UFO Sightings, Dodgy Dads & Joe Speaks To Elliot - WAFFLIN' FULL PODCAST

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all i hear is joey just like oh nothing like that it's not even like hello welcome back we are on a wafflin featuring malfoy luke martin and joe weller now i'm going to begin this episode by saying boys ufos and aliens are 100 really wait wait wait wait i purposely haven't said it and it's because on this tv show i've been filming you saw an alien no ideas [Laughter] so on this tv show i've been filming uh there was an individual who will 100 percent have been telling the truth because of who he is no no no i'm being serious and he right why what makes someone i don't know what he's saying incapable of lying or when you've been in [ __ ] government mate basically saying in the government there are certain things right that you find out that us normal people never know and that is that is fact but he decides to tell joe well only no sworn to a life of secrecy but on a tv show of all the cameras and gobby malfuella oh yeah oh yeah mate they're all real no listen listen lad he doesn't work there anymore looney straight up wait i'm sorry he goes well let me go let me guess he goes honestly like i can't tell anyone but i'm going to tell you i'm not going to tell you oh yeah it was kind of how it went but no no no basically it was just more of a matter of he doesn't work there anymore oh so it's okay so he's not sworn to secrecy i don't think that's how it works i don't think it's how it works if trump suddenly is like oh i'm not president anymore he's not gonna go tweeting all the secrets because he's sworn into a life of secrecy well it was more of the fact that like i really believed him no he said look the person that told him that works that didn't even come from him look trust me my mates [Laughter] listen the fact of the matter was they were in like a meeting and he goes he asked the guy i met on the tv show asks this guy who who works as amazed no no let me know this is what another thing that actually the waffle and mafia say they go joe and luke now theo and luke actually attack joe too much and don't give him the time of day to speak go ahead so i'm actually being serious there's he was he was he was towed or shown these files by this guy and the guy was like i can't say whether aliens are real or not but here are some cases of unexplainable flying objects have a look and that's all he said he didn't say anything more to me about it but he was saying there are yeah there are some a lot of things that we just don't know and are never told look i won't i won't doubt that i will not doubt that that's 100 sure and actually it's been showcased in the last few weeks with the whole fbi releasing the documents yeah well they released those videos didn't they just think we touched on like what where we got that information from yeah you know what type of guy this was was he higher up in the government in that sort of sector because do you agree that a lot of the times the people in power aka boris trump don't actually get trusted with the information to be told so they are in the dark as well potentially but this this this guy has been in charge of some very high up sort of things in government well i'm not a politician i don't know all the ins and outs but i just wanted to start this episode by saying guys it's real aliens and ufos are real so that's what i can say unnamed source who told you on this tv show arguably probably going to be the only politician on the same tv show as joe wait what you just said you can't say who your source is no i can but the shot i can't announce who's on the tv i was gonna say when the show comes out and there's only one politician on the show when the show comes out i will on the show we're gonna go and start filming for real uh next week i will make a point of having the conversation whilst uh whilst we're recording maddest thing is yeah you probably they'll never air it why'd you reckon oh they're not i mean oh maybe not maybe not i'll just keep saying it every time the cameras are rolling why was joe not in this show well yeah but um yeah obviously that's what i've been doing this week training to begin this tv show that obviously classic we can't reveal too much about it's not sas who dares wins yeah that's all just a comment a lot of people were saying that all the comments were like you boys are so stupid we know it's cece yes who dares we did just tell us the end of the day no um but i can ask one question go on do you think you're going to enjoy it or from the training do you think you're going to hate it i think it's going to be the most horrible soul-destroying challenge that will change my life that i could ever do i'll be doing it i think it is going to be probably maybe the worst three weeks of your life but perhaps the most rewarding three weeks about rewarding and as well obviously we met the cast that are going to be like i mean if you want to start off i've got an email wait what would you mean wait what so before i go on to say what i was about to say about the cast you've got an email yeah okay hey joe theo and larry wait what yeah bit of a sticky one here you're talking like me so i've been with my boyfriend for a little while now and things seem okay yeah however i'm currently on holiday and i've met this new boy we get on very well my friend and i both think he's cute and she keeps making banter saying we make a great couple i've been texting him a little bit and we get on really well maybe too well what do i do do i cut it off with my boyfriend or do i see where this goes p.s i may have said me and my boyfriend are sort of not great oh what light what advice are you giving to this young girl should you go i would assume it's a girl so what i'd say is uh i've basically on this tv show i met everyone and it's been a great experience so far um we've done a lot of training everyone gets along and and that's it that is it i've met no one i'm not it's not someone on the show that that i'm going out with no i don't fancy whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh no you've crumbled me here because i've never said anything i've just read an email no one's mentioned any tv show look right do you need some advice for this young lady no no i don't i i for one i've been attacked in the past few episodes what and i don't i don't i don't genuinely believe that this is sort of like the the okay thing to discuss on waffling no i know i would be deadly serious so what i'm going to say to this particular individual is if she's feeling like she's attracted to this new guy on holiday even though they are on holiday the fact that she feels like that and she's not 100 with the boyfriend i don't think then it's it should be it's right for her to sort of continue with the boyfriend if she's not 100 so should she like sort of cut it off with her boyfriend and then be allowed to pursue it on the holiday yeah i mean that's the mature thing definitely don't do anything while you're with the boyfriend you know no flirting or no but okay what's up but while they're on hold on she so so she should break up with the boyfriend on text or on facetime and then go and head go ahead and get with this new guy on holiday well and stuff like that they've been texting a little while um just normal texting nothing of the sort she says what do i do yeah she's got to cut it she got she's her heart obviously not in the right place and her boyfriend clearly isn't the one and maybe she should end there's someone i fancy on the show who cares honestly this is our space this is our space this is we're all here right now you are friends us here this is a safe place to be honest and open and i think at the end of the day that's all i'm