"Knowing The Ways Of God" - Heidi Baker

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this is what we put on stage because we knew she'd be on the floor so if you would stretch your hands father Lord we thank you what we just say blessed is she they who come in the name of the Lord Lord one of the reasons why we're so attracted to these people from iris is that we're touching people whose life is not worth anything to them anymore Lord we Lord we ask for that same grace to be able miss for our lives you have full ownership of our lives Lord we asked for that grace I asked for that grace sort for myself lord I asked so that you had opened the ears of our heart Holy Spirit that you would do whatever you want to do and would you refresh would you strengthen would you replenish in Jesus name Amen Oh bless you guys Jeff and Becky we love you so much and we thank you for loving on the village of SH weeba all those people thank you yay where some of you there just recently who was just into Eva yes you're here good to see you thank you so much for coming pouring out on those beautiful people yes Lord are you guys ready for more oh I love Jesus I just love Jesus Shay Carl Bosch and I let's just let's just press in again thank you for loving him thank you for loving on the poor thank you for being his heart Shekar Abba let's just press in let's just press in a little more just press in and love on him che borovo deke and I hear the and I are over saya here we are Jesus Oh rocket aro bo Sora here we are Jesus here we are Jesus Kaurava Shia here we are Jesus yeah here we are Jesus here we are Jesus under a here we are Jesus kiddy under Aubrey and I here we are Jesus here we are your feet Jesus here we are worshipping you here we are loving you here we are kissing your feet Jesus we want to follow you Jesus we want to look like you Jesus we want to talk like you Jesus we want to move like you Jesus we want to be your hands extended on the earth Jesus we want to have your eyes Jesus we want to have your ears Jesus we want people to come and lay their lives how your feet Jesus Lord may we shine for you Jesus gara Korea shunned I Jesus Jesus Jesus draw people closer to you Jesus to the burning fiery love of Jesus God that nothing loving nothing they face would seem difficult Jesus but they would be your glorious hands extended Jesus that you would put so much of your presence in your people Jesus that they would do what you do Jesus go where you go Jesus move where you move Jesus shake out of our soul if you just want to be more possessed more possessed by Jesus more possessed by his presence right now let's not wait for the altar call it just lift up our hands and and just say Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus oh sweet Jesus Oh Cara sweet Jesus oh sweet Jesus fill me Lord fill me Lord undo me Lord shake or a Bisaya Lord God or beyond I send me Lord send me Lord send me Lord into your heart into your heart into your heart where I be so hidden in your heart god that nothing else matters I'm going to ask you all just to intercede for a while just to pray and intercede intercede that we would just here today shake it up whether we would hear the message that's on God's heart shaker table that we would hear exactly that which is on his heart shaker hobo Cory and Eric II and I just intercede some more I want you to take the hands of your friends take the hands of your friends start praying shaker Abba shake out oh my lord take us in take us in God take us into your heart deeper deeper deeper share every key Arriba solo rudaba Hyundai don't leave us like this so God or Rock idiot is as deep as we've gone as far as we've gone Lord shake Arabic URI and I take us deeper and further into the very heartbeat of God Sheikh or noble Corey and I deeper and further into the very heartbeat of God Sheikh Arabic URI and I Lord and tell our heart beats in rhythm with your heart shaker ABBA start to pray for your friends heart right now all over the room shaken ABBA pray for your friend pray for your friend that their heart would beat in the rhythm of the heartbeat of God I want you to pray shake are about pray right now the heartbeat of Jesus we want to hear the heartbeat of Jesus Lord god oh god oh god Shaco robo eyes to see hearts to feel oh they eyes to see hearts to feel God shaken about shake out of us shake out of a shaker ABBA wake up wake up wake up wake up sleeping beauty wake up sleeping beauty shake out ABBA I hear that how often often over America I hear that again over this place wake up sleeping beauty wake up wake up wake up I feel like the Lord wants to shake America and way cámara shake American wake America shaker ABBA I saw vision last night I saw it again this morning of this river a Red River I had I had forgotten hey that when I came here years ago show we were in the car Becky and Jeff and I kept seeing Red River and Red Robin and I was confused I didn't know what it meant and and there was a bird in a car ahead of us and it was just flying all around the car and the Lord was just saying show there's something about holy spirit being released shaken Abba in greater measure over Tennessee and this river a red river it represents the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus and the oil of his presence and and the glory of his love and