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let's go ahead and get started with the word of prayer all right lord thank you for this day and this opportunity to be here and to study your word lord and thank you god for all you've done for us and speak to us we pray and lord help me to say what i should say and not say what i shouldn't say lord and may it be edifying lord to edify and to help us we ask in jesus name amen amen okay so today we're just going to talk about simple little discussion about knowing there's some stuff we ought to know right uh what does bible say my people are destroyed for lack of what knowledge but we're going to look at that today let's start out in first john chapter 5 and verse 12 and 13. and for those that don't know i'm robert breaker most of you know who i am and every week i put a new sermon on youtube and vimeo and rumble and all these places in english and in spanish so i'll be speaking in english today amen and that'll be a blessing english yeah english bible i thought i brought my spanish bible for a second there and uh we're just going to talk about what the bible says about what you need to know and uh we need to make sure we're always on the same page right you might know something i don't know i might not know something you don't know let's all get together and let's all make sure we know the same things because the bible teaches that we're in the last days and in the last days the bible talks about how there's going to be people departing from the faith and we're starting to see that today and in the last days we see what's called apostasy what does apostasy mean you you understand there's people already apostasizing from their apostasy i'm starting to see that all over youtube i get comments all the time people say well brother breaker you're wrong apostasy doesn't mean that it means this and it's like no they don't want to run to the greek but the word apostasy means falling away from a standing position you once stood here on this standing for the truth now you fell away and you believe this well people are saying no it means departure no it means falling away from a standing position so falling away from something that you once knew and now you go well i don't want to remember that i'd rather believe this over here that's called apostasy and this is where we are on our timeline up here we're right before this the rapture and we are in this time of apostasy so let's don't fall away let's don't fall into apostasy let's stick with the book and make sure we're all on the same page because what i'm seeing in modern christianity today is a lot of people aren't on the same page a lot of people claim to be christians but they're not preaching the same thing so we need to preach the right thing from the king james bible but what christians have been preaching for the whole almost 2 000 years have you all heard this new one this new thing where it's it's not a pre-trib rapture wow they've been wrong for all these years it's not a it's a post-trib rapture and you're like really tell me about that yeah well that just was invented in 1800s oh really yeah and so so now we finally got it right so for 1800 years people were wrong and now we finally got it right well thank god for you but wait a minute that's not what my bible says my bible doesn't say in the last days they'll finally get it right and they'll fall to the truth it doesn't say that the bible says in the last days there'll be a time of apostasy where they fall away from the truth so they must have had it right for the last 1800 years and believe it or not that's what paul taught pre-trib rapture i've even got a book at home 100 years 200 years 300 years after jesus some of these early church fathers believed in a pre-trib rapture so they said well you can't find that between 500 to 1500 because the catholic church burned all the books of the people that believed it okay it's called the spanish inquisition so i mean that's if you just think a little bit it's kind of a no-brainer you're like oh well that makes sense but it makes more sense to believe that in the last days they're falling away from the truth then oh we've been wrong for all these years now we finally got it right you got to watch out for that you got to watch out for that so what does the bible say here in first john chapter 5 verse 12 and 13 and i want to talk to you about salvation and one of the most important things is to know that you're saved amen first john 5 12 says this he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of god have not life do you realize that just about everything in that sentence is a one syllable he that hath the son hath life they say oh new versions are so much better no they're not king james is so easy to memorize it says in the beginning of most king james bibles appointed to be read in churches it's called the authorized king james bible because king james authorized the translation from the right text but in a way that it's easy to read and memorize in a church so we have the right bible but in such a way that it's easy to memorize and boy that's a nice verse to memorize it's just one syllable just oh i love it but it continues there in verse 13. these things have i written unto you that believe on the name of the son of god that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the son of god so salvation according to the bible is knowing something and you gotta know today we hear people they say well i i don't know if i'm saved or not but i identify as a christian well then are you i mean if you're saved you know you're saved but a lot of people say well i'm a christian but i doubt it and i don't know well do you know 100 beyond any shadow of a doubt that you're going to heaven i brought some tracks and stuff and what i'll do is you just come up and get some of these afterwards if you want i'll just leave them here but this is one of my tracks that i print up and it says how sure are you that you're going to heaven 25 50 75 or 100 and then somebody can read this and check for themselves then look the bible says you're supposed to know a hundred percent there's no well i'm i feel 30 safe today yesterday i felt 70 no it's not it's you're saved you know you're saved you know the bible says being saved is like two things like being born and like being married i've never met anyone i went up to them said hey you ever been born well i don't know i just don't well reach back here and pinch yourself but if it hurts then you've been born okay there's no i don't know if i was ever born or not you know you're born because you're here and i've never met someone yet that was married that says well i don't know i don't know if i'm married or not you know it's like no you know if you're married so salvation is something we're supposed to know it's not a well i hope so well i think maybe perhaps fingers crossed i'm going to heaven you either know or you don't know so tonight we're going to learn about how to know for sure that you're saved because this is important the rapture is coming very soon and if you're not saved and you're left behind well then you'll know because the only people that go at the rapture or save people if the rapture comes and you're left behind you'll be like uh whoops you know so you better know now because otherwise it's gonna be a lot harder then so you can know if you're saved or not turn over to 2nd timothy real quick and you can know if you're saved so my question here let's make this a little personal do you know do you know i like to call salvation a no-so salvation i know that i know that i know that i know that i'm saved it's not something that i wonder about july 29th 1992 about 10 o'clock in the morning that's when i got saved i know the day i know the time i know the hour and i know that i'm saved just like i know july 13th 1974 i was born the first time i know the date i was there of course i didn't