How God Speaks Today: With Dreams and Visions?

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all right welcome back everybody i'm robert breaker and i thought we'd do this week's sermon outside because it's just so nice uh here in florida we've been getting down to the 40s actually high 30s sometimes but now it's warmed up and we've had a wonderful southerly wind bringing in a little bit more heat and i said you know what i need to get outside so i'm outside today in our yard in front of my burn pit you can probably barely see it down there um there is little smoke so we might have a little fire later maybe that'll be nice i just threw a couple logs on top of the ashes i came out and raked some leaves yesterday and worked outside and i'm still a little sore and so i thought i'd come outside and give you this sermon today and it's kind of for last week as well okay so last week we talked about a subject and i noticed some people were commenting and saying yeah but what about this but what about this and so my desire is always not to argue not to debate but to clarify okay as i teach the word of god to you if there's something that you don't get or understand well let's clarify that let's go back to the scriptures and look at it and make sure we understand we should always always always be on the same page amen so there's some things that i need to talk about today and i'm going to entitle this message how god speaks today because last week we looked at and the title of the message was biblical revelations and i went through the whole bible and showed you how god revealed things to people and how the bible that's what the bible is that is god revealing to man certain things and then i showed you and i told you that today god's done revealing things to us with a voice from heaven like he spoke in the old testament the revelation is for us today in the bible so if we want to hear from god we need to go to the scripture and that is the final revelation of god everything god wants us to know is right here in this book amen so i said that now some people said well i don't know about that and then i said now there's dreams and visions and people today are always talking about dreams and visions and i said you got to be careful you've got to watch out for people talking about dreams and visions because a lot of times those dreams and visions that they say was from god don't line up with the bible so should we heed those should we pay attention to those should we listen to those should we accept that as something from god well always make sure it lines up with the scriptures if it doesn't then we know it's not of god amen and i said god's not giving us today dreams and visions because he gave us the book well some people said oh robert breaker and that's how these people talk oh robert breaker you're just you don't know what you're talking about no no you should read acts chapter 2 and verse 17. and before this message is over we'll go there and i'll explain that to you because some people are showing that they don't rightly divide and when you rightly divide as the bible tells us in a second timothy 2 a study to show thyself approved unto god work beneath not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth when you rightly divide you understand what acts 2 17 is and who it is to and where it comes from it comes from the old testament and it's about a future time in which god will do some revealing in the future okay so i got to make sure i explain that and help you understand it's for a certain group it's not for us today now i don't deny dreams people can have dreams i've had dreams in my life that that came to pass and i said wow that was weird years ago i had this dream and then wow it came to pass so there's no doubt in my mind that that we can have dreams and sometimes they come true but does that mean it's from god well good question and what about people that claim to have dreams but what they say was from god doesn't line up with the bible that's where we got to go whoa we can never take a dream or a vision above the scripture this is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice drop my notes here so we must always go back to the bible and we can't take anything no revelation no interpretation no dream no vision as more authoritative than this right here the king james bible our final authority in all matters the faith and practice so with all that stated let's go ahead and start kind of where we ended last time and it's kind of interesting to me this ties in also to our verse by verse bible study in 2nd peter which we are going through again i kind of took off a little bit for a couple of weeks because well first of all my eye and then then thanksgiving came up but i just finished doing about three or four and be posting those every week and we're continuing in our study through ii peter so i encourage you to study our second peter verse by verse bible study so in second peter chapter 1 and verse 18 we read these words and this voice which came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy mount peter's saying i was with jesus and i heard a voice from heaven who was that was god the father speaking but then he says verse 19 we have also a more sure word of prophecy where until you do well that you take heed what is he speaking about the bible so we don't need to take heed to dreams visions we need to take heed to the word of god a lot of people say i don't care what the bible says i had this dream and god told me this you know what you're dealing with you're dealing with a deceived person who thinks that what god told them and that is more pertinent and more truthful than the bible i've even heard people say oh the bible says that well i know god told me this so the bible must be wrong and you're like what you mark her down that's not a bible believer that's not somebody that knows and believes the truth we have also a more sure word of prophecy whereunto you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arrives in your hearts knowing this first now watch this that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation now when it comes to these dreams and these visions that people say they have often times they'll they'll say and i interpret it as this well somebody else says no i interpret it as that or someone else says no i interpret it this way and so when it comes to dreams and visions people's interpretations of those are all over the place so how do you know it's true because this guy said it meant one thing and this guy says it means something else so you've got to look at that you kind of go but the