Funny Confessions, UFO Conspiracies & Friends With Benefits - WAFFLIN' FULL EPISODE

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that was lucky I didn't let myself go I just had a conversation with a 50 year old huh not pretty just toy to a 42 all right you'll welcome back to the number one podcast in the UK it is waffling we've got we've got leukemoid Theo Baker with his guns yeah gonna try same every last one yeah my triceps weren't on camera you're basically the editor tom so when Theo tense teaser is triceps in the last vid Tom just cut it out but you just stuck a loop just a bit creepy really yeah go bit with anyways the bottom line is though Theo is gained hinge right just is Sophia tailored a double no no I still got I still got a stereo ecology right go because this is body shot I still have a few tits and my belly's a bit pudgy wait no feel legitimately mate I'm not like all jokes aside I'm actually proud like you have actually got gains right you've put on muscle and you've actually been putting in the work so genuinely mate respect I did notice I looked at my you know when you like take notes of what you're lifting each session so you don't forget I have to do that I looked at my notes and hadn't updated it for like two weeks and I double there on early shoulder press yeah wow that is impressive and wait so I was 82 I'm now rough year 79 that's decent so at the beginning when I started my like transformation during this isolation period I was 85 kilos and I'm now a 78 I I think that photo you said you truly you've got to find a way of putting those photos up that was insane you actually look like a native I know so basically you lot wait so so my new video my youtube video that I filmed yesterday I go into it I talked about it a little bit and I'm gonna show people to progress obviously that video now when this podcast is out it should be out now so look on my channel for it basically yeah within it I show how out of shape I got obese obese but I yeah I let myself go boys I've to Miami right for the Jay Paul Anderson good fight when I was eating everything right I had been eating everything for so long and it got to a point where I was like this is this is making me down if I need to do something no this is the thing right because I always since we were in school you always like that when we got a bit older you're always the kid that was in shape and like the muscly kid and then we got to LA in like again I'm not body shaming a fat shaming or whatsoever but I remember likely to top off in our society even though I would always be like oh yeah like well as the ripped one you know a lot everyone has like their label in the group well as the in shape one yeah out of shape one yeah oh I just it was strange to me to see you not in really good shape so you just kept staring at his body in which basically me basically me and Luke shared a room for their la ksi versus Logan pool to fight so he would see me sort of my naked vulnerable body and just start like taking notes oh no does that ever happen I did not say anything I was not like you're fat or so you didn't look at it no he didn't say anything but I just knew that he knew because I knew when it will I'd sit on the bed berber socks odd I would have many not many but some rolls folding over and it I you know no no no I felt it and I remember those sort of moments I did is I did have some rolls made no you have we all no no no you did but I'm saying you didn't feel any no no I felt them nosey you know when you put on a bit of fat you can really feel it that's that's what I'm saying lights in if I put on like five kilos of fat which I had done you know bending over to put my socks on I can feel that on love handles and stuff yeah I felt it and it made me always embarrassed me like when I take my top off in that hotel room I'd try I'd lot want to cover it up because I'd be embarrassed to show how I'd let myself go compared to how in shape I had been before no I know I said like sounded harsh but it was only you weren't even fat to a lot of people you would have been like oh I wish I could look like him but compared to what you were it was your bloated written yeah should I get the before and after photo or up up now so yeah I'm so so wait so I'll need this to focus so that one there was me before just a pretty average body type really look a bit dodgy but I knew this one I look very camp and I am under good lighting but yeah I've sort of lightly yeah oh yeah I'm pouting yeah all of that but pretty much yeah I'm in this isolation I was just like you know what I'm gonna use this time to get rid of this excess fat and just get in shape get lean and make the most of it because well you know we feel so like we've got nothing to do everything's just gone to [ __ ] I want to feel like I've made the most of it in whatever way I can and I see obviously a lot of people are doing the same thing well I will say you know how Luke you'd be like I I can't have a pizza feel it tomorrow and I always used to be like were you talking about to eat the pizza like I always used to be under the impression that you can eat whatever you want and you wouldn't feel it the next day III really have changed my opinion on that I had three copper Berg's last night and I feel lethargic and Thai today I really think serious free couple bugs love I could feel it in my belly net 300 calories each so basically basically when you do have a high carb amount or sugary light loads your cells will fill up with glycogen it thickens you out so that's basically that filthy ready yeah you know you will do naturally yeah yeah yeah but anyways make sure you look at my new main channel video into it in a bit more detail not too much but yeah have a look at that other than that you boys anything else Matt been going on any any other crazy things that we really need to take notice off well here we go I'm running again because [ __ ] this is great new because there we go I have no pain in my plantar fasciitis at the moment because I've been massaging it and stretching it every day you riding this one down boys this is gonna blow minds I've Stein weekly vlogging again I've been a prick I'll tell you why though because copying me know me and Janine were watching my old vlogs and we're like damn look how confident I am yeah exactly buff exactly and this is what I'm saying not the new video that I've just filmed was was it almost yet inspired by that a video that I saw that I had made before we're down the lens I was like look I've just watched this Caspar Lee video where it's just him talking raw being himself and he said 25 things about himself and I thought it was amazing but he put it on his second channel like it wasn't good enough to be a main channel vid but I'm telling you above the viewers enjoy the stuff best when it's just you being real people want realness and in those weekly vlogs or when you'll being real knows in my opinion when you're doing the FIFA and you put it on a different voice and you're playing up with a persona I'm gonna say it you do whereas in the weekly rugs you're more real Theo Baker and I think that's as a theory Kerr fan that's what I want to see well I think the whole reason one of my channel grew the most when I was at uni I was doing weekly vlogs every week being a student and it was class I want to get that confidence back so I've started picking up the camera I'm not I am really bad at it like I'm not very confident it does suck a little bit but I think it'll be a lot of confident come on say it via I am confident I am calm I can do this I will do this I have been nope oh yeah by the way I still I've kept up my celibacy of no masturbation and I've kept it up how long has it been it's got me like for two and a half weeks that's the universe if you yeah that is impressive that is sick and you have always started having wet dreams no no if anything you remember what I said last time about because my diet is very low carbohydrate and you need the glucose in in carbohydrates to fit for your sexual function yeah I think that that's coming to affect now you know because I haven't been having carbs I haven't really even been getting any arousal whatsoever so you haven't been doing like snapchat sex with anyone like nope nothing i watch the oven no I know every would like exchanged anything with anyone nothing I solve that murder I had to be avid I I don't see you sit there oh you see this photo and you go yeah I'm just noting how good a second we're forgettable when you messaged us at like 2:00 a.m. the next book no I did I did it spunk I didn't do it all right no I did it I didn't let myself go I just had a conversation with with a 50 year old huh not fully Jew boy to a 42 in text you wake up voice I'm relapse relapse no I didn't say I relapse again basically what these idiots and try to pay out is that I broke my no masturbation by having sort of snapchat type sex with a older woman no I did nothing I was just a viewer it grossed me out but then a ghost me I was just gone well that's the most interesting thing is like in the moment I bet you like this is amazing and then like in the morning you're like what if I done this is awful oh yeah no it wasn't like it was more like fascinating the fact that I got to that point like ah I don't understand it was like how did it get to that but you know I think I think that the bottom line is boys we all have fetishes mine is older women and I embrace it okay now that was a mistake all right I don't I didn't I shouldn't have done that oh well we move let's get a move on but other than that and I didn't I didn't spunk or anything I didn't eat I didn't do anything tinnie so I ya know I've been completely well behaved in that sense and I'm not gonna lie the effects are felt classmate I am focused I have mental clarity I I know what I want and I get it you know I I started baking I baked some keto brownies which are like low carbohydrate brow he's [ __ ] did my nan the other end no no that was the keto bread bread with no carbs yeah how it is so sorry there this this company that I use basically make it's like very very high in fiber I think what just happened but there's only like one gram of carbs in it is in a slice so therefore I'm fine yeah heads what happened before the board we're not gonna go into that but [ __ ] off for ideas right Wales has God on you lot what else has actually gone on that's a bit mad should we talk about that UFO [ __ ] yeah but firstly can what where can people listen to us oh [ __ ] yeah I'm stop swearing now - listen you guys oh [ __ ] all right you know that you the host of the show know on YouTube obviously everywhere and all you got to do is click on the link in the description smash it alright so if you didn't get that now basically we are on all audio platforms Spotify Apple podcast a lot if you want to listen in your car when your social distancing on a run you know I think this podcast would be great for that you know take your mind off the boring mundane tasks that you're doing just have a listen so I tried that because I was always under the blue when I listen to us oh no no I decide to another podcast but I was under the impression that I can't run two podcast cuz I rely on the music to keep my high tempo I so I run with you I tried listening to a podcast end up running at 10 and a half K it was quite what it was hard to start because I was so out of my comfort zone but once I got going I sort of fell into it was quite easy it's quite nice yeah now to be fair I listen well I did listen to impulsive when I would run and I found that fascinating like I would be able to do 10k a lot easier because I was listening to what those boys were saying and it's like when you're listening when you're part of a conversation that's what it feels like you're part of the conversation yeah yeah fully takes your mind off it whereas listening to the songs it's like okay this is a three minutes and then it's another thing I've heard you've heard them before as well so it can get a little bit repetitive so yeah podcasts definitely good for that I say yeah yeah there you go but wait from that is there any actual you know juicy new information that's happened in your life that we can talk about before we move on I mean not really I started you put II don't care but I started a series called the last dance all about Michael Jordan and the Bulls now I'm being very very horrible I know you doesn't deserve it I'm shooting him down and being a prick I didn't mean it you know I had a couple of days off going at you on voice no that's quite funny yeah yeah this thing this [ __ ] right so Theo has actually been bullying me when I was ill and vulnerable what were you saying over voicemail remember no because I mean nothing to you you were talking about I think it was probably like it was probably taking the piss out of like you've been large or saying and you've lost a lot of weight oh I'll being fat before you were fat shaming me yes I probably was yeah I think with it I mean I think living groups of friends that's allowed so you're endorsing group bullying no all right there I remember that to be now I'm gonna be a bit malicious from now I think it's what I'm gonna keep reminding you of that voice that you do when you make videos on think about Theo don't do that voice that you pod when you record that's the worst [Laughter] [Music] we're all gonna be Fred yeah we're all gonna be friends now basically the Pentagon in the USA right has taken a bit of footage of a UFO that was leaked like years ago and confirmed that it is a UFO they have no idea what the object is and this is basically the concept now coming through that are they about to announce that UFOs and aliens are real they can be preparing us dragon rather than just shoving everything out there at once they want to feed the public little bits of information so they get used to it like stepping stones yeah do you know this is the thing because the video