doing i'm not being out of order um but i will say yeah there is someone i fancy out of the group that i'm doing this tv show with so we're away for three for three weeks spending a lot of time together and and you know yeah we'll see what happens but at the end of the day the situation that this girl was just mentioned very very similar i would never like to uh be like imagine have you ever been the boy say where there's a girlfriend that's got a boyfriend wrecker a home wrecker have you ever been that individual because i i don't think i'd ever be comfortable with doing that and i don't think that's at all the done thing so don't do that but if you are two single individuals that do fancy each other a lot which by any chance this female will be a single individual soon yeah but does it make you a home record if you've not done anything but you she's broken up with you because she fancied this other boy that she had been talking to but nothing like promiscuous in this scenario if this person she met on holiday like they have a thing who's more in the wrong her or him me i don't think if you're in a relationship and your girlfriend cheats on you with a boy there's no way you can blame that geezer like your relationship is between you and your girlfriend not yeah not this boy like that that's life like your your beef has to be of her like i know understandably you'd be angry with whoever because that's yeah it's like if you're if you're in a relationship with someone you have almost a responsibility now you have a responsibility to respect that individual whether you're in the honeymoon period whether you're falling out of love you need to take the responsibility and do the right thing that deep down you probably know is the case even though it may be hard so i think let's let's move on from that one now yeah no that's fine yeah yeah yeah yeah by the way this is going to be our final waffling episode of of august um because obviously i'm going away to film this tv show for three weeks i won't be able to film um but yeah clips clips oh yeah we'll just say we are we have started a waffling clips channel which is basically going to be the the best funniest highlights uh uploaded as individual clips so almost every day as well yeah almost every day pretty much so if you don't have time to always watch the whole thing which is good like when you can just watch the whole thing it's lovely we see a lot of you doing it with your girlfriends and boyfriends like i get sent a lot of images no matter i do right so they send images let me just stress like we do as a collective on the waffles no i get i'll get sent in my private uh my joe weather account like oh yeah we're just sitting watching waffling in bed and i'm like do you reckon it's plant in the sea hey do you reckon you know how that bloke emailed in like you guys turned me on yeah can we do that for couples yeah i think mate i'm not even joking right if you're in a couple and you're sitting down in bed all cozy and you're listening to us boys right now which i know some of you are you're sat in bed with a rod on right listening to us talk about these different things it probably springs conversation between the pers the people watching so they're probably like oh yeah so theo likes it up the ass do you sampson and then you know what i mean and then and then it may create some sort of atmosphere of science i'd love to know how many like sexual uh sort of like how many of we've influenced if that makes sense how many people have gone oh yeah i heard this thing on waffling we should try how many mafia members have we got laid we're actually the serious wingmen you guys owe us in fact you can repay that by the club yeah okay now yeah basically let us know firstly have we influenced or helped you in any way understand yourself and your partner better that's what i'd like to know but secondly yeah the waffling mafia club oh buzzing yeah yeah it's that when we come back after i filmed my tv show even yeah in september is when we're aiming to get that out uh but yeah it's gonna be yeah we'll keep you posted anyways now boys just to interrupt quickly have you ever cut your bollocks while shaving your lower region i i have to i have and it genuinely scarred me scarred me for life i've never since that moment i've never put a razor on my balls it's always like hovering what about your bum i've done that before but i've never cut it you shave your ass i have done you do it but you don't anymore i just it's been a while okay i've let the bush grow well the reason why i say is because today's episode is sponsored by manscaped obviously they've redesigned the bollock cutting technology all right and obviously they sent us two of their lawnmower 3.0s which you boys used so come on give me some feedback what was it like what was it like have you ever used like a regular shaver down there i mean honestly it cut it but it doesn't just it gives you like ptsd well yeah yeah literally yeah it does i personally this is why i rarely cut my bollocks and i do have a jungle now we're not going to say that because it's a bit vulgar but so boys i tried it with a regular one back in the day obviously scarred me the lawnmower comes through right and i tried it i was very careful but i didn't even need to be i then actively tried to cut myself with it no no no not my balls no chicken twisters no freak because i was like i was like it actually doesn't cut me so i was like [ __ ] it i'll give it a go if it cuts me it's my fault so you could be quite aggressive with it i tried to cut myself and i couldn't well i don't know what we do we definitely don't recommend yeah no don't don't try and cut yourself a bit i personally don't do that but what do you do malfoy i use it in the shower because it's waterproof and a lot cleaner and not only that the led light is sick because you can see right in the crevices you actually can because normally when you're standing in the shower you're like blocking the ceiling light so the led light's very useful overall it comes with a charging stand you can charge it via usb um and with us and our code of waffling 20 you can get 20 off yours right plus free shipping so go to manscape.com and use code waffling20 for 20 off that is waffling20 for 20 off so enjoy it and let's get back onto the show right anyway so this is i bash to my ex's nudes hey up boys hope it's going well so i was with this girl for eight months about two years ago the relationship ended because i found out she was cheating on me whilst i was at work however when i think about it now i do not get angry about it i don't feel anything towards it my question is sometimes i feel myself still masturbating over her nudes she sent me when we were dating do you think this means i miss her or have come to do with that one do you think i miss her or have come to terms with it and my feelings are just purely sexual i'll throw a spanner in the works go on then cootie subconsciously sort of get off on the fact that she cheated on him and like he's like the other guy like i don't know i don't know like he's sort of like getting off the fact that she's a bad girl no i know i do feel you i i do feel you in terms of like the naughty name is in actually crushed me mocked me made me look stupid oh yeah i think i think realistically i understand what you're saying but i think he's directing it purely at just her nudes she's fit she's still fit now is i don't know because do you have nudes do you delete nudes of partners or just nudes you've been sent do you ever go through and delete them do you get sent news what do you do do you i don't have any previous partner nodes oh you don't have a previous partner okay you i i when i broke up with ruth for however long i i kept them all yeah you