Things People Add to Salvation

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okay welcome back I'm Robert breaker today I've got a message prepared for you that I hope will be as evangelistic as possible amen I really want to see people get saved that's the thrust of my ministry preaching the gospel of salvation and if you remember last week we looked at salvation testimonies and I set out in the yard and sent a little swing and I just read you many testimonies from 2019 and then up to what was an April of 2020 and all these testimonies of salvation people have gotten saved from this ministry from my preaching and teaching on YouTube and so I said well it was a blessing a lot of people left their testimonies below and that was a blessing as well but uh I have my testimony of salvation I've given it before on YouTube and I encourage people who are saved to share their testimony but I also want to make sure that their testimonies line up with Scripture amen we should always make sure that what we believe in teach lines up with this book the King James Bible so today what I'm going to do is I'm going to teach a message entitled things people add to salvation because salvation is so simple let's turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 and I'll read a couple of verses here before we get started but I want to show you how there are people out there that try to add something to salvation and you can't do it you're saved through Christ through his blood through his finished work through what he's done through his atonement you're not saved by what you did but a lot of people they think oh it's not enough to what Jesus did I gotta do something and they attempt to add to salvation and make it not faith alone today in our dispensation they try to make it faith and something else or they keep spear works and they say it's only by works it's not by what Jesus did well that's one of the greatest blasphemies the world's ever known because that's saying what Jesus did on the cross is meaningless it's nothing Jesus died for nothing I don't believe that I believe that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world so salvation is simple and Paul calls it simple Paul called salvation simple but a Paul the Apostle also warned of those who would attempt to change the gospel and get people in their minds to think that they're saved by something other than the gospel so let's begin in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 and I'll begin reading there in verse 2 chapter 11 verse 2 for I am jealous over you with godly jealousy for I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ now verse 3 says but I fearless by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ Paul says one of my fears is that people will sneak into the church and start preaching another gospel and that's not what he wanted he wanted the true gospel he said salvation is simple the simplicity that is in Christ so what we're gonna do today we're gonna look at the Bible and what the Bible says what the Bible teaches about salvation salvation by faith alone today because today we're saved only by faith we're not saved by faith plus something else if you try to add any work to your salvation then your nullifying what Jesus did to save you you cannot say salvation is by faith in Jesus and this one little thing one old preacher send it like this you said if you're trying to add one drop of your own works to salvation then you're not saved because it's not what you do and this one other thing you do to help Jesus save you know you're saved by Jesus alone so let me write this up here and I want you to get a hold of this and see this that what you have in this world today is you have true Bible believers that believe the Bible and believe what it teaches and the Bible teaches that salvation today is by faith alone and it's faith in this shed blood so salvation is by faith alone today not by any works that we do but there are people out there that try to say no no no that's not true and they say and a lot of them try to get you back under the Old Testament law so I'm gonna put them on this side a lot of them say no it's by your word that you get to heaven and if your good works out pay your bad works well then you'll get to heaven when you die and God will say good job but that's not the Bible teaching matter of fact the Bible says a lot against that and the opposite of that that's not salvation but these people I like to say they say it like this these but people believe in a gospel of pure works they say it's through your works that you get safe well that's a false teaching it's not by our works that we get saved but then you have people on the other extreme that teach that salvation is by faith and works and so they say salvation is by faith and works I like to say it like this they believe that it's by salvation by faith plus works and so they add to your salvation and they say now you've got to do this to get saved yeah you can believe in Jesus and that's okay with that and something else so you got to have faith plus works now is that salvation no that's not salvation today we're not saved by faith and works we're saved by faith alone so what these are is these are religion these are religion in nature they are religion and one of them is a religion that tells you you can get to heaven by your works the pure works preachers and the other is a religion that tells you well you can get saved by faith and something else or often they'll say oh you can get saved by faith but then you've got to do good works are you loose they're turning and twisting the gospel into something you do rather than what Jesus did for you to save you but this one is the only true and this is salvation there's is the teaching of a denomination or a cult or a sect and we call them a religious sect or a cult that teaches this this is a religion and I don't want to be a part of a cult or a religious sect that teaches something that's not what the Bible teaches now why do they teach this why do they not teach hey come to Christ and trust him alone in his shed blood for salvation why do they say no you got do this or you can believe in Jesus that's fine but then you have to do this why do they add works to salvation well it's because they're not saved number one that's probably the number one reason but also number two it's because they don't rightly divide and when you rightly divide the word of truth you understand God sent the Apostle Paul and God gave to Paul the gospel and so the gospel of salvation today is revealed to the Apostle Paul and let's go there it's 1st Corinthians 15 one through four let's start this thing out with the gospel so let's go to 1st Corinthians chapter 15 one through four and I want to be a Bible believer in a Bible teacher who rightly divides the word of truth Paul tells us in second Timothy 2:15 to rightly divide the word of truth workman is not to be ashamed rightly so you'll be ashamed unless you understand why Paul was in the Bible and the reason that Paul's in the Bible is because God gave to him the gospel that saves us now what is the gospel that saves us is it you're saved by pure works but what you do know is it by your save through faith and works no so it's not what you do that saves you let's look at what Paul says the gospel is and I hate to mention people that attack me but this is a great illustration of one of the things they attack me on there have been people all over YouTube making videos against Robert breaker they go well that Robert breaker fella while he preaches another gospel and I look and I'm like do what now and so I try to find out what are they teaching and they're either on this side or they're on that side but they're not teaching the gospel if you want to know what the gospel is you go to the Bible and you look for the verse where it says this is the gospel and that's what I do I go to the Bible I go to where it says this is the gospel and guess what it says right there first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 what the gospel is and it says there that you're saved by this gospel let's go there first Corinthians 15:1 three four moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you've received and where do you stand by which also you are saved and yet people have been sending me some videos on YouTube where people are like oh we're making a video against Robert breaker Robert Bray is not saved another one it preaches another gospel and I scratch my head they go well no the Gospels right here and it says that this is the gospel whereby you are saved so no I don't teach another gospel I simply go to where the Bible says the gospel is this and I read it and it says by which you are saved and they says if you keep everyone I preached unto you unless you believed in vain what does it mean to believe in vain it means you believe that Jesus might have died on the cross but you're not appropriating that you're not accepting that you're not trusting completely in that you're trusting is something you do there's a word for vain it's called vanity and vanity is self so if you're believing in vain well that's the root word for vanity you're believing it's something you do so right there in the gospel it tells us that you're not saved by anything that you do you're saved rather by believing in what Jesus did look what it says in verse three and four and see if there's works in here see if there's anywhere here in the gospel it says now you got to do something to get saved verse 3 for I delivered to you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins how did he die well he shed his blood see the blood-stained gospel is all about the blood of Jesus and His sacrificial blood atonement to save us it's all about his sacrifice not our sacrifice it's what he did for us his sacrifice for our sins so it's Jesus who died to save us not us trying to die ourselves to save ourselves so it says before I deliver to you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures so when you look at that when you read that you instantly understand that the gospel of salvation that saves us by which you're saved is a gospel of what Jesus did for me so this is the gospel of what Jesus did it's what he did for us not what we do but these people they say no you want to be saved it's all about what you do and so they preach a you do gospel well Paul didn't preach that he preached on Jesus did it all gospel it's all about how Jesus paid for our sins now this group over here they say yeah yeah yeah you can believe in Jesus believing that that's great but just make sure that you do something also so there's something that you must do and so they make it faith plus works plus what you do but I don't see that in the gospel the gospel is not now Jesus did this so you believe that and now you do this too to be safe that's not what the gospel says it's not what you do it's whether or not you're trusting in what Jesus did for you so the gospel of salvation is a gospel look it's all done now believe it their teaching is it's not done you got to keep doing it you got to do something to be safe and over here it's got a it's got something you got to keep doing you see how they're adding to the gospel and trying to tell you that you have to do something it is salvation by works well let's look at some Bible verses and let's define what a work is you might ask and I've had people ask this what is a work Robert breaker okay well the only thing I know to do is go to the scripture and let the Bible define itself and the Bible does that the Bible tells us that we're not saved by works not by pure works nor by faith plus works we're saved by faith alone now in Ephesians 2:8 9 we read for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves and is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast so we're saved by faith today not by works but I clearly see in these two verses Ephesians 2:8 9 what the definition of a work is look at it again for by grace you saved through faith and that not of yourself so what does the work it's something that you do of yourself and then it says it is the gift of God so salvation is a free gift offered to you through that you receive by faith you if you if you have to work for it that it's not a gift and you work for something and you earned it you don't earn salvation God didn't say the way to heaven is to earn your salvation by works he said no I offer you salvation as a free gift and you have it and you receive it by faith all right so I hope you see that so salvation is through faith it's a gift of God not of works so what is a work something that you do of yourself and it's what lest any man should boast something that you can boast about if you're on this side thinking I'm getting to heaven because I'm a good person look at me look at me look how great I am then you're boasting and you're trying to make God look at you and accept you based upon what you do that's pretty dumb because that's looking at Jesus and going whatever you did doesn't matter because you're nothing I'm everything it's all about me really so you're basically saying Jesus died on the cross for nothing because he can't save you that's sad that's twisted that's sick that's perverted and that's not the gospel it's not what you do that saves you but then you might be on this side you might go oh yeah I know Jesus died and I believe he did that and everything but but it wasn't enough what Jesus did no I gotta keep doing something I gotta do this and that the other thing and I gotta keep doing it or else I'm going to die and go to hell so what are you doing well you're on this side looking at the cross going ha ha Jesus it wasn't enough what you did no I'll finish it you'll do it now I'll finish it no when Jesus died on the cross remember what he said he said it is finished he didn't say now let me save you but you're only saved for a little while so keep doing something to stay safe no he said it is done it is finished salvation is complete in Christ it's not what we knew that saves us it's when we give up and come to Christ as a sinner and receive that free gift of eternal life through faith in what Jesus did for us and we're one saved always saying we're eternally secure we can't lose it and it's not by our works it's by trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ the finished work of him finished work of Jesus so that's salvation and that's what I preached my whole ministry I got saved on July 29 1992 when I finally understood that 18 years old but I've been in many churches my whole life and I heard either that message or that message but they never took me to that message which is the right message the gospel of 1st Corinthians 15 1 through 4 the message of salvation by faith only so I'm so thankful that I got saved a lot of people have been sending emails and writing and and telling me brother breaker I got the message I understood my life I was in a cult I was in a sect I was in a lost religious denomination that taught a works gospel either pure works or faith and works but now I see it and now I trust Christ alone and they all say the same thing and there's this peace there's this rest in knowing that it's not what I do I don't sit around like this with my finger cross going oh God accepts me when you understand the true message of salvation you're like oh I know I'm saved now I know I'm on my way to heaven now I know Jesus saved me because he said he'd give me that free gift and I got it I got I have it by faith and I'm saying I'm resting in the finished work of Christ so salvation is by faith so a work defined in Scripture is something you knew that you can boast about so what you're thinking that you do something to get yourself to heaven and that's not salvation it's not works lest any man should boast salvation is by what faith let's look at a couple verses real quick and I want to go to as many verses as I can but for sake of time I won't be able to go to all of them but I want to go to some of the most powerful and important verses and Romans chapter 3 verse 22 look what it says Romans 322 says even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference so it's by faith that were saved and when we're saved God imputes to a his righteousness and we're saved by grace through faith let's go to Galatians chapter 3 it's not works it's through faith Galatians chapter 3 verse 26 God is speaking through Paul here it equations 326 we read for ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus when you're saved through faith in the gospel faith in the precious shed blood atonement of Christ then you are born again and you are a child of God a son of God it says in John 1:12 you don't become born again you don't become a child of God by your works you don't get saved by saying well I'm gonna believe a little of Jesus but a hold out of me and I'm just gonna mix the two and I'm gonna believe that partly Jesus saves me but mostly it's me doing something that keeps me saved that's not salvation you're not safe if you believe that you have never become a child of God by faith now let's look at some 2nd Timothy chapter 3 so when you go through the scriptures and you read the Bible and you understand why Paul is in the Bible and I don't have time to get into poll but Paul's in the Bible and Paul's the one that teaches this and it's for the church age in which we're in today in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and verse 15 look at what it says Paul's writing he says in that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus so it's through the scriptures it's through the Bible that we are saved not through a denomination not through what some man says we're not saved because some guy says well if we do this we'll get to heaven you know that's not salvation you're not saved by what you do you're saved when you trust in what Jesus did because the Bible clearly teaches there supposed to be a Bible there the Bible clearly teaches well it looks horrible doesn't it but the Bible clearly teaches that you're saved through faith and what your faith is to be in it's to be in the blood of Jesus Romans 3:25 whom God set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood so salvation is by faith or by believing or by trusting look at Romans 1:16 so you know what that means that means and I hate to say it that the majority of people out there that claim to be Christians today are lost because the majority of your denominations in the world today are either on this side of the cross believing that it's through works only that they're safe or on this side of the cross thinking that they're saved by faith plus works and they're not here before the cross trusting only in the finished work of Christ that's sad but that's a simple truth not everyone who says they're a Christian really is what makes you a Christian is whether or not you are trusting in the blood of Christ alone to get you to heaven if you're trusting in that or that then you're trusting in you and you're trying to get yourself to heaven it won't work Jesus said I'm the door no man cometh and father but by me you can't need the heaven