it's being released out out out out of Tennessee out of this place it is a river of his presence whoa and many many people are going to be saved shaken up ah there'll be a great in and a great show a great harvest a great harvest again a great harvest again shake out of us on the DA and there's something about this depth of intimacy of the people whoa coming together in worship coming together in adoration she got about Sunday that will awaken the bride to love that will awaken the bride to love shake or Oh Cory and I Jesus Jesus Jesus Lord we ask father that you would take us up and in today got up and in up and in shake out up up up and in thank you Jesus up and in whoa ha ha yes Lord she got bossy yeah mmm thank you Jesus aye and though seems Holly seems hard holy holy holy to pause in the Western Church hey I like waiting I like waiting I like waiting till I hear and I was I was listening and hi I feel like goddamn spoke to me something I'm trying to look how long I'm good oh you have a bread clock I always look for those in churches there it is one time one went backwards that was wonderful thing they said you have more time they didn't say they just kept putting the clock back I had a blast with that Hey well I'm a little lover of Jesus in the in the bush of Muslim Becky I'm not compared to Jeff and Heidi they're really in the bush bush I'm out there a couple days a week in the villages but we live in Pemba Mozambique we're going on 20 years in Mozambique now hallelujah yes it's just a joy I love what God's doing Shea but I feel like everything everything's got to come out of the presence and I want to speak to you about being undone in the presence about living in the glory shaken about about carrying the glory of God do you and I carry the glory of God just just a fresh a fresh wave of fresh wave of his presence there's so much presence in this place and and there's so much presence all all around just this whole region that it seems show that people could almost get used to it hey and there's something about being awakened to love and understanding that as you dwell in the presence you can always go deeper you can always go deeper into inside the heart of God and that's what I want us to do today and so show I feel like I'm going to share from Exodus 33 ah it has to do with a lot of things over my own life and over what God wants to do even in this place and then the Lord said to Moses leave this place you and the people you brought out out of Egypt and go to a land I promised you on oath to Abraham Isaac and Jacob and I will give you to your descendants I will send an angel before you and drive out the Canaanites am writes hittites perizzites hivites Jebusites go out to the land flowing with milk and honey I'm going to start there what was the first thing that happened Moses was given a radical promise from God have any of you had any prophetic words in this place come on cots nobody even raised their hand prophetic words right we've had them this is a house this is a hot house this is a house of the prophetic this is a house of the presence this is a house of the glory so we've heard the prophetic words and they're powerful we got to hold on to them shake it off don't let them go I see some people they just have bags of prophetic words and I get weighed down there's like when are they gonna happen I'm carrying around all these prophecies and it's getting later and I don't know gonna fall out under the weight of the prophetic words her brawlin and I were in in reading two years ago remember and the prophet got up and he started prophesying over us and we have a house up there we were given this house it's really amazing and um isn't that nice someone gave us a house Wow so they were prophesying and by the time I mean they were saying the Lord's giving you China and then there's gonna be campuses all over America by the time he was done I was so laughing in the spirit I was like I'm gonna have to be 682 to carry that word I mean it was beyond beyond beyond and I was like lord I I believe you Jesus but I I don't understand but I believe you Jesus but I don't understand but I believe you Jesus but I don't understand um and I realized you know it's all about just the people you touch touching others and touching others and it's a multiplication of God's love it's never about one person fulfilling this huge destiny but it's about all of us being released to carry the destinies and the power of God show I was just thinking of it I uh I can't believe some of the time you hear these words and you're just it's just too much do you understand that just too much you know Hey but there's two ways we can take that we can either believe God and get low really really low or we can just shut off and say it's impossible let me just give up you know give up and die I just love that southern way you say it yeah but it's not time for that we got we have to live shake out of us so he had this promise and then he had this powerful powerful angel show up and have you ever anyone ever seen an angel few less I want to tell you a story about an angel that I saw is that okay I can tell it okay there were I was hearing a preacher and I was very upset with them has anybody ever you're like how many times have we raised our hand I don't know I just want to connect with you has anybody