fan behind you that's a base to that big fan i see oh you're right it's like a puzzle when you pull things out of here sometimes you have to try to figure out what the heck that's a nice big fan look at the buttons on it looks like it's used very much no it's like brand new that'd be kind of cool to have wade might need it in the warehouse a bag of stuff that's always a little scary oh that's not bad somebody might like that that's a big pan yeah pretty well used just a lid and some kind of plastic container yeah that's good i have a feeling we don't have a clue what's in some of this stuff oh yeah i think so light bulb all just for this i need it's not the kind i need i've got to order some from amazon okay you're not going to try that one out either i never know would device die after a while oh god don't try it on i didn't think about that ooh and i try things on stories yeah we're not going to do that wouldn't that be just horrible i never thought of that ashley oh my gosh okay guys i'm not ever trying them on again it's a big tote oh here's another one oh i like that i like that better than the other one yeah this looks older too now you know my head's itching now isn't that awful but you haven't tried anything i know but you said the word you know that's cool wade sold those before i like that little bitty pan that looks like almost hasn't been really isn't that a those are the copper bottoms like mom did when she first got married 60 five years ago i think they were the rage back then is that a good one philippines oh that's a good one we got people from the philippines that watches what is that is that a purse it's so cool looking oh i love that purse ooh what's in it though ash oh it's one of those things you put it in your my solar dancing thing you put it like i've seen them in their people's dash oh they just dance around well now you guys have one for the truck she smiles because that isn't their style i'm sure but i love that purse that's cool that's going to be a unique one to put on poshmark oh cutting board i hope i'm doing okay with this camera we'll find out after this first video okay we found one of those in another unit and one of our viewers said use it for uh sewing and stuff like near your sewing machine with uh or you know yarn or ribbon that was such a cool idea and i i haven't forgotten that's a better one too that one we can sell on poshmark if we don't use it it's all bold it's your choice miss director and producer i'm not excited about an editor that looks like personal stuff there's some pictures another pillow that matches the other one uh it looks like it's from oh that's heavy isn't it ash is it okay yeah it's the biggest tote i ever saw lottery basket oh wow that pan is kind of cool it's a beretta and it has a touch oh do you know how to use it oh just it's a water filter oh i didn't know that you need to change it how cool is that look at this yellow pan it has a picture on the front see the picture on the front no right there the yellow one that you had in your hand what's it say is it an advertisement something else oh it's an advertisement okay i don't know where you get something like that horny wear we sell a lot of corning wear and that's a nice one yep oh i like that bowl it looks old and i like the the shape of it let me give you a close-up of the bowl real quick down there i can't see i hope you guys can oh this is a nice color oh that's a big one those bowls are very nice that's chipped but it's ah the snowman's all chipped and cracked up too much heat you see those a lot those are from camping that's brand new what is it it's a little um you know what it is oh that's cool the snacks don't oh that'd be kind of cool for axel wouldn't it unless there's one for kade too kade's getting so big he's a helper now that's cool that's different i love to find odd weird stuff [Music] no no no that looked a little iffy you think that's a garbage can or an ice bucket that one's kind of cool that's good that is i didn't know you liked that i never used to be an opera i try to find things you like it's not like my number one favorite it's still pretty good this is pretty that is cute christmas this is the last thing i'll show this is kind of cool it's a coffee music 55 there's your cup okay i'm gonna put this stuff back i don't want to pick on ashley like i do wade she's too good to be she's waiting for this virus to go away so she can have her hair she's got a gift to take it get her hair done it's getting long i like it long it really grows fast i think your hair grows faster i know and i'm dying to see it i think it would be so pretty it's all natural color but it's once it gets too long it starts to get dirty it grows faster than anybody's hair i've ever seen oh ashley i think that big tote looks like all personal stuff i want you guys to tell ashley how good she's doing in the comments [Music] let me just make sure oh my gosh oh you need help with that you could set it right here actually and set stuff on top of it yeah i'll do that so you don't have to bend over yeah just use it as a table for yourself it's very heavy you know you decorate those wade should put those in the craft uh in a craft lot because people decorate those and hang them up they're cool yeah they should all be in the craft lot i hope you guys are all saying yeah we want to see those in the lot because i've seen them decorated and they're really nice so we'll keep it nice so he can do that is that a heavy bag no i'm not gonna i'm gonna help you put this in the truck want you guys to know it's a sad day in america today i can no longer drink coca-cola or ice cream right or ice cream oh what what are those ashley they look like um like almost like maybe they're steamers are they steamers like if you had a buffet or something you'd have to hook up two different steamers i don't know black and decker cook keep warm oh keep getting cooked so you can cook it or keep it warm until you serve it yeah they must have served that