kept the ball because you had faith you get back okay so now do you have any nudes of any other girl on your phone not now are you just saying that because she might be watching no no no no i genuinely don't because i've only ever been sent them by my yeah girlfriends fair enough well no i got rid of it so all your previous girlfriend's news you just deleted yeah i don't actively delete anything so anything i get sent anything any photo that i've ever had it's on my phone but have you a case built have you ever gone back to have i ever masturbated over the previous ones no why are you lying no what you've got you're definitely happy you're 100 if you fail to find what stimulates you online you will resort to your photos and i think i think the photos would actually do more for him because he can he can be in that real life scenario look how far back do they go the answer is no but this is the other thing we do the maths so this is the other thing i'm just going to add to that that is a bit more of a of a serious spin on it obviously when people are like younger and have girlfriends delete them they have no they and you exchange nudes so if you've had the same phone and you go from being like okay when you were a year 11 now what how old are you when you're in 16 yeah 15 16 and you're with that same partner because people have done this right yes they have people are still together at age 21 high school sweetheart yeah but you've now you've got phone uh photos of your partner when they were underage so is that what i will say is the viewing of explicit images of children under the age of 16 is illegal exactly the viewing even just seeing it if you don't report it you are committing right under the age of 18 i believe it is foreign go into the 17 folder and delete it but yeah but that's what i'm saying is there are people that have been together since kiddies and they probably exchanged like news or whatever like are they going to actively delete them because is that is that illegal like should i be like oh that is so like is that is that what it's on the fence or is it on paper it is breaking the law but you have to think like if it's one of those dodgy things as well though they probably don't even realize they're still on the phone yeah in it like i don't think something like that would like i personally wouldn't categorize someone who is has is in this situation as a pedo do you know but technically they are yeah no not on behavior they are yeah i don't like what do you guys think about that and what is the lawyer against it but i mean yeah like overall that is messed up but back on the thing of actual you know having photos of previous people on your phone how would you feel if your girlfriend had like knob pics like me i know someone who recently huh yeah lizzy likes to say it's me say they've got loads of not picks of me why what are you doing well they're not gonna have pictures of you they might do no they're not some of the viewers might what no no no oh because when you send them to people on snapchat they screenshot them i don't actually do that no i'm trying to like make a funny joke about myself and it's not working no i think but overall yeah people do have how would you feel about your girlfriend having nudes of previous problems so uncomfortable if you're like why have you not deleted them would you yeah which is with you yeah but why is she still got someone else's [ __ ] on her phone yeah banter in it switch it up every now and then not banter you would not be happy with you would hate it because it'd be bigger get him involved now i'm joking i know someone whose girlfriend came round after they've broken up said can you please delete them yeah which i think is perfectly absolutely perfectly fine yeah absolutely fine if someone has said can you get rid of them get rid of them at midst of a breakup you may not actually be thinking about stuff that is on your phone so it's important to actually do do that otherwise i'm thinking about it like yeah like there are people out there that have my nudes a lot of people actually we've got them you've got them but it's in like there are people who are not yeah like ex-partners that just have me naked and vice versa on facebook i swear there's one of you yeah oh no it wasn't joe no there's one there's one of cohen on there who's that he did it with all of them yeah why didn't he take him and he was asleep as well huh cohen was asleep now you took a photo of that naked body no poem was asleep i don't know what anyways next question why you still got your wand it's quite comforting to have something also on the topic of uh nudes obviously like one of the big things is if you break up with someone in a nasty way and you've got their oh revenge be careful right because if i you literally sent it to us so boys boys look look what i did look at my cog it looks quite good in there let me show you all your girlfriends guys look what mistake i made when i printed off all these photos look how big it is so so anyways i think overall uh is it weird this thing i think oh we've spoken about it let's go to the next question anyways let's go right bedroom noises are ruining it ruining it is the tagline for this now this is gonna have a funny story because i know why he's added this let me quickly read it out and then uh you know we'll discuss it and then i'll then i'll tell the story yeah me and this guy have been sleeping together i moan but you almost scream yes i'm the best here comes the earthquake so i appreciate that he enjoys himself but this guy was [ __ ] yelling to the way to the point that i i thought he was hurt and that wasn't even when he came but when he did come oh my god he's so [ __ ] loud that it always puts me off and turns me off immediately every time we have sex he does it i want to be able to come without being screamed how do i tell him to shut the [ __ ] up without hurting his feelings because he's one of the best shags i've ever had jesus he's written that right that is so perfectly written well done oh gosh well where do we start screaming at the end of the day males make noises males do make noises uh i personally oh it's horrific you've never heard it after being described it and i don't want to think okay so luke what would you how would you describe me wait right well let's tell the story so no we weren't shagging wait no no no no no no no no no no one said that mate you don't know we had a big night out come back to wellers for the after party you know there were some some girls here it got it got really late it was like 4am they went up they went upstairs i was just on the sofa on my own up at 4am so you know i was just laying there on my phone and all of a sudden i hear like a good deal good no i wouldn't no no no that wasn't you she started she did she started just to confirm this kylie jenner yeah so yeah yeah kylie jenner so i could hear her making uh you know the noises that you that you expect to hear what were they like what's she making no was like no louder it was like ah yeah yeah it was more like that that was quite accurate really yeah turn me on so i'm laying i'm laying on the sofa and i'm thinking we just did thinking like you know it's not great i don't really want to hear that but i can put up with it then then he moans so all of a sudden no no that is how you sounded do it do it do it wait wait wait wait wait ready no just like it's just a you know it's like a release right now wait i mean i can't do it perfectly i need to be in the moment okay ready i'll get you in the moment close your eyes don't get that one anywhere near me mate no yeah it's just quite an aggressive look no it's not aggressive it's not aggressive in your head it was like it was how how the first time i did it that's