Going to The Gospels Instead of Paul's Gospel

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and welcome back i'm robert breaker and today's sermon is going to be entitled and this is going to be a doozy i'm looking forward to this one i told my wife what the title would be and she goes classic breaker i thought that was funny so let's hope this becomes a classic breaker sermon today we're going to talk about going to the gospels plural instead of going to paul's gospel and this is a problem this is something that i've seen over the years in the ministry and a lot of other folks as well many many many many people in christianity you know quotation marks do this and are guilty of this they love to run to the gospels plural but they never seem to find paul's gospel well are they even a christian are they even saved i mean that it's a good question because well according to the bible paul is there for a reason and we need to know what paul's message is and why paul is there and what his ministry is so we're going to talk about a lot of that today and i've seen this for years and i've known about this for many many years and i've really wanted to talk about this for some time but i've been putting it off putting it off putting it off and then i got a hold of some books and some things that just kind of tied it all together so i'm looking forward to explaining it and getting it to you let's go quickly to second timothy 2 15. then in your other hand i want you to get romans 16 25 and then your other hand i know you only have two hands but we got four verses we need to start off with okay second timothy 2 15 romans 16 25 2 timothy 2 8 in romans 2 16. so let's go there as you're turning to second timothy 2 15 romans 16 25 second timothy 2 8 and romans 2 16. i'll go ahead and draw up here what we draw up well most of the time because i love to draw this up here boy i didn't do a good job but that's okay here is the cross of calvary all right here's the old testament law that's in the old testament well today we're not under that old testament today we're in the new testament thank god for the new testament i think i'll erase this line if i can try to make it a little bit straighter there boy what a mess i just made okay and uh well it'll have to be what it is and you know the bible teaches that today we're in the church age after the church age at the rapture starts the tribulation period that starts the millennial kingdom of christ so here is the rapture and here is armageddon when jesus comes in his glory to defeat his enemies and this of course would be the church age all right so let's look at this because this is important where are the gospels well the gospels plural are right here and the gospels are matthew mark luke and john now do you see where i put them up here i put them before the cross and there's a reason for that and when i'm talking about the gospels that's the gospels right here so these are the gospels that i'm referring to there but what i'm talking about is paul's gospel and paul's gospel is in here where we are where are we right now we're about right here on god's calendar we're very close to the rapture so you have the gospels in the bible matthew mark luke and john but they're back here and then you have paul's gospel and that's the gospel for today the gospel of salvation and they're not the same thing now let me say from the beginning before we get started i am not against matthew mark luke and john okay there are some people that will go to an extreme and i've seen so many extremists and it's so sad some people go to one extreme and say you should never go to paul paul shouldn't be in the bible we don't follow paul we only follow jesus and their doctrine they only take from matthew mark luke and john that's an extremist wrong heretical view okay because they leave out paul and you can't do that then you have people go to an opposite extreme and they go well we don't ever read matthew mark luke and john because we know that's not for us today that was before jesus died and so we don't read that we only go to paul that's an extremist view what is the correct view what is the right view look at them both but rightly divide rightly divide now second timothy 2 15 says this second timothy 2 15 says study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so there's something that the bible says we're supposed to do we're supposed to rightly divide and you know what a lot of people today don't do that a lot of your so-called religious people that claim to be christian they do not rightly divide that is sad that is said now go over to romans chapter 16 and we'll start in that verse here in a minute but uh let me show you something i love studying family history okay and i found a lot out about my family history matter of fact um you can go to youtube and look at my video and i have a godly heritage and i talk about my heritage where i come from and how a lot of the people in my past were christians it saved people and i think that's great and i found out about my fifth great grandfather named george breaker he came from switzerland over to america so he was the first american if you will and he's what seven generations back or something like that well because of him we named my son conrad george douglas breaker to remember george well george had a brother and this is george's brother his name is ulrich breaker do i no not really the same nose not really don't look like him too much i know my daughter sure has that nose looks like him but this is um uric breaker my fifth great uncle all right he wrote a journal of his life and to this day many people who speak german they love ulrich breaker they call him uli old uli breaker in uli breaker is known as the poor man of togenberg now this is my spanish copy when i found out about all this i said man i got to get to his book that he wrote and uh i could only find it in spanish well since then i've spouted in english and i've read it in english and in spanish but it's the poor man of togenberg and he tells his life story of what life was like in the 1700s and it's pretty interesting now my german is not very good okay in german it's their arm and man in togemborg or something like that okay and uh he uh i wish i could speak german um i oh i wish i could speak german i'm going to see goodness tolescalligan you know that's the most i can do but fail is the failure you know uh insulin i mean my german is very limited my deutsche is okay so i don't speak german i wish i did but um ulrich did and he wrote about his life and i read his life story and boy it's sad some of the things he went through as a poor man in switzerland and in his story here i couldn't help but laugh it was so funny his parents were christians and back in the 1700s some man had written a book about why they thought jesus was coming back in the 1700s and they were going through the book of revelation and in his house they said they would sit around the table and talk about what we think the rapture is going to be in 1700 and such and such because we're reading the book of revelation my whole life growing up my dad talking with other people we think the rapture is going to be in you know 1988 or 1989 or 1993 and it's like wow 300 years ago my ancestors were talking about the same thing that we're talking about today boy i can't wait for jesus to come back but uh this guy ulrich my fifth great uncle my fifth great grandfather's brother had a little bit of a testimony of salvation and according to his words he believed in the blood of jesus for salvation and i thought that was great and as a young child one of his ancestors i remember was his aunt or what gave him a book called true christianity by johann arndt arnd well i was like i gotta find that book and it was a protestant doctrine book of doctrines and it's called true christianity by johann arndt a-r-n-d-t so i got this book and i said man i want to know what he knew back then i went through this book and read it and there's a lot of good doctrine in this book and you tell i've gone through the whole thing marked it up and everything and it's an interesting book but and it does start out talking about the blood and the importance of the blood and everything like that and a doctrine of faith salvation by faith and and a lot of it came from luther and how you're justified by faith faith then what well it says faith in the blood but like many protestants and like many in the time because they came out of catholicism always remember the baptists were never protestants they existed before protestantism they never were in the catholic church they were always on the outside saying no we we believe in paul we believe in the bible we believe that we don't want to get into a false religion i thank god for protestants coming out of the catholics but there was always a faithful witness of god before see my video on denominationalisms