on your own you have to come through him imagine trying to get to heaven without Christ washing your sins away in his Precious Blood no you die you go to hell because you're still in your sins a lot of people think well if I did bad things about life so I'll just do a lot of good things and if my good works I'll baby my bad works well it doesn't it doesn't work that way you've still done the bad you can't correct and get rid of the bag it's still there now it must be washed away the only way to have it washed away is receive the free gift through faith so Romans 1:16 says for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for is the power of God into salvation salvation through the blood of Christ through faith through the gospel to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the week so salvation is through faith believe in the Lord Jesus Christ now she'll be sick now let's go to Ephesians 1:13 real quick this is all to try to get to the message of man I'm twenty some minutes in haven't even got to the message yet but Ephesians 1:13 says in whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and now notice what it says in whom also after that she believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise the only way to have your sins washed away through the blood of Jesus and to be sealed with the Holy Spirit is through receiving the free gift of salvation by faith if you're one of those that's mine is no no it's only through my works then you are damned you are lost if you're one of those that says I'm a Christian I believe in Jesus I believe in Jesus but oh I got to do all these things or else I'm gonna lose it and go to hell that I hate to say it but it's true you're lost because you are adding works to the gospel and the gospel is not of works lest any man should boast it's trusting fully in the blood of Christ now after you're saved yeah you work for Jesus you serve Him but you're not working to get saved or to stay safe you work because you are saved but there's people that are on one side of the other and it's sad that they're lost now with all that stated there are people there are denominations which say no no it's either works only according to them or it's faith plus works and they both emphasize what you do to try to save yourself but let's focus on this one today this is what I want to preach against is those who add to salvation this is the side that add these people here are adding something to the gospel they're making it faith plus works and it's not faith plus works it's faith only so they are adding so I won't talk about this side much you know this side they're just wrong trying to get to heaven based upon themselves they're thinking in my flesh I can do something that will please God they don't get me to heaven you know what the Bible says no no flesh should glory in his presence you know what the Bible says it says without faith it is impossible to please him you think you're gonna make it to heaven based upon what you do without faith alone in the finished work of Christ you're going to hell I need to say it but that's just what the Bible teaches it's not what you do in your flesh that get you to heaven so we know that this is a cult we know this is wrong but I want to talk about this side over here and I've got seven points today and here's what I want to say what they add to salvation I'm going to put it way over here what I'll put it this way what some add to salvation so we're not going to be talking about these people were you talking about those people these lost religious people who think no faith isn't good enough no I can't get to heaven just by faith why I got to do something in order to get to heaven they have a perverted gospel and they're still lost and that's saying these people are lost just like over here these people are lost so let's look at 7 things today and I hope this will be a blessing to you because in the world in which we live there are some people out there and I hope you can see this it looks almost like it went off the side of them of the video there yeah they're barely still there so okay there are people out there today that are part of a religious sect part of a denomination that teaches a false gospel and in their denomination they add something these people to salvation I'm gonna give you seven different things that I've seen over the years of my ministry that they add to salvation and that they try to tell you you have to do in order to stay safe that's how they they say oh you can't get saved through Jesus but then you can lose it so you have to stay saved based on what you do that's not what the Bible says Bible says once saved always say because it says salvation is eternal life if you could lose it then it wasn't eternal eternal means forever it's a free gift of being saved forever that's what salvation is if you preach that you can lose it then you don't believe God and you don't believe it's forever you don't believe it's eternal so you're calling God a liar and you're thinking you're saved and you're thinking you're saved though based upon what you do so you're lost you're trusting in your works you're not trusting fully in the finished work of Christ so the first thing I want to say is there are people that have to salvation and they said well yeah you can believe in Jesus you know yeah yeah trust in Jesus that's great but then as long as you keep the law you're saved and so these people say you have to keep the law is that salvation is salvation trust Jesus and keep the law the law was before Jesus we're not under the law today according to and all so let's look at some verses about that there are people out there that say well you got to keep the law you gonna keep the law in code and keep the law because if you don't keep the law well you'll go to hell and they believe in Jesus they say many of them are your seventh-day Adventists and I've talked to many of them so I'm blue in the face and they have a faith plus works gospel and they think oh I can believe in Jesus but it's not enough to just believe if I don't keep the law then he'll put me in hell you have a false gospel I'm sorry but that's not salvation let me show you a couple verses that prove that they're wrong Romans chapter 10 and verse 4 for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth when you believe you're safe you're internally secure in Christ you can't lose salvation and God has imputed his righteousness to you you don't keep the law and thinking if I keep the law I'll go to heaven that's not salvation but that's what they do they take the law and they take Grace and they say let's just go ahead and mix them together that's like trying to mix oil and water they don't mix it won't work let's go to Galatians chapter 2 the Bible says right there Christ is the end of the law to everyone who believes we are not saved by keeping the law go with me to Galatians chapter 2 and I want to read Galatians 2:16 in Galatians 2:16 I don't see how you can make it any clearer than what Paul says in Galatians 2:16 he says knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ so it's not faith in Jesus and to keep the law that's not it it's faith only so he says knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of law shall no flesh be justified so if you belong to a denomination and they're telling you that you have a part of salvation and that if you don't keep the law then you're gonna go to hell and they say oh yeah but we believe in Jesus we call ourselves Christians we love Jesus we love Jesus but keep the law you're going to hell you are in any cult that is preaching something foreign to what the Bible teaches and they're lost and they need to get safe and that's so sad that's so sad let's go to Galatians chapter 3 I don't want to go to hell that's why I want to tell them the truth the gospel I want them here because here is salvation that is damnation because that's saying Jesus what you did on the cross wasn't good enough no I'm gonna help you save me I'm gonna do something and what you did wasn't enough notes what he did was enough it's done it's enough hey man what Jesus did Jesus would have to die all over again every time someone sinned if what he did on the cross didn't forgive all sins you think he's gonna do that come back down live 33 more years every time and died on the cross every time someone sins well he he'd never have any rest let's go to Galatians 3:21 Galatians chapter 3 verse 21 says is the law then against the promises of God god forbid for if there had been a law given which could have given life this is eternal life verily righteousness should have been by the law but the scripture hath concluded all under sin that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that belief let me write up here the word believe put in a different color believe it's through faith it's through believing it's through trusting that we're safe not through works and then we continue there verse 23 but before faith came we were kept under the law shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed so you weren't saved by faith under the law you had to keep the law but now you saved my faith that's what he's saying and then he says here wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ that we might be justified by faith so it's not the law that saves you what are you doing trying to add to salvation and say no you got to keep the law to verse 25 but after that faith has come we are no longer under a schoolmaster schoolmasters the law so we're no longer under the law I could go over and show you more