KSI x MINIMINTER x VIDDAL | True Geordie Podcast #122

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for me it's not about money I got money I got I got plenty of money I never thought I'd be a pro boxer five years ago as long as one's where I be looking for and you know I fight a journeyman I fight Jake or whoever and then I keep going and all of a sudden there might be an opportunity where I do fight someone for what I mean so were in a camp we were surrounded by the top guys in the sport that's gonna make a difference making sure when I come into this next fight I'm just levels above anything anyone ever thought I'm a [ __ ] machine you can't [ __ ] move me I'd say with the loss I was tentative I was you know I was just avoiding [ __ ] now I'm not afraid to get here now I'll stay you in the face and do that you punch me in that did [ __ ] oh now I'm going to punish you for that Logan's gonna see that I'm just going to scatter shove if Logan was ever gonna be JJ would have been in that first bag watching him pie is the worst like the wellif I I thought he was losing I'm training like a killer you're not ready for this I'm literally a completely different boxing we assume that he's gonna come out quite strong so he's gonna go ham for maybe round 1 round 2 if that doesn't work then he's [ __ ] this week on the true jory podcast que si Vidal Reilly Simon min as well hello preciate lads the first time we ever did a podcast together I was in some little [ __ ] not far from here he was telling the stories were like oh yeah if someone starts in the nightclub I just got my bodyguard on of them and now I'm like he's about to go and fight this [ __ ] big bust at a little pole and punch his face and have your way and it's like you're a different person yeah I mean I've changed a lot in the past few years man it's [ __ ] man right see III enjoy it like basi trainings just like it's given me like in new new life new men like mentally it's just freshen me up I feel how you know since day one how different are we saying here's a woman I mean I known him since yes Evan where he was a little kind of fat nerd when you know this is this was like five years before that Wow yeah yeah he's changed something about I think a lot like a lot about old school friends wouldn't even believe like I'll be able to do this nah they'll look at me and be like this is ridiculous like how I'm now firing on a pro card even I think that me and I look and when I met you I was like this what you've done is ridiculous but even I'm like I never experienced this is what have you done with our what have you created monsters that's what I do you're getting on the plane tomorrow yeah do you feel like cuz you've been saying to me this is when the real work starts this is what is true because now again the experts in so you know me and Leon have built a machine you can say to a certain point and now we're taking it to the experts to take it turn next to me well yeah and Stitch you know even the little things how you wrap your hands you know warming up and the strength and conditioning you know that the exercises that are specific to world champions you know they use the same system so it's exciting it's very exciting yeah you know you were even realize how lucky is yeah but I've been buzzing different as all like you haven't even been boxing that long so when you realize after what two fights you've got world championship coaches yeah moving our far three like who's Jeff weirdly Jeff coached yeah the big man we haven't break this is such a weird thing with Logan [Music] so I'm Jeff train Shannon breaks to win his first world title yeah and then after that fight Shannon left Jeff so Jeff trained Shannon's first defense opponent and took the belt back off Shannon and it's like it's like and could he do it again this would be like even worse revenge cuz now Shannon spilled the yeast off into a whole new identity as a as a coach yeah cuz he's not really known as a fighter he's known as a personality yeah you know no one googles him for fights it's just like trolling pitch go that's his mean came to famous personality is what yeah made him but this is the thing when you watch his fights he was a bad man to be fair girls would be use dangerous and Larry three first-round knockout 77 37 is Ricky Bobby is wrong one thing I did say those this was a guy who for he went after him in the first round and he weathered the storm and then the guy just got in the third round just finished him off a new year he he was brutal in that first round but if you could get past it and you know exactly everything settles down then you really see who's more skillful at the beginning is just that athleticism yeah who's more powerful who's explosive after that it's actually who learned something that's gonna get you from if you feel like that's a bit of a tell for the log and see what I see the other day I walked up to him in all right me he didn't look like the same login from a year ago he was vegan and like my name he looked like my size but without the fat I was like [ __ ] dude you look huge and in my head like I've got a lot of respect for you fighting the kid who's that much bigger than you he's naturally a [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah like he's [ __ ] huge so I'm by Perl is no point mmm that's why it's a sport in a myth is pretty this way that the heavyweight division wouldn't exist if you know a few kilos made it if what Artie Ruiz was living proof that David he was value even they were hacked for stoner Park what so of course he's a bigger person might I've seen loads of big people get knocked up my press conference was was intense it idea we felt Logan he brought his best yet because it was so [ __ ] in the last London press conference for me was i I've got a [ __ ] turn up this time yeah I mean he couldn't do any worse yeah you busy did stand-up comedy like Dave Chappelle but there's a little bit of a video of you sort of rolling your shoulders and sort of frowning at one point and people are sort of reading into that I've I he's not as confident this time oh yeah and yet Khan our cameraman message mean he was I I've never seen JJ more confidence yeah he's like this is the Joella confidence well I mean with that little clip I literally couldn't hear what he was saying like me I would let you just like yeah was he sounds just yelling hoping people saw one thing that yeah on the sky broadcast they turned the crowd down the heroes you couldn't yeah yeah yeah you answering questions I'm like I hope I was good yeah so how's training going so far yeah good like I feel good I feel ready ready go Vegas and just pretty much the icing icing on the cake right now going to Vegas literally just topping up everything we know and yeah yeah just going going to town like I'm ready for how Logan's going to fight and even if he switches that are polite I'm ready like whereas before his job was a huge problem I've cancer that now like I know I'm gonna be able to just get past that and then if you want to defer something else I'll be able to get past that as well so for you yo but you must you've got a game plan yeah yeah we have a game of course yeah we have a game out of what we're going to do yes have more than one game yeah it's nicely that's the game plan is have more than one game per because boxing changes and anytime so we can't go in there now I'm gonna do this it's now okay yeah we're first what you're gonna do just look at me and win you know you have to have more things so that's what their camps about one of my memories was when you went on tour I was I [ __ ] a lot of Pizza my permission I'm just