that they're using I believe are used within my reacting to UFOs YouTube video I think it's one that is the tic-tac object the started bassy this object literally was darting about the sky when in the sea and the way it was like moving around through the air any normal object would make sonic booms like Oh boom pom pom pom yeah because it was going quicker than not that's so fast through like the atmosphere and it made no noise it was silent and it moved in a way that basically defied our laws of physics which means it can't be from this planet and the fact it went in the sea that's the other thing mate the sea is full in my opinion of [ __ ] [ __ ] I think there's UFO alien [ __ ] going on down there as well in Antarctica right there's secret [ __ ] going on in and odd in Antarctica that the world leaders all go to yeah it because there's something dodgy about there like isn't a massive part of it is literally shut off to the world like you're not allowed to go there yes really yes mate oh we should research that because I've about something people in the comments if you've heard about this thing in Antarctica where it's some dodgy you know unknown stuff where no one's allowed to go it's not on Google Maps it's nowhere it's you know you think area 51 is secret and dodgy this place is something else would make sense it's not harder to get to them like Arizona desert isn't it exactly we've explored I swear this right like more of the moon then we have more of under the sea where exactly we know more about space than we do the sea it's like 97% of the ocean hasn't been like discovered or whether yeah it goes dodge ball deep under taking plates and stuff yeah yeah that's what I'm saying like sooner or later there's gotta be some [ __ ] just come out like that thing that obviously logan paul filmed in the sky do you remember that have you guys seen that you know maybe that's like bright lights yeah I think that's a la musk Starling stuff I don't know Elon Musk is currently putting I think like 5,000 satellites into this into the sky during 5g like internet to everyone or Wi-Fi to every one gigabyte in turn a baby so I think he saw that because you can see in England I obviously can't sit in London because of the not the light pollution but every night there is these starlings going up and up and up and eventually we'll have five thousand of them in orbit and it'll mean that you Joe in the middle of nowhere can get gigabit into it wirelessly no wires bonkers well hopefully that comes up quick hopefully it doesn't have any dodgy effects on us though like you know they say like 4G 5g has dodgy effects and causes tumors and all of that I know you're probably gonna dismiss it but I think there is a supposing that there's people out there that are saying [ __ ] you just cause everyone Spira see now that are saying 5g causes coronavirus in a lot of that yeah well those countries yeah yeah obviously with us outrageous buzzing there you know the save mobile phones as people that live with their mobile phone their bed under their pillow and get tumors and brain cancer and things like that that he's been proven as that is the cause there's a link yeah I don't do that yeah yeah anyways now something else that happened on the what's good podcast right by Minnie mentor and Randolph was ksi came out and said that he'd be willing to jump on waffling by Theo Baker and Joe well he didn't mention Luke but basically he has said that he's willing to come on have a chat with the poised now I personally think that would be really good I feel like having just like we you know me and chaos I have not spoken like properly since our scrap I since the fight and all that so you know there's probably a few fit you know on unanswered questions there's probably a few yeah things I think a good light long chat would probably solve clear the air and that's that I think it would be quite useful I think as you know the viewers it'll probably make for quite an interesting watch what do you boys reckon I think what would be good about doing on a podcast is that you don't have it like a ten minute interview where say you disagree on two things in like ten minutes you can't really come to an agreement you sort of just back and forth where a lot of your cast you can explain one side he can explain another side and you sort of try and work things go forward does that make sense so yeah haned within a time limit which would be quite interesting I think it would be very healthy so what we should do right we should reach out right JJ we should just organize this I think we should do it next week get on with it make it happen wait yeah would you not rather wait until a point where you can sit in the same room and I think it'll be over oh wait and wait in a couple of weeks or months until lockdown when it's always been going on for years I actually think if he better to do it over discord because you're subconsciously more likely to have more confidence to say a point rather than being physically face-to-face does that make sense now that's a lot yeah Matt I think that's you like being face to face or not like that that's not gonna make me oh yeah any more more or less scared yes look we could be in lockdown for like four months literally it could be a couple of years mate you know we don't want to be waiting around I think we crack on do it and yeah I think it'd be a laugh so yeah let's let's look into that but anyways right we've got some other questions coming up and here we go right this one we're going a bit dodgy now so those of you that are very young go away all right go away now don't listen to this because the tagline of this is I need to [ __ ] him all right this is a question that's been sent in by one of you guys on our anonymous helpline so you send in and we won't mention your name or anything like that but basically a bit of a long one but I'll condense it so this girl has been sexting alright snapchat sexing a boy for sending nudes both in her words wanking off to each other he'll tell me he wants to [ __ ] me and stuff and it's all dirty talk while I am literally sat in my room going insane because he is making me so sexually frustrated I just want him inside we we have agreed to do no-strings-attached however every time I have a free house he has some excuse all right as to what as to why he can't come recently he has been literally only texting me when he needs a wank we used to talk so much and sext too but now it is purely sexting although he has become quite disrespectful airing my nudes mid through us having like online sex so basically yes lately have you have you boys ever found yourself in this situation I personally have not by still have thought on this situation will you think about people do it yes I have I have thoughts on this I feel like it's respecting God he can't be Aaron could Luke have you ever found yourself in this situation I've never had a partner exclusive for like snapchat sex now what about your current