KSI | Joe Weller Carpark Fight, Saving a Man from Homelessness & The Sidemen

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[Music] hello guys welcome back to happy hour I'm joined again by already and we are joined by possibly our on you should know him it's JJ by the way it's ksi if you don't already know now JJ first question mate and obviously the elephant in the room back in the day I've made a few videos about you what made you come on when I asked you on because I genuinely didn't think you would really I don't know I just I've been feeling good about myself and you seemed quite laid-back like what do you feel about people that make short videos on um I get it I get I get why people do it cuz I was I guess my name like recently has been quite quite lucrative so putting me in the title just gets views so yeah your eyes it's like I know it's just people gonna make money people gotta you know people I eat yeah you gotta make funny content and the thing is like when people go I mean I I watching I think he's jokes mm-hmm like when you went at me I was funny George with all those jokes like I would I watch someone has I've been like a time when actually [ __ ] you are flies been a bit oh I guess thought when it was with my bro that's right but that's why it was like proper serious what do you mean when people commenting on the situation or when they go in for your brother no just the exchange between me and my bro hmmm yeah it's just that whole like December like that's when it was like Papa serious and then I was like okay this ain't funny this is actually real so yeah I think that's because that was a proper real city was an obvious difference made because people always last me as if I know people were like oh you've eaten trailers like oh if it's fake I was like well if it's fake he would have replied and then you would have done a diss track back that's just that would be the genius why suppose situation i was like yeah i replied side not looking good I think the timing as well like Christmas Day and [ __ ] you wouldn't of wanted to [ __ ] up your Christmas day at all so yeah I didn't touch it did you do you feel like when people call you out does that ever for something you've said or done does that ever make you reassess the things you've done or do you literally not give a [ __ ] I mean with certain things yeah like obviously when could I convey the track saying I'm insecure I was looking back myself and why am i insecure and I was like actually I do have some parts where I am insecure so like the amount of times I like take a do a video or take a photo without my bananas like close to none so I was like okay I'm a bit insecure about that yeah but then I was like going through other things I was actually no I'm not I'm okay with this I'm okay with that oh that's just funny yes and that's just I've been doing this for four years man like always I'm gonna I'm gonna flaws how this was gonna be a question for a bit later on but I think it makes sense now you've been doing it for what a decade and you've always been fairly consistently at the top when a lot of people around you have sort of fallen off and we haven't seen them anymore like yeah even people like sort of Charlie is so cool like back now it's taking me a while you don't upload those twins like the pretty face twin jacksgap Jessica yeah yeah how do you how do you keep at the top because I don't know many people that have managed to do it for such a long time you just have to learn to that yes adapt with the YouTube climate yeah so with YouTube it's always changing there's always it's like something new there's always a new trend so you always have to like find I would make your own trend or jump on another trend and then build your audience around that yeah and then yeah just remain consistent and you know have integrity make sure you have a good fan base yeah rather than just being like oh these views trying because eventually use will come if you just keep at it and you know have this small families that slowly grows and grows and grows to the point where they just ride or die for you sir right I feel like ask too much sense right like you say a lot of people who will literally just trend hop trend hop trend hot and you look and you go that's inconsistent with your character and I mean that's the one thing that people fall out is it if you build your channel up on your character you could do anything exactly like you really can't do anything but so obviously I don't have a trend but what we've seen in like recent years is drama channels doing well I've been doing YouTube fairly consistently for 10 years and it's only been like the last few years that the substance started going up and [ __ ] is is drama a trend is it something that we will yeah Islam is always gonna be big well cuz obviously you've you've done a fair share drama videos yeah I know I don't think it's a trend I think it's I think it's just a thing now that happens like people like to people eventually or not everyone's gonna be okay with each other now you're gonna have problems with each other now and that creates beef and that creates drama but back in the day would you if you if you had beef would say well er like 2012 would you have would you have gone around at the same way would you have made this tracks like stuff like that oh no I don't think so I think people would have just gone on Twitter and then it would have stayed at that yeah I think now people see the monetary gain from creating drama and from creating this beef and like capitalizing on it yeah as calendar in the video where I spoke about you and your brother I was like having on the things that's changed to say in 2010 youtubers that was like this code which is why the first reason like I don't when everybody who I know is been watching you since about 60 K yeah because you were really like the first person he would just come out my videos on