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i agree with u fam

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/isi_rider 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

How does this reddit thing work

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jackclarke4 📅︎︎ May 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
guys it is out now the song that I've been working on for the whole of isolation isolate all right that's the babe of it it is out everywhere so if you want to check it out the link is in the description but for now let's crack on actually one quick play of the drop art listen it's nori Bay like Bozo you download it or stream it whatever but yes let's crack on for real now we have it we haven't spoken since the fight I'm gonna make sure I in it and I Lee I'm not gonna let you say that to me and use that against me when you I raised your hand oh sweet just I just saw redmayne's load but [ __ ] load of bollocks mate I'm taking this 110% seriously it's all conversation has been long overdue this is a big moment alright you like so before we get into this one make sure that you you are listening on Spotify Apple podcasts and following us on Instagram what is it at waffling podcast alright let's get into it so today on this show we have que si mate how you doin home good well good this is a this is a big moment he's obviously saw what you said on the what's good podcast yeah it resonated with me a lot actually you know what you boys were saying I was like they've nailed it mmm you know you were you were really like what you were saying yeah it was true and yeah I just want to know like why office Lee you said that you you know you were up for coming on waffling why do you reckon that like now is a good time to do this um well III feel like the beef between me and years you know it's kind of somewhat done you know a few years of compost you know it was his it was a very interesting time but you know I felt like now I felt like I just felt like a good time to I guess you know talk I mean it's been a while since we talked I properly I mean we've talked we haven't we haven't spoken since all right kind of between interviews but it's like you either been working with Skye or BT or etc so yeah it's uh yeah just for it made sense yeah like yeah cuz I was thinking that obviously the only time that we've really spoke is when I'm interviewing you in like a like a more formal way yeah like we've never actually truly gone you know what let's sit down man to man just have a chat you know I mean I think both of us have we've grown a lot yes ya know the fight and stuff we've we've learned a lot and we are probably different people now and I think yeah there's gonna be uh you know from this conversation I think we're gonna learn and probably a lot about each other and yeah click clear the air in some ways because yeah there was a lot of stuff that happened back then yeah I think yeah both of us probably took wrongly had sort of wrong views about each other and everything so yeah be good to sort of chat about those things hmm sick so yeah like the first thing I wanted to ask you about like the first obviously thing that started this all off was on Instagram when you commented let me fight the winner yeah I'm a bellboy bellboy so ya know what's going through your head so I saw an are just like you know I every choice you know those trolling comments you put on on anything really like I were through Twitter or Instagram you just thought okay I just have a bit of fun with this I didn't actually think you take it seriously hey I saw that and I was like [ __ ] it was just like me and faeo did you know what we did I thought at first we were just going to do that so we were going to do just do a YouTube video a little collab and yeah just just film it but obviously you know speaking with different people I was like you know what we could actually make a you know an actual event out of this and do something mad like youtubers doing an actual boxing fight you know that was that would be huge it was like giant gloves in the middle of a football pitch and we end up getting like the gym before it opened wait what would you what would you have done if I had one like it was a joke anyway so I didn't want to fight in the first place so if you'd won and you just left there that then that would that be it then nothing with a comma over like I never fought oh yeah I want to get in the ring fight this is footage of me like back in the day of me boxing and you could tell I'm just I'm trashing it I don't know why I'm doing it I think I was fine Adam Smith and he just slapped me about like it was just easy for his Calum Smith Callum so I can tell ya store and yeah yeah I just oh yeah I never thought you would actually be like come up here be like yo let's go let's do this for real I like I think especially after you started making videos and you're like eyes a [ __ ] that's what funny this is not that's when all sigh oh man she's long and now so I cool [ __ ] it Yolo you know I mean like I might as well take the risk yeah you know we had the first component yeah like where I was at is there obviously before the whole boxing stuff I was at a point where I was like me I'm I'm not enjoying the videos I'm making yeah remember I did that video where I cried in my car yeah exactly that but I was at a point where I was like mate every time I'm trying to do it it's not working and I saw the idea of doing a boxing match as like a new opportunity of like oh yeah this is something new that I could do that you know I love fitness I love being an athlete and all that stuff so yeah let's do that it wasn't necessarily the fact that I wanted to fight or hurt anyone mmm you know it was more of just like yeah this is a cool new thing I could be and I think at first like looking at at upload mmm that press conference at first we were both like joking a little bit yeah it was and I think the point at which the switch turned sour was when it went mental health based well that's so I mean you know obviously you were coming at me and you know I I go admit you were winning the crowd and it kind of rats as mean as I are okay fine if we're going back and forth like this what can I use to I guess I guess harmony like not physically but mentally as well okay like essentially we're having a boxing fight when I need to find out how I can come at you in a way to just I guess mess with you and that's why I guess I went with the whole mental health stuff and then yeah obviously it was you know it was our taste I was you know looking back now I I wish I never did it but yeah at the time you know I was just