on youtube i believe it was a live stream if i remember right but this book just cemented for me what i've already known is that a lot of christianity is mixed up because they don't rightly divide they take the gospels and they mix them with paul's gospel and you can't do that there's a lot of things that took place in matthew mark luke and john that were only two jews okay and yet people today take some of that and they try to apply it to us today we're not jews we're the church we're the body of christ so as the body of christ we're different i do not believe in replacement theology but i do believe in the difference between israel and the church and so what i wanted to preach today is what i've read in that book and what i've read and seen in a lot of different denominations it all boils down to this do you rightly divide a lot of them don't in a lot of churches leave out completely the apostle paul well he talks about paul and he takes some of paul but he tries to mix paul with some of this in matthew mark luke and john and then he's got a faith in works gospel so he says it right out of one side of his mouth it's only through faith you're saved but then he turns into a lordship salvation as he says but if you don't do good works then you probably weren't safe and you gotta do to the end why if you don't endure to the end and it's not rightly dividing and that's what most of modern christianity today is guilty of so i want to make this video to try to show you the error you can get into if you go to the gospels only and you forget to go to the gospel of paul okay i'm not dissing matthew mark luke and john i'm not putting those books down i am not saying you can't go to matthew mark luke john please understand that okay i'm sure in the world some people say well he's against matthew martin luke and john no no no i'm just pointing out the difference and i'm trying to show you how to rightly divide okay i've gone along already just in the introduction so let's go to romans 16 25 let me briefly and quickly show you about paul and the importance of paul roman 16 25 says this paul says now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel okay these are called the gospels the gospel of matthew the gospel of mark the gospel of luke the gospel of john gospel means good news so matthew mark luke and john all wrote books about the life of jesus because it was good news hey here's the messiah he came let me tell you about it but that's not the gospel that saves us we're not saved by the gospel of john matthew mark or luke we're saved by the gospel of salvation which in the bible is called the gospel of christ the gospel of the grace of god the gospel of salvation okay and that is something that god gave to paul i'm gonna tell you what it is here in a minute so if you only go to matthew mark luke and john and thinking they're the gospel well yes the books themselves are called gospel books because they speak about the gospel of the good news of christ but the salvation message was given to paul later so don't leave out paul and only go there or you'll get in a mess and you'll do what we call not rightly dividing you'll be misapplying scriptures if you don't rightly divide so romans 16 25 now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel who's speaking here paul and the preaching of jesus christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began so there was something that god revealed a revelation to paul that was a mystery so if you only go to matthew martin luke and john which is what modern christianity does they exclude paul and they say oh we only go to matthew mark luke and john and we follow jesus um are you really following jesus paul says jesus gave him some mysteries and revealed to him some things so if you really want to follow jesus you come over here to paul because what jesus said is not just in matthew mark luke and john what jesus said is over here in paul too okay i want you to get ahold of that so let's go to ii timothy but here paul says that his ministry was to preach something that was revealed to him by jesus so if you leave out paul you leave out revelation from jesus christ that is for you today i wouldn't want to do that don't you want to know what jesus said and have the total revelation of jesus don't you want to have everything that jesus wants you to have why would you just take part of it why wouldn't you take all of the bible well there are people out there that don't rightly divide they say no we forget paul he's not for us we only go to matthew mark luke and john you better be careful because you're losing something what are you losing the revelation that god gave to paul that's for us today second timothy 2 8 2 timothy 2 8 paul again says remember that jesus christ of the seed of david was raised from the dead according to my gospel what i'm doing is i'm giving you three verses in which paul calls the gospel that he preached my gospel romans 16 25 second timothy 2 8 now turn over to romans 2 16. so paul's gospel he calls it my gospel he says it's a gospel that god gave me for you so if it's from jesus christ then it's for us all right so we'd better heed it we better listen to it we better pay attention to it unfortunately a lot of people today don't pay attention to paul's gospel whoops is that good or is that bad i've heard people literally say i don't need paul i'm getting to heaven with jesus only through jesus well that's what paul preaches is that salvation is only through jesus but then paul says but specifically this way through jesus but a lot of people say i don't believe that i'm going this way but that way it was to the jews under matthew mark luke and john don't you want to come the way god said after the cross to come to him and there is a way that god said through paul's gospel so you omit paul's gospel you got a problem look at what paul says the third time in the bible when paul calls it my gospel romans 2 16 in the day when god shall judge the secrets of men by jesus christ according to my gospel so god is the judge and someday god will judge all men according to what paul's gospel so do you have paul's gospel do you believe paul scott how about this do you even know what paul's gospel is hmm it's kind of hard to find paul's gospel in matthew mark luke and john now there it's alluded to in some places all right jesus does say i'm going to lay down my life and i'm but it's not explicitly given in matthew mark luke and john it's kind of like you have to read between the lines or or it's it's kind of scattered it's not directly to the point hey here is the gospel so it's kind of hard to find salvation in matthew mark luke and john and paul says look god gave me the gospel he revealed it to me it's my gospel and you're going to be judged by it someday so do you see why we have to go to paul i hope so a lot of people in this world don't see that and it's kind of sad and so a lot of people today in the world will go to only matthew mark luke and john and they claim to be christians and they say well we just follow jesus well yeah matthew mark luke and john are all about jesus but that's his earthly ministry there's a whole lot more bible after the earthly ministry of jesus but yet a lot of people only want this they don't want this do you know two-thirds of the bible is after matthew mark luke and john well i said that wrong let me say that right two-thirds of the new testament paul takes up two-thirds of the whole new testament if you include his epistles and the chapters in the book of acts now the book of acts is a transitional book so there are some changes going on transitional book and there's some things changing as you read through the bible but again many people in so-called modern christianity do not want to deal with paul they only want matthew mark luke and john but you got a problem there's a whole lot more of the bible so you need to get into it and understand paul is the one who god gave the gospel of salvation to and god said now follow paul's gospel because you're going to be judged by that because that was me jesus revealing to paul something for you to know so that you can be saved so why would you only go here when over here is the way to be saved so the book of acts is a transitional book from jews to the church from israel to the church okay from water baptism to blood spirit baptism and there's there's changes taking place and that's why it's so important and that's why you're instructed in the bible to rightly divide now go to matthew chapter four when jesus came did jesus christ preach the same gospel as paul well some people who don't rightly divide and don't know their bible would probably stand up and go yes yes jesus and paul preached the same gospel really okay well let's look at that look at what it says in matthew 4 23 and let's see what it says jesus was preaching matthew chapter 4 verse 23 jesus went about all galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom so when jesus came in his earthly ministry the gospel he preached was the gospel of the kingdom what is the kingdom well this is the kingdom over here his millennial reign so jesus came hoping that he would be accepted by the jews so he could reign for a thousand years did they accept them no no unfortunately they rejected him you can go over here to chapter 9 verse 35 there's many many many places in matthew mark luke and john when jesus is preaching he's preaching the gospel of the kingdom that's not paul's gospel that's that's different that's a gospel to jews about hey i want to rule as the king of israel for a thousand years is that the gospel for today well that's not paul's gospel paul doesn't talk about this is the kingdom now he talks about the kingdom of god but not the kingdom of heaven there are two different things see my video on youtube about that so matthew chapter 9 verse 35 again we read jesus preaching the gospel of the kingdom and jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues who's that well jews jews go to the synagogue their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and on and on so the gospel message of matthew mark luke and john is the kingdom message hey the kingdom is a coming if you'll accept your messiah otherwise not going to be too good for you is that the message for today well if you read the book of acts you see oh it changed and because they rejected the messiah well now the kingdom is postponed see my video on youtube entitled the postponement theory to learn more about that now what about paul what did paul preach let's go over here to galatians chapter one did paul preach that same gospel message gospel means good news in other words was paul's preaching the same as jesus was paul preaching get ready because the kingdom's coming well i don't see that i don't see paul preaching a kingdom message because that was a message to jews here's what paul says about his gospel galatians chapter 1 verse 11 and 12 but i certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man for i neither received it of man neither was i taught it but by the revelation of jesus christ so there was a revelation given to paul and paul got a revelation from jesus of a gospel that was not after man so the paul's gospel is not after man so it was revealed to him by jesus now why didn't he just preach the same thing that jesus did well clearly he didn't because he tells us that what i preached was a completely different revelation something new something different so ball's gospel was not of man but from jesus himself so was his gospel the kingdom message no no that's not what he tells us he tells us there was a message that i got that was a little different the gospel revealed to paul is the gospel revealed to him by jesus christ which is the gospel of salvation for us today in the church age so we've got to remember that now let's go back to matthew 15 let me make sure you see this okay sadly a lot of people don't see it and those who don't see it are those who do not know what it means in the bible to rightly divide the bible says we're supposed to rightly divide that means we take the bible we look at it and go okay this was in this time period and this was to these people now this is to us today you know there's an old saying that goes like this all the bible is for us okay to read we should read all the bible but not all the bible is to us as the doctrine for today we are no longer under the old testament law okay yes i read the old testament i love it there's a lot of great stuff in the old testament but i'm not trying to keep the old testament law to be saved the bible was written for me to read but the old testament law is not to me for salvation what's to me today for salvation is the thing that god revealed to paul it's that revelation to him which is the gospel of salvation it's called paul's gospel and that's what saves me so i'm not trying to keep the law to be saved i rightly divide the bible i go oh so today it's called dispensations is what's called today god's working with me through something that he dispensed to paul which was hey this is the message of salvation for today why why would it be different a lot of people say well jesus christ is the same yesterday and forever yeah jesus is the same he never changes but he can sure change the message that he deals with people because he's dealing with several different types of people here he's dealing with jews over here now he's dealing with gentiles wanting them to get saved and then when they do get saved now they're part of the body of christ in the bible there's three different groups jews gentiles and the church of god so you've got to understand that and you've got to rightly divide okay let's go to matthew 15 verse 24. here's what jesus christ says about his ministry in matthew mark luke and john matthew 15 24 but he answered and said who's that jesus but he answered and said i am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of israel so jesus christ said look my ministry this ministry of me is only to israel so jesus christ said when i came here in my earthly ministry i was preaching a gospel about this and i was only giving it to the jews to israel wow now a lot of people today say no everything jesus said is for us today well i'm going to show you some things that he said i'm going to ask you are you going to apply that to you see a lot of people don't rightly divide they don't think here let's go to matthew chapter 10 in matthew chapter 10 jesus took his early disciples which today we call the apostles and jesus told them here's what you do now watch how interesting this is during his earthly ministry watch what jesus says matthew chapter 10 and verse six and seven matthew 10 6 jesus says this well actually five and six i told you six and seven my bad well let's start back in verse five these 12 jesus sent forth and commanded them saying all right these are the 12 disciples go not ok don't go go not into the way of the gentiles and into any city of the samaritans enter ye not what a thing to say why would jesus say whatever you do don't go give this gospel to any gentiles does god hate gentiles or could this be a different dispensation in a different time for different people and a different message than the message of paul yeah it'd have to be so he says go not into the way of the gentiles verse 6 but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of israel now verse 7 and as ye go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand oh the kingdom message so jesus is telling the jews hey the message in my ministry is jews need to hear about the kingdom and they need to know that i'm here because i'm here and i want the kingdom so now it fell on the jews whether they wanted it or not now acts the book of acts what happened if you read your bible i don't see how you can miss what happened all right three times the jews rejected their messiah let's call it the three rejections the three rejections of their because it's the jews messiah you know in the bible that up showed john the baptist and john the baptist showed up and john the baptist said behold the kingdom of heaven is at hand another kingdom message and he says hey jesus is coming repent and be baptized and so he said i was sent by the father and out show up the pharisees and said are you he or should we look for another he said i'm not him he said now get baptized because he's coming after me but they say we we don't want to so the pharisees rejected the message of the father hey accept the messiah so that the kingdom would come they rejected him well then comes jesus christ the son and jesus shows up and and we know he is the son of god god the son and he shows up and what did they do crucify him crucify him crucify him and the pharisees the religious leaders said we don't want this man to rule over us and they killed jesus christ now that was all part of god's plan he knew because he knew jesus would die but then would rise again the third day so he knew that would happen but then god sent out the early apostles and there was one in particular named stephen and all the way out here in acts chapter seven toward the end of chapter seven stephen is preaching to the pharisees and he's saying that you killed him you crucified him but you need to accept him do you choose him and those jews those religious leaders picked up some rocks and they stoned stephen to death and as stephen is dying he says you stiff-necked and i'm circumcised why do you always resist the holy spirit or the holy ghost so look at that you know in baseball it's strike three and you're out god is merciful strike three israel you rejected god the father you rejected god the son now you rejected the holy spirit you rejected the kingdom message from god the father the son you you told god three