saying nas is me like you know this guy's going into a fight in your life this guy's going on to us probably not the best [ __ ] thing before you fight yeah he was coming home and like working out still constantly I think that's part of it is actually because you've been so private and then you only see you on tour no everyone just assumes out well he must be doing anything well I mean they've seen footage of me just being fat and just like being a meme etc like I haven't shown much footage and I think that's a lot that's how people basing everything on yeah I think right now logan's the favorite betting why to you it's part of that is the size of the guys size and what he's shown like it I've just hardly shown anything like and I can guarantee like I'm completely different to how I fought Logan in the first fight yeah but obviously I don't want to show as much as I did last time because I felt like that was my downfall I showed him too much and that's why I was able to do so well in the first few rounds now anyone on toys his physical condition went down but that doesn't mean that he's not he's a Q and oh yeah you know you still have as much time to learn it's just that why do I physically need to be in shape to fight if I don't know him fighting I'm gonna do something else but he's still gonna learn the game in the background so now I was just getting the physical side and my hero start yeah were you in a relationship last fight uh yeah are you single now no I'm still relays really I just wondered if that would have affected anything right now Logan was saying when he was on he was I yeah I'm single it's much better being sick it's just hard out here give your time door because your time management is gonna be [ __ ] hardcore when you're in oh if anything I think it's better being a relationship because I don't go out as much yeah I feel like before like every time I I'd always want to go out to try and get girls cuz you know be single blah blah blah it's now I'm like there's no point like I've already got a girlfriend this car she's not coming to you with Ella in - I know no sex before a fight because partly Shannon is a like a big Shannon's a chastity belt he's like it basically Shannon I suppose of you or Shannon is your trainer it's like a mental chastity belt the whole time because you're like if I [ __ ] anyone he's gonna punch me yeah well I I don't I don't think I think that their relationship is I think Logan is the one wearing the pants oh yeah I think he controls how much he wants to train and how much he well how much he wants to do and when these data arcade and this is tough I'm good here yeah laughs yeah this is good what do you think that because of where Shannon's career is he sort of needs long yeah like I think Shannon cares more about being irrelevant not not saying that with any intention but I think he's not cause he doesn't be relevant before yeah you said it I didn't say literally so tightly your video pops like you could get entire when it's personal so it's cool and he's getting a bit heated between you two no now you're taking it personal if he's taking it personal that's on him I'm not aggravate there was a minute Wales in between these two on stage one [ __ ] hell I hope it doesn't get was a t-shirt part yeah there was a moment where he's like you know when an old man just contact the joke the way a young man cut he's getting a little bit I fought you especially when you're like Leon the national doge at the end is oh yeah how regimented is it yeah like right now like what are your days I owe you today don't like what I say compared to the last white like I mean you do you know you've been said I didn't train as much yeah the last file I was I was telling him to train more really yeah compared to the Jo fight the Jo fight was like 90% then I think the locum part was like 70% really now is that guy like he's a hundred attempts in yeah like I barely see it was because the JA fight was so personal and I think so I hate and it was the first fight so you know it's the first one you really wouldn't improve like okay I can fight I come back right and then when it comes down to the second one you're not okay I've proven like who's this guy and then you get like a little bit of complacency and then it changes things well I looked at the schedule and like like didn't last year I didn't train as hard as I should have man like I was just doing too much other random stuff by filming or just going to festivals etc but you just felt like you had it yeah because obviously I was like ah Logan's never box before maybe he's trained for like two months I've been training for almost a year I've got this like I don't even really need go hard and then that's I guess why I was a bit stumped in the first two rounds yes I rod he's like he's actually like showing some boxing skill here and obviously like my experience came through in the end but I think after that I was just like oh I can't take this lightly but I have to like go hard now this time like I know there's going to be a rematch that's why the souza happened as I live let's start training like yeah I believe believe me so it's a car you were wrong I honestly believe like if Logan was ever gonna be you a would have been in that first yeah that was his upper jaw what's the logic based on that bro JJ's complacency mixed with Logan's intense training made for an even fight because was one guys chillin other guys working on okay boom you mean a balance now he's alerted the guy that was ahead of him to make steps to run a him and that's exactly what's gonna happen there's there's another side of that ya know it's a long Ennis is Logan didn't have as much training then and now he's gonna have a lot more training and maybe this is gonna give him an edge in the next fight we're gonna [ __ ] find out honestly Conway this is why it's happening yeah because if we knew who was gonna win by just guessing you'd want to watch I feel like whatever happens we're getting a decisive win in the next one because yeah there can be no more like head cards concussion for everyone yeah but I just think it is going to be very clear because there's gonna be there's so much time that you've had to train and learn boxing one person is Christian beam forget the other as you're both athletes like your bullies have you failed like and I said that Logan I was like I know you're strong but JJ has got this [ __ ] freak stamina though if you can't buy that yeah and it is just going to come down to who's the better boxer and who's had more or less sex he's not less yeah I'm sure that'll be a factor that because that was not in Logan podcast that was what he said he was like I had sex with was it was it here you had sex with Chloe I was it Jake had sex two days before you [ __ ] yeah Jake had sex two days before you know that's why you're struggling that's why I reckon he struggled against edgy and we were like well we can break it down the videos the other reasons your struggle the heavyweight championship of the world will come idiot [ __ ] no if you get no you said in his film is that it was burning an eye for that again it's pretty impressive do you remember the moment when someone that Eddie Hearn steps in and goes right let's make this professional now because before everyone was sort of like ice youtubers having a little fight and then suddenly Eddie Hearn goes nihilus let's take it yeah why Eddie's been you know always wanted to be head gods and I know Leah my manager wasn't too keen cos he was just like like this is a whole new world it's gonna be a bit more scary Bauhaus I know let's do it like [ __ ] it like there's no