bible says that it is no private interpretation what the bible says is what the bible means and we have to always go by what the bible says not our own private interpretation of it that's why you got to be careful with dreams and visions you can always make it a different interpretation but the bible is firm it's our more sure word of prophecy and then verse 21 for the prophets came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost so the old testament god spoke and god spoke two men and god spoke through men and that's how we got our bible now i'm going to have to tell you that i want to go through the scriptures and i want to show you many different places in which god dealt with man and how god spoke that's why i'm entitled to this how god speaks but also how god speaks today okay because in the old testament god would actually speak to people there was a oh about three different ways that god would speak to people in the old days he would speak to people directly he would speak to people in a dream or while they're awake he would give them a vision and all throughout the old testament we see that i'm going to give you some examples and so that's really where the bible comes from god's speaking to men god speaking through men god giving visions our dreams to men and that's what the bible comes from but that was back then today we have it all it's all settled right here forever settled so we have to be careful of people who say well i got another revelation apart from the scriptures and i got a different dream or different and i was told this information and you look at it and it doesn't line up with the bible and you go uh now i'm going to stick with the book okay you go do your thing i'm going to stick with the bible because it is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice and i cannot take what you say over what god says okay now let's go to job 33 let me show you this it cannot be denied that at one time there were dreams and visions in which god spoke to men job chapter 33 look at verse 41. here's job even confessing that job 33 14 i said 41 verse 14 for god speaketh once yea twice yet man perceiveth it not verse 15 in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep followeth upon men in slumberings upon the bed then he openeth the ears of men and sealeth their instruction so there was times when god would visit somebody when they're asleep and give them a dream and what's odd to me is you're sound asleep you're slumbering so how do you how do you even remember that there's been many times in my life when i've had a great dream and i wake up and i'm like that was so awesome i can't wait to tell somebody and i go to tell my dad or i go to tell my wife or i go to tel and i'm like i forgot has that ever happened to you do you ever have a dream and you forget what you dreamed that happens a lot so there was a time though when god would do that and visit people while they were sleeping and give them a dream and let them remember it but then it was open to interpretation and sometimes it was so vague that you could interpret it differently but then there were other times when it was like no there's there's no doubt that this is this and god's speaking of this so i'm not denying that god spoke to people through dreams and visions and things like that but here's what i want to warn you about go to jeremiah 23 with me because of that the devil sees that he has an entrance if you will if god were to talk to men through dreams then the devil all he'd have to do is come to you when you're dreaming and say hey i'm god listen to me and then tell you false information and how would you know the difference you wouldn't you would think it was god and yet it was the devil and let's look at that jeremiah 23 27 how long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies ye that are prophets of the deceit of their own heart which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams verse 27 which they tell every man to his neighbor as their fathers have forgotten my name for baal now do you see what you just read there in the old testament in the time of jeremiah there were people having dreams and then going around saying in my dream why it's not jehovah it's baal and god the true god must be baal because he came to me in a dream and he said we need to follow him and not that other fellow that they wrote about in the bible in the law of moses no no my dream says that it's really baal so what you have is someone taking a dream or a vision and becoming deceived by it because it was the devil probably seducing spirits probably demons that spoke to them and said hey i'm god and i want to tell you something in a dream and they chose to believe that they shouldn't have they should have gone to the bible itself the old testament and believed that but no they chose to follow a dream rather than the word of god because of that they were deceived utterly deceived so deceived that they ended up following a false god go to verse 30 therefore behold i am against the prophets say the lord that steal my words everyone from his neighbor they're coming to you and they're saying i'm of god and god told me this and it's not what god said it's something else and they're lying they're deceiving in order to get you to follow a false god look at verse um well continue there verse 31 and 32 behold i'm against the prophet said the lord that use their tongues and say he saith it's quite interesting it's the context of tongues a lot of these people today that talk about dreams and visions well they love to go to the chapter of the bible about tongues so i don't know that's kind of interesting but it says here verse 32 behold i am against them that prophesy false dreams saith the lord and do tell them false dreams so here's someone that had a dream but it was false or else they didn't have a dream they're lying and saying they had a dream from god but they're speaking falsely but it says here that prophesy false dreams sayeth the lord and you tell them and cause my people to er by their lie someone says i had a dream from god and god revealed this to me and the bible says no it was a lie wow can that happen today oh yeah i believe it happens quite a lot on youtube you see all these uh people well i had a dream god revealed this to me and got and you look at it you go well but then they start saying stuff that's not in the bible that's so out in left field that you go whoa whoa no either a demon visited you or you're making that up because that does not line up it is not in accord with what the bible says therefore we know that you're not of god and so he says that