Hale$ Answer YOUR Questions On Abandoned Storage Unit Auctions / How To Make Money With Storage Wars

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whoa almost lost them George no there we go we're a little crooked that's okay there and we are officially live now we are live we are broadcasting from than the to our new sponsor our new sponsor it would be gold sorry guys we didn't save you any we're joking about the sponsorship we have no sponsors whatsoever we do no because it's fun which is why we say fun employment so you want to you want to give a little bit of an agenda to everybody tonight George today we should probably first say happy yes happy Mother's Day to all of our moms out there should we sing and to all of the single dads that also play the role of mom I can't imagine saying happy Mother's Day to them no guitar but I can't sing come on come on just one song George this is your time to shine with music you're an artiste you're peacock I'm trying to let you fly you guys don't want to hear me sing how many of you want to hear hails yes in the comments if you want to hear George sing well first yes yes let us know if you guys can hear us because it's very loud here in McDonald's yeah they all want to hear you sing sing hello Hales yes all right let's hear you sing let's hear you saying George Freddie is there a happy mother's day say looks like this happy Mother's Day to you oh look at you happy Mother's Day happy Mother's Day all you mothers and we mean that in the best way not a bad way happy Mother's Day okay now that we got that out of the way all right why don't we hit the agenda now all right I got my eye on the chat you give them the agenda for this evening so we're gonna do all questions she's gonna just watch the chat for in you the agenda she can never take her eyes off the chat it's so funny tonight here's the deal we don't have any of the regular scheduled agenda we will be live with you as long as we can be live with you because we are in McDonald's and we're in the woods and the Wi-Fi the Wi-Fi isn't the greatest here we were forewarned by the McDonald's employees have shared with us that the Wi-Fi goes in and out so yeah we'll be with you as long as we can if you have a question that you want answered one of those burning questions feel free to super chat the way that you super chats you go down below hit that dollar sign just like the dollar sign and the in the end of Hale's and what the Hales and then you can send them out what that does is YouTube puts it straight up into our faces and we will see your question BAM in front of every other comment and we're gonna just do that questions all night we're gonna answer all your questions so if you have business questions if you have side hustle questions if you have personal questions remember we exist as a channel we do have a purpose we want to educate we want to what else equip equip what else entertained okay she added the entertain which she often calls us entertainers entertainers educating educators and entertainers mashed-up into one word which this gives me a creative outlet to still educate as I used to be a master's level professor and it also gives us a creative outlet to entertain as well just because we have that a little bit of artistic flair who has more of an artistic flair you or me you do hands down this guy she does alright so let's see if we can take a question I have a question yes one goal one thousand subscribers wants to know on average what's the cheapest price units you go at on average the cheapest price units they're like where where the person lives it all is gonna depend on where you're at it's all gonna depend on who's at the auction it's all gonna depend on the day of the auction the time of the auction that all depends on who's there that's all depends on the time of the year the time of the month do people have money do they not have money so on average I don't look at prices of units I look at potential profit and that's a big difference so in the reselling business which is what what I'm attempting to do now not very well since I'm fun employed but with the reselling business I'm not looking at potential of how much I'm going to spend I'm looking at the potential of how much profit I can make and that determines how much I spend there's a big difference there okay and that being said I think it's very important that we also understand that anybody can make money doing this absolutely anybody and it takes talent it takes skill to make money but frankly when it comes right down to it it takes brains to keep the money that you actually make okay and in that in itself is a skill all right good question all right James I didn't want snow is a Big Mac real meat the rumor what's the rumor about I have responses to that right now I'm just gonna bite my tongue I've had a Big Mac and usually get chicken from McDonald's when I come chicken nuggets and her favorite thing is McDonald's french fries oh my gosh the fries are Pete Nolte wants to know house camping why don't you answer that it's been raining yesterday yesterday we got a rattle we got several hours of Sun but then it rained in the evening and then today all day today it's been raining so we actually recorded today yes we recorded a Cribs video today that you won't see until yeah so if you guys are familiar with the show MTV Cribs where they show you the inside of the house they give you the tour of the inside of their house we did that today with Jeremy's cam oh you got that oh and we did it parody style so we tried to make it funny which again is part of the edge attaining part so it actually it was incredible yesterday we had a great day we went out to meet Fred yesterday who gave us the appraisal on the on the jewelry from the $400 unit that was a ton of fun and we actually did a lot of things that you're gonna see later this week that we recorded as well Northwest RC Club he just sent two dollars so much we did it he said have a great camping trip guys all the best thank you we truly appreciate it whoa here we go desert dragon works just sent five dollars thank you so much we appreciate it lazy walking piece and a dollar ninety-nine he said don't you kind of collect guns yes and no well we don't sell the ones that we find so we hold on to those as far as a collection I don't really we don't really collect them but we hold on to them those are that's like money in the bank so there's there's things like gold and silver as you saw all the jewelry that we found in the 400 dollar unit that's that's money in the bank so we could just lock that up in the safe and we can wait to sell that later so and a lot of things that that's what happens waiting down the road for that to actually increase the potential profit and some of that's flying yeah some of it is being saved for my children as well so part of one of the things we were discussing with the silt with the gold and silver and diamonds I saw somebody asked did I give you the diamond ring one of the things that we've been discussing should we place that within the trust that I have for my kids and just hold that onto that for the kids and pass that on to them as well so those are things that I have to think at in the b-type in the in the investment and potential of that now if it was George's unit that she bought which really we're eating reality it was your money because you gave me an allowance to spend of your money yeah I guess it's really it's yours it's your jewelry yeah I could