probably realize what was going on i was just like crying and everything until somebody slapped me probably anyway the doctor but i know that i'm born and i know that i'm born again i was there i can take you to the date and time ii timothy chapter 1 and verse 12 paul says for the which cause i also suffer these things nevertheless i am not ashamed for i know whom i have believed and persuaded that he is able to keep that which i have committed unto him against that day paul says i know that i'm saved you know nowhere in the bible do i find any passage where any of the apostles say and then i got saved but now i don't know you know there's not one verse of scripture that says well you just don't know salvation is just something we wonder about of course there's a group out there to call themselves calvinists and you know i've never met a calvinist that said he knew he was saved i don't know why that is except for their doctrine is they have to be one of the elect so you go up to calvinist you say hey man do you know you're going to heaven well i sure hope so he says no that's not good enough do you know well if i'm one of the elect then yeah okay do you know you're one of the elect no i'll find out one day i hope i am what an awful way to live not knowing if you're saved or not isn't that awful i'm glad i'm not a calvinist i don't follow john calvin i follow my lord and savior jesus christ and he told me in the bible that when you're saved you know you're saved so it's all about knowing so when you're saved you know you're safe but you know what how do you get saved that's a good question right there did you know that there's something you have to know before you get saved everybody in the world is not just born saved i wish they were but actually we're all born into condemnation we're all born into a fleshly body of sin with a sinful nature and thankfully you know if we die early we'll go to heaven because we haven't reached that point of the age of accountability yet but when you do and you sin that first time boy you're in trouble and what do you need you need the gospel so you have to know something before you can get saved so what do you have to know before you get saved the gospel and so that's important let me show you some things because the bible says that the fear of the lord is the beginning of what wisdom so the beginning of understanding so there's something that you have to understand before you can get saved now why do i say that well today a lot of people seem to forget this a lot of people today you talk to and you and you say hey man are you a christian well yeah i go to church well that doesn't mean you're a christian but a lot of people say well i go to church and you say well how does your church teach to get to heaven and they say well just come to god the best way you know how i've heard people say that before and i just want to go what if the best way you know isn't the right way that's right what if you think you know the way but your way is a different way what does jesus say he says i am the way and the truth and the life no man cometh the father but by me there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the ways there are over the ends of death there's a lot of people that think hey this is the way but they're wrong but that's the best way they know how are they saved there's something they need to know and what they think they know may not be what god told you to know to know to get saved does that make sense there's something you need to know let's look at some verses right real quick let's go to mark 15 16. jesus christ shows up and when he showed up he had to battle with these lost religious people called pharisees and what a battle man the common people they accepted him and and loved him because he's loving them and healing them and doing all this stuff but those pharisees man they gave him a time didn't they and they would not accept him and so jesus rebukes them in mark 15 16 and notice what he rebukes them for and i guess that's the wrong passage mark 15 16. maybe it's matthew somebody look it up see if it's matthew 15 16. but he rebuked the pharisees and what did he say he said are you yet without understanding here i am god manifest in the flesh it's matthew all right read that to me matthew 15 16. thank you and jesus said are you also yet without understanding so he gave them the bible they had the whole old testament he gave him the prophecy of daniel and he showed up to the day exactly of the prophecy said that he would and he's the messiah and he shows up and they're like we don't know who you are why you're you are all together born in sin well you're and they used the b word bastard they called our lord and savior a bastard and they just attacked him and he says don't you understand i'm here to save you right but they had no understanding so they they didn't want to know so there's something you got to know before you can get saved let's go to luke 24 after jesus rose from the dead he comes to his disciples his own disciples and guess what they didn't even understand and so he rebukes his own disciples isn't that sad first he had rebuked the lost religious crowd for a lack of understanding then he has to rebuke his own disciples and in luke chapter 24 and verse 45 we read and he said unto them this is jesus these are the words which i spake unto you while i was yet with you that all these things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and the psalms concerning me now i said 45 but i wanted to read 44 for the context 45 says then opened he there what understanding that they might understand the scriptures so for jesus understanding something is important you don't just become a christian because you say well you know what i just want to be a christian okay i'm a christian because i just said i was it doesn't happen that way there's something you got to know bible says faith come by hearing here by the word of god you've got to get in the bible and hear what the bible says about how to be saved there's something you got to know all right are you with me but you go to a lot of churches nowadays they they don't say that a lot of churches say oh you just come to god just any way you want to just say oh god please save me and come to god and well he'll just and it's like but in the gospel in there somewhere oh don't worry about that i've heard pastors say you get saved without knowing anything about the gospel and i'm like do you ever read the bible i don't see that in the scriptures let's go look at the people that aren't saved in romans chapter one and i don't want to read this long list here but if you get a chance man read this long list this is what god thinks of people that aren't saved and it's a long list there starting there about verse 28 29 all the way down to verse 32 this is what god says lost people are like but notice in verse 31 this is one of the worst things because yeah they're sinners and they're doing sins but god says this is the worst part verse 31 without understanding so there's something that lost people need they need to know something they need to know they need to understand so what is it that we need to know what is it that we need to understand in order to know that we're saved well let's look at jesus matthew 13 15. here's what jesus said and i like to tell people this because i've preached in about 200 different churches and i was pretty appalled from time to time to go into different churches and preach and and see how the pastors would come up to me and go well that's a good message i never knew that all i did was just preach the gospel like you didn't know that you didn't wow you know it's we're in worse shape than we think let me show you i was going to start off with this this is a tract that's given out at bob jones university and uh our old bible teacher he went to bob jones university this is by bob jones senior and it's like a track