1 John 2:18 to 19

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okay welcome back i'm robert breaker and we're continuing our verse by verse bible study through first john and we are in chapter two and last time last time we got to verse 17 and we went ahead and read verse 17 and i said next time we'll start in verse 18. so we'll start at verse 18 today but let me just read verse 17 and the world passeth away in the lust thereof but he that doeth the will of god abideth forever so john is talking about loving god and doing god's will as a christian living right and doing right and that's a lot about what we've seen so far now a lot of people will go to an extreme with first john and say well it's a works gospel you shouldn't read it but we've already seen how it lines up with paul many many many times especially in verse two and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but for the sins of the whole world jesus christ is the propitionary blood atonement so there's a good place to put the blood in amen and uh there in verse 12 of chapter two i write unto you little children because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake so forgiveness of sins through the blood first john 1 7 says the end of the verse and the blood of jesus christ his son cleanseth us from all sin so i see john lining up with paul other people say i don't see that well that's why we do verse by verse bible study because when we do we clearly see wow a lot of pauline stuff here look at verse 25 and this is the promise that he has promised us even eternal life so eternal life well that's what paul taught salvation or being sealed with the holy spirit and being saved for all eternity now look at um verse oh let's go to verse um one there where we started last time well it was actually two or three times ago and it says my little children these things write unto you that you send not and if any man's sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous wasn't that what paul taught imputed righteousness christ is the righteous one we are the sinners we need our sins forgiven but then he says he have a advocate with the father so an advocate so jesus so i just see eternal security and i see eternal life and i see salvation through the blood through first john but i also see him giving a lot of heed to keeping commandments and doing the will of god doing right verse three and hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments but i don't see him saying that keeping the commandments is what saves you i see him saying that now that we're saved we should keep the commandments of god and of paul and of the other apostles and we should live as a christian should live and it's very apparent that that's what he's saying he's not giving you a works gospel he's giving you salvation through faith as we'll see later there's another passage that says we have overcome the world and this is how we overcame it was our faith so he's teaching salvation by faith but then he's stressing that after you're saved you need to do something for jesus you need to live for jesus you need to work for jesus you need to set aside all the sin in your life and do your best to strive as paul says to depart from iniquity all right now that we've seen that now we get to verse 18. verse 18 is where a lot of people like to attack the bible and a lot of people say oh that book that's just a book written by men well yes and no men actually wrote down the words but the bible itself says those words were spoken through them through the holy spirit that was in them so whose words was it whose book is it well it might have been written down by men but they were writing down god's word you ever have a secretary and a man says now take this dictation okay and the secretary writes down now does the secretary go away and say i wrote these words no she says no those are his words i just wrote them down so whose words is the bible god's word and so when we get to hear a lot of people say now this guy john he was so dumb because look what he says at the end of verse 18 whereby we know that it is the last time and they go that book was written about right here first john is written about 90 to 95 a.d i'll just say 90. so the book of first john is written right about here and a lot of people say oh that's so funny he says it's the last day ha ha ha it's not the last day and you're like no he knows what he's talking about but a lot of people will attack the bible and say the bible is dumb because this guy thought almost 2 000 years ago that he was writing and it was the last day and it's not there was almost 2000 years after him and they mock and they laugh and they make fun of the bible but i want to show you why he could write that it was the last time and not be wrong but before i do let's go ahead and read verse 18. little children it is the last time a lot of people said no it wasn't that's written 2000 years ago ha ha ha and they they don't realize that when they're making fun of the bible all they're doing is fulfilling prophecy because we saw in first peter how he said in the last time or the last days there will be people that come that are scoffers that are scoffing that are making fun but he says little children is the last time and as you have heard that antichrist shall come even now are there many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time now as we continue reading in this chapter we're going to learn about the gnostics that we're going to learn about the antichrist we're going to learn about the false christians who got into christianity and tried to draw away others to make up their own false christianity okay i want you to know that's what this is going to be about and i can't wait to get to this but look what he says he says it is the last time and he says whereby we know that it is the last time now is it the last time well a lot of people say no that was written right here look at all the rest of the bible it has to be fulfilled at least another thousand well probably almost three thousand years left to go from when he wrote that ha ha ha now let's go to 2nd peter 2 peter 3 8 2 peter chapter 3 and verse 8 gives us a formula and notice what it says ii peter 3 8 says this second peter chapter three and verse eight says but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing okay the bible says don't be ignorant don't be stupid don't be dumb don't make fun of the bible unless you've studied the bible okay it says be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day so according to peter one day in god's calendar in god's eyes is like 1 000 years and vice versa 1000 years to god is like one day all right how many days of history is there according to the bible well according to the bible there were seven days in the book of genesis that we call the creation week six days god created on the seventh day god rested and it's interesting how those seven days of creation line up almost perfectly with the 7 000 years of human history now i don't have time to get in that uh so if you want to know more about that go to youtube and look at my video entitled the seven thousand years of human history and you will see it that it it's a prophecy of the entire history of the world in the very first couple of chapters of the whole bible