Joe Weller's Honest Opinion of Elliot Crawford

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uh we were at a nightclub and he he uh had contacted the nightclub to be put like on a you know the door as like special guest what what oh my word oh obviously i meet elliot in starbucks yeah and then i'm like quite at quite a low point to be fair and i'm like mate yeah i don't know what i'm going to do with youtube don't know what videos i want to make blah blah blah oh hang on so because i knew he worked in starbucks you didn't know him before that no no he was he was a he was a fan oh wow and he would write on my cup kitty and like and things and i was like okay he knows he knows and then obviously you know we started chatting boys and girls we're back at it again in starbucks all right but who's here on duty it's elliot he's just said something a bit weird to me right go ahead uh he took me on a date but yeah basically like what did he write his number on the cup call me no he wrote his uh he did ask me to watch a singing cover that he did oh drake's right and i remember watching it figured right okay there's there's two things here either he's trying to become friends with me so that i promote his [ __ ] yeah or he's just being nice yeah anyways so we uh yeah he then suggested this idea of going to his old primary school to explore it for a video and i was like mate dead vid were you on about going to [ __ ] primary school basically the school that i went to when i was in like up to year two i left in year two and then shortly after it closed down it's been abandoned ever since all right so like 15 years ago basically right he reckons it's haunted so we just should investigate so at this point you're on you're good pals now well uh yeah yeah we're still getting to know each other in terms of like as mates like he seems safe he seems funny laughing and joking like you know he gets me on a youtube level in terms of like he i could just tell basically you could see how i was feeling and he had creative ideas that you know let's give it a go yeah sort of thing so yeah the exploring was something that i didn't believe in at first but i thought let's do it got nothing to lose obviously i miss went against everything i've done in the past ie filming quite raw from one ghost town to another really like he doesn't make um content anymore no abandoned youtube channel anyways do a video joe well exploring that but uh do you speak to him i haven't spoke to him since the incident um obviously where he rang up ksi you know i thought i will admit yeah back in the day when i when i was listening to that you were about to fight ksi in the first boxing match we'll speak to we'll speak about that in the second half of the show but elliott called him up and basically one just said i hope you knock joe out basically something along them lines i would have bet my house and i don't have a house but if i had one i'd bet it on the fact that that was staged but clearly three years on now whatever it is it wasn't was it no what happened so that was pretty much uh the what'd you say like the climax of a series of events right basically i noticed the elliott that i met in starbucks humble normal guy as i thought um but yeah basically over an amount of time of you know i don't know whether it be the followers the success the attention i just saw him become someone i didn't like yeah pretty much like very cocky arrogant thought that the reason why he was big time was because of him it's because he was in my video yeah um that's not me being an arrogant [ __ ] about it but that is the reason it's because we had a series that banged and you know that exploring series but it's where the way he started acting like he was the bollocks and you know all these chains and smoking weed and all that you know yeah and i was just like yeah i don't really want to hang around this guy anymore like that's and i don't want to go up to him and say mate you need to change you need to be this if that's who he wants to be fair play mate yeah but i'm not going to come and give you an explanation i'm just going to sort of do my own thing yeah so i think he thought uh he had a level of confusion on like okay why have i sort of ditched him right did you just not speak to him as much uh yeah i just sort of started you know hanging out with different friends sort of thing and doing my own thing because you because didn't you go to america and do a song with them or something yeah yeah we did all of that like we did a lot of stuff mate and those exploring videos like they were the sickest thing like our dynamic on camera was amazing like so good yeah you know we got on really well and anyone that i tried to make you know i've tried to make exploring videos with since then i've it's not it's not been the same dynamic yeah as me and him and that's that it does like get to me like i do sort of almost wish like [ __ ] i wish we were just still mates and we still banged you know videos out whether they're exploring or not we had a good sort of like chemistry on camera yeah but anyways yeah so i obviously start distancing myself and then um we were at a nightclub and he he uh had contacted the nightclub to be put like on a you know the door is like special guest what what oh my word i remember seeing that it's been like mate what the [ __ ] what you saw it on the door i remember seeing that and i was like is this is this a joke it's gonna be real so it was like yeah so it's like cameo featuring ellie elliott crawford and i was like okay fair play to him i think i might go so basically i went uh and obviously we get there and like all the attention he's got a booth that's like elevated and you know everyone's around him we go in there and like it's sort of the crowd goes from there they sort of come over here yeah yeah now a bit of a [ __ ] move like i was going purely for that intention like i just was yeah i wanted to be like no mate like you need to remember your route yeah yeah get back down to like the real world sort of thing yeah anyways i you know at this point we haven't spoken in a while and all of that and he he like he sort of was oh yeah mate come here yeah come join us no no mate i was in no so i just i just sort of didn't really pay attention i went off and had