like it was in the moment you know everyone's chanting you know everyone's watching everyone's filming it's like a massive massive event outside I'm not gonna let this guy just try and you know she'll be try and try and say anything to get you out of that corner like reclaim the audience yes is a thing like a great regret it now then or not what what me saying why I said yeah yeah yeah of course man of course like especially looking how you are now is wise yeah I know I feel bad man like and I judge I'm generally serious like I wish I never said anything you know like I did to like fall could you man you know yeah at the time I was just like you know [ __ ] this guy you know I'm not gonna let him beat me I'm not gonna let beat me at this press conference ya know 100% and that is the thing like it is you know in all boxing like fight in press conferences line I mean it's fight inmate like it gets out of hand like that yeah I think whether it be a new tube as well obviously it got blown up massively and and all and obviously the way in that moment it flared me up and I got you know capitalized I you know I did I was like I'm not gonna let you say that yeah to me and use that against me because you know there's a lot of our viewers that may be suffering as well yeah and I think that's how I saw it but at no point did I want to sort of like try and tarnish you an angel career sort of thing yeah in a moment that's what maybe it felt like that you thought that I was just totally trying to twist your words yeah and make you make make it seem like you've done something that you hadn't yeah and I guess I kinda use that you know especially like when you like raised your hand and pushed me it just I just saw red and obviously we had a little scuffle but that was what just that was the energy that pushed me to go okay I'm taking this 110% seriously I'm gonna make sure I in it and I let you that was that was my that was my my a that was my goal that was my vision and yeah the ice did your training step up a level for after that press conference yeah yeah yeah man yeah yeah like I I did extra I did more than I was meant to do I was meant to just do what I normally do with the without Dida and then maybe a pair of withou but uh I did more than that how come runs late night runs I would you know constantly just a shadowbox I look at videos and everything I I studied the sport I just I became obsessed and I was like I'm not gonna let this guy beat me I'm not gonna let me yeah yeah do you think having that what if you didn't have that sort of like almost hatred like I know here I don't think I would have been able to I don't know I don't think I would have been as I guess self motivated self motivation yeah that's something that I always look back at and I was like mate I should have just been really nice to him I should have just been really nice to him so that he was like eyes not as serious I don't really care I like if I did that boom nowhere but yeah yeah yeah I think the way in which I like obviously [ __ ] made you so angry that actually made you yeah go go a lot harder like like I'm saying tomorrow yeah yeah I don't think I would have yeah I don't think you might have been been able to beat me like I wouldn't have gone in like I wanted to go and I would have just been a lot more chill than a light spot because I had this pent-up anger and I was like he's trying to read my legacy my career I was like yeah I just went for it yeah and that's fair enough and it's funny you say like you know maybe I would have won otherwise but obviously the biggest thing that the biggest thing that has always got to me about our fight isn't the fact that you beat me fair and square like I would I wouldn't mind if I lost and got like not the [ __ ] out but if I turned up and performed what what is eating away at me so much is the fact that I went there and my like my mind and my anxiousness or whatever just overtook me and I just didn't do what I was capable of it's that that that did me but yeah like when we were were you nervous like before the before the fight like me I didn't I didn't sleep the night before I didn't know I didn't eat yeah I didn't eat the whole day and I threw up just before just before I went out oh yeah that it was proper bad but how do you cope I know obviously you said that you're used to doing stuff in front of crowds but on that first fight like yeah how did you cope well yeah numb me performing beforehand helped a lot man like it helped a lot it helped calm my nerves and you know like I you know big shout-out to Vidal man like he he put me in the mindset where I just was a lot more relaxed you know he was just like it's okay you know don't be too worked up like best believe before before the fight the day when I woke up on the fight on fight day I was just like holy crap this is it I didn't even talk to my mates I didn't talk to anyone I was just quiet because I was like this is it you know when you've worked all this time for this one moment in your life crap it's here now so I was your house [ __ ] bricks man I was I was [ __ ] myself but like you know what gassed me up and what gave me I guess I don't know make hope or just make gave me the drive was when I watched the livestream and I've seen the other fights I let's downside oh snap this is what we've done we've done this like holy and it gasps me up in a sigh Oh Shi I'm going to perform I'm out here this is my time this is it's like the music but performing my fist yo this is it this is my time it's my moment I've worked for this let's go let's go and then you know the music uncontrollable you know in the background when I'm coming out yeah man I just put me in the zone and I was ready at that moment but yeah before that I was out shim Brooks as well man yeah this this one for both for you like did you ever prepare yourself like mentally like what if I lose they do you ever have any doubt in the morning like [ __ ] there is obviously a possibility I might lose or were you just going in there like this I'm going to win no matter what what I mean this yeah like this is a thing I all the way along like from not making sure that we do a weight class you know not making sure that I know that I'm getting paid properly hmm you know there were so many things I did I care lit well naively didn't make sure of because losing was not an option hmm I didn't care what JJ weighed because I was gonna beat him I didn't care what money I was gonna win because I was gonna beat him and that was gonna build up you know that's how I saw it what was the plan like after you won like if you had won in this scenario what then that's and that that's