Heidi Baker - Live to Love: Anthology

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we're so happy to be your head thank you so much for for coming and I'm gonna press in for the presents so I'm going to do something first that it's just a place I want to honor this team here and all the people from this fellowship that served so well we we didn't feel like we were coming in just as Outsiders you welcomed us thank you John thank you Robin thank you to all the team thank you we'll always think you should just keep going that's like what I like all the missionaries and support staff and especially the team from this church if you could please stand and could you please stand all the missionaries from all around come on come on Charles a man stand up - we love you guys - Vince and could you guys just stretch your hands out to them thank you to this church well you just served us so well we most of us came you know straight from the field we were a little bit oh here we are in Australia there's cheese we're overwhelmed just stretch your hands out to them and can you just bless them we're so proud of them I wish you could hear all of their stories all of their stories and all the people in this church all the fruit all of people coming it's your fruit - thank you Jesus Lord we just thank you for this beautiful team we thank you for the live Lord that they represent God we thank you for this fellowship we thank you for your life and your love God we thank you for John and Robin and their team god we thank you for will and moose Laurie we thank you for all the support staff God all the ones on the fields Lord Jesus and God we asked for a greater harvest and Australia Lord just a greater harvest in Australia Lord Shane anonymous say Lord we don't give to get but Lord we sure want we don't give to get but we sure want Lord we want Souls we want Souls and souls and Souls and we want souls Lord into your kingdom God we want to see the poor set free Lord we want to see the broken coming home Shawn that a messiah so right now just for a bit can we just lift our hands again and just start just singing in the spirit somehow your words we're believers in this room tonight we're believers in this room tonight so we can worship freely in the spirit as believers in this room come on you lead you lead I feel his presence will crash in just you lead come on shut up I say we could just come Holy Spirit we need you thank you Father for this beautiful team here we come Lord Gideon honey come on come on come on Jesus you were gee dia a worthy worthy you were oh you were the Lord kitty indeedy a worthy Jesus idiot not all bushy under you worthy Jesus we know we know we know a little ooh a little wee little on our own Lord but in you nothing's impossible and when we come together as the body of Christ Lord we come together as a movement of people God the body of Christ like a wave like a wave of your love God across the planet Lord oh Jesus we know we're little little little little little Lord I know I'm a little little little little little our movements little little little little little but Lord you're a big big God and if you can use any one Lord then you can use our scarred shake durable son that I must shake Lord if you could use anyone Lord you can use me Lord if you could use anyone you could use me Oh let that be a prayer right now Oh Dion that I wash sherry out that I was sherry out that I wash a we need Lord we need God Lord I come needy tonight lord I come hungry tonight lord I come thirsty tonight lord I come to you lord I come to you lord I come to you I come to you poor in spirit lord I come to you needing Jesus I come to you needing Jesus and I come I come to you in front of them I come to you in front of them cuz the only way that I know how to demonstrate is to do is to do what we do is to do what you asked me to do every day and that's come needy needy to you so when I get up to speak to them I'm full of oil or cuz it's all about you it's all about you it's all about you it's all about you so I ask you Jesus to cover me Lord in the cloud of your glory to cover me Lord in the cloud the cloud of your glory Lord the blood of Jesus covers me the blood of Jesus covers you holy is lamb holy is the lamb holy is the lamb odeon that I wash um that I must say I pray Lord they won't be wowed by anyone here but you but you but you but you cause Lord Lord Lord the only one we're in all of these you it's you it's you it's you but I thank you Lord that you come you come tonight and you move through your people tonight and you pour out your glory tonight and Lord we don't understand it with our minds Lord but our hearts say go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead if you can use anyone Lord than you can use me Lord if you can use a donkey you can use a daughter you can use a donkey you can use a daughter oh you can use a donkey to speak you can use a daughter god ET I'm gonna wash under delay Lily Lily salon I come tonight I come free tonight I come free tonight I come free tonight I come free tonight I come to you poor in spirit but I stand up strong I stand up a stand up rich in you oh come pour in the spirit Lord I come laying low and bowing down oh Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus you're the secret of the secret place you're the secret of the secret place you're the secret of the secret place already up that I wash shoot me the eye Lord Lord Lord Lord what we do in secret Lord what we do in secret Lord you reward you reward your reward with your glory glory glory pouring out oh Jesus Jesus your reward you're the only reward we seek you the only reward we want you're the only reward we seek you're the only reward we want oh if we be known in heaven Lord if we be known in heaven Lord it's all we long for we're known in heaven Lord Oh Liat are awash she kiddie on the Robo shay oh Jesus Jesus Jesus oh come on let's just seek Him just a little longer just a little longer just a little longer just a little longer he's the worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy Lord you're worthy worthy worthy were the only one found worthy you're the only one found worthy the only one found holy you're the only one found worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy you holy holy holy holy our yes is to you our yes is for you Oh possesses Holy Spirit we don't want a trickle we don't want to drop o God we want to be fully possessed by you O Jesus