there's a couple how many pieces have I kept I haven't really kept any pieces of jewelry I've always asked you I don't you know i'm i really don't wear jewelry I am very simple I wear this ring this is a daily ring it's silver I wear this ring which is a daily ring and then I wear these earrings every day other than that I usually don't wear too much jewelry you're not go sense my skin is very sensitive to have silver yeah the only thing that doesn't irritate my skin is silver gold yellow gold irritates my skin I guess I'm allergic to it so I can't really a lot of the jewelry that he found in his unit I can't even wear because I'll have an allergic reaction from it so we have 310 309-347-1728 League onna want to stay tuned because she's looking at some mega units that are gonna be big profit and it'll be a big deal this this trips actually going to be cutting into my my schedule of daily radiation treatments for those of you who don't know and that are asking I was diagnosed with cancer back in January I did get clearance from the radiation doctor that it's okay for me to take a couple days off and then when I get back from the trip then I can make up those days so my last date radiation will be scheduled for May 30th yeah it's there the 28th through the 30th so the end of May and then after that they will officially medically declare you cancer-free and did the checkups yep and then I'll officially be cancer-free and then the doctor is gonna put me on some type of hormonal pill that I have to take I believe for the rest of my life that I don't remember I don't remember that don't remember that somebody just said there's okay Tracy Stapleton said hey German George I hear you might come out to California when might that be and where might you visit well Tracy you might want to rewind just a little bit and you're gonna find out when and the area that will be revealed soon yes we you won't know until we're there and we post a video WDB music wants to know what is the most expensive locker you have one for me the the bidding price I think for me was under 400 yeah you remember yeah for you now for me it's been under 400 again Ohio is very different west coast is gonna be very different than East Coast so where you buy is gonna be based on your area so I've spent upwards of $3,000 I've been upwards of seven eight nine ten but actual spent would be closer to three thousand dollars raymond figlio just sent five dollars thank you so much Raymond he said what venue are you gonna sell all that jewelry you found well we're not particularly looking to sell it right now so we just kind of we just kind of touch base with ya Raymond that especially since we found out that the appraisals that were in the jewelry were so old and then the price of the most current appraisal went up even more so it's trying to figure out whether it's worth holding on to and letting that appraisal go up because prices of gold right now are are high oh really I the other thing that we did that you didn't see we have a full tote so I've been collecting all the jewelry the gold the silver the precious stones semi-precious stones for the past year it was all over the kitchen table it was all its kind when you do this as a living the the things that you find they end up taking over your house which is one of the important reasons why keeping it all at the warehouse is important but we just left that with Fred as well and you're gonna get to see another video of Fred yeah appraising all that to joy spec just sent two dollars they rejoice we appreciate that lazy walking P just sent another buck ninety-nine he said tell me the rest of the story on the $800 eighteen hundred dollars building alright lazy walking beat should we tell them to stay tuned are you gonna tell them here's what happened okay individual this is the very short cliff notes okay individual lists the piece of commercial property on face book marketplace I scheduled a time to go and see it okay now I do all of my background checking how much do you purchase it forward the whole deal I do all of that on the auditor site so I already know what's going on I get there and he starts and I'd tell him I'm not interested and so he comes back to me and he's like listen just throw me an offer throw me an offer I said well I was looking for a thrift store space and it wasn't going to be exactly what I needed there was apartments upstairs the whole deal and so he said throw me an offer he said just throw me an offer I'll accept anything and I went so I started asking I was like well why and he goes I have nothing into this building I don't want to get commercial insurance and if I don't sell by the end of this month I'm gonna have to get commercial insurance me and my wife don't want to do that and so the bid went from his expenses he basically he was gifted it by the lawyer who then retired and went to California she took the tax write-off he then sold it to me for the expenses that he had into it eighteen hundred so I took it on then which then I personally flipped it myself believe it or not I've flipped it on face book marketplace I sold it on face book marketplace so all that being said I will tell you that I maximized my profit I for personal reasons will not share with you what that profit margin is yet hey stay tuned so stay tuned and you will get that information lazy walking people but that was a once-in-a-lifetime buy but the the reason why I shared that with everybody is because I want you to understand when you're in the reselling business you can find something anywhere so we showed you we showed you storage units we showed you Craigslist we showed you Facebook marketplace if you're looking you're going to find something that's the key you have to be out looking richard Kober says I live in Nebraska and most storage units have grandma's clothes thank you for letting us know Richard we'll be sure not to stop know your browser Emma's the grandma's hide the money and the clothing and the books and the pictures which I've yet just closed I've never found money behind a picture behind every poor gonna leave Nebraska is the last state you got another one there sweetie Oh Pamela limb says she loves my singing family there's a video coming out in two days it will be two days where Pamela Lynn gets a shout out in the video look well I'll give you a little bit have you ever seen those scenes on in a movie or in commercial when somebody's under the waterfall and they flip their hair back in the waterfall just for you hello hey Zeus is a PETA so's happy Sunday happy Sunday as well hey Zeus my question is what is the strangest thing you have found and do you have any pointers on someone that wants to buy units for the first time well let's go to the pointers on the unit's for the first time okay I have videos on here George is part of them as well training you how to actually how to do this so we go through step by step by step and those are in the actual the actual description of every single video so if you click down you're gonna see that those videos are there and it says videos to help you make money watch those yeah now I'm gonna get to a second part I see the super chat I will get into the second part so we said the weirdest thing you're gonna answer that okay for me so far the weirdest thing has been toenail clippings in one of those orange medicine bottles someone store them in an empty atom k atom k just sent a super chat thank you so much appreciate it and you appreciate that he