almost like what I realized afterwards I was like I've lost but even if I would one right now like it's all over all the hype is it's not is over though that what next you know if anything there's gonna be pressure for me to do another boxing match and I didn't I didn't really want to do another one so like evil way I probably wasn't gonna walk a walk away all that happy you know in the long run you know I mean mmm yeah hey buddy did you prepare to lose it or not yeah no no I I mean I I think as a fighter you you never prepare to lose if you prepare to lose and you lose that's just really like my person my head I was like I I'm winning this I'm winning this and I'm calling out the poor mothers that was it I said I said it to Jordie I said to all my friends I was like I'm going to use this to propel myself into the American audience I'm gonna let you know because especially Logan I was like he needs this you know the whole suicide forest thing you know he he has to say yes to this like and I he was huge you know and I knew like we created this event that was huge in the UK but America was still like what's going on what's this what's this so yeah I was just like that was that was the motive that was the goal but ya know I did I I knew I knew I felt like I wasn't going to lose I was just said I have to win have to win and even if like if Joe just you know had [ __ ] me up I still would have found something you know like that's it that's we both fight slogan like you saw like with the first time I was there like confused with Lowen cuz I was like damn this guy's [ __ ] big he's a big guy you know he punches hard and you know his technique he's it's just sublime like I just didn't expect it but you know I always find something in me that just drives me to go nah [ __ ] that I ain't gonna let you beat me no way Sam with the second fight I got knocked down outside now no chance [ __ ] that I ain't gonna let you beat me and I kept going I kept going and I don't know it's just I just have this dog in me that just pushes me further than I ever thought I could have a go so do you think that is something that you've just been born with or that you over the whether it be at school bullied I don't know something that they installed that into you um okay I guess I don't know I I guess I I don't know if it's you know the certain circumstances that I lived in or if it was just if I was just born with I don't know I did it's one of those things where you don't know until it happens you don't know what type of person you're gonna be like when I go run up on you know I didn't know if I was gonna be a person that fights or runs and there I found out I'm a fighter you know I'm not back down that's just how I am so it's just in me like to always fight like I don't know it's yeah it's just always in me it's one of the things you just don't know aunty until you go through something that lets you know about it and a hundred percent because oh and that's what confused me so much because like I I see myself as that as well yeah like no matter what not i but you know I could be in a room of a thousand people I'm working the hardest yeah you know I'm the one that's gonna last the longest and I don't know whether like part of it was my knee part of it was whatever but I remember feeling that sense of like doubt like that you know like the foot the the press conference just before the fight yeah and I knew that you could tell that you were in the right place and yeah I was in the wrong place I knew I walked away like [ __ ] why he could feel my energy then and I could feel yours brother I could feel that that you you were just in this whole new level and I had been told by like my trainers look brother don't do any of this immature like pushing around getting rowdy just be calm composed and just just look him in the eye and be focused but all that did is just allow you to see that I was just quiet and not not up for it you know and and yeah like at that moment like describe how you felt on that stage um I fell over the moon man I was I was ready found yeah I hey you know I got my notes ready I had everything I knew I was just saying you read it jokes I had everyone I was ready for it I would I was like boy I'm gonna I'm gonna show him like yeah I have been working I've been training hard and like I'm ready for this and I you know I for you were gonna come with you know they just mean you know privado or anything but when you were just quiet and just you know kept to yourself not even your trainers didn't look they didn't like top for anything they look a week as well so I was like John well that's like yo this is yeah I I'm going in man me now yeah we will just like let's go let's go let's go Hammond yeah we did that was such a hard watch that's press conference Isidro Baywatch you're not getting he's getting destroyed yeah weights similar to the JJ Logan one remember when Logan came to the US doesn't absolutely destroyed any walk-off you to connect it yeah yeah when it came to the UK yeah yeah yeah yeah because both like the UK crowd man they're vicious man like that dangerous right I just like they they could smell blood and you know I was I was there ready and I can see that you went and I just took advantage booked it that's the finger obviously I remember like when Logan walked off yeah I was at you sitting there like watching our home thinking I know exactly what he's thinking right now because awesome what our crowd our crowd wasn't as big as that and may you heard when they booed me ah fear broth it was like but it's crazy like as a youtuber I hear you never ever experienced something like that you see hey you know like futex blah blah blah that's this that not when you see people physically they're booing you and saying [ __ ] to your face it's mad it's mad and you're just there like but you just have to have the mental game to just look past that but it's tough man yeah it's tough it is tough yeah and I 100% as well like the fact that obviously the past you know seven months I've been locked away in some dark gym on my own I won't be put in front of that I was like five dates for it threw me off you know I didn't understand you and you would said but you just listen to white noise is the biggest side of Pollock's basically like one of my coaches said yeah like we want to condition you to be able to you know in any circumstance just focus and I'm like Rhett now I see that he'd been watching SAS who dares wins that's what they do in it I think he was trying to like train me like that whereas it mate I wasn't it's a boxing match you need to make me like at least try and [ __ ] enjoy the process if you