and if you study history and i love to study history and if you study the bible the bible says the first man was adam and he begot seth well of course we got cain and abel but then seth and then you've got and then you've got and do you realize that all throughout the bible it gives us the genealogy of people who really lived from adam to jesus christ and if you do the math bishop usher did many years ago you do the math from adam to jesus is about 4 000 years to the birth of jesus now this should be over a little bit over here but still you know from jesus the death was 33 years later so you have about four thousand years well if a thousand years is one day one day is a thousand years well the bible tells us that four thousand years to jesus and then here we are almost two thousand years later waiting for the rapture of the church and the bible teaches that there's the millennial kingdom of christ in which jesus will rule for a thousand years then after that he destroys the earth and he makes a new heaven and a new earth then according to the bible there is only 7 000 years of human history and we're getting close to the last 1000 years so if he says in first john chapter 2 it is the last time is he correct what would be the middle of seven the middle of seven is three and a half so three and a half would be right about where right about here someplace okay so there's one whole day two whole days three whole days so three and a half would be right around here all right this would be the first half the beginning and the last half the end so in the 7 000 years of human history he says it's the last time it's the last half of the 7 000 years so there you go i mean to make perfect sense we are the last time yeah you've gone through already four and now you're toward the weekend if you will if we look at it as a week the week's almost over you're getting into the weekend and so when he says it's the last time he's not wrong but you have to know your bible to say that now i don't like to go to extra canonical books okay i'm not one of those guys that says now look over here at this book and this scripture and follow it so i don't teach you the apocrypha i don't teach you i've just read the apocrypha all over again it was just like hard to get through and i don't go to that and teach that as scripture let me say it dogmatically i do not believe that the apocrypha is scripture that we can rely on that we can take as inherent and preserve of god i think that the reason the early christians didn't accept the apocrypha is because that it has problems but with that stated i think it's interesting i thought i'd show you this years ago a christian showed me this and i thought wow that's interesting and the only reason i'm showing you this from a extra canonical book is because it lines up with the bible okay i will never go to an extra canonical book and try to teach you that instead of the bible but if it says what the bible says i'm like wow that's kind of cool so i have a book here called the lost books of the bible and the forgotten books of eden and again i'm not teaching go to this instead of the bible but i find it quite interesting that this is what claims to be and who knows if it is like i said i don't take the apocrypha because i think it has heirs mistakes i think some of it could be forged so we don't know if if it is true scripture or not that's why we shy away from it but here's a book that i have called the forgotten books of the bible the front and books of even and this book has in it what claims to be the epistle of barnabas remember paul and barnabas and i just thought it's interesting that i'd read this because a christian showed me this years ago and i thought it was neat and it's neat because it lines up with what we're reading barnabas says and god made in six days the works of his hands and he finished them on the seventh day and he rested the seventh day and sanctified it consider my children what that signifies he finished them in six days the meaning of it is this that in six thousand years the lord god will bring all things to an end for with him one day it's a thousand years has himself testified saying behold this day shall be as a thousand years therefore children in six days that is six thousand years shall all things be accomplished and then he talks about the wicked one which we know is the antichrist and how the seventh day will be the day in which the lord jesus christ rules and he rules for a thousand years in the seventh day so like i say i don't want to preach to you an extra canonical book i'm not going to go to this instead of the bible but i did find that quite interesting how this lines up with that so second peter 3 8 says a day with the lord's a thousand years thousand years one day we lay that out as the bible says just happens barnabas says the same thing how how interesting but then we look at that we go well did did all the early apostles realize that if they did now we know why john says it is the last time because in john's mind the millennium is god's time on earth so he's looking at it as six thousand years and here we are in the fifth day of this time uh he's in the fifth day so if you lay it all out like this then yeah that is the latter time okay do you get that so i just want you to understand that a lot of people will say the bible is such a dumb book this guy he's a false prophet while he thought in his day it was the last time no you've got to understand his thinking on the calendar week of god the seven thousand years of human history which undoubtedly was the thinking of the time of the early church peter even says so they knew that hey a lot of history has taken place we're over here toward the end of history there's not that much there's only a couple days left a couple thousand years left so that's how he can say last time and and it's not wrong you understand their mindset of the early church okay verse 18 of first john chapter 2 little children is the last time and as you've heard that antichrist shall come even now are there many antichrist whereby we know that it is the last time so here he tells us that there is the antichrist who will come over here in the in the last part of the last time and this is the antichrist the antichrist that is prophesied of in the book of revelation paul also talks about the antichrist in thessalonians and how he goes into the temple of god and sits up in the temple and says he is god so they knew about this antichrist but also he is writing this and he is saying hey there are many antichrists what does it mean to be an antichrist well it means just that it's someone who is anti or against anti-means against christ so antichrist is someone who's against christ okay and he says even in my day when he's writing this there are many people that are against christ so we see and i like to call this the spirit of antichrist a matter of fact that's what we'll see here later on is that john calls it he calls it the spirit of antichrist there is a spirit that is against the true christ the messiah now this kind of sounds like the who message again right because all about who jesus is you have the christ you have the antichrist jesus is the lion of the tribe of judah what is the devil he's a roaring lion the devil seeks to imitate christ so christ means the anointed one well the devil wants to be the anointed one what is a an anointed one all throughout the bible someone who was anointed was anointed to be king and so when they crowned king saul they anointed him when the crown king so there's an anointing that means you're the one that's set apart for to be used of god as a king so a king was always anointed well jesus is the king of kings the lord of lords what does the devil want as the antichrist he wants to be the king and he will rule the bible says as the antichrist and then as the son of perdition in the tribulation period so the devil wants to be a king but he's not the lord's king he's a false king so what we see here is the spirit of antichrist is always connected with trying to rule over people isn't that interesting and we'll get into that a lot more here coming up but i want you to see there is the antichrist who is the one antichrist let me write him up here as the antichrist there is the antichrist i'll just call him the ac but then there are many antichrists so the one antichrist is for this period of time as we see prophesied in other parts of the bible for the tribulation after the rapture the antichrist takes over but in the day we live and the rapture hasn't come yet there are many that are against christ there are many antichrists and the people that are the antichrists or are against christ it's because they have a spirit go to first john chapter four verse three and in first john 4 3 we read this in every spirit that confesseth not that jesus christ has come in the flesh is not of god and this is that spirit of antichrist whereif ye have heard that it is it should come and even now already is it in the world so i call this the spirit of antichrist so people that are against christ it appears according to the bible the reason they're against christ jesus and that's his name jesus the reason they're against jesus is because there is a spirit that gets in them and makes them hate jesus what could that spirit be the spirit of satan the spirit of the antichrist the spirit of of demonic spirits go to first timothy 4 1. paul says this we're talking about the last times or the last days well that is after jesus the last three thousand years of history that would be what in context the bible calls the last times and paul is writing this a little bit before john writes and look what he says in first timothy chapter four and verse one through three now the spirit that's a capital s so that's the holy spirit now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times well last times are going to be these last three thousand years of history except of course the palladium because that's when jesus is ruling so it has to be during this time that in the last times some shall depart from the faith giving he to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils so there are evil spirits we call them demons or devils and they try to make their own doctrines now that's interesting so what we're seeing with with the connection of the antichrist is there is a spirit of antichrist the spirit of antichrist and there are spirits plural demons and for some reason those demons want to get doctrines they want to start teachings and they want people to follow their teaching which is a perverted false teaching and not the teaching of the bible interesting so it continues there take heed uh giving heed these people that depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies and hypocrisy having their conscience seared with the hot iron forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meech which god hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth so it's connected with people forbidding you to marry or have i heard sometime where someone was forbidden to marry oh the celibacy be celibate don't marry and forbidding to eat meat abstain from meat where have i heard of that before oh yeah like don't eat meat on friday or something like that you would know if you were a part of that denomination of which uh so-called church i'm speaking of so we are getting a warning here from john and from paul and the warning that we are receiving is watch out for false doctrine because false doctrine comes from antichrist spirits or demons all right let's look at another thing we know paul wrote the book of hebrews and some people still like to debate that i tell them go watch my videos on verse by verse teaching through hebrews and you you can't miss it that paul wrote the book of hebrews and paul gives us a warning in hebrews chapter 13. hebrews chapter 13 and verse 9. hebrews 13 9 paul says this be not carried about with diverse that means different diverse and strange doctrines okay don't get caught up in false doctrine for it is a good thing that the heart be established with great not with meats which have not profited them that have been occupied therein so don't give yourself over to false doctrine lots of verses we've got to get into go to first timothy chapter one now why am i getting into this because we see clearly around the time of john the true church being started with christ and paul and the early apostles but we also see the false church and we see a false church being formed by satan and this of course would be satan's church jesus has his church the true church jesus's church but satan then formed himself a false church with false doctrine and it is an anti-christ church all right first timothy chapter one and verse three first timothy one three and i besought thee to abide still at ephesus when i went into macedonia that thou might has charged some that they teach no other doctrine okay paul says don't teach any other doctrine verse 10 for whoremongers for them that defile themselves with mankind for men stealers for liars for perjured persons if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine so paul keeps telling us look it's all about sound doctrine stick with the true doctrine don't depart into false doctrine because there is people that are running around claiming to be christians who have false doctrine stick with the true doctrine how do we know if we have the true doctrine we follow the bible go to ephesians chapter four i got oh there's so many verses i want to get you but this all ties together and today we're going to learn about what are called the gnostics and i want to give you as much information as i can about gnostics ephesians chapter 4 and verse 13 14 ephesians 4 14 that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cutting craftiness whereby they lie in weight to deceive but speaking the truth in love so there are some people out there that want to deceive you and they have a different doctrine than the true doctrine and they got that different doctrine from what the devil and they want to deceive you into thinking we're right don't listen to christians don't listen to the bible follow us because we're the right group and that group over there that claims to follow the bible well they're the wrong group hmm matthew 15 and verse 9 tells us this jesus is speaking jesus says but in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men so there are men out there who have come to the bible and changed it and they've said no we think what we should be teaching is this instead and they often tell