verses but I don't have time where it says you are no longer under the law but under grace let's go to Romans 3:28 real quick for one more Romans chapter 3 verse 28 says therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law say by faith without having to mix the law with faith it's not the law that saves you and it's not adding the law to the gospel that saves you it's faith only faith alone today that saves now let's look at another one there's other people out there that say well you know yeah the law is over we're in the New Testament not in the old and that's what the law was for the Old Testament so yeah it's not keeping the law per se it's just doing good works so when you're saved if you continue doing good works then you're saved but if you claim to be saved and you stop doing good works this crowd says the thing then you can lose it is that what the Bible says does the Bible say we're saved by faith but then we can lose it based upon how we live after is it by faith and works no it's not let's look at some verses and go to Titus well first let's go to Romans since we're already there Romans 4:5 then we'll go to Titus 3 Romans 4:5 says but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness it's not saying after your saying you shouldn't do good works you should we should do good works after we're saved but the good works have nothing to do with our salvation what we do has nothing to do with getting us to heaven it's whether or not we come to Christ alone for salvation that's what the Bible teaches Titus chapter 3 verse 5 and I get so sad to see people out there with this false religious belief thinking that oh I got to do something to get to heaven and they still miss Christ they don't see Christ crucified and him wanting to be their Savior they want to save themselves it'll never work you cannot save yourself Titus 3:5 says not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy he saved us and it continues on there so it's by God's grace through through faith through His mercy his mercy is on the cross dying for for our sins he loved us this much as he spread his arms and he died in my place and he paid for my sins with his own life with his own blood but there are people out there to say no no you see it's it's still faith in works well are they right no no they're not they're completely wrong they're adding works to salvation and it's not works that safe then there's others out there that will add repentance and they say well you know repentance is what saves and then you believe so instead of saying it's faith and works they kind of get a little bit over here and they say it's repentance and faith so they don't say it's my pure repentance that you're safe they say repent and believe so they're adding a work here and what they're doing is the way they define repent and repentance makes it a work now I've met this crowd and I've run into this crowd a lot many of them are your lordship salvation esteem em are people that don't understand how to rightly divide they'll take you way over to Jesus ministry and Jesus is talking to Jews and all the time that John the Baptist and Jesus repeat preach repentance and they try to say repent means quit sitting repent means quit City so they say oh so when the Bible says repent and believe according to them quit sinning and then believe by faith and so they teach that when you come to the point that you can stop sinning then you can believe in get saved look at that and I want to laugh and cry at the same time I've never met anyone in my life that ever made it to the point of quit sinning until they died then they quit sinning but they say well if you you claim to be a Christian you say about saved but then you said well that proves you were never saved because you sinned because see repent means quit sitting and you've got to quit sitting in blue and that's lordship salvation if they really believe what they claim to believe then guess what the Apostle Paul's in Hell right now because you go over to Romans chapter seven look at what he said Romans chapter seven see they're not consistent and I've run into the so much in my ministry these lordship salvation is they don't even think what they're saying and they don't define terms right and I'm gonna define repentance here in a minute of what it is but they define it as you quit sitting so when you quit sitting and believe that's when you get saved a quarter then well they have just made it into a gospel of works plus faith and they're lost if they're believing in their repentance and they're trusting in their repentance and they're trusting in what they did and many of them do they run around brag I don't sin anymore and I look at that and go you probably send this morning you lying devil you might not do outward sins like smoking and fornicating and doing harm but you are full of pride that's a sin you're full of wickedness and evil that's a sin let's go to Romans chapter 7 and look at verse 17 here's the Apostle Paul after he got saved confessing man I try to do right but I can't Romans seven seventeen through twenty now then it is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me for I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with me but how to perform that which is good I find not for the good that I would I do not but the evil which I would not that do I and then he continues on and then he says down there a little farther Oh wretched man that I am Who Shall deliver me from the body of this death so the Apostle Paul says man I got saved by faith alone but my whole Christian life was a struggle with sin and I tried to do right and I ended up falling in sin and I didn't want to and I feel miserable I feel horrible was the Apostle Paul lost well if your lordship salvation is you have to say yes because that's what you believe you believe that a guy can only get saved if he quits sinning first so they define repentance as quit City is that what repentance means no no that's not what repentance means repentance means a change of mind it actually has several definitions and all cook also can mean feeling sorry for something you can repent after you're safe when you sin you repent you feel bad about it but it also means turning from one thing to another in Acts chapter 24 verse 21 the Apostle Paul preaches and he says he preached repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ and these crowd over here your lordship salvation has said so he was going around telling people to quit sinning and then believe in Jesus weight repentance toward God quit sitting toward God and it doesn't even make sense what was he saying well you go to first Thessalonians 1:9 Paul said hey I'm so glad y'all got saved because you turned from idols to God the repentance was turning because he's preaching to Gentiles from their false gods to turning to the true God and true not trusting in their false demon gods but only trusting in the true God so what is repentance in the Bible repentance is a change of mind it's a turning from unbelief to belief from going to hell - now you're going to heaven but there are people out there that will take repentance and they'll try to make it a faith plus works gospel and they try to say no no if you didn't repent then you might have believed but you're not safe because you got to repent first so they're telling you that quitting sinning is the way you get saved we almost joined a church years ago my wife and I that was like that it was a lordship salvation Church and I'm so glad we didn't God showed us some things we said we're getting out of here one of the best preachers I've ever heard and he'd say it right sometimes but then he leaned toward that lordship stuff and other times and my wife and I we went spent time with just about every family in that shirt trying to get to know him and they all said well and that's when I quit sinning and that's when I became a Christian and they have been taught that quit sinning and then you believe and then some of them they would follow the same they go I was never saying I got to get saved all over again that newsflash you don't get saved over again you only get saved once so were they even saved I doubt it and I talked to a friend a couple days ago on the phone and asked him how's that church he said well this guy fell back in sin this guy's an atheist now this guy got divorced this woman divorced her husband this guy fell into adultery this guy and a lot of those people in church we loved them sweet sweet people they're living like the devil and some of them don't even believe in God anymore I don't believe they got saved I believe they were taught of works plus faith gospel and they were trusting in their repentance and then we're thinking I'm saved because I repented well what are they doing they're saying it's what I did that got me to salvation and then I believed in Jesus but but I had to do something first you better watch out for anybody that preaches anything in which they say you got to do something before you can get safe or do something to stay saved that is a false gospel and that will lead you straight into hell because the true gospel is faith alone remember one time in Bible School this this came up and people asked my old Bible teacher they said what what about this repentance thing what about because a lot of people think repentance means quit sinning but that's not what it is in Paul's ministry repentance is turning from idols to the true God it's change in mind from trusting in your own righteousness to trusting in Christ's righteousness trusting in the blood not