buy storage units from Virginia to Pennsylvania to New York City so he must be like right there in the border and he said one day we're gonna be bidding against each other he says would be awesome to meet you guys in an auction one day Adam we agree yeah absolutely it would be awesome and to video that with you and to bid against each other and hopefully it's like when we bid against each other two Saturdays ago and we found the whole jewelry score hopefully we've been against Adam and we hit a huge jackpot that would be awesome that would be awesome and then for you the strangest thing hey Carlos Scott just said have you ever found anything you couldn't identify have you watched the video there are some things that were like what is this there's always things that we can't identify and one of the things we do is we ask you guys to help us mhm so we appreciate all the help that you give us when we when we need that help identify it now that's the fun part about buying units is that you don't specialize just in one item you you don't know to so many things that you don't know a lot about one thing yeah you know a lot about well you know a little about a lot of things yeah and the fun part of the treasure hunt is learning about the things that you find and then one of the things that we love is the feedback that we get from our viewers when we show something in our video and we have no idea what it is and they help us out we absolutely love that we love all of the comments that we guys that we get from you guys do you realize that some people actually say that that they think we know what those items are and we just complain all right the blue eyes just sent five dollars he said I tree she ate it my money and three hours on my first unit no thank you guys fist pump for that your inspiration and guidance great amazing that is amazing we love to hear success stories as well but one of the things that we often say is we're we're just completely and totally in awe anybody first of all watches it because it's an outlet for us to teach and to educate particularly me to teach and they educate because I love that and then to entertain in the creative aspect and so it's a creative outlet since I don't particularly get to do that anymore in the venue that I used to do that in and I just thrilled and confused that people invite us into their homes on a daily basis but what makes it worth while is when we can take individuals and help them and be financially solvent and and help them with their side hustle and help them truly grow because we don't know everybody's life circumstances you don't you don't know mine I don't know yours but what I do know is we can encourage one another which is the third II and why our purpose it's it's not to entertain us to encourage encourage you guys that you can do this because if and if if an idiot like me can do this then by all means you can do this this chat is flying it's hard to keep up well there's four hundred and thirty four people in here right now they are flying which again if you want to make sure that we see your question hit the super chat down below the dollar sign and your pop it'll pop up right in front of us because it gets a little bit difficult to actually keep up with yeah I apologize if I miss like we're near question Huzur just Richard Richard Richard just sent two dollars thank you so much you forgot to send the question but that's okay he didn't have to send a question but we thank you Richard that was a big blessing Rachel cases you all inspired me to sell all of my beanie babies on eBay apparently I have a few worth a lot of bucks hashtag thank you happy selling Rachel hopefully you sell those at the price that you want lazy walking P you're a very wise man well just say that thank you for the super chat I sure do appreciate it yeah I sure do appreciate it okay Cheri Murphy says George when are you guys getting married I hope soon when I'm ready I'm not ready yet we've only been dating since when you're ready who said I was ready we were both ready but I make the final call oh my goodness I'm just kidding we haven't even dating a year so we met in July yeah we got serious months after that and so so we had a good friendship in July we had serious months after seriously in the aspect that we wanted to have we want to pursue a romantic relationship yeah we started off as friends so friends and then we decided we didn't want to see anybody else we wanted to see if we wanted to see one another and then months later than we decided yep we want to be we want to be in the beginning stages of would you call it romantic I mean what else do you call it it was like a beginning the beginning still call it dating getting to know each other okay getting to know each other because I'm very picky you're very picky Cathy 1 2 1 1 2 3 cent a $2.00 super chat appreciated yeah she said congrats on hitting 75,000 subscriber nota so much we appreciate we're a fourth way from hitting a hundred thousand subscribers and then once we get to that point then YouTube will unlock a couple other perks for us eebee gestures just sent $5 each have you ever come across something you didn't know what it was which we do and did not know where to sell for example the unit we just bought have three large tradeshow booth pieces tradeshow booth pieces I would take pictures of it I would post it on Craigslist and media and Facebook marketplace both marketplace you're probably not gonna get the same the same traffic that you're gonna get first a big item like that on Craigslist but that's what I would do just because it's a large item so be easier for local pickup when we found the restaurant boots we posted them right away done online for a local pickup Northwest RC Club Jeremy I think that was a rhetorical question that Northwest RC oh wait the one I just read yeah now I'm sure those of you who watch us enough you understand that this is a family-friendly Channel and so we show you every aspect of the side hustle but we also do it in a friendly family friendly way yes and so that you votes humor and so children who are watching as part of the family time around YouTube yeah we use humor a lot someone asked what's the super chat for this any of the super chat money that we receive it's like a small donation just to support the channel so all of the super chats that we get help us out and we appreciate it greatly so what any point to does is that it it gives it into the channel Jorge takes care of all the Jordans Jorge manages the channel so and then Jorge can do different things with that in regards to if you saw the lighting equipment so George bought all the studio lighting so our lighting was better for the live chats even some of the equipment we have with us right now for example George has this microphone on this is your super chats have helped increase the quality of the five so George manages all of that and then she shall buy merchandise for the livestreams which will actually increase quality so sometimes you see the quality in the picture go up and the sound go up and we're still working on that months later trying to decide what do we need nests what do we need next what do we need next so YouTube funnels that to the channel which goes to George and then George takes that and and increases the quality of the programming I call it programming of spoofing around home kitchen apostle Dallas missing it he just sent one dollar that is one heels of malice Miller thank you so much thank you