Ending it all
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Channel: KSI
Views: 15,344,254
Rating: 4.7909799 out of 5
Keywords: Ending it all, KSI, Deji, Bye
Id: i4yzfxZDFbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 54sec (4794 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I’m seeing everyone respond to a hour long video that was uploaded 30 mins ago. I’m so confused as to how people already have an opinion.
For those who don’t want to watch the entire video here’s a Summary:
Deji took many clips out of context to make them seem like KSI abused him. One specific clip Of Deji walking away was actually from being afraid of a horror game. KSI showed clips of Deji hitting him as well showing the “abuse” was a two way street. Deji never once told him he was uncomfortable, KSI apologizes if he did make him feel that way.
The two clips where Deji Had a chair thrown at him and a controller, KSI sincerely apologized for doing it.
KSI explains Deji was kicked out of the sidemen house for being filthy and refusal to clean up after himself after being asked to do so several times even though he lived there rent free. And Deji brought strange unwanted guests over, making the sidemen uncomfortable. Overall Deji was a terrible roommate.
The girl Deji mentions KSI slept with was blown out of proportion. KSI met her at a concert and had no idea she was in contact with Deji. A screen shot is shown from the girls own words. The girl says Deji is wrong and is making her out to be a cheater when there was no relationship to begin with and he was with other girls.
KSI and Deji are both in the wrong about not staying neutral during beefs(diss tracks) with others. KSI shows Deji did the same with other beefs confirming private information about KSI.
KSI provides proof that he has supported his brother through thick and thin.
KSI didn’t pay for Randolph’s wedding, it was a wedding gift. Shows proof that his mom sent Deji the bank statement. Mom is in the wrong.
KSI says that the “private sparring video” was given to Randolph under false pretenses.
KSI says Deji doesn’t have his back or support him by showing many times Deji made fun of him, by going on Logan Paul’s podcast, making diss track on KSI, reacting on Diss tracks aimed at KSI and agreeing with the disses. Deji has spread private information about KSI, crossing a line. Furthering showing Deji being a hypocrite.
KSI shows texts that Deji thinks its okay to go on Logan Paul podcast to discuss private information(talking crap about KSI) that KSI was never okay with.
KSI explains Christmas situation. 37th min JJ shows audio recording. Entire family turns on JJ for not forcing Randolph to remove his videos on Deji. JJ confirms he did threaten to smash Dejis computer out of anger and apologizes.
KSI says he’s hurt about Dejis suicidal thoughts and will support him beef or no. Says he’s giving this videos profit to charity for suicide prevention.
KSI apologizes for laughing at Dejis sensitive video, says he laughed only to be able to get through the tough situation(beef between them)
KSI explains he unfollowed Deji out of anger for diss track.
KSI says he never told Deji to not talk to his YouTube friends.
KSI says he’s not a robot, he’s not going to be energetic for every video and shows proof that he is tired with other YouTubers video as well.
KSI explains he’s not saying he’s a victim, that he wants to make things better and is doing so by being closer with his parents and trying to build a stronger private relationship with Deji. JJ said he tries to do with Deji but Deji isn’t working with him. Deji takes moms birthday out of context, JJ shows text proof. Family ties are weak, but JJ wants to strengthen them.
KSI says he doesn’t want this down privately, that he’s being forced to discuss private information publicly because Deji refuses to speak privately.
KSI says insensitive tweets were made before watching video. Apologizes for not watching video before responding.
KSI says Deji purposely posts video when Deji is losing subscribers and views, that Did so after watching James Charles drama.
KSI explains tweets looking for dirt, he said did so out of anger and wanted to clear his name and prove Deji isn’t innocent. Is going to send Deji privately proof of his dark past, doesn’t want to post the dirt publicly(evidence of allegations).
KSI says Deji is being extreme over threatening of court. Says Deji is doing so out of being guilty.
KSI says distancing himself from parents is false and exaggerated. Says all he did was not have his parents to be in charge of finances. He’s not distancing himself.
KSI shows proof through texts that Deji doesn’t care about family, cares more about views and subscribers. Shows text that he tried to even go see a family therapist to resolve the family issues but Deji is refusing to fix anything.
KSI explains how he feels outcasted by his family, feels scared that they’ll record him or make him look bad at every turn. Can’t bring his girlfriend because they’ll expose her to the world. KSI is at a breaking point. KSI loves his family and wants this drama to end.
My final thoughts:
Deji lied, took things out of context, had turned the family against JJ. KSI clearly needs to work on some things but Deji is certainly not innocent and is really just an overall hypocrite and questionable person. This video proves again that people were too quick to judge when Dejis video came out.
When you first thought Deji was being wrong and stupid in his own video, and it turns out you were right all along. Feelsgoodman. If you fell for Deji's first video without waiting to listen to both sides, then you are an easy victim of cancel culture. Simple as that.
JJ was also monetizing the video and said the money from the video will go towards Suicide prevention charities
Logan Pauls team also claimed the video. JJ called them out on Twiiter
fucking disgraceful
JJ's parents have a very clear bias towards deji and deji's video has shown it's true colours now. I would feel destroyed if my parents behaved to me the way JJ's parents behave to him. It's almost as if they dislike him.
I don't want to care much about this but I really hope at least JJ's parents start behaving nicely to him. Saying him to "go to therapy alone" is just rude.
Lol @ Nigerian parents “Therapy is of the devil “
How much Deji left out of his video is sad seriously
The voice clip of his parents as well telling him that it's his fault for Randolph and what the Sidemen have said is fucked. Deji totally turned their parents against JJ
The parents look the worst here in my opinion. His dad somehow thinking Randolphs shitty joke is somehow JJ's fault and that JJ can/should control his friends is horrifying and disgusting. And his mum saying COUNSELLING is for the devil doesn't bode well for Deji and his mental health issues. Completely insane and delusional, I'm glad JJ is getting his money away from them.
I'm just mad at the fans who seem to switch sides every other day lol
I wonder what Deji has done that made so many women uncomfortable