point like I'm just thinking why would anyone want to watch me versus Logan again we've had gods it's just like the same fight said like everything I've done you always have to switch up you always have to change that something to find a new way a new reason for people to want to watch something so you know I'm making a pro fight was the best the best I guess idea for it remember when he approached oh the first time someone said to you um I don't I don't know when I mean it was just a long conversation literally after the first fight but it was just that back and forth and like it was pretty much our team like saw most of it what's that feeling like to have someone like Eddie her and be like I want I wanna be part of this I mean I mean it's cool I mean it's it shows like how far the YouTube community's come like for the mainstream to want to get involved like the mace you got involved the first one like ago a good amount of the mainstream and now every once again nice it's lychee Queen because they just see the views and they'll come believe never had music the thing goes on [ __ ] sky subscribers in a week yes the numbers are ridiculous and I think you are mentally like I think you know you are Logan or mentally well yeah I mean tomato position we are we you have to be mental I'm like I'm Mendel I think I've proven my chance like Ross threw Johnny Sykes if you're that rich like this is the thing you and Logan get a lot of [ __ ] of proper boxing funds and all and I'm like you don't understand like these guys are risking all anyway there's no [ __ ] reason yeah other than being number one yes yes that's something really you're gonna be rich anyway yeah what box are strive to do is get in a position where you can make enough money to have your own whiskey oh yeah you literally are already there and you're getting around I don't get it like I think it's literally like hit the nail on the head like being number one it's important because it's bragging rights it rich its content for years I'm able to be like I be Logan and I'm able to make videos on that I Drive mother's a washer I just guys have know something new yeah what a job that was did you say the commentary was good like there is that phrase that you always talk about with Mike Tyson wait waking up in is it silk sheets yeah there comes a point where you don't train it hard that's what a lot of box already woke up in silk sheets though like you already I'm not I'm not being funny when I say that like you were already fine we've beaten the host yes huge but you are already in silk sheets so we're like I know I know it's all well and good saying like are my motivation comes from being number one but what is it that gives you that like that actual fire I mean it's just to like see how far I can go and see like yeah just how far I can take it like I started as a FIFA gamer and you know I started a little kid just being like Iowa you know it'd be sick to make money of this and then the opportunity came and I took in I went hard with it and then I just kept going and kept going I was like okay maybe I can make this a job and then I worked and worked and worked and then I was like okay like maybe I can go into the music and see how far I can go with that and I worked and work and it's kind of just constantly seen how far I can go like that's why I tried the movie as well see now if I can go with that and so and so forth for now the boxing is like the next thing and I'm now like let's see how far I can take it like I don't see me gang a world champion Oh being a world champion like I think that ridiculous I feel like I missed the boat but it's one of those ones where you know you might be Logan pool and you know I fight a journeyman I find another journeyman I fight Jake or whoever and then I keep going and all of a sudden there might be an opportunity where I do fight someone for what I mean and it's kind of like I mean it's ridiculous Trust is ridiculous but like you never know it's one of those things where I never thought I'd be a boxer a pro boxer five years ago I never thought that would ever happen and then you know you just things happen and opportunities come and you just keep going and then you just see how far you can take and right now it's kind of like it's not for me it's not about money I got money I got I got plenty of money [ __ ] gym I've seen this thing just I could just sit back and just do Simon videos all day and just because I glanced over there going why don't you then yeah but it's just I don't know it's exciting just to see like where I can take it and that's why i put in the word that's why I grind that's why I sweat hard and you know I think personally for me I think boxing is like one of the toughest sports in the world because it's so mentally draining and physically draining and it's just constant and you have to think quickly you have to think smart it's not just about how who can fire a punch the fastest or who can punch the hardest it's about learning you know where your feet on how where you are in the ring and wondering or wise each other like this and that's this is a mistake he keeps doing okay let me capitalize on etc that there's so much to it and I just I'm obsessive and I love it you know before you get in the ring when you're the way that I I don't know what happened I felt in the last fight you weren't as calm as you were in the well I fight you were yeah Armour is there a thing that you go through like me and T in that life I hum as you are common to pressure more than most people I've ever met like I think it's just practice it's just like experience like believe it or not the tour helps so much like me going on tour helped tremendously like performing in front of crowds and you know not worrying about how you know the interaction or just like them disrupting my flow it was just me being able to just go out there perform make have a sick show and then leave and just be like yeah I was sick people don't understand how weird it is like when I was in front of all those thousands yeah I don't do that often so we are [ __ ] what I mean it's you can tell like and I always say whenever I see people even with the rose I saw everyone's just shaking my everyone's just nervous yeah because it's it's literally a nerve but like it's kind of like it's experience the more you do it the easier it gets the better you get in it and I feel like that's important because obviously you can be sick you could be insane behind you know when it comes to boxing sparring and all that and then when you come to the main stage in front of everyone just [ __ ] yourself and just instantly be like [ __ ] like that's not the joy I think a lot and that's what happened you know who sees well when you get hit it's a shock you do you go into shock if you're not used to it and you take a punch from someone else out there to hurt you it can send you into shock yeah then you happen to Joe everything use of the head gods obviously I've seen your training without a head gun yeah but I don't imagine your training where it was a 10 ounce gloves so the night of the fight is not going to be the first time Tennant nor head guard the first time you're going to feel that that's the thing he's gonna feel a little vacuum of a big right hand mover to know the intensity no I won't beaten exactly know you would log and get in yeah football for you time to take each other's head off it's gonna be the first like you'll feel that for us at you well I mean I'm fine I'm not getting hit that's Michael and like a plan yeah this is like obviously you know it's it's a boxing fight you know and like I know I'm going to get here maybe