we did it oh my gosh I'm missing I'm the chats flying that I'm I can't go back to look at any of the questions that I just missed do you do you want me to hit some questions yes all right that's Jake he wants to know if we can super chat him a quarter-pounder from McDonald coming right your way Jake a quarter-pounder please one quarter pounder Jake I let's see Rachel K says I come to your channel daily I realized I wasn't subscribed and she just subscribed Thank You Rachel we appreciate that and lazy walking piece said with a super chat lazy walking P by the way full of real estate and I've always said real estates the best investment better than storage units make sure you're watching lazy walking P and subscribing he said George wish you the best and he said something about cancer but this is a family friendly can also appreciate it lazy luck thank you we do appreciate it all right Debbie Vaughn says we want three fish sandwiches please Sam it will take three fish for you yep tartar sauce real talk that wants to know if we ask the manager if we were able to livestream yes we did ask actually because we didn't want to get any dirty looks because we're sitting in the corner right now sitting in the corner I don't know if we asked I kind of went up and I said hey we do this YouTube thing and I know it's silly and we don't want you to think we're stupid but is it alright if we sit in the corner and you know we livestream she's like yeah but the Wi-Fi sucks yeah yeah they were she was really super cool about it right now we're the only ones in the restaurant so we don't look too weird sitting in the corner talking to our phone well there were we got here there was no one here and then all of a sudden there was everyone here yeah we're alone again yeah Deborah Mikkel said told my sister that when I died put the stuff they don't want in a storage unit and leave to someone define profit appreciate it thank you thank you for the super chat okay we got another super chat here Gail Daly said want to thank you for all the advice you offer he sent $2 preciate Israel hopefully it's good advice yeah the thing that we always share as well as don't take the advice from one person make sure that you're looking at others who have advice as well because what what I share with you works for me that may not necessarily work for everyone so take that advice filter it and get those gold nuggets from it and the stuff that doesn't work for you let it fall to the ground and pull the gold nuggets Erica Burnett says you need to write a song about your gray sweatshirt addiction Erica those who are not aware of the a a meeting that is auctions anonymous so we have a group it's tubers it's a robot and it rotates every Wednesday on a different channel people that are in the panel next Wednesday that will be on the lock or nuts channel and Alexander just lost this there we go Alexander Tate since two dollars shaded Alexander you Alexander we truly do appreciate that yeah Donna Honeycutt just sent ten dollar super chat and said love watching both you hope to see in the future married couple hugs and much appreciated Donna let's give her a virtual hug okay you ready yeah this one's for you Donna we're sending you first this is like the only in attempt ugh I've ever been a lot I appreciate that mm-hmm but maybe you're moving too fast I know you get final say but that's too fast okay all right let's see Robert Smith says just I'm sure already asked but the things you don't sell does dump fees eat a lot of your proposed profit well dump fees don't eat my profit in my area because I can put most of it out on the out on the road for the garbage man and so that works well for me and if you look at some of the videos I show that and I always tell you take care of the people that take care of you take care of your garbage man so I'll put I'll put drinks and food out there and I'll put it in little little lunchboxes and igloos that I get from storage units and I tell them hey keep it throw it away when you're done so for us it doesn't it doesn't really eat any profit up I've gotten a dumpster one time this year so far and that was three hundred and seventy-five dollars it was a 20 cubic foot dumpster appreciate it advice for small youtubers all right I'm gonna give you my top three yeah advice for small youtubers candy goods because cuz you were one small just like Andy's channel we still are small YouTube is I mean yeah we have millions and millions of subscribers we're nothing yeah we're a tiny tiny Channel we do it where two other channels that have millions of followers this is nothing our channel is nothing in the realm in the context of YouTube we are nothing and so my my tips for a small YouTube channel number one is always create a plan okay and what I mean by that is look at your favorite look at your favorite episodes on TV there's always a format there's always a plan they have they have cliches they have sticks they have they have characters they have figure out your plan and what works for you with your content which goes into number two make sure you have quality content there are some times when we upload a video I'll tell George I was like this video isn't gonna get any views she's like how do you know the content isn't there and there's other times I've said to her I think this video is going to get a ton of views and that's what happened so number two is make sure you're consistent with your content and number three yeah do something different that's gonna make your channel stay stick out and be different we have what do we do that's different there's a couple things I think we do that make our channel stick out so number three is make your channel stick out yeah which yeah we've we've had long long discussions about this and so one of the things that we want to do to help make the channel stick out is we want to go on the road because it's fun again the first half of my life I was working over a hundred hours a week and full-time ministry love to every bit of it but in all reality it destroyed my family and me and so what I really want to do now is focus on the actual making of memories and so be distinct and so that's why we want to go out with our subscribers and we want to we want to actually go to storage unit auctions with them which I'm doing anyway that's what I do i resell so real estate and resale is what I do Padres $0.72 $2 thank you so much poverty 72 so that dude Paddy's patent to use 72 speaking in Spanish today yeah whole taco he should go live with you nice guy thank you he's appreciate that yeah see I saw others come through - all right storage auction pirate sent a buck 99 happy Mother's Day to all the moms in the world thank you so much storage Mike all right but there was another one - I know it's here somewhere it is no we read that ok you got that one even this even the super chats are going fast get out Wayne just click right here ok all right all right Wayne oh great job guys love watching I pray for George to overcome camps appreciate it wait yeah thank you we really do we appreciate that Wayne thank you for all your support we've got looks like Wade miner to remember Wade md's sighs sighs Wade sighs Wade sighs those money matters large fries that was an extra large you guys this was an exercise mat but I didn't save any of the viewers any sorry guys we got 529 viewers watching right now you guys hit that that little button that looks just like this if I hate this do you think that way if you hit this