that they pass out and it asks what is a christian and all this is is his message where he preached so it's basically verbatim the words of him preaching a message in 1946 1946 bob jones senior preaching on what is a christian you know what it says here let me read his words this is what bob jones senior says in 1946 and i tell you frankly after having preached the gospel in most of the states of the union i do not believe 50 of the church members are really christians and that was in 1946 here we are in 2021 how many people do you think is a percentage in churches 80 90 i don't know but that was over 75 years ago and he says i don't even think 50 are saved he says because they're told you don't have to know anything no don't look at the bible no you don't you can get saved to go to heaven without knowing anything and i read my bible and i'm like that is the exact opposite of what the bible teaches let's go to matthew chapter 13 and verse 15. it's almost like they want to tell the opposite of the truth that's almost satanic isn't it to lie and tell the opposite it's almost like we're in a place now where religion is satanic that's sad but it's true that's why i'd like to tell people i'm not religious i'm just saved amen there's a difference between being religious and being saved religion is what you do to justify yourself before god so it's works it's bragging on you no thanks i know i'm not worthy salvation is when you give up trusting in yourself and you come to christ and trust him as your savior that's the difference but jesus said this all right we're talking about you need to know something you need to understand something to get saved matthew 13 and verse 15 and we read the words of our lord and savior jesus christ for this people's heart is wax gross and their ears are dull of hearing in their eyes they have closed lest that any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should look at that word understand now this is very important too understand with their heart that's pretty important right there we'll get to that in a minute but he said and should understand with their heart and should be converted and i should heal them so before conversion according to jesus christ before a person is converted what is converted saved right before you can be saved there's something you have to understand but you go to many churches today and they'll tell you the exact opposite oh no oh don't listen to that breaker guy he's crazy no you don't have to know all that stuff just come here i'll tell you how to get saved just repeat this after me and they say now you're saved because you said a prayer have you ever heard the old proverb i was saved by a wing and a prayer you ever heard that's they used to say that a lot but that's not what saves you we're not saved by a prayer now i'm not against prayer but i don't trust in my prayer to get me to heaven if we can be saved by our prayer then why did jesus die he could have stayed up in heaven and said you know what i'm going to do i'm going to start a new dispensation and instead of coming down here and taking all that trouble and living 33 years and shedding my blood boy that's just a hassle i don't feel like doing that you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna call a new prophet hey zedekiah come here just go around and tell everybody if they want to be saved just to ask me in a prayer and that could have been the church age no blood but does the bible teach that the bible teaches there's something you got to understand that he died in our place for our sins he shed his blood and we got to put our faith in something to get to heaven what is that that right there so i look at that and i go man this is important that we know this now folks i had to leave a church one time over this because the church that i went to they started to go the other way and say no it's not important that you know that no it's not important that you and i'm just like i don't think i agree with you all i'm going to stick with the bible and that was the greatest thing that i've ever done in my life getting away from people that are falling away from the truth and sticking with the book and i said lord you gave me a message help me and he's taken me the internet and i've seen people get saved and it's just such a blessing i just can't wait to check my email and get new emails from people brother i got saved from your preaching so i'm going to stick with the book i'm not going to go with the majority unfortunately what do people do today a lot of people today they're groupies what their group think they ought to be a part of the group but the group is almost always wrong you know what the whole theme of the entire bible is one man and god it seems like as soon as men get together the first thing they do is kick god out right you're right and so god says hey come here and preach to them but they'll kill me no i'll take care of you and if one guy surrenders to the lord and does what god tells him he's protected and a lot of times they repent and they get right so just being part of a group being a groupie you know isn't right even within our denomination all right i'm an ordained independent baptist who cares really a lot of them are apostates nowadays be honest with you but there's still a lot of good ones thank god praise the lord but uh i would go out and i was preached when i went to honduras as a missionary i went on deputation which is you go to over 200 different churches and you preach and so i went to over 200 churches um sunday morning and one church sometimes sunday night in another church sometimes wednesday night in a different church sometimes thursday night like tonight we're thursday night and i went over 200 churches and i preached a lot of times i go to that church the first thing out of the mouth of the preacher the first thing what camp are you with and what do they mean well they all were supposedly independent baptists but you've got this group over here that's the this pastor they follow him and this group over here they follow this pastor and this group and they say so what group are you with what bible school did you go to basically is what they're asking and i'm like i'm not going to get caught up in that i just look at them and i say i'm without the camp with jesus how about you and they'd be like oh well i thought of that i mean i just i don't like to argue that's my favorite verse in the bible leave off contention before it be meddled with so my best thing is to figure out okay usually people ask you a question because they want to draw you in an argument so how can i answer them in such a way that they go hmm i never thought of that you know so that's what i like to do and give them scripture while i'm at it so let's look at some more verses let's go over to romans chapter 10. so there's some stuff that you need to get a hold of before you can get saved there's something you need to know and that something you need to know is called the gospel and you need to hear the preaching of the gospel in order to be saved can anybody be saved without the preaching of the gospel that's not what my bible says over here in romans chapter 10 we'll start there in verse 13 romans 10 13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved all right a lot of people stop right there a lot of people say now you're saved you'll just say oh jesus okay every carpenter that ever hit his thumb with a hammer and said oh jesus at the top of his lung he called on the name did he just get saved so there might be a little bit more to it than just that maybe it's more than just saying it with your mouth maybe it has to do with something from the heart right and from reading the whole a lot of people don't read the context a lot of people think salvation is just with the lips well before we read this let me turn over to matthew again matthew chapter 15. then we'll come back to this but i just