ever been upset with a preacher more hands go well I was them I was at a university where I was studying and I was upset with a preacher I thought he was arrogant and I had to take him out to lunch cuz I was in charge of the ministry and so I was sitting right there and I'm looks listening to him and I'm thinking he's so arrogant but I'm smiling mm-hmm I'm thinking man that man is arrogant why is he saying what he's saying and he was saying God's giving me a City I'm like God doesn't give people cities God doesn't give people cities I can't believe he's saying God's giving him a city who thinks they get a city and I'm thinking they're sitting there I'm about 19 years old and then one is right one on his left and bam Jesus behind him listen to the man he's telling the truth Sakuraba whoa down I win I collapsed on the floor like oh shake up I did not take the man to lunch I crawled to the back of the chapel into this little room and it was like yeah yeah ah everything within me it just like I became this empty hollow worship worshiper I can't explain it it was like this worship became from the depth of my being out I worshiped and worshiped till my eyes swelled shut and I had no more voice and I cried out to God I said Lord if you're giving someone a city then I want a nation Hey shaker Abba I was 19 years old I crying out to God so I understand something of this angelic visitation of the promises of God but they're not enough they're not enough and then and then it went even better and there there were all these demonized tribes these demonized tribes you know me had tides parasites yuck I call them parasites parasites and and and they were just demonic demonic tribes and they were being driven out some of you love having power over demons I love having power over demons I love I hate the little boogers I like getting rid of them the very first time yes I like getting rid of them the very first time I planted a church well tried to plan to church tried to in the north of Mozambique I remember the day as if it were yesterday we were there and it was a hellish situation everybody was running around with rocks and sand and they were grouchy and they were spitting and rocks and you've never had rocks in your service have no-one's thrown him out we've had a lot of rocks and sand and people angry it was a very first time we're in this people group and they're spinning around and I'm I brought this very famous preacher from America no no no sorry sorry don't say America was Canada he was a Canadian preacher very very famous very annoying - very expensive ticket I remember it because it was just such a stretch of faith but I thought this man's gonna carry the glory and he's gonna preach and all these people are gonna get saved and that man preached and it was disastrous have you ever seen that happen I mean he was so anointed in Canada and then he got their news and he said he said I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry he knew it it was like just people were screaming and yelling and it was no presence at all it was just ah and then when light bulb was the sound system blew up it was terrible crackling I said God what do I do in a situation like that I'm sitting there I feel my poor Rawlin well I remember Rahl and he's sitting we're outside in the dirt right you know our kind of churches outside in the dirt with a broken piece of pavement trying to preach the gospel everything that can go wrong goes wrong do you understand you ever been in a situation like that so we're sitting there I remember rollin just going like this oh and then this famous preacher sat next to Rahl and you know we didn't have any cushy seats or carpet or anything so this famous preacher just sat down next to all and the two of them just went oh you know can we just somebody shoot us hurt take us out somebody take us out of here it was that bad I'm not exaggerating it was that bad and it was the very first service we were doing in the north of Mozambique and I her asked God what do I do Lord what do you want me to do he said I want you to have an altar call yeah well that's great that's a super awesome plan that's just fantastic yes Lord I I mean I love having altar calls you know when there's no presence except dark presence and I'm not I mean I'm looking these two men my own husband this famous preacher just does it was just so hard and Rowling was just wanting us to leave you know and I remember the Lord singing it have an altar call I said yes Lord yes Lord what out what kind you said call all the demonized said but they're all demonized Jesus seriously they weren't Christians it was all people of another faith than they hated us the Lord sent up an altar call and they didn't listen to the message it was just so I said okay Lord and I remember backing up like this backing up and looking at the people and I looked out at them and they're spinning and kids were throwing each other on the ground it was just that bad I said okay everybody with demons come forward and they started coming about 36 people the rest of them were lying they they just they became forward and I were so just like oh you know when you've ever seen people really possessed not pretty you know one tongues came out and reached their hearts tongues out they started slithering I said that's really ugly I don't like that