at one point but I'm sure I'm planning on not gang here and making him suffer through that do you remember the first time you got hit by Logan like what your thought was if you were I did you know that's a good question I thought it didn't really affect me he doesn't have that much power which is crazy yeah which is you know they're gonna clip a [ __ ] I think it's his style or how he bridges he doesn't really put his body into it I agree I mean yeah that's one of the things I think technically from the first fight he definitely doesn't step in the junk that's a lot more disarmed love and the power it's like the reason why he's doing that is to avoid King hitting just because it makes his range because he isn't committing fully yeah I seen that that's why I think you'll come out with more intention well if Shannon Briggs don't even to go off I would expect he's not gonna be as like tentative this time you all come with a bit more aggression when he did talk you he didn't he didn't follow it up last time that was a lot of experience from him he's kept out one page yeah I love Jay Jay back in the fight yeah I wouldn't doubt what would happen if you push that pace on him from the get-go Howard yeah and I see your cardio was undisputed yeah I was just ready like a constant I'd say boxing experts they critique this fight I was thinking like JJ's called yo was actually pro boxer level like yeah you're doing understand that he's they even fight we yeah yet spar in yesterday and his lost friend was his strong is running for the most part I'm saying like his conditioning is always up to scratch yeah getting the man right and then and I think it's even more crazy because like I'm heavier right now yeah I was 83 84 84 the last fight what do you know I'm not massively I must admit I know good in terms of like um you two look the same you know the Seidman right this is this is growing and growing growing it's up in millions of subscribers what is the goal for YouTube like it's a bridge is it gonna be building this into a huge broad assignment while is there an endgame cuz right now it just seems like keep killing it but why is it by the way Simonson yeah well naturally its above his fight so we're gonna talk yeah I don't think there is an Ingo I think for JJ he's obviously got is like boxing music and everything I think everyone else YouTube is the main focus so I don't think I think it is literally to see how far we can take it so the same thing you talked about it like you guys never been like here's the road map here's the plan not really cuz obviously all the American side they they all just look for investment phase and that yeah yeah where is why not he's spoken about it we all would be open to it but it's not that's not our goal cuz Seidman it's a cool name like I look at it as a branding this could be huge like with with the right business mind behind it not that you guys don't have it but you know we're just young guys or ever attracted like I'm sure there's people out there who could take that and go those mix muscles yeah I mean we would be open that is the thing of I mean if things keep coming up like the boxing for example so we've been working pretty much every day for the last two weeks to get ahead just wise period yeah your merch yes what kind of light what kind of numbers we talk in tracks everyday interests yeah yeah Logan Logan delivered some numbers on the lust and I know your numbers will be strong as I said pressure when you guys livestream head-to-head the press conference you're getting five times his life I feel like you'd lie though I don't know because when they're on the Forbes list him and Jake are [ __ ] like 20 million a year what did he say he said him at the mid 35 million in a single year when they when they launched maverick to be fair we know when I mean unfortunately you're splitting it seven ways but yeah maverick or was huge in that yeah I don't think he's lying about her but I just thought [ __ ] me the Seidman are doing bit saying that I wouldn't no one here I'm asking for numbers like that but you know what I mean there's no I actually don't know any exact amount right I'd say we're making above seven figures mm-hmm yeah yeah well I I would expect so yeah yeah I thought but like I don't know it's kind of just gradually growing which i think is probably better rather than a massive spike and then but a lot of consistent yeah I think we've kind of got like a good brand where it's just constant growing were growing with the audience somewhere well cuz Logan had his blow up on YouTube four years ago roughly something like that was really blew up around a certain video yeah but in terms of merch yeah it was like four years ago something whereas we only started last year yeah I'm a long way in a short space yeah I was just wondering because I don't know you guys could have your own trainers and [ __ ] clothing label like I know you've got Marriott emerge but this could be like that's why I feel like that's maybe where we're looking in the future yeah to do big opportunity to take big opportunities like that and to do collabs with big you know like sponsors or big industries etc is there a reason you've never present company excepted [ __ ] the guys often gone on your own because I make a lot more money on your own but you've always stayed so loyal because I just morph honest I just enjoy it more not me but like a lot of people wouldn't have done that and I respect it I think I think it's just how I've been brought up like you know when I started the whole me being case I blah blah blah like it was with just me but I mean even then I was still like you helping my program helping goose on now you know helping Simon but forget the open good John and I mean dad she's got [ __ ] nine million subscribers like what have you done you happy with the time to watch these videos I'm like yeah they related what the relationship like them at the moment are you talking at all or is it just like let's just leave it at that I mean with this we're just I'm not digging me I don't know it's just it's it's it's complicated because it's family it's just common yet especially how public it was yeah it's never like the best thing and it just yeah it's one as ones where over time maybe they'll get better but right now yeah we're just gone I'm grateful that stopped yeah yeah saying those things on stage but like are you just but I'm you know you couldn't hear half of it but you know no dice I heard he was talking about dizzy you would the LA presently are you pulling out like legit because I went through it during Christmas and all those months after etc like at that point how she's numb to it like like I've literally been through the worst of it and it been so public and everything just made it even ten times worse but you know you can't get any worse than the worst so at that point I just you know just felt calm about how is just eyes cool public public what's hard to do stuff in public when you're youtuber like you've just got in public with your relationship not long ago like that's not really a thing I would have a thought yeah while ago but like I don't think maybe at Brian's only just found out because she post no photos with you but you pose with her maybe Brian didn't know that but you know I mean like I don't know I didn't ever expect that from you but you like really like yeah there's some girlfriend we do videos together alright okay and it was a it's dodgy when you bring a girl into the [ __ ] frame because you don't know if this is gonna work out and if it doesn't work out what if she [ __ ] says stuff about you after the fact like the Simon have