one like four of you have already make sure you hit it twice all right we got another one baby Oh nany Hayes says hey again I'm new and I love your videos appreciate that nany thank you sending love right back to you there you go nany hopefully you guys can hear and see us I'm guessing they can be yeah nobody said they can't yes okay it's your treasure says we forgot another super chat it's your treasure which one did we forget please tell me I didn't forget it's flying so fast here I'll look through for the super chat you find the question because we don't want to forget one you see I'm scrolling up to see we got Wayne Sena Cole we got storage option pirate Oh Joel even our room here we go orange yep she sent $10 so sorry Julie Julie sorry that we missed it but we got it even more important right now George if I may ask what is your radiation for my 27 daughter was diagnosed with stage four medic eyes melanoma two years ago surgery alternative treatment and clear for two I know it's great bless you so Julie wants to know what your radiation is yeah radiation for me is we haven't really announced where my cancer is but I guess I could do it on today's live are you okay with that [Laughter] Jeremy just the ketchup at McDonald's there is a lot of ketchup here there it is there you go meerkat meerkat we won't say where but it's in the upper region in this region but yeah I feel that once I'm done with radiation that I'll be able to with the way technology is out now and my doctor is confident that I'll be able to be cancer free completely right after treatment as well so I'll have a success story to share John Saul just sent two dollars he said out of unit lol he does I tried to stop them and there's no stopping this wait until you see the cribs episode coming out tomorrow because you're gonna see my secret stash in the hamper so make sure you stay tuned for cribs tomorrow coming out Christine spent I lost one well get it well guess that's a $2.00 super chat Bell Johnson lots of prayers George much loves debuted oh thank you easy for you to do you guys are so sweet and then we got shirley Perot one of our favorites who was at our eBay yeah I mean seminar Shirley pearl happy birthday weekend George you Shirley it's been an amazing weekend Jeremy had an entire weekend planned out for me for my birthday and it's been a lot of fun just like when we did the eBay training yeah we had a lot of fun now when we did abate training we did that all at cost as a matter of fact as I shared with the participants I lost money on that for our first time so it cost me more than we actually charged but we will be announcing another training coming up and the goal this time is to not lose money on it so you can't function very long with moving like someone asked what editing program you use it's video shop and you can actually see that in the beginning of most videos it's up in the corner so it's a shadow that it shows there video shot and we got another super chat we got a super chat from more I just lost it I saw Morton and su dollar super chat Thank You Martin we appreciate it two dollars thank you so much wow you know YouTube subscribers have sent a hundred and three dollars already we should do this like a fundraiser we're not going off with alive until we hit 200 200 okay Martin thank you we really do and Susan Seaford said you all look and you sound great oh good and I smell me smell surprised so that's great you must you must have upgraded to smell all right JJ just sent a dollar 99 have you ever dated today to Arizona for a unit or just local never Arizona yet but yeah it is part of the bigger plan that's one of the things I want to do in the future for sure yeah it's in it's in the works of us traveling to every state to get a unit so what we do is we keep home base in Ohio and so I have multiple properties in Ohio I'm into real estate and so we keep a home base in Ohio and then travel to other states and then can always fly back to Ohio can always drive back to Ohio but home base is Ohio as you go out you hit a state come back go out hit a state come back go out hit estate along those lines and if need be can always just fly back home to Ohio as well deer up says extra tartar sauce Melissa says I want my mocha frappe frappe and Deborah Vaughn says yes charter sauce have you guys ever dipped the french fries in McDonald's tartar sauce it's so good ketchup is where it's at it's your treasure just sent two dollars super chat and I bet if your treasurer would agree with me it's all about the ketchup let us know in the chat if you guys ever had McDonald's french fries dipped in the McDonald's tartar sauce not just any tartar sauce but McDonald's tartar sauce call Rison just sent five dollars in European funds and said replicate it which they say mom over there mmm mom had cancer in the 70s now she's 87 this year Wow going strong love from the yeah that's great more love to you make sure you give your mom with fist bump absolutely but an appropriate fist pump make sure it's virtual knock her over seven be bad yeah that would be mad okay Sophia says George a very common name here in Greece i watch you every day come on George just say I do he adores he hasn't asked he has not asked he's waiting for me to ask Christine evil Bell Johnson said what the Hales are your daughter's loving all the crafts supplies Chelsea is actually going to send me pictures of all the things that she's making because she gets so much of it so she's gonna send me pictures I asked her to make me something specific so that would be really cool and that's just always been a passion of the girls my kids usually kids fall within two realms and I've done so much in regards to child development and training kids fall into two realms there either an artist or they're an athlete and my kids are not athletes they are pure artists so Chelsea has a beautiful voice she's my singer she's the artist Jason he's playing instruments and band and Alissa her goal in life was always to outdo someone else go back up okay someone asked when you're traveling how do you manage Adam K once know you guys are traveling how do you keep up with your eBay sales and shipping I always have to rush back to make sure I ship everything well the reality is depending on where you're at explain crop-dusting well I've been crop-dusting you know that wasn't that wasn't the tartar sauce you've been smelling the eBay sales depending on where you're at the easiest thing to do is to hire somebody and so you have the option of putting an away message so depending on how long you're gonna be gone for they may hurt yourselves but a lot of people are understanding so so if you're on vacation and you put the away message up people go home all right yeah that's not a bad thing but for me where I'm at I have help and so what I would do guys I don't even I don't touch a bay anymore so it's not I'm not in a position where I even have time to do a bay anymore because I've taken on the responsibility of sharing reselling with you guys and so that has put me in a position where I need help so for us that's just that's getting help in that way lewis micarta holy cow cent $39 little wheeze Louise Louise appreciated Louise Mercado George I know you're gonna be okay keep on fighting Thank You ppreciate it virtual fist thank you thank you so much Jeremy see cent $2 I Billy shaded Dexter Medical Center at OSU Wow Wow that's amazing thank you for sharing wow wow wow wow a couple of you asked about what you