want to get off on this for a second there's a lot of people that think christianity is just something you do with your lips if i just say with my mouth i'm a christian then you're a christian you know how wrong that is salvation is from the heart it's a heart thing okay and there's some people out there though they try to make it a mouth thing years ago i was in rhode island we're going to matthew 15 8. but years ago i was in rhode island and i was talking to this guy and he told me he was a muslim i said oh you know i was kind of got scared are you taliban you know but uh he said he was a muslim and he invited me to go to his mosque i said well okay i didn't want to go by myself i was afraid man so i got the pastor over there and we went together to his mosque and one of these guys they call him an imam and they say mom showed us around and he kept saying well this is our mosque and he says now say allah is god and i wouldn't say it and then he says well we had several other people like you white people he said i was like righteous you know but he was a black guy he was white people like you whatever and he said yeah they came here we gave them a tour just like i'm giving you a tour and they became converts to islam now say allah is god and i was like and so he showed me around and then when he got done he led me out to the door he says now just say allah is god that's all i want to hear from you i said no i can't say that because i know who he really is and the guy said get out and he walked away and i'm scratching my head and then it dawned on me the way you convert to islam is you say with your mouth allah is god i could have done that and made him happy but would have i have been a convert because i didn't believe it in my heart do you see there's a lot of people out there that claim to be christians and they're a bunch of spiritual muslims they're running around just trying to get people to say with their mouth i believe in jesus but they don't care if that person trusts jesus from their heart that bothers me that's not a true christian that's someone that's made a profession but they have no possession there's a difference between profession and possession so what does it say here in matthew 15 8 matthew 5 8 this people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth and honoreth me with their lips but their heart is far from me jesus is talking to the pharisees they claim to be of god religious people but all they did was say with their mouth oh i love jehovah but their heart all they could think about is how did i rip this lady off and get her money oh how do i trick this person and get and all they were thinking about was evil and wickedness their heart wasn't in it but their mouth they claimed to be look at me and they'd fast and they'd paint their face white i haven't eaten in days oh they were hypocrites and that's what jesus called them hypocrites so what is a true christian somebody that with their mouth said something no someone that from the heart has believed in something and before you can be saved you have to understand something to be converted and you have to believe so salvation is through faith or for believing let's go back to romans chapter 10 real quick romans chapter 10 verse 14 how then shall they call on him and whom they have not believed and how then shall they believe in him and whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher oh you mean somebody's got to preach something to somebody before they can get saved yeah that's what it's saying you can't get saved if someone hasn't preached to you and taught you how to be safe so you have to hear it and understand it before you can get saved does that make sense and it continues there in verse 15 and how shall they preach except they be sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the what the gospel of peace and bring glad glad tidings of good things but they have not all obeyed the gospel how do you obey the gospel you believe it and uh it continues there verse 17 so then faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of god so in order to be saved you have to hear the gospel preached and it says who hath believed our report you have to believe something and what is that something you have to believe you have to believe the gospel the gospel is turn with me to first corinthians chapter 15 verses 1 through 4. that's the gospel and the gospel is the way of salvation so if you can't be saved without hearing the gospel then you got to hear the gospel to get saved i can't tell you how many times i've talked to people and i say you're a christian are you yeah yeah i'm a christian well when did you hear the gospel the gospel what's that you're not a christian yes i am they get upset no the bible says you're not a christian unless you hear the gospel and believe so if you don't even know what it is how how can you be a christian i mean you might have said with your mouth i believe in jesus i'm a christian but if you haven't trusted the gospel are you even saved i don't the bible says you got to believe the so do you understand the importance of preaching it right many churches today are not preaching the gospel i've been about 200 churches preaching and just about every church i go to i like to say all right before i get started here today the bible says to go in all the world preach the gospel anybody here tell me where the gospel is in the bible in about 200 churches only about 10 times has someone raised their hand and said first corinthians 15 1-4 that means about a hundred and something churches they had no idea i said don't say anything pastor about anybody here and sometimes they'd raise their hand to go well matthew mark luke and john well those are called gospels but that's not the gospel right how come they're not preaching how come the people sitting in the pew don't know what the gospel is if being saved is by trusting the gospel and you've got to hear it first that bothered me to see just how horrible the modern so-called christian church is and how few people actually know what the gospel is that's a shame well the gospel is in first corinthians 15 1-4 moreover brethren i declare unto you the gospel which i preached unto you which also you have received and wherein ye stand by which also you are what saved so you can't get saved without the gospel amen by which you are also saved if you keep in memory what i preached unto you unless you believed in vain vanity self or nothing if you haven't believed you just with your mouth said oh yeah i'm a christian but you haven't believed the gospel that's in vain so you're not saved for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received now watch this next word how how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to scripture so the gospel is death burial resurrection of jesus christ but it's not just that christ died for our sins and was buried and rose again what word did i leave out how notice how important that word how is how did jesus die a bloody death every drop of blood poured out of his body there was some famous preacher i won't say his name but this guy he's on the radio he's all over the place and this guy says oh the blood of jesus that's not that important you don't need to know about the blood it's the death that saves us and i looked at that and i thought so if jesus was walking out on the water in that storm and he slipped and he went down and he drowned then he would have died for our sins and we would be singing hymns today in our handbooks jesus saves my drowning jesus saved us because he drowned is that are you serious it's just the death no the gospel is how he died how did he die he shed his blood hebrews 9 22 says without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins so it's all about that precious blood that he shed and it's all about according to the scriptures twice it says according to the scriptures now why does it