people I suppose right and most people wouldn't yeah I'm glad you said that because everyone thought I was a con and I'm not I'm not a con me my friends a lot it was like you were the first person in the genre that was completely under appreciated because at the time it was really seen as this was like the days were like now if I do a brand deal my fan base will encourage it like 2010 YouTube's not the same like your money [ __ ] and like it's a mate like the shift is crazy like you know when leafy did like his bluff and stuff it's like you look at that and its really have changed just take off mine once is all the stuff with Weller like obviously that I think that's real yeah so and obviously you're not now gonna tell me that it's not but how did that come about okay well obviously like we used to be friends yeah we used to go on holiday together yeah like I think was 217 was the last holiday we went we went to magaluf right flippin it that wasn't that was messy very messy but yeah we went there now his jokes and all that and then obviously the whole boxing thing happened and then he like I as a joke porn Instagram saying I our fight the winner of him versus Malfoy yeah and then he just kept going at it he was like yeah okay like I want let's fight let's fight this fight that's like is good let's go so we had this whole so up until that point it was very much it was just I was just you know mucking around yeah and then obviously at the press conference when he is essentially like for me I always feel like he tried to ruin my career at that point saying I don't care about mental health yeah like obviously we're just going back at for each other like this was just the game yeah I would what we were doing and then he just took it to a completely different level yeah and then I just I just got pissed off yeah because I think when I watched that I was just at home watching it as everyone else was and I think I don't know whether you were sucked into some of them comments where they were taken out of context a little bit but I'll be the first to admit that I thought you were a prick yeah and I made a video on it sigh but then what I also was very active in saying cuz I I'd like to think I'm the first person to call someone out but when they do something right I also like to say that as well and I have nothing to gain like I wasn't expecting you to follow me and be like oh let's do a collab but I thought I've called you out for the [ __ ] thing yeah and then what I really liked is when you when you won the fight and you did absolutely destroy him you then took the moment which was should have been all about you yeah your victory speech and you dedicated that to addressing yeah because it's just on my mind the whole time like because like the time is all I had a ex girlfriend who like struggled with mental health so like it was it was tough him for me like to hear that from Joe saying all of this and all of that and then to hear her being like I actually should've said this bubble and I was like I didn't aim it at everyone I was just talking about Joe but yeah obviously is is but obviously because it was such in the spotlight yeah yeah you almost everyone just took it out of context and then it just went just Ram it in and just understand that like I I might judge two friends in you shoot video situations like that and then say like it's kind of depends on you mate on what they're gonna do with that yeah some people could change I've said a few things own my mates would change it so might be look bad and I sit there and I'm like many friends and many million and then the moment you go well no I didn't mean it like that people go and I was I was I would've said the same you're clearly only saying that to bounces and there Joe jumps on that so what you're saying now is because he was really up until that point still a mate he should have known that that could have [ __ ] your memory yeah I think I just seen that are they quickly don't like each other what he did that well now obviously recently Joe is just obviously massively exposed to in a big way and he's revealed that you don't like holes in cheese I just really don't get it is it funny yeah so I guess he's trying to make Joe I'm afraid of a single triple phobia yeah you hated that I actually have this I sent him a picture showing things so like the Swiss cheese I saw I was like I love cheese when he said he'd come on I thought Kyle we can get an exclusive here and he's actually just out there and gone if I had cheese Alito in like we fought before like the times where OSI behind cameras before like this was this was after in Coventry what's that event insomnia insomnia so this is after I had a threesome move people friends come on but they often die so yeah obviously what go around and then Joe was pissed and then we drove back and I don't remember what I was doing but I remember I was just driving I was driving in the back of him like just like slowly like while we were driving back to our to stop it that's just like literally driving into more after sleeping with his friend no only me only me cow someone else I've forgotten and Joe yeah in in these videos you've been uploading recently it does look like you enjoy each other's content like your laugh it's just a Maitre D' [ __ ] like I don't know if I hate someone like didn't still find him funny so funny so what Cabos I can't find funny he's just an absolute [ __ ] well I try what's on there like why do people we've got carpark thing so when you agreed to box him properly yeah because I knew because whenever I put my head to something then it's over right you trained hard yeah I ran so much my run added them out like no matter what like I knew I would last six rounds right him so if he was able to outbox me I'd be like I'll still be there in the sixth round Reggie to be the shower of himself yeah so what's all of the motivation purely based like for the