get told every single training session you're gonna have to listen to white noise you hated you despise it that's the thing no light and that's how light I mean I hadn't I couldn't not trust him well I had no experience to not believe that this was gonna help me you know I was willing to do that [ __ ] I was willing to do whatever they told me even with a knee that was [ __ ] where I could only swim and cycle [ __ ] it I'll get fit enough doing that stuff because I'm gonna put a work in and I did it all and it was almost like all those things that I had that gut instinct of like this ain't right but I went with it it's like worked against me and all probably the little things that that you learn are actually what what helped you that's why I like true Geordie said to me once he was like I'd like to see how it would have gone if we Dow and that team trained Joe and JJ had my team I'd know if it was switched I think we've been in terment what do you think your trainers were one of the reasons why you went up to the standard that you wanted to be at obviously like no disrespect yeah but I just don't think they had the experience mate like obviously you had Vidal you know heading your team who but actual boxer that's you know gonna make it big mayweather you know he's with them now yeah but I had local boys you know I'm not gonna lie like one of them was my mum's personal trainer what Julie broke me and then and then yeah and then the other guy like obviously had a good name around town for being a boxing coach and you know I believed in him but yeah it was an improv wasn't it and I don't think yeah I see it now it's so clear now mm-hmm sort of like the route that you need to take in order to to do a camp since obviously now you know we've learnt loads we've seen what you've done we've seen but you know all of us have learnt so much more about boxing yeah and by the way the thing is I'm such a huge fan of boxing I'm so into it since I'm now no longer doing it which is weird because if I was like this but at the beginning fire who knows what could happen but yeah [ __ ] it's how it goes in it now few other things that we can speak about well what did you think I was going to beat Logan Paul did I think night oh yes I for you have flattened I know you know Loki you you thought that I sort of wanted that to happen yeah yeah true right and how I sort of looked is not that I want this guy to experience any sort of life the mental health issues that I'd had as a result of the of the boxing but I just wanted him to experience the feeling so he could maybe have a bit of light understanding because yeah obviously obviously after my fight you continued with the trying to just end me you just wait firstly what do I do you reckon you did that why do you reckon beat in me wasn't enough I think it was kind of like I mean it's similar to what I do were loading it's kind of just like I as a person maybe I know it's [ __ ] but I like rubbing it in you know I like soul-winner like I don't know I'm just yeah no it's true like that's what I mean like I did all this work and I got my victory and I'm just there like yeah [ __ ] you I don't care man I did it I'm walk it's one of the things where it's kind of like I just have to let everyone know and I'm just like yeah that's just I don't know how I am I know it's a it's a bad tray of mine it's a bad trait of mine and that's that's why I felt like it's important for us to talk and I'm sure yeah I'm sure when the time we saw talk to Logan but right now I'm knowing I don't feel like I'm not in that mode to want to talk to Logan what makes sense what you're comparing the two what fight or what win well felt better ah beaten Joel being Logan Paulie Logan Logan really yeah because I was the underdog bro no one thought I was gonna win like yeah obviously my friends family or that but like besides that you know majority were like Lowe was gonna win this like look at him look at his technique mastered jg doesn't have technique Jesse [ __ ] fights like this I really like I had it I had it all again and to just prove everyone wrong go [ __ ] you that's about man there's no better feeling man that's and that's what that's just what drives you man the self belief and just proving people wrong it's just yeah but what what fight do you think had more animosity like you or Joe or you and Logan what do you mean I don't know either my sister hey so like yeah hatred I'm dog trust I'd say I'd say Joe yeah I'd say Joe yeah more personal wasn't yeah man yeah enough but now on the on the topic of like you know how you have [ __ ] come against well all the odds hmm all the odds both liar on paper you were a computer game playing nervous as well people put you down as on he can't do it boxing what the [ __ ] but to see how far you took that and [ __ ] what you did took it to LA yeah did what you did there like it is so like just respectable and that's what I do I have to say mate like full-on respect do you think what is in like if I had one if you were yeah yeah so in the place I was in like mentally after that fight I don't I don't think so I think it would have been a bit overwhelming this is why I think however the world works I think that's why you were meant to win that fight as well as in my I'll fight like it's the right thing that you won because look how far you've taken it yeah like I what I wasn't gonna do another fight after mine so it would have just you know if I had won I probably would have left it there whereas obviously you've taken the YouTube game to a whole new level yeah through you know doing what you've done so yeah that's why I'd say but obviously the big question is is it gonna continue anymore I want to fight Jake like you love my friends don't want me to fight Jake a lot of people don't want me to fight Jake they're like you don't need to buy it I think it's one of those things where I need to finish this finish this you know I mean like I don't know when it's gonna happen because obviously this Korona thing and I would say you know I've got the music thing as well but I feel like I need to finish him off like you know he beat my bro you beat one of my friends like it's it's long my I just don't like the guy and I feel like I need to finish him off but after that I don't really know like he's one of the things it's like I thought I don't know I don't know you didn't you I never looked that far into the future because especially in this industry that we're in it just moves so fast that yeah it's hard to plan that far ahead but you can you went well he put on his story didn't either Madison Square Garden yeah it's gonna happen yeah nice is there anybody