say according to the scriptures in the gospel because all throughout before jesus died the means of forgiveness was through the blood go to leviticus chapter four now i don't have time to read all of this if you're taking notes write this down but toward the end of leviticus chapter four under the law if a person sinned if they send a sin through ignorance where is that and verse verse 27 427 if any one of the common people sin through ignorance what is he supposed to do he's supposed to bring a sacrifice verse 39 it says he's supposed to take his hand and put it on the head of that animal signifying god in my place for my sins this and then it says he's supposed to cut the throat of that animal and the priest is going to collect that and then the priest offers it up and then what happens look at verse 35 the end of verse 35 and the priest shall make an atonement for his sin that he hath committed and it shall be forgiven him that's called a blood atonement and through the old testament the forgiveness of sins was through that blood atonement but it was the atonement of animals well i'm so glad that's not today because there wouldn't be enough animals in the world for my sin i'd have to be out there sinning stealing other people's animals to sacrifice them for my sin that i just stole their animal i mean that's how bad i am so it's blood and it's always been forgiveness based upon the shedding of blood so jesus shows up and the first thing that said about him is behold the lamb of god which taketh away the sin of the world he shed his blood for our sins so according to the bible it's the blood that gives us forgiveness so what should our faith be in go to romans chapter 3 and verse 25 according to the bible you need to know something and what do you need to know you need to know about what the bible says is the way of forgiveness it's through the blood and then the bible tells us that the way to be saved is through faith faith in what romans 3 25 this is the verse i got saved on romans 3 25 says whom god set forth to be a propitiation now you know what that means that's a big word we don't use that in everyday language do we hey brother how you doing man what a great propitiation i had today let me tell you about it we just what does that mean well it means the act of appeasing wrath when jesus died on the cross all the sins of the whole world were put on him and then god the father looked down and he said all right i'm going to pour out all my wrath on sin right now god the father was up in heaven he says that's my son michael look my son hey look it and then you look back that's not my son that's sin and god goes i'm going to pour out he poured out all his wrath on every sin that every man ever sinned right there on jesus christ and then it was done it was finished so if you want your sins forgiven you can go down to hell and pay for them if you want to help yourself it's kind of dumb because they've already been paid for here this is the payment through the blood of jesus christ so he is your propitiation he made that payment for your sins look at the rest of the verse how is he our propitiation whom god set forth to be a pro-appreciation through faith in his blood so see jesus paid for the sins of the world is the whole world safe no it's not because the whole world hadn't heard this yet and hadn't understood it so we go out we tell them about it then we tell them now put your faith in that blood for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive it now look at what it says in romans 5 11. i don't understand why i don't hear this message in churches this verse right here romans 5 11 sums it up nicely and not only so but we also joy in god through our lord jesus christ by whom we have now received the what the atonement so the bible says there's something you've got to receive you have to receive the atonement how do you receive that atonement through faith through believing what is our faith supposed to be in according to the bible i just showed you the verse what's it say in romans 3 25 through faith in his what okay so salvation is through faith in the blood of jesus christ when did you put your faith in the blood of jesus to take you to heaven that's what i tell people when i try to win people the lord i try to take them to the blood message and through what jesus did and say now put your faith in the blood receive the atonement by faith and when your faith is in the blood then you're saved but i run into other people that go yeah well that's great and all but i was saving about five years old oh yeah tell me about it well i just said a little prayer and i asked god to save me i go had you ever heard about the gospel no have you ever heard about bullet no how could you be trusting in something you'd never heard does that make sense to you well they're getting a time machine or something and then i mean how do you there's a time in your life according to the bible when you have to hear and understand and then you believe and it's when you believed that you're saved so there's a certain time when you understand and you believe it now a lot of people go around and say well yeah you're making it too difficult breaker telling people they have to understand and something all that and there was a debate see my dad huh my dad taught me a lot i thank god for my dad and my dad said way back in the 70s all these churches over in pensacola and milton were going around and they were talking and all these pastors were debating and they were all saying well how much do you have to know to get saved how much do you have to know and my dad just got sick of it because they're like well do you have to know according to the scriptures well do you have and they just all debate how much do you have to know to be safe and so my dad told me he went to several churches and just walked right into the office of the pastor and he sat down and goes past her all you guys do is argue with other christians about how much you have to know to get saved he says i figured it out in one word you ready for it pastor goes you mean you know how how much you have to know to get saved my dad said one word so what is it he said enough that's the end how much do you have to know to get saved enough to get saved well what is enough to know that jesus died was buried rose again that's the gospel how did he do it he shed his blood and then our faith is to be in his blood if your faith is in the blood then you're safe that's enough yeah well i didn't know we had five bleeding wounds all you knew is he bled well that's enough you knew so you see how a lot of people all they want to do is argue well i'm not going to argue but there's something in this world that to me is the most important thing and that's salvation and i will go out of my way to stand as it says in the gospel on the blood of christ and preach that for salvation and so that's what i preach on how to be saved is through the blood now my dad got saved years ago before well was i even around i guess i was alive and my dad said he used to love to go to church because he'd hear him preach faith in the blood but he says as time went on and the years went by they preached that less and less when i got saved july 29th 1992 i started going to churches with my dad and i remember hearing them say faith in the blood but as time went on i heard it less and less it got down to where there was only two or three churches left that were preaching the message of faith in the blood all these other churches weren't preaching the blood they weren't preaching the gospel they were preaching yo come to god the best way you know how just ask god to save you and he'll save you because you ask well what if you ask but your faith's not in the blood do you get something because you asked for it if so i want 10 million dollars right now come on let's take up an offering no i i asked for it i have to get that's not because you ask