The Body of Christ, The Church: What it Is, Who's In It, and When it Started

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all right good evening everybody let's go ahead and start with the word of prayer and then we'll get started with the bible study tonight lord thank you for this day you've given us another opportunity to come and meet together and study in your holy word lord what a blessing it is to have the bible and be able to read it and study it and what a blessing to teach it and lord i just pray this will be a blessing and be edifying and lord that it will help people lord that's all i want to do and i just pray lord that it will open someone's eyes and help someone to see the truth today we ask in jesus name amen all right well this week is kind of a continuation of last week and i noticed you left it on here behind here last week so i don't think i could flip it but we talked a little bit about the church and i had a good time talking about a little bit about heaven too in new jerusalem and we looked at the church the bride of christ new jerusalem and i said i was going to continue that on this week and we'll talk a little bit more about it and there's a reason for this amen i want to be a blessing to y'all let you all learn some stuff but also there are some how do you say this nicely there are some false teachings out there let's say that okay and there are a lot of folks that have a teaching that is either from the denomination or from a individual who teaches something they're a certain way i always want to stick with the bible okay now i don't mind telling you though some people think it's like this but then i always go now this is what the bible says now you make up your own mind okay i'm not a i don't know a dictator or something like you have to believe what i say or else you know that's not that's not charity is it we're supposed to have grace and we're supposed to have charity well there's some folks out there that have neither and they make their basis of fellowship is unless you believe like i do you can't even have anything to do with me and that's always bothered me so tonight i'm not going to come to you tonight and say no this is the dividing line unless you cross this with me then we can't have fellowship but there is a group out there that's like that and someone told me this this week and i thought i'd share it because of course this is going out on youtube as well in other places but somebody made a page on facebook now i'm not on facebook i don't do the facebook thing i've got better things to do but somebody made the robert breaker facebook and there's a couple thousand people that get together on there and they fellowship and they love dispensations and they love the bible the king james and their fellowship a lot of them said they got saved watching my videos and to me that's a blessing now several people that i know they say they're moderators on that and they say they're noticing that there's some people that are coming in and trying to get people out and draw them away and we call these people hyper dispensationalists that's just the the label i guess we've labeled them which it's kind of a funny word you know that word's not in the bible and words mean different things different people if a person doesn't believe in any dispensations well then we're hyper dispensationalists because we believe in dispensations but then there are those that go a little too extreme with the dispensations and they overly divide and so we say well that no you're a little bit hyper there so i'm going to talk about that today and talk a little bit about what a hyperdispensational is but i'm also going to say that a lot of them that i've met they're safe people okay but they kind of are like no if you don't agree with me then you can't have fellowship with me and i'm like but you're supposed to have grace i want to fellowship with other christians okay but there comes a time when they're like there's the line unless you come over here you can't have then it's like okay but they shouldn't come over here and say now you guys come over here with us and get away from this no so that's one of the things that i don't want to see is division in the body of christ you know i thought maybe we should start this thing in first corinthians 3 but i don't think we'll start there but have you read first corinthians 3 where paul is talking he says i'm paul i'm of apollos and i'm of and they're all you know fighting each other i hate that my favorite verse is leave off contention before it be meddled with so i don't like to argue but i like to teach all right we all have our gifts that the lord has given us and it's clear that god's given me a gift to being able to teach so i like to teach and i like to lay it out there and then say hey take it or leave it you know you believe what what the lord shows you from the bible i'm not trying to make you believe what i believe but i will show you what others believe and then say now this is why i believe this because the bible says it all right now i went into all that as an introduction because down here i'm going to show you about five or six different denominations and how they all seem to get it wrong on some of this stuff and so they kind of make their so-called christianity as well which one of us are you going to come to it's like no there's only one church so why are there so many churches in the world because some people want to have it the burger king i guess you call it the burger king christianity have it your way let's no let's do it the bible way so i hope this will be a blessing to you and i know this is a topic that a lot of people stay away from i'm not one that says well let's just don't talk about that i'm one that goes okay what are people saying and i like to study it and then get their point of view and then say now let's look to the bible to see if that's true or not okay so are you with me so let's begin in hebrews chapter 10. so we started last week kind of as an introduction of what the body of christ is and how it's the church but then how i showed you that it's also the bride of christ right the church is without a doubt the bride of course we're not married yet so we're espoused to christ and then it all ties in with new jerusalem so that was a great study i thought i hope it was a blessing it seemed like a lot of people enjoyed it had a lot of questions but i thought today we need to talk a little bit more about this to bring it all together so that's the idea so here we go hebrews chapter 10 and verse 5 this is quite an interesting verse hebrews chapter 10 and verse 5 wherefore when he cometh into the world he saith sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not but a body thou hast prepared me what an interesting thing this is a quote from psalms chapter 40 if i remember correctly verse six and so it says here the in the context of a sacrifice there's a body what is the body of christ the church those that are saved well how did it begin through a sacrifice so this is a good place to put the blood of jesus amen so before that body could could come there has to be a sacrifice you know any of you ladies in here you know about that if there's a little body coming out of you there's a lot of sacrifice probably a lot of pain and suffering and breathing and things like that you know uh it takes effort to birth a body right so but jesus came because he wanted a body but he realized you know i have to have to go through some stuff i have to put some things out there i have to suffer and he did he went through a lot of suffering so it's all about the body so let's go well i was going to go to first peter 2 but if you get a chance if you're taking notes just write down first peter chapter 2 verse 24 and 25 where it talks about jesus's suffering and what did he suffer for he suffered for us and if we get saved then we're part of the body of christ so that's we're going to look at tonight but let me say first ray this is awesome this pulpit this has really turned out well i kind of need to stand like that no i hope everybody can see me okay is this in the way you guys can see okay it's a really nice pulpit so we're going to look at this today we're going to look at the body of christ is the church what it is who's in it and when it started and so i'm going to go over a lot of things today and this last one is the things that most people want to argue about it's like no we're not going to argue i'm just going to show you the verses okay and we're going to leave it there so like we did last week we'll do this week we're just gonna go to a lot of verses so let's start out with what is the body of christ again and just go through this quickly just to remind ourselves what is the body of christ colossians chapter one colossians chapter 1 and verse 18 to verse 24. and this is where we got to go to paul paul is so important okay some people go to an extreme with paul now don't go to too much of an extreme it's called the body of christ not the body of paul okay i just want to remind you of that but let's go to uh paul because paul is the one that god chose as he went to the gentiles to win gentiles and there were some mysteries that god revealed to paul one of my favorite teachings is the seven mysteries in the bible i just love to teach on that and those are things that god revealed to paul and of course of course there's people out there that claim to be christians and they say well i follow jesus i don't follow paul you ever heard that um i can't remember what's the denomination not the methodists but there's another one and they're very not lutherans what there's there's another group out there i can't think of which ones they are but they're what are they i don't know who does one they're very much against paul and so if you say i'm i believe in paul they're like oh you're a heretic do you remember which one i can't remember what it is but it's a church that says we have nothing to do with paul and all over the internet there's videos where they say stay away from the