I know both lives me this nothing nothing has happened when I come to fight like if anything to zone or well them law just focus on that um what's the good the whole guy or 400 Eddie unless it's the big men the two big guys yeah so I think they're fine so their focus on that right now so yeah fair enough I mean like yet I think as a yeah like YouTube boxing fan hard I [ __ ] want that fight so bad yes you guys have both demonstrate that you are the top guys when it comes to boxing on YouTube mmm and I think just seeing who is the best you know obviously the way he dealt with Gib my question that I sort of had his obviously you you you've sparred give a lot he was sort of like who when you first started boxing he would you know you said that he would do you in London right and to see him get dispatched like fairly easily by Jake did that have any sort of like psychological effects or no no no no no no no no no no no no like Jake I see as easier than Logan that I see Logan as a as the better boxer maybe Jake has more of a killer instinct but besides that I don't I see that I feel like if I hit Jake he'll be like [ __ ] it's one of the things where he'll realize like oh [ __ ] that's why my bro didn't want to [ __ ] come at him like that yeah like it's one of things like I know I'll [ __ ] up Jake but mine I just gotta wait for the right time or for when all this [ __ ] all this shit's done but ya know I definitely think people want to see Jake loose yeah yeah I want to see him loose as well that was gonna be my next question obviously Joe like you said that you want JJ to sort of feel that feeling that you had yeah but you have this sort you have quite a like a dodgy history with Jake as well yeah what you say anything like it's not even even that's the thing I don't necessarily have that oh yeah really want JJ to lose like now it was more the Logan thing I think that was sort of the time when I was still feeling a bit like you know yeah let's see if JJ can handle it but now we've those two both going at it like I'd prefer the UK guy I prefer JJ to probably win against Jake but if Jake one then I if you deserve to win then that like so be it I think at this point we're just appreciate the fact that both guys are going like you know gonna go at it put it all on the line I just want whoever deserves it to win I don't want there to be any sort of like you know obviously in the first Logan fight when it was a draw and the controversial win - no the next one I don't want any of that bollocks I just want whoever deserves to win - yet to win and whoever does it's like yeah like fair plate at him but yeah like the way Jake's obviously conducted himself with me has been like [ __ ] pathetic I obviously off off off camera bruv when whenever I see him he's calm you know I talked to him and he's like what up G and I'm like yeah how you doing like how you feeling you know leading up to the get fight but it seems when the camera starts rolling he feels that the world's against him and I are I must be planning some sort of like secret attack to embarrass him or something and it's just all made like I don't know I don't really understand that and I think yeah it'll be cool to see that sort of ego get get hit and dealt with saying yeah go on JJ soon comes yeah I mean to be fair like and I'm a little feeling when to talk Chinese you know when you saw me sparring spar him in a ice house yeah Jake I thought I was such a bad bad move how are you gonna go to his backyard to fight him like that's first of all dodgy in itself and then yeah I know I know and obviously lost and then you ended up in this district or it was thought I was just terrible at this point it's just sad like I think I did bro I felt sorry for you because no because it was like why have you done this year so what was going through my head like I imagine this right I was seeing everyone jumping on the YouTube boxing bandwagon taking you know the idea that we started and you know trying to make money get clout and I was like [ __ ] that [ __ ] I'm gonna go to his house I don't give a [ __ ] right we're gonna do this and I'm gonna beat him in his back garden and show that I literally I'm not doing this for Claire I'm nothing for nothing but just that I can do it so you know if it went that way then okay it would have been blessed I would have it would have [ __ ] up obviously the way in which it happened he beat me and then he started filming that this track that I fought oh yeah let me just you know showed it I don't give a [ __ ] you know I could have got angry sniping are you doing stop it yeah all right what's that gonna do I I decided to just take the piss with it but that obviously especially with how he edited is well just just look like I was a man for Jay yeah you'll get what's coming to for sure that's believed yeah yeah that's and as well like the other thing I remember you said on the M the what's good podcast is about how me and Gabe didn't upload yeah straight after yeah losing now like yeah yeah what are your thoughts about that well I just so obviously you know when you uploaded your video saying congrats to me and all all of that both actually I banged that video got millions of hits but you should just continued man you should just continue doing your thing kind of like what Logan's doing right now like Logan lost and obviously bro he had everyone clowning him listen that he was a meme this and that or the sneezing [ __ ] blah and then now he's just gone [ __ ] I'm just gonna go back to doing what you know I was good at and I was just doing YouTube videos and he's found his I guess fun way he makes video similar to like david dobrik and now he just he just does that now and he's doing well with it so it's like you could have just you know gone back to doing your you Haunted videos or just see how a few you know songs or this and that and you should just continued rather than just stop gay arm sleeve and you know just go off the rails yeah so this was obviously my thinking about about that and why I didn't upload was obviously so the Haunted videos you know what happened with Elliott I wasn't friends of him anymore and I felt those videos were best with him right so that that [ __ ] that and then in terms of you know before the whole boxing thing the reason why I did the whole boxing thing was because I wasn't really wanting to do YouTube videos anymore so it's like so saying like oh yeah just go back and do your thing it was like mate like I did this to get away from those okay do not do not I mean like it wasn't like I could I could jump back into it and then obviously I went away took time off came back and then