they caused the people to err by their lies and by their likeness yet i sent them not nor commanded them therefore they shall not profit this people at all saith the lord it's interesting too that a prophet prophet p-r-o-f-i-t there was a guy in in tulsa oklahoma i go there from time to time visit my mom she lives outside of tulsa and we go to tulsa you see this man's huge university and he made this huge university and this guy is what they call a prosperity preacher one of those that preach the prosperity gospel and he said one time i had a vision i had a dream of god and he was 800 foot tall well first of all you got to be like what you're smoking buddy and then he said these were his words and god told me that if i didn't raise something like three million dollars within so many months god would kill me so his dream that he said was from god was all about his profiting making money and you know what people were silly enough to send him the money had it been me i would be like and let's don't send him anything let's just see if what he's saying is true or not let's see if god does kill him and when he doesn't then you go ah you lied you said god said it and he didn't god's not allowed so you're the liar but people actually sent that guy money believing in an 800-foot jesus can you believe oh it's just it's incredible it's incredible what people will believe nowadays i'm one of my favorite pastors is charles mckinney down in ocean springs mississippi he's a black minister black preacher jesus christ baptist church and i love charles mckinney and charles mckinney was preaching one time and he says boy i tell you what if if people came along and said something that wasn't bible people would believe that rather than the bible he says what if i came along i started preaching the only way to be saved is to climb a tree if you climb up a tree then you'll be saved he said there'd be a people all over the world climbing trees [Laughter] i'll never forget that i was like yeah yeah that's true people for some reason if you go to them you say god spoke to me and told me this they'll believe you no we need to go to the scriptures because they might be lying to us happened in the old testament it can sure happen in the new let's go to jeremiah 14 14. so i just want to warn you i don't deny that god can't give us dreams but be careful that you're not trusting in a dream trust in god in the bible and what he says here because that could have been given to you either from the flesh something you just dreamed sometimes dreams just i've had dreams that i'm like what on earth was that that wasn't from god i don't know where it came from it was the dumbest thing you know like you're going to a party and and you open the cake and it's full of maggots and you look up and there's a baker and he turns into a snake and you're just like well what are all and it's just weird dreams you cannot base your doctrine on dreams okay now in the bible sometimes they did that because there's clear evidence that it was from god that dream but today we don't know who's giving dreams and where they come from matter of fact i hear that they want to put a chip in your head elon musk and i hear that they have machines where they can project into your head images i mean wow that's kind of scary to think that we live in a day and age of such technology in which they can project dreams into your head that's sad that's scary so once again only go by scripture amen because it's so easy to get someone deceived by following their dreams jeremiah 14 14 then the lord said unto me the prophets prophesy lies in my name i sent them not neither have i commanded them neither spake unto them they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination in a thing of not in the deceit of their heart well that happened in the old testament we see the true prophets and the true dreams and the true visions and the true revelation of god and then we see satan imitating it and satan will always try to imitate and he's so good at it he tries to make it look like the real thing but it's not and so in the old testament he sent false prophets the devil did that said i had a dream and they did these things so you watch out for that so careful with dreams you can't take them above scripture you cannot take a dream and say i don't care what the bible says i believe this instead no if you're going to look at a dream does it line up with the bible because the bible is the final authority in all matters of practice and for me i think the best thing is just let's just not worry about dreams why do we need a dream we have the revelation of god here in the bible so it's the best thing but i get emails still from time to time brother breaker i had this dream what does it mean i don't know okay i don't have a ministry of of telling you what your dream meant now there was a guy in the old testament that did and we'll look at him here in a second so i've got many many many scriptures that i want to go through and i just want to show you how god dealt with people and how he spoke in the old testament there was three ways that god spoke to people in the old testament i think i've mentioned it already but i'll mention again directly god would speak with ben directly in dreams god would give a man a dream and that was god telling him something in a dream and in visions so there were three ways in the old testament that god would reveal stuff and that was it so let's just look at some examples we've got lots of verses to go through but here's an example of god directly go to genesis 1 20 8. god speaking directly god spoke directly to adam and eve and in genesis 1 28 we read and god blessed them and god said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the foul of the air and over every living thing that moved upon the earth so god spoke to them in the garden so god directly spoke to them go to genesis 6 13. and a lot of things that god said are in the bible so it's scripture it came to us through god's mouth to the bible genesis 6 13 and god said unto noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold i will destroy them with the earth so god spoke to know it directly would it be nice if god spoke directly to us today wouldn't it be nice if you just were walking down the road or driving down the road or something and god says hey how are you today having a good day you know i love you and i just want you to know that i care about you and well that'd be great if we could have a direct conversation with god but you got to be careful there are technologies out there today and i've read about them and i've seen them in which