do with coins that you find what I did was I downloaded this app called coin o-scope know if you could see it it's called coin o-scope it what it does is his nap and then you can take a picture of the coin that you find and it identifies it for you so that can help you identify some of the coins that you find and then I don't think it tells you the value but then you could take the information that you found and go on to eBay sales are going to Google and that'll help you figure out what coins are going for yeah big blue eyes just sent another five dollars that I started with zero dollars I started watching treasure hunting with Jebus which I'm sure many of you have seen treasure hunting yeah we have a lot of mutual subscribers yes and you'll see more of them coming I hit some jackpots dumpster-diving I've turned that money into winning my first story any capital letters it works that's great that's so yes so in other words if that just proves to show you guys you don't need money to do this you can start off small start off with a small unit if you're not ready to buy a storage unit yet start off small with like drifting go to a thrift store buy something for 50 cents a dollar two dollars flip it make money and then save up that that the profits that you get in your flips and then you can use that money to buy a unit absolutely now remember anybody can buy a unit and I think storage auction pirate typically says this anybody can buy a unit but scared money don't make don't make money we love that saying you have to flip you have to resell the items and so you got to get in there you can buy it but you have to sell it too so there that's the key is getting rid of it selling it don't hold on to it that's how you make money and we shared earlier as well that it takes talent it takes even skill to make money it takes brains to keep money so don't just go out and start going man there's a unit with a ton of trash bags there's got to be a million dollars in there I'll give you all the money I have that's not that's not using your brains it takes brains to keep your money Jackie Marriott says hi guys my husband and I have just started to watch your videos our question is what is your biggest single find like size the biggest single find I don't even know how to answer that because the biggest is so different for because maybe the biggest surprise people ask us what's the best thing and the best thing is it's different for everybody if yeah I love McDonald's the best thing for you the McDonald's if you love Burger King the best thing for you the biggest thing is how about we do the biggest what we would consider the biggest find in the last week the biggest fine jewelry we think hands down the diamonds like gems the emeralds the gold and then we'll just say that's the last week and that's not uncommon that's not uncommon at all I've only been sharing storage units maybe for the past year I got serious about sharing with people in October and and I asked her she wanted to be a part of it and we came up with a plan of what wanted to do and and how those episodes were gonna work and and the key things in those episodes and so we really started to really work on that if anybody needs the definition of crop-dusting again I just crop-dusting that's not tartar sauce my mouth was open oh my god she made me lose my place someone asked what is the most common thing that you find I think it was Veronica that asked what's the most common thing that you find in storage units well I always tell you you go grows clothes like clothes that's just filled with mildew and you can smell it so bad yeah remember that one Bank was last week or two weeks ago we always find vintage rice rice rat poop yeah we always tell you you're always gonna find adult themed toys arrows gonna find porn you're always gonna find drugs and so to add to that list I'm sure I see weight is on here as well I see storage option pirate was on here there's probably others that I haven't seen yet but I bet they would add mattresses I bet they would add Christmas tree yeah Christmas decorations Halloween decorations kate says ever noticed Jebus doesn't film his auctions well that's because yeah I noticed that but I also know him very very closely where he's at they won't allow him to film yeah and he doesn't he doesn't push the actual he doesn't push the envelope maybe like I'm like well live live auctions isn't as common common yeah they're in his area so a lot of the units that he gets are all online that he gets online Paul Taylor said Jeremy your best find is sitting next to you I will say that I have never met anybody like George in my life and I've never had as much fun it's probably the healthiest relationship I've ever been in well I could say the same about you I've never met anyone like you keep going keep going out listening I guess she's done so next question a book bandits said he's late but he still made it so good to see you here book bandit he's been out to the warehouse look man it uh-huh yep no I think I think book bandits from Accra Ken he's been out to the warehouse over he's he lives in a different country you're thinking of someone else book bandit where do you live let us know in the chat well I'm gonna watch out for it okay we like to have friendly debates all the time sweetheart there's 547 people on this chat right now so a book man that said yep Australia see you were right your buddy oh I was I am so sorry she's always right by the way you have been right you are right you don't always be right we good yeah the pledge that the chat is flying yeah it is okay Stephen Jed I say I once bought a buck for 50p and sold it for L 400 because it was first edition inside so basically English translation he bought a book for 50 pence maybe and then he sold it for $400 first edition that's one that things you were offering submission books incredible that's an awesome flip that is sharp ik wants to know what's your take on safes the biggest I'm not sure well sharpener I'm not sure how to answer your question what's your take on safes the biggest biggest we've we've found so many face I think the largest that you found had the the John Wayne condom 1911 yeah the 1911 that was probably the biggest safe that you found which we sold that same week bang bang yeah yep Paul Malone said did you say the flatulence flatulence that's a big word do you know how to say that is flying we see what you did there yeah let me see what you did there Cathy Cathy a Sheila ash Seth can I get a shout out from what the Hales Cathy here's your shoutout G Bixler sent a $2.00 super chat appreciate it is this real money I'm spending yes as a matter of fact you're not the only one there's been a hundred and thirty-four dollars already sent in super chat you guys are apps it's real money edible you'll see the charges come out of whatever credit card you have which your buddy Dianne is to get a better microphone for the life yeah right yeah especially when we do our eighties issues we can't use this microphone she's been she's been pricing out these these nice microphones so that the the audio is much much clearer much that it makes a huge difference to have the right microphone wait ventures just blinked at us here's for you way way just had a yard sale two weekends ago a three-day yard sale and he made some Bank so happy yeah and I think he recorded it so make sure you guys check out his channel weeds venture Jeremy see said the AAA meetings are very entertained yeah we