when I started doing videos [ __ ] me with a cringy that music video graph I mean like I tried to like get back into the swing of it but it was like everything I tried to do was just well cringy a desire it's because it feel a bit it's because she's matured wow you were yeah you know like that was the old whether I think about what you need to try and figure out you know what the new world is like what you enjoy next so you know like what do you enjoy now well it's the thing like the thing I enjoy most is doing like [ __ ] with the boys or doing stuff where I'm you know interacting with other people I'd say the the most difficult stuff is when it's say just like I'm at home and it's me and a camera you know and I'm trying to think of something to talk about you know that's but we might elation that's kind of all we've got which is why obviously in that video I made when I was our ending this now and I said you know how jj-just effort lee does videos like you you know when you do these reacting or this these reddit videos or like genuinely do you find that stuff funny or do you do you have to do have to like sort of go along with it for the video for the persona of being ksi find that funny like I don't look at my reddit I never look at my read time I look at my read it is when I record because I know if I you know it's long having to try and fake the reaction and all of this yeah so I just go and look and like every it's funny then I love if it's not then I don't and that's just it like I like when my second job I'm just I like to just be real if that makes sense yes uh I don't have to try so hard I just get to just be me and it's just I think it's just easier that way and you know people don't like it fine you know it's ways and if people do cool like and obviously you gotta be smart with how you title things you know thumbnails and all of this and that but yeah ultimately you know people have subscribed to watch you and if you're not enjoying what you're doing them they can tell and it's long for them and you so you might so just do what you enjoy doing and not care like stop trying to be the old you I know I can't be the old me I grow I don't like FIFA I the idea of me playing Fifa disgust me I hate it yeah I deal me pick up a controller to do all to a team open packs and [ __ ] but I [ __ ] hate it I can't force myself to do it so I just stopped and I just move on to the next thing that I enjoy and that's now music and and you know these reaction videos or the reddit videos it's just it's easy it's calm so like yeah I guess that's that's why I'm out with that so it's it's not like I I fake it like I don't need to fake it like it's yeah I think I think yeah like you say like that is that is where you want to be and and is there ever been a point where you know you've gone alright I don't enjoy this thing but there's sort of nothing I can really think of that I enjoy doing what I have you ever had a moment like that can you touch on this in the what's good poker she said you took like a six-month hiatus yeah yeah you could sort of relate to Joe in when he took he saw I remember in 2017 I was sick of making just like random ass videos like I was just I was just done with it I remember one of my last videos is the golden saxophone video one else is crazy laughter I was kind of just like man I can't be asked to this man I'm just done with this so I just stopped sorry that's what I mean like it's not like I forced myself to do it I just stopped I just you know did the whole black thing and all I guess maybe last bit over that was a bit overdramatic but I just want to do just you know leave social media and just do my own thing and just I guess just explore see the world and all that and live your life properly of my life yeah yeah so you know I guess I guess it makes more sense why you you know stopped when you did because I guess you were a similar period and yeah yeah I guess yeah I came back came back with the music that's what I was passionate about and like I didn't care what people were gonna say like you know you know I'm lucky that I have a good fan base that will be with me you know through thick and thin but you know I didn't know I was gonna get views on that creature track I was just like you know it's what it is cool I wouldn't gone to film that blah blah blah and that was it and I posted more music videos and I kind of just was all over the place but I kind of found my lane with the music that was that's where I found my passion and that's where that's why I enjoy doing and I didn't care what anyone said I was just gonna do the music and now like people cool with it people accept it now before don't stop doing the music ba ba ba ba ba now that I I uh I [ __ ] with this like people actually enjoy listen to my music now and like oh [ __ ] it's you know again top 10 in the charts and all this and that but you just have to pee you have to be persistent with it you have to keep going you can't stop you can't let people tell you what to do you have to just do what you want to do straight up and do you think obviously say it so if the boxing thing didn't happen directing you would have gone dragging you would have gone more into just the music yeah if none of the box is all about Bo that you're under under there that's just where would have been like I've always been doing music you know one of my oldest videos I was doing the rap of me 5v1 against just random people online for such and destroying Call of Duty like it's just simple as that but like I've always wanted to do music I've always been a fan of music and like yeah I've just got better over the years and you know we have normal rappers or musicians a lot of the time they don't no one sees the trial-and-error beforehand they normally just see the hit and then they just keep making good songs from then whereas people have seen me make [ __ ] songs and then you know slowly progress and get better and better and better and you know now I'm in a good spot but yeah man like you know you just gotta find what you wanted to do and you know through through me taking that break I that's what I found out that's why I figured out what I wanted to do yeah no of course and obviously yeah like my I guess my journeys not been as quick finding exactly it but I think you're totally correct in there it's when you stop that your your your progress in finding yourself and finding on what you want to do stops so you know even though say the you know these videos I'm going to be making in the next few months or whatever may not be my best stuff mine if if I don't make those then I'm not going to find what I fully enjoy and what is my