apostle paul so literally rip two-thirds of your new testament out is what they're telling you to do because if you look at acts and the epistles of paul it all ties in it's like two-thirds of the new testament it really is so paul is in the bible for a reason that's why we believe in rightly dividing and that's what you need to do so paul tells us a lot of things that is the heart of new testament doctrine amen do you all agree with that that is so important so in colossians chapter 1 verse 18 we read and he is the head of the body comma the church now who is he well it's talking about jesus christ back there in verse 15 it's talking about jesus being the firstborn and then you go back in the context you see the antecedent is christ and he it says is the head of the body the church who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence amen we need to give christ the preeminence because jesus christ is god and he is the savior he's the one that saves us for it please the father that in him should all fullness dwell and having made peace through the blood amen that's a good place to start through the blood of his cross by him to reconcile all things unto himself by him i say whether they be things in earth or things in heaven and you that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works yet now hath he reconciled so he's writing to people that he he believes got saved he says oh you guys got saved so he's writing to these people here that god's saved and then it says here in verse 22 in the body of his flesh through death so it's literally through the body of christ offered on the cross that he started the body of christ so something physical starts something spiritual i guess we could say but we realize through new jerusalem all that it's actually going to be physical as well and it says here in verse 22 in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and unblameable and unprovable unreprovable in his sight if you continue in the faith grounded and settled and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel this is where it all boils down to the importance of the gospel which you have heard and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven whereof i paul and made a minister now verse 24 who now rejoice in my sufferings for you and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of christ in my flesh for his body's sake which is the church so verse 18 it says the body comma the church and then verse 24 for the body sake which is the church and so paul is basically saying i do everything for the sake of the body the body's sake who is that well that's got to be what is the body save people so he's talking about people who are safe so the body is the church all right now let's go to ephesians chapter one all right this is some of these are things we read last week but i didn't read the whole context and i really like to read the entire context right i want you to all see the entire context as much as possible but here in ephesians chapter 1 verse 22 and verse 23 in ephesians 1 22 and says and hath put all things under his feet and this is jesus again christ verse 20. and it put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church comma not a period comma which is his body the fullness of him that filleth all things so i don't see how anyone could deny that the body of christ is the church all right that's so important now how many bodies are there one we're in ephesians so let's go to ephesians chapter 4 and verse 4. ephesians 4 4 says there is one body and one spirit even as you are called in one hope of your calling so there's one body there's not two bodies of christ jesus christ is not joseph smith he doesn't have two wives okay there's one body so everyone who is saved during this time that we call the church age is a part of the body of christ not two bodies one body okay so that's important that we understand it's one body now let's go over to colossians chapter three and verse 15. i have actually heard people say no there's actually two bodies and it's like okay well you just said the opposite of the bible so we're gonna throw you out you know if they say one thing the bible says the other which one do we follow always the bible right that i mean that's a no-brainer or at least it should be so colossians chapter 3 and verse 15 one of my favorite verses and let the peace of god rule in your hearts to the which also you're called in one body and be ye thankful so according to the bible there's one body so the body of christ is the church and i mean that's kind of a no-brainer but i have to say that okay because that will go on to what we're talking about next but remember that there are some people that teach something different they teach over here before jesus died he got together the early apostles his disciples and they try to make that a different body and that's the jewish body of the early apostles and they try to make that a separate body from this body over here and i don't see that i'm going to show you that here in a minute that this was the beginning but the body of christ it looks like starts here with the death of christ and so those that were there came over to here and then over here they were part of the body and i'm going to prove that to you now i've got to be careful when i do that because i want you to see that it's not what i say it's what the bible says okay because there's other people out there that are saying differently so what is the body of christ the church and like we saw last week the church is the bride of christ and the church is also new jerusalem now who's in it who is in the church back to ephesians chapter 5 so we looked at what it is all right so we got that what it is now we're going to look at who it is all right who's the body of christ or actually who's in it is what we're going to look at ephesians chapter 5 and verse 30. who is in the body of christ ephesians 5 30 says for we are members of his body and of his flesh and of his bones do you see the word there we who is he speaking to he's writing to a body of believers in ephesians save people and he's saying we're part of the body of christ so who's in it well save people if you're saved through the gospel then you're a part of the body of christ it's that simple and let's see if i have it here or a little lower down well it's a little lower down but but um yeah we'll get to this here in a minute but it all boils down to the importance of the gospel and i'm going to show you the gospel here in a minute because this is how you get saved you're saved through the gospel a lot of people today claim to be christians and you ask them well you know the gospel what's the gospel they go uh and they don't even know what the gospel is or where it is in the bible i ask them what's the gospel to go uh matthew mark luke and john the word gospel means good news so matthew mark luke and john are the good news about the coming of christ but much of matthew mark luke and john is all about before he died so it's not when i ask you what is the gospel i'm asking you what is the gospel of salvation and that is after not before so matthew looking john great books but a lot of matthew mark luke and john is before jesus even died the gospel is what he did when he died and then rose again and what we're to believe in in order to be saved and be a part of the body of christ so important that we understand that go to romans well let's skip romans real quick we'll go to romans 7 here in a second let's go to first corinthians 12 here also and what i'm trying to do is hopefully you're taking notes i'm trying to give you the verses okay i'm giving you ammo basically that you can use against people that are not teaching the truth all right there's a group out there today called the seventh day adventists sdas and they are so messed up they think we're still back over here under the law and so they're trying to mix the law with grace in romans 10 4 says christ is the end of the law to all who believe so we're not back under the old testament law the law was for israel so you got to watch out there's a lot of people that get things messed up but if you simply rightly divide and study your bible you won't fall into what we call a cult right and i'm trying to be nice i'm not putting them down i'm just saying why would you go back to that because the bible says the law is a curse why would you want to go to a curse why won't you want to be over here under grace and get blessed and get saved because if you think you're saved by the law you'll never know if you're saved or not because you'll live like this oh i hope i did good enough so that when i die who maybe he'll accept me that's not salvation salvation is i can't do good enough so i just give up and i trust what he did and now he saved me now i know i'm sad now i'm going to do everything i can to live for him right that's the difference so what i say let's go to first corinthians chapter 12 i'm talking about who is the church okay save people first corinthians 12 and verse 12 for as the body is one i don't find anywhere in the bible where it talks about two bodies for as the body is one and have many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is christ over and over again one body for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body now look what it says here whether we be jews or gentiles also two groups you could be a jew or you can be a gentile and if you get saved whichever one you were now you're no longer a jew or gentile now you're a part of the body of christ so according to the bible who's in it people that were before jews or were before gentiles if they get saved now they are one in the body of christ do you see that am i making that up or is that what the bible says that's what my bible says and so it says there uh whether we be jews or gentiles whether we bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit let's look at uh verse 18 skip down to verse 18. but now hath god set the members every one of them in the body as it had pleased him and then skip