my night out on the other end of the club anyways he got limited at this started on my mate um well he's come over at that that laura lawrence my friend walked past their booth at one point he started on him because he thinks my mate lawrence is the reason why i've like distanced myself but um yeah uh then anyways we leave and it was following that i think he was obviously probably smashed away i don't know but he calls up ksi and then does what he does [ __ ] hell have you had did you hear the phone call no so he quit he called him up and i i mean it's been a many years since since i've heard it back but he's basically like joe's about to fight him and he's like i hope you knock him out and stuff like that and then i think he even says joe's got too big for his boots because i remember watching it thinking you you joe did actually make you though like it i know that sounds like such an arrogant way to look at it but they're the facts they are the facts obviously mr creature was [ __ ] decided to hit me up and uh sent me this hope you dropped joe bro so i'm just there like out of everyone i didn't expect this from you literally i definitely did not expect this from [ __ ] elliot you know what i didn't even stop there this [ __ ] decides to call me my god what's up bro how are you jj i'm good man how are you that's the main question oh this shit's about to go down what's up why are you beefing joe i always find that quite strange whenever i even like hit another thousand followers on something i'll tweet saying thanks to you i'm just like every single follower another follower thanks i remember once i did i was doing i started to do this series called click bait like way before i did the new one and i was trying to get these guests on and i asked him and he was like this was before you fell out and uh he come and picked me up in this new mercedes and that and it was like i got in the car and um he was talking it talking about it and he's like blasted this like drake tune whatever and he had all these chains on and i was just like mate like i said outside i'll just drive a 2001 or like to teos i was like they sent me at all and i could tell that he thought he was like big time like bigger than ksi almost so that was [ __ ] it was weird but i did think going back to the call it might be staged to try and sell the fight more which i thought would have been a genius move i mean on paper it does sound genius yeah no that's the thing like and building up to that fight like i if anything i should have made more of a [Music] sort of i guess like marketing sort of strategy in terms of like after this fight i need to use what i've you know the the publicity and everything to propel my career whereas instead all i did is think i just i'm only thinking about the fight i didn't make any videos really on the build up to it i didn't think about yeah any of that i just wanted to beat ksi and that was it and even if i did beat him then i'd then be like right what now yeah so yeah i've yeah so you so just before we get on to the box then yeah would you would you how you you mentioned your latest waffling you'd have elliot back on your back on your podcast just just to have it just have a chat just to have it out yeah i mean it would be interesting it's weird it's like it's one of them ones where who contacts who first yeah yeah i think you've already put your olive oil out but as in like yeah i i mean yeah i haven't heard anything back no what's he doing now i'm not sure i don't know he looks very different i mean i don't know i don't know last thing i'll say about it but i don't think he because he could have whether or not you were mates anymore he could have used that platform and and tried to at least run with it a little bit i think the abuse was too much yeah because he did snake here big time but he he i mean he did a video where he was just eating an ice cream on a on a spinning roller coaster and it was 40 45 second long video him just eating an ice cream on on a roller coaster and at the end it was like sponsored by the ice cream it was just like you're just killing your anything any kind of platform now yeah no it was i think yeah like that's what sort of showed it showed itself like when when we stopped making videos and he just made he just made videos yeah it was like didn't really come out of anything that was like boom this is worthy of you being a big time youtuber sort of thing did it did it ever some of the content he was making on his channel because he was so closely connected to you yeah did it ever embarrass you like like some of the stuff he was doing like or not not embarrass me nah not embarrass me like at the end of the day is his own person he can do what he wants but yeah all i know is probably the reason why he did eventually stop i feel was that my everything you post like instagram youtube whatever i was just snake emoji snake in my snake snake snake yeah i think that that must have just been toxic like yeah when you feel like literally the world hates me like not just doesn't like me they [ __ ] hate me they think i'm a snake like that must be horrible to live with and that's where i'm like i'm to a point now where i'm like mate i almost want to see like is he all right yeah is he all right like after all this time like you don't hear anything of him now right so it's like yeah that shows you it shows you as a bigger man that you've moved on and you want to actually check in on him and stuff like that so consider this the olive branch then yeah get him on happy hour oh get him on waffling you need a more muffin first yeah yeah no you're right we'll see we'll see what we tend to do we tend to let guests go another podcast and then we snake in and get them [Music]
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 1,212,267
Rating: 4.963347 out of 5
Keywords: jaackmaate, podcast, happy, hour, jaack, maate, happyhourpodcast, jackmate, joe weller happy hour, elliot crawford, joe weller elliot crawford, joe weller beef, jaackmaate weller, beef crawford, crawford wafflin, joe weller wafflin crawford, jaackmaate elliot crawford, joe elliot, Joe Weller's Honest Opinion of Elliot Crawford
Id: frbgCRHrDd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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