times we don't want the kingdom and what does it say in chapter seven of the book of acts it says jesus christ is up in heaven and he says he looked up and he says i saw him standing in heaven that shows me right there that jesus could have come back and set up the kingdom strike three on israel they said nah we don't want it well it's not long after chapter seven over here in chapter nine i believe it is when we see paul get saved miraculously get saved and then we see paul going out and then we see the rest of the book of acts is about paul all right except for 10 and 11 which talks about old peter but peter sees some gentiles get saved so god goes from the jews to the gentiles and we start seeing god saving gentiles by the hundreds under paul's ministry so we see a change in the bible so if you rightly divide the word of truth you understand oh okay so now god is going to start going to the gentiles now remember back here he said don't go to the gentiles whatever you do here we're only to the lost sheep of the house it but now hey let's go to the gentiles why the change because the jews rejected their messiah and that's what jesus is he is the messiah and someday they will accept him as their messiah but right now they don't you know what's funny they're looking for the messiah i just saw was it february 21st or 22nd i can't remember which but uh israel said to all jews worldwide a worldwide prayer to pray to heaven and beg god to send the messiah the jews are looking for their messiah and they all got together on that day all over the world and they prayed a prayer i can't remember what time was it was six o'clock or something and at that time all jews all over the world were supposed to pray lord please send the messiah well if you know your bible you know the false messiah comes first and he's the antichrist and then they're like oh i got duped even jesus said that back here there will be one that comes in his own name and him you'll accept but he's not me so you got to watch out for that but if you know your bible you know all this stuff now let's go to romans chapter 15 let me show you what paul says so why is paul in the bible well i don't have time to read it so i'll just quote it romans 11 13 paul tells us what his ministry is and in romans 11 13 paul says i am the apostle to the gentiles so the reason that paul is in the bible is to take the gospel to the gentiles now he would always go to the jew first all throughout the book of acts he's going to the synagogue still trying to reach the jews then they rejected then he went to the gentiles and he saw a lot more gentiles get saved than jews but paul is the apostle to the gentiles now in romans 15 paul tells us the difference between him and his gospel and his ministry and jesus and jesus gospel in jesus ministry look what it says romans 15 8 now i say that jesus christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of god to confirm the promises made unto the father so jesus christ was a minister to the circumcision what is that those under the law had to be circumcised so the jews so jesus christ came to minister to them in order to bring them the kingdom if they would have received him now look at verse 16 at the contrast of what paul says that i should be the minister of jesus christ to the gentiles ministering the gospel of god that the offering up of the gentiles might be acceptable being sanctified by the holy ghost so paul says look jesus to jews now i'm over here and god told me to go more to the gentiles now that doesn't mean he didn't try to win some jews to the lord he did but he said my ministry was to be the apostle to the gentiles and to win as many people as i could to jesus christ now let's go to hebrews chapter 9 quickly there's so many verses i have here be interesting if i get through this in an hour i really want to hebrews chapter 9 verse 16. so we need to understand hebrews 9 16 that paul tells us to rightly divide now a lot of people say what does that even mean rightly divide okay there are in your bible some divisions the most basic division in the bible is old testament new testament you go to your bible and you open it up will people say well matthew mark luke and john's in the new testament yes in the bible the two testaments are the old testament books and then the new testament books why because well they didn't write the books until after the new testament so matthew mark luke and john are in the new testament of the bible but when did the new testament literally begin according to the bible let me show you that in hebrews chapter 9 and verse 16. hebrews 9 16 says this for where a testament is there must also of be necessity be the death of a testator okay so the bible tells us that when the death took place of jesus that was the marker that started the new testament so the division so everything past the death of christ is new testament everything before is old testament so when you read matthew mark luke and john you need to realize that everything you read in matthew mark luke and john before jesus died took place in the old testament still and the new testament started when jesus died so toward the end of the book of matthew there's where it starts with the new testament the end of the book of mark and luke and john and so it's still events that took place during the old testament when you read matthew mark luke and john it didn't start until when jesus literally died then that's all the new testament you ever thought about that when you read the bible that you're still in the old testament when you're reading matthew mark luke and john until jesus literally dies in those books so that's a different testament how does that apply to us today now there are some things jesus said in john and some other places that are great talking about belief and talking about forgiveness and time and there's a lot of preachers that'll preach for matthew mark luke and john i like to go to matthew mark luke and john sometimes and preach a message i'm not saying you can't go there and get a message to preach but i want you to write the divide and to remember that this was still the earthly ministry of jesus so it's kind of hard to apply everything that took place before the cross to us today you got to be careful so paul gives us the gospel and paul said so after jesus died god revealed to me the gospel to preach all right so what is that well paul tells us in first corinthians 15 1-4 and the gospel that paul preaches is first corinthians 15 1-4 and it says moreover brother and i declare to you the gospel now let me skip down quickly to verse 3 and 4 for sake of time but please read the whole thing verse 3 says for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to scripture so the gospel is the death burial resurrection of jesus christ for our sins but also how he died it's not just that it says that he died it says how did he die he died by shedding his blood the bible says without shedding of blood there's no remission of sins and so the thing that god revealed to paul is hey it's the blood and god told paul he says you're saved by grace through faith faith in what faith in the blood so ephesians 2 8 9 says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast faith in what romans 3 25 paul's message was the blood and that salvation is through faith in the blood romans 3 25 whom god set forth to be a propitiation literally means the act of appeasing wrath to be a pro-appreciation so my substitute in my place who took god's wrath for my sin on himself all right i don't have to go downstairs and burn for all eternity and pay for my sins jesus took my sins he paid for my sins in my place at the cross well if i come to him and i trust that then my sins are forgiven well i'll take that please i don't want to go to the other place so it's through the blood and the bible says through faith in his blood so salvation is by faith faith in what faith in the blood it says it right there through faith in his blood so that was paul's message the message of paul was the message of justified and what's so neat is in acts 13 38 and 39 paul started preaching something and when he said these words in this passage of scripture it caused a big stink among the early church and they all met together in acts chapter 15 and they talked it over and the question was are we saved by the law is it the works of the law that saves us and paul says no the thing god revealed to me was we're saved by grace through faith i'm gonna misspell through without works without the keeping of the law so without works faith in what faith in the blood so god revealed to paul a message and the message was hey it's not the law anymore it's trusting in christ and what he did it's the message of being justified by faith justified by the blood so paul's message was all about what jesus did okay i want you to get a hold of that paul's message paul's gospel is all