girlfriend yeah yeah but as in like I've never used her for snapchat sex so you've never done snapchat sex with someone that you don't really know yeah I mean I think we've established that it's only something that you've done would you air someone if someone sent you a nude via snapchat that you regularly speak to and regularly extremely as you can tell by his face may that's so deep yourself she's showing her vulnerable self what the 42 year old fat woman oh [ __ ] [ __ ] wait yeah that was actually well out of order no I just did the fat shaming thing that you just did exactly apologize I tell you that I take that back so face is wrong with being fat I'm sorry I'm sorry okay we figure listen listen I am just gonna clear this up here so what this boy is obviously doing is once he has splashed he has he's going off the idea he's like oh yeah this is great yeah mmmm-hmmm finishes it and then he's I know interested right some for some reason I feel like lads are programmed like this once labour chief the sex it's just shut down and you just lose interest that's just how the brain goes right unless unless you're truly into the girl unless you're truly into them that's why say like one impulsive Mike may lack said about how having sex is like the ultimate way to see whether you truly like a girl because if after you've you know finished you're still wanting to hang out with them and you wanting to like interact then that indicates that you actually give a [ __ ] and you actually like them whereas if afterwards you're just like disinterested then that shows that it's kind of purely just a sexual thing and at this point this geezer is realistically just using this girl as a sexual object to just to just wank over and go right home girl you should not you'll see me today clock this and realize even though you want to shag him so much like in you know she goes on in the email to say how much she just desperately wants to shag him you know I think wait you need to realise it he's not in it like you are no but I did what I think because it is maybe he doesn't really want to shag I may it's maybe he doesn't want to go that even that deep he's literally because you know if you don't you know there's some girl it's not like just because you drank over a girl means you'd have sex with them that's another topic yeah because I I am I I think just because you drank over ago doesn't mean you'd go out of your way to have sex with them you think if there's a girl that's a prick that you don't like it have anything you don't have anything to do with them they're a [ __ ] but they're quite fit so you've probably had a bash over them but you don't you wouldn't have sex with them do you not mean that so yeah I get you know their you don't understand at all what yeah well of course you didn't understand because you're [ __ ] spoken I think I think if this girl does literally just want to have sex of him though then I think she should still just go for it so long as her feelings aren't gonna be like compromised in the process do you not think it's odd for a girl to distinguish or like get rid of feelings and sex is home isn't it because they release different endorphins oh I'm not I'm not too sure about the biology behind it so a biology teacher Baker Luke but I just think like yeah if she's under the impression that she wants to go forward and try and make something with this guy as in like maybe he'll be my boyfriend if he has sex with man she's not even on that mate she'll it she says here it's obvious he's using me but I just want to [ __ ] him I can't stop thinking about having sex with him I have never been so sexually attracted to someone ever before well he won't even buy he won't even talk to me now unless it's for his benefit so he can wank as deep but I will what I will say is that maybe he's actually being the smart one because she's actually not allowed to go around his house right now oh yeah to be fair yeah she said earlier in there in the email that I didn't say I'm dead I'm in desperate need a SAP especially we've locked down I can't help but sex this boy and like she's saying she she wants him to come round so she's trying to break lockdown which is terrible yeah so this person she's Otto he lives 15 minutes away from me I've seen him down the beach a couple of times last summer yeah doesn't [ __ ] matter love yeah at the end of the day you should not be trying to get anyone round your house that doesn't already already nice she needs to control her libido yeah cuz she's saying like because especially in this lockdown with lots of free time on my hands all I am is horny and thinking about him it would be great I'd be so grateful for Theo and Luke to discuss this so she knows the YouTube shag and a great at dealing with it but yeah I think overall you know she cheats she's gonna either end up getting hurt yeah end up getting coronavirus and just yeah he's just using you he doesn't see you as a potential actual he doesn't see you as a human basically that's the deeper they're both in the wrong but he's more than the wrong yeah how'd you be send it don't break lockdown yeah don't break don't break lockdown at all now in conjunction with this right I know we're on snapchat sex but we will cover a very of topics in this so don't worry but just you know just because if this one goes well with it and this girl another girl that does snapchat six not just me whoa he says snapchat six does nothing for me okay so recently do to look down me and the boy I'm seeing have been snapchat sexing you see the issue is even though he has turned on by the pictures I send I am NOT the pictures well I am NOT by the bit by the pictures and videos he sends to the point to the point I tell him I'm finished what I'm not so that he could stop so I don't know how to tell him I'm just not into it I don't want to hurt his feelings because I do really like him there's nothing wrong with his genitals but having them on my screen definitely doesn't turn this thanks for the help boys podcast look what baby baby I don't think he'll be that sad about it like he's still receiving and it just means he doesn't need to send I'm sure he'll be okay with that yeah no see see I see I think that's the one thing that's saying that blokes only care about receiving nudes no may a relationship is a two-way thing and personally if a girl found anything I did what anything but anything sexual really repulsive and kept it and didn't say anything well one that would upset me but to you know if she felt like that yeah that is a big thing it's not just how we don't care as long as I'm getting nudes or I'm not a selfish bastard thing no no I agree with that I would also feel upset but she doesn't need to say in a way of I find this repulsive yeah they find it repulsive Oh what to him to him yeah yeah she doesn't need to tell him that that is quite deep yeah she's she that's how she's feeling if she's like Oh your [ __ ] on my screen is repulsive he probably made that's