what am I supposed to do Jesus he said get rid of him I said yes Lord and I didn't know what to do I'd never had an altar call like that before so I kept backing up and I'm looking at these people on I said David go at Jesus name and he went he got stuck to the dirt it was very cool I was happy about that because they couldn't say anything they couldn't move or anything they were just stuck there so I went down I was trying to think how shy should I be third wave vineyard Pentecostal how should I you know I'm trying to decide how to what to do and I I decided okay I think I'll do vineyard I'll interview him so I get down there of course I speak the language you know I'm down there saying okay do you want to be saved now that you're stuck there on the ground want to meet Jesus I pick him up pick him up now you want to meet Jesus yes of course oh yes oh people's eyes got big they started dropping their rocks they're listening I went all the way to the middle of the crowd until I got to one guy in the middle it was a woman not a guy but a woman I said down there you want to be saved you want to follow Jesus yes yes yes I picked her up she went black I said back to the end of the line I did I remember it I was so thrilled because these people got delivered and then all these over a thousand people are so watching I mean we didn't count them one by one but there were a huge crowd of people and after that they just fell in their knees they just received Jesus and that was the first church out of 2764 churches among that tribe planted now in 11 years thank you lord shaken ABBA thank you Jesus that's a beautiful thing shake it up ah yes the Lord but I want to tell you that's not enough see a promise isn't enough even even getting rid of demons isn't enough an angelic visitation isn't enough you need more you need more that's there's something in the heart of the people in this building in this place in this church crying out for the more the more the more the more of God the next thing that Moses was promised was milk and honey prosperity money some people say to me if we just had money we could win the world if we just had resources we could win the whole world if we just had money money money money money money prosperity prosperity is nice I prefer to have provision than not would you like that I've tried both I've tried both I talked about it last night we were poorer than the poor we were skinnier than the poor we were so poor we didn't even we couldn't even think of buying an orange juice or anything like extravagant like that I rather have provisioned but I'm telling you provision isn't enough prosperity isn't enough milk and honey isn't enough you've got to have more than prosperity you've got to have more than power over demons and promises and angelic visitations you've got to have more on the Lord's calling even this house for the more you're a house created for the more Shekar Abba I have a shaken up I yes I did sheikha sheikha abba this is what I hear over this house - in the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets this is hebrews 1 many times in various ways but in these last days he has spoken to us by his son whom he has appointed heir heir of all things and through whom he has made the universe the son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being sustaining all things by his powerful word Jesus greater than Moses therefore holy brothers Hebrews three who share in the heavenly calling fix your thoughts come on right now come on right now come on right now shake Arabic come on right now fix your thoughts on Jesus the Apostle and high priest whom we confess he is faithful to the one who appointed him just as Moses was faithful in all of God's house Jesus has found has been found worthy of greater honor than Moses just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself for every house hey is built by someone but God is the builder of everything Moses was faithful as a servant in all of God's house testifying to what he said in the future but Christ is faithful as a son over God's house and we are his house if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast she Carrabba you are God's house do you want to be possessed do you want to be possessed by the Living God Shaker about where every cell inside of you every cell every thought every action you just be like yes Lord this house belongs to you this house belongs to you show I used to I used to do funny things like kind of ask God in a strong sort of way what he would do with my life not anymore oh this is it this little temple this little house this little jar of clay belongs fully to him he can do whatever he likes I don't care I'm just like he sometimes he whacks me out of the service and I'm on my face preaching on my face sometimes he picks me up the weirdest thing ever did I was in a service in um well no maybe not the weirdest he is probably up for vote but um I was in this service and I was I was in in worship and we'd been worshipping for 6-7 hours hey my favorite cuz they said we could worship as long as we wanted so hahahaha I took him literally oh and I was worshiping and I said Lord you could pick me up like a puppet on a string and I went shooting down then he picked me up boom and I was down and I was up and he moved me out this way and I was like wow what