you no no no don't go to the bible don't go to the bible no um follow me instead follow tradition instead and they are all into what we call tradition and they say we take the holy mother church and the holy traditions of holy mother church over the bible and you go whoa i'm warned in the bible about people that have different doctrine than the bible i don't want to go away from the bible i want to go to the bible and follow what it says now second timothy chapter 3 and verse 16 ii timothy 3 16 the bible tells me that the final authority in all matters of faith and practice is the bible not man not a church even though it might be old and have tradition you got to watch out for man's tradition you can't go by what tradition says you have to go by what the bible says and that's why it says in second timothy 3 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for approved for correction instruction in righteousness so we go to the bible we who are true bible believers for the authority all right what is truth what god says the bible but there's another church out there that says no no the authority and there's a certain man we call the pope and what he says that's what we follow that's our doctrine and you look at that and you go whoa i gotta be careful if somebody says to follow something other than the bible then we have a problem then we have a problem now look at the context of second timothy 3 16 right there in chapter four look what it says chapter four verse two preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine doctrine from the bible so use the bible say this is right and this is wrong and if there's another church or there's another group and they say no we believe this and you're wrong you say i have to approve you i have to exhort you i have to say no i have to rebuke you and say no the bible says this and you say something else then you are wrong so why are we to reprove rebuking verse 3 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own look at this lust shall they keep to themselves teachers having itching ears they should turn away their ears from the truth it should be turned into fables so there's this group over here that's listening to fables and lies basically they're believing in lies rather than the truth and they have departed from the bible and they don't care about sound doctrine they want new doctrine they want man's doctrine so rather than the doctrine taught by the bible and the early apostles they want doctrines that are taught by others but the bible is clear those other doctrines were taught by demons so it's demonic this other group rather than bible doctrine they would rather follow made-up doctrine for example this false church over here split off from the true church and they began to teach a teaching in which they said well today there are priests and they say we are the priests in this church and they begin to call themselves fathers and they begin to say i'm a priest come to me if you want your sins forgiven i'm the priest is that true uh revelation 1 6 look at what revelation 1 6 says and hath made us kings and priests unto god and his father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever amen and before that it says unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood i don't need a priest to forgive him my sins jesus forgave my sins and washed me in his blood and i am a priest in the eyes of god i don't need to go to a priest but this false church says no no you've got to go to a priest and confess your sins and you go hmm that's not what my bible says the bible says i am a priest i believe in the priesthood of the believer i don't need a priest in god's eyes i've been made a priest and over in revelation 5 10 and has made us unto our god kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth so i will be a priest over here in the millennium in christ in my glorified body but i don't need a priest now like they need in the old testament see when you look at all this what you see is you see they're trying to mix the old testament in with the new testament and that's what the false church does the false church says let's get back over under the law and let's make our own christianity but let's mix the law with grace you can't do it because paul says it's by grace through faith alone and not of works not works so you have two different groups in the world today that claim to be christians you have one group that says no it's not works we're saved by faith only and they trust in jesus then you have another group of so-called christians and a lot of them are getting together in an ecumenical movement and they're saying no it's what we do and we got to do this we got to do that and we got to follow what a man says and it's all about what we do oh so you think you're your own savior you see how awful that is they're trusting in themselves rather than trusting in christ well wouldn't that be antichrist to be saying that our basis of fellowship calling ourselves christians is we don't believe that jesus saves us we believe that through works we can save ourselves no wonder they're antichrist they're against trusting christ alone for salvation there's a thing called the mass and so what they do is they take a thing and they and they added this in to this false church over here and they said we believe that you need to do a sacrifice and that sacrifice they say is the continual sacrifice of jesus over and so if you know anything about the roman the papist system they believe in a mass and they say a mass is a sacrifice now i'm not a roman catholic but i've studied them for years and i've come across a lot of roman catholics especially in honduras and mexico and other spanish-speaking countries and a lot of them i was able to lead the lord and they tell me brother breaker i always thought that if i went to the mass i would have my sins forgiven that's what i was taught in that church and i've read their catechisms and i've read their books and they say that they are literally pulling jesus down from heaven and forcing him into a cracker a wafer and they're sacrificing him over and over again that's what they believe in the mass that's a tradition in that church of men what does the bible say well i have to go to the bible because the bible says in hebrews 10 10 by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of jesus christ once for all there's no continual sacrifice over and over again it's once for all and every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sin okay never take away sins it's plural but this man speaking of jesus after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever sat down on the right hand of god so there was one sacrifice for all sins forever and the true church trusts that for salvation the false church that's led by spirits that is against christ says no no we got to sacrifice jesus all over again and if you'll come to that sacrifice then that sacrifice will forgive you your sins and you look at that you go oh uh what and you go to this false church and the false church says well now you've got to do confession and what you do is you come to the priest what there's no priest in the new testament we don't have to go to a priest in the new testament if there is priest we are our own priests because christ has made us priests but our high priest is christ we don't we don't need priests in the new testament according to paul and the early apostles but look at what they say in the false church the false search says you have to go to confession you have to go into the little confessional booth confess your sins to a priest and he will forgive your sins now how does he say that he says te absuelvo in spanish and i don't know latin very well but it's something like that or something and when you confess your sins to a catholic priest he will tell you i forgive you okay go to luke chapter 5 verse 21 the pharisee priests of the old testament were smarter than many people today because their question is valid look what it says luke 5 21 and the scribes and the pharisees begin to reason saying who is this which speaketh blasphemies who can forgive sins but god alone how can a man a sinner a priest forgive another man's sins according to the bible he can't only god can forgive your sins but you are taught in this false church no no if you go to confession well well then the priest can forgive your sins and you go oh okay well this false church says celibacy sella but all right i can't spell it so i'll abbreviate it celibacy and so this false church c-e-l-i-b-a-c-y sell uh bus see i'll try to spell it celibacy hope that's right so the false church teaches celibacy and they say you can't be married you can't be married well we just read first timothy 4 3 and it says what it says forbidding to mary marry well if you go to the roman church the catholic church they say well our priests can't get married they have to be celibate does the bible teach that no read first timothy sometime read titus sometime it says an elder or a bishop which is a pastor is to be the husband of one life in the bible they can be married so why does this church say they can't be married you start to look at that you say man everything they teach seeks to go against god in the bible they say call me father you know the priest say call me father call me father and you go uh okay um but nowhere in the bible does it tell me to call you father in fact my lord and savior jesus christ said the exact opposite so why are you telling me to call you my father when matthew chapter 23 and verse 9 jesus says and call no man your father upon the earth for one is your father which is in heaven and the context is verse 8 rabbi a religious teacher so when it comes to religion jesus said don't ever call anyone in a religion your father and you look at that and go uh so why does this uh roman church say call me father and you just you just you're baffled and you're just left there scratching your head going what is this many of you that have been in the roman catholic church you've heard the catholic church say this this is one of the favorite sayings of that denomination there is no salvation outside of holy mother church and so they say you can't be saved without the church the church is what saves you and you go uh so when i read acts 4 12 you're telling me the bible is wrong acts 4 12 neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby me must be saved so salvation in the bible is jesus saves salvation when the false church says the church saves and works saves so you look at all this and you go well there there must have been something that started this false church and what i see in 1st john is the apostle john warning us about what we call gnostics and i want to get into gnostics here in a minute and i want to show you this book the gnostic origins of roman catholicism by ken johnson because what we're reading in 1st john is the forming of the gnostics gnosticism which eventually led to i believe roman catholicism there was gnosticism which was departing from the true doctrine of the bible and it led to making a false church and it all came through the gnostics who were the ones that went against the early apostles and their teachings but before we look at that let me show you something interesting this same apostle john wrote a book called the book of revelation many people call this the book of apocalypse the apocalypse of john well that's the word in greek and in latin apocalypses i don't like to use that word because the very first verse says the revelation of jesus christ so i like to call it the book of revelation okay it's singular not plural i just one of my pet peeves is when people say the book of revelations and i'm like no no no no yes there are many revelations in it but it is called the book of revelation singular not plural so try to remember that when you talk about the book of revelation don't call it revelations okay but in revelation chapter 17 god gives a revelation to the apostle paul about a great a woman and in verse three through six we read so he carried away in the spirit in the wilderness and i saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color well that's purple scarlet just happens to be this is just odd the the colors of papacy romanism just happens to be uh you go over to rome today the most used colors by the bishops and our bishops and all those is purple and scarlet just coincidence i guess and then it says here and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls well you go over to the vatican and i had a friend the other day told me he went to the vatican one of the doors was a door made of pure gold lots of gold in the vatican in precious stones and pearls having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthinesses of her what of her fornication a gold cup that's interesting because if you know catholicism it's all about that cup and drinking of that cup it's all about the cup and so there it says in verse um five and upon her forehead was a name written mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth and i saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of jesus when i saw her i wondered with great admirat admiration there's a church that claims to be the church of god centered in rome that many years ago did what was called the inquisition and in the inquisition they killed many people who said no i want to follow the bible rather than the church and they said oh there's no salvation outside the holy church we have to torture you and kill you for your soul's sake do you know jesus said not to go kill people so i look at this and i'm seeing all this and i'm putting the pieces together i'm going wow now look at verse 14 through 18 these shall make war with the lamb the lamb shall overcome them for he is lord of lords and king of kings and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful you better be on the lord's side amen on the bible side and he saith in me the waters which thou saw us where the sitteth are peoples and multitudes and tongues and and nations and tongues and the ten horns which thou saweth upon the beast these shall hate the and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire for god has put in their hearts to fulfill his will and to agree and to give their kingdom unto the beast until the words of god shall be fulfilled now watch verse 18 talking about this religious the woman which thou saws is that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth so it's a city somehow it's connected to a city interesting what city could that be well if you know