down to verse 27. now ye are the body of christ and members in particular so ye that are saved whether you were a jew or whether you were a gentile before you got saved when you got saved you became a part of the church the body of christ okay so it doesn't matter in the bible there's only three groups the jew the gentile and the church so when you get saved now you're part of the church you don't even call yourself a jew or you don't have to i mean i know people that were jews that got saved and they said well i'm a jew and well yeah you're born that way but you're you're born again so now you're the body of christ okay now let's go to romans 7 and this will kind of tie into last week a little bit romans chapter 7. and romans chapter 7 verse 4 i like this we talked about part of being the church is being the bride of christ well look what it says in romans chapter 7 verse 4 wherefore my brethren you also are become dead to the law by the body of christ that you should be married to another so when we get into the body of christ we're no longer under the law otherwise that spiritual adultery that's what it says in verse three isn't that interesting so if you're one of these over here in the seventh day and you're saying we got to keep the law you're saying well yeah we're we're espoused to christ and everything but no we gotta we gotta cheat on him because we got to go back over here that is horrible so we're supposed to be cheating on our savior no i don't see that but that's what it says there and it says that you should be married to another even to him who is raised from the dead that we should bring forth fruit unto god just an interesting passage there kind of ties into last week all right so who is in it well who exactly is in the church who exactly is the body of christ ephesians chapter three are y'all with me am i going too fast his sister here brought some ice cream and then i'm i'm on an ice cream high aren't i this is great amen didn't need coffee tonight just ice cream amen ephesians chapter 3 and verse 6 through 9. all right this ties it all together when we're talking about the body of christ look what it says now why am i talking about this because some people say the body of christ is only gentiles and they say no jews and i look at that and go no no no i don't now others they might say no it's jews and gentiles but they say but it's not the early apostles and they exclude the apostles and say the apostles aren't in the body of christ and both of those are not true and i'll show you that from the bible but i want you to see why i'm doing this i'm trying to present this to you because i don't want you to fall into a false doctrine amen i don't want you to fall into something that's that's not right so let's go over here what did i say ephesians chapter three let's read verse six through nine ephesians 3 6 says that the gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body so it sounds like the body was for jews at first but now because the jews rejected their messiah well now we gentiles can get into that same body that's what it's saying and so it says there starting there in verse 6 and the gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in christ by the gospel whereof i was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of god given unto me by the effectual working of his power unto me whom less than the least of all saints is this grace given that i should preach among the gentiles the unsearchable riches of christ now look at verse nine and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world have been hid in god who created all things by jesus christ so it's a mystery that was revealed to paul and he's telling us that the mystery is that the body has gentiles in it too so they're fellow heirs of the same body that's what the mystery is okay and it's all about the gospel so what is the gospel well of course you know i hope the gospel is first corinthians 15 1-4 how that christ died for our sins and was buried and rose again the third day according to the scripture well who was that gospel too in the bible that's called the gospel of jesus christ it's called the gospel of the grace of god it's called the gospel of salvation a lot of terms that are talking about it but look at romans chapter 1 and look at verse 16. who is the gospel for is it just the gentiles does jesus only want gentiles saved today and he says no i don't want any jews to get saved today that would be pretty ridiculous wouldn't it because the bible says salvation is of the jews he came to save the jews but they rejected him and paul tells us in romans 11 the reason he's allowing paul to go to the gentiles is to provoke them to jealousy so they'll get jealous wow god's working more with them than with us why is that well because you rejected your messiah so in romans chapter 1 and verse 16 we read this for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the jew first and also to the greek so jews and gentiles can be saved today and be a part of the body of christ do you all believe that that's not my peculiar teaching that's the bible all right so now let's go to ephesians chapter 2 again and uh i want people to understand this because there are some people out there that well i guess they don't and they have they're all over the board when it comes to teaching on this but yet this seems to be the only thing they want to teach on you know there's a lot more in the bible than just this but there's some people out there this is the only thing they want to talk about and it's like i what and they say some weird things like no there's really two bodies not one and you're no no no the only the gentiles are in the body not the jews and it's like why are you saying this if we read our bibles we won't fall into that we'll be like no let me educate you for a minute and a lot of times sadly many of those don't like to listen i've listened to them matter of fact i studied with them for a little while because my thought was i want to know what they believe and why and they didn't make me believe what they believed they made me a better believer in the truth because when they said it i went to the bible to look to see and i kept seeing verse after verse that didn't say what they just said and so they made me a better christian actually you know what i'm saying so let me go here to what did i say ephesians chapter 2 ephesians 2 11-14 ephesians 2 11-14 wherefore remember that ye being in time past gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision of the flesh made by hand so paul is writing to ephesians to some gentiles that got saved in verse 12 that at that time you were without christ being aliens from the commonwealth of israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without god in the world but now you know how many times paul says something like that but now he's always saying now back then it was different now it's like this if that's not dispensations i'll eat your dirty socks i mean that's dispensationalism in the bible right there look for that every time he says but now but now in christ jesus you who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of christ for he is our peace who hath made both one both what jew and gentile and have broken down the middle wall of partition between us having abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of commandments and i'm going to go on here later i'm going to stop right there i didn't want to read that far i just want to read to verse 14. i want you to see the word both okay so in the body of christ there are both what were once jews and what were once gentiles now they're part of the body of christ saved people all right are y'all with me now okay now we're going to go to when did it start we saw what the body of christ is most of the message last week was all about that we see who's in it now we're going to look at when it started but before i get to that let me ask where is it i didn't have room to write that up here so we're just kind of deviate here for a second then come back to this here and finish where is the body of christ have you ever thought about that well the way i look at it and this is biblical this is in the bible the body of christ is all safe people okay a lot of people will explain it this is i think this is a good way to explain the difference between the local church and i don't even know what to call it i guess i'll call it the celestial church okay everybody who's saved is a part of the body of christ now the word church comes from a word i don't even want to go to greek but what does it mean it comes from ecclesia which means they called out assembly and so a lot of churches you go to they run to the greek they say church means uh called out assembly so they say so where is it called out well we're called out of the world if we're saved but they say no no it means a called out assembly that's together in one place like a congregation and so they say so the church is only here where we meet so we have among the baptists a group called the baptist briders and have you ever heard of a baptist brighter about this brighter says that only the local church is the bride of christ so every little church out there if they're really saved they say that's the bride of christ and you go well there's like 10 different baptist churches in pensacola so does god have 10 different brides obviously that's not what he's talking about when he says the bride of christ he's talking about this over here what is this over here all christians who are saved past present future who have trusted christ those who are dead now they are part of the body of christ they say well where are they assembled some of them are heaven some of them are here some of them over there well i'm glad you asked that do you realize let's go to ephesians chapter 2 and verse 16. god is outside of time he's an eternity all right watch what it says here and i'll explain that here in a second but ephesians 2 16 look what it says and that's the wrong verse what am i looking for here um ephesians 