been very careful generally about that was this sort of something you considered before you made yeah we were dating for about six months beforehand and it was like a yeah that was a very it was a hard decision to do one for me I didn't feel like I have the enemies like he has no no you're very like you're like like so you'd be good but I don't know I guess you had to weigh her up you had to weigh her up before like the loyalty factor because some people just want to use you just get that [ __ ] Instagram me in the eye when you say no some girls just want to build an Instagram and go right I'll see you later smash you know I mean we see youtubers become victim of this all the time yeah so you must have known this is a good one but I'm good yeah I still hope so yes that talent the other way though I guess and like it's not just like is yeah yeah [ __ ] suit look and go with it like there is natural talent do you know what I mean one of the best songs on the album weird for you having your best mate and your girlfriend collaborating on a song yeah a little bit of trust issues though you guys are in this 200 dollars singing like together Randolph is like we're gonna stay over and sleep in the same bed that's fine Randolph conceited I be added lots of gotta stick together mean on the same brand off the same yeah I've got off silence the whole [ __ ] no I don't think so this is where me and him held each other at the other de jure the roast he dropped the line that everyone just was like it was like a funeral and I was like very ashamed trying to help lords over sword I love those situations that's when everyone's like really uncomfortable she's think why I think we like making true news is like I don't actually really care that much about what's happening on YouTube I'm actually just like some of the shit's gonna be really funny but we're gonna say about this but then I actually that was what was actually really unusual for us is because we did true we started tree news around the time when all the like family stuff logo and stuff all that stuff was going on it came almost uncomfortable for us covering every week didn't it while we were like [ __ ] this is actually serious and sad most Christmas here mud it from the districts where it was like yeah yeah and then it just got yeah and then there's the whole Christmas thing and everyone was like I think it's weird when people are looking in almost taking like pleasure in your pain yeah buying is like it's intriguing people are intrigued by that because they're like think [ __ ] That's not me [ __ ] 6jj like why don't you just leave the other guys he's helped us in terms of YouTube obviously I think we've helped him keep it fun same as me yeah I think you would have probably stopped buying that not stopped YouTube in total yeah well you wouldn't be doing as much no not at all because like I've been doing for so long yeah and to find like new ways to excite me it takes it just takes a lot tell us about it do you ever get a bit sick of those like digs though where it's like you're only here cuz know my first like 3 years on YouTube was just that right ok yeah I'm used to it by now yeah and I feel like I've done it long enough that it hasn't happened dead she's kind of taking that attention yeah yeah a lot but like I don't care you know I'm like I see I'm just okay I use your name to clickbait me is that are you only bought million because of jr. is that okay well millions of millions it's gone that's true not many people actually get a million views anyway yes my name is yeah because you can put like we know this you can put Seidman and ksi and the tags Oh ever and always do every week yeah but the points you don't always get the million views there's so many Pro boxes that can't just get a million views yeah pretty much every other yeah really besides aging yeah an AJ will get but only when something goes wrong exactly like he's for it but before that you wouldn't have been getting millions of views is it frustrating though because you are also a talented boxer and a tanana run time no I don't forsake me because I know I have the time to prove what I need to in in the ring you know I mean sigh right now I'm doing what a lot of fighters don't do which is build the brand outside and like I know I can fight I'm always improving so when I get back in the ring it just I'll just prove everyone wrong I was really surprised because we obviously got to see you guys like preparing a little bit before the last fight as to how I guess like what a sweet relationship you two have got and I don't mean that in like an undermining sense he's younger but yeah he's your big heard him talk about your chef and stuff like that oh no no but he's just like yeah you need to eat better yeah yeah yeah yeah she I heard was she bringing you like no she's here right now like I really thought it was very there's not many men who have relationships where it's like this someone who's actually taking care of you and is actually being like attentive and nice and he came to you guys with doctors on money which is oh [ __ ] to an avail and a new and Logan are like we can't do this ourselves and make that kind of money why I mean I mean I Logan's team did [ __ ] all they just didn't know what was going like cuz he left it on them welcome to sour their own event and they were just like like Jeff it's useless man I have you seen the guy he literally looks like he doesn't know he's doing 24/7 he's just this sure little guy but like yeah so we were just trying to get a sword let them do that thing nothing happened that's why then the fight just didn't happen when it was men happen so we're like alright let's try and sort out through Eddie and you know we had Eddie we also had a showcase Wow to show time we're also talking to also we're talking to ESPN maybe I'm them or another so one is pretty much one of the big ones I will just you know like going back and forth back and forth and yeah Eddie you just made the most sense yeah literally the most sense and those are up two dollars and yeah yeah well like another Bell oh yeah I hope so because I'm not taking that Bell now you own I thought that was too big - so its own yeah yeah hopefully they make it like not in green like something again a customer's bow yeah something sick [ __ ] diamond play a button right in the movie yeah oh my god are we nuts what you going for a ring we're wise cuz that the both fights now you've probably been the better dressed of the two was even much on the last one - I thought Logan's like you know that black one was sick as well I thought that was good I think but to make black look bad yes yeah yeah well I've got this sick loads of Pavarotti black oh he's just a fat man in a black suit were like I'm alone instead he's dead sorry you can't run the dead for the Union Chuck look men I like that no III was out to represent the you yeah but uh this next one I'm going for something that just looks unique like something that will glow in the dark oh yeah so it's like it's gonna be all dark and there's just gonna see me just like shine off like all black and red and it's just gonna be lit not to have a mask it's gonna look [ __ ] hang mask last time is pretty me I never forget we're ringside everything is on commentating just went the best YouTube song even Logan wanted to come out that's crazy how does it feel when you're on ITV and Piers Morgan is just like sucking you off for like five minutes sucking me off like his Morgan's a bit of a weird you're the king of the internet so he does everything he can to be like oh my man he's like he's black and he's young I better get with him he's