quite hurtful yeah and the only thing like I don't wanna have sex of any more could you find me repulsive after lockdown yeah but is this is this a telltale sign that maybe they're not meant for each other or no maybe that's it's just in general it's not her thing yeah maybe I'm telling you mate if if it was be said did the dudes she find a [ __ ] fantastic though there is she prolly this is the maddest thing like in your head like [ __ ] Hollywood there's no doubt in my mind there is no doubt in your mind you would send a [ __ ] Pig to dog dog Pig it's not about the [ __ ] [ __ ] pit and that's what this idiot is making the mistake of he's probably just said dig multiple balls yard to see that it's good this is good right because as an experienced snapchat sector like yourself how would you okay a little bit but how would you teach someone you do a high angle like this so you've got the ABS tensing and you'd pout like that so all right because I sent that to you once the wofully group check-in snapchat remember I was like boys [ __ ] my abs are coming through cuz you know I noticed that my abs were coming through so I sent you that yeah yeah well I did send you that's a y-you be the dude all right I won't do things in confidence anymore teach us teach us tell us tell us how you do it all right you know patronizing cow listen this is how it's done I just think overall you need to treat them either a [ __ ] human being ie you can't just dive in with the [ __ ] picks it's not gonna work right you need to you need to have a conversation and meet on common grounds of banter before it turns sexual so I think what this guy is doing is he's jumping probably straight in with right right snapchat sex right [ __ ] out and that's what I'm gonna say I'm not gonna say step by step I'll work first you look down the lens and you make this pet pose and then you do that no it's about matter of reading the situation in okay let's grow it organically almost almost like snapchat sex foreplay yes so you need to have you need to tease not tease you need to build up the momentum of the sexual attention arania now I gave God just dive in you got to go stepping stones just like how they are doing with UFOs so what I'm saying is you've got be very very very very very not overthink it just go with the flow now but honestly boys some geezers don't have the ability and this is what separates quality I've got a question whether that accidental photo you print it out was an accident whose car what would bring you that boy what how did this end up here boys look what lost my head you need to explain me we go on a boat so you remember when you accidentally printed out a picture of your car yeah and you write boys look at this yeah I'm citing a question whether it's all big accident well why would I do that on purpose just so you can show us you cut why would I want to show you my dear why would you exactly but why would I go to the extent of Julie I'll just send you a bigger [ __ ] next question this anyways overall I think I don't even know what to say about that question who gives a now D care I care about what you guys send in so keep them covered we should do it we should do it drunk and also once we already seem drunk most the time anyway don't we yeah well that would probably get what we do it from home so I get the old vodka some gas out now like I said we all just get the old vodkas out and just start getting a bit piss and it's gotta be spirits Ryan's got B Speedy's because the beer would [ __ ] take the old podcast to feel anything beforehand no we all play we all just get shots of tequila or something that can do Jin Jimmy I found out Jin is actually quite easy to shot so I could do that no Jun's not good on my tummy so I won't be having that but anyways have different tricks that darts I didn't we yeah we wanted to do yeah yes so you know we wanted to do a video where we played darts right each of the boys we all have a dart board at home and we can all just like take our turn from home so we can do it during isolation and basically I think it could change the game once again you know it's what me me and faeo do we start things that no one else Wincott thinks of then someone else takes it and makes it a global global phenomenon we get so and we get Farkle by this one thinking right matram right so matram boxing Eddie Hearn what did they originally do Earth's right so Eddie Hearn they're bagging for a younger audience in darts can you so why don't we start doing darts Eddie Hearn will be like [ __ ] me that is what I want YouTube is doing darts we can do a [ __ ] big show alexandra palace fill it out thousands of people right doing darts it'll be a [ __ ] laugh make piss I'll be glass yeah we have a bloody big piss up I thought nobody under 14 s but tonight I mean I think um I think that could be that could be jokes though if we happy it's nothing it right the only thing is like obviously getting the dartboard and setting it up like it's gonna it's gonna destroy your war one as soon as you said the idea I sorted it out I've going up on the wall in my garage really I need to get one then well I mean I can get one it bases fee oh that's the problem it's like you're the one that was to come complaining about all this and all that I think may suck it up and realize that we could change the game get dartboard I'll try get a dartboard I will a professional one would think the thing that is exciting about this is that if we are all like in alexandra palace imagine the pressure it's just you there's no teammates there's nothing your and it comes down to the final dark joe you have to hear made a triple 12-2 win ways of it this is the thing mate we're not professional so we're quite we trade no no you know what I think we're gonna have to not play normal darts rules I think we're gonna have to like to never get five yeah we'll never get following than one but anyways yeah that's an idea so should we move on to the next question this one is gender job role roles sounds a little bit boring but actually it's going to be good so please listen up okay no because when people debate are vegan and gender than gender equality sounds a bit boring but no no it's not but the point I'm making is ease this isn't gonna be a boring question but in it a stereotype about it is that it is so anyways I am currently starting to be studying to become a nurse I am a straight male through my experience I've noticed people question my sexuality and call me feminine when I say I'm studying to become a nurse it frustrates me as it's such a rewarding job and in need of more men is my dream ever since I was younger to become a good nurse straight up [ __ ] do it yes do it to the best of your ability [ __ ] what anyone else says they're [ __ ] yes they assume yes they stereotype that is human nature right people say oh you shouldn't judge is literally in our nature to judge we could only take what we see and you know the data that we're given in front of us and