2 4 sorry about that ephesians 2 4. for ephesians 2 4 says but god who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with christ by grace you are saved now watch this verse six and it raised us up together and made us to sit together in heavenly places in christ jesus now the bible says right there that i'm seated in heaven with christ jesus now can you explain that to me because i'm not i'm standing right here i'm not sitting down well god is up here in heaven outside of eternity so when someone gets saved right here the bible says they are given eternal life right so when you get eternal life then something happens in eternity right what happens well you have the holy spirit in you but the holy spirit is up here so if the holy spirit is up here then god says the spirit's sitting down up there but the spirit's in you but as far as god's concerned that's you sitting up there with them i don't know how this works but i can imagine there's a bunch of seats up in heaven and uh one of them has my name on it robert breaker and god looks over and he sees me sitting there because in god's eyes i'm eternally saved and he's outside of time he's an eternity so in god's eyes i'm already there figure that out but that's what it says does it say we are seated with him it doesn't say will be seated or shall does it say that he made us sit together in heavenly places it doesn't say he will make its past tense so when i got saved how's that for eternal security i got eternal life and i am already seated up in heaven so what is that that is the congregation everybody who ever got saved they are right now assembled in heaven in some way in god's eyes so there's your church now the old uh people back in the early church when it first started they used to call that the church triumphant but not all of us can get to down down here together in the same place could you imagine if every christian the whole world all got together in one place that'd be kind of cool but then the devil probably killed us all at one time wouldn't it we're not all together some are in the philippines some are in uh you know russia some are in the ukraine some are in central america some so we're all but we come together and we meet together in a little church building sometimes or in a house and so that's the local church but this is the church all who are saved so one of them is what i like to call a spiritual organism because it's like an organism it's a body what's a body an organism this is what i like to call the body of christ and when i'm talking about the body of christ i'm talking about this right here the other one i don't even know what to call it maybe we'd call it a specific specific that i spell specific right a specific organization i don't even like to say organization because a lot of people nowadays they try to say well then that's its own body and then you got incorporation and all that stuff i won't go into that but the local church is a specific thing here in the earth but this is the body of christ but some people talk about that and they say well in our local body our local little group so do you see the difference there all right it's very important that we see the difference because baptist writers do not and they say this does not exist it's only this okay then jesus christ is a mormon and he has a whole bunch of brides i ain't going there i can't i can't go that route and become a baptist spriter how do you know what about the spriter is well a lot of times they believe that the way to get into the body of christ is through baptism and they don't understand the difference between water baptism and spirit baptism i just read you the verse that when we get into the body of christ we are baptized in spirit baptism so that's this but they believe that the way you get into their body is being baptized in water so that's why we call them baptist spriters and they have a term that they love to run around and use and it's called alien baptism have you ever heard of that you know many of these people are only baptist i don't think there's any other group that's a brighter that's so not a baptist but many of your baptists who don't understand the body of christ as all saved people they only think it's the local church they use a term they call alien baptism and so let's say you get saved but you go to a different church and you get baptized in water and then you realize wow there's some false doctrine in this church i want to leave and you go oh there's baptist church and you join a baptist church and you say i want to join your church they say well have you been baptized in a baptist church and you go uh no i was baptized over here at such and said oh we don't accept that that's alien baptism you have to be baptized by us and so they demand that you get baptized all over again in their church and then they say that that water made you a member and when you look at that you just kind of go okay well i've run into a lot of people like this and like i said my favorite verse is leave off contention before it be meddled with so when i meet people like this and this is what they want to argue about what's so funny is a lot of times the guys have their doctrine wrong all they want to do is argue with their false doctrine and really there's not much that you can defend this with in the bible the bible doesn't say alien baptism so they come up to me and they say well breaker what do you think about alien baptism so i go like this i go well let me tell you something brother if a ufo showed up right now and e.t got out i wouldn't baptize them and they start laughing so hard usually i don't have to argue with them you know because i don't want to talk about it but i to me that's just so non-important where's the bible where's the blood where's the gospel why is it all you talk about is the water why don't we talk about the blood of christ and salvation and getting born again and saved into this well a lot of them all they want to do is get into this and you can tell these churches many of them all they do is brag about how many people they baptized every week and it's like well were they saved it's like in their mind it doesn't matter if the guy was saved or not as long as he got baptized woohoo we're happy and it's like i've seen a lot of people get dunked that weren't even safe some famous guy i won't even say it but i'm you know ordained independent baptist and there's a lot of independent baptists out there that are alien about writers and uh they write magazines and there's this famous magazine i won't say any names or anything but i've talked to people that have gone to these churches and this guy he has this baptism service after church and he's about to dunk this guy and he says you want to say anything and the guy says i just can't wait to have all my sins washed away and the guy goes and dunked him real quick so he couldn't talk anymore because obviously that guy wasn't saved was he if he's thinking the water is gonna save him but he just dunked him real quick and then said now write that down we got what a horrible person all he's interested in is bragging on himself and on his local church it almost like it becomes a country club where there's a competition with other church well pastor how many did you get this week we only baptized three we got four and it's just like what a horrible thing that that's become and that's just i hate that and i think god hates that because it's more about them and their building and their group and than it is about people actually getting saved so that bothers me but we call those baptists brighter so you got to watch out for them so let's continue here let's go to first corinthians 1 2 i'm going to show you some verses real quick about this and yes in the bible there is the local church there's nothing wrong with a local church okay but in the bible there's also this the body of christ the church all that are saved so first corinthians 1 2. first corinthians 1 2 paul is writing to these people that got saved in the town of corinth and in 1st corinthians 2 he says and unto the church of god which is at corinth to them that are sanctified in christ jesus called to be saints with all that in every place call upon the name of jesus christ our lord both theirs and ours so he's writing to a local church over here in corinth so he's writing to that so there that exists yes but he's also says and to everybody else who's saved so he's writing this too but you see the difference um first corinthians 16 9 19 okay verse 19. look at verse 19. the churches i said 9 but i meant 19. the churches of asia salute you what would that be that would be all the local churches in asia the churches in asia salute thee and then he says here aquila and priscilla salutes you much in the lord with the church that is in there what house should you realize you don't have to have a big building to be called a local church you can literally meet in a house that's bible there's other verses in the bible too where people are meeting in homes i've never understood this huge building thing and what i've seen and i hate it is a lot of people get together and build a huge building and then they owe more to the bank and then something happens there's a church split and the building just and guess what all over south carolina all over places i've been all over america guess who buys it the building the muslims or the pentecostals or some and i just look at that i just go why would you want that because when the rapture comes the antichrist is going to get it so you just built a nice building for the antichrist yay good job yeah no yeah it's nice that you have your little padded pews and all that but wouldn't it be better just to come together as christians and me to me i think that's better to meet in the house be honest with you because you get a lot of tradition involved in this in tradition the bible says makes the word of god an uneffect now i'm not against local church okay but i'm just saying be warned because a lot of times it will end up becoming a monument and movement