a prayer Lord sweet Jesus I mean he was just he was just moving me how he wanted to move me and I got so yield I said I don't care Lord I just want to be a puppet on your string that's upset some people say say what about your own will Chikara bah I figure show I would like to be fully possessed by his will by his heart by his motives by everything within him I just want to be shake off fully his and that doesn't scare me because when I'm fully his I'll be exactly who he wants me to be show I won't be whoa I won't be unhappy I'll just be fully filled yeah that's the best place you could ever be well these guys they were all concerned they were concerned about everything and they should have been because God said I'm not going with you because you're stiff-necked hikes who can you imagine what if God said that when you just freak you out wouldn't it just freak you out if God said you're stiff-necked when it just make you I mean I know whenever I feel even a little bit stiff-necked shake out Abba this is what I do I don't want to ever be stiff-necked god I don't want to even be stubborn lord about where you called me I don't want to I don't want to be stubborn or stiff-necked God I want to go where you go and do what you do Lord I want to be in your heart so that you would do exactly what you want to do with me so when these people heard stiff-necked what did they do do you remember what they did do you remember they all win in this tent and they start worshipping God Moses started worshiping Joshua started worshipping all the people were out there then they got really excited about getting rid of all their junk what about America they got so excited as they win in the tents there was a pillar of cloud it came down to stay at the entrance of the tent and whenever the people saw the pillar of cloud standing there at the tent they stood in worship each at the entrance of the tent and they would speak to Moses face to face face to face yeah face to face face to face face to face Oh face to face Moses would speak to the Lord Moses would speak to him like a like a man speaks to his friend and Moses would return to the camp with Joshua the son of nun did never ever ever never left the tent shaken ABBA whoa I feel like God wants us to strip off everything that keeps us from the glory I feel like God wants us as a people as a radical people of lovers lovers of God to strip off to get away to to take off every single thing that keeps us from the presence of God hey do you want that you just you just so lay yourself at the feet Jesus and you say Lord I'm so long for face-to-face I so long for heart-to-heart that anything that doesn't bring you pleasure Lord you just rip it out of me God I just want it gone I want it gone I want it gone I want a face-to-face heart-to-heart shake out of I encounter with you whoa the O Holy Spirit um I always ask my friends how to tell me what story to tell and I used to get upset sometimes to tell the same story and I learned that it's it's it's okay to tell a story more than once because of show because because when Holy Spirit puts one on your heart you should say what he says to say and do what he says to do shaker Allah I learned something about face-to-face encounter with Jesus as I had a face-to-face encounter with the poor face-to-face encounter with the sick I was in the south of Mozambique and we had this beautiful wedding do you like weddings I love weddings we had this beautiful wedding and we were so excited we had we had salad it was the most exciting thing we hadn't had salad in years we had had lettuce salad in years and there it was salad at a wedding I mean what could be better we had a wedding and we had salad we were so thrilled about it we were just thanking Jesus and we were all excited and then we found out there was cholera in our salad that took away some of the joy we were not as happy after that about the salad in fact it took a few more years till we braved enough had enough courage to have some more it was really scary everybody got sick people were throwing up and vomiting and defecating was so bad and that that the government came in with machine guns and they stuck him at my head which has happened many times but it's not pleasant and it came in with machine guns and yah ah you're gonna kill all of the South all of the poachers gonna die I said I don't I don't like that that's more than I can carry you know that feels weighty heavy to me I don't like that too heavy for me I said I don't think so somebody needs to do that snap t snap oh snap snap I believe in that snap it off me man when someone says you're gonna kill a city it's not very positive I was upset and I didn't want to kill a city so I said uh no no I'm not gonna kill a city they said well they're all gonna die and it's your fault cuz you had that salad oh that's terrible can you imagine the weight of that the fact in and I'm thinking of impale you know I'm a pale person in the city and now they're telling me I'm gonna kill the city I'm thinking that prophet said God gave him a city they're telling me I'm gonna kill a city I don't think that's a good thing I don't like it and then everybody was so sick they were in this hospital this heart wasn't a hospital that's you shouldn't exaggerate Church it was not a hospital it was a hellish tent full of dying