found we found something to include in our our next a meeting for when we host it on our channel which it ends up being like once a month storage option pirate is telling them right now there's a pretty good chance the next a a meeting remember we already told you it's gonna be unlock or nuts channel so you're gonna want to go to Locker nuts channel Wednesday night 9:00 p.m. that's Eastern Standard Time so make sure you translate it for your time and a special guest special presents day and there's probably gonna be a safe opening so you're gonna want to be there so make sure you guys go find Locker nuts his channel he'll be the one hosting the next auctions Anonymous meeting Adam case sent two dollars instead my profile picture is what I used it's a tractor right I want to do videos with disatrous I've everything over yeah yeah that's 400 or oh wait no 547 there's almost 550 on the rise make sure you hit that button that looks like this not only that let's see if we can get 550 we need three more no four more now to see if we know we need two more now to see if we should we do a giveaway you will give away a t-shirt if we can how do we determine who gets it how we are we figure once we get 500 thumbs up once that number we see that number turn to 500 whoever's on the chat will just give a free t-shirt alright so if you guys hit the thumbs up and we get 500 thumbs up before we go offline the first name we see in the chat when it hits 500 is gonna win a free t-shirt George which all the t-shirts are from yeah they're from my inventory so I'll be sending you a free t-shirt this is all George someone said someone suggested to dip earlier I mentioned dipping French fries in McDonald's tartar sauce someone mentioned dipping the French fries in a milkshake I've heard that before a chocolate milkshake or vanilla vanilla vanilla or chocolate in the vanilla it gives you that sweet and salty taste it is pretty good I've had it before we're at 5:45 watching we're at 380 likes all right where we are the likes are climbing guys we are working that we're working on that free t-shirt we got three minutes before we have to wrap it up so make sure we get to 500 thumbs up big blue I said I'm gonna wake the kids up and I'm gonna have them create YouTube profiles we're gonna make sure we genius that is super Brooke 66 said love love love you guys super Brooke 66 we love love love yes we love all of you guys Wow holy cow this is going fast all right dolly said I want to want the hills t-shirt dolly I'm surprised you don't have one yeah why don't you have one I have to work on that don't have to work on that dolly let us know email me dolly at what the hell's that Yahoo let me know what your t-shirt sizes I'll send you a t-shirt well just when you come to the warehouse again we'll just make sure out just text me dolly I'll make sure you get the t-shirt and Melissa W said smirched it comes up there at 114 listen to Melissa yeah we usually give out a blue we usually do a blue wrench giveaway but we couldn't today beer that meerkat I haven't even got nothing by one that's right we're cat should we take care of that yeah let me know what uh text me and let me know what size you want so everybody always ask does George have a sister the answer is yes yes meerkat meerkat your cat meerkat one of our Madhuri that's my sister they always want a dater so we might as well tell them all what size for t-shirt she wears a 4 X so that meerkat 4 XL coming to you okay we are at 4:29 and the likes nice the meerkats we had two minute sides okay we got two minutes ago yeah Larry randon wants to know do we have King Kong size t-shirts what size did you order up to I think we have small through five XL okay so the largest we have is five XL it's hard to find companies that carry anything larger than a five XL John salt sent to dollar said Jeremy do you want to try salt and cheese sandwiches I think that's what I said Oh probably try that I've never tried it he would try anything meat puppet double-oh-seven said how many knives have you found so far George appreciate the $2 super chat oh gosh I've lost count I start so the first time I ever done my first live auction was back in October so several months ago and I've been finding knives and swords like crazy it's hard to keep track of how many because I found so many actually they found me correction Joyce Peck wants to know when and how did you get the five dollar super chat toy storage options where did you two meet and one of your videos made it sound like you met Joyce I understand the actual sorry 95% of what we say in the videos is a joke okay and so you have to you have I you got to get to a point of understanding that there is a lot of joking between us too so this that being said we we met in Ohio we met online we started live we like an hour hour and 15 minutes away from each other depends on how fast you're driving so if you're driving in an hour if I'm driving an hour and 15 minutes so you got started in storage auctions how it was this guy I wanted nothing to do with storage auctions nothing I was like I don't want to that's not something I would be interested in I would never do that but I would support you with whatever you want to do and he took me to my first live auction back and the buctober and I've been hooked ever since I have a problem I now have a problem yes she does we're at 450 likes nice and then for you you started back when you are like in your teens 19 20 been involved in auctions yeah and he's been selling on eBay also from the beginning since you were 19 yeah from the beach well I well maybe when did he Bay come on I don't remember the year that eBay came out the way that I got involved in eBay is I was collecting Sega Genesis video games I didn't I'm not a gamer I've never happened but I loved Sega Genesis and my goal was to actually own every Sega Game appreciate it thank you very giving tonight and generous appreciate it you're so sweet he's he spreads it out it spreads it out I was like yeah here you go here's a $2.00 here that - that was perfect so I got involved in even buying video games and then at that point it became flipping and I was working a swinging 12 and in a factory which means you work like 12 hour shifts three days in a row and the day and then for four 12-hour shifts at night and then you get time your whole body gets out of whack but I was hitting the thrift stores and just I was making more money reselling on eBay than I was going into my job and it was a good job and I went this is crazy I stopped I quit my job and then I picked up and I went to college and I the rest is history Marvin Harrison it's late he's gonna watch the replay though watching the replays just as fun Brian Thomas says try the sweet and sour sauce so I actually have some I like tipping my nuggets and someone asked if you put ketchup in the milkshakes but you never know FX's just sent two dollars thank you so much she ate it at Beck's di Z they've sent a hundred and fifty one dollars so far tonight someone said I wish I could eat at McDonald's and get a hundred and fifty some dollars Jeremy C says he says I see a few people forgot to hit that smash thumbs down place like Li Bai Bob we got four hundred and sixty one are we gonna keep going till we get five hundred and give away the t-shirt yeah I want to I want to hit five hundred and give away a t-shirt tonight Oh David Portnoy said sorry you know so you didn't answer my question what's the meaning of life first of all