in what you do in somebody asked dr. Brookman well don't you have to repent before you can get saved and dr. Oatman says well it's like this he says if you are saved you have repented because repent is turning it's so if you're saved then you've turned from going to hell now you're going to heaven you've turned from unbelief to belief you've turned from trusting in what you do to get to heaven - now you're trusting only and what Jesus did to get you to heaven he said so don't run around and worry if you repent but there's a lot of preachers out there they do that they can they go we'll have you repented have you they don't ask have you believed that's when you get saved when you believe they say have you repented and I get emails all the time for people that are sitting under lordship salvation 'us they say I wonder if I repented or died I don't know either sit down cried I don't know if I did enough repentance if I repented enough variety and I say hey relax have you trusted the gospel because that's when you get saved by belief but a lot of people that add to salvation and they try to say what repentance is quit sitting so when you quit sitting then you can get saved and they don't understand what they're doing is they're deceiving people into thinking that salvation is by what they do their repentance one old preacher said one time he said my very repentance needs to be repented because I'm such a sinner I can't even repent right I thought that was good why would you trust in yourself if yourself is so bad I'm giving up everything I ever did I I don't trust and what I did or didn't do I trust in what Jesus did that's what salvation is another thing people try to do is they try to say well you see it's okay to believe in Jesus and that's fine and all that and it's great but you got to be baptized the water because unless you're baptized the water then you're not saved what they'll do is they'll go over to mark chapter 16 and they'll say now now this verse says which by the way this verse is Jesus talking to Jews okay this isn't Paul speaking us today I'm going to show you that here in a second but they say oh if you go to a mark chapter 16 and verse 16 white says you have to believe and you have to be baptized so they say salvation is faith and this one work that you have to do of being baptized and you say I appreciate you trying to tell me that but that's not what the verse says look what it says mark 16:16 he that believed it that his baptized shall be safe and they stop right there they say see faith in works believe and get baptized the water well I'm sorry buddy but you didn't read the next part you stopped and you were guilty of taking and twisting a verse out of context you didn't read the whole verse it says but he that is believing then baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned so what is it that dams a person to hell it doesn't say but he that believeth not and is not baptized shall be damned it doesn't say that it says damnation is the fact that you don't believe and what is talking about is saying if you believe you'll be saved and you know it's inferred there that people get saved well though they're gonna get baptized but it's not saying baptism saves it even says in the very verse there but if you don't believe then you're damned and I don't have time to get into it and I wish I did but if you do our verse-by-verse Bible study through Acts you'll see there was water baptism and then there's spirit baptism and Jesus even says in the first book of Acts the first chapter John indeed baptized with water but she shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence so the baptism today is the baptism of holy spirit' when the Holy Spirit comes inside of us and we're sealed with it when we believe so it's not water that has anything to do with our salvation water baptism does not say let's go over to first Corinthians chapter 1 you see the Apostle Paul tells us that and the Apostle Paul says this all right if you believe that salvation is by water baptism and faith you have a faith plus works gospel and you're not safe and you're not even reading the rest of the Bible Paul says in 1st Corinthians 1:17 for Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel here's the Apostle Paul and I want to make sure I read the rest not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect see it's the cross of Christ in what was done at the cross that saves us it Paul says here very plainly it's not the water you're not saved by your water baptism it's the cross and what was done at the cross that saves us you can't be more clear than that Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel look at verse 14 I think God I baptized none of you but Crispus again if you're saved by water baptism Paul's the worst evangelist that ever lived because he goes man I think God I didn't baptize you I'm gonna said thank God I didn't get you safe if water baptism saves it doesn't it's faith it's the gospel that saves he says it again in verse 18 for the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us that are saved is the power of God so it's the preaching of the Cross that saves not the water baptism what happened on the cross He shed his blood so it's the blood atonement of Christ that is salvation now there's other people out there that they'll say well that's all good breaker we agree with you on all those points but we believe there's something you have to do in order to be saved and that's confession and they'll go back to Jesus ministry and they'll go to Matthew 10 and they'll say now there's something though that you have to say with your mouth otherwise you're not saved and so yeah yeah we believe we can we can go with you and believe it's by faith but it's also confessing and you got to confess with your mouth also okay so it's faith and confession you're doing it again you're making a faith and works you're adding to salvation which is through faith alone by saying oh it has to be through skin infection - look at Matthew 10:32 does go to Matthew 10:32 and they'll say well Jesus said whosoever therefore shall confess me before men him will I confess also for my father which is in heaven and they say so see you've got to confess with your mouth to be saved hey do you know what Jesus is saying here do you know who he's saying here - he's talking to the lost sheep of the house of Israel chapter 10 verse 6 he says don't go to the Gentiles this is not Church a doctrine for today this was Jesus in his earthly ministry speaking to Jews and it's a future tribulation passage because in the tribulation they have to confess hey I believe Jesus is the Messiah I don't believe that other guy the end of Christ who claims to be the Messiah now there are some within even the Independent Baptist movement which I'm from I'm an ordained independent Baptists and they said well breaker you know we believe you're saved by faith but then they say but confession you've got to confess your sins to be forgiven so to them you're not forgiven by faith alone from the blood of Jesus you're only forgiven to a point and then every time you sin well you got to confess it to get more forgiveness and they get this from first John 1:9 first John 1:9 says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness a say see see once you're saved you're only saved for all the sins past now you got to confess and every time you confess why then you get forgiveness so salvation is based upon your confession that sounds kind of Catholic to me he seems to be I remember the Catholic Church tells you honey if you'll come and confess your sins to a priest well he'll give you forgiveness no no that's not that's not what the Bible says matter of fact Jesus forgave him and sin here on earth and the Pharisees didn't know he was God they thought he was just a man they said who can forgive sins but God alone how can a man forgive another man's sins Catholicism teaches well if you go to confession you can get your sins forgiven well that's not what this verse is teaching this verse is not saying salvation is by faith plus confession and whenever you confess then your sins are forgiven matter of fact it says in verse 7 the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sins and what is the context fellowship when we're saved we confess our sins to God and say Lord I do this and I'm sorry I mean to have fellowship continue our fellowship with him but we don't lose our salvation we don't get to heaven and God goes up go to hell you believed in me but you didn't confess this this this and this so go to hell that's not how it works matter of fact look at first John 2 and verse 12 I believe it is I write unto you little children because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake now go to Colossians 2:13 Colossians 2:13 says and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses so all my sins all trespasses are forgiven through the blood of Christ but I've met people that teach well you've got it you've got to ask God to forgive your sins and you've got to confess your sins for forgiveness well then why did Jesus die then why didn't he just stay as heaven and say well if you just ask me to forgive you I'll forgive you he didn't do that so there are people that will take and they'll just they can't help but try to add to the gospel confession doesn't save us confession doesn't keep us saved confession isn't what gives us our forgiveness now let's go over to Romans chapter 10 I ran into this before I actually had to leave a church because of this because someone at that church