fitness side of it purely based on the thought of beating him it wasn't in a car part more people would see it why do you think so many of the viewers thought that you'd lose cuz I definitely thought you would lose I think because of how Joelle has been portrayed and for how I've been portrayed people just saw me as the FIFA guy who's just yeah funny entertaining whereas Dave see Joe training working out with a confirm word like do all these like bodybuilding star video in yeah like he's shorter than me like he's smaller than me like I literally way more like I I'm just the bigger guy so that's a box she might shut the window sorry no he was he was never going to win really and I knew you'd panic on the pressure yeah because it happens every time whenever he's in front of a crowd you always just panicked really the same with a football match when the cop he panics like he's just he just bricks it and he I don't I might be wrong but I don't he's ever playing a great performance at Wembley car pausing like because he's meant to be a pretty [ __ ] [ __ ] up footballer yeah even even then he was just yeah what was the biggest difference between fighting somebody about Joe and Kevin's fight Logan so different so I'll admit I didn't train as hard for Logan because I thought I'd have this in the bag really Logan's huge compared I underestimate him because I was like I had more boxing technique I'm more than that but he is a [ __ ] unit Logan is a unit yeah when I was in that ring with that and when I saw a tall like wedge you know [ __ ] I might a bit more than I could choose at the moment as soon as he walked in the ring no no no no I was just there I've I've got this I've got this and there's the first two rounds that's when I was like [ __ ] okay I've definitely underestimated him here you turned it around though yeah yeah sorry yeah after after after the second round I said I I bucket balls-to-the-wall let's go I'm just going ham and then I just went just my all into it I want to ask about the drawer actually because when they were announcing the results yeah it was me and a couple of my YouTube Mike said tickets there no when like it I think Wade said like you twice didn't and then they said Logan and it ended up going to draw we'll celebrate what you want yes what both of your faces he looks completely you know I divided the internet it was like the Tyson Puri one recently free should've won its just because he got knocked down twice yeah that's why but then people thought the same about yours like it divided the internet massively yes yeah but then people were like I was on the ropes by the end of it because obviously I heard rumors that don't if they're true but the the rematch was always going to happen yeah there was always doing me a rematch so but it would have made more sense for one of you to actually win that fight and then the other ones win much already gonna happen was public knowledge as far as I became yeah because while back and forth release yeah I was like I mean I was obviously there no it's like I could tell by the look on Logan Post family members faces but it wasn't affect I spent most of my time at them instead of watching the fight because those guys whose dad was molesting you at the time family look like they were having a [ __ ] terrible time there oh they don't know they weren't having fun yeah which was interesting and that's when obviously and also if you're they're just [ __ ] like Peter [ __ ] how each other I'm like well if this is fake because we're both we both have big egos yeah as well yeah nobody's gonna want to Lisa my cousin sunny is a huge huge boxing fan like he dedicates his whole life he knows everything about everything in boxing I I went straight to him and I was like is is that fix and he was like a hundred percent no way yeah so you just you you can't do it so obviously you'd met Logan a few times like on the build-up and all the dresses and stuff when you when when because I'm alright thinking he had the first two rounds so when you were sat in the corner after those two rounds what was going through your head I was there like i I've assessed him and if I keep my distance I'm going to get fired yeah I need to just get stuck in and just go crazy so I was like I'm gonna just throw technique out the window and just haymakers just keep yeah I keep it like rough and I was like keep making sure that I did body shots just to slow him down that's why by the fifth sixth round he was just like gassed yeah his body body shots like so effective so I was just there like [ __ ] I just got go ahead but you what that won't any point where you thought you were a little bit like nervous like this is getting away no no I was getting over sir Oh round 2 years like [ __ ] I'm I'm gonna lose this [ __ ] loses yeah I named it was going for my head like okay literally all the things that were going to happen if I'd lost right and I was there like yo this is going to jayjay seems really shocked that you're gonna say something like that you clearly haven't listened for this I was like well I'm not and I'm never getting in the ring yeah a long reach technique from him before so how do you go forward training for the rematch so now you're actually I'm actually going to train now yeah I'm gonna work on my angles and literally just fight the show are you training at the moment yeah yeah yeah yeah like twice a week yeah the closer it gets the more you stay yeah then it just steps up to um what's it when it's a pretty much meant to be so I said November because I was like cool like do it he wanted to do it last year December I was like everyone's kind of gassed out right just happened it just happened everyone just already had its two big fights yeah me versus Joe and me versus Logan so it's like let's give a bit of a break let simmer down a bit that was both you know do our own thing for a bit yeah and then come back to this right so