would be like for a buffet or something it's been a long time since i've done a lot of cooking for a lot of people all right so this is military glasses oh i was thinking eyeglasses oh those are cool they're so patriotic oh i love those don't you yeah those are cool i love anything patriotic i even like the songs i'm trying not to make you guys dizzy this is such a lullar camera i don't even feel like i'm doing it are those more well it runs in the family we used to have a lot of knives and then they disappear you get them oh are they more patriotic or are they different they just said glasses oh they're like uh oh those are very old those are like 70s i remember those when i was a kid or well more like a teenager a very bad teenager awesome yeah one of those teenagers you never want to really have that's me [Laughter] i was a pretty good teenager i i had a feeling you were your mother got very lucky my mother said she wished on me what i gave her [Laughter] wow i said that wrong what she didn't wish on me what i gave her my mother is very loving i said it wrong i wasn't thinking clearly so i wasn't going or are you oohing at something good or something bad ooh something good that's a big figurine oh my gosh that's big isn't it let's give them a close-up want to see what they're eating there you go i wonder if this is in here fountain yeah oh that's cool i love stuff like that it gives you peace of mind when you listen to it i've never actually had one but that's what they say oh it's kind of a what do you think it is i don't know i have no clue what that stuff is is it sewing no i think it's just a whole bunch of random random stuff many dream pictures or something oh okay one thing we probably won't see in this unit is dreamsicles dreamsicles i never knew what they were until that last unit now i think about them night and day yeah yeah we just leave that in here and they they handle that [Applause] all right oh oh what oh wow wade told me we can sell bullets magazine i don't know if we'll find a gun most people i have never found we haven't found a gun except for bb guns i don't think yeah this is progressive it's like personal yeah that says guess on it i use those for packing i tear them up when they're all messed up i i'm sure people have noticed they're getting some strange boxes but they're safe oh i like this cover that what size is that it's not for the phone i have but that's oh ashley has the top of the line wonder woman number 11 is that what you have in the iphone whatever the last one the last one whatever it is oh what'd you find costume yeah it looks oh a rosary that's actually a very pretty rosary wow very pretty rosary there's another cross necklace in there ah those look kind of beat up but i wonder if you could take off some of it are they stickers they're like labels oh they're the labels we use i think so well you know what you take off yeah the bad ones i use for uh tub stickers i put numbers on them [Applause] see we get excited about odd things oh i wouldn't want to touch all are those clean socks they look like it good it's a filing yep someone never got to their filing at all that's how i would be oh wow half the storage unit is going to be personal little hair curlers yeah oh those are big oh they're smaller oh yeah do you ever use those no yeah they're kind of kind of they're conair what's in their ash oh more hair curls oh a lot of hair curlers yeah look like i love lucy walking around the house remember i love i love eyelashes that's one thing ashley and i have in common we both love i love lucy i think ashley has a lot of the isla i love lucy lucy um vhs tapes and stuff all righty i'm gonna take your word for it yeah i'm happy about that roll more lots more paper it's like they were just paying their unit to store their feet i wonder if there's something real important in there nowadays everything's on computers that's a big one oh it's a bissell looks like it's been used pretty good buckets or garbage cans should we see what's in here yeah it says any clues more paperwork i'm going to start guessing paperwork on anything you ask me i'll be right 95 of the time maybe a lot of buckets i'm serious yeah all the exciting stuff is coming up i just got a feeling yes do we have a little lid for our i love you maybe or maybe it's not supposed to have one it looks like it should doesn't oh that goes is it something [Music] oh soy sauce yeah i love soy sauce oh okay that's cute i like the size of that one oh that's a nice face it's heavy it looks like oh my gosh i didn't expect it to be round on the bottom that is very cool we just show them kind of what's in there kitchen stuff kitchen things like uh oh that's a wine court measuring um those little plastic tabs some wooden spoons yeah stirring spoons wow i didn't expect those it's kind of a cool looking uh jar i like jars oh that is cute salt and pepper it's a good size too teeth i already know what's in there i see lipton all over that oh that's a different side that's spaghetti a spaghetti jar oh there's a mini wine bottle in there whoa right there oh wow oh a couple of them yes they're alcohol storage yeah instead of spaghetti we got our little alcohol bottles nobody looked there right and then beer and wine cocktail mix oh wow sounds like it's in there so they had their own little bar like oh this is plastic another one oh two of them one for each person we'll just drink our margaritas straight from the pitcher i remember those kind of glasses isn't it you just never know what you're gonna find okay those are glasses of some kind i like the tupperware i do too yeah good type or sterilite but it i like the kind where the lid pops off like that oh cute little things yeah they are kind of cute yeah they're simple but elegant and they all look the same size so yeah assume they're all the same i wonder if those were their bar glasses it means there's other stuff in here oh poor ash oh is that a computer computer yeah it's in there oh wow that's cool