said I believe that confession saves you and they got that from Romans chapter 10 and in Romans chapter 10 verse 9 and 10 we read and this is where they get it from that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus that's Romans 10:9 and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation they say so the very moment you confess with your mouth and say I believe then your mystically sealed and saved based upon your speaking based upon what you said and that's what they say it's through your speaking with your mouth well when you come across such people all you have to do is go oh oh so that's the gospel it's faith and words that you say faith that speak oh okay and you say okay I got a question what if a guy's born mute one of the guys born without a tongue or what if a guy is born and he's unable to speak he just can't never learn how to speak he can hear but he can't speak poor guy he's going straight to hell he can never be saved because he can't confess so I guess he's gonna burn forever I guess God from foundation of the world said that guy can never be saved because he can't confess is that what the Bible is saying here in Romans 10 that if thou shalt confess with my mouth and believe no confession is what you do when something has happened all right if I went out god forbid and killed five people it takes the cops ten years to find me and the cops say did you do this and I say okay I confess did I just do it right then no it was done ten years ago confession comes after what takes place so what this is saying here if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord and believe in that heart for what the heart man believeth unto righteousness we did imputed righteousness when we believed in confession is made unto salvation to the salvation that you have when you believe then you will confess hey I've believed it's not getting you saved or keeping you safe it's because you have gotten saved by faith then you confess and say hey I'm saved let me prove that to you go to second Corinthians four st. Christmas chapter four but I've seen people messed up thinking that salvation was through confessing and I've even talked to people who say brother breaker I confess every night and I say oh god I'm sorry and I repeat the sinner's prayer and I do everything I can I just keep begging God for salvation I said well you didn't believe the gospel gospel what's that they've never even heard the gospel so they're not trusting in that they're trusting in their confession or in their speaking and they're lost because someone deceived him into thinking it's by faith and confession that's adding the salvation second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 look at this we have the same spirit of faith Paul is speaking according as it is written I believed and therefore I have spoken we also believe and therefore speak so when you believe then you'll confess yeah man I'm safe I believe it's not the actual confession itself that saves you it's whether or not you believe but there are people out there that are so wrong in their doctrine that they will try to make you think that confession is a part of salvation and they say well if you never confessed and you aren't saved so salvation now is by what you say with your mouth we just looked at all the verses of Paul where he says no it's by faith alone so they're adding to salvation here's another one and this is one of my pet peeves I despise this and yet this is all over modern Christianity and this is asking Jesus into your heart asking or inviting Jesus into your heart now before I was saved I was in a lot of different kind of churches but mostly Southern Baptists and most of your Southern Baptist churches and even in your Pentecostals they say oh you want to get safe just ask Jesus in your heart just ask to use it's come in your heart just say oh Jesus I invite you come on into my heart do you know there's not one verse of scripture anywhere in the entire Bible that says ask Jesus in your heart so why does modern Christianity teach that where does that come from ask Jesus in your heart I hate that that is so just disgusting to me to hear someone say just oh geez in heart because that is not Bible that is not scripture that is a modernistic new-age gospel and where does it come from well I've tried to figure out where it comes from it doesn't come from the Bible but I've traced it back to the Catholic Church and they used to have this teaching of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and ask Jesus to come in and a lot of times they say ask Mary to come in too and so if you claim to be a Bible believing Christian and you're telling people just ask Jesus in your heart you don't have the true gospel that's not salvation and a lot of people they'll ask you sin their heart but they've not trusting in Jesus for salvation that's my testimony well there's a lot of people that believe the truth here's a book seven reasons not to ask using your heart clarifying the condition of salvation it's put out by the Duluth Bible Church phone number is two one eight seven two four five nine one four it is WWF Bible org and get a copy of this I think they'll send them to you for free seven reasons why not to ask Jesus in your heart you know why cuz not in the Bible here's another book stop asking Jesus into your heart I actually found this at a gas station and I said wow that Center and a lot of people are starting to wake up to the fact that you're not saved by asking Jesus in your heart but why all over Christianity is that what they tell you most of your so-called wishy-washy watered-down so-called Christians that don't know anything will say oh you would say no just out using your heart that's what so many people are saying today and that's not salvation I got a letter here from my old pastor doctor Peter ruckman and I don't know if I should say this but I'm good now alright my dad when he was in Bible School back in the 80s he listened to dr. Peter ruckman preacher dr. Peter Allen preached hard on the blood atonement of Christ back then but as he got older he didn't preach as much as he used to and a lot of people would come out of his church and even out of his school I graduated from his school and they would go around and tell people now just ask Jesus in your heart the guy that ruckman said was the greatest evangelistic ever come out of his school that's what he tells people I dealt with the man I went to a meeting with the man I talked to the man I could go into that but I won't but I heard that man telling people you want to get saved just ask Jesus in your heart when I heard that I said no no no that is wrong that's not in the bike well my dad wrote this letter in August 25th 1993 to Peter ruckman and he said Peter ruckman I'm run into a bunch of people they've graduated from your school lately this is way back in 1993 and they're not preaching the blood of Christ for salvation like you taught me when I was in school there they're going around just asking people to ask Jesus in their heart he said Rahman used to preach against that what are you and this book this letter to my dad now I'm not gonna read it I've read this in some other of my videos I think asking versus trusting you can look that up on YouTube and you can read this for yourself but Rahman says no no I don't tell people you asked Jesus in your heart that's not right and this this is so I said that because I still run into people that have gone to my Bible school they claim to be Christians that love to go soul-winning and rather than preaching Romans 3:25 in 1st Corinthians 15 1 through 4 while they preach just so excuse us in your heart and I look at that ago now that ain't right you're not getting people saved you're deceiving people my testimony is as a kid that's all I heard so every night from age 13 to 18 I said oh Jesus please come in my heart oh Jesus please come in my heart oh come into my heart please and I'm gonna sleep crying every night trying to invite Jesus into my heart why wasn't I safe there's no one preach the gospel to me they told me that instead of the gospel what do they do they added to the gospel saying that you have to do this to being safe and that's not salvation nowhere in the bible does it say ask Jesus into your heart a lot of them like to go to Revelation 3:20 behold I stand at the door and knock and they say oh that's Jesus knocking on your heart store hard store there's no door to your heart that's talking to a church jesus is outside of the church going hey there's a lot of lost people in there why don't they come out here and get saved so asking Jesus are inviting Jesus into your heart or your life that's that's not Bible that is Billy Graham made up milk soft Christianity and it's a lie and let me tell you the damage that it can do while I was in Bible School I met a man who who went to Bible School there he used to be a practicing witch before he came to Christ and I asked him I said up well I just have a couple questions for you I said I hear Christians all the time going around saying just ask Jesus any heart just ask to use your heart I said I will find that in the Bible and I said it worries me because that's not the gospel so let me ask you a couple questions I said number one and I said I don't know why I'm thinking this but I just popped in my head are there any demons named Jesus and the guy goes yeah yeah when I was a practicing witch I met a lot of demons and they all said call me Jesus and I said well the Bible in the in the scriptures talks about one cometh unto you teaching another Jesus