they can from far away project into your head voices and i've heard people that say i think they've done that to me i think they've projected voices into my head because i hear voices sometimes and a lot of times they're people that are ex-military or they're people that volunteered to go into some sort of a a test and scientists experimented on them and they said i still hear voices and it's like wow well obviously demons can do that demons can get into an unsafe person and make them hear voices and talk to them but also that technology it's kind of creepy it's kind of creepy so you got to be careful you can't go around saying oh god spoke to me directly you know because how do you know that was god but you can say i know without a shadow of a doubt that god said this when we go to the bible because that is what we know for sure god said uh what did i say let's go to genesis 17 and verse 9 genesis 17 9. here's god speaking to abraham and god said unto abraham thou shall keep my covenant therefore thou and thy seed after thee in their generations let's go to 35 1. so i'm just showing you some places where god spoke directly giving you some examples of god directly speaking to someone genesis 35 1 and god said unto jacob arise go up to bethel and dwell there and make there an altar unto god and that appeared unto thee when thou fledest from the face of esau thy brother so god said hey jacob go do this so we see god speaking directly to people in the old testament i don't see that today and i'll get to that because there was a space of 400 years when god didn't speak to people so there are times in different dispensations when god does speak to people and times when he doesn't so you got to remember that which one are we in today well we're in today a time in which we have the finished revelation here so we go by the bible i'm not going around looking for voices i'm going around looking in the bible because there i find the voice of god okay now god spake to them directly in the old testament but there were examples when god spoke in dreams in the old testament so somehow god can go to a person in a dream genesis chapter 20. i'm going to give you examples of that genesis 20 verse 3 and in genesis 20 and verse 3 it says here but god came to abimelech in a dream by night and said unto him behold thou art but a dead man for the woman which thou has taken for she is a man's wife now verse six and god said in him in a dream so here's god speaking to a guy named abimelech in a dream and he obviously woke up and remembered it sometimes like i said i'll have dreams and i'll forget them and sometimes it's good because sometimes they're not good dreams other times it's like that was the best dream ever and wake up what was that about you know so genesis 31 24 and god came to laban the syrian in a dream by night and said unto him take heed that thou speak not to jacob neither good or bad so god spoke to laban here in a dream here we see god speaking to joseph 37 and verse 5. genesis 37 and verse 5. and joseph dreamed a dream and he told it to his brethren and they hated him yet the more why because his dream was him ruling over them and they're like i don't like that and that's exactly what happened so it was clearly a prophecy of god it was a revelation just like we looked at last time biblical revelations god revealed this is the way that god revealed back then he revealed a lot of things through dreams now i'm not going to go there but in chapter 40 verse 5 and 8 and 12 joseph not only had that dream but he had a gift in which he could interpret dreams so in the old testament there was some interpreting of dreams well be careful today because people go around say i have the gift to interpret a dream and another guy goes no i have the gift so you go oh well look at this dream and each one has a different interpretation be careful the bible says when we come to the bible there is no private interpretation so this is the authority that we go by now god clearly spoke to people also in a vision and oftentimes the vision is not while you're asleep dreams you're sleeping a vision when you're awake and all of a sudden god shows you something you see something almost like looking at a tv screen i guess in genesis chapter 15 verse 1 after these things the word of the lord came unto abraham in a vision so god gave him a vision but he also spoke to him through that vision numbers 12 and verse 6. so i'm just giving you some examples of this because i do not deny that god in a certain time spoke to people through dreams and through visions and and i don't deny that in the future god can do that i just don't see that it's relevant or important for us in the church age today seeing that we have everything god wants us to have in the bible i'm not looking for further revelation i'm not looking for more information god said hey this is it this is what i need this is the settled revelation of god so everything i need to know i believe is right here so i judge things by this i don't judge this by a separate revelation does that make sense i hope so numbers chapter 12 verse 6 says and he said hear now my words if there be a prophet among you i the lord will make myself known unto him in a vision and will speak unto him in a dream so again old testament now first samuel 3 and verse 1. clearly we remember a lot of these things in the old testament if you know your bible you remember this and you remember how god spoke to them first samuel chapter three and verse one and the child samuel ministered unto the lord before eli and the word of the lord was precious in those days there was no open vision well so there's a time in which god goes no i'm not going to give dreams or visions so sometimes he did sometimes he didn't but you continue reading there and i don't have time what happened well he saw god in a vision and god spoke to him and said samuel samuel and so you see and you remember that first chronicles 17 3. let's go over there first chronicles 17 and verse 3. and in first chronicles 17 3 look at this first chronicles 17 3 and it came to pass the same night the word of god came to nathan saying and now look down in verse 15 according to all these words and according to all this vision so did nathan speak unto david so god spoke to nathan a prophet and then he went and gave the vision to david now one more real quick i'm just giving you some examples here i want you to know what i'm saying and i want you to see it i don't deny that there were dreams and there were visions and that that was a way that god gave revelation and talked to people but you have to be careful of that today