Jesus is the Lamb Oh Abba Abba Abba Abba we come o we come we come we come we come here I am Lord I can't come for them I can't come to the table and eat for them so all I could pray right now as I come I come I come I come and I eat I come I come and I come and I drink I come and I eat and I come and I drink it I pray I pray tonight I'd be like a salt lake down their throats god I pray that it did me that my little little in life would be like salt for them God salt for them salt for them they just they just say I gotta have I gotta have more of gonna have more more gonna have more gonna have more thank you Jesus we wanted more I want more I want more I don't know what they want I don't know but I know that I want more god I really really do Lord I don't care I don't care Lord when it looks like I don't care what it looks like god I just want more of you Jesus I don't care what it looks like God Lord Jesus Oh Lord Jesus you were strong Lord yes Lord and in our smallness and our weakness Lord you were found strong you were strong in us Oh God so Holy Spirit be strong in me tonight Oh God be strong in me tonight it crash in on them every single hungry thirsty one God could you crash in break in Lord shake them and break them Lord shake it break em Lord and call them Lord to the fields white for harvest all over Australia Lord all over Australia God who fields fields for harvest all over Australia all over the world Lord shakin rubbish on the Nama site Lord would you take us and break us and mould us and make us Lord you're the Potter were the clay come on mould us and make us Lord after your way thank you Jesus Oh son to son to son to douchiest gloriosa popeye wow gloriosa popeye oh jesus lord please Jesus please Jesus please Jesus so rubbish a a please Jesus Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world please Jesus rise the holy hunger up in Australia a holy huncke or a holy thirst Oh God a radical love gone where people that have been hidden in darkness would see the great light of Jesus the Lamb who was slain god older avishay we say this will no longer be a post-christian nation but they will come back they will come back they will come back to you Jesus Olly Olly oxen free they will come back to you Jesus oh that the love of God so manifests through these people are that people out there won't be able to resist oh god oh god oh god let the new wine the new wine the new wine flow let the new wine the new wine the new wine flow thank you Jesus oh let the new wine of the spirit oh the heavenly holy heavenly holy wide flow let it flow let it flow oh Jesus let it flow tonight oh god oh god whatever whatever you want to do Lord show us show us show us Lord oh so are you wondering why why why pressing in because I don't know what else to do I just don't know what else to do sometimes I just he just he just leaves me to press it more until somebody joins me until somebody joins me just depress it - come on we can have more if we want more we can have more if we want more but there's something into asking I don't understand but there's something in the asking there's something in a hunger that says like like will knows always saying I've just it's not it's not like we got we can't leave this place without being hungrier we can't leave this place without eating and there's something about about tasting and seeing that the Lord is good that causes us to want more of God sheikha Robin wants us holy to give more to give more of ourselves to him Jesus Jesus oh lord show me what it looks like as you take me through this scripture now Lord Chikara buses on data Bay yes yes yes yes all I know it's a oh it's a holy hunger whoo I just what is it gonna take for us to get super hungry why does it get it takes I don't know sometimes you just have to stop eating to get hungry that's good Wow when you stop drinking you'll really get thirsty Wow even sooner than when you stop eating if you stop drinking you'll get really thirsty Wow so Lord we want to drink what's real and what's good we want to eat what's good what's real so lead me Holy Spirit lead me with them on a journey tonight into your heart thank you Father I'm just gonna start with this I'm in a church you all know the name of the church River live where does the river come from the throne of God and of the lamb right the throne of God and of the lamb do you want that River of Life flowing out of you is that who you are is that your that's what you're you're called to be those people you are those people there is a prophet named Ezekiel did he ever hear about him he was a mighty prophet of the Lord and he spoke about the river of the Lord and says the man brought me back to the entrance of the temple other translations say that an angel brought him back a man and angel brought him back to the entrance of the temple and it said I saw water this is Ezekiel I saw water coming down from under the threshold of the temple towards the east the water was coming down from under the south side of the temple south of the altar then he popped me out through the north gate and led me round the outside to the outer gate facing east and the water was flowing down from the south side as a man went eastward with the measuring line can you to say that measuring line a measuring line yep there's a measuring line he's got a measuring line and it's in his hand and he measures off a thousand cubits and then he led me through water that was ankle deep he measured off another thousand cubits led me through water that was knee-deep he measured off another thousand cubits led me through water that was up to my waist measured off another thousand and now it was a river how do we get there that I could not cross because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in a river that no one could cross he asked me son of man do you see this then he led me back to the bank of the river when I arrived there I saw a great number of trees on each side of the river he said to me this water flows towards the eastern region and goes down to the Arabah where it enters the sea and when it enters into the sea the water there becomes fresh swarms of living creatures will live wherever the water flows there will be large numbers of fish what large numbers of fish do you want to be fishers of men large numbers of fish where will the fish be wherever the river is where the water is fish large number of fish large number of fish they represents because this water