and all this stuff like we learned in bible school so you got to watch out so let's go look at some more verses now let's go over to um uh i was gonna go there but i won't but uh there is a romans 16 5 and it talks about a church in their house so that's the local church and then we already looked at ephesians 2 where it talks about the the church and we are seated with them in heaven so do you see the difference as long as you see the difference we can move on anybody have any questions on that or anything okay so everybody who's saved is part of the church which is the spiritual organism the body of christ and it's a good thing if you can find it and sadly a lot today are an apostasy i think that's so sad but if you can find a good local church to go to that's where we find fellowship down here now our fellowship's up there but we're not up there right now well in spirit we are but i mean literally so i like going to church and fellowshipping with other christians but i'm finding it harder and harder because a lot of churches are departing into false doctrine and that's what the bible calls apostasy but if you can't find one and there still are some it's just harder to find somebody sent me a link it's called and that's supposed to be a list of king james bible believing churches all over the world but who knows if they're good or not i've had some people say well i visited three close to me and two were horrible and one was good so you never know which is it's really sad to see how many people are departing from the truth all right so now back to this last one when did the church start all right you want to get a good argument started you asked that question when i was in bible school there's a radio station over milton florida that's a christian radio station and my dad said hey they're they're looking for somebody to take over that radio station and i thought to myself oh that'd be a lot of fun so my dad said well go ask that pastor if you can be the director of his radio station like oh dad i don't know he probably wouldn't let me do that and and my dad said no just go see and i was like all right so i went to that church and i went in the office of this pastor and i said hey you know i think you know my dad matter of fact my dad and i did some work on that church we put up some wallpaper and the parsonage that's where this scar came from we were putting up wallpaper my dad had a razor blade and i handed it to him and he cut me right here and so i still have remembrance of that day we went to that church and did that work over there but um i went into that church and i sat down i said you remember my dad he worked here and i said you want somebody to take over your radio station i said man i'd love to do that i'd play preaching and a good singing and i think i could do a lot i'm in bible school right now at the time i was in bible school and i didn't think to ask them if i could do that or not i just thought man this would be a great opportunity open door and this guy looked at me and he goes when did the church start and i'm in bible school and i'm like and he ignored me he answered the phone he did something he just looked at when did the church start and he looked and and he kept asking me that question over and over and over and i just like finally i got fed up and i go why don't you tell me because i don't know how to because at the time i had no idea i don't know how to answer that and uh he finally just i finally go okay it's obvious you don't want to talk so i'll leave but i would appreciate if you tell me he wouldn't even tell me he just wanted to argue is what he wanted to do and so when did the church start and that this condescending attitude it's just that's not someone that wanted to edify me and teach me when the church started he looked at me probably i don't know of well i went to a different school than him so you know what does your school teach well i was just in you know probably first year or something so i still had no idea but that always bothered me that this is just something that that people want to argue about if you go over to the catholic church what do they teach the catholic church teaches that the church started with peter before the cross so well that's a little different do you do you guys think that's when the church started no no because the church seems to have to do with the body of christ it's called the body of christ not the body of peter it all has to do with that sacrifice it seems like so you look at that and you go well i can't be one of them because i don't see that in the bible and you begin looking well there's another group that calls themselves the pentecostals i call them the pennies the pentecostals and they say that the body of christ starts in acts chapter 2. so they have it over here so one of them goes over here and the other one goes way over here and so i'm looking at that i'm like so i just wanted to know for myself so i just decided i'm not just going to follow what other people say i'm going to go and look for myself when does the church start and i'm just going to go by what the bible says now the other group the hyper dispensationalist i'll put them down here guess what they say i'll just call them hypers they say the church started with paul so they put it way out here and so you've got people all over the place on this question right here and so i just look at it and i go um so basically as a christian you got to make your choice which one you want to agree with how about we just follow the bible because what if they were all wrong i mean you ever think about that and but they all want to argue and well no it's peter no it's paul no it's you know it's in pentecost and it's like what's the right thing to do keep watching that or go you know cut them off and then get in the bible and find out for yourself well that's what a true berean would do amen would go to the bible and find out for yourself so when did the church start well let's go to ephesians chapter 2. ephesians chapter 2 this seals the deal for me this tells me if if i'm going to be a bible believer and i am and i'm just going to follow the bible then i'm going to follow this right here and i'm going to say the body starts right here according to this verse because that's what i see in this verse ephesians chapter 2 and verse 16. i told we we started reading verse 15 a little bit and then i cut off there but let's read verse 15 first having abolished in his flesh who's that jesus the body the body is the flesh the enmity even the law of commandments contained in ordinances and without the old testament law there were many ordinances for to make himself of twain one new man so making peace that he might reconcile both unto god in one body now what are those next three words by the cross having slain the enmity thereof so when i look at that i'm like so the cross is where the body started that's why it's called the body of christ it's not called the body of peter it's not called the body of pentecost it's not called the body of paul it's called the body of christ so what christ did he did to start a body now we can argue all day long about when was somebody in the body that's a completely different argument okay maybe no one was in it until pentecost that's what some people say or maybe that thief on the cross was the first one in the body of christ because he said today you'll be with me in paradise but of course he you know that was a little bit different but i'm not talking about when was the first person in it that's not that's not the argument that's a completely different argument and people like to argue about that too and that's a completely different teaching but what started the body of christ the death on the cross because it says that the reason he did this was to make a body in which two become one and so it was by the cross that the body was started so am i a heretic or are y'all with me did the body of christ start with christ at the cross that's what i see in the bible so why do people want to argue about it why do you have all these different people teaching different things some man started that denomination and that's what he saw when he read the bible and this is what he thought i'm not going to follow a man and what he thinks i'm going to follow the bible and what it says so you have out here the last one here the hyper dispensationalist a lot of them preach first corinthians 15 1-4 and the blood of christ for salvation and i say praise god i want to be your friend then when i come to them and i preach like this they say get away from me i don't want to be your friend and i'm like why not we believe the same gospel it's because they believe the body of christ didn't start until paul and i say okay tell me why you want to see their argument let's look at their argument and then let's look at the bible and i want you to see for yourself if you are a hyper-dispensationalist or not because i'm not we were taught in bible school we were warned against that and don't be like that because stan and bullinger and these fellows and i looked at them and i read their books and i and i studied and i'm like no i know my bible too well to fall into that why would i i can't be that because i don't see that this is their verse their text verse all right first corinthians 3 10 this is their uh what would you call this their their main verse in which they claim that because god called paul and he did and sent paul out to preach the gentiles they say the body of christ started with paul well my first question is why isn't it called the body of paul then okay it's not it's called the body of christ but this is their text and what they do is they go to this one verse out of context to teach that the body of christ started with paul first corinthians chapter 3 and verse 10. be careful when someone takes one verse out of context always remember the rule of context read a couple verses before a couple verses after always remember here's what if you go to a hyper-dispensational church they'll say verse 10 according to the