okay that was mostly back then and it was all written down and now we have it here and so this we know is sure someone speaks a vision or a dream that they have we go i gotta wonder about that because they might be deceived and it might not line up with the scripture so that's why we cannot always take everything someone says in a dream in a vision daniel chapter 2 verse 19 god came to daniel and gave him some of the best prophecies in the whole bible that even applied to today that we're seeing coming to pass and daniel 2 19 says then was the secret revealed unto daniel in a night vision then daniel bless the god of heaven so the bible is a book of revelation so this ties in with my sermon from last week if you haven't seen it looking up biblical revelations and this i just wanted to add to that because that is how god revealed through dreams through visions through speaking directly don't have time to go to these places but also you look up hosea 2 and verse 10. i don't know i can't even read my notes here maybe it's 12 10 but hosea the bible says god in a vision revealed something to him obadiah 1-1 god came to him in a vision the word of god came to him in a vision nahum 1-1 word of god came to him in a vision habakkuk now some people say have a cook i just don't that sounds weird to me habakkuk habakkuk chapter 2 verse 2 and 3 the word of the lord came unto that prophet in a vision so in the old testament they saw visions in the old testament they dreamed dreams in the old testament sometimes god would speak to a man directly but that was different now today is it the same well in the early part of the church it was but as we go farther into the book of acts we slowly see less and less of that and we see that today we have the settled bible we have the finished revelation of god we have the canon and we don't need dreams and visions we have the bible and we should get into that and that's where we get our revelation from god because he wrote all this look at that huge book for us to know so before you go out there trying to look for dreams and visions maybe you need to know this book first because that way we can see whether or not it lines up with the bible or not then you see in luke you know i have so many verses i don't have time to read them all but in luke chapter 1 verse 21 and 22 a guy named zacharias had a vision now in the old testament the last prophet was malachi and for 400 years god didn't speak to anyone in a dream or a vision it just didn't happen he didn't speak directly 400 years of silence and that's when the old testament was settled so there's an illustration there of okay once god finished the entire book for the israel then he said okay no more revelations that's what i want you to know well here we are in the new testament and this is what god wants us to know so we're not looking for further revelations we have them settled here and this is what we should go by interestingly enough 1611 we got the king james bible 400 years nothing really except what happened oh 1948 israel became a nation and slowly god is going back to dealing with israel israel and we'll see that i'll get to that here in a minute but it's just interesting how 400 years okay so after 400 years of silence then in matthew chapter 1 in verse 20 we see god coming to joseph an angel appearing to joseph how in a dream so after those 400 years of silence we see a dream again and god's speaking to people in a dream now remember that's still before the cross but after the cross we see god still revealing things in visions and dreams now i don't know i'd like to read all this but i i don't want to go too far so what i recommend that you do is when i throw out a reference hit the space bar pause if you're on a computer or just pause it and look these verses up with me i want to read them all but i get so many i'm just going to have to throw them out there but in the new testament we still see visions in the beginning of the book of acts but remember the book of acts is a transitional book so there's some transition taking place there but we clearly see a vision of an angel coming in a dream to zacharias saying your son is going to be named john that was john the baptist we see joseph getting a dream um we see ananias getting a dream in acts chapter 9 and verse 10 this is after the cross cornelius a gentile in chapter 10 and verse 3. god came to him in a vision peter god gives a vision to peter during the daytime in acts chapter 10 verse 7 peter tells about it but then in acts chapter 9 one of the greatest things to ever happen happened god gave a vision to this guy named paul and you can read acts chapter 9 verse 1 through 12 and see how paul who by the way was a religious zealot who was lost and was going around and persecuting the early church and god gave him a vision from heaven that made him blind for several days and through that vision it was revealed to him that jesus christ is god the christ the messiah so he saw jesus as the lord and that was his vision and he calls it a vision in acts 26 19 paul says i had a vision but he's talking about in the early book of acts in acts chapter 16 well into his ministry we see in acts chapter 16 oh roundabout verses 9 and 10 what's called the macedonian call and paul is going all over preaching the gospel and he sees in a vision some people in macedonia say come over here and preach to us and so he goes there and he preaches there so you have visions clearly in the new testament you have god revealing things through visions and through dreams after the cross that cannot be denied okay so there were dreams and visions god speaking to people in both the old and new testament but as you go through the book of acts and you go through the rest of the bible you find paul and you find how things change and it all changes because what israel did okay all the dreams all the visions were mostly for the jews and the bible says the oracles of god were given to the jews the oracle is the scripture all the scripture was given to jews so this whole thing was all about jews and then he came jesus as the messiah of the jews and they rejected him so god started changing some things to where now it's the church age of course the church age started with christ but he gave them in the early book of acts the jews the opportunity to accept him as their messiah and their king he was standing in heaven acts chapter 7. he could have come back and set up his kingdom but they rejected him so god says okay we're going to start changing this now it's going to be more gentiles get saved now it's going to be more preaching of the gospel and there's no