there the water is there and it flows there and it makes the salt water fresh so where the river flows everything will live fishermen will stand along the shore from n egg a and get D to n a claim and there will be places for the spreading of nets the fish will be of many kinds like the fish of the Great Sea but the swamps and marshes will not become fresh they will be left for salt fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river their leaves will not wither nor will their fruit fail every month how often every month I love that every month they will bear because the water from the sanctuary flows to them their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing do you remember where else the scripture talks about the river psalm one we delight in the law of God we delight in the ways of God where else John four where else revelation 20:2 the angels showed me the river of water of life clear as crystal flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb down the middle of the great Street of the city Wow do you want to jump it do you want to jump in deeper what if there really is a measure I had a I'm gonna go back to an old story then are we gonna go to new starting back to an old one and in between cuz when you get my age you've got a lot of stories I've got a whole lot of stories I've been preaching the gospel now for 44 years and I strug have full of Jesus and I'm in love with him is it not that should encourage you to see a happy mission I'm a happy eyeful in life I love Jesus that I love people and I sometimes I get tired but hey that's okay I know where to go and I know what to do I go it to him in him through him by him all things he's just so awesome so I'm gonna tell you an old story have you ever been a Grove ated in church yeah I hit so my god I go you're with me you're like tracking yeah we've been aggravated maybe just now when I prayed for 15 minutes well that's okay Sakuraba so I went to the service and some of my friends will know this story it was years ago and rollin and I were we were burned out missionaries you know we went to Toronto God crushed in can you say Toronto too late I said it oh it's okay so we went there you know that we called it the tea place and got crushed in on us we met some of our best friends in the world there was awesome and I mean we Charles the dam you were there and we'll Matt is that your church it's just I love the family of God so we went in there and we weren't allowed to go back have you ever been told you can't go somewhere maybe where you are now he like go don't go it's really scary no go go go it really is scary but in the best kind of way Shaka Abba cuz you're gonna die that's awesome but then God he he kills you with his love but he raises you from the dead it's true hey Shaka baba anyway you might not agree with my theology but that's okay I believe if you die o to yourself Oh shadow beside God can raise up whatever he wants to do in and through your little life laid down at his feet he's worthy worthy worthy just give it all away just give it all away just give it all the way oh he's so worthy so anyway we went and we we were we were challenged we had a lot of need and and this big massive mega church with beautiful anointing and power and glory they after we went to the tea place we went preached at their place and they gave us a really good offering thanks for whatever you did for the poor that's just so cool but anyway they gave us a really good offering it was a million dollars and it was that was pretty awesome we've never even heard or seen anything like that and then they wrote us a letter if we went back to that tea place they'd take it away so this is how I got aggravated all that rabbit trail to get to this so we went back in after week they said sign the letter you know you have to sign a letter you won't go there and if you don't go there you can keep the money but if you go there you can't keep it so what we did was we snuck in we snuck in the back because we don't want anyone to see us because lord have mercy when you have so many children I don't know if Stephen Ross are here but you know it's like you were you just came right after that time and and people thought we were nuts they said you are so crazy because the government well I can't say that zipping imboca anyway we lost all our stuff and we were like homeless with 320 kids and and so a million dollars was a good offering so we could rebuild you know and take care of kids we already had cuz she can't just throw him back right you got kids what do you do just return them to anyways just little thought so we're kind of struggling with this and we're not allowed to go to this this meeting but somehow we decided we'd sneak in and see if it was worth it and I just defended my PhD so I was really thinking about a lot of things and I'm thinking and I'm discerning I'm back in the back middle dr. Baker and there is this annoying preacher this preacher was so annoying that I wanted to strangle him in love he so annoyed me because he couldn't string a sentence together he was slaw curd snockered I thought they shouldn't allow someone like that up there and he had a ruler and it was pink I don't like pink either it looks nice on this lady but I'm just I'm not you know I just pink it's never been my color and he had this pink roller and he was like gods measuring you and I'm like oh sweet lord they're people falling out laughing I'm like look at that I'm starting to get really upset look at that guy look rolling look at him he's nuts these people are nuts the church that other church they were right we need to leave now we need to leave now let's go now it's the million bucks let's go these people are crazy I'm thinking this I'm nudging rollin and rollin who's a real thinker he really is a theologian he's a thinker he's like he's making sense to me what and then the guy just had the nerve to annoy us even more and he gets out another ruler like a lime green one Nathan and he's just laughing and it's so annoying I'm thinking what is this man doing and why did they let him here I don't understand and then the whole horse like well did you read the book how deep do you want to go in my spirit like I don't think I don't know surely don't mean surely you don't mean those crazy people there that fall and rattle and shake and who and they don't care about the poor I had all kinds of judgments no I'm telling you no I said they just eat I had all this stuff going on annoying this man with the rulers snockered out of his gourd and people eating in between meetings and eating more and I mean all of this is going on and finally I just said Lord whatever it is you want Jesus I just I just want you I don't care what it cost I don't care what it takes I just want you but I only want you I only want you Jesus I only want you Holy Spirit I only want you Oh God show me what it is and I finally just couldn't stand any more night I ran up there and got rocked by God and I don't know if that man with the ruler touched me or not I I don't know I was kind of scared of him actually it's just too much too much but finally I just gave up because I was like so understanding finally how much I really needed more of Holy Spirit and it wasn't about how I could earn it or or cook it up or it wasn't about people telling us what we could or could not have a Holy Spirit but it was a heart just longing for him and after that and you could say well God will never test you and never measure you most of your tests are happening when you don't know it God does test you he measures you and he tests you and he literally sent servants of the Lord angels of the Lord servants of the Lord he says now come on like Ezekiel come on come on what's he asking you into some mystical woowoo cloud know some of you think worried about that no we're not talking about will sparkles flying in a tunnel we're talking about Jesus himself Jesus the Lamb of God Jesus the Lamb of God who is slain and he says the river of God flows from the lamb from the throne the throne Ava's throne and of the lamb out to the streets how deep do you want to go see how doop do you want to go in God when you go deep in God then things are changed see we were measured that day we were measured that day we were provoked that day it didn't coming away I wanted in a package I wanted it offended my mind so I think I don't think my mind was offended it wasn't checked at the door it was offended I thought what are you doing these people look nuts my mind was offended but my heart was moved because I understood the presence of God was drawing me to give up my life to lay it down to to literally be immersed in him and I realized that when I took that step deeper and I took another step deeper and I took another step deeper that I was letting go of control I was letting go of control because I liked to control things and every time I get dry earth and God wants me to do to be I realize I start trying to control it let's make it work let's make it happen no it's not going to work that way it is as we abandon our life as we give our life away that God's Spirit touches us and he does touch our mind he does touch her mind and he takes us deeper I I think I I think I don't worry going okay I know what time it is - got a Swiss watch yay okay here we go and there's this river powerful River and it's flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb there's a tree and it's bearing crops of fruit yielding its fruit every month where the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nation's no longer will there be any curse this is heaven heavens Kingdom but it is what we're pressing in for now it is not yet and it is now it's something it's this tension we're pressing we're pressing we're pressing we're longing but what does it come how does it come what does it look like there will be no more night there will be no need for the light of the lamp the light of the Sun for the Lord God will give them light and they will reign forever and ever so I came straight from Mozambique Rawlins there holding the holding the fort as you say just carrying glory with our team and I don't know how many of you heard what's going on in our country a little bit no well so you're like why would we hear about that I'll tell you because I've got the mic so our country's been challenged recently just the little Rollins as wuined it's a little wound so it's a little would we have instability we have we have a lot of crazy stuff going on then we had a cyclone hit a big cyclone that just ripped through the middle of our country ripped up the capital city 90% of the roofs were blown off just a little challenged and so we're in there and we're just like our teams thousands of us are just caring for the hungry the poor the sick the dying the broken just people are being dug out of rubble it's just crazy crazy beyond what you and we're just just thinking okay we're just giving everything we're tired we're stretched were pushed and then another cyclone heads to like if you didn't know it was real you'd think we were making it up how could that happen in one nation how could one nation get so hit like that it's the craziest thing ever and what are we gonna do in the middle of that what are we gonna do in the middle of that it's like you could spend we've been there 25 years now you could spend 25 years building building building hearing God moving in the spirit and building and in one day could just be wiped out do you know that and you'd say what was that about some of you wonder about when Jesus comes back what's gonna happen oh no we just don't even know to be honest but God's gonna have his way God's gonna have his way so here we are we're like this is crazy and and some of our stuff got completely wiped out and some of it just miraculously stayed just just beautifully and some of people died and some people didn't die and it was just very channel it isn't was it is a very very very challenging time and what do you do in the midst of a challenging time what do you do when you're standing in the village and you walk into a village right they're already poor we work with the poorest people on the planet all of us there's that's where our movement we're just called to the poor the sick the dying the broken the needy it's just what God put in us so we step in and we're looking around and we're looking around and you look it around and everything's flat it's all gone it's all it's all gone it's like leveled massive in banana trees like for hire year old treats they're just flat all these massive palm trees just flat hey you good you look at that and go this like what happen otherworldy can't imagine it's actually your world you can't imagine is actually you're walking where there used to be a house where there used to be a village and it's gone and then you you things I can't talk to you about happen and more people died and more