how it sounded no it wasn't like oh it was it was loaded it wasn't a high pitch it was low pitch no it wasn't it wasn't like oh at the end of the day right boys do make noises do you make noises uh not really really do you not have like a release of no no i do i do very rarely i don't really like it no i don't like so you suppress it no no i just don't really do it sometimes i'll be like do you never go like oh [ __ ] i do that a lot no sometimes i say oh [ __ ] no i have nice yes sometimes when you finish you're like oh and you're like all crippled down but you know when it's like i'm just being honest and open here it just feels so great i'll just be honest i'm opening in saying that look when i am fully in the moment i do come out with certain grunts and phrases give me some more friends what do you do i say i'm the same as theo in the sense where like sometimes there is one way like you can't hold it in yeah yeah but i personally yeah i would actively try and avoid doing it because i find it so cringy i had a girl wait no wait hang on a sec wait you saying you don't like a female doing it i also don't like the female dude that's interesting so you know when you can tell that a girl is doing it on purpose yeah yeah i know i know what you mean that is our baby no one will ever say our baby there's too much thought behind it you've thought of what you're saying and you're lying you're not a porn star so have you had someone say they're going to say this on camera why oh don't say the name obviously yeah it's human oh they'll just know i like it you know i like it no i like i mean i love when you can tell you're a pleasure and a girl but i think for that like when you know it's pure and it's not like they're put because when the second it's like you feel like they're doing it to try and impress you or just to make you feel good about yourself like you're doing a good job you can't hold it that's that's that's dead it's like yeah yeah yeah when and then you can it's only you can tell when it's natural like any geezer realistically is going to tell when it's put on crescendo yeah which once you feel it burst out of them oh no yeah this is probably turning some couples on right now do you reckon he's just turning anyone on right now i i just there's something about it i'm just yeah also obviously i still live at home as well so when i got my parents in the next room and there's someone in the bed making noises yeah you got it and obviously when you obviously when you like shake the house and stuff you gotta be careful okay so this is another thing so this property on that night on that particular night it was the house was not rocking the house was moving you're genuinely convinced that the house was moving so luke downstairs listening to this ordeal was scared for his life because the house was shaking or was he just satting in silence saying me look i left i called a taxi and left the house straight away because it was soon scared it was all gonna come crumbling down rocking the house the house was moving it wasn't you know what's happening what's happening good you're shaking the bed yeah the bed moves oh yeah i trust that that was that was probably that was oh you're moving the bed you're in your head you're like [ __ ] house is going the wall with boys the pictures of the wall oh because the bed no they weren't wait no they were not no no no no they weren't clinging yeah the bed was probably hitting the wall like two basically he's got like he's got pictures side yeah you can see them all they were not moving oh how do you know oh you know why does this guy know i love playing with people you're not sticking over and you've been rinsing it i'm not sticking up for him but i am saying that quite possibly the the very fragile paintings could have been wobbling because you're hitting that there's against the wall you're moving the house though no you're you're moving the wooden floorboards no you're not the structure of the house no it's not no it is no i think it is no right then well whatever you're gonna have any injuries during injuries during safety oh yeah and of course i have come on what what oh yeah you have an injury groin how many pulled groin so you're like i've done it with an injury normally you start crying on the football pitch have you ever cried that was one time no mate twice it was twice twice on a serious level three times all the time maybe four so do you have you ever cried during sex no you have you wait have you cried joe has had during sex yeah yeah what it was so amazing was it sad crap the glastonbury we had like a breakdown mid sex well i was on a fat [ __ ] yeah why remember your fat come down from all that rhino cat no no no of rhinocero um why did you start crying during sex really emotional as in was it was it a sad emotional was it like a relief was it a happiness where my emotions through like being at glastonbury and the different substances would just send in my brain just off the radar my emotion i was i got back from gaston and i was having like yeah i remember you saying attacks and all of that so yeah i think my emotions were just all over the place and obviously sex love making very emotional and also you more than anyone else are very into it so it's like a big moment for you every time how does she react what i mean though like some people it's just sex for you it's yes it's the best moment of my life because that's another high it's probably messed with your balances yeah well no it was more of just like i i broke down in tears well as as i spoke oh i thought it was good it was awful i thought it was midsection of like play it out for us no mate no it's a very but this is this is this is very personal i've never told anyone it's apart from you boys and now i i actually trust you lot with so much like you're not going to tell anyone are you no anyways that's quite a big thing to admit though but how did she how did she react to it oh are you okay she fully understood what i was why but also yeah it was like a physical release of an emotional problem yeah do you know what i'm saying yeah but anyways and what really quickly guys a quick word from our sponsor raycon thank you so much for sponsoring this episode of the podcast now whether you are working out at the gym whether you are working from home you want what you are listening to to be what you're listening to you don't want to be hearing your neighbors you don't want to be hearing someone crying you don't be hearing someone working out in the gym everyone needs great wireless earbuds now before you go out and shed 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wonder who they're following yeah offline joe luke yeah yeah why is that why like if you follow waffling you should follow all these follow luke you should follow me was it like what like yeah because i feel like obviously we're all equally attractive yeah why you cannot say that with a straight face you think you are above everyone don't lie come on what what you find yourself physically attractive more than most blokes i find myself physically attractive yes more than most blokes yes no yeah no you look at you yes no no but i think it's one of those weird things where you're like is it a defense mechanism but like sometimes sometimes i think like um like maybe it is just an act and he's not that confident but then i'm like no i think he really does just i think to the untrained eye on the surface value surface level whatever joe weller is a really confident cocky guy thinks he's like the bollocks thinks he can get any girl you're [ __ ] accurate but like on a level i am i have moments of very low confidence where i really don't believe in myself i don't think i'm good at anything and i'm [ __ ] butters and all of that so