best stuff exactly you know so yeah man I I totally totally feel you on that and you know unlike with you you know like you always go on about the fitness and you know that's that song I can see you you know you enjoyed doing that like here and there you have you know ups and downs but yeah you can tell like that something you are passionate about as well as you know what's it called presenting even this podcast like you know you just like talking so like that's you know that's something again you could just do like this this this you know why can't this be a career like hey well you got people making videos of them licking things or just play you know me another state career they just play with sludge or rogue they just they just eat all they do is just eat food or do ASMR and [ __ ] like that but like there isn't all you have to be a musician you have to be a you know an actor dissin Napo you can be whatever the [ __ ] you want to do and get paid from it bro only fans people are showing you know tits breasts everything both you know I actually go and they get paid rocks I know girls who've made 40k in a month 40k in a month on Olli fans bro its you can make money on anything that's it starred only fads boys yeah it's bro the world's your oyster man and like you should never put yourself in this box she's always just do what you want to do and eventually you know money will come and then you won't even know you won't even care about the money cuz you just having fun yeah with the popcorns eventually the money will come with this podcast ads with the corona there's just like absolutely nothing coming through yeah my not obviously JJ my sailor you know what you're saying they're like it is so inspirational and it's a sort of stuff that I feel like you only really learn when you've been through it are you through the dark times through through low points and obviously you know I I talk about a lot about you know my mental health how I've gone you know with depression anxiety etc would you say that you've ever sort of like experienced any of those sort of things oh yeah it does I'd say three big moment one moment was after I left in 2017 another one that was Christmas I joined my whole family in fiasco and then another moment was during camp and fight the second fight yeah I'd say I had low points there Bo like and all those times I've cried and everything yeah I've had low points yeah I'm not perfect man yeah not by any means but I you know a lot of times I don't show that but yeah it only is there any particular reason why you don't show that often on light to the world well with the family stuff I don't I I just didn't want that in the public eye like it I don't know it's one of things that it should've stay private and it's just it's complicated and you never really like I don't want my family matter to be this public circus that and more invested in and you know in popcorn while watching this faster like I just I think it's fought tonight ice why I didn't want to talk much on it I don't you know the only time I did was because my program made this video just that just made me look like the worst person ever when it just he's just twisted everything and that's why I had to you know come back but after that was just like you know what I tried talking to him you know he doesn't reply doesn't talk to me so it's like well it is what it is but you know you just got to leave that with the Logan fight when I was in camp I think I have mentioned it a few times here and there but I've never mentioned it on my channel I've never gone all year I cried during this time but it's were things like I don't know I I I don't know I just don't feel like people need to hear it but I guess I guess but so people do because people just see me as this cyborg that just never loses and I'm just amazing at everything and but it's like yeah I don't know I just would you say you want to keep up that almost that image of that you are just a winner and everything is like I am ksi I win and I think so when it comes to the hope being chaos I think it makes sense and that's why with the whole music it makes sense with it but then me being JJ like it's a lot more personal so like and like this is disses JJ this is change right now like yeah I'm not trying to you know I'm not like yo what's up you sure boy kiss are you this is jay-z like this is calm me and yeah it's it's personal I can talk about these things and you know I'm definitely a better at it but it's one of those things like I don't know I just feel like people don't want to hear hear that people don't work well I mean that's exactly not obviously how I felt you know like her when I feel like I'm eight all I do is moan about how mum you know my problems with YouTube and my mental health and stuff like that but it but almost you know the reason why I made that video like ending this all and just getting it without those because I almost feel like if I don't talk about my mental health and that what my experience is mmm then I feel like I'm just pretending to be something come not yeah I'm feel like I'm putting it on and like even you know secretly I'm feeling this way but I'm gonna pretend like I'm all good you know for the world and that that [ __ ] me even more yeah so like that that's what almost like I look at when I see like like your videos in and you you're so consistent I'm like the scene does he never have like a week where he's just like me I actually feels like what's the point or feel like you know you know essentially any any form of depression or down Oh course but I just don't upload why just yeah yeah I just don't upload and I don't you know if I'm not feeling it I don't turn on the camera and go and force myself like if I'm not for you feeling I'm not feeling it it's just it's just how it is like yeah but I yeah I like but you know I'm we're different like yeah I respect you so much that you can go on camera and tell your true feelings and you know and you know cry on camera and say you know I'm having this issue or that issue like that takes balls man like I know I can't well go on camera and just you know lay out how I truly feel about [ __ ] nah man I couldn't do it and I think would you feel weak if you did would you feel like a [ __ ] no no it's not because if anything it's it's you see I guess you're strong showing that but I don't know it I I just it doesn't like compute my head it does I feel like if I fell sad I have to just feel signed on by my will not by myself but you know with my loved ones and you know that's that and then when I go on camera it's like alright I'm back you know I'm cool I definitely feel the same way until