people died and more people died as evil started to rise up evil evil darkness there are people evil you know they they're dark evil and more people started to die and you're hearing the Lord all this time say can you come deeper can you go further and you just want to give up you just want to look at it and go it's just too hard maybe that's just me has anybody here ever felt like giving up seven okay well talking to somebody just like does it have to be this hard I mean you think these people they they work so hard and you think what this and it just seems so crazy and so challenging and you think god it can't get any harder after the first cyclone and then another one comes and you think it can't get any harder and then I'll just say rebel forces there I don't shoot me rebel forces and you think Lord what's going on and he says will you trust me will you come deeper will you come deeper will you trust me and you realize that we are all these little little people but I shared with our team today and I want to share it with you after the first cyclone hit we walk in there right all right we've got a bush plane it's very cold it's a very beautiful miracle plane and something like what you've got your own jet we got a bush plane it's very cool but I wouldn't mind a jet if it took us to the Lost I'm just but I rather pay for a ticket you know because it's cheaper but I don't know I'm thinking about what what we might need in the last days that's gonna make some people really angry but we have boats we have boats too we sunk a couple but we got one left we sunk we sunk three and then sunk a few other people's boats as well so you might not want to so into our boat ministry it's just we haven't been super annoying to data but we're just like keep going you know we just don't give up we're like come on we saw the boat go into the head so anyway that's it I'm just being vulnerable with you some things were really really good at some things Oh Chaka Baba so II should dice up and say don't even try but Jesus in His mercy lets us you know it's just good we're like kids okay slow down slow down okay slow down anyway maybe not you maybe you just slow all the time I don't know but but I rather how rather run and have them slow me down than not run at all just saying this being vulnerable you don't have machine guns that's refreshing [Laughter] thank you Jesus no katanas okay so so we just want to reach out and then we're looking around and things are crazy in and we got our bush plane there and we were prepared the team in in America the team in in Africa they were prepared to me we got all this food before the cyclone came now here is a strange story 9:05 I had a prophet a friend of mine haven't seen him in probably 15 years amazing guy marked upon super real real prophet you know he shakes a lot just to make sure you know it's the anointing then you really know you know use the ease anointed especially when in wow it's like scary awesome anyway he prophesied over us in two thousand Steven Ross were there we had these crazy floods and we had we had a few hundred churches that's all we had we had probably a thousand kids in a few hundred churches and if you wanted to eat in and you were one of our kids you had to go to church so it helped us to grow churches people to come you know and that was you want to eat come to church that was it that's the rule still is hallelujah anyway we're just honest you know anyway unless you have your own food stay at home if you want but so he said there's another cyclone coming we I think we had I don't know how many did we have like three or four in a row just slap slap slap just slapping our country and people were underwater and people were giving birth in trees and it was really nuts and and I remember mark called me up he's called me twice in 20-some years and he called me up and he said Heidi the Lord says that I could just see that hand on the phone I couldn't see it but there was no FaceTime but I could feel it like the Lord says he's got this raspy voice and I'm feeling it well the Lord's really speaking through he said go and rebuke the cyclone rebuke that's a good word that's like a Christian word and so I thought okay I go buckets and so I get in my car and I'm like I don't want anyone to see me no what do you look at me I like this little I'm not very tall you know and I'm pale and I don't want anyone to see me rebuked in the cyclone case it comes you know if I was sure it wasn't gonna come maybe I'd say I've got and everybody Wow no I wouldn't I I'm not like not that bold so I'm like go out there looking around nobody watching me rebuke this cyclone right mm I get out to the beach I'm looking out there there it is there's that cyclone all right go go thank you lord I get back in my truck I'll just drive off saying hmm the next day I kid you not there's a there's a newspaper article said suddenly the storm turned we have no idea why but he turned I don't like this little momma feeling really like well the power of my little life I was super excited so I tried it again we had all the news articles the cyclone's coming' central Muslim if I get out there all our intercessors yeah we're fasting we're praying and we're rebuking Oh get away when a cyclone hit nobody clapped we love the victory man but this time it came and it came but for some reason some people who were prepared prepared food for the hungry and food for the for the desperate and food for the people that were they lost everything everything was gone and and they were prepared and I much rather have had the storm turn around wouldn't you wouldn't you like a life without storm kumbaya but life's just not like that and sometimes the Lord will give you anointing to rebuke a storm and I literally turn around I mean that I told you that guy called me twice in 25 years and it was a powerful and I knew the Lord really said to do it this time I didn't know but I I tried you could say well you were just dumb I'd rather believe God and trust him and and step out there and maybe look like a fool then not step out at all just really rather if I do that and of course I rather get it run I can tell you all the right stories did not tell you any of the times the storm came and flattened it right in the middle he said really spoke to my heart he said to go in there to the Central Command this is a really a word on my heart right now for the body of Christ it's a John 17 word it's time for John 17 it's