make assumptions because that's all about like just how it [ __ ] made so people will assume [ __ ] and make make out that you're feminine or maybe gay or whatever it's something you have to embrace ya embrace and just say this what I enjoy doing I'm gonna [ __ ] do it I guarantee good question male nurses out there get a lot of girls directly I really do think that yeah I imagine you're like you're at work and you're like one of only two male nurses in the entire Hospital and the majority of people meet their partners at work your wife is you huh that was hard I don't know I instantly felt like you know like a wave of that was harsh I shouldn't have said that I didn't say anything I like a data stack I really don't like what Luke wasn't that hard I mean I mean I understood it that was out of order I take that back okay oh because I'm the male nurse and I wouldn't be able to get girls but you will yeah would you welcome saying light is a saint our male nurses get loads of girls because they're like the only male in the whole nursery and because because I like you still you've still got to be like class with birds probably to get the girls like you just because just because you got [ __ ] they're not gonna be like me yeah I should I shouldn't have phrased that by saying oh what if it was you because that is bullying okay snowboarder it's okay it's okay you know so I didn't mean that live and we learn it was actually a very famous male nurse in Meet the Fockers or maybe you've just been watching a lot of porn with that sort of nurse storyline you know old doctor [ __ ] I've got a thing on mine can't are they then they'd be seeing it all later not a nurse now cuz the nurse is like assists the doctor so what thank God look you don't know these storylines like Jeremy I'm [ __ ] celibate down so love it wait what's your what little bit well you want a video I'll suppose you're celibate that means you don't have sex but I'm wanking celibate so I want a funny one something that's quite jokes like you know well funny all right here we go realistically meme pages on Instagram gets similar if not more attention than the main media websites all right meme pages are known for publicly sharing funny video oh this is boring Sorry mate I got bored we got anything funny to talk about you reckon [ __ ] we got nothing got nothing left we've actually got nothing left now we do we can keep going we can keep this show going [ __ ] with sinking more the second okay okay so why don't we say this so for the ksi podcast alright that'd be an interesting topic for the ki podcast what sort of things do you think would be useful to talk about okay number one yep when he said your thing about do you need pills and then you retaliated and he thought that you were trying to ruin his career and you thought he was taking a milk out of mental health I'd like to see those two opinions again but after years of being Alvar to think about it and assess the situation yeah I'd love to talk talk to him about that but my honest opinion of what happened was he in the moment [ __ ] up impulsively said what he said but like a week before that he released a music video by which included the lyrics you need your something about don't make any more house tunes they make me wanna pop a prozac prozac is antidepressants so he's physically fought about a mental health sort of like attacking remark right in a song and then obviously followed that up by what he said in the press conference so saying that he's not used mental health as a way to try and I guess get at me in that situation is a lie straight up but that doesn't mean that I didn't capitalize on it I saw what he said and I was like I'm not [ __ ] having that that's not OK and I was like you're [ __ ] using mental health as a way it's like I don't know this is someone say it's someone say it's equal someone say it's a bit more but if I used hypothetically homophobic or racist terms to try and attack a gay or a black person like we've cared I could said it cuz they're racist stuff if I then said oh I'm not being racist I'm just using race as a way to try and attack ksi will you be a racist just like using mental health as a way to try and you know that this did you see what I'm saying a technology it is so important with this conversation though that it doesn't just end up being two point of views going out and it turns into an argument do not I mean never made way it's gonna be a debate law I think you know you can't sit there and pussyfoot around the topic if we want to debate about psych if he has an opinion and he believes what he believes I expecting the [ __ ] stick by it and likewise with me what we have the outcome to be to have a conversation I'm not saying oh we need to go there and we must be happy Skippy friends by the end of it now I'm saying that whatever happens happens I just think it'll be good to have these conversations that's all I'm saying yeah you haven't actually really had these conversations yeah no no exactly screams I think they he had this I did I was some like evil prick and it's some like way in over my head trying to ruin his career load of [ __ ] bollocks mate not realistically right and that's what that's what having the conversation will I hope make him realize that you know I was never trying to end his career you just [ __ ] up and I obviously like made a point of it and but anyways so something else I want to touch on is this song that I've been working on vo firstly when you're like I am I'll listen to that later you never listen to it and I feel like you don't rate that sort of music which I get and that's absolutely fine just hell we mate Robert I haven't listened I can't really yeah yeah but give it you know because remember that last time one included in the vlog you were like oh yeah I turned it off cuz I got bored at that moment and that obviously indicates that you don't like that sort of I will listen boy I will don't know you don't have to you don't have time entry to this I literally just forgot us today I was really busy but what I'm saying is it like obviously Luke made a comment yesterday about how it's not gonna appeal to very many people which I know very many people it's talking to appeal to the mainstream sort of audience like there'll be a lot of kids and people that are like well I may get as a song I can observe that it's it's a song it's probably well made but it's just not not for me and it is a drum and bass song I it's a proper like rave out smashed on off your notes or this is saw you am Val yeah like in a club mainly on 6:00 a.m. it's heavy and what I was saying was not that this song is terrible at all but I but in terms of like appealing to the audience of the previous songs is very different and I just think it will struggle why what like people that like drum and bass like say so saying it was struggle is that it's a little bit vague because saying it was struggle with a mainstream audience yeah okay but that's to be expected I'm