yeah on one on on one hand you could say me being the like sex guru sort of act is it sort of like is it a defense mechanism is it because you know i i actually don't have that confidence but i'd like to so i act like i have that question i think you do have that confidence but i think everyone just has their low points and self-doubt i really honestly believe that you think you are the guru because for example last night when you had evidence to back up the guru-ness but at the same time i think everyone just has their low points and self-doubt well so but yeah yeah but well i don't know what you said so meaning is it i'm i so you i honestly think you are you believe that you are above everyone in terms of looks like you have you believe in yourself you are like the guru okay that's what i think you think but you also have your moments of self-doubt which i think everyone has because they're human yeah but you say but you're saying not everyone has that moment where they think they're the greatest i [ __ ] myself every time i go to have sex is he like scared but in the moment you're this is the greatest moment of your life but that like this that translates into everything you do though yeah it's like i i'm i'm pretty much scared of everything i do until you do it and then i and then i [ __ ] smash it and then i um class yeah yeah everything not everything not everything but when i do and then it is weird because i yeah i it's almost like i solve my self-doubt with by no it's weird it's weird because say if like i was i was going to have sex right now i think with ev with everyone as well your heart rate would start going you start getting a little bit like oh [ __ ] especially with a new partner yeah it's like oh [ __ ] but the end of the day i now just focus on enjoying it and i end up having a better time but how does that relate to my confidence around it i don't i don't know well you you do a lot of times overthink what's gonna happen don't you build up to this this is the biggest moment like football yeah nursing yeah and then when you're actually in it it's not that bad you know football and boxing i bottle it most times not every time no but were you not as bad as you think no football in class don't go that far but that's the thing i am very i'm i'm very like either on one end of the spectrum or on the other you know i am literally the most confident person in the room or i'm on the [ __ ] floor there's no like oh yeah i'm just sort of there's no between no yeah what would you describe that as almost i almost have like i have two personalities so i've been reading up on this uh disorder yeah which is multiple personality disorder okay do you think there could be a chance you have that because i thought it was higher but apparently one percent of the population have it and then someone else saying two and four people have it so i don't know which one to believe yeah but is there a chance you mean you could have that you do definitely get one side of joe another side of joe don't you isn't that more like bipolar like i don't i don't bipolar it's more mood swings is it not yeah it isn't it wears a bit of that as well um but yeah i mean because i can definitely yeah like one on one minute or one day i can literally feel like i am the most dominant [ __ ] i will annihilate anyone at anything it's my favorite joe yeah that's what that's the one that you guys feed off when we do our best episodes like i i it's weird whenever i'm in a room of people feeling like that that energy translates to the room like when i'm with my family at dinner or whatever everyone's buzzing as well yeah on the tv show when we're doing our thing and i'm [ __ ] like that it's class and i feel amazing like that but when i'm in that moment in that mode of like actually like oh i don't know if i can do it oh i feel so [ __ ] i literally feel like you guys are so superior to me when i'm when i'm feeling like that i let you feel like i'm it's and it's so weird it feels uncontrollable but i definitely have those that that yeah those two is it is it is it a so to speak wake up as one or does it change throughout the day i definitely feel like it's impacted through my experience i.e if i'm in this house all day alone for like a few days straight i'll probably start to slip into that ooh but where i've just been filming this tv show all week bantering surrounded by people surrounded by people and as well these are people these are the celebrities these are big personalities with them you know and all of that i feel [ __ ] confident because it's almost like i've subconsciously proven to myself that i can actually be confident in front of people and do my thing and be myself alone yeah so it's definitely impacted by my surroundings like we've jumped straight into waffling today i'm not nervous i'm not like oh [ __ ] oh you know it's beforehand by yourself in the morning or not no okay but i know like the whole of today i've been like fine it's one of those things though where like i would we get like a lot of emails saying like oh i'm not confident like what should i do how can i like get better at talking it's like well talk like you're you'll just be more confident yeah i learned to talk to people but the only way you're going to learn is by doing it i'd say i'd say as well look at your like what is your daily routine i.e like i've just said about when i'm in the house all day alone by myself and doing that every day and expecting my self to start feeling confident well if i'm not changing anything about how i'm living and what i'm doing then i'm gonna probably feel the same just continue to feel the same whereas the second i've put myself in a situation and i was [ __ ] nervous going into this like on you know i think yeah yeah i i'd obviously i'd come up come off the back of being in my house alone and not really seeing anyone or any you know we've been in lockdown sort of thing and then i'm plonked in this freaking film set sort of vibe with a whole load of other celebrities none of them obviously know who i am so it's all about literally meeting people for the first time and yeah you're nervous as hell you know nervous but i from experience i know if i talk to them that's the first step have a conversation i know if i get over that barrier whether it goes good or bad like it's a step and i made a point of like that evening as well on the first night staying down having a drink with everyone not going to my hotel room because a lot of people some of them just sat in a hotel room but you you're going to feel more comfortable the sooner you're comfortable with the people that you're around and you know we had conversations by the end of it [ __ ] howling laughter laughing it was it was amazing as well yeah and this is the thing i've noticed obviously these celebrities they've obviously been in environments where they've had to meet new people very regularly yeah and it was almost like everyone there i mean okay some people had a bit of nerves but everyone there you could tell the difference between how they were able to converse with new people compared compared to the average person the average person is a lot more nervous exactly well you're a youtuber but i still like you throw me in a room by myself yeah what do you mean with someone else or just like in in a group the majority of time i'd probably be like yeah like nervous yeah yeah but yeah like as in you can see that basically they are ever that is evidence they will see that that be yes the talking the more you talk to people the more confident and easier you find to talk to people yeah and as well like the case there's one person on the show that's my age 24 and i know he's a random person it's random and i i haven't met someone who's who's my age