I was like because he's got his own stuff I've got my own so I'm going on tour I've got I'm working on a few other things I want to work on YouTube more yeah sigh I've been slacking so that's why I've just been going ham lately you're uploading yeah I know it's I'm enjoying it though in its I felt like I just needed to because I was looking at myself I was like yo like ultimately I'm a youtuber but I'm not acting like a youtuber so I need to I like a youtuber so I need to start doing that and then I was like he's got his own his podcast he's got whatever the [ __ ] what he's gonna be doing yeah I was like is that is there still like a proper [ __ ] disdain from you than for him do you still like despise Emma I mean I don't really care for him it's not like you automate I just want to prove that I'm the better athlete that's it like I'm not there like obviously when I was going to hammer him and Chloe Bennett and his family and all that's just you know sell the fight yeah ultimately like that's Conor McGregor does all the time yeah it's just you know I don't have any real malicious intent towards it yeah like with me and Joe it was real and that's why like everything I was doing like I wanted to make sure I [ __ ] him up yeah is lo Ian I'm there like yo we're just gonna make a huge event and I want us to win obviously because I've got huge pride and like yeah no one likes losing so I I don't know if this if you can reveal this or not and if you can't and we'll cut this out okay on the build-up to the fight before it's all locked in do you have to meet with him got quite a lot no you don't know right no no it was so like we're not body buddy like that alright I don't know if you sat in a room yeah it's Geoff and when it was locked in what when was when was the first time you actually came face to face with him was it the one the presses or uh and when you met before we met like all of the names so we met I've met with his rice gum was always fun know so I had his number I don't know how I got his number yeah bye we met at Super Bowl and we were like oh let's link up and we took a photo I was me cow rice gone and Logan right yeah um Logan wasn't Logan as he is now but uh yeah we just took a photo and then we said one out and we just never did right that was the first time I proper met him so you saw when was the first time you saw him after it's locked then so after his locked in was I guess the press conference yeah what's your opinion of him first thing you know really I had one experience I'm at VidCon he's just quite it was quiet yeah meet-and-greet VidCon and then suddenly this bloke gets through the middle of us the [ __ ] gorilla pod yeah just ran free like ice like a pole that way yeah Jack Paul was the one I had more experience with if any was a prick yeah I know Jake is I see a ton [Laughter] I'd say Logan is like bearable Jake is an actual con yes III really so with the fight I really wanted to fight Jake I really want yeah because I was like this would make so much sense I'd fight Jake beat the [ __ ] out Jake fight Logan [ __ ] boom like yeah it would blow up the internet tremendously yeah big event yeah [Laughter] and I said did you you're not going to fight you're not a fighter I do I do I do it and then eventually was all right fine we'll do it so I tried to training him he was just so lazy as I bro you're not taking this seriously you understand you will get beat like my bro could easily be in Jake rising Lee what is wank [ __ ] but like my bro [ __ ] like if he had just worked on his fitness he would have [ __ ] slapped the [ __ ] he wasn't badly surprised when they threw that like before he was holding his own yeah but obviously like I don't [ __ ] nothing about boxes I feel it being destroyed I think it was just to make sure he didn't like get dropped I think that would have been yeah I think it was obviously his team knew his fitness levels we didn't so I kind of just assumed I was like obviously they didn't expect to get this many rounds in like he probably was not fit enough he would have been ruined from this point onwards well I'm gonna come across as an amateur here and I am definitely an amateur viewer of Bach so I don't really box and I don't really know what I'm looking for when I'm watching Donny scram stories like for an entire two weeks you get a box yeah because I thought I was gonna beat Josh Peters up if you're going solely based on the injuries that you can see Jake look like you came across came off way worse than any of you so obviously I think that edge was a bit unlucky but as you say a did come across a little bit lazy I'm not really gonna go into Dorjee we're gonna be we're going to continue to speak to Jay Jay after this little break come back in a sec [Music] hello and welcome back to happy hour silly with Stevie you wouldn't know it but is it right be honest if I didn't now say would you have remembered his name and we are still here with Mimi Alyssa's plus 1 and jayjay still there jayjay obviously in the first half we we discussed drama and commentary channels using your name for for clout and other reasons now I want to just bring up two stories right because I will be again like I said in first off I'll be the first person if we're going back a year or two I would have been the first person to think you were a [ __ ] just stuff I've seen probably for the same with me if you knew who I was I don't know right but I there was there was a couple of things that was like slowly making me change my perception of you and made me think that maybe I'd sort of judged a book by its cover and I just want to talk talk through a few of these and because I think I haven't met you I met you what half an hour ago start this podcast you seem like an actually [ __ ] be someone I thought that about two minutes ago if he is a gun I'm not gonna put tell these nice stories about him so recently a couple maybe a week ago you know