quite competitive what's the smell like I know I don't know man money you know I smell good no bang I'm just curious because it's interesting because you're seeing youtubers out of context is really weird like I'm used to seeing you sitting your bedroom bed in the background like headphones on you're watching something like I'm used to seeing that so see on TV always feels a little bit weird it's even weirder when you're sitting in a living room without your dad and your dad's like have you met that one and it's like yes yes but then they're asking all these weird questions to you I how much money do you make all those things like they I guess on TV they they kind of just they're still trying to understand it all yes it's all quite new to them new to them right so us it's just we've been doing this was so long to a point where I would just I guess sick and tired of it and say the same thing but uh yeah like I remember back in the day when they would ask that question how much money do you make like you do in FIFA videos how much money do you make blah blah blah you're the fool it's how much money do you make excetera so I like to see that it's still the same question after all these years kind of shows how far TVs gone given away people always ask that question people always ask that question once are you another box has told you or they saying [ __ ] like that then they think I'm rich because of YouTube yeah yeah yeah yeah use I know you're rich you never need to fire them I do yeah fine I see it's no one's business you really just gotta do what you gotta do man hide your money make your money cool I do find it kind of weird because it is like a lot of other boxes say a lot of crazy [ __ ] and like other fighters say loads of crazy she's sweet Aroldis buns and this Ferrari oh okay compeletely has no broken girl again lucky laughs that is Ferraris the best listen you have to become undisputed know each other because that is mad but I've ended the less very mean it kind of like cuz I was I know like now the arrow spends less is Crawford fight yeah it's gonna be pushed back even more to see it but now it's all good no I'm glad he's fine have you have you do you enjoy watching boxing yeah love it like before like I used to know get it if that makes sense the animal when i watch the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao buy everyone was going on about this just to fly off the Centurion yeah huge and like the point where I actually you know managed to get into the arena to watch it Wow and I was watching outside this is the most boring fire though she won my fight no knockouts like I'm like what's going on like none of this makes sense it's just hogging like they're just like tapping each other like I don't get it obviously now I fully understand how like the levels are like and how it's like just insane Mayweather is if you just shows like how defensive how smiley is defensively and to be able to just slow down Pacquiao Pacquiao is always just were quite were quick worker and to manage manage stood like bring him right down to I guess may workman's level and make me whether fight his fight like it's just crazy like and and now you're gonna train in his gym with his family for a fight earlier how [ __ ] you talk about this is what you've thought in your life I feel like I should come up with a red book remember this only only other person who remembers it yeah now when you're watching cuz that was sort of gonna ask you that do you feel like you've educated JJ because he's talking out it looking at someone else's plan I'm picking it that's not something that just happens overnight is it that's the advantage for the fight is that yeah his IQ is high and he's understanding the sport mm-hmm like I can do maybe four defensive moves with out someone for him punches at me didn't ask him what punches were coming at me imagine what punches were coming and he could name all of them these are the things that are gonna change make the difference in the fight because he's now seeing things clearer like before is that JJ jab why I just do it cuz we ain't got time to learn why now yeah okay distance okay okay that one's gonna take a bit air away like he's starting to understand all the uses of the weapons so you know summers is gonna be fun it's gonna be fun even something as simple as okay you move to your right yeah I just like oh why you moving to the right to avoid this power hand or yes like it gets it now yeah and I mean there's so much how many times have you watched that last fight so many times so many times it's sorry for the comet and me I think I wish there were six times you know all right man I was you like my own account yes sir Lawrence calls finish him off yeah annoys me like all the time watching it because I'm just there like I'm so [ __ ] legit like I I was like so [ __ ] compared to where I am now like I just know so much more I know what I should have done I should have just there's so much I mean I don't want to say here like everything I need like all his strengths and weaknesses accelerate but like there's so much I should have done and I'm going to do and like I just felt like but then I was just complacent and I just felt like I knew way more than I thought I did and I thought was I we've seen but all getting angry yeah yeah yeah what was that like cuz you know you got a great relationship in all of us and your mentors or even at you that's the thing like that's again our advice you know that Shannon Briggs is a former world heavyweight champion so obviously is gonna have knowledge but you don't bond with Logan on how a bondage aging so certain things I can just look at JJ and go just do this though yeah yeah and in all of a sudden it clicks whereas like I don't think they have that relationship it takes time to build that I've been the last war so that yeah yeah boy it's just you guys even do something that's it and then I was just like oh [ __ ] because obviously we got JJ listen to what Leon saying but in certain things I can just go gg because it's been that long this is what I think all we're like a Champions League football I couldn't necessarily managed an amateur football team like because you've come from that background you might be more suited to this level of boxing than Shannon would because he's so far removed from me way away so we're we're here the level up we're out here so maybe that is an advantage in itself yeah because I I'm not okay I'm removed for me but I'm not that far away to remember what I was being taught you know not so long ago exactly so you know that that's where the youth comes in to interpolate because five years ago I would have still been boxing still been learning Louis five years ago I don't know what Simon you know during the first fight with Logan obviously I remember the first round thinking holy [ __ ] Logan looks confident he's doing really well the the confidence that JJ came in with was like he's gonna walk through this and then all of a sudden you realize odd Logan see a stay what was that like for you watching him fight is the worst like the well a fight I thought he was losing the whole time well it doesn't I'm like is that yes done it's done yeah and then I'm still watching it back and I might yeah well it didn't throw a punch the Lausanne fight I'm dizzy after two rounds I'm looking around on the side it's done I was boxing about Sam's days that oh good luck man and you can see he's just that he said about you I think we were yeah yeah Simon is the most nervous of all of it we need we need one of the lads to just cuddle you fro though it's gonna be okay oh yeah it's horrible because I get