until like a couple you know when we had that one with Bruce Jo I was feeling exactly the same way I think what I really ever showed like sadness or whatever they like to send that breakdown like a massive weight off my shoulders so I can definitely relate to you on that one yeah yeah yeah nice is is difficult cuz here there's points where I feel like mate like what the [ __ ] wrong with me everyone else is able to keep it off camera in like if they have a problem they deal with it and then they get back to their work and you know they're able to do that but yeah yeah that's exactly that's what I'm saying that everyone is different and just just because JJ you don't necessarily put your emotions out there like like I guess in the form not that I may do that doesn't mean that that you should or you need to like it like you say everyone is different so you know what whatever works for you I guess is what you should do and I guess for me I need to embrace the fact that that being open about those feelings right help me and they do seem to help my viewers as well like there's a lot of people that obviously sending messages saying like [ __ ] well they're like see and obviously what you go through it's like I see that in myself and it's helped me so yeah man yeah yeah you're right boom what what else boys wait I points yeah I got a couple I've got a couple things he could talk about oh well I start off of this one first what is what do you think the idea after boxing after that's all died down mmm a big darts competition I'm trusted that so I know I won't be entering for sure I think about everyone comes and gets together a bit big piss up every funny if we funny for sure I think it's because obviously Eddie Hearn like matram do darts don't they hmm so it would be like get him involved another five meal Oh but as well like oh yeah so the other thing was do you think or do you know if like did she give any of those sort of fights are gonna be anything like you speak to dead do you like do you know if we can expect anything yeah me me and my bro don't talk but um through know so I thought I don't know what he's thinking with that give I know he's eager to fight I know chemical if I give is eager to come back and prove himself um and yeah that's yeah I mean I don't see anyone else like I don't really know what Jamie Max is doing JMX tennis thing yeah running but uh yeah yeah yeah I just know Givens yeah give us an happy man give us an happy with that bye and you could talk like again you know he's taking a break and you know he's just it's hard to forgive I feel because he didn't get a chance to show what he'd learn like he just was done in like 30 seconds or a minute and didn't get opportunity to show what it had put into practices and it was a our mate when he uh it was so heartbreaking to see hundred percent man Jimmy ah it was hard and it was weird seeing it from from the other side because I could see I could see Gibbs eyes I could see what he was feeling you know all that work all that dedication and he couldn't even show what he'd learn right but um yeah like I remember there and then he was like a joke like I need to fight I need to I'm gonna fight Jake again like next month I'm gonna do it and I was I private that what and he's like let me fight you I'll fight you and then I can fight Jake he's getting proper like interesting conversation [ __ ] seeing what is like going through someone who's just bottled the biggest moments and how do you like figure that out do not I mean I mean do you know I mean I know you Cybermen boys are innovators of the YouTube game a you of you like spoken about doing any other sort of events obviously I spoke about with the Wembley Cup in my recent video yeah thing anything else that you boys have got like in store yeah we definitely want to do another football oven we will good you know I play we're gonna do one this year Oh literal yeah I don't want to say too much but we were gonna do one which was it's it's not like Wembley Cup it's a bit different but it would be a sick but uh hopefully next year we can plan on it yeah yeah yeah that's definitely something we want to do because yeah there's definitely a demand for it people have been very excited for it yeah yeah I'm real so yeah we'll conclude on this one JJ where do you see yourself in 10 years I hate this question very true Jordan I don't [ __ ] know well I didn't know I was gonna be where I am today ten years ago so it's like what does think bro I have no idea I have no idea even if you say five years but we live in an industry in a world that moves so fast bro like if anything this Corolla thing is a blessing in disguise obviously it's fought but like yeah it slowed everything down but once in our lives yeah it slowed everything down to pretty much a halt and everyone's kind of like just looked around like oh [ __ ] over here like it's kind of it's just been so quick everything's moved so fast man like so I couldn't tell you I couldn't tell you I yeah I have no idea I have no idea well overall I think this has been decent I think yeah man I it's really interesting here in you just talk from the heart talk like just open and honestly and I think I haven't liked this sort of conversation has been long over to you yes I'm sure for sure and that's what I was I you know I I don't mind doing on your platform to help you out or whatever like it is what it is it's ya know yeah it needed to happen and you know I'm very glad it has happened and it's been insightful like to hear your site and how you were thinking and where your mind was out and in yeah it makes a lot more sense like cuz I was I just didn't know I just didn't know where you were at but yeah enough for sure enough both like you know the sky's the limit man we see it like again look at Logan polo girl everyone said you know he's lost its dawn out he's over and yeah I mean he's doing almost as well as he did for you might be better yeah yeah so straight up straight up there you have it then the sky is the limit well not even more if not even one good universe there you go but yeah there we go down boys all right same time next week yeah make sure you're listening to us on Spotify Apple podcast following the Instagram and until next time boys peace [Music]
Channel: Wafflin' by Joe Weller
Views: 2,444,077
Rating: 4.9604282 out of 5
Keywords: comedy, joe, weller, funny, podcast, ksi, sidemen, wroetoshaw, w2s, humour, sport, football, boxing, Theo, baker
Id: vQiJ4BbqgmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 57sec (3657 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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