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I wonder if jake knows he sounds like an idiot

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/MerrillGaming 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

for some reason, "bruv" coming out of Joe's mouth is weird

Also, Jake is such a fucking idiot

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
all right guys now to give you an idea of what is going on here basically we're at the ksi versus Logan Paul press conference and I'm getting interviewed with Jake now I thought this would be a good opportunity to ask him why he uploaded his video of aspirin a day before the date we agreed and then proceeded to ignore my messages all right let's go why did you put yours out the day before because I do what I want where I'm from if you like mountain man say I'm gonna do this like you do it yeah but I also think I don't like at that time it's like I didn't have respect for you why cuz I don't know you I don't care you just don't care about me no is that what it comes down yeah yeah I don't know why would i but what's my why would I do I wake up and be like oh I care about like what Joe Weller is doing today well no I'm not I'm not saying about our warming and for breakfast and stuff I'm just saying but why would you initially before you know someone go I instantly I'm gonna show no respect like who like who does that like why but what's the reason to just instantly go like one okay and I'll radio raheem ah I don't know you don't give it to say yeah I think what you're trying to do it I was like make me look stupid you're a desire acting me brother you to video yeah I posted it like a couple hours before you I get this over this is it this is seventh grade okay okay I posted a YouTube video couple hours before you all I'm gonna you disrespect me brother no I'm not a 12 yo Joe girl right right what I'm saying posted a video before me you don't have respect for me bro this is it seventh grade come on alright so basically all I'm saying bro it's just we can't even talk about you do with like hey I in your press conference really trying oh you're a bad boy I must run up a few problems like I'm just asking you a question about like what you did but I didn't do anything I'd always did a video before I was like yo well let's post tomorrow and I post like a couple hours before we already done that you already beat me but he saying about boxing I'm just a jealous get him a question mean something uncomfortable what do you want the apology I'm just trying to understand like what his skis is like like what he's trying to prove because obviously you know you say I'll respect no one well I'm gonna respect anyone I'm just trying to know like why is that but why is that and you can't really give a straight answer that's what I'm saying why don't I respect what not just me but you just said like if I don't know someone I instantly don't respect them and I'm just saying yeah but I also think I don't like at that time it's like I didn't have respect for you why because I don't know you I don't care you said I don't know you so why am I gonna wake up and respect you that's what you said yeah I don't know you so why would I wake up in respect to you so it's a personal it's not it's not a general broad thing so it's not a personal thing but it is a personal thing sad I get is what do you understand he wanted the understand I mean what I wanna know is if the camera if the camera wasn't right if the camera wasn't rolling right now I wanna know like YouTube videos are posted okay that's pretty childish it's more sweet rock you know what I'm saying it's more of just a man to man up okay so and I was like yo Joe like I text to yours like yo were like whatever like I don't know like it to me it's like souks irrelevant bro like okay I don't even know but but I do I do I do understand why you'd be upset about it okay you know I respect that but listen if the cameras weren't rolling right now you know like you said do you reckon we'd all just be cool you reckon you'd black act how you're acting now if the cameras weren't rolling this I think there's a huge question that people try to bring up like with the pause all the time like haha Joss can you how do they act on camera like huh you guys act so different on cameras like what you guys have internet personas I think I definitely had an internet persona for a long time a long period of my life and I don't anymore and that's just the fact that I think I am Who I am now and it's taking me like 22 years to figure that out and I grew up living my life on camera on Disney Channel that's a lot to go through when I stopped vlogging is when I like truly found myself and I think yeah the cameras weren't off it's the same it's the same person you're talking to on and off-camera code you believe that I mean I don't know because I camera then you always you always are just talking to me on camera yo how about this interview what hop in the series I'm talking about Sky Sports always always want to be a Sky Sports but what I'm saying is like you've never given me the opportunity to talk to me off-camera other than the day we fought where we were like pissed at each other now misty Oprah wasn't I get I know reasons for me to be angry at you they haven't done anything to me bro but but while we're gonna be ready I'm looking to be angry at you just because I'm having a spar incense your breath okay about whether you come into the sparring session and when the ref says break you're punching me after he says break but you're not mad at me dirty fighters fight bro okay you don't mean love whit is that deep is it that deep do you know it's not that deep why bringing out member you're bringing what up the fact that I gave you a couple of punches after at what the ref in a sparring session you can you get out of a set clearly upset now brought anger to the ring what in all sparring session yes I was actually dancing before the bell wit but okay I mean you're good at like hiding your emotions like figuring out like I'm just being real with you right now bro I know I know how you are but like it like I don't even know what you're saying I'm just trying to conversation I'm not cooling him out I'm trying to just I thought oh cool again oh no I I just want to be like look Jake I'm cool I have respect the respect is there and that's it like that's that's all I'm just I'm not trying to fight these guys I'm not trying to start something you know forget the cameras I'm just talking man to man that's it silence you're not you're not talking to me man to man talking to me man to man yeah it would be it could as you have problem with me you come through and have a problem with you run you you talk about it off camera that's what that's what man-to-man is versus the internet interview trying to be like why did you post a youtube video a day before mine I mean you sound like okay now listen if when these cameras stop if you wanna have a chat love to I love but you're trying to you're trying to confront me about like how I am on and off camera while on camera so like who we're like are you good bro for you good bro like you're trying to depict whether who I am as a person on camera versus off camera when I'm the same person but you've never even given the opportunity to talk to me man-to-man or less let's relax just I can show you I can take it I can take it all right so [Music] figure out like what he's trying to like prove from it because it makes you realize obviously he knows the crowds all here is he just like that it just must be weird it is weird géza its hopefully we can talk to him in a sec when the cameras were stopped just like actually chat because like that's just a load of it's just all show for the camera in it I just don't understand like if you spoken to him off-camera before I had about three seconds maybe yeah it's so weird cause I basically backstage like just after spoke to him normal now after it like blowing up and everything we went backstage no cameras no microphones and had a chat and but we just spoke normally now that's what I don't really get like he thought obviously I was trying to attack him but backstage he was like ah ah I love your content you know I respect you so I don't really understand you know what parts are for the camera what on I think we're cool you know we shook hands and is what it is you know play let him do what he wants to do I'm good all right so we are joined by the Bert chip Toby chisel and mini mint all right I want to get some predictions for this scrap firstly Joshy boy obviously boxing it expert myself it's gonna be a draw again that case I will all right Toby let's see what this is gonna be imma stick a bobbin saying ksi around four that's it okay I'm gonna kiss I round three TKO no not a knockout it's gonna get stopped do you feel like I mean I don't know what you've seen but do you feel like JJ has the knockout power to end the fight 100% he's got the power it's just wherever he finds the right time into the end oh because that's the thing like obviously the adrenaline the pressure everything of like Fight Night I don't know if they're going to be able to like find find that opening to actually knock each other out because it takes so much skill to knock someone else did I mean I dunno actually I want to say round six now I want to could we ever see any of you boys in a room no is dodgy it's not I'll turn that camera off and we'll go there you have it over and out
Channel: Joe Weller
Views: 3,833,407
Rating: 4.8603206 out of 5
Keywords: comedy, funny, joe, weller, sport, exercise, fitness, gym, workout, inspiration, motivation, routine, muscle, fat loss, abs, chest, back, cardio, ksi, logan, paul, jake
Id: _bLpXVXLm38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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