the Tom Stockdale who done the freestyle yeah yeah he was so sick yeah because what I really liked about that I've sort of known off tom for a while he's been a subscriber of mine he's made videos and I and and he seems like a nice guy hmm I'm not gonna claim that would best pals anything parents comment songs yeah yeah he seems like Anna right lad and I don't know if you if you follow a Moors but keeping up-to-date with what he's done since now video but it's it's [ __ ] insane because obviously you would call it is in your new video when you call up people in discord and one question thing yeah that's what I want to do with you on this party I carry my weight can we be friends any chance no so Tom he's been doing YouTube for a little while now and he had 7000 subscribers he called you on discord or whoever that works I don't have discord but he you were basically given everyone like 10 seconds or something really quick to ask you a question some flutter and there he freestyled for you and you obviously was quite impressed by the video that you're impressed and you were so impressed that you you asked him if he does YouTube you got his channel up and what I liked it you actually overlaid all like I don't do you edit your videos really I no no so I don't write I was just like I don't whether to just yeah they know yeah I was just like yeah I thought that was such a [ __ ] nice touch and and obviously I'm not sure if you know but since then he gained quarter of a million subs based on that alone did you don't know that yeah and and he yeah he went from 7,000 to 250 K overnight at one point he had 6,000 subscribers and a hundred and one thousand total views on this channel yeah yeah yeah Madden you look genuinely shocked wait he's on like 250 K now right yeah because of you this Twitter video and if you haven't seen it you've got watch out probably overlay it here but he's he's got because he's got two kids right so he's 26 he's got his partner and they're there at nighttime and they had dead he had his laptop screen open he was on like ninety nine thousand subs so ever and it takes over 200k and he just goes yes we [ __ ] did it and then he turns around he just hugs her and it's such a [ __ ] nice video and it proper hit me and I fought fair [ __ ] play like JJ didn't have you you could have got into freestyle and then just cut him off and then that would yeah yeah yeah and used it for your content but there was something that made you or like tell you editor to keep that in and I don't think you fully appreciate how much that has changed someone's life he posted the next day that he was filming going to pick his daughter up from from priests and he was like yeah I'm now welcome to pick my daughter up I don't have enough money for the bus but this is completely [ __ ] changed my life now so it's just a SunRail that little things like that whole yeah and it's done work to retain it as well like he's videoed like the uploaded video the next n it you're like forty thousand likes like fifty do a series called Friday freestyle so yeah they're the things that I think people you won't get the commentary community make videos about my videos and I mean I always want to tweet appreciation where it's G like off for the boxing I mean I did the video after the boxing and I was like you could say what you want about the way you may behave in certain situations I was like but the events and the stuff you do for the sealers like you supplied so much people and I've died defy like I speak to some people look at their videos I'm like again if you were to point out issues you have somebody I've done it many times I feel like if you don't like give people respect for its jus then how can you trust one thing that [ __ ] me off when people comment on my videos and call me a bully because it's like I'll call JJ a [ __ ] if I haven't met him if I think he's being a [ __ ] but I want to be the first person to say otherwise when you're just attacking people for the negative then [Music] it was I was like just say but no I [ __ ] despise Logan for all the [ __ ] he's done but he was very [ __ ] entertaining than that build up he was [ __ ] good hold up really good and then the second story I wanted to just share yeah that's real yeah but it was just that video was just everyone posted that little video of them taking over certain milestones yeah I could just tell there was so much more emotional yeah like I showed my girlfriend and we what we was watching and the video you done then we watched the video that he done yeah and like she was [ __ ] welling up she was like this she changed this guy this guy's life and yeah and it's actually shocked me now how little you know about that situation you've just done it and that's that yeah there's another story which I just kind of want to bring up just because I think the viewers will find this interesting I found it really [ __ ] interesting we've never we've never crossed paths although we've done a similar thing for quite some yeah yeah I've met a lot of you mates and I don't know if you've met people in my circle but I was telling I was telling you boys on the way to the podcast I've got this story and it's so [ __ ] mad and and I think I found out about this just around the Jowell a time when I did think he was a prick and and this story alone made me think I've got this wrong yes so basically I've got this I don't know same mate because I don't think I've met him in that two years but I think he would be offended if I didn't say no so he's a friend but I haven't seen him in a while but anyway right he's a he's a guy that lives near me right just literally a stone's throw away and I'm not going to name him I don't if he wants to be named I'll just call him mark for the sake of it but um he he one day posted a picture and bear in mind without belittling this guy whatsoever I think he won't mind if I say he just has a normal job he's