grace of god which is given unto me this is paul as a wise master builder i have laid the foundation and another bill that they're on but lever every man take heed how he built it thereon first corinthians 3 10 and they stop right there and it's almost there like now don't look any further because if you look any further you're like hey what about shut up okay let's look a little further here in a second but look at what they say they're saying that paul said he was the master builder and that he laid the foundation and so paul is the foundation of the church the body of christ that's their argument from this verse i cannot accept that because of the very next verse look at what it says in verse 11. for other foundation can no man lay then that is laid which is christ jesus or jesus christ so who is the foundation he is saying i laid the foundation of this local church in corinth but this is the foundation of the church the body of christ that's what he's saying right there so i will not go along with the hyper dispensations i cannot say that paul started the body of christ i will not say that because i don't see that in fact there are a lot of other verses that show me otherwise and that's why i cannot be a good now there's another verse that they use as one of their main verses let's go over here to first timothy 1 16. and uh you'll know who these people are i still get emails from time to time of people saying brother breaker i've studied would learn a lot from you but now i'm studying with this guy and he says this this and this and i say be careful be careful you're studying with a hyper dispensationalist and you know if he believes that whatever you can believe whatever you want but they don't just say oh i believe it but that's just my belief it doesn't matter no that's their basis of fellowship now unless you believe this too you're a heretic that's what bothers me why would you make this a point of contention if we're both saved do you understand so first corinthians chapter excuse me first timothy 1 16. here's what they say first timothy 1 16 how be it for this cause now this is paul speaking i obtained mercy that in me first jesus christ might show forth all long-suffering for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting and they say so paul is the pattern of all who believe after him so he is the first of the body of christ where does it say there that paul is the first in the body of christ it doesn't say that you are inserting that into the text to say that paul says that he is the first of a pattern of what long suffering now we don't have time to go over there but if we did in second peter peter mentions paul and he uses that word longsuffering our beloved brother paul for this long suffering if you know the history of paul what did paul do he killed christians god was very long suffering with paul to put up with him and let him do horrible things knowing that eventually he'll get saved so he was a pattern of grace and god showed grace on paul and if you can do wicked horrible evil things but then get saved later well that's a great thing that you can get saved and if god can say paul a guy that's a horrible murderer well god could save anybody so i don't see that verse saying that paul is the first in the body of christ but that's their main verse that and the other one in first corinthians so i think they don't really have much of a leg to stand on do they otherwise it should be called the body of paul now let's go to first corinthians chapter 12. one thing that many hyperdispensationalists will say is this the early apostles were not part of the body of christ these early jewish apostles and so what they'll do and i don't know i still haven't figured out a lot of their teachings because it goes back and forth and they call themselves mid-axers or or end actors or are you an axe this person are you an axe that person i'm just no i'm just a bible believer but they say that the early apostles were not part of the body of christ and a lot of times they'll call this the little flock i've even heard one or two of them say that other body and i'm like i got you there's only one body they're not two body okay but they say that no it was paul that started the body of christ so they say that the apostles weren't part of the body of christ well let's look at some verses okay i just want to go to the bible i'm not attacking i'm not putting down okay i just want i just want to go to the scriptures okay and i just want to follow what the bible says first corinthians chapter 12 verse 28. first corinthians 12 28 says this actually let's back up to verse 27 which you've already read now ye are the body of christ and members in particular now verse 28 okay context is the body of christ and god has set some in the church first who so are apostles in the church the body of christ i've heard them go no that's a different church bye-bye i mean if you don't want to fellowship with me and you're telling me i'm a heretic and i'm reading the bible and i'm seeing the exact opposite of what you're saying then maybe it's best that i separate myself i mean i hate it because i love you in the lord but what are you doing so first apostles and then secondarily and it goes on their uh prophets the early teachers and so i clearly see the apostles are part of the body of christ now here's what i do see this is a little different and i've talked about this before but in the early book of acts the message was more to jews and all it was all about believe okay a whole book of acts is all about believing you got to believe but it's believe who jesus is believe he's your messiah paul's message was all right now believe in what jesus did because the message that was revealed to paul is acts 13 38-39 and what is that message by this man is preached unto you forgiveness of sins that all the things you could not be justified first time we see the word justified after jesus dies by the law of moses you can only be justified through christ so the message of paul is the message of justified by faith or justified by his blood so paul's message is a little different he would go and he'd tell people jesus is the messiah but what did that mean to a gentile he's like he's the what now it the the jews been waiting for the messiah daniel's prophecy so they were waiting for who he was but god said paul the message that saves is believing in what i did you must trust in my blood atonement and trust what i did to save you so do you see the difference between the who and the what of the book of acts and so when you see that then you understand why paul's in the bible but these people that believed who jesus was before paul i believe they were in the body of christ and i believe the bible is very clear with that now let me show you why i say that go to first corinthians chapter 15 and verse 9. paul makes it very clear that being saved is being in christ which is being in the body of christ and then christ is in us the bible says so we're in christ and christ is in us so whenever paul uses the term in christ he's talking about in the body of christ well if the body of christ starts with paul then i guess you have to rip this verse out of your bible because look what it says in first corinthians chapter 15 and verse 9 for i am the least of the apostles and him not meet to be called an apostle because i persecuted the what so there were people that were in the body of christ the church before him right amen so i can't be a hyper-dispensationalist i just can't i'm not gonna say no i'm gonna have to cut this bible verse out in this bible verse and just say no i'm just gonna couple things that i already know i'm gonna have to forget just to get along with you i can't do that i just i can't and i won't let me show you romans 16 7. so i don't hate okay this is not hate i don't hate any of these groups i'm just sad that they don't study the bible right and i want to present to you what they teach and then i want you to know what the bible says so you can make up your own mind okay romans 16 7. romans 16 7 salute andronicus and junia my kinsmen and my fellow prisoners who are of note among the apostles who also were in christ before me so paul says he persecuted the church before he was safe so the church must have existed before paul so paul can't be the first one in the body of christ because the church is the body of christ and paul says there were some people in christ before him so what were they in they were in the body so how could anyone i just don't get it say nope the church didn't start until paul or the body of christ didn't start until okay so now it's called the body of paul now i've heard one of these now not all of them some of these hyper-dispensationalists they're all over the place some think this way something but they all have that in common they all say paul was the first one in the body of christ but i actually heard one of them and i guess not all of them believe this but i actually heard one of them say the body of christ is no jews it's only gentiles so i want to ask this guy so bad but i'd probably best be leave well enough alone but i just want to ask him what was paul was paula jew so you just said that the body of christ is only gentiles but your first dude in it is a jew didn't you just undo your whole thing i mean in your whole doctrine just like completely undone that doesn't make any sense to me so what i do is i go to the bible and i say okay these people say this these people say this and i love to do bible studies and look into what other you know denominations teach but i always have to go back to the bible and say now does that line up with the scripture and a lot of times it doesn't and that's why i choose not to be part of a seventh-day adventist i don't want to be a brighter i don't want to be a romanist a papist i don't want to be a pentecostal i don't want to be a hyper i just want to be a true bible believer and teach what the bible says and that verse we read said that that body he brought these two twain into one new man into one body by