the bible look at verse nine here's the mind which have wisdom the seven heads are seven mountains which the woman sitted there's a city in the world called the city of seven hills seven mountains and that's rome rojo that's where the vatican is so you connect the dots and you say i wonder i wonder now go over here to revelation 18 1. revelation chapter 18 and after these things i saw another angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying babylon the greatest fallen his father has become the habitation of devils so this false place this city this area that has the false doctrine that claims to be christian is a habitation of devils and look what it says there and a hold of every fowl spirit in the cage of every unclean and hateful bird and it goes on and on and on there but look what it says verse four come out of her my people that should be not partakers of her sins that you receive not of her plagues so we that are true christians we shouldn't be a part of that now there's a lot more to get into i don't have time to go into all this let me just read these verses real quick revelation 16 13. and i saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon out of mouth the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet for these are the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth on the kings of the earth and the whole world together in the battle of the great day of god do you see how all these spirits are behind the scenes with their doctrines it almost sounds like the devil used his demons to start his own church and that church will be used by him to bring in the antichrist revelation chapter 19 and verse 19 and i saw the beasts of the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army and the beast was taken with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that which received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped his image and these both were cast alive in the lake of fire burning with brimstone and now look at 20 and verse 10 20 and verse 10 and the devil that deceived them so who is the ones deceiving people with false doctrines the devil and the devil which deceived them it says here in verse 10. was cast in the lake of fire brimstone where the beast the false prophet are and they shall be tormented day and night forever and ever so we see the devil starting himself a church with false doctrine that is not what the bible teaches and the goal is to bring about his time as the antichrist in which he can rule over the earth all right so the antichrist has a false prophet and both goes to a place of torment now so in in uh verse 19 let's go back to first john chapter two and first john two says little children it is the last time and as you have heard that antichrist shall come even now are there many antichrists whereby you know that his last time so he says look now now in my day now there are people that are departing from christ now watch what he says in verse 19 they went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not of us so there were some people in the early church that were not saved look at verse 20 but ye have an unction from the holy one and you know all things the unction that means we're sealed with the holy spirit of promise according to paul so we that are saved we have the holy spirit so john is telling us there were people in the early church that didn't have the holy spirit that weren't saved but they were there in the early church learning the doctrines but then they said you know what we're going to get out of here and they were led by demons to leave what do you think they did when they left they went and started their own churches and began to start their own doctrines and these were the early gnostics now gnostics are those that took and mixed paganism and philosophy with the early church gnostics now gnostic comes from gnosis in the greek language again let me spell it right gennosticos that's where we get our english word to know gnostics gnosticos to know so basically what the gnostics taught were this we know the real truth and you christians you're not telling the real truth only we have the real truth we know something that you don't know and this is what the gnostic said the gnostic said we have the secret knowledge that you guys don't have so you're following paul and he was wrong in the early apostles and jesus wasn't the real god no you guys are following the wrong one come to us for the secret knowledge and we'll share with you the truth because you don't really have the truth only we do you know where that comes from satan genesis chapter 3 look what he says this is how the devil has always worked from the very beginning and he's always used what i like to call secret societies genesis look what he says here genesis chapter three in verse one the devil came to the woman and he says yea hath god said did god really say that the first thing the devil does is say no did god really say that paul all the early apostles they said the lord said this and they said did he really say that or did he say something different that's a demon that questions the truth and then it continues there and look what he says the devil lied to adam and eve and he says here in verse five for god does know that in the day that ye thereof then your eyes shall be open and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil the devil says look i'm offering you a secret knowledge that if you follow me in what i teach and do what i say then you'll know something that you didn't know before and that is the early gnostics and there's so much to go into now i looked up gnosticism and internet and everything and one of it said this and i thought this was interesting i read this about gnostics scholars debate where it came from uh or started some from jewish roots others from early christian sex but proto-orthodox christians call it a heresy of christianity yeah so basically what the gnostics were were early heretics who went to church and heard what the bible said and then said i don't believe that i'm going to teach something else instead why would they teach heresy because a demon said hey i want to use you to teach this after the other thing and in the old days before the church there was the law of moses and that was the way to come to god is through the law but there was also the pagans and the pagans worshiped their false god called baal he had many names moloch he had another name dagon and these are all names for satan himself and so all the pagans worshiped satan and they would worship the devil through what they called the mysteries and they had all these different secret societies and they were all so demonic they were teaching the hidden secret knowledge which was a lot of stuff given them by fallen angels basically but they called them i think one of them was the elysian you see that's probably with the y mysteries and the egyptian mysteries well it's interesting because god used paul to give us the true mysteries the true mysteries paul has seven mysteries that god gave to him that are the true mysteries but the false mysteries are the mysteries of the devil today there are secret societies in this world that claim that they can teach you the secret hidden knowledge that you need one of them is called the masons and the