not in this world whatsoever like I like he's the kind of guy that would like probably fanboy over youtubers just like a standard like guy right and then one day he posted a picture on facebook of you and him and I was like oh [ __ ] I messaged him I was huh how did you know JJ and then he told me this [ __ ] mad story and I just asked him to reiterate the story this morning on the way up but he said and I said can I tell the story of how you met JJ me was like I was in a relationship so and then it ended pretty rough I had literally been living with her for our whole relationship ended and I was basically homeless and I had to sleep on a couple of friends sofas or so and I knew jj-just from Xbox is this ringing any bells yet what is it he was like he was like because he lives literally right next to me like almost like a stones stones where we live on the same road and free numbers apart our house yeah but but then yeah yeah yeah because I think you deserve this story to be told he was like JJ asked me why I hadn't been online on the Xbox for a while which was a bit surreal for me and I explained to him that me and my ex had split up and now I was pretty much just sofa surfing and I told him that I couldn't afford anything to which he just replied find find the place fam just took so I just found somewhere and oh no JJ added just find somewhere and hooked me up with the information to which I found a nice little house share nothing too over the top but I could live and sure enough he asked me for my details and hit me up with the deposit the checks and like an extra month of rent I will never forget it saved me from a desperate situation where I was effectively down for the count and ready to give in he also hooked me up with another guy he played with to go to his fight against Wella that was also me personally yeah he was like you he put us up in the continent or near the o2 and the after-party was pretty incredible and then he was like I would never want the fame it looked stressful but but but he met us the day after the fight in the continental and for the three of us just talked for hours it was so cool and yeah I just thought those [ __ ] and like make the fact that no one knows about I mean I don't want this to be the kiss-ass hour maybe he didn't want people to know he doesn't want people secretly nice can we translate that to German hmm that's mad and it oh my god I have a Fairplay man Fair Play oh my god the [ __ ] about me anymore yeah [Laughter] [Laughter] me saying he didn't do it I think we'll finish just on some Twitter questions cuz obviously you're you're big in a youtube world so a lot of people wanted to get their questions in so we'll start off with one from its own and Ronan who says why do you dislike PewDiePie no it's not like I dislike it was she want him dead I just we just had like little back-and-forth here in there yeah and it's just yeah I don't know have you met him before no have you not never man have you met PewDiePie before no but my friends at it for oh really I mean like Brad and so I was quite reclusive isn't he yeah I mean he just station right my girlfriend most of time he's come - no business I can't blame him for doing that really just rents yeah we yeah that's right yeah I mean like how do they even start I feel like I remember it I feel like it started over him criticizing people getting drama but I can't remember yeah so he was like going out keemstar and I was just like you can't be going at him like he's just a messenger blah blah it's ironic now isn't it yeah he said he doesn't like drama channels ya know he did a whole thing I understand it cuz I'm exactly a big fan but it was the fact that it was he went at the concept of drama channels whereas if he'd gone at just at keemstar around to fully get behind it but when he went out the concept the drama channels and then you look at what he is now came it's like he didn't want to be specific because doesn't actually probably want to anger him too much because a lot of people are scared shitless of the bloke of keemstar of course hey all night yeah should I be scared if you [ __ ] up you although you could finish you like yeah I think I'll let you don't care I feel like my thing was I bested with defences attack because you said you had frosted tips okay next question from Ryder underscore Freddy who says who do you think is the most underrated youtuber underrated mmm white weed out the back yeah yeah and I saw that Charles like these girls like are generally like interesting to what mm I know offense there are other female youtubers but like I know for me as a guy like I couldn't watch a beauty channel exam yeah I don't really care and they like their own pantry I was like I just came across it I don't know how I came across you know like YouTube nowadays were recommended as she jokes yeah she's very nice holy actually yeah I know both of them they're nice they're nice people and like they deserve it but it's like a bit of woman it's like you expected to do the beauty stuff it's like we've been blood looking for people like that because it's gets boring it's just oh it's like who runs a commentary channel an angry teenager [Laughter] yeah I was thinking I've not actually run the idea by you but this is more for the listeners really but I was thinking of doing like a spin-off to this show where it could be like either of us like we don't all necessarily have the beer at the same time you must even call it a happy half-hour and actually doing it with like smaller smaller up-and-coming from my moment I still the most underrated person I currently earlier I don't compliment I'll just be a little bit hard ksi James Merritt Nikko James starting to get good I still like even who's getting five million views a video because right yeah he's cast next one is from ask us who says when are you planning on settling down what do you have a partner right now oh yeah yeah