I said that's interesting I said what did demons hate heroes will they hate the blood of Christ he said if you mentioned the blood of Jesus they run they hate the gospel I said okay I said let me ask you one more question you dealt with demons as a witch she said I did I said how do you get a demon he said you have to ask for it I said you asked for a demon yeah you asked it to come inside your heart or come inside of you I said oh okay so I started putting two and two together and I thought to myself oh my god oh my lord what is happening in the world today a lot of people run around claiming to be Christians and they don't preach the gospel of salvation they're preaching and works gospel and they're telling people how many well I get Saint Eustache to use in your hearts a guy goes oh Jesus come into my heart how do you know they didn't just get a demon into their heart there's a lot of demons to call themselves Jesus and they're waiting to be invited in and if you're not preaching the gospel of salvation through the blood of Christ first Corinthians 15 one through four instead of so wedding you might be sold damning people and getting another Jesus inside of them and I met a lot of people who claim to be Christians I don't think they're saved and it's obvious they have a demon very obvious I've run into missionaries whose wives had demons I've run into the pastors pastors wives and they say oh I got a demon I got and I'm thinking well if you're saved you can't have a demon if the Bible says you're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise when you're safe how can a demon come in and break that seal is it demon more powerful than God no greater is He that is in you that he is in the world if you're saved you have the Holy Spirit in you a demon can't come in but if you get a demon it's because you were never saying and you did that instead of believing in faith alone in the blood atonement of Christ a lot more I'd like to say the Bible talks about salvation by grace through faith Romans 3:25 says through faith in the blood that's why I preach the message of trusting and faith in the blood of Jesus and I do my absolute best to take them to as many verses on the blood of Jesus to try to win somebody to the Lord take them to first Corinthians 15:1 34 I don't want to give them a message of well salvations by faith now you just believe Jesus and now ask him into your heart and then not mention the blood or the gospel because they might think oh well all right by the asking is how I'm saved and then they'll believe I'm saying because I asked you don't have any people I've run into I say hey what's your Testament salvation they say well I'm saved because I asked you to save me and you know what's worse mode many of them say this but there was a time in my life afterwards where I didn't feel safe so I just asked them again so they're trusting in their asking rather than the atonement of Christ and it didn't work the first time so they go do it again well if it didn't save you the first time why do you think you've got saved the second time are you even saved or might you have a demon inside of you trying to convince you that you're saved when you're not scary stuff man scary stuff last thing we want to say and I want to make this very plain I'm not against Romans 10:13 but what I'm very sad to see is people taking Romans 10:13 and preaching it out of context and preaching it instead of first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 a lot of people today will go to Romans 10:13 and they'll say now the Bible says whosoever shall call upon the name Lord shall be saved so if you want to be saved just calling the Lord and they won't explain what that means and they won't give you the gospel and it won't read the context of Romans 10:13 now my testimony is since I was a little kid and I would read Chick tracts from about the age of 13 I went to 18 and at the end they say no who suffers a couple anymore she'll be saved so every night I get down by my bed say oh god please say I'm asking you to come in my heart but and I did that from age 13 to 18 and I wasn't saved this is all that I'd heard and I was thinking that that saved me so I kept doing it over and over and over and I didn't mean safe no one explained to me what the Bible means by calling upon the name of the Lord let's go to Romans 10:13 there's a way to call upon the Lord correctly and then there's the wrong way in fact there's a certain song in the hymn book I've written down over there someplace but there's a song in our handbook that we sing just the other day in church it says call upon the Lord but don't call in vain or you'll be damned or something to that effect even the hymn book says you can call the Lord and still not be saved but the Bible says whose service call upon the Lord shall be saved so how is it that a person can call the Lord and still be lost if the Bible says who suffers a couple because there's the right way to call in the wrong way to call if you call from the mouth only then you're lost but if you call by faith from the heart then you're saved let's look at the context Romans chapter 10 look at verse 6 you see what a lot of people do is they say who service Koppelman a lord so they say what that means is with your mouth just say O God save me and so they say that salvation is by the mouth that doesn't make sense God is dealing with your heart and to God it's a heart matter God wants to know what's in your heart and God is looking at your heart to see if you believe or not look at this verse 6 Romans chapter 10 in verse 6 but the righteousness which is of faith the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise so faith speaks to God from where where does faith cry out and speak to God from the righteousness which is of faith speaking on this wife say not in thine heart so your heart speaks to God salvation is a heart issue in a heart matter and it's coming to God and it's from the heart crying out to God for salvation by faith in the blood if all you do is come to God and say God I don't want to go to hell please save me and you're not trusting in the blood then you've called with the mouth but not from the heart and this thing here that I wanted to show you this Peter ruckman letter he says that hat down here a little bit later and he calls it cashing in now man can ask Jesus Christ to save him and then months later or years later the Lord made cash in and bring the man to the point of salvation because he asked but why it's because later he brought him the gospel to believe so even Rahman said if all a guy does was call upon the Lord with the mouth but he's not trusting in the atonement of Christ from the heart he's not saved but today even in the Independent Baptist what I'm in I don't see people explaining that they run around say hey man you won't go to heaven just say O God I'm a sinner save me hold up hey you say hallelujah praise God now I come along later and I try to witness that guy and the guy goes on to say because pastor soltó said so I said really what's your testimony well I just said Oh God save me I said what yeah okay alright but what have you ever heard the gospel what's the gospel well let me explain it to you first cream p51 support are you trusting in the blood of Christ blood of Christ what's that see what they did is they got someone with the mouth to say something but the person is not believing from the heart because they haven't been taught what the Bible says you're supposed to believe in to be saved and to me that's atrocious that's horrible that's awful let's read verse 8 Romans 10:8 but what saith it the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the Word of Faith you can say something with your mouth and not believe in your heart and that's what happens all too often Romans 10:13 hey whoever skrelp only Lord somebody save me the sinner goes well god save me alright you're saved but that person has never heard the gospel I never trusted in the blood of Christ are they safe no why because they're thinking that the calling saved them if salvation was by just saying Oh God saved me then why did Jesus die he could have stayed up in heaven and said you know what new dispensation let me see who's a guy out there I like well you know what Jesus showed up and he really liked this guy named Nathaniel he says wow and Israelite in whom there is no guile God could have just stayed up in heaven jesus said hey Nathaniel come over here Nathaniel you're my new prophet now just go around and tell everybody they'll just ask me salvation I'll save them and God could have done that and that could have been the new dispensation just ask God to save you but that's not what Jesus did Jesus came he lived 33 years under the law and he proved that he was sinless and then he shed his blood and he died for the sins of the world then he went back up to heaven and he calls the world and he calls to them and he says come to me for salvation come to my blood trust my blood for the forgiveness of sins if all you've ever done was call with the mouth you're still lost you've got a call from the heart through faith because the righteous which is a faith speaketh the word of faith in your heart then if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus I believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believes the righteous it's a hard thing and I've met ton of Christians who have done the Romans 10:13 thing and called upon God with the mouth only and said o God save me many of them said I don't know if I'm safe so I do it every night before bed