people with hole they had a piece of wood a hole a bucket so you could just be sick one bucket for one end one bucket for the other end that was it that was it and God said to me with soup raised that he said you just walk in there so paisa prays and I we've we said okay and I'm a mom so what did mom's do what a moms do they buy cookies so I bought a whole bunch of cookies maybe some moms don't maybe they were sugar-free mine weren't nevermind Sakuraba I had cookies and I had coca-cola because that's a national drink of Mozambique I brought it in and I'm carrying it in and you're not allowed in there and I just walked through the door and they said hi mama and surprise I walked right behind me and they didn't even see him it was crazy God just blinded their eyes they saw me and said hi mama him they didn't see we walked in the Lord said to me you hold him face to face cheek to cheek face to face cheek to cheek I held each one cheek to cheek eyes to eyes face to face they would vomit on me I hold my little babies rock them in my arms I said you'll live and not die they defecate on me it didn't matter I said I don't care what it takes I want face to face I want to see Jesus in the poor when I see Jesus here I want to see Jesus bring life to those who are dying and I just went around I went around for hours and hours this doctor in the middle said you're gonna die you stupid idiot that wasn't nice either I thought that's not nice I said I'm gonna live and not die day 1 about 30 people got update to another 3040 people got up by day 3 they were all totally alive God healed them all God healed them all shake up hey and he taught me shaba daba he taught me something about fearless love he said fearless love fearless love love that is not afraid will kill diseases the love of Jesus in you when you're not afraid when you have a face-to-face heart-to-heart with Jesus you can go face-to-face right in the middle of crazy situations and diseases will die and fear will die and demons will flee and glory will come he said face to face I want you to go face to face heart to heart show there was them just recently Wow well I have another I have a few stories but I'm running out of time but hey I will tell you one I was in this village just recently with his mama and she was she was full of leprosy you know leprosy it's terrible leprosy their fingers fall off and their toes fall off and her toes had fallen off and her fingers would pop one few of her fingers were gone and she couldn't walk and and I was just there and the Lord said again just just face to face heart to heart just hold her and rock her I was held her and rocked her held her and rocked her and then show she just got up and danced she's got up and danced in the glory of Jesus the next day I accidentally poured hot water I was making coffee and I didn't have a table cuz it were in the dirt you know so I was making coffee and this woman came walking over to where we were because she was so excited to meet Jesus and and this coffee water fell on her toes what do you call it it it you know scalded her toes and she screamed and I knew she was totally healed cuz there's no nerve endings for lepers they have no feeling she was totally healed and I thought wow Lord even using a situation like this you just share your glory you share us your what you're doing share with us what you're doing Moses said to the Lord you've been telling me lead these people shaker Abba as God has been telling you as a people you leaders and you that are leading and even in this area in this region lead these people Lord tell me how to lead these people God show me how to lead these people Lord I want to know what to do show me Lord let me know whom you will send with me you have said I know you by name and you have found faith ever with me holy if you found favor with me Lord if you're pleased with me God teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you remember that this nation is your people Lord I want to know you I want to know your ways I'm going to ask you just for a minute to pause and just lift your hands all over this place shaker ABBA and just start asking him right in the middle shake out ABBA to say Lord I want to know your ways I want to know your ways I want to know your ways hey I want a face-to-face I want heart-to-heart I want to know your ways gods I want to be attuned show to your voice I want to hear you I want to hear you gods I want to know your ways I want to know your ways Scott shaker Abba I want to know your ways God chay-ara boss on the day I want to know your ways God mmm shake out of Oslo day I want to know your ways you found favor with me I want to know your ways teach me your ways so that I may continue to find favor with you remember this nation is your people the Lord replied my presence will go with you and I will give you rest hahahaha woo hoo shake off what how what did he say my presence we'll go with you and I will give you rest shaker Abba there's something holy about the Sabbath there's something holy about the Sabbath God wants you to understand show the Sabbath rest when you enter into the Sabbath rest you're saying to God I believe you're God I believe you're God I'm not you are I will totally take this time and I will offer it to you shaker Abba I will not work I will not move I will not do anything