not with this song I'm not trying it's not an it's not a mainstream so it was they're not but in terms of in terms of people that like raving music and getting [ __ ] off your nut I think that sort of like wild like you judge it on whether with those people yeah right yeah of course you know it's a but it's not of course as I said it's a good song like and it is good for those people that would like that that your previous songs have much more appeal to people who enjoyed different genres it's a bit your previous stuff is a bit more poppy cuz house has become you know widely popular over the last like five six years whereas this song just feels very you have to be in a nightclub and it's like but Luke you could say that about 1975's new song remember they're all just like in yeah then they'll put out that heavy rock one and you liked it and it was nothing to do with what their normal stuff isn't yeah no no I know that is a very fair point I did say it I just thought it would struggle I didn't say it will I'm gonna play it now in my ear yeah so yeah maybe cuz like we're not whenever obviously when I play it well loud at night with like my mood lighting on I imagine being like ah yeah it's full like at a club at a [ __ ] gig where you're off your nut Volks yeah I know I'm quite enjoying this I don't mind this I'd like drumming bass I just I'm not a fan of house fair enough but yeah like this is outrageous aegis is about razors oh my god this is class bacon likes it mate this is very what I would listen to and fitness February well that's what I'm saying like it is is like yeah that's the other time I listen to it when I'm running or I'm at the gym it's like that sort of high-energy and I [ __ ] this is what I do when I do my fast runs exactly this I'm fair enough so what would you think in terms of like going down with my YouTube audience what how do you think they're gonna take it they're gonna probably think oh no a lot of them won't like it but you will get those old ones who are now 17 18 years old and like they're into you know parties and yeah I think they a lot of people are into John bass then go out on these big sessions and I think they could joy it enjoy it I don't think it would do well in the charts by I don't think you need to care about that like who plays definitely not I'm not trying to get any sort of choice in those clubs which i think is very important I think for the audience that it's aimed that that's light as in and that's the people that are sort of a bit older like our age that like going out and partying if those sort of people like it then that then I'm happy with that because I think as well angst the house he sort of sound yeah really happy you know I've rinsed that we've all we've heard well have made the same you know he's made the same song quite a few times now in terms of formula what it sounds like and I for yeah drum and bass that's something I listen to I'd like to make a sort of like it's a bit of a gimmick like in that you know dirty was it like the like it's a bit of a lad song I don't know you say it but like I'm not gonna compare you to him but I say you look at Pavarotti okay he's not he's not going out there or back in the day he wasn't going out there to linger top 40 chart here was he he was making different kinds of music yeah I think yeah I mean he's got do it I actually think you should go down this route so I should quite liked I'm a bass I don't really like house yeah well I mean when you go to festivals mate drum and bass like Aston Barry that was just rife with drum and bass yeah exactly what I've seen chases Davis live yeah like there's some big market for it and I think so you've listened to it in headphones right Luke what did you listen to it on it was a headphones through my speakers which so with the studio monitors yeah yeah because like when that I think Theo also makes a very fair point in you should you should he's right to say that you shouldn't be making this for other people as such like if you you're enjoying making this song then a hundred percent you should make you out there because it is a good song and I stand by that I just don't think it's gonna blow up like previous ones which whether that would disappoint you or not but it was like drum and bass songs can blow up in a drum and bass source form now I think that's yeah that's what I'm saying I was in does it have the potential to do really well and be a song that people put what you know say when they go pre-drinks and you're [ __ ] everyone's getting a bit rowdy what is it is it something that may be there or Joe if we did a pre jigs live like the boys or whatever and we would like playing that song they would yeah they wouldn't bat an eyelid it would just be like one of the normal songs they play well yeah I mean last a figure we've got it to a quality that isn't like oh that sounds like it's made by a complete novice it mean it sounds like okay this is a natural legit drum and bass track which is good yeah yeah no I think I think I think you should maintain sympathy you know when you like you know those don't do a music video do like you know like the little like you know those video little wave the wave thing all that pop with the beat you know how like yes yes channels do I think yeah yeah no no what I was gonna do is just do because I was thinking of naming it something like like I don't if it's a bit predictable but something like isolated or something along those lines and it'd be like because I've made it in isolation and then sort of just do like I sort of well amateur is short it's sort of vid of just like [ __ ] basically what I'm doing it in isolation but somehow make it so it's kind of like oh that's quite cool I don't know I don't like [ __ ] I think the name in a song like this the name isn't as important as what a chart hit name is does that make sense well yeah no no I was just thinking like more of like I think isolation quite cool but yeah it is a bit predictable or but yeah I don't know like it sums up how say like okay when I was making the track I was feeling quite isolated but I was feeling lonely I was feeling like you know it does some out some up how how I was and it's like I wanted some some energy in my life and I made a [ __ ] energetic song like means to those diapir and call it a night like escape it can provide an escapism yeah yeah yeah I mean it just could yeah we'll see and when I recorded the video yeah regarding the video like I don't I don't want to do because I could easily get like I saw a guy go music video recently where the whole that music video is just a drone i continuous drone shot flying through snowy mountains and it like speeds up when the song gets like going and then sort of sort of slows as it as it gets slower just one shot of a drone yeah what mate I could I could get best stock footage of just like drone in like a specific setting and make like something to just go along with it but I think it's important that like for this