about what jesus did okay how different that was to the jews because what did the jews believe well they had been for 1500 years under the works of the law and so they were going around saying it's all about what we do because we have to do the law in order for god to be pleased with us so they had a works based set up in which they were trusting in what they were doing paul says now i'm going to tell you something right now the thing that god revealed to me is this it's not what we do that saves us it's what jesus did when he shed his blood on the cross and if you'll come and you'll trust that blood then jesus will be your blood atonement for your sins and that would remind you of oh yeah the only blood atonement we had in the old testament was when we sacrificed an animal and that was what gave us forgiveness oh now i remember what john said behold the lamb of god just take the way to the world yeah so jesus as our lamb why he shed his blood okay i'm going to take that blood i'm going to believe i'm going to accept i'm going to trust in that blood i'm going to receive romans 5 11 that atonement by faith for my sins romans 5 11 and not only so but we also joy in god through our lord jesus christ by whom we have now received the atonement so have you received the atonement now when you look at matthew mark luke and john very seldom do you find the blood now there are a couple passages i remember jesus the last supper saying take eat this is the blood of the new testament so he's saying what you're drinking there is a type of when i shed my blood in the future for you so it's it's there that we can look back and see certain things but when jesus was literally there in matthew mark luke and john before he died he was still preaching a works message in a kingdom message because things hadn't changed yet so a lot of people today who claim to be christians will go to the bible and they don't rightly divide and they'll only go to matthew mark luke and john and they begin preaching what's called a works message and they teach something that is not salvation today because see it's not the works and by leaving out paul they're left utterly hopelessly lost because they're not rightly dividing and they're not coming over here to paul's message of salvation and i find that atrocious i find that as one of the worst things that could ever happen now let me show you this i like to call it this all right let me see if i can put this up here for you too i want you to get a hold of something that the lord showed me a long time ago and i like to call this and i could have room for everything but i like to call this the difference between the who message and the what message okay over here paul's message is all about what jesus did he shed his blood for the forgiveness of our sins it's what jesus did what did he do he died by shedding his blood and how are we saved by trusting in what jesus did that's the message of paul it's all about what he did for us to save us but the early message of matthew mark luke and john and even in the early book of acts until it changed was all about who jesus was and you cannot help but see that if you read the bible john chapter 1 verse 19 and this is the record of john when the jews sent priests and levites from jerusalem to ask him who art thou and he confessed and did i not be confessed i'm not the christ who's speaking here they're asking john the baptist who are you so they come to him and say so who are you and uh verse 21 they asked him what then art thou elias and he said i am not art thou that prophet and he answered no so they're saying hey who i mean almost sounds like an owl as you read through matthew mark luke and john how many times you hear who who who who who and they're all all these pharisees are who are you who are you are you him who are you why is that because in the old testament there was a prophecy given by daniel of a messiah that would come after so many years and if those jews read their bible they would have known in our day that messiah is coming so when john the baptist showed up they went up and said are you him who are you are you the messiah that we're waiting for you guys no no but he's coming right after me well i wish they'd listened but they didn't and so when jesus came he started doing healings he started doing miracles he started talking about the kingdom and they said who are you he said wouldn't you like to know i know who i am do you and he's like just believe in me and then you'll know but they didn't want to believe that they wanted so bad in their own self-righteousness to trust in themselves that they couldn't give up their own self-righteousness and trust in him they did not want to believe that jesus was the promised messiah but all throughout matthew mark luke and john is the message of believe in who he is believe in the name believe in who he is go to matthew 16 13. we've got to move we've got a lot of verses here matthew 16 13 when jesus came under the coast of caesarea philippi he asked of his disciples saying whom do men say that i the son of man m whom who do they say i am whom do they say and then it says there well some days think you're this guy or that guy or the other guy or some old prophet go to mark 9 41. you cannot read matthew mark luke and john without seeing this who message over and over and over it's all about who is jesus who he is who he is who he is and his name another thing it's all about the name of jesus what's so great about the name okay i'll show you that here in a minute but when you see the difference between the message of the early apostles and jesus and the message of paul it's the difference between who and what and by the way i believe paul wrote the book of hebrews and that's all hebrews is first seven eight chapters is who jesus is he's the creator he's lord he's messiah he's the christ he's god and then now let me tell you what he did he's the author of eternal salvation so the who verses what message paul understood and explained to us in the book of hebrews now mark 9 41 for whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name because you belong to christ verily i say unto you he shall not lose his reward so believe in who he is and believe in his name that's the message of matthew mark luke and john in the early book of acts it's all about believing in who he is john 3 18. look at john 3 18 believe in what believe in his name he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god go to uh 20 and verse 3. john chapter 20 verse 3. so do you see this difference you see part of reading the bible is looking for differences that's how you rightly divide that is not the same as that if it was the same then we say well that's the same but there's a lot of things that are different in the bible and when we're saved we get the holy spirit and the holy spirit leads us into all righteousness and we can learn and we go okay so that's different than this over here okay that was a different time that was an older testament this is the new testament that was about who he was now we're under this where we have to believe in what he did for us okay but john chapter 20 verse 31 look what it says but these are written that you may believe that jesus is the christ the son of god and that believing you might have life through his name what's all this emphasis on the name of jesus and who he is in matthew mark luke and john that's not paul's message even way out to acts chapter 10 and then after that it starts changing with the new message in acts 13 given to paul but acts chapter 10 and verse 43 look what it says here to him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall have remission of sin so through his name the name the name the name look at this it's the early message of the apostles go back to acts chapter 2. acts 2 21. look at this acts chapter 2 and verse 21 and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved what's all the emphasis on who he is and what his name is you go down to verse 38 then peter said to them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the mission of sins we can do this all day i mean i've got more uh acts 3 16 acts 3 16 and his name through faith in his name okay the the faith in the name of jesus was the early book of acts but with paul it was faith in the blood not just his name so the who versus what it's different it's definitely different look at verse 7 and chapter 4 acts 4 7 and when they had set him in the midst they asked by what power but what name have you done this uh verse 10 be it known to you all and to all the people of israel that by the name of jesus christ of nazareth whom you crucified whom god raised from the dead even by him that this man stand here before you whole verse 12 neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among none other name whereby you must be saved how can you go on and on look at verse 17 look at verse 