with that same sort of like maturity out loud confidence confidence to express themselves to a group of people a really confident female your age who plays a character anyways so yeah basically she um she this person they yeah so but what i'm saying is where she's had experience being on film sets meeting new people doing performing on stage doing all of that that explains why she was so confident just be like boom herself and be a weirdo and all of that um it's the same with youtubers if they go to film with a footballer yeah or mia khalifa and you go in there really all nervous and quiet yeah that energy is going to radiate throughout the room in the film and environment and it's going to be really really shitty and awkward exactly where if you film with me khalifa and you just don't care about a part of us and you're just really loud and bold and funny like you were like me like when you feel me i've never done exactly that's what you were like and that's what i'm saying but your experience taught me sort of probably subconsciously impacted that you in that moment your brain when i need to even though i'm not confident i need to act like i'm confident and that will bring the vibes and that is essentially what it is you fake it till you make it so true yeah literally that'll work in any scenario like if you're you know you're speaking to a new group of girls or something if you just take the reins and just talk and just be confident in yourself even if you're not like you're making the key for me was when i did the intro in that video i like shouted it was like proper weirdo yeah and then they get comfy because they know you're just a normal laugh yeah and the laughter makes you ah easier like yeah basically i thought that was quite cool anyways we started that all with uh an email wasn't it i can't even remember was that did that start with i think my boyfriend's dad fancies me yeah is that the question that had to be came from i haven't asked it yet so it was hello theo luke and sexy weller oh yeah i've been going out with my current boyfriend for the past nine months but as of recently his father has been acting slightly off acting slightly how old is she when i'm at his house having dinner he will play footsie with me [Laughter] oh that's [ __ ] right like he's a nonsense your dad's a [ __ ] pedophile that's rank he will text me to make sure i'm home safely get home baby sleep tight love step daddy and i've even caught him looking at my boobs my actual pedo he is good looking oh there we go he is good looking so you might think he can get away with it i don't really think much of it i actually find it quite hot but all my friends are telling me it's weird yes what should i do what you're trying to say because he's good looking he's like to be a [ __ ] nonce no what's wrong with you mate what is wrong with you how can you think this is a good scenario yeah it's about look you're you've got a boyfriend mate and your boyfriend's dad [ __ ] fancies you cut it off so this is what i'm saying imagine the roles are reversed if i'm her but i'm a boy and my girlfriend's mum who's well fit keeps starts trying it on that is bad but if it's you you're gonna [ __ ] love it no you are because this is an indication as well that she i mean if she is if she no way okay you can appreciate that he's hot without that indicating that you're not into your boyfriend no no she said it's okay like she's he's hot she said she said i actually find it quite hot okay so i mean if she's getting turned on by it then that one could indicate are you fully into your boyfriend if by any other individual you're sort of thinking oh i actually quite like this i mean fair enough you appreciate that hot but if you're actually liking him flirting then that is a bit dodgy um overall though is she into older men is she underage firstly is the question i'd ask is she legal because this could be a criminal matter i'll be army and serious so yeah and then secondly oh also like just like to the dad like because he's probably watching yeah you are you are watching in fact you have a son you shouldn't be going after your son's girlfriends you probably have a wife maybe your own girlfriend maybe stick to people similar to your age rather than your son's girlfriend [ __ ] freak savage malfoy returns mate no it's true though it's [ __ ] weird he's a weirdo there's no other way like lady you gotta stop this yeah but do you tell the boyfriend like because how do you say that how does she kind of break that yeah the problem she's got is that she's not finding this uncomfortable she likes it she's really loving it and this is where i'm having a bit of an issue because i sort of relate to her so whose mum do you fancy no no no no i don't know i don't well i do i mean a lot of people's moms but not that of a girlfriend but if i was in that scenario and i found myself like because obviously you know i'm into cougars i'm into milfs i am yeah wait what do we have can you tell us about that kyogre and m s cougar yeah you never said didn't you make it trust me guys she's in violence [Applause] so basically oh yeah you're drunk you're theo's on the alcohol i've had two beers i'm fine pathologies anyways listen basically i was in m s i was in m s and i was in a vest so i i had the biceps triangle came out yeah but basically there was this woman who was a milf very small but uh she was sort of i was looking for my groceries she goes uh wait what did she say to me because it was a couple of weeks ago now she said something like oh yeah she said she literally was like do you shop in here often classic like you come here often don't you love me she can't be rafted and i was like yeah um right she's like oh yeah we're just we're just camping down the road oh you know she was all right she was all right mate she had massive boobs messy and i no no wait wait honestly the face was she okay or was it just the boobs you're attracted to no because i'm not a vile human being no she was she was nice she was nice she had friendly face and i thought she was nice and i was somewhat attracted to her anyways um so i uh i'm just like yeah it's quite expensive isn't it because obviously m s is quite expensive and she's like oh yeah um and then i go who are you here with i actually no no i did i said i said are you here with your heart racing at this point it just wasn't me the storyline started playing out i was like she's invited this is happening my dreams are coming true literally so i'm there uh i'm just like yeah so who you're here with she goes oh just some mates and i'm like oh and she goes you've got do you live nearby do you have a house and i was like i was like yeah i actually do have a house down the road yeah great idea to tell a stranger you know i thought she was so anyways that's sort of how it went and then next thing you know walks around the corner an elderly man well not an elderly man but someone that looks like her age swear that was the husband i i genuinely because he was looking me up as well a little bit i'll be serious i think i think they would debate him taking me back and having audrey not only the wife of me the husband so from what's happened here on paper yeah a middle-aged lady's asked how are you and where i live and everyone nearby and if and told me where she's camping and that means and join our orgy no it does a little bit yeah because when you said it i remember reading it because you're like boys boys boys and mills just tried to get me back to her she wanted an orgy and so i was like what the [ __ ] i was like tell us the story she asked me how i was and he told it and i was just like well that didn't happen then did it like she didn't invite you back for an orgy she didn't know she didn't invite me back but i just