for it doesn't mean you get it but jesus said if you trust you receive so that's like a no-brainer yeah i'll take it thank you here i trust in the blood okay so you're safe so i go out there and i start preaching and i get attacked left and right oh that breaker guy oh he's a calvinist no that breaker guy well he's deceiving people how am i deceiving people by pointing people to the blood of jesus when all i'm doing is telling the message that i got saved on that my dad told me about that the bible says how do you change through faith in his blood well new versions do new versions do unfortunately so i'm just preaching and pointing people come to the blood of jesus and trust the blood for salvation but in a world we live in today there's a lot of people that preach a different gospel i call this the modernist gospel okay and uh years ago the church that i went to old ruckman's church he used to preach hard against this you want to get this my dad wrote a a letter to dr ruckman years ago said ruckman you know i used to hear you preach faith in the blood a lot but some of these people that graduated from your school they're not preaching that anymore they're just going around saying ask jesus in your heart he says why did they do that ruckman well that ruckman wrote back to my dad said that's not the gospel they shouldn't be doing that and that's my letter to my dad from ruckman where he's like no it's through the blood but i would uh hear ruckman say this i've actually heard him say it in class you probably heard it my dad heard ruckman say this he said today there's people out there preaching a bloodless gospel he said watch out for the bloodless gospel well sadly there's a lot of people out there with the bloodless gospel what is the true gospel of salvation it's the blood-stained gospel you can't go leaving out the blood that's what new versions of the bible do they leave out the blood so i don't preach a bloodless gospel but a lot of people today do what is this bloodless gospel well one of the things that's a bloodless gospel is to say hey ask jesus in your heart have you ever heard anybody say that do you know that's not in the bible anywhere i will give you a hundred million gazillion dollars if you can find one verse that says ask jesus in your heart you can't it's not there i hope it's not in new versions they might have changed it but there's nowhere in the bible that says ask jesus or invite him into your heart it's not there let me show you what the bible says go somebody read this for me so i don't have to look it up go to ephesians 3 7. read ephesians 3 17. how does jesus come into your heart well the bible says very clearly it's not by inviting or asking jesus in your heart how does he come into your heart ephesians what 3 17 what does that say that christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love so it's the faith so the way we get christ into our hearts is through faith not by asking what if you ask do you realize my testimony i was thinking of selling my testimony tonight maybe i'll do that a different time but when i was 13 years old i started to read the chick comics and the chick tracts and on the back of those it said i'll ask jesus in your heart every night from age 13 to age 18 i would ask jesus to come into my heart and i'd cry myself to sleep at night because i wasn't saved and i didn't know if i was saved and i didn't want to wake up in hell so i asked and i asked and i asked tonight and every night from age 13 to 18 i don't know what it totaled up but i tried to do the math that's over a thousand times every night oh god save me please i don't want to go to hell what was i missing i wasn't trusting the blood i was thinking the asking saves me so i was actually trusting in what i did rather than what jesus did and i think there's a lot of people out there just like that and that's kind of sad but ask jesus into your heart now where does that come from if it's not in the bible well i started to look into that and i'm like where does that ask you don't really hear that until like billy graham maybe a little bit before that nobody really so i started looking into catholicism um 17 1800s they said ask mary to come into your heart the sacred heart of mary and asked mary to come into you and i was like that's creepy where has asked jesus to come into your heart where did that come from that comes from the unitarian universalists and ask jesus in your heart it's it's faith by faith he comes into your heart so who and why would people go around say just ask him to come in don't it's like they're saying don't trust him no no no don't trust him just ask him but the bible says trust that's what faith is a lot of people go well there's no difference you go to a lot of your southern baptist churches we'll just invite jesus into your heart one time while i was in bible school there was a guy that came and he came to school there and he used to be a practicing witch so i took him out one time and i started asking him some questions and i said let me let me ask you a question the bible says that there's another jesus i said did you ever as a witch ever deal with demons because that's what witchcraft is it's making deals with a demon and they do something for you and that's it's horrible it's wicked is what it is horrible he said it's funny you say that because a lot of times the demons would say call me jesus i was like well i don't know if i want to i want an answer to this next question but let me ask how do you get a demon you know what he told me he said you have to ask for it demons just don't go around and jump into lost people he said maybe they can i don't know but according to him and his understanding and his experience he said no you asked for him to come inside and i thought to myself my goodness that's scary you go to your typical church today that doesn't preach the gospel and the preacher gives a little lovey-dovey little speech and then comes says now come and ask jesus in your heart how do you know you're not getting a demon in you that that's creepy isn't it but if you preach the blood that was my next question to him what is it the demons hate that makes him flee he says oh if you mention the blood of jesus they run so if i'm preaching on the blood like i'm supposed to ain't no demons in here you know what i'm saying there are no demons in my church if i'm sticking with the blood and pointing people to that for salvation but if i leave it out and i preach a bloodless gospel i might have not only lost people in my congregation but demon possessed people who have asked a jesus not the right one to come into them folks that's scary isn't it so do you see why preaching on the blood is so important but people say well just just that that's a lot of your tracks that's why there's a lot of tracks i don't like to give out that's why i like to print my own tracks this is a track that that led to salvation to a lot of folks it's called no forgiveness without blood and that's a good one by t.t martin blessed assurance we're talking about knowing you're saved my dad talked about blessed assurance and this is a track i changed it after he passed away a little bit i kind of stole that track from dad if you will but do you know the term assurance shows up seven times in the bible seven times seven is the number of perfection and then amazing so when you're saved you know it and assurance is what we have and seven times in the king james bible the word assurance that's amazing but there's people out there that'll say something other than the true gospel they'll say oh well just invite jesus into your heart or ask jesus to come in you've got to be like whoa be careful or they'll say well just get baptized and the water will wash your sins away that's not what my bible says nowhere in the bible to say that water washes our sins away you go to acts chapter 2 and verse 38 look at that that's where they go