Lord but what it is you put in me just a worship and adoration and joy and walks and Kingdom I give it to you Lord this is the Sabbath rest God will give it to those who love Him oh he wants to show you something sheikha his presence wants to take you in to rest sheikha his presence wants to take you in to rest shaker abba shaker abhisheka avishay Kerava shaker Abba come on come on sweet Holy Spirit shake are about shaker Abba take them into rest Lord shake it about where they release their anxieties and their fears to you shaker Abba I just do right now I want to open up this altar to those of you that you've been frantic and frazzled you've sometimes you've just you've just been frantic and frazzled and you've found it hard to take rest you've found it hard for your heart to deep be at rest I just want you to come and anneal on this altar right now I feel like there's going to be a divine a divine presence holy glory of rest like a blanket of rest shaker Abbate I when you live inside the heart of God you're gonna understand the rest of God you're gonna understand what it means to live a life where there's a Sabbath rest where there is in some of you you just want to come and tell God I'm sorry Lord I'm sorry for not resting I'm sorry for pushing when you asked me to stop I'm sorry for for doing another meeting when you said to to lay down and just rest and worship Lord I come to you and I submit my heart and my will because I know your ways and you never want your children to be frazzled you never want your children to be stressed out you never want your children to be mixed up with stress and worry and anxiety shaker Abba ABBA so come sweet spirit of the Living God come sweet spirit of the Living God what else will distinguish me and your people from all the other peoples of the earth what else Lord what else Lord you know he said to Moses I know your name I know your name I know your name when Daddy God calls you by name everything changes I I sense right now all over this room is we just the last few minutes I send daddy God wants to call your name he wants to call your name he wants to speak to you your name I my name in Chinese is guy Yong Yong Tae Yong boy tink I add my name in Portuguese is Ida but when Jesus calls me by name when daddy calls me by name he calls me Heidi and I know because he calls me very clearly Heidi and he calls me and he speaks to me right now I just see the Lord's here speaking rest over his people rest over the ones he loves he's going to put you in a place of rest and out of rest there is going to be an intimacy out of rest there's going to be an understanding of who you are Wow and the last show story has to do with your name I was in this village my own village I was walking around and I was I was loving on the people and loving my old old mama friend and just hugging her and going so slow and so slow I was late of course Late Late Late I'll never forget this day I was walking down from the top of the village my Land Rover couldn't drive there was the ruins of rivers had wrecked the roads and trash and hey I was just walking down down down down it was heat of the day and I was really late Hey because I needed oh I'm just gonna say it with my eyes closed because I feel like I want you to press in with these words we have just a couple of minutes about six minutes here I was very late because I had an important meeting I needed to go to my discipleship group and by then I had some leaders in there that were leading hundreds of churches and other leaders over 2,000 churches and it was my most important meeting of the week and I was late for that meeting and I remember saying to the Lord I'm late I'm late kind of like that rabbit I'm late I'm late for a very important date no time to lose no time to win I'm late I'm late I'm late I'm late I'm late for a very important date and there was this feeling I'm late and I had on a good watch and I looked at it and then I quickly put it behind my back because I saw a woman that the Lord put before me and it was this old poor mama and she was sitting next to a a Hut she had her back on a hut mud hut and the strangest thing was it was the heat of the day because I was late late for a very important date so I know what time it was it was in the middle of the day about 1 o'clock in the afternoon and this woman was sitting against a hot in the middle of the Sun and she was cooking there and I thought why would a woman a woman sit in the Sun why isn't she in the shade right and then I looked at her eyes all right and her eyes were white she had no no color in her eyes she was in rags she was poor she was hot she was sad she was broken and she was sitting there it was the most hopeless sight you could ever imagine for a woman with no eyes to sit in the Sun in the heat of the day and when I heard the Lord say stop what do you think I did I stopped I said if those guys have been discipled for ten years surely Lord they can do their own discipleship meeting surely Lord they know how to do their own discipleship meeting I just need to stop and I looked at that woman and I said Sheena naughty bunny Sheena naughty bunny and she said back to me I have no name I asked her in her dialect in Sheena naughty bunny she told me again I have no name so I asked her in Portuguese in case I was not communicating