18. look at acts 8 12 look at acts 9 14 and of course we've already looked at acts 10 43 so all throughout matthew mark luke and john it's all about who jesus was and all about that name and believing in the name now why was that well because if you know your bible and if you have read the old testament you know the promise was there's a messiah and he's a coming and you need to trust in him when he comes so it's believing in who he was and that's what the early church was when it was still only jews they all believed who jesus was they believed in his name now why would it say believe in his name well the name of jesus is g sus it's almost a compound word did you know j is short for jehovah and soos means saves so the name jesus means jehovah saves well who is the lord of the old testament jehovah well we call jesus christ the lord jesus christ because we know that jesus is god so jesus is the lord and jesus is god manifest in the flesh so god came down from heaven to die for us to save us so back then you just believed who he was i just believe he's the messiah but with paul's message it was like oh my goodness god loved me enough to die for me wow i'm gonna trust in what god did to save me and paul's message is so different paul's not saying believe in the name believe in who he is believe in who jesus is trusting his name look what paul says let's go to romans with paul it's all about believe that he died for you so with paul it's all about believe what he did for you not just who he is you know today if you believe jesus is the messiah whoop they do i mean that's a good thing to believe but are you saved just because you believe who jesus is today no because god revealed to paul hey it's more than just believing who he is things have changed and jesus revealed to paul now i want you to also believe in what i did believe in the blood through faith in his blood trust the blood romans 5 6 for when we were yet without strength in due time christ died for the ungodly verse 8 but god committed his love toward us and that while we're yet sinners christ died for us look what he's saying he's telling you it's what jesus did let's go to first thessalonians chapter 4. so paul's message is a little different than the message of christ in matthew mark luke and john and in the early book of acts one was the who message with all the emphasis on his name and believing in who jesus was the other is the what message look what jesus did for you he is your blood atonement he died for your sins and your place will you trust in that in his death burial resurrection his shed blood trust the blood first thessalonians 4 14 for if we believe that jesus died and rose again oh so we're not just believing who he is believing in his name if we believe that he died and rose again oh so we're believing in what he did not just who he was oh okay paul i get that even so them also which sleep in jesus will god bring with him look at chapter 5 and verse 10 first thessalonians 5 10 says this who died for us that whether we wake or sleep we should live together with him so it's all about what he did he died for us second corinthians 5. quickly quickly second so i want you to see the difference i want you to rightly divide and when you rightly divide and you just simply read the text you go wow matthew mark luke and john is before the cross the shedding of blood and it was the jews and they all needed to believe in who jesus was and if they just look at his name they go wow he must be the one sent from god because his name is god saves but then when he died he gave him another opportunity they rejected him and so god said now paul go tell them what i did help them to see that i had planned all this i knew they were going to crucify me and i was going to make it into something good i'd planned it to begin with because i wanted to be the blood atonement for the sins of the whole world and now people that come and trust my blood now they can be saved by what i did and trusting and believing in what i did ii corinthians 5 21 speaking of jesus christ it says for he hath made him to be sent for us who is that god the father made him jesus the son to be said for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him so it's through the death burial resurrection through the blood atonement of christ is what happened that now we can come to god and have christ's righteousness by what jesus did look down there in verse 15 or up in verse 15 and that he died for all that they which lived should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and and paul is just all about look what he did he died he buried he wrote again look at what he's the blood he's the atone look and so paul's message was what jesus did to save us and that our faith must be in that we should believe in what jesus did let's go to ephesians 1 13. excuse me ephesians 1 13 so salvation according to paul is not just believing in the name of jesus not believing in who jesus was the message of paul is trusting in what jesus did so there in ephesians 1 13 it says in whom he also trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and whom also after that you believed you were sealed with that holy spirit of promise so you have to trust what the gospel what is the gospel it's the blood it's what jesus did he became the blood sacrifice for the sins of the whole world now do you believe in that or don't you so paul's message for us today is your say by trusting in the blood what jesus did jesus's message was to jews back then about hey believe in me and who i am so that i can bring in the kingdom and they didn't so what happened well what happened was god said all right i'm going to postpone the kingdom and i'm going to come over here to the gentiles and i'm going to save them i'm going to say paul go tell him what i did for him and and jews can get saved too same way but it's through the blood so pastors need to see this they need to rightly divide they understand you can't spend all your time in matthew mark luke and john you've got to come over here to paul's gospel because that's the gospel of salvation jesus revealed to paul for for today and it's through trusting in what jesus did for us alright so next thing i want to say is this if you reject paul like many do i hope we have time to do this you get in a mess because when you go to only matthew mark luke and john you do not find all the time the the message of just trusting what jesus did in fact you find some different things go to mark chapter 10. here's what happens if you only go to matthew mark luke and john you end up lost because some of the things jesus preached back then was a works-based gospel why because it depended on their works whether or not they accepted the messiah now i believe as soon as the rapture is gone matthew mark luke and john go right back into effect over here because that was the ministry to jews well here's another ministry to jews to try to prepare them to accept this time the messiah when he comes in armageddon so that the kingdom will come so it's going to be repeat so if you want to look at it like that i guess you could say this matthew mark luke and john have a lot of doctrine that applies to the tribulation rather than the church age if you think about it that way mark chapter 10 look what happened here this is jesus okay let's go to jesus's ministry again only to jews and see what happens if we throw paul out and we only go to jesus well mark chapter 10 verse 17. and when he was gone forth unto the way there came one running and kneeled to him and asked him good master what shall i do that i may inherit eternal life and jesus said unto him why calleth thou mean good there is none good but one that is god thou knowest the commandments do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal do not bear false witness defraud not honor thy mother and father and he answered and said to him master all these have i observed for my youth and jesus beholding him loved him and said unto him one thing that thou lackest go thy way sell whatsoever thou hast and give to the poor and thou shall have treasure in heaven and come take up the cross and follow me in verse 22 and he was sad at that saying it went away grieved for he had great possessions all right so if we don't follow paul like many in christianity today say and we only follow jesus then let me ask you this are you a follower of jesus you got a house do you got a car got clothes on your back got money in the bank do you you hypocrite you heretic you false convert you're not following jesus why haven't you sold everything you have committing adultery are you stealing lying killing are you you heretic you hypocrite you're not a follower of christ if you believe that that's what gets you to heaven that's a works message he says what do i do to get eternal life he says keep the commandments are we saved today by keeping the commandments