and they don't realize that that's the beginning of the book of acts there's a whole lot more chapters after that but the beginning of the book of acts is to jews still and when you go to acts 2 38 they say well but but acts 2 38 says and repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the mission of sins you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost they say see the water baptism saves you did you see what it says right before that look at what he says in verse 37 men and brethren look what he says in verse 36 therefore let all the house of israel no assuredly you go back he's talking to jews and the jews go hey we just killed our messiah what do we do he says uh i don't know get baptized why because john the baptist said get baptized but as you go through the book of acts you realize oh now there's a change going on here because in chapter seven they stoned stephen and jesus is standing in heaven and he didn't come back because they rejected their messiah so then we say oh god got paul saved and paul's going out and paul's beginning to preach something a little different than acts 2 38 what is he preaching i don't have time to go there but if you're taking notes he's preaching acts 13 38-39 and acts 13 38 39 is the first time after jesus died on the cross that the word justified shows up that's the message of paul you're justified by faith he also says you're justified by the blood so you're justified by faith in the blood romans 3 25. so he's saying it's not the works of the law you're justified by faith so you go on and you start reading in the book of acts you come to chapter 16. acts 16 30. sirs what must i do to be saved he didn't say get dunked in water no it says believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved so salvation is through belief not through water uh first corinthians first corinthians chapter one there's people out there that believe that water baptism will save you if that's true then we should find verses in the bible that are to us that say water baptism saves us but we don't and paul is the apostle to the gentiles it says and you look at paul and look what paul says this is interesting to me first corinthians chapter 1 and verse 17 for christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the what the gospel not with wisdom of words lest the cross of christ should be made of none effect for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved is the power of god we are saved through the gospel and faith in it he says not through water baptism what a thing to say if water baptism saves us then he should be preaching you get baptized in water to be saved but that's not he's saying i was not sent to baptize he said why well when you get saved you get saved you can be baptized after but it's not the baptism of the water that saves you he says some something they're interesting in verse 14. i think god that i baptized none of you why is he saying that because it's not water baptism that saves us but there's people out there with a bloodless gospel and they preach that now there's other people out there well they'll they'll go to confession and they'll say now the way you have to be saved is through confession that sounds pretty catholic to me i'm not against confession it's great to confess christ but the fact that you did it with your mouth that doesn't mean you're safe right a lot of people will go to matthew chapter 10 verse 32 and 33 and what does it say jesus says well if they confess me before men i'll confess you before the father and they say so see confession is what saves you but that's right here before he died we're right here after that different dispensation you know what sad to me a lot of churches will go to before jesus died and try to find their doctrine from there and try to say you're saved based upon something jesus said before he died no you got to come over here right one guy came to jesus one time he says lord what must i do to inherit eternal life he says keep the commandments are we saved by keeping the commandments today not on your life paul said not of works lest any man should you see there's different dispensations in the bible so you got to get a hold of that so confession doesn't save us what is confession confession is what we do when we are saved uh somebody read me ii corinthians 4 13. when i confess what am i saying i'm saying this just took place it's not taking place while i say it confession is confessing what already took place so if i'm saved and i confess it i say hey i just got saved so what does it say in second corinthians 4 13 i believe we have in the same spirit of faith according as it is written i believe and therefore have i spoken we we also believe and therefore speak and therefore speak so belief is what saves us and when we've believed then we confess hey i'm saved it's not the actual confession itself that saves us isn't it weird how so many people will go to anything but the blood of jesus for salvation salvation it's this simple is trusting what jesus did okay the false gospel is telling someone it's all about what you do what i do god isn't interested in what i do he's like no it's what i did why don't you trust that so if you're trusting in something that you did you're lost and you're saying what jesus did that's not important to me see the difference i don't want to trust in me i'm trusting in his shed blood because he did it for me there's a lot more i could get into but a lot of people are trusting in something other than the blood of christ a lot of people trust in their church attendance well i go to church well so does the pope is he safe i mean going to church saves you does it well this guy said probably half the people in his day in church weren't even saved so it's not church attendance other people well they'll go over to repentance and they'll take repentance and they won't go to the dictionary look up what repents means they'll they'll define it uh quit sinning and if you'll quit sinning well then you can come to jesus and believe so jesus doesn't save sinners you've got to stop sinning first before that's what we call lordship salvation that's getting the cart before the horse repentance means a change of mind changing from trusting in what you did to trusting in what jesus did it also means feel sorry i i felt really sorry that i crucified the lord you know that but i'm not trusting in my repentance i've actually heard preachers say and i repented so i'm going to heaven and i'm like you sound pretty confident there that you're going to heaven based upon something you did yeah well i don't do these sins anymore do you see how a lot of people will miss the message of the gospel by turning it into something they did a faith plus works message is salvation through faith then works no i'm not against repentance but i'm not trusting in my repentance like some old preacher said one time he said my very repentance needs to be repented of you remember that they asked old ruckman in class one time here was the question he said a lot of people are out there worrying about whether they're saved or not and they're saying i don't know if i repented enough and ruckman said repentance means basically a change from unbelief to belief he said if you're saved then you've repented so don't worry about it and it makes sense but why do people want to worry about it do they know are they saved if they don't know or is there something blocking them from seeing the the true gospel and they're trying to bring something with them to god and trying to say yeah i trust that but but trust a little bit of this too do you know god won't accept your works one drop of your own self-righteousness will land you into hell it's it's not what you do it's what he did and you have to give up trusting in anything that you have done and trust solely upon what jesus christ did for you there's a lot more verses and other things here that