are you gonna know little JJ's on and around and never and no well there is up there there's edgy thing like me my bras like of everything like if you mentioned who my girlfriend is I will actually kill you right yeah I was like I'll just dropped you and beat the SH out of you yeah and I'll probably get a case but like it's just how it is did he not do that and I know is that just from wanting to keep her out of this yeah yeah because it's like this world is ruthless man and like I know I've done my fair bit of drama so like what goes around comes around so I knew out like she would get obliterated yes I was like it's better to just keep it just keep her out of it just complete just like gone from it yeah and then it's just better for me anyway yeah settling down wise oh my god man you think of that how old do you know you I think you're under 25 25 okay same as me and me you're 12 [Laughter] Jen Pickering says biggest lesson you've learned from your time on YouTube biggest lesson don't give your audience everything always hold something yeah [Laughter] have you got any tips what's the biggest lesson you've learned on YouTube on YouTube I mean especially you say commentaries channel after making plenty of people it's like pick your fights better I suppose I mean I've never I always feel like I'm relatively fair in my videos like I don't feel like I just go [ __ ] you and I hope you die which is why I always appreciate what people say the videos are funny because that is the main aim yeah I always want to be funny first well even if I'd say say that baby's a bit off-kilter playful we'll go oh well at least I found the video majority funny so like I don't take you too badly yeah I think there was a there was a period when I first started when I got when I was doing video every two days well yeah don't [ __ ] do that for a commentary channel because I I mean you're actively searching and I always I always got the reputation in my community I don't know if you find this funny as being like the nicest one from your what your video and my comments from my community I've always got reputation has been like the nicest one in my square of people and mine of the come it's like for me I was a period why I would just like literally I think I would just literally just go in and I would just find what other people complain about and go oh well just adapt that and just take it in and then I'd set a point last year like I watched back a few more videos and I generally was like I don't agree with myself now so I understand why I said it at the time when I was a small crater I was like but after all the experiences I had like after I went to a few big cons and sideburn parties for example I was I I could do this in a way better way where I think people would respect it more and find it more understandable I think you hit the nail on the head that's like I've failed as I said a few times I've probably done a video calling you account before then when I read that story from JT I think how can I now retract that how can I do not I mean like obviously I believed it then but then if I do a ten minute video call it cause it's gonna be ten minutes in that how can I do a ten minute video just go and I'll JJ's actually alright when you're sat there going as a guy watching I yeah I just have to just take it and sometimes respond like if it is just outrageous yeah but most of the time just when I met you for example and yeah when he knocked me out and I asked you about what you thought about the videos it was like I've generally interested and I know I was off the boy yeah and I know a lot of commentary channels who live meant to meet Kavis five times that's never I wanna meet him I'd like to have a conversation we go why did you make the video yeah that's like I can understand that fair enough I wouldn't go well look at me oh yeah let's have a fight hey I'm amazed people haven't punched me but no I would pay to see you ever fight the undercard get him on me on the cup I know like I am sure when when I met you and I said like I did so I was like that a few videos a year but and I'm a fan yeah I was drunk really and I was like well from your perspective I understand why you'd say that because I've have made at the time I figured by four videos now it's 20 I've made four videos and when on isolated situations like one of things that you've done no I've done I'm like a half funny video half probably should have said that mmm I was like he hasn't seen for five years where I used to watch you play fifa you don't know that that's my perspective I make those videos I'm like oh well the other day I do like Impa this is just a small video and a small set most people will never say that how do I get that across when I make videos on people who I like but I wanted to kind of give more advice to than just one young go you're wrong you're an idiot yeah yeah does does the amount this is from the xn2 does the amount of attention you gonna have an impact on you mentally yeah sometimes yeah sometimes I think it'd be impossible for me not to have like mental breakdowns here and there yeah but it's just like over the time like it just gets easier and easier like yeah that's why sometimes you need to know when to like step back and just take a break rather than always be in the forefront yeah and yeah that's it just don't don't don't do too much don't burn out yeah just because I said that's it that's a consistent problem with youtubers at the moment yeah I know and I find that some weeks I'll sort of wake up and think I'm gonna [ __ ] smash this week and I'm like [ __ ] free video good videos done and then another week I barely want to get our bed yeah I just want to pay for tonight is it and sometimes it's okay to do that yeah sometimes it's okay you don't be don't be like oh no I have to like force my way into it knife you feeling yourself then mainly out of pure fear I will admit I used to