well in makuu I said como si Shama what's your name she said I have no name I have no name and she was dejected and broken and alone and I looked down and there was a woman sitting on the side I said what's her name Shirley she has a name has she forgotten her name and the lady said no no name no name she's blind she has no name I said that's not right hey everyone should have a name right now as I pray I'll tell you what happened but I feel like God wants to speak your name over you some of you feel nameless some of you feel faceless some of you feel like you're not important to God you're not important to you to each other some of you feel like that woman with no name you feel like if you died today no one hardly anyone would notice like you would hardly be missed but God your daddy wants you to understand that he has found favor with you and he calls you by name shaka rava so I gave that woman a name Italia Italia joy and then I spoke to her another name which is you exist and I spoke to her joy you exist and I remember just saying her name and she laughed this hilarious laughs she had about three teeth and she starts laughing ha ha ha his little teeth dangling out of her mouth the joy of the Lord hit her and I told her friend it wasn't even a friend I told this acquaintance say her name as she spoke her name who Thalia Fidelia joy joy Italia and you exist and I watched her and then I said would you like to seed and I just hugged her and her eyes turned brown oh right there her eyes turn brown hahahahaha and then I told her about Jesus in that order I told her about the love of Jesus how he would surely want her to have a name how daddy God saw her and knew her and stopped for her that day that he was there with her that he would never leave her or forsake her then he would blast her with his love and hers he would bless her with salvation and she met Jesus that day shaker Amish she met Jesus that day oh so err just as we are about to leave I want you to take one person's hand not two not ten just one and I want you to know their name hear their name hear their name and I want you to bless one person right now just speak over them the Lord knows your name speak their name over them the Lord sees you and knows you God your father wants to possess you with his presence start speaking over them his presence will go with you he will give you rest he will give you rest Nathan he will give you rest Nicholas he will give you rest - Sondra he will give you rest tetra he will give you rest Heidi how will anyone know you're pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us what else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth and the Lord said I will do the very thing you asked because I'm pleased with you and I know you by name hey I know you by name I know you by name just one more time one more time just put your hand on him put your hand on him speak their name daddy knows you by name he's gonna go with you he's gonna go with you he's gonna go with you wherever you go he's gonna show you the way you're not nameless you're not faceless you're not alone you are loved by the father you exist for joy you exist to carry love you exist for joy you have eyes to see and a heart to feel you're called to enter a face to face heart to heart love affair with the one who is the one a love that never dies a love that never dies come on come on come on if it's appropriate before you leave just to give whoever you are ministering to just embrace them just bless them if it's appropriate just hold them bless them they have a name they have a face shaker a beret nobody is called to be alone we're all called to stop for the one to see the one to love the one first the one who is the one Jesus the one who is the one our Father but we're also to stop every day every single day we're called to stop and love on something so go with God and go in love I just want to thank you for coming this morning Thank You Heidi for coming the team as you're leaving I just do this periodically here at the church or sort of read this over you it's in numbers chapter six then the Lord spoke to Moses saying speak to Aaron and to his son saying thus you shall bless the sons of Israel you shall say to them and I say to you the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you the Lord lift up his countenance on you and give you peace so they shall in my name on the sons of Israel and I then will bless them and I bless you go in peace thank you so much we just bless what the Lord is doing here if you need to leave by all means feel free to leave we've got another group that's coming in here in about ten minutes and so be thankful that you got to see Heidi bless you guys bless you the ones that are traveling be safe Lord keep them safe keep them encouraged if anyone here is needing healing Lord we just speak that over their bodies right now in the name of Jesus the healing presence of the Lord go with you
Channel: Grace Center
Views: 207,941
Rating: 4.7256718 out of 5
Keywords: Heidi Baker (Film Actor), Grace Center, sermon, message, miracle, leprosy, blind, eyes, Mozambique (Country), healing, Iris
Id: FuEVWzZwodY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 29sec (3929 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 08 2014
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