the cross so it has to be the cross and that's why it's called the body of christ now well i didn't write the verses down so i'll just tell you this before i and we won't go to the verses but you remember when jesus was sitting at the last supper and he says take drink this is my uh blood and take eat this is my body and while he's saying that it's three times in the gospels when he mentions that and it says this is that i shed free for many he says this is the blood that i shed for many and then in the second gospel it says this is the blood which i shed for many i sit there and i listen to one of these guys teaching and he says now it says there he shed his blood for many now that's not for these jews that was for the gentiles and i stopped and i said okay i'm just gonna shut out what he's saying right now because i know that's three times in the gospel i'm gonna look up every time and i looked up every time and the third time in the gospel it says this is my blood which i shed for you so twice jesus said this is my blood which i shed for many and he's trying to apply that to all those after paul gentiles but jesus said no for you and sitting in that room were a bunch of jews and i just said okay your doctrine is off i just i can't follow you i cannot accept what you're telling me no and so that's why i went ahead and i put in the front of my bible all these verses that are i call my anti-hyper dispensationalist verses right and if i ever meet one of them well i like to go to these verses and show them because yeah this is what the bible teaches and how you can teach that paul is the first one in the body of christ i just don't have you read the bible i mean i just and they're very dogmatic that they're not a part of another group and that's and that's wonderful a lot of them call themselves grace believers but where's the grace you know why can't we just get along and just not agree on that as long as we agree on everything else a lot of them you know got by the term of bereans and a brilliant is someone supposed to study well please study because if you do paul said there were people in the body before him i don't i just don't understand so i wanted to bring that to you tonight not attacking not putting down you know i love you in the lord if you're saved and you believe different you are my brother in christ but i can't go with you into that if you believe the body of christ started with paul and i would appreciate it if you wouldn't attack me and try to steal you know people away and everything else uh i want people to just follow the scripture you know and that's what it is so ray brought this up a little bit too about the hyper dispensationalist because he's been studying with me and he's seen this and i just want you to know who these people are and what they teach but then i want you to know the verses and how to deal with them i have three pages that i have printed up on my computer or verses if i ever meet someone that says they're hyper dispensationless i'll take those three pages and say well i know what you believe now would you read that tell me what you think some of the greatest news i've ever heard was some emails from people a pastor says you know i used to be hyper dismissalist but i studied with you and now i see it i'm going to preach it right in my church because what's interesting is all of the hyper dispensationalist church many of them are independent churches so they don't have to believe that's not part of the creed of their denomination so it's basically up to the pastor what he believes and you know that pastor could say you know i was wrong it's not paul it's jesus and this is the rightly dividing that i want you to get a hold of is the who to the what message and when you get a hold of that then you understand that acts as a transitional book and you get a hold of it and it's been a blessing to hear uh for me to hear at least that that some pastors have that were hyper dispensational they got right on this and i just say wow praise the lord so i it's not about me i don't want the glory i want the lord to get the glory amen so i'm going to close there anybody have any questions or any commentary on that anybody did i preach it right tonight i try to amen yes sir another one that the hyper can go to is i'm not sure the verse but it talks about paul going to the uncircumcised okay another thing they do is they'll say well paul said i'm only going to the uncircumcised and peter said i'm only going to the circumcised and they so they try to say he has the gospel to the circumcision he has the gospel to the uncircumcision so they say see two gospels the word gospel means good news so peter's like i'm going to take the good news to my people and peter i'm not going to call him a racist okay i'm not going to say that but if you read galatians he liked his people and he didn't like the gentiles i mean he did not want to go in acts chapter 10 and preach to cornelius he did one he's like no lord no you know three times not so lord you know it's like peter hello you know i can just imagine god going like this to peter just do what i say so peter wasn't somebody that wanted to go only to uh to uh what do you call them gentiles but paul all right one of the things that this uh diaper hyper dispensationalist uh the old guys stan bulger all these guys they used to say well peter only went to jews and paul only went to gentiles if you read your bible you have to just say that's the dumbest statement that any man has ever made in the history of the world you read the book of acts everywhere paul went he went to the synagogue first so on saturdays he's going to the synagogue trying to win jews some got saved and went with him and others didn't and usually he was only there a week or two before they run him off well he got a couple with him and when he did he goes now let's go get some gentiles saved so he's taking these new jews that he got saved and getting gentiles so he's going to the jew and the gentiles all throughout it's not to the end of the book of of acts that paul says from henceforth i will only go to the gentiles so to say that statement is wrong so this is how i see that uh peter says i've got the gospel the under circle says you've got the gospel of circumcision it's like he's saying i'm going to be a missionary to jews and you'd be a missionary to gentiles all right i was a missionary to honduras for years did that mean that i could only win people that were from honduras to the lord i'm sorry but you're from canada i'd really like to share the gospel with you but yep you're going to hell if you went down to honduras though i could win you to the lord no so it doesn't matter what you're a missionary to you still share the gospel to everybody you share it to so i that's another very weak argument of many hyper dispensationalists is to say uh paul only to gentiles peter no if you just simply read the book of acts everywhere paul went he's a synagogue he's going to the synagogue and he's trying to win jews because he loved his people right and of course peter you know he won cornelius to the lord but after that uh remember in galatians where paul rebuked peter because whenever the gentiles would come peter would withdraw himself and go stay and he's like what are you a racist or something you know these people are safe too why are you not giving them the time of day so uh you know that's a good point that's a good point another thing one thing but i don't know if it had any effect on it but paul was a roman citizen so yeah paul was a jew but he was also a roman citizen and so that's a lot about what the book of acts is about and by the way peter's kind of phased out in chapter 13. we don't really hear much about peter but the rest of the book of acts is all about paul and paul was actually a roman citizen so he invoked his roman citizenship and that's why he was sent to rome to be tried before caesar and so he wasn't a gentile but he was he was like playing both fields and that's really one of the reasons why god allowed him to be used so much because he had freedom to travel and so god wants to use a lot of people and thank god for the apostle paul that god used them but to try to make paul only the gentiles and only the first one in the body of christ you're stretching it and i hate to be rude but you're totally showing us that you haven't read your bible right because how could you make those statements if you've read in that one place if you've read the actual next verse the foundation is jesus it doesn't make sense anybody else any questions or anything like that all right well yes ma'am so you use the term baptist writers that sounds like a bit of a derogatory term they don't call themselves that exactly hyper-dispensationalists don't go hello i'm a hyper dispensationalist so this is a label that's been put on them and writers they don't even know what that means so a lot of this comes from bible believers that look at that and say well the way that i can describe that teaching is like this so yeah it might sound derogatory but i'm not being derogatory that's the only descriptive term that i can say so do not have a descriptive term for themselves do they cause like so most hyper-dispensationalists call themselves grace believers or bereans or i mean there's other names do you know of any you remember any but for the writers most of the baptist writers are just baptists and many of them are independent baptists sometimes southern a baptists exactly there's you don't really know if a church is about the brighter church unless you talk to the pastor and find out what do you believe about water baptism and if he says well it makes you a member of the church then that's kind of sign number one maybe you're one of those and if he uses this term alien baptism all the time then that's about the spriter so the way i see it when you get saved you can get baptized in water but i don't see that making you a member to me but many of your churches they have constitution set up that you can't be a member of our church unless