David you didn't send a super chat we can't see it but now we yeah the meaning of life if you want the real true answer which I'm going to give you is to glorify God the creation is always the meaning of the creation is always to glorify the creator so that's the meaning of life the sweet and sour sauce is the best Dave and Thomas says yeah it's all good Timothy Hefner says I want a t-shirt please Timothy if we see your name as soon as we get 500 likes backyard fam says we don't sell anything but we teach our B 67 Mustang said are you man brother Austin 216 Ron's asking where is Jebus you probably in Virginia where are they they should be on the live they usually are well he could it be doing he could do you never know what he could be yeah he could be dumpster diving John salt just sent two more dollars shaded John make sure you try them sardines and let me know when sardine you guys are worried about me eating storage unit food did you find something recently no when I was in Japan though I had fry found some in the criminal unit didn't yeah I think so with the beef hash with the chef showdown yeah now I remember yeah I remember that Melissa w included the link for the next a mean appreciate it Melissa yep there it is it's it's a fun panel there's gonna be it's gonna be ourselves it's gonna be locker nuts his name is Jack store junction pirate Mike there's gonna be thrift trader Jason and then Wade's venture Wade Jebus probably took his mom's Mother's Day and then there will be I think they changed their name to treasure something Vegas bargain bargain hunters of Vegas life and now it's storage storage storage hunters of Vegas they'll be like can you say can you say if you're still there Mike who it is yeah so close okay storage hunters Vegas my storage hunters Vegas yes you Mike it's Brandon and Lori there are a lot of fun it so it's a really fun panel so if you guys haven't attended one of the the auction anonymous panel make sure you guys hop on Walker nuts locker nuts is actually on the chat so mocker nuts make sure you include the link to your channel so that there's that people can subscribe to your channel and hop on Pamela Lynch says make sure you put Melissa W as moderator as soon as possible you have to open up another window okay Pamela we've been talking I'm gonna make you a moderator as well so you hit the questions bye okay and make them both moderators he said sorry sarnies not sardines John salt what our sarnies I don't know it's our new John salt let us know what's our Nizar I've never heard of sarnies okay so I go in to go into creator okay so we're working on making Melissa W and Pamela land moderators in said sweet Owen Miller says you guys are great together Thank You Owen now would I go into storage stocker will be with us as well for Wednesday unity donor yeah okay Northwest RC Club scented $2 super chat since Arnie's English for sandwich which we would say yeah man we'd say sammich okay so community settings we're going to get Pamela Lin Jeremy what's your favorite food to find Oliver asked favorite food to find gummy bears that are missed so Pamela wait no you have to go back to a chat and then I'll have to copy and paste yes can I just give it to you you're better at this sure okay you're better at that I'm gonna give her the laptop so that she can get Pamela and Melissa as moderators Ben says hi hi back to you baby are we at oh man we're so good so close so close we're at 483 likes when we hit 500 that's what we're given that T sure to win Donna Donna Honeycutt says we all need to support storage stocker he's funny and great he really he is we think he's hilarious yeah we just met him recently and he has he's such a nice guy we love his sarcasm yeah and so because it matches our sense of humor so we understand we're not for everybody our sense of humor isn't for anybody but Man Alive that guy is hilarious yes he really is okay all right T art art says guys love the videos we love them as well and five hundo did we hit 500 it's um Chris Lawrence says we're at 504 yes we are okay when you see yes yes yes Danny Honeycutt Donna honey Donna you just want a t-shirt whoa you won you need to admit email us your eyes on a honey cut your size and your address you're sipping it shipping address yes we're at Jorge make sure you email me at what the Hales at yahoo.com make sure you let us know that you were the winner of the t-shirt for tonight's live I need your t-shirt size and then I need your mailing address and then also your your full name as well oh you guys are awesome thank you so much but we hit the 500 Wow when it's 563 watching right looks so great thank you guys so much for hanging out with us at McDonald's all right so you're still working on Melissa I'm Pamela Wright I added mom Pam okay so W yeah I'm gonna add Melissa but then it's 9:00 after so we gotta wrap it up I'm gonna wrap it up while you add Melissa as a moderate okay so just a couple things to remember number one all right just a few things number one tomorrow will be a cribs style video with humor okay we're gonna show you some of the things that happen during the camping trip and you're gonna get to see the camper remember there is humor with it so there's a pretty big focus there number 2a a meeting which is auctions anonymous if you love auctions like we love auctions next Wednesday 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time you convert it to whatever area you're in we will have an a a meeting on locker nuts channel Locker nuts is in the chat again melissa WS shared his actual channel multiple times yeah Locker nuts make sure you include the URL for your chance it just did it again yeah you got a blue wrench so you don't want to miss that some of your favorite storage unit buyers and resellers are gonna be there and again it's a rotating panel and it's a ton of fun when you get all these personalities together which I have a feeling if they got together in a live venue yes and if you guys if you guys watched last week's live he found a safe that he has yet to crack open and I think it's going down during that live character hopes but that could you imagine George if and a very special guest we don't even know who this special guest is gonna be maybe you but I'm on there everyone imagine if all of these people got together and and actually like a East Coast versus West Coast challenge happened wouldn't this Coast meets West Coast hole Jebus what else could that be like I'm actually surprised that we lasted an hour on the Wi-Fi here at McDonald that's pretty good yeah this is better than when we're at home you should do this more often we're gonna do what we can try and get a sponsorship for McDonald's before we go all right any last words there George thank you guys so much for spending the time to hang out with us live at McDonald's we'll see you guys Wednesday if you guys show up to the a a meeting on locker nuts channel and then we'll see you next Sunday for our usual live Q&A every Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time super this pump everyone love you guys I'm glad you got kisses I don't ever get you got okay do you remember how to stop it on the phone I'm gonna stop it like this I'm gonna press the X that should do it my god
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 15,490
Rating: 4.9272237 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 25sec (4345 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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