need for revelation and dreams it's all going to be right here in the scripture a matter of fact paul tells us that in first corinthians chapter 13 so let's go to first corinthians 13. and we see that paul is saying look when whenever everything is settled then we go by that we don't go by dreams and visions and what is it that's settled what is it that we have today that is the final uh revelation of god and all that we need why it's the bible the the finished canon of the scriptures first corinthians 13 9. first corinthians 13 9 says for we know in part and we prophesy in part what is he saying he's saying in my day we didn't know everything yet it hadn't all been revealed yet all the prophecy but then he says in verse 10 but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away so there's going to be a time when something that's perfect comes and when it comes we'll have all the prophecy and we won't just have part of it we'll have it all well what is he talking about i believe he's talking about the bible the perfect word of god the king james 16 11 authorized version now in his day it would have been the greek texas receptus and it would have been the hebrew masoretic old text so he had the finished canon all 66 books back then in hebrew and greek but we have it today in english and we've had it since 1611 well it was actually have you know most of it before that the geneva bible the the matthews bible they're very close to the king james so god has always had his perfect word out there the waldenses had a beautiful latin text called the old italia that was translated correctly but the devil came along to imitate it with his vatican bible so watch out for those but he says when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away verse 12 for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now i know in part then i shall know even as i am known so i believe that god gave us that which is perfect this book and we're waiting for him to come back so we don't um have part revelation we have all the revelation that we need in this book there's no need for a further revelation well why did he say when that is perfect which is come well it wasn't until 90 a.d that god revealed the book of revelation and then when that was done that was the final book of the canon and that sealed it all so that was the final revelation the book of revelation what does paul say today second corinthians 5 7 is a great verse for we live by faith and watch what he says and not by sight a vision well that's what we call it vision is sight so i don't see a need for visions today we don't go around looking for dreams and visions and trying to find out what does owe you in a dream what'd god tell you in a vision tell me what your dream was tell me what i don't see a need to look for that because this is it this if you want 20 20 vision read the bible okay so we live by faith not by sight so now we have the bible and that's how god speaks to us today let's go to titus 1 9. so how does god speak today well god speaks today through his word the bible and we should always go to it for the answers we shouldn't try to ask god to give us a separate revelation or a separate dream or a separate you know vision and say oh god tell me what i want to know in a vision everything he wants you to know it's right here so go here and look for the answer okay but in titus chapter 1 in verse 9 look what paul says titus chapter 1 and verse 9 holding fast the faithful word as he had been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gangsters so when someone comes to me and says well brother breaker i had this dream and i had this vision and it told me this doctrine it told me i had to believe this and say this and i said no no no the bible says i'm supposed to hold up the word and i'm supposed to exhort and i'm supposed to go by it and judge everything by what the bible says why verse 10 for there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers especially they of the circumcision whose mouths must be stopped who subvert whole houses teaching things which they are not for filthy lucur's sake well there you go there you go we saw that in the old testament false prophets coming and speaking things that weren't true for profit most of these people that spend their time telling you that i had a dream and i had a vision i had they're the prosperity gospel teachers and they're saying all these things and then saying now if you'll send this offering of twenty dollars while you have a love offering you know you'll have a seed and you know and and you gotta you've gotta kind of put the dots together watch out for those that only speak of dreams and visions usually it's because they want your money and usually they're on tv on that one you know so-called channel and it's all about oh it's hard dream that's oh god revealed to me oh god show me that now send your love offering two for the amount of fifty dollars or a hundred dollar love offering or five hundred and it's all about money it's not about this book many of them won't go to the bible all they do is they devote their time to talking about what vision they had rather than going to what the bible says but the bible says we're supposed to hold forth the book and go by it so many ask well if we don't go by dreams and visions today brother breaker how does god speak to us today well there's three ways that god speaks to us today and i was taught this in bible school and i think it's great first and foremost god speaks to us through the bible now i don't have time to give my testimony but i was in bible school and there was another brother that was a friend of my dad's that actually had led my aunt to the lord years ago i didn't know that at the time and uh he said hey the lord wants you to come to honduras as a missionary and i'm like yeah right but he threw that out there and he said hey how about it how about you go i'd already been praying about being a missionary i just didn't know to where and so he came and he said hey how about it you why don't you come down to honduras i'm a missionary to honduras why don't you go there too well i said that's a circumstance there's an opportunity he said i'll let you come and stay with me if that's where the lord calls you so there was an opportunity there in a circumstance and i said well i'll pray about that and i said lord i don't want to do it unless you show me and i was reading the bible and there were scriptures in the bible that said now therefore perform the doing of it as there was a readiness to will there may be a performance out of that and it went on and i'm just like that looks