you know when you get an inkling oh it's dead whatever i i think at the end of the day like look if that did happen though that would have been sick yeah should have done it would you have gone if you if it came to the point where she asked the question that's actually a hard question you know because like you don't know what is going on in that campsite they could have been planning to kill you that's the thing i think at the same time i would have got excited by the concept but i probably wouldn't have gone jackie i probably wouldn't have that i probably would have yeah like safety first sort of thing because like who actually are you why are you is this is this a decoy are you trying to just sort of like tempt me in and then and then i'm just gonna get like murdered or something yeah like realistically wait how mad would it have been if like a week later man 24 murdered by a couple yeah that's that's [ __ ] that's happening yeah yeah exactly like plastered i think at the end of the day i did the right thing wait there is something that i could could mention right now i don't know is it gonna who's it who's he gonna put in the [ __ ] i am meeting up with elliot this week oh mad [ __ ] oh because you were like wanna get some coffee yeah we uh yeah he messaged me what day don't know but it was it was this this week and basically yeah i think it'll be good no cameras nothing like that just going to have a chat walks in vlogging today i mean no no no no no no i i think that'll be good i am quite excited for this because you did tell us that he messaged you and i said i i was like mate definitely yeah go meet him 100 and are you doing the right thing of doing it off everything yeah this is how the majority of stuff on youtube should be solved because there was there was talks of should we get him on waffling and like if that was your first encounter yeah i do really think that would have been a terrible setting yeah i do think you two need to sit down clearly yeah back to starbucks we go are you going starbucks you can't sit in though can you not no not at the moment you have to sit in your car [ __ ] but yeah i think i think it'll be good like at the end of the day i'm going to just see waguan i mean yeah like is there a motive or anything no i was in like the end of the day at the end of the day at the end of the day i've i've said that i hope i want to see if he's all right i want to see what he's going like going live we see what he's doing yeah i want to see i just want to there's a lot of unanswered questions quite interesting actually yeah it is i mean it's a sort of like what job it's a scenario that so many people are so interested in isn't it it's like a fascinating i myself am sort of like what is the crack what is that djing like get to the bottom of it dj what i you was djing oh no yeah i don't know what he's doing in terms of that like job or whatever but um yeah i think imagine if like same day back to the mental asylum no no no but this is this is partly the reason that i think it is such a good idea that you should go meet him try and clear the air and you know if you you get that like natural friendship back that you had because you were friends you're good friends there's no denying that yeah i like you know he's clearly like you've got good chemistry on camera so if and i'm not saying obviously meet up him just to use him but like you know if you were able to like clear the air and yeah get back to it and he was like oh may i have got an idea if you want it blah blah blah then like why why should you think that no no no yeah like like theo said like if you rock something like a vlogging camera or something then yeah but i think you know i don't see any problem with you making videos again if that were possible end of the day at the end of the day it's two humans that fell out and i'm gonna try and see what see what's wag one two years later three years later yeah it's been a long living quite possibly could be very awkward but very necessary it won't be awkward will it not i won't be awkward okay and i'm not gonna lie if you two weren't youtubers this beef would have been squashed like in a week in a normal friendship yeah like luke's gone through beef and squash it instantly and in a normal friendship i think as in like because it was in the public eye everything was yeah it had a magnifying glass on it but i think it was less of a beef more of a betrayal which is slightly different number two at the same time remember it was the thing of i was just distancing myself anyway yeah because i didn't like the person yeah to come toxicity yeah it was like toxic to be around for me so the betrayal was the icing on the cake i said on the cake but anyways i was like yeah i can't be around this so yeah let's get it up we're not gonna be after here wait would you even want to talk about it what do you mean because like you don't want it to i know it's not going to come across this but are you only meeting me so you could talk about this on waffling see i see my point here well the deji approach just using it for clout yeah but we get views anyway yeah we don't need anyone for views mate we're [ __ ] very smashing it logan paul said that yeah i don't need views i get views yeah exactly so at the end of the day at the end i need to stop saying that it's the new one we get more views than deji on waffling he said that didn't he when on his uh when he had a go back to me he was like you just want to get me on for views we get more views than you mate we don't need you for views and but for us though because it's gonna be awkward because we want to hear how it goes i'll tell you how it goes okay but then you would you save it for an episode would you want to talk about it like oh we could win we talk off camera as well yeah we're not allowed oh yeah we're not allowed but um so as you know as a fan of the show and like you like would there be a possibility of a waffling episode where elliott features do you think well yeah i think i think that could be useful in terms of you know he hasn't been he hasn't been on youtube since that incident really he tried to do a few things and then got bombarded he didn't snake made it worse but i didn't like that i hate that like all his videos would just dislike dislike dislike comment after comment but that's the toxic culture of the council culture but he didn't help himself by uploading shite yeah okay but but he didn't he didn't kill joe like they they had a fight and that's that like people that's council council look at james charles and the tatty beef remember that yeah they lost like four million subs and he was innocent yeah yeah oh i mean yeah there is that i think overall we're starting at the same the best way by just like meeting up privately um if something comes from it if we if we want to do a waffling if we want to do whatever like i'm not shutting any doors yet key is not to force anything you just see how it goes yeah and go from there go over the flow yeah hit that flow stop yeah because obviously like you say the reason that you did fall out ultimately stemmed from the fact that he was sort of becoming this person you didn't want to be associated with it would be weird if this whole thing hadn't humbled him i thought i honestly i would have thought anyone going through what he's had what he's had to go through you would like you say be crushed your soul every time you go out in public everyone hates me like any any he doesn't post on social media he doesn't post anywhere because it's just bombarded with pure hate imagine like honestly i know i know it's like to have hate but like when all you're getting is all you're getting is hate yeah and that is it like that you know you don't see him wearing the the gold chains the