nervous obviously when I do other stuff like the charity matches and stuff yeah I think it's actually worse watching someone else cuz I have no control over that mm-hmm and you're pretty good under pressure like you squat from the halfway line just goes that game I flew up before that really there in the changing room because I was breaking it Wow kind of strange because like everyone's there to see you do well everyone's there to be like most people in the arena are like he's so beautiful like no one is there going I hope he [ __ ] dies like no it is different but I get it because they're different mentally on you very yeah yeah like the Wella fight hmm you were nervous I we had breakfast at the house everything quiet you might see in the yeah and as soon as he got to the crowd he was there like oh okay let's go yeah yeah whereas I would have been the other way around the morning of it I'd have been like sure it'll be all right yeah see the crowd yeah it it's a bit of a drug this crowd thing isn't it I must admit cause even when I went out there and felt them cheering for me just say your name I'm not to always take it back but like this was the first time since everything that gone on for you where you didn't know necessarily how the public saw you or about you so when someone goes true Jordy they could have all been like you know what could like but instead there was probably like the loudest cheer those glasses [ __ ] they were brave ladies as well tweek I said the logs before I had half a bottle of whiskey I was like should I throw my classes although be fun and use I will throw them like that so we times we will I was like now throw them differently and brines there in space in the middle of the dress room just going like this [ __ ] trip yeah this crowd are miles away the press yeah there's I'm really [ __ ] throw this we nailed it so generally speaking I want a little prediction of what Rowan do you think this is gonna end in round five round five yeah so I changed my mind you know but I'm not gonna say none I change my mind on that you two have different predict we assume that he's gonna come out quite strong I've lost and explosive because he's dead like it's ten ounce no head gods [ __ ] it let's go like I'm probably gonna catch JJ and that say it's gonna be easy that's why I keep saying round one run this you know like decapitation etc so he's gonna go ham for maybe round one round two and then if that doesn't work then he's [ __ ] and then he's just gonna gas out the muscle is gonna weigh him down tremendously and he's just gonna struggle to move and I guess he's gonna maybe write off round three and four and maybe try and hope to come back in round five but I think by then I would have done so much damage that it'd be concurrent and then just gonna end him so that's why I'm saying I'm fine going back to Cho what's your relationship like with Josh all of this cuz it was so bad at one point because of because of the little things you did in the run-up and some of the yeah somebody took it so you let that go is there always gonna be a little something there I don't like I only care the sky I've reached out and asked him to comment it for the fight oh snap and he rang me and he was like yeah I've told them to get you and they're like yeah but EMS are a bit of a problem for having you comment having can comment it and I'm like you do know you've got a log and Paul [ __ ] fighting like no offense but like of all the things that's happened he's atop them yeah yeah and I'm somewhere yeah no one was harmed in the making of my second message yes pinkeye but no but if you didn't want your commenting you could have that and yeah yeah I was like I was fine with it I like I don't really care too much like what he does I'm like it's really a point where it's like I did my thing and now you know it's his life it's my life and I'll just move on well I respect that the yeah you're allowing him to still no I wouldn't you know yeah I wouldn't hold a grudge like I wouldn't yeah I don't normally hold a grudge if I do like yeah I didn't it takes a while like who's the losses that a massive graduate who's on time yeah good I had the longest grudge and then you know I went to our society I forgot why I hate them it's just like you think how successful you are makes it easier just let [ __ ] go um no it's such a position of happiness and power well I mean yeah you know I think it probably plays the part I know when my life's going good I can forgive people for all sorts yeah when I'm struggling I'm like a [ __ ] hope you die yeah I imagined Joe probably wants me to get be like if like somewhere deep inside him he kind of wants me I wouldn't blame a minute so you can see so I can see how he feels oh how he felt when I know that obviously this in your mind isn't even a possibility in terms of like you know you've done the work and you feel very confident but if you were to lose career-wise yeah do you feel that affects you moving forward pride wise and ego wise you'll find me quite a bit but if anything it'll just make me even more of a beast I think like either way I'm going to be like at least like for me it's I've always told myself it's not about winning it so it's always about you know like maybe if you get beat how like how far you can go I mean over what's the phrase like I feel like you're saying about the journey itself no no no no it's you you know you can get beat but like it's how you come back it's how you know how strong you come back and like for me it's always being short making sure I can come back stronger so you mean leaving in 2017 just because I was just like no in a good place I was just you know deployment right after our podcast yeah yeah I was just like I just wasn't feeling right and no I remember but then you know I came back stronger than ever like and then if anything yeah I just became even more popular even more relevant even more etc like I just like that's how I how I am always feel like I'm always gonna come back stronger like yeah okay I'll lose to Logan then I'd be like [ __ ] it I'm gonna be a pro fire I'm gonna beat other profiles I'm gonna be other people and then be like I I'd be all these people [ __ ] it like Logan really want a rematch yeah like that's like my mentor has already decided like if you didn't win you'd go again oh yeah I feel like that's how I am because I just I feel I just same and I feel like we might be looking at a trilogy here what it depends on his fans I think that's it that's it for like like duck thought is so far back in my head it's like like that's mean it's interesting for us to know like there isn't a day where I'm after a session I'm there like last year where I was like I should feel right you know like after a session miss no that must be disappointing as a trainer when you're like no offense to Dida Dida home yeah I see fights every single training well for your PT now Dida is obviously not the same as we're talk about the mayweather gym here we're not talking about the same are we and you know even Leon like like I said I loved either so much like he's taking me so far like where I was at the beginning and where did it took me like I will never forget that because he has done so much for me and he's allowed me to be in the position I am today I needed to take it to the next level and that's why I got Leon and Leon like he is ruthless he doesn't give a [ __ ] he's there like if I was that in it yeah beau I'm dead I'm done Leon say no you wait we working we don't keep going if I'm dead like I can't bar I can't do any more pull-ups he's like shut the [ __ ] up rotational doing it as well it was like