song no one's gonna sit down and watch a music video they're gonna put it on and get [ __ ] reality yeah yeah I mean a lot of songs it's like that I mean yeah some songs are quite cool it's like a story where is that with this song it's not really a story it's sort of just like a no I don't know yeah you just need visuals is what you need visuals so I think that can just match the mood of the song yeah exactly exactly so yeah whether that be finding something I feel like for people to watch it you know to remember I want to connect to my YouTube audience to get in to watch it I almost feel like I sort of need to be in it in some form though I hope you don't be cool just [ __ ] light display and I'm just there [ __ ] BJ in mate that would be quite sick or if you all all inquisitive or if you had you did like a live DJ performance of it and that was the [ __ ] well yeah well that's the thing I want to release it like in two weeks I'm gonna want to get it is gonna be my next question that if you wanna really go down this music producer route yeah you need to care less about about my YouTube audience they'll expect me to be in it no not that they'll expect me but I just think like it's to have it could be you know this is my song because it's the air in it just a song with just visuals I don't I want to get it get it across that this is what I've made this from scratch like I have made this track because a lot of people when they hear a song it's like okay unless you sing on it I don't see that it's your song that you've made it and Calvin Harris isn't in all this music videos yeah no it's true a lot of music producers like barely even are attached to the songs they just get the piece yeah you know it's true I mean maybe yeah maybe I just do something just release it just weave like a wave form everything yeah I've read about there is the what should I do is the album cover up a CD artwork like the artwork cover what should I do is there just like I know what surely that's gotta be a that's got to be a picture of you yeah sure let's go read home husband say like a pillow just to say by the way lies sorry Tom because he's not gonna be able to put my camera in because it's pissing me off his cut so I'm not gonna be here but yeah okay it's not got a camera around he's gonna he's gonna have to use a picture of Luke right editor Tom you know you know what to do be I can't continue but but I think that is a good way to like link it back to you is have you on unlike the other yeah yeah yeah I wonder what what what sort of picture I'm not even you or just like a a silhouette of your logo or maybe just like some sort of cool lighting a block a close-up [Music] like with what like a like a headshot all I'm looking and like you know when they have that two different color lights or like ones like blue ones red and it on my face you have like blue red I mean yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm just like a no like Chase & Status album covers and stuff yeah what do they have a picture of a dog away from us b-baby yeah look at like a lot of drama based people just use like random [ __ ] on their covers yeah yeah I think it'd be good to have me on the album cover but we'll see mate we'll see what what makes full sense right yeah but anyways guys make sure you are subscribing and if you have made it this far I want you to comment down below saying well er I can't wait for you to release this drum and bass song it's gonna be sick and also please watch the clips oh yes don't even have to watch him just get it up and let it play click on please yeah we've known since we've done this new format where we have like one long podcast like people don't watch the clips as much do we need a Clips challenge people have watched this far like they watched the whole podcast so don't need to watch the clips are like yeah so I don't know but overall what do we think of my hair i boys that's the other thing the brand-new I've got coming up so I've got a brand deal coming up which involves me that's what we were talking about what on whatsapp let's taking a piece Oh saying how like you always bottle it under pressure and this you've only got one shot of this and if you fail you've got a shitty huh and you know she oh yeah yeah so basically you know I it's working with a really good company Renea well-established as well and I can't mess this up like I I basically need to use their razor to give myself a cool skin fade fade on the sides and I'm gonna spend like however long it takes I'm gonna spend that time but yeah that is coming up that I need to do for a video it's scary because I'm kind of like you'd like the swept like back look laughs I'm not going to cut it on top at all but I think even on the sides I look a bit old oh it's a bit more mature a bit more bit more Oxford bit more I mean look at my little [ __ ] polo curly on the side I always go can you get out fro like what do you think that boys we're almost taking a six month stage video coming soon well it does you know it looks well long I've only just turned it discord full screen oh you guys back as well I'd saw mate when I shaved my bed if I had so many comments about that I've got a boot as well yeah they were like uh-uh you look like a baby baby I've been so hot I'm cutting my own hair as Pope with its barcode mode here I've grown a beard you guys shave off the bum fluff which is like two seconds tweezer beards I had basically oh yeah so alright they've given me a hair shaver and one that you use on your face yeah and as you can see really clearly it's quite long the UK boys can you see it must oh why do always boys do this by the way but I goes to lock down it everyone's like I'm gonna cry mustache it's good most [Laughter] oh they watching will never know about the brand deal that fell through what Brad do with the other shaving company what the on shaving wait we don't do that Brad do you think so Luke's got another one lined up if we got we got another cook shaving Brent it's actually really good though you know how like shaving it always is terrifying using this device on this unnamed brand it's really good Wow cool like garlic always we want to go yeah I need to eat something yeah I think you lot I hope you have a great Christmas I will see you in the next episode make sure you little spy for a podcast follow us follow us on Instagram follow the boys on Instagram as well but the waffling podcast Instagram is great anyways until next time we hope you refunds don't go changing I hope you've enjoyed it and I will see you very very soon [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: WAFFLIN' Podcast
Views: 363,754
Rating: 4.9732842 out of 5
Keywords: comedy, joe, weller, funny, podcast, ksi, sidemen, wroetoshaw, w2s, humour, sport, football, boxing, Theo, baker
Id: oezJnX-fBD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 30sec (4170 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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