the remotes wade will sell he sells remotes all the time on ebay yes she's interesting i like her says road music oh that's for hitchhiking with the truckers madonna hey i like madonna that was my she was she was in my time i didn't like her latest album i'm sorry to say four to seven that's right up your alley almost another year there's some like random these sometimes what he likes to sell yeah the rings i wish they'd make another lord of the rings i found out yesterday they're making another hunger games there was another one you told me they were making i forgot i know it's that name i kept yeah the matrix we love the matrix just for the star avatar avatar that's it they got two in the can they said first one to come out in 21. i love avatar there's our little movie review you guys hoping there's some good stuff in the back we're gonna find good stuff we found some interesting things piece by piece this is just like i wonder if that would go to craft supplies that cardboard and stuff cardstock weird that word a lot lately a lot of containers a lot of plastic containers yes we get enough buckets we'll just fill buckets up and have number the buckets oh gotta have books in every unit i like books so what is this is that makeup is it a jewelry it's a jewelry box a well used and they did have pets [Laughter] chocolate for the woman's soul oh that's i love homemade books has it been used oh i love stuff like that don't you look at the pictures yes that's cool that is so special yes it's handmade that's cool for someone that goes to hawaii and bring your pictures back they were in cosmetology ah i took that for a few months my grandma was a hairdresser i got to cut hair on mannequins that's as far as i got and a lot of chicken soups for the i love chicken soups they're the they're the greatest books we got a bunch of those in another one we could do a whole lot on chicken soup books oh and there and he got some the ones he has at the warehouse are like brand new we can add those to them oh a nike bag full of guess what guys the drinking word is paperwork today oh that's kind of a cute backpack i actually like that one it's a little aztec look to it it's cool is that okay to say nowadays i hope so i don't know what that is let's just call it cosmetics yeah oh i do like this stuff you leave it in your hair do you want that bottle brushless eye look on your face yeah i thought well she is getting used to the storage unit stuff i mean i'm happy to take the books and yeah as long as they're nice and and anything christmas oh whoa a lot of hair stuff in this unit we could do a whole a lot on hair stuff oh they are part of the rolling house casino club oh i can't say anything bad about that because i like i enjoy my little bit of time at a casino now and then especially the last time i went that was this ankle kit yeah it's an ankle kit i don't think yep it's always exciting because you don't know what you're going to pull out pretty bracelet that is yes we can throw that in with our costume jewelry is it your size now i don't care i like the teaser there's a lot of shampoo bottles oh wow we seem to get that in our storage units lately don't we there's a lot of belts oh i love belts i love putting uh belts on poshmark if they're in good shape do all people like fine yes i've only got one left oh yeah manicure set you notice i'm not saying i love it a lot today like you guys are teasing me about the last a little handmade things yeah i'm just not excited yeah oh craft supplies but it's soap everybody's storing their soap and storage units nowadays uh we use ours [Laughter] let's take a break she's back okay i took a few things down so i'm not sure what these are but it looks really that's a little what would they be and then sticks yeah there's something pick up sticks you can start fires maybe that's what it is kindly or do they build something out of them maybe craft people would like them i don't know you guys got me there come on give us some help and we put up a new table we got a table so she don't have to it's hard to bend over all the time oh how cute it's a little tea set that's cute it doesn't look like it's oh i love it it doesn't look like it's even been used it's nice i love teeth i love stuff like that well you could have tea parties i like that people i like picnic baskets oh what's in the picnic basket oh oh this is diplomas here so these are all yearbooks oh it's all personal do we give your books back i would give your books back i think yeah i would give your books back we'll keep the basket yes they might they don't want us we only can leave personal stuff we start leaving all the baskets and trash cans full of stuff we don't want to there's a lot of trash cans oh i bet you i know what those are they're nice yeah they're big ones that's a nice size white russian folks right there in the trash can okay when you get ready to move make sure you load up on trash cans more tea yep storage units it's i'll never forget that one unit where the cans popped open that's a giant dustpan i've never seen a giant dustpan i love it okay i'm saying i love it now finally oh that looks kind of cool it's a mock cleaner cleaner i'll use that for the unit when we're done yeah oh what's in here pizza dough is what it says but i know it ain't that oh they're recording oh wait one record and then a lot of purchases on paper oh they painted on the back of that oh i used to melt them and make ashtrays out of them and candy dishes when i was a teenager i wish i wouldn't have done that now i did it on the stove me and my sister yep and there is somebody self portrait i kind of like it it's cool art and this is purple oh is it a housewarming view oh i think you're right because it hasn't yeah yeah and hasn't never been opened oh yeah do almonds ever get old i'm not going to try it and if i'm not going to try it i know ashley's not because i'd try things way before she would oh a nice helmet it's actually in really good shape ah there's our