masons is a secret society many people know when you get high enough up into the masons they will tell you now here's the great switcheroo you get to be the 30th 32nd to 30 somewhere up to the 32nd degree of masonry then they tell you this whole time we've been telling you that the true god was the lightbearer well that sounds great doesn't it because jesus is the light of the world so the true light is jesus okay but there is a another thing in this universe that appears as an angel of light and the bible tells us we saw it in paul that when the devil appears he appears as an angel of light and if you become a mason and i never was a mason so i never swore an oath to not reveal the secrets i actually bought masonic books and read them for myself i actually listened to other masons who got out of masonry telling what they saw so i i recommend people don't get in a masonry because when you get high enough in the masonry they will tell you the light bearer really is lucifer and they believe that the great architect ark attack knight i hope i spelt architect right they believe that the great architect is really lucifer or satan so their hidden knowledge is satan's really god and jesus really isn't nope nope nope nope nope that's not true that's the devil deceiving people and trying to get them to follow him and what does the devil do the devil's symbol is this right here the all-seeing eye and that's really called the icing eye of horus so it all goes back to those ancient egyptian mysteries the egyptians so you have a choice in this life to follow the true god jesus christ this is what john is going to tell us as we get through john that jesus is the true god and if you follow the true god then you are in the true light and then if you come to paul you can get the true mysteries amen you don't have to follow the false god little g satan is called the little g of this world a little g he's the false god but it's a it's a lowercase g he's not the true god but he imitates everything that god did so god has his true church with true doctrine and the true doctrine is from the bible itself but then the devil came in and he says i'm going to start my church and he departed people away from the truth by gnosticism now there's many many many many many things about gnosticism and you can learn a lot about gnosticism this is the first book i want to show you the gnostic origins of roman catholicism by ken johnson and this is a great book just a great book ken johnson i like ken johnson i wish he was king james only well he's texas receptus only so at least he's that but i wish he'd get on the king james bandwagon but sometimes he quotes from other bibles i don't like that but he's such good information that i can't help but quote him from time to time and he says that he thinks that gnosticism in the early church began with simon mangus now i don't know about that i'll just throw that out there because that's what he says but simon mangus is in the bible simon mangus is mentioned in the book of acts there's probably a reason that he's mentioned in the book of acts the holy spirit chose to put him in simon called himself the standing one a term that among the egyptian gnostics meant a being of higher plane of existence now if you become a mason there's the master masons jesus said and we read the verse called no man on earth your father the verse right before it says call no man on earth your master be not many masters almost like jesus saying don't be a mason don't call yourself a master but it says here um that this guy the egyptian gnostics he followed the old mysteries he was simon mangus he claimed to be a magician oh by the way let me throw this out here by the way masonry calls itself the craft the craft if you practice masonry you're practicing the craft craft which craft would that be which craft could that be talking which oh could it be witchcraft well if you get into masonry you eventually would get into witchcraft many of the singers many of the actors in this world many of the politicians joined masonry and they got so far in it that they ultimately turned into luciferians who became satanists and you identify them by a symbol of of a quiet like this you know or they'll cover their eye and that's how you know that they're part of the illuminati is there they made a blood oath that if they reveal the secrets of the society they could be killed so they always come out and go like be quiet you know that kind of stuff like oh we have a secret and they always cover their eye because they believe in the one all-seeing eye so that's how you identify these people and find out who they are and they all go back to the action gnostics and the ancient gnostics all go back to the elysian mysteries and all that kind of stuff and uh this guy thinks that uh this fella simon was one of those who was used by the devil to help bring about the false church but the early gnostics in the early egyptians believed that there were many different gods little g's and the simon fella he says taught that there were 30 gods and goddesses called aeons these pure gods and goddesses produce lesser gods and goddesses who in turn spawned creator angels the creator angels made everything in the material world simon said he was the truth behind the corrupted story of genesis well you read your bible you got fallen angels in the bible mating with the daughters of men you read ancient greek mythology that that all goes to the bible it's all right there what were those greek so-called little g gods they were fallen angels which later were demons and their offspring was demons now some of the heresies of these gnostics most gnostics gnostics then would be those who started out in the early church but weren't saved but then said you know what we're going to take our old teachings and mix them in with christianity because so many people are becoming christians and i guess we'll become christians too and name only but we'll get our own sect of christianity and we'll keep some of our old customs which was this so in other words let's mix our false religion with christianity and that's what that so-called church became the false church most gnostics taught the use of mantras to bring about the effect of ecstasy in other words repeating words over and over until some sort of spirit got inside of you that sounds like the kundalini movement also kind of sounds like the modern pentecostal movement where they get so-called slain in the spirit interesting altered state of consciousness they also taught so it says here they use mantras to bring about the effects of ecstasy or altered states of consciousness they also taught that after death there was a place to purge oneself of their sins before going to heaven they called it the pleuro pleroma later was called purgatory there's no purgatory in the bible did you know that but there was a teaching of purgatory by the early gnostics well how did that get into so-called christianity the teaching of purgatory they practiced vegetarianism they practiced celibacy and a lot of other things so it is very clear if you just simply study look right there on that page others practice open fornication but there's your celibacy so if you study history and you study the bible and you line up modern so-called christian teaching with