time that the body of Christ really be the body that the arm doesn't keep hitting the head and the foot doesn't keep hitting the behind that we stop hurting one another and tearing each other apart it's a John 17 cult we need to love one another serve one another come together and cheer one another on we are a big beautiful body and if God says we're beautiful were beautiful if the blood of the Lamb cleanses us from all sin and unrighteousness then we are clean Chikara bah holy is the lamp and we need to love each other like God Himself causes us to love one another we are called to love one another love looks like something it looks like the body of Christ getting along for one thing the world will know we are Christians by our love when we start loving our brothers and sisters from all different places and spaces God's gonna crash in in greater measure he's longing for the body to be the body he's longing and so I prophesied things that I don't even see so I walked into the Situation Room and we had a guy I won't mention it his name but he just was in there and he was kind of overwhelmed by it all can you imagine being overwhelmed by a cyclone like wiping out 90% of a city life's overwhelming sitting there like where am i I don't know anyway Australia life is crazy it's overwhelming and if we don't admit that we're on some bizarre planet not earth because the earth is groaning earth is groaning in eager expectation global warming climate change the earth is groaning whatever you say whatever you do the earth is still groaning in eager expectation for the sons the daughters of the Most High God to rise up and to shine and we've got to be lovers on the planet as the cyclones hit and the storm sit in the earthquakes hit and the fire said and and destruction comes and sickness and plagues what is the church gonna do in the midst of the storm pretend it didn't happen turn around and come by ah are we gonna step out into the darkness with the light of the gospel in our hearts and our hands are we gonna be courageous lovers that rise up in the midst of crazy and carry the beauty of the gospel will we lay our lives down for the desperate the dying the sick the broken the hurting on the planet whether they be rich or poor whether they be educated I never have been to first grade what will it look like for us in these days a storm in these days of trial what will it look like to be fruitful trees bearing fruit 12 months of the year what will it look like if we literally become fruitful trees immersed in the glory of God than those who are hungry will come those who are thirsty will come and the love of the glorious one Jesus will be poured out through our little lifes laid down it's John 17 when we move on our own with our own initiative with our own strength with our own sheer grit we are little and we are pitiful but if we move together anointed by the one we call ABBA anointed by the one we call Jesus our Savior and bridegroom King if we start to step in rhythm with the heartbeat of God the world will be changed the world will be transformed by radical love it's done we're not meant to be insignificant on the earth we're not meant to curl up and die in a little corner of a whole group of six with our kids being sheltered from the world where we don't let them out there to shine because we're so afraid they might get hurt but our children be so strong in God because they live in a family full of love and faith and kindness and mercy that they will never go away and if some of your kids have they'll come home because it's gonna be time for the Lost Children and the broken wants to come home so don't beat yourself up just call him home call him home call him home Shekar Abba so I walked in I felt pretty small after a cyclone that I rebuked with all my heart in Jesus name came and just knocked out a whole region in central Mozambique and I heard the Lord say go in there and tell him you're ready go in them go in there and tell him you're ready and I'm like okay Who am i bringing with me and he said call the call Mario he's a pastor and we work within Beira called Mario call are our pastors and I got I got a bunch of them they'd all lost everything got him in a room and just had him in a little circle I said can you share your testimony they said yeah the big wind came the big storm came we lost everything everything went down all the trees we lost our home but we're alive what can we do next one starts sharing his testimony yes everything was lost flying metal flying debris but we just prayed and we huddled together see there's a time for huddling they huddled together and we prayed and we prayed in the spirit we trusted God we're alive what could we do this story went on and on and on and on about 18 guys that were there and then the Lord said go into that central command everybody's there all the guys I don't know if I'm allowed to say all the guys but just check out UNESCO you in just check it out and Here I am working and the Lord said by yourselves you're small but if you call on the body of Christ you're not if you call on the body of Christ then you're not little anymore because there's hundreds of thousands of you in fact there are billion people that at least call him Lord even if you don't know if you don't agree they all get there anyway there's a billion so he said just go in there and tell them so I went in there I went in there with these guys these Muslim beacon guys with me I said stand up straight when we go to God we go like this che ba we Colo lo lo lo we worship we go low we're on our faces flat out but when we get up and we go out we go up we go up knowing that God's God and that he can use anybody and these guys whoo-hoo yes come on we said okay we walk in I go hug the generals I hold hug the guys from the Holies nasca program I'm like let's go let's go what they said how many are you I say two ho there's thousands of us they said how many I said how many do you need what do you have I said anything you need we've got we've got every person that you need to in any dialect they said how did how is that possible I said God they said you have every single dialect covered I said absolutely they said who are you I said we're the feet on the ground whoa we're the feet on the ground they said whoa what do you mean feet I said we're the feet on the ground there's tens and tens of thousands of us right here in safale what do you need and and in the end I'm telling you the