banana and the second one oh i love them aren't they cute that's a posh those are poshmark bananas folks they're small so much personal i'm glad they're getting it all back but they're gonna think we never took anything yeah this feels empty empty oh this is cute oh that is a cute one wonderful the outsiders good movie ultimate song ultimate song book oh it's an ultimate song book oh it's for the guitar it has uh it has some music in there for the guitar we'll we'll keep it for the and sell it with the guitar because i see one back there in the very back i've never seen them like that before here's a mini oh we got three bananas oh what is it oh oh i hope it's a wig and it's artificial and it's not somebody's keepsake of somebody's hair can we call that personal i think it's perfect i don't know if they'd agree how do you body this person step on for your body's got to be the most personal it almost looked like it was like they chopped it off long enough for like locks of love or something yeah let's let's do put that in the personal you guys feel like you're in the bag oh and a weak controller oh is that what that is see i would have never known i've never once ever played a wii i had a wee bit i don't play it very often i think that's about the time i kind of got out of videos i used to play like you had everything a lot and she's a saver super nintendo i was on big gamer but this would go with the guitar nintendo's classic yeah ashley is a very big collector of items but now she's gotten since we've done storage units where she's uh oh really yes oh yeah i think so i saw your mother storage unit there we go even my great-grandparents i think oh that'd be so interesting wouldn't it that's my great uncle have a lot of oh yeah crabbing rock traps crab trap weight loss he loves going crabbing what is that whoa i think it's fishing stuff oh i hope so oh it's got a lot of weights in it that's fine oh it is fishing stuff isn't it yeah it's all fishing stuff there's some weights i bet it must have been like deep sea fishing because those are some pretty heavy weights it's like for big fish ooh that's a big hook yeah it has to be something for big fish i can use one of these because ours broke and we always lose them too don't we oh wait maybe this one isn't good either oh wait no i bet it's a little rusty one of the kids got a hold of ours and threw it in the water it's fun new parents i can't wait to i can't wait to see everything that happens new experience every day yes those boys are wonderful though i know but it says hawaii on it i love that they're handmade it's a handmade leaf album it's made out of hawaiian leaves i'll bet i love that look ash those are real leaves the paper is nice i know i wish i would have kept that other ones out is that they're always afraid i wonder what's in there you know i'm afraid especially fishing stuff way left uh like fish guts in one one time ooh nice i'm pretty sure it was in there for a good year oh we went fishing again because it was like our last fish oh man we had to throw that out oh i bet that was bad when you opened it up oh she's saying oh oh oh that's right war movies well there are yeah and he has some in the warehouse already so that'll be nice you guys hear about the dust coming across the united states i'm hoping we don't get it here i thought i saw some dust and i was getting worried for a minute do we want to see clothes i don't know do it are they special no are they clean uh sorta i'll just we'll just say there's a bunch of women's and men's clothes okay so if you haven't seen those before go check out another video she's the producer we're not i don't want to get fired okay you guys you're gonna have to run to the store and get another bottle of hot chocolate or alcohol or whatever you're drinking because we're saying personal a lot just set it to the side don't even bring it out oh oh those are the stars you put on the ceiling that light up that's cool you hate to do that yes jewelry cleaner wade had some in his room as a kid too staples and hair stuff more buckets there's some more paper too what's in the bucket okay oh wow i never i didn't expect that oh that's nice oh that's a different kind of vase that's very pretty it looks hand painted and then there is gosh who would have thought that'd be in there with the vacuum oh oh it's a fountain yeah i love it frogs and are those a little lily pads i think so [Music] yeah all i remember is getting stuck in the middle of tadpoles and i've i've never been a frog person since [Applause] the whole lake in the back of the house oh my gosh during the summer you can go out and like sunset time and you see like a little they're all the little eyes oh no there's a lot of them oh where's that out right by our house our house yeah oh god kell i haven't been out at night once it starts getting warm i come right back in oh oh no oh no my sister had to rescue my younger sister had to rescue me out of out of the river is it that um oh we know what that's for that's for a a desk or something [Laughter] mini uses a hat box one hat box oh it has something else i think that's a retainer or some sort do you think it's oh i thought it might be someone's teeth but it's not thick enough should we open it oh that's up to you a mystery box oh my gosh what was it [Music] thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 16,636
Rating: 4.865263 out of 5
Keywords: PAWN Stars Abandoned Storage Unit Buyers Of Oregon, PAWN Stars, Abandoned Storage Unit, pawn stars full episode, history channel, pawn stars clips, pawn shop, pawn, pawn stars show, pawn stars episodes, 2020 pawn stars, storage wars, storage auction, storage unit, storage locker, storage units, luggage auction, treasure hunting, auction hunters, mystery boxes, storage unit auction, curiosity incorporated, resale rabbit, storage unit finds, mystery box, found money
Id: JZtJTeS3e90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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