like directly to me god's saying hey go to honduras as a missionary so how does god speak to us today three ways scripture circumstances and the advice of other christians and uh you've got to go by those and so sometimes god will open the door paul says something there was an open door laid before me well that's a circumstance well god do i go through it well is there any strings attached no what do what's the opportunity to preach the gospel well the bible says preach the word the incidency okay i'm going to go through that door and another christian goes hey why don't you do that that's a blessing and you know what if you do that i'll i'll give you some money to help you or i'll pray for you or you know what i'll go with you and so the way that god speaks to us today for me i'm not going to go by a dream or a vision and do what it says i'm going to go by the bible and if there's a circumstance in which i have an opportunity to do something i'll pray and say god do i do this do i do this and i search the scriptures and i pray and i say give me a verse that tells me if this is what you want me to do or not and then i'll talk to other christians and they'll say well lord's laying this on my heart and i've prayed about this for years and you know what that's not a bad idea maybe you should pray about that you know i would encourage you to do that because the bible says this often times other brothers and sisters in christ remember verses that we don't and if you're saved and they're saved they have the holy spirit you have the holy spirit and the work of the holy spirit oftentimes is to bring remembrance verses from the bible that we can give to each other and so it's good to be with other christians and bounce things off each other and so that's the way i see that god speaks to us today scripture circumstances and the advice of other christians now i'll close with this now when i did my video on biblical revelations uh some people and this was the most uh comment that people commented they threw this out they said brother breaker you said there's no more dreams and visions today that we don't need dreams and visions today what about acts 2 17 okay let's go to acts 2 17. because what that is is the beginning of the church when there was still dreams and visions but it's to jews to it's to israel and a lot of people were saying well you're wrong brother breaker because in the last days there will be dreams and visions according to this okay well let's read this acts chapter 2 and verse 17 and it shall come to pass in the last days saith god i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and on your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall see dreams now where is this from verse 16 and this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel so peter is speaking to the jews in acts chapter 2 and he tells them now this is what it says in the book of joel so we need to go back to the book of joel okay let's go to joel chapter 2 and let's read it because some people are trying to take this and say well what it says there is god will pour out his spirit on all flesh and that will be everybody in the world and everybody in the world in the last days is going to see dreams and visions well we have a little bit of a problem with that does that mean everybody in the world is saved what do you mean they're all going to get the holy spirit well if everybody in the last days has the holy spirit that i can just quit preaching and go fishing right according to you and notice it says it'll pour out the spirit on them not in them that's that's a difference when we're saved we have the holy spirit in us there's a difference between having it in you and something on you so let's look at this in context let's go to joel chapter 2 and verse 27. joel 2 27 you shall know that i am in the midst of israel not the church israel acts 2 is to israel not to the church and i am the lord your god and none else and my people shall never be ashamed and it shall come to pass afterward that i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh the context is the flesh of israel so when he says i'll pour it out on all flesh that's israel i don't see that as lost people and i don't see that to the church because when we're saved in the church we already have the holy spirit and it's sealed according to ephesians 1 13. so this is a reference to jews in the last days and what god's going to give the jews and he's going to give them a revelation apart from the bible believe it or not because many of the jews reject the new testament so god's got to be like okay let me tell them all in unison you know jesus is the messiah and it should come to pass after that i'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh context flesh of israel and your sons and your daughters israel shall prophesy your old men israel shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions and also upon the servants upon the handmaids in those days will i pour out my spirit okay so they're going to have handmaids they're going to have people working for them but it's their handmaids it's israel the whole thing is an application to israel when when does this happen around the time that verse 30 and i will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth blood and fire and pillars of smoke the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the lord the day of the lord that's armageddon so it's before that so it's around the time of the tribulation and possibly before that because you know we see the revelation 12 sign if that was the real deal that was in 2017 well that's before the tribulation verse 32 and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call in the name of the lord shall be delivered for in mount zion and in jerusalem shall be deliverance as the lord hath said and in the remnant whom the lord shall call who's the remnant the jews so when you're reading acts chapter 2 peter is saying now this was written back here in joel and peter was thinking if jesus is coming in his kingdom to rule for a thousand years then we are in those last days so let's get the spirit poured out on all of us israel well they rejected their messiah now we're in this time period where god's dealing more with gentiles we have the finished bible so there's no need for these dreams and visions but in the last days well that's what we're in now there will be dreams and visions to jews no doubt you've probably seen this famous youtube video and a lot of people have sent it to me i think it was three four years ago maybe just two but in israel there was this jewish kid not that old like 12 