you've been baptized in water so a lot of churches say if you want to be a member here you have to have been baptized in water okay that's their prerequisite and they go to peter and they go to other verses and they say you know that's a testimony or a type saying that i identify with the death burial and resurrection and they're saying that that's a what is the word i'm looking for a testimony but what's the word um a type or symbol that you're identifying with christ and you're telling the other believers yeah identify with the death burial resurrection so that's what they look at their water baptism as but i don't think that the act of water baptism saves you no and they don't believe that either but they think that that's what makes you a member of the body well then there was a old baptist who was one of the first baptist writers that wrote a book old landmarkism by j.r graves and j.r graves was one of those and he was a southern baptist and he believed that the membership into the church was water baptism and that teaching began to be taken i think alexander campbell and those people took it and they started to teach that you're not saved unless you get water baptism because you're not a part of this church without water so do you see how that because you're you're you're so far away from the bible that now you're getting to a point where someone can take that and twist it and then teach false doctrine and today there are people that believe water baptism saves you and makes you a member of the body of christ no no no no it's only through faith that we're saved then we can come over here if we want we can become a member and all that stuff but and it's a great thing to be a member of a local church you know what i'm saying but uh it's kind of and sometimes it gets silly i've met people who said i've been baptized seven times and they were church jumpers and every church says well you gotta be baptized by me all over again and it's like that's a lot most churches say well you just bring a paper and then they they pass what is that thing called where a pastor writes a a paper um there's papers no there's if you want to leave a church and go to another church like you're moving a letter of recommendation or something like that and the pastor writes a letter and says so-and-so is a member of a good studying of our church he was baptized here and you take that to another church and pastor reads that he says okay i don't have to baptize you again because you were because a lot of times in the old days back in the 1800s a guy goes to this church and then he does evil stuff and he leaves and he wants to join the other church up the road and they're like let me go ask your old pastor no don't talk to him you know why because the guy stole money from the church or something and he just wants to be a member of another church well there was a reason he left and the pastor needs to know that guy's a liar and our thief or something like that so yeah that all goes back but anyway yeah good question one more thing mentioned landmark right uh most of them are known can be known by their name they put in their in their title of their church right yeah yeah not all but but some baptist churches if they if they're called landmark baptist it's because they're going back to jr graves and that they are and so just by the name now not always but because another pastor could come in and believe something different but but yeah that is a possibility and uh so you kind kinda right right laura's sister went to a berean church it was brilliant about the church well they're not bereans that's just the name just like you went to a church macedonian baptist church well they're not macedonians you know but um i was gonna say something about the landmark this j.r graves if you get a chance get that book by j.r graves old landmarkism i read it and he was he was more baptist than bible believer is the way i explained it and he said in the lord's supper you have to use liquor i was just like oh that's horrible and so you get all these weird doctrines with these weird people and uh that brings us to you know how much do i overlook to go to church basically because not everybody believes the same thing and that's why we ought to have grace we've been to churches before where we don't agree 100 with the pastor 92 95 it's kind of like how much percent am i willing to put up with that well if it's only something he preaches once every year to then i can overlook that but if i go every sunday and every sunday it's paul the body of christ starts with paul then i'm just like bye you know because i know that's not right but if he says it one time and it never says it again then i could possibly put up with that for fellowship but it's just one of those things where god's given us a conscience and a mind and we can decide for ourselves what church we go to we really can some pastors will say you're evil if you're not coming to my church well that's a dictator and the best thing to do is to run and get out of that church because that's not a pastor who cares about you he just wants your money okay and that's a sad thing so a lot of churches today how sad that many of the pastors come in and preach false doctrine a lot of good people leave and where do they go a lot of times they get out and they it's just so sad and you see the other side too you see a good pastor come in and the bad people run him off and things like that and until we get to heaven we're never gonna have perfect church right so the body of christ the church in heaven is perfect spotless you know as it says in ephesians chapter five but um it's good to know these things and it's good to if you go to a church and you hear a pastor preach something wrong ask to speak with him and show him the verses and say pastor you said this well here's what the bible says how do you reconcile that because i i honestly i don't agree because i see this and you say this so i have to either leave because we're in disagreement or you can have grace on me or i can have grace on you is there any is there any wiggle room here you know a lot of these things are what we call non-essential doctrines that are are so non-essential they have nothing to do with salvation sanctification of the scriptures so can we just agree to disagree well a lot of time pride is the problem and people get so full of pride they get their prides hurt and then they attack one another and then they run each other off or whatever and that's something that we should never do we should all be in the unity of the faith right you know what the bible says so i did my best today to show you why i can't be one of those that believes that paul started the body of christ because it's called christ's body not paul's and paul said there are people in christ and in the church before him he persecuted and i just see that now i'm not going to preach this every message this is just every once in a while i'll mention this in passing but i want you to know who i am and where i stand okay and we can be friends if you disagree but don't make it a point of contention all right and don't do like paul said be one of those that tries to creep into a church and lead away uh people how does it say disciples try to [Music] lead captive or you know silly women yet but take away let's go there let's go to acts chapter 20 i believe it is and let's read that because um that causes division if ever there was a time for christians to unite it's now but christians are more divisive now than they've ever been and that's why the devil is winning because christians won't take a stand together acts chapter 20 verse 28 paul says this take he there to therefore unto yourselves to all the flock over which the holy ghost has made you overseers to feed the church of god which he hath purchased with his own blood amen i love the verses on the blood of jesus verse 29 for i know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock also of your own selves shall men arise and that sounds like saved people the 29 sounds like lost people coming in but then it says of your own sounds like say people shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them don't be one of them verse 31 therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years i cease not to warn everyone night and day with tears so he's like i i cried for you people because i don't want to see you led astray by wolves and i don't want people in on church itself to mess you up with false teaching and he literally loved them and that's what a true pastor is someone who loves his people and that's an important thing anybody else great questions amen i hope i'm not coming across as attacking i'm not amen i'm just presenting the facts amen it's all good all right well let's go to lord in prayer thank you lord for the opportunity to go to the scriptures lord we just love you and we love your word and the only thing we can hold on to lord is your word man's only as good as his word god and your word lord it's good it's wonderful it's great and i just want to follow what you say god i'm not interested in impressing people or um lord i don't want to to to have what people think about me sway what i believe lord i just want to make sure that i'm rooted and grounded in the word and i thank you for your word lord i pray everyone here would be the same that they would follow what you say god and go by what the bible says lord we just thank you for this opportunity tonight to meet together and to study your word in jesus name we pray please keep keep us safe and take us home safely in jesus name amen all right well there it is oh add some things off camera okay here we go now for the after show no
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 29,071
Rating: 4.8834953 out of 5
Keywords: The Body of Christ, the Church, what is the church, who's in the church, when did the church start?
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 48sec (4608 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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