the bible you find out that the church of rome doesn't line up with the bible but they sure do line up with a lot of these ancient mysteries agnosticism why is that well could it be they were led astray by demons following is the list of the heresies or the teachings of gnostics work salvation well that's not paul paul didn't preach salvation by works paul preached salvation by faith a belief in sacraments instead of ordinances purgatory the practice of celibacy the practice of vegetarianism the practice of contemplative prayer idolatry transubstantiation which by the way came from babylon the worship of the son son worship repare it rejecting the superior authority of the scriptures exactly following tradition of the bible believing tradition is is more superior than scripture okay well i'm connecting the dots i'm putting this whole thing together and i'm like oh well i see what the true church is those that follow paul and the early apostles and the bible and faith alone but not of works but in the blood of christ and then i see the false church the gnostics are those who do not believe in truth here's another book the gnostic origins of calvinism by ken johnson gnosticism taught that there were some 30 gods that exist in the plural outside time and space the goddess sophia was the one they worshipped the most you know what sofia is sophia is from the greek word sophia which is what knowledge so they worship knowledge their secret knowledge come to us for the secret knowledge um here's what eusebius says that we can't always go to eusebius but here's what eusebius said excuse had some problems too but he says that um the gnostics took the concept of celibate orders for of monks and nuns from the greek and romans pagan practice of the vestal virgins huh so a lot of the practices that we see in modern day romanism comes from ancient paganism and it was the gnostics who mixed the two together a lot more in this book that's very good to read now there's another book here which is quite interesting this is by a guy dave d a weight and d.a wade is pretty scholarly fellow he's got some good stuff um you know i'm in agreement with some people 100 percent other people 80 percent this guy has got some good stuff and so you know take the good stuff and things i don't agree with i don't agree with but when a guy is right about something i want you to get a hold of it gnosticism the doctoral foundation of the new bible versions by d a wait by the way let me say this there is the true line of bible text which is the masoretic hebrew and the texas receptus in greek this is where the true bible comes from we call it the byzantine text but down in alexandria egypt is where the majority of these gnostics were and they took the bible and started changing it and they produced the lxx and they produced many evil uh perverted scriptures of where today we get the vaticanus and siniaticus and so we see that god has his true church and god has his true bible and then we also see that the devil has his own church with his own bible text all new versions of the bible today come from vaticanus and sinaiticus the gnostic perverted greek text the only pure bible in english that doesn't come from those texts that have been perverted by the gnostics is the king james bible so if you have a king james bible you have an anti-gnostic bible because you have the text that have not been perverted by the gnostics now in here here's what he says okay i want you to see this there's very wordy and lengthy and i don't want to go too long i might have to divide this up into two i hate to do that but here we see arenas uh 130 to 202 and he was in favor of the right greek text so thank god for that but look what he says here this guy erranus in his day which was not that long after the time of who of john he says in as much as certain men have set the truth aside and bring in lying words i have felt constrained by dear friend to compose the following treatise in order to expose and counteract their machinations these men falsify the oracles of god the oracles of god or the bible so there are people that come along and change the bible by means i'm going to skip ahead a little bit by means of spacious and plausible words they cunningly allure the simple-minded to inquire into their system but they nevertheless columbus columbusly destroy them while they initiate them into their blasphemous and impious opinions and these simple ones are unable even in such a matter to distinguish falsehood from error in order to become a mason you have to get become one of the initiated ones there are rituals they make you do that you must be initiated in you don't have to be initiated anything to be a true christian just get saved error indeed is never set forth in its naked deformisty less being thus exposed it should at once be detected but it is craftedly decked out in attractive dress so as by its outward form to make it appear to the inexperienced more true the truth itself i have deemed it my duty to unfold to thee my friend these pretentious and profound mysteries i do this in order that thou mayest in turn explain them to all those with whom thou art connected and exhort them to avoid such an abyss of madness and as blasphemy against christ i in the attend then to the best of my ability with brevity and clearness to set forth the opinions of those who are now permanent promulgating heresy now i could go on and on but this was someone not long after john john would have died probably in 100 a.d and this guy lives uh this guy named iranius lived win 130. to 200 a.d and he says there are heretics that are changing the doctrines and i'm writing my book to defend the true doctrine and to say these guys have changed it so when we go back to first john chapter 2 and we read in verse 19 that there are antichrist actually verse 18 that there are antichrist in his day and then verse 19 that they were actually in the early church and then they went out from us but were not of us who is he talking about he must be talking about the gnostics and history teaches that so gnosticism now i might have to go a little long today or i might have to stop and finish this up next week i don't know i guess i'll have to finish this up next week man there's so much to get into so that's kind of a brief introduction to gnosticism what i'll do is i'll leave this all up here and i'll start this and we'll go ahead and finish this up for next week i hate to leave you hanging but we'll talk a little bit more about narcissism and i want you to understand so i guess we'll stop there and uh be careful of luciferian secret societies that try to teach you false doctrine and try to tell you no uh the devil satan is the real god and the true god jesus isn't god that's what they do and that's why they are antichrists because they're against the true christ jesus christ all right we'll start here next time god bless bye-bye you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 24,349
Rating: 4.9127398 out of 5
Keywords: King James Bible Study, verse by verse bible study, 1 John verse by verse bible study, Robert Breaker
Id: U1fXB1F_s60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 25sec (3745 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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