paul says no god revealed to me that we're saved by faith and not of works ephesians 2 8 9. so you got two different messages which one do you choose well i'm going to choose the one that's for today and the one that's for today is the one that was revealed to paul okay you know if you if you have a king and a king gives you a command and then later years later king gives a different command you always go by the latest command that trumps the last command well this was jesus speaking in his earthly ministry saying this to this guy but then jesus speaks to paul and says this all right now we go by this we can't go back by that so a lot of people there's a church here in pensacola florida i drive by it from some time and they have this verse out the front of their church in big letters what must i do to inherit eternal life and then he quotes this if you went to that church and you sat down in the pew what would they preach that you're saved by works and that's the message that they preach a works gospel that's not the gospel of paul the bible says they'll be judged someday based upon whether they accepted paul's gospel or not those people aren't they're saying but we're following jesus yeah you're following a message to jews from a different testament that's still before jesus died why don't you rightly divide oh boy we're gonna go along today but i gotta continue all right go with me to matthew chapter five here's a good one people say oh this breaker fella and this is the thing that people say uh bad about me he doesn't know what he's talking about why he talks about paul and he doesn't even follow jesus yeah i do i follow jesus christ but i rightly divide the bible and jesus said he revealed to paul what's for us today so if i follow paul then aren't i following jesus yes so that's how i follow jesus because that's what the bible teaches but they don't believe in paul they'd rather go to the gospels matthew mark luke and john instead of paul's gospel and that's why they're lost and it's sad but if you look at their life and their teachings and their doctrine they don't even follow jesus and what he says in matthew mark luke and john because jesus says some very strong things let's go to matthew chapter 5 and look at verse 30 jesus says and if thy right hand offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell jesus said hey pluck your own right eye out verse 29 and then verse 30 cut off your right hand i've yet to meet a christian who plucked his own right eyeball out and cut off his own right hand you got a problem with pornography do you do you in secret sit around and do bad things with your hand while you look at pornography okay uh why haven't you uh followed jesus huh why haven't you uh i don't know cut it off why haven't you i mean why don't you walk around with a patch on and no hand and say i'm a follower of jesus i have never met a person like that hypocrite is what they are you tell me don't follow paul follow jesus and you're not even following jesus that's what jesus said to do thank god we're not under that we're over here if you rightly divide you can't help but see that and say oh well what was that about well that's him talking to jews and that's probably something they might have to do over here what just just out of curiosity what happens if a person takes the mark of the beast in their right hand hmm would god still allow them into the kingdom when he comes back if they're still alive if they cut off their right hand i don't know just a question but anyway let's go to another one let's go to another you see the problem you get in if you omit paul and you just go back to the message of jesus which is still old testament because jesus is teaching most of this before he's even died and that's why if you read the bible you say oh well that was the jews about the kingdom now i know we're under paul's ministry so this is salvation through paul trusting in what he did i don't have to do those things to get to heaven i trust in what jesus did and when i trust in what he did then i go to heaven luke 14. luke 14 26 jesus says this luke 14 26 if any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters yea in his own life also he cannot be my disciple and whosoever did not bear his cross and come after me cannot be that i decide okay so we're supposed to hate everybody i'm a true follower of jesus that's why i hate you and i hate myself do you i mean is that do you see the mess you get into when you don't rightly divide that's what jesus said why would he say that well because over here in the tribulation uh you need to follow god with all of your being in order to be counted worthy to get into the kingdom when he comes at armagedd let's go to matthew 18. i love this one this one's interesting i love to give this one as an illustration matthew 18 and verse 21 and 22 they came peter to him and said lord how oft shall my brother sin against me and i forgive him till seven times it's kind of funny peter goes god can i just seven times forgive him but the eighth time not it's like it's like he's saying what can i do to not forgive somebody what did jesus say verse 22 jesus saith unto him i say not unto thee until seven times but until seventy times seven all right seventy times seven is four hundred and ninety times jesus taught that we only have to forgive someone 490 times okay so if you offend me on the 491st time that you've offended me or you do something against me you better watch out i have free reign i don't have to forgive you anymore so it's just like ha i've been counting and i got to want 491 so i'm not getting is that how we're supposed to think today oh i hate that guy and i'm not going to forgive him well i guess i have to but after 491 times i won't is that what paul teaches let's go over to paul real quick go to ephesians 4 well i don't have time to read it 4 23 paul says to forgive as christ have forgiven us did jesus christ die on the cross to forgive us only 490 times but the 490th time that we sin there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins is that is that what it's saying actually no paul says you forgive as christ has forgiven us and if you go to colossians 2 13 look what paul says colossians 2 13 and you being dead in your sins in the circumcision of your flesh have to quicken together with him having forgiven you all trespasses so i don't sit around and go i hope i haven't sinned 490 times oh no i know that i am forgiven of all my sins and that's not an excuse for me to go and sin i hate sin i don't want to sin but paul tells me that i'm forgiven of all sins thank god for that now another one quickly matthew 24 13. matthew 24 13. and this is where sometimes people get messed up just like in that book i was showing you these early protestants well they saw the message of what jesus did they're trusted in the blood but then they said but but you've got to endure to the end don't lose it so that some of them taught you could lose your salvation that's not ephesians 1 13 which says i meant to write up here ephesians 2 8 9 earlier i wrote 113 2 8-9 but that's not ephesians 1 13 ephesians 1 13 tells us that we're sealed with the holy spirit of promise nobody can break that seal when you're saved you're eternally secure in christ that's what eternal life is saved for all eternity 24 13 but he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved okay so is this for us today is jesus telling us that oh well you can be saved but you better watch out if you don't endure to the end you'll lose it that doesn't jive with paul that says we're sealed until the day of redemption that doesn't make sense matter of fact if you read a little bit farther look what it says there and this gospel of the kingdom oh okay so that's that to them back there that's not to us today you know how many people try to go to matthew 24 and try to apply that to us today really okay let's try to apply verse 16. then let them which be in judea flee into the mountains well i don't live in judea i wanted to go to israel at one time now i don't israel now has passed some sort of law that if you go to israel you have to fly in and you stay there the whole time that you're in israel you have to wear an ankle bracelet rather than quarantine for the coveted garbage look i'm not a criminal i'm not going to be treated like somebody in probation and have to wear an ankle bracelet no no no no no no not going to do it that's sick so i'm never going to go to israel and tell the millennial kingdom if they're going to treat people like that that's sick that's that's perverted but the bible says here now watch out endure to the end and when this happens we'll flee to the mountains of judea so i have to buy a plane ticket to israel so i can go into the mountains and how how could i possibly follow this verse what if i didn't have money to to get a ticket to israel well i wouldn't because if i