13 years old and he came out and his dad did a video about it so my son saw a vision and his son's vision was jesus is the messiah well yeah the bible says jesus messiah so that vision lines up with the bible and who was it too the people that joel said it was supposed to be to so i can see god revealing in the future or even maybe today to jews through dreams and visions that jesus is the messiah but i don't go by dreams and visions that people say in the church that god gave them and then they try to give you all these dreams of visions and they don't line up with the bible and i go i don't know if i can go with that you know what i'm saying so i think that dreams and visions can be possible today to jews no doubt i believe we can dream dreams i dream all the time but i do not take my dreams and preach those to you as doctrine okay i don't base my doctrine on dreams or visions i base my doctrine on the bible and according to the bible dreams and visions appear to be more for the jews and it should be confirming to them that jesus is the messiah so i said all this to say this and and by the way that could all tie into the 10 virgins a lot of people ask me brother breaker can you talk about the 10 wise and 10 foolish virgins well i don't have time to get into that today maybe someday i'll talk about it but i've always seen that applying to jews because in the church age we get saved by faith not sight and we're sealed with the holy spirit so we have the holy spirit in us this dreams and visions that it's talking about here is the last days and it's the spirit on someone not in him and so the wise five wise and and five unwise so the ten virgins that jesus speaks about i've always seen that as oh that sounds like jews and that's jews in the uh tribulation and the holy spirit is typified by oil and so some of them have the oil some of them don't some of them see vision some of them don't some of them choose christ when they see that vision some of them don't but anyway so i said all that to say this be careful with people that run around and claim they've seen a vision on youtube all over youtube there are people their whole channel is god gave me this dream let me tell you what it is god gave me this vision let me tell you what it is and they claim to be christians and they're devoting all their time talking about their dream and their vision and they never line it up with scripture they never go to the book they're teaching what they're teaching what they saw their revelation they're not teaching this the bible sometimes it's possible that some of their revelations do line up with the scriptures and that's great but what i've seen mostly is that their dreams and their revelations do not line up with the bible but a lot of christians they get into that and they follow hook line and sinker and they swallow what these people are teaching and they're basing all their doctrine upon the dreams and visions of men rather than the bible and i don't know how else to say it except this always put the bible first this is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice and we've got to go by what this says not what what he says or she says oftentimes many of these people on youtube are women and these women say well god showed me this and god told me that and you got to kind of watch out for that because they claim to be women preachers well what does bible say about that well a pastor is supposed to be a man not a woman in the bible i can show you the verses i don't have time right now but so you got to be careful the bible says that the woman is more easily deceived if the devil is going to try to deceive someone through a dream and vision and he can do that we saw that in the bible who do you think he's going to go to first the women and try to deceive them and oftentimes i don't watch all these videos but i've watched some where people say i had this dream i had this vision and i watch it and i listen to it i just start laughing because i'm like that's not in the bible no the bible says this you're saying the opposite i can often times it's this i died and god showed me a vision i went down to hell and i saw people burn in hell and maybe they did see that but here's what they said and then god told me the way to heaven is just to do good works so i'm here now to tell you if you do good work you'll get to heaven and i look at that and i say that's a lie out of the pits of hell the bible says we're saved by faith and not works so you tell me that god gave you a vision and he gave you the opposite gospel the gospel is what christ did for us first corinthians 15 1-4 the gospel is the blood of christ and we're saved by faith and not of works less than he mentioned boasts now you're telling me we're say by works and the bible says we're not saved by works and you're telling me that was a revelation of god in a dream or a vision no sir i cannot accept that i have to preach against that because that is not the gospel you can do good works and then die and burn in hell because you have not trusted the blood of christ you're trusting in what you did and not what god did if it was a true revelation of god how come god didn't say now romans 3 25 through faith in his blood uh receive the atonement romans 5 and i want you to go back tell everyone to trust the blood for salvation and tell them that salvation is by faith why did god say that because their revelation was not of god okay so practice discernment and be careful to me i just don't want anything to do with that kind of stuff i want to stick with the book preaching and teaching the book i take the book above all opinions and revelations and dreams and visions and things like that i put the bible first and i don't take those things and put them above the bible as some do all right well i'll leave it there i appreciate you watching i hope that's been a blessing to you and i will see you next week i really wanted to clarify and i'm glad i got the opportunity to do that and give you a little bit more just show you what the bible says and then say hey be careful be careful with these people that that uh try to make you think that dreams and visions are what you need to follow no follow the scripture follow the king james bible all right god bless you we'll see you next time bye bye you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 32,984
Rating: 4.8958449 out of 5
Keywords: How God Speaks Today: With Dreams and Visions?, How God speaks today
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 16sec (3196 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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