but they're not believing from the heart someone didn't explain the gospel to them look at verse 14 how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed you see if you call without believing you're not saved that's all I'm trying to say and yet people will take salvation my faith and they'll say well it's okay to believe but you gotta call with your mouth and so that adding the salvation is saying calling is a part of salvation well if you make it the mouth then you're making it a work and you're saying you have to say something to be saved but the only thing you can do that's not a work is believe so if calling upon the name of the Lord is a hard thing which it looks like in the context here then that's not work but there are people out there to try to make you think no you got to do it you got to say it with your mouth I met people said you know what I never said anything with my mouth when I heard the gospel I understood not believed and I got safe didn't ever say anything vocally with their mouth they just believed from the heart are they safe oh yeah because what the heart man believeth unto righteousness that's what the Bible says 2nd Timothy 2:22 guess what it says they that call upon the Lord of a pure heart so calling upon the Lord biblically is from the heart believing in the blood atonement of Christ and you're either saved by that or you're not faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God Romans 10:13 let's go to Matthew 10 or matthew 15:8 let me show you something maybe some people haven't thought about but if this is true and it is there are a lot of churches out there that are full of lost people that have done one of these things are as trusting in one of these things they're thinking I'm saying cuz I'm keepin the law they're lost the thinking wide you can work so I must be saved they're lost because they're not trusting faith alone in Christ they think well I repented because because I repented I quit sitting well I'm saved because I'm not sitting anymore they're lost well I got baptized in water and if they're trusting in their water baptism they're lost all right I confess Jesus that I confessed of everyday I'll tell you what I believe Jesus I believe in you and if they can now get them to heaven but they're not trusting in what Jesus did they're lost people out there think well I'm saying cuz I invited Jesus into my life I asked him into my heart if you're trusting in that rather than the blood of Christ you're lost if you're thinking that you're saved by your calling with your mouth only and not faith from the heart you're lost look at what Jesus says this is Jesus you won't argue you wanna argue with Jesus do you you see there a lot of people out there too want to argue about this I don't want to argue I just want you to see what the Bible says and I don't want you to add something to salvation I want you to see what salvation is it's faith alone in the finished work of Christ but Matthew 15 a Jesus says well excellent verse 7 ye hypocrites well did Isaiah prophesy of you saying who's he talking to he's talking to the Pharisees the lost religious people of his day who thought that their works saved them and he says in verse 8 this people draweth 9 to me with their mouth and honoureth me with their lips but their heart is far from me they called on God every time they pray o Jehovah God Lord of the Old Testament Baruch Hashem Adonai you know Baruch 'it is a man and i or whatever it is they say to you the jews in hebrew oh we come to you Jesus oh we call on you with our mouths and in their heart they're just like I can't wait for this service to be over I'm gonna go rob that or orphan and I'm gonna go take all that money that window has and that's what Jesus told us how evil they were in their heart their heart was far from God all they did was come to God with their mouth but they didn't believe from the heart when I try to win people to Jesus I try to make it a heart thing I try to point into the crucified Christ and try to look and see if there's any signs in that person of understanding because you're not saying until you hear the gospel we're spending fifty one through four and understand let me show you that Matthew 13 15 Matthew 13 15 Jesus says for this people's heart is waxed gross and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes they have closed lest at any time they should see with their eyes hear with their ears should understand with their heart and should be converted no conversion jesus says unless you hear something first and then understand what is it that today you have to hear and understand in order to be saved the gospel and when you hear the gospel preached and you understand oh it's what Jesus did that saves me not my works and not Jesus plus something else it's Jesus alone when you understand that and you believe that's when you're saved but a lot of people are over here thinking well I asked him to come in and I I cried oh god save me and I confess them all the time and I got water baptized that I I repent every day and I do good works and I I'm even going back to the law trying to do good because I just want God to accept me is that a same person if they're trusting in something they do or they said rather than solely trusting in what Jesus did no that's a lost person and that's what's so shameful to me is that there's men out there that claim to be preachers and ministers of the gospel if they're not even preaching the gospel and they're up there in the pulpit talking about every other thing in the world but the thing that's most important Christ died for your sins in your place trust his blood for the forgiveness of your sins come to him alone for salvation in his finished work I'm gonna close with Philippians 1:27 when I preach like this usually I get more and more people saying I got saved you made it clear to me and I think that's wonderful but also I get attacked because people on this side that are lost you see religious people are angry people and hateful the religious crowd the Pharisees killed Jesus why why did they hate Jesus so much I want to kill him because he said you're lost and your works are no good you need to come to me for salvation oh and you're a self-righteous Pharisee and full of pride you don't want to hear that because basically what they heard Jesus saying was you're evil and wicked and ungodly and they're like that because I'm a good person and I'm gonna get to heaven baseball what I do but but basically that's the message of Jesus you're a wicked filthy one godly person and you need to get saved now come to Jesus for salvation well who wants to admit that they were wrong who wants to see themselves as they really are a lot of people want to think they're saved based upon what they do so let's close with Philippians 1:27 only let your conversation be as they become at the gospel of Christ that whether I come and see you or else be absent I may hear of your affairs that you stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel if you're one of my viewers and you got saved through my ministry let's stand together in the faith of the gospel and let's stand against those that add to salvation but here's what we need to do verse 28 and in nothing terrified by your adversaries don't be afraid of these people that talk against us the more I preach the gospel the more people on YouTube are gonna make videos against me and we know who they are they're this crowd that's lost and it said which is of them and evident token of perdition the reason they're so vocal and crying against the true gospel is because they're lost perdition means they're damned they're going to hell but to you of salvation and that of God let me continue verse 29 for unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ not only to believe on Him because we're saved by faith only believing but also to suffer for his sake having saved conflict which he saw in me and now here to be in me so I just want to preach the gospel preach it plain frigid right preach it clear and the gospel is all about salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ coming to Christ for salvation not trusting in what you did trusting solely completely in what Jesus did for you that's what the Bible says don't get on this side and think that it's your works to save you because they will never save you and don't get on this side and think oh well you know I can believe in Jesus and have faith in in some of the things the Bible says but oh my god do works or I'll lose it you're still saying no it's on me see both of these sides put the focus on them and try to make them sinners into good but they're still sinners and where does sinners go hell you need to give up trusting in what you do and come only to Christ because he did everything to die on the cross and pay for your sins and you need to trust in him alone for salvation I don't add to salvation I never have never will I try to give you the simplicity of the gospel and it's so simple it's all what Jesus did now just come to him for salvation and allow him to save you quit trying to save yourself well I went a little long but I had to I hope there's been a blessing we'll see you next time god bless
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 49,067
Rating: 4.8603897 out of 5
Keywords: Things People Add to Salvation, Adding to Salvation, saved by faith alone, faith plus works
Id: hV7fN5AZjw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 26sec (4766 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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