was following jesus that i would have sold everything i have so how the heck am i supposed to flee the mountains of georgia i can't so i rightly divide the word of truth and when i do i say oh okay so you've got to understand paul and uh like i said i didn't intend to go this long but i guess i will quickly quickly quickly who is paul and why is he in the bible i have heard from other people that there's people out there today that preach that claim to be christians that paul is not anyone you're supposed to listen to they say paul shouldn't be in the bible paul is a false prophet falls a lot then why is he in the bible somebody is not rightly dividing paul is in the bible for a reason and if you'd simply read the bible you would understand oh that's why paul's there and god put paul there for a reason go with me to romans chapter one and verse one look at what paul says i don't see how anyone could say paul is evil paul is wrong paul is wicked don't follow paul when if you just read paul paul tells you who he is what he's for and where he came from romans 1 1 paul a servant of jesus christ okay so who is paul serving jesus paul is servant of jesus christ called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of god well there it is so there's the what paul's purpose is is to give us a gospel of salvation so instead of just going to matthew mark luke and john the gospels i go to paul's gospel for salvation first corinthians 1 1. paul called to be an apostle of jesus christ to the will of god and so is the knees our brother oh so it's god's will that paul was called to be so god put paul in the bible according to his own will if you're against paul you're against god okay because god of his own will put paul there go to galatians galatians chapter 1. galatians 1 15 galatians 1 15 says this but when it pleased god who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by his grace to reveal his son and me that i may preach him among the heathen immediately i conferred not with flesh and blood god before paul was even born said you know what i want to call this guy to do something for me i'm gonna give him a message to preach and it was before he was even born wow go to first timothy at one first timothy one i just get so tired of these people that are anti-paul to be anti-paul is to be anti-gospel of salvation and you're going to a different gospel or maybe we should say this way different gospels rather than the true gospel of salvation now that in no way infers that you should never read matthew mark luke and john i'm not saying that i'm saying that's different for a different period of different people today it's paul's message that saves and yes we can go back and read matthew mark and luke and john we should read the whole bible first timothy 1 11 the bible says according to the glorious gospel of the blessed god which was committed to my trust paul tells us now the gospel that saves us god gave to me and it was committed to me and to my trust okay so are you going to listen to god jesus said he revealed it to paul are you going to listen to jesus because if you omit paul then you're missing what jesus wants you to have that he committed to paul for you to hear paul says verse 12 and i thank christ jesus our lord who hath enabled me for that he counted me faithful putting me into the ministry so god put paul into the ministry let's go to now it says what he did before he was saved but he did it ignorantly in unbelief verse 13. now let's go to quickly there's three times in the bible where paul says to follow him first corinthians 4 16 okay yes we're to follow jesus but we're supposed to follow what jesus told us for our dispensation and that would be after the cross we gotta remember matthew mark luke and john is before the cross until jesus dies in those books so it's still old testament so paul says be followers of me first corinthians 4 16 wherefore i beseech you be followers of me go to philippians 3 17. philippians 3 17. in philippians 3 17 says brethren be followers together of me and mark them which walk so as you have us for an example so be followers of me why because they're enemies of the truth and of the cross verse 18. now look at first corinthians 11 1. okay we're supposed to follow paul you know when i say hey we ought to be followers of paul all these fake christians is what i'll call them all these people who claim to be christians but don't rightly divide and they're living still under the old testament in matthew mark they say oh we don't follow paul we follow jesus well then you're leaving out what jesus told paul and so you're not really following jesus are you because if you were following jesus you would come over to what jesus told paul was for you today so you're really not even a follower of jesus are you paul said this in first corinthians 11 and verse 1 be followers of me even as i also am of christ paul says no no no i'm a follower of christ so if you stand up and say you're following jesus you're not because we have all the writings of jesus in matthew mark luke and john but that was still old testament and that's the kingdom gospel to jews but we have all the writings of paul in which paul says jesus told me this is what we follow so if you really want to follow jesus you follow this that he gave to me the revelation of jesus to me paul so unless you're following paul you're not even following jesus i was going to go to second peter 3 verse 15 to 16 where even peter tells us that paul is a beloved brother we should listen to him so paul's ministry is what we are under today it's the who versus what message and who jesus was that's all back there but the message of paul is what jesus did romans 1 16 paul tells us that the gospel that was given to him from jesus the only gospel that saves the gospel someday you'll be judged by romans 2 16 is the only gospel that saves romans 1 16 for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god under salvation to everyone that believeth to the jew first and also to the greek so with that stated let me ask you this are you saved have you been to jesus for the cleansing power are you washed in the blood of lame do you see the message of grace and saved by faith alone paul's message justified by faith faith in the blood are you still lost thinking i'm going to do it my way in my works and i'm going to get to heaven because i i do you got the wrong message you're even in the wrong dispensation you're in the wrong time period you're still trying to be like under the old testament you need to get out of the old testament get over on the new and follow paul look at first corinthians chapter nine first corinthians 9 16 9 16 for though i preach the gospel i have nothing to gloria for necessity is laid upon me yea woe is unto me if i preach not the gospel paul says god gave me the gospel of salvation in what jesus did and it's by faith and woe unto me if i don't listen to what god said and preach that gospel plus romans 1 16 it says that's the only gospel that saves now verse 17 for if i do this thing willingly i have a reward but if against my will a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me what is my reward then verily that when i preach the gospel i may make the gospel of christ whose gospel jesus gospel the gospel of christ without charge that i abused not my power in the gospel so paul says the gospel was committed to his trust so if you want the truth i gave it to you today and paul says that gospel was committed to me here's the problem if you're just going to matthew mark luke and john and going to those gospels and not paul's gospel there's a little word in committed that you are doing you are omitting you have omitted the gospel you have omitted the true gospel of salvation if you choose to go to the gospels rather than the gospel of paul what are you going to for salvation do you know how to rightly divide do you come to jesus for the cleansing power paul gives it to us clear and straight and plain the only gospel that saves is the gospel that god gave to paul if you go to the gospels matthew mark luke and john instead of the gospel that saves paul gospel you're lost and i hate to say it but you'll be judged someday according to what you did with the gospel committed to paul's trust to be preached which is the gospel of faith in the blood of jesus christ and not of works lest any man should boast thank you for watching look forward to seeing you next week in a new sermon and i sure hope you get a hold of this and that you learn how to rightly divide the word of truth god bless
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 68,104
Rating: 4.8123169 out of 5
Keywords: The gospels, Paul's Gospel, the Gospel of Salvation
Id: 6m_nR8Dwo0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 33sec (4533 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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