shades the bowling about like he's the you know you got very cocky you don't see that anymore i might have had to sell it as well what but yeah anyways like that was funny funny joke because i need a joke yeah so there's that and obviously we spoke about it in depth on the the jack mate podcast yeah yeah did you watch that huh you didn't watch it no only because no it's my next podcast but i've been addicted to shoe dogs so i can't and she dog's 13 hours long yeah but like as in you know like we were saving the whole the whole elliot conversation i did it on his podcast it's wait it's got like 600k views we missed out should have done it no [ __ ] we missed that you know what it's natural it was good to talk about it with someone it's like someone different because obviously you guys already know that everything he was he was asking from the point of view of someone that truly doesn't know so like i think that's where talking about it we spoke about it every time someone speaks to me about it i just assume they know everything yeah and like all the details that to us seem public knowledge they don't know about i'm like i swear this is all being put out there no we we basically know only only us in the inner circle yeah we're in his inner circle that sort of i was adamant adamant everyone knew the whole story yeah i thought the whole thing well that story that i explained on jack mate with how we fell out like a lot of people don't don't know why me and elliot fell out like genuinely most people didn't know until i did that jack mate podcast where i said about it all so we're to take the hit and say right now if you want to find out what happened between joe and elliot no no no no no do it after this because we've still got some good really interesting things coming up yeah i was going to say don't go now but so much content coming out yeah but after go and check that out on jack mate sting listen to the whole thing because it was like it was decent it was very different to waffling as well but it was good yeah you need to actually watch it um but anyways right i know this has been pure sex questions this whole podcast but that's what's on the sheet so let's just go with another one on the clips channel ready making a living from porn oh all right fellas me and the girlfriend have been making amateur porn since february and we have made 800 so far at first we were a bit scared and worried people might recognize us but now mostly people don't give a [ __ ] and we love it what are your thoughts on this is it a good idea and worth the risk of being spotted by someone else if you don't care it is what it is but that's going to live on the internet forever including when they have children when you have children all that you know who came out uh mia khalifa want it literally saying that she regrets doing she only did it for three months yeah may 12 wait because there's a big conspiracy thing about this mia khalifa thing that is it don't trash it about my girl no no no no i'm not i i don't know the ins and outs but i read a was it bang bros that she had the issue is is that she only did it for three months the problem is apparently she didn't but the problem is she doesn't have a problem with people re-uploading a problem with people re-uploading old stuff is when bang bros pretend it's new stuff and they're just recycling people still think she's still involved but that's not her problem her problem is the fact that now she no one ever has a good first impression of her they all just think that she's just this porn star like she hates not having that what normal person would have when they meet someone new it's it's baggage that judgement yeah it's baggage that she has with her for life it is tricky though because whether you did porn for 10 years or 10 minutes like if there's a video out there like people do judge a book by its well mate it's [ __ ] human nature like you can't say don't judge a book by its cover it's literally how we're [ __ ] designed you judge you you it's literally as the self-preservation mechanism of you take the information you're given and you make a judgment so that you're prepared for that person but the key thing is to not act in a way of judgment yeah the thing is well you're saying it's right but i'm saying everyone does it that is just human nature so if you know like i say if she did it for 10 years or 10 minutes at the point of making the decision to do it well whether she did it for 10 minutes or 10 years it's still that decision it all boiled down to the decision of yeah i'm going to do it what's your point in terms of like as in like her thing of like oh you know people are judging me based on like three months of my life which is it's unfair it is but you know that that's what she's known for she's known for that three months people are going to judge her for that so she's famous yeah the bottom line is the what these people are doing you've been doing porn since february this is probably going to stick with you for life the issue these guys have is i don't want to be harsh or anything but 800 quid in almost six months yeah does that seem it means it's not pliable it could be a snowball effect they could do that but it just seems like a lot of work not enough of reward yeah i think at the end of the day i feel like most people that get into sort of any form of porn when they're young have some sort of regret when they're older i have no experience to say whether that's true but i just to hazard a guess my judgment from what i've sort of like seen i would have thought that that's the case but at the same time who's to say they don't just do it for fun it's like joy living at the moment if you want to do it do it be careful you might regret it but yeah you know i think yeah like we're in we're in a time now where you can do whatever the [ __ ] you want and most people just accept it oddly yeah but it's whether you can deal with yourself in a in a later stage like you ten years down the line might not accept that dealing with your consequences of your past yeah yeah look at that yeah anyways right what else are we we're [ __ ] pushing it now aren't we really good he needs to go all right then we're going to wrap up here guys i hope you've enjoyed it we're going to be back in september with a bang whole load of fresh stories to talk about not going to lie we are pretty exhausted in terms of we've spoken about everything so i think this break is necessary just to sort of you know get that refreshed don't forget about us yeah don't that's the thing we've built we're our views are now like 300k per podcast and we'd love to keep it at that we're going to be active on the instagram we're going to be active on the instagram wafflin podcast so please just like don't forget about it please don't like hey if you've made it this far into the pod comment we'll never forget you boys see you soon yeah like please do that and then also um what is let me think anything else no i think that's it genuinely but um yeah i'm gonna enjoy this tv show i [ __ ] hope no i'm going to get i'm going to do it get laid huh i'm going to achieve and do it for the waffling mafia and i can't wait for you to see it i think it's going to be out at christmas that's the only thing it's going to be quite a while but um yeah until next time love you guys later but leave a like right in subscribe and peace goodbye [Music]
Channel: WAFFLIN' Podcast
Views: 449,760
Rating: 4.9736929 out of 5
Keywords: comedy, joe, weller, funny, podcast, ksi, sidemen, wroetoshaw, w2s, humour, sport, football, boxing, Theo, baker
Id: B5rHeDVYTlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 39sec (4179 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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