he was like a little pixie like pulling these teachers he is a machine enjoys like watching people important and people know he enjoys like putting himself through pain himself like he enjoys it yeah so I I needed him to take me to next level because I myself like I just work hard anyway so I needed Leon to push me to that next level to turn me into a psycho to a killer and then without just help me with the boxing technique and boxing boxing IQ and just you know just making me just the complete boxer and making sure when I come into this next fight I just levels above anything anyone ever thought and people are gonna be like [ __ ] why not bet money and low get your finger I like his conditioning is already amazing yeah we've got Leona's smashing it from the shrimping conditions inside but in Morgan Vegas to train with Larry wait he's also on camera Luis Ortiz who's preparing to fight Deontay Wilder so he's gonna be on the track with world champions and you nobody's preparing as well so he's gonna be training alongside watch other free weeks solid he's gonna see them and telling he little tips that they you know they use it's like ass I'll throw it in and say listen I'll do this movie yeah so we're in a camp where we're surrounded by the top guys in the sport that's gonna make a difference your cardio is gonna like it's gonna be stupid it's not in front of me I did say like not like early rounds people are gonna expect Logan to be the stronger but late a delay other fight cause like yeah yeah that's safe for me unless there's a freak punch there's only one one other layer of this fight goes on yeah all right it's if you can survive that early obviously on so and I that's gonna be my explain what am i yeah I'm gonna be cool because you know it's got all that monsters got all that master hour [ __ ] it let's go let's see what happens and then he's gonna realize I'm a [ __ ] machine like you can't [ __ ] move me like I was I say with the loss I was tentative I was you know I was just avoiding [ __ ] now I'm not afraid to get here now I'll stare you in the face and be like you punched me and that did [ __ ] all now I'm going to punish you for that and Logan's gonna see that and it's gonna just get a show of him so I was saying to Jason like everyone has a breaking point and you once you find it that's it some people it takes a bit longer than others jaws breaking point was very low Logan's has proven to be higher but in round six we nearly found it those are seven we would hit so it's just finding the breaking point in this fight and then crushing it and that's what we aim to do you make a compelling case it's amazing because every interview that we do its wings one way and afterwards you're like wow well not on the table I think he's just doing all of that [ __ ] to cover that he's nervous and I think he hates I'm not showing anything I think he he enjoyed that last night because he was able to go okay look he's doing missed I can let's work on this all he's doing this now it's got nothing and now obviously like he's not showing [ __ ] himself but I think he's that's nervous energy and to hide that he's doing all this flamboyant crazy [ __ ] just I get yet to hide it in the press conference I felt like Logan was being I think in terms of confidence he came across as more confident yeah when you got to the faceoff yeah you started talking yes he didn't he was silent and I was like ah JJ's talking lots of [ __ ] he's not saying anything Wow so when I was telling him like you know your fault your your main coach is Shannon Briggs you are you serious like I'm telling him like I've got a mad camp in Vegas I'm Richie training like with champions I'm going to I'm training like a killer and you're not ready for this I'm literally a completely different boxer and I was telling him all in this and he was just looking at me like trying to just not take it in but I could tell he was taking it in and I felt like he was there like oh [ __ ] like this is different like compared to the last time last time I was so funny and you know it was like a comedy show disarmed serious some when I'm serious [ __ ] you know she gets done yeah that's what I mean like yeah we fight weak you see everyone's true emotions yeah cuz you normally have the press conference the public workout that's when you really start to see everyone's behavior who's truly been confident from the beginning hmm and who was acting because when you know in three days time the guy you've been dissing he in steps on them skills in his best shape possible that is when you you really got was the well at moment for me when I thought that you well I'd not face the fish yeah oh yeah I'm saying but before that when you what you enjoy and what bite you would have all and everyone have you seen this I don't need to see and then we know that there you go yeah that's pretty rapid there lots really it's a [ __ ] great to hear what you're saying and I know when they get an absolute classic fight this is gonna be really sick and like I think it's amazing what youtubers have done I think because I've been there from the beginning you know with like a hunch and seananners and even people before that blame true for etc and to see us as a community go from there to where is now I think it's insane I'm just so happy mm-hmm I've got one other questions before okay because I'm looking like what YouTube is and you remember you see like all TV and the guys later on in there like one day you're gonna be on some [ __ ] show and you're 50 years old and you're gonna be talking about me and Logan throwing punches and Logan's gonna be all this what you're probably going to be sat next to each other laugh another genuinely this could go he's seen a cop will be there with our kids going I remember when I almost commentated that would have been so good to LA know when you look back at this door how do you think you're kind of you young JJ [ __ ] been taking on the world and punching someone in the face in front of millions of people I don't know I you know I I don't know I guess I'll just be proud I just be proud that you know I had a I had a mentality where I never gave up you know I always had people telling me you can't do this you can't do that and you know I always felt like an outcast in my life and to finally just to order to tell people you know [ __ ] you I don't care what you think I'm going to do my own thing and now people see me as the inspiration and the leader essentially I guess I think that's I think that's pretty cool and yeah I just yeah it makes me happy I think it also makes me happy that I'm able to bring my team with me I think you know doing this by myself would be quite lonely but to have my team around me like I think it's just the best thing and yeah the whole of the UK is proud of humans all right good luck good luck the darling human that's going out there it's gonna be a great shock always you in Vegas is dangerous isn't it yeah yeah don't forget to like this video subscribe all that [ __ ] thanks to all the lads for coming on appreciate it we'll see as Leah
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 2,847,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KSI, Logan Paul, KSI Logan Paul, KSI interview, The Mayweather Channel, Viddal Riley, Miniminter, Sidemen, podcast, MoreSidemen, W2S, Vikkstar123, Boxing, Fight, Sparring, UFC, Masvidal, Diaz, McGregor, Sky Sports, DAZN, Joe Rogan, Jake Paul, imPaulsive, KSI vs Logan Paul
Id: mHigLRWgguI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 5sec (4205 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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