upload out of necessity because I'm so scared of the fact that I would just forget plus it was December in the ad revenue is quite we've got two more questions from Twitter and then I've just realized I've got a few more on here that I'm just intrigued by so we'll just bash for him but Lombardi whitey says what's your opinions if any on Jeremy Lynch like I've met man he was he was cool but like the thing is with me did he not make it probably a few times yeah with me like I don't normally get the real people if that makes sense so I get a lot of people who because of who I am they all want to be my friend they always want to be like on my good side because they know it's more beneficial that way yeah whereas I like someone like Randolph or something like that that would get more of a real representation of a person because that's where I know it's just something small you to blah blah blah yeah but yeah well I mean he was seen cool but then yeah from a lot of people man he just fought [ __ ] it yeah yeah I mean yeah I think he's I think he's I was I'm gonna make fun of him yeah yeah how do you how do you sort of determine who in the YouTube space because it is very fickle yeah two-faced yeah how do you determine who actually likes you and who you should make a proper friend hmm as opposed to someone who's going oh if I get close to this guy that's gonna push my fuse yeah I just I base it over over time yeah just over time just how people act with me over time yeah certain people where I do stuff with them and if I [ __ ] with them then I would continue to do stuff with them yeah then there's some people where I'm like okay he's a bit mm or he's already trying to get me involved with this and this yeah and then I'm out he's first are fair I think that leads me on to the last Twitter question from Craig Josh who says if you had to kick to side men members out who and why and name to youtubers you'd bring in to replace them asked you for anything yet as you were saying at the bottom of the list I used to play for Bournemouth he made the work there's no good way of answering this whoever made the worst dish strikes on you like I guess we can hurry yeah just really don't like any of them I feel like we're Vic you'd be able to like last his own anyway yeah that man is a machine just yeah so what I get from that is Vic we're just going to leech off someone else and you hate Harry and want him dead last few questions from me just because I'm intrigued I've asked a few people this who is the most famous person in your phonebook yeah well I know you've got some [ __ ] good names and make fun let's go through your phone but now it's me me Alice now through in any celebrity that is see little harm you read their name out I confirm well okay yes all right at seven out of ten I won't say that to his face but you know hey evalee knows a youtuber rapper okay I'm not to the kids I got Ben Howard lyrics tattooed across my chest yes he regrets it every day then Howard Larry Cassidy question yeah he's got keep your head up keep your heart strong keep your mindset I'm at we're all just we're all 16 once weren't we come on it come on come on yeah yeah a Snapple laughs anyone he doesn't know Chris Eubank that's good I like these I like these non YouTube ones many men no I mean yeah YouTube yeah Jamie Jamie Jamie Redknapp oh I used to love Jamie [ __ ] McCann yes he has Madeleine McCann phone number in his you're not wrong she never had a phone there's a big one coming I can tell hey Bradley really big yeah I'm bodybuilder dude okay I so for those gonna be McGregor do you think it answer if you called him no try withhold your number and try it that's gonna be I think that's the big the one that's impressed me the most so far that one and Chris Eubank yeah I've got Jack mate and yeah that's it that's good mines Jack Whitehall probably you must have that I've got Jack Whitehall you got him in there um Simon those number yeah no this is about trading cards really made I think that's a nice place to end it yeah thanks very much coming on my absolute pleasure before we finish however you said that you'd seen the Bobby Messner podcast though guy that's a billionaire that came on yes yes I don't know if you saw but at the start of at the start of the of the podcast we we do this dramatic trailer now I don't know whether you're gonna be nice or not so I've got a back up a few little one-liners that if you don't mind I'm just gonna use your name for clout said I'm specifically gonna feed you some lines that I can use in the trailer it's going to make it look like it's gonna be way more intense than it is already Jake pulls a [ __ ] you need to react accordingly right so JJ I think my my biggest question is why are you such a [ __ ] there we go that's a good one thank you very much that'll be in there I'm using this for the trailer the whole reason we're here for views yeah right so no I do serious all jokes aside I do think I could probably knock you out in under three rounds there we go so thank you very much for letting me do that it's gonna make me look way cooler than I am cheers for coming on we usually shout out people's links at the end but they know you are and Plus no one watches this thanks Alex thanks TV this has been the happy hour podcast see you next week [Music]
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 918,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaackmaate, podcast, happy, hour, jaack, maate, happyhourpodcast, ksi full interview, ksi happy hour, ksi imallexx, ksi jaackmaate, ksi beef, ksi daily, ksi deji, ksi joe weller, ksi reveals all, KSI FULL EPISODE - Happy Hour Podcast, happy hour podcast full episode, ksi interview, ksi hate, ksi deji truth, truth about ksi
Id: HK84IbMu_DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 37sec (3637 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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