i wanted to go to but look at hebrews 11 6. we'll close there hebrews chapter 11 verse 6. brother mike did i preach it right tonight i don't know what else to do but preach it right and i'm just flabbergasted that so many ministers have told me that i'm wrong well it's not about me it's not about them it's about what does the bible say i've tried but i cannot take romans 3 25 out of my bible i cannot take first corinthians and i will not take them out of my bible and i'm going to keep pointing people to christ what did paul say he said i only want to know christ what crucified i want to point you to what he did for you in your place that payment for your sins and i want your faith in that don't put your faith in what you did right do you have the true gospel or do you have a bloodless gospel are you saved hebrews 11 6 says but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him i've met people in my life that that want to be saved they don't want to go to hell i said i'm searching for god i'm looking for him i'm well that's good but if your faith is not in his finished work on calvary then you're not saved yet so that's why it's important that you need to know this message tonight i don't know everybody here tonight and i don't know if you're saved or not and so lord just laid this message on my heart to share with you and let you know in the bible there's three things that god demands the first thing that god demands is sinless perfection whoops i blew it a long time ago when i sinned the first time so uh-oh i'm going to hell because he demands sinless perfection and i wasn't able to do that well lord what's the next thing blood i don't want to shed my blood what do i do well he demands blood for sin well thank god i'm not in the old testament or i have to bring a lamb so what is the last thing we just read it faith god demands faith now faith in what what is our faith supposed to be in we've already read the verse in the blood of jesus romans 3 25 so are you trusting in the blood of jesus to get you to heaven my dad would witness to people and and he'd go through all this and explain it to him my dad witnessed to me and he's the one that led me to the lord but my dad would always say this when he got done witnessing to people he says what if you were to die right now what if the lord put his hand on your heart right now and your heart stopped beating and you died and you were standing eyeball to eyeball with jesus christ and he were to say why should i let you into heaven how would you respond and usually by that it makes people think it makes it makes them think wow and from the heart they have to speak you know what they're trying and some people say well because i was baptized sorry wrong answer oh well because i'm a good person sorry wrong answer you know there's none good no not one right well i spoke in tongue no no you didn't that's a totally different message right there but tongues are written spoken language in the bible and if you've spoken in an unknown tongue or something someone's supposed to interpret that so people can understand you know what i'm saying uh it's not that so what are you trusting in to get you to heaven and a lot of times a person be like and then and if they'd answer my dad goes wrong answer wrong answer and i see him get like frustrated and then they say to my dad well what are you trusting in my dad goes to two words let's let's make it simple what are you trusting in the blood that's the only thing that can get me to heaven is the blood of jesus christ you know what this world is like the so-called religious crowd that preaches a bloodless gospel you know what they're like they're like a big huge crowd of people with a bus and you go to this bus you go where you headed i don't know but come aboard we're going to get there fast come with us yeah but but where are you going like i said i don't know we're just having fun driving let's just go but but where are you i don't know but just get aboard oh by the way it costs you everything you have so you want me to give you money and you're taking me where i don't know where i'm going see salvation is knowing right most of the religious crowd says i don't know where i'm going but yet i'm paying my tithes i'm paying the bus driver to drive me around and i don't know where we're going to end up boy that's kind of awful isn't it but then i look over here and there's another big red bus and there's jesus driving the bus and i come over and go hey where are you headed we're going to heaven well i don't have any money it's okay it's paid for just get aboard and you'll go with me to the final destination and i'll take you to heaven that's the blood well how much does it cost just your faith all you have to do is believe do you realize the only thing you can do that's not a work is believe do you ever think about that for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves what is a work something of yourself it is the gift of god not of works so city man should boast what i boast about is my work i did this you ever hear anybody say well i believed and boasted about your own belief it didn't it doesn't really make sense because believe is the only thing you can do that's not a work faith is just how i receive it does that make sense so that's that's the gospel amen and i did my best tonight now let's make it personal do you know that you're saved do you know that you're on your way to heaven have you trusted when did you trust amen when did you hear this message you know you couldn't be saved before you heard it you have to hear it to get saved maybe tonight someone i don't know maybe you're not saved and you still have questions afterwards talk to us because i don't want you to leave here tonight being lost you might go out there and get in the wreck and die or something might happen a rapture might take place and you're left behind and you're like oh then you come up here you're like now let me get this straight again now it's too late if you missed the rapture right so what are you trusting in to get you to heaven if it's anything other than the blood of jesus christ you have a bloodless gospel so you better be trusting in the blood for salvation amen amen so let's bow our heads and close our eyes i'm going to say word of prayer and close us out here but again if you have any more questions please ask us after we'll be happy to talk to you and give you some more verses lord thank you for the opportunity today god just to open your word and to point people to you lord it's all about you you're the creator god and you're the savior lord you paid for our sins and lord i just want to give you all the credit and all the glory and all the honor and lord i thank you for saving my soul lord i know you want to save everyone you're not willing that any should perish but all should come to repentance god we want all people to be saved so lord i just come to you and i just ask you lord that you touch the heart of someone here tonight if they're not saved that they wouldn't leave here without getting into the scriptures and asking questions and learning more and lord that they would come to you and trust your blood for salvation thank you jesus for this opportunity for us to come together we pray you come back soon but until you do lord please help us to give this message to the lost and dying world especially in the churches especially the pastors especially the religious people and show them the way of salvation please help us we ask in jesus name amen all right
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 64,553
Rating: 4.9246912 out of 5
Keywords: Knowing, knowing you are saved, knowing how to get saved, assurance of salvation, how to get saved, the blood of Jesus
Id: VkQLy88MsIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 39sec (3639 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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