truth all of those guys called upon our movement yes our movement which is linked with all the believers that would link with us John 17 and we went together shotgun Abba together to rebuild homes to feed the hungry to care for the dying to feed the sick we went together hundreds and thousands of us yes yes yes yes yes no longer saying oh we're just a little remnant sitting here in a corner no we're a little remnant sitting in a corner when we walk alone and work alone and move alone and it's all alone and it's me and us and my stuff and my denomination and my movement and oh for goodness sakes let's get over that let's get over ourselves and going for the gloss and carry the gospel we are not small when we move together the power of God's in us by ourselves we will always stay small we will stay small we will be poor in spirit when we go to God but oh when we stand up shave rob us say the riches of his glorious kingdom gospel healing food provision life love radical love radical love holy in the midst of all of that another cyclone hit and I questioned my theology I did I think it's okay to question especially you I question - my own thinking and I said Lord what was I thinking what were we thinking we're too stretched were stretched beyond every possible imagination we're stretched thin our plane it made like now it's made I don't know 170 flights into the first cyclone come on Wow our trucks have just been going nonstop trucks planes boats yes boats we just read to other people's boats they should take out insurance when they let us rent their boats hey shock it all but we just rented big barge fill it up with food this guy named Chris hacks old man he's my hero he just rocks it Kelly Liz Chris Pedro um Carlos Antonio mildewed these guys are just big barges full of food and then the UN says you can't go where you want to go you can't go there no one's going there we don't go there no one goes there don't go there I can't tell you why I'll just same Alpha tours to figure it out and so we said well what do you mean you can't go there if that's where no one's going that's where we're going because we're the body where the body of believers and love wins and love looks like something and if you're dying it looks like food so we said we're going Scottie went to some of those areas whoo where we couldn't get there by boat we get a helicopter yeah then we'd cut down a runway so we could land a bush plane because it's cheaper we're not dumb we're going do you know that the most unreached people group that we've ever heard of radical people of another faith they've been coming to the Lord by the hundreds hundreds of them coming to Jesus it's just amazing we could look at the devastation we could just huddle in a corner and say it's too much for us let's just try to rebuild our little stuff or we could go further and we could trust God for fruit twelve months of the year we ended up with another Central Committee some of the people we knew all those committee central I don't know English sometimes what do you call them the command the command central the big guys the big boys the big boys and some big girls there too and we're there with them and they're like who are you some of them new and they have a little huddle of their own and they decided they weren't going to work with us can't work with them why they're too Christian they came back they told our guys uh we're not working with you we said why you're too Christian there were other Christian groups there that I'll just tell you both Samaritan oh the good Samaritans they were offended by that comment that we were too Christian they said who are weak and we invited him to dinner to console them and said we will work with you we just say they did not feel good about the fact that we were too Christian and they would the UN would work with them but not us anyway um that's a free point but we consoled them and we decided we were all just gonna be Christian together and then I'm gonna push your buttons a little bit at 9:27 I thought I went to God on this because I know all these these guys have a lot of food like we have a lot of food we buy food we ship food I mean Shawn was on it from day one before day one just getting the 40-foot containers out some of you helped in a powerful way out of Australia I mean I don't even know how many containers we are already gotten out there to the hungry of food just a lot of food manna packs Lafe helped us with a partnership with I mean we started partnering see it's not about one group doing some it's about the body of Christ coming together and then everything starts working and the world sees were Christians by our love it's really it's actually practical love somebody like way talking to you have manet aryans yes how are you sorry Jesus if Christians don't care about the human race we're in big trouble that's another good point there if I was Bill Johnson really good point but I'm me so I would just say that's a good point so come so what are we gonna do when all this craziness happens what are we gonna do we are gonna be the body that God said we are and we are going to go and we're going to shine and we're going to be the light of the world because the Lord called us to be the light of the world together and we're not going to stop so here's the little button I was going to push when the guys who you couldn't figure out who they were said we were too christened I went where I always go shot got robbed and I'm on my face and I'm just crying out for wisdom what do we do no joke honey I know where to go I know what to do it's you it's you it's you it's you Lord and I'm just crying out and the Lord said call your Muslim friends oh ha ha perfect so I pick up the phone call my Muslim friends and I said hey I told them the group's I already told you but never mind it's taped or it's no taped - I'm too old what do you call that it's it's recorded it's recorded so they wouldn't work with us I'll just tell you you'd nasco and all the boys um that wouldn't we were two Christians so I called my Muslim friends I said they said we were too Christian so would you feed the people with us oh yeah they said of course blankety-blank how much food do you want no joke this is no joke some of you're like oh you partner with her yeah so I called my Muslim friends and we started filling up both Lutz who full of food together we took it within the name of Jesus with all our solar Bibles oh yeah in every dialect and our friends were like yeah that's them they are really seriously Christian but we'll help them because people are dying so if they can partner with us to bring food to the dying what is going on with the body of Christ when we fight with each other and people are dying all around out there and we somehow forgot who we are and what we're called to be so I went back to the boys and I said I know you're not willing to work with us but so I called my mom some friends so we started working together and they went okay now they work with us so you are your buds are pushed you're like oh oh are they Universalist No if maybe we should stand quit while I'm ahead are we stand I really believe that God wants to take the body of Christ and cause us to work together we have seen more people through these bizarre natural disasters we've seen more people come to the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord than we've ever seen in the history of our movement we've seen the most broken hardest people we've seen other factions fighting and killing and we've seen people who are moderate that don't want to kill watching us they're watching us people of other faiths are watching us do you understand they're watching you do you understand they're watching you in Australia how you treat immigrants how you treat each other I'm pushing more buttons at 9:33 they're watching you they're watching you they watch us because the love looks like something and if you if you you know we were in Christ Church of all times we were right outside of Christ Church when that thing happened the cyclone hit and the massacre hit the same day you know what the Lord said said to us as a movement we had a iris alumnae he said get him all together get him over there and get him to go cook meals for the people who who've lost their family members and people said nope you can't do it I said Oh watch us we said doctors we sent huggers we sent grannies we sent them we said yes we can't watch us because the look like something and we're gonna show and love looks like because love has to be it has to be the glorious gospel love looks like something and if we just pretend we we do our little pretend thing in our walls where we're safe and we don't step out there then who are we if we don't call our own brothers and our own sisters family then who are we and if everyone who doesn't know Jesus Christ as Lord is an orphan then who are we we are called to bring the orphan home we are called to make space in our home for them we are called to feed the hungry we are called to bring the gospel of radical love to the poor we are called to lay our lives down for the sake of love and to make a difference in a planet that's groaning and it is by the power of Holy Spirit that we are empowered by love to stop for the one in need and every single believer on the planet is called to shine and while we are a mission movements we understand that every single believer on the planet is called a mission that there's not one person marginalized do you think God the Father would say you you over there in Nepal you working in the brothel rescuing sex slaves you are really loved by me and they are oh yes they really really are but with that father say to someone who's a professor in Brisbane say well I just wish you'd go to Nepal and do something perhaps he would perhaps he'd say shine in Brisbane God's God and if we listen to him he'll speak to us because he speaks to every son and every daughter he says my sheep hear my voice my sheep hear my voice no mediation my sheep hear my voice you have direct access through the blood of Christ to hear the voice the voice of God you have the Word of God telling you what to do go into all the world and preach the gospel cleanse the leper heal the sick raise the dead cast out demons go Shabba he says go I'll be with you I'll be with you she died alone I must say just for a moment let's just close our eyes and I want you to see some hell in the spirit I just ask the Lord to show you that measuring line that that annoying measuring line for me that day when I had to make a choice between that massive offering and jumping into the river not knowing how we would feed the children in the morning not knowing literally not knowing I remember raw land and I both just believe in God we just held each other's hand we believed him we ran to the we ran to the altar and we just ran to the front and Rawlins not really one to run to the front like that but we both went we went we went we went and we just said together we are going to go and we are going for Holy Spirit presence and we're not going to go with what looks looks safe and what looks easy we're gonna go with the presence and right now I just feel like that's what the Lord is asking like will you just go deeper will you go further and so tonight the Lord just wants you to come further and deeper and say just past your knees past your waist past the place where you can control with your own mind past the place where your budget can work it out I'm telling you oh I love the counters we need the counters we're so grateful for the accountants but telling you the place God wants you to go is way beyond where you can figure out and God will put people to help you and the logistical people and all the people but I'm telling you God wants you to go to a place in the spirit where you literally have never been it's the safest place you can ever be and these altars are open right now shake got up off just if you just want to go deeper you say I don't care what it looks like I don't care what it cost I don't care if you called me to Timbuktu I don't care if you call me - as ambi I don't care if you call me to mozambique northern Mozambique I'll go to the war zones I'll go to the red light sounds I'll go to the poor I'll go to the universities I'll go to the hospitals I'll go anywhere Lord I'll go I'll go I'll go I'll go but I must be filled with you and and I must have more holy spirit and I feel like the Lord's just wanting to pour out war upon the hungry right now and I've got my eyes closed but I'm gonna open them and I want you to close your eyes if you're hungry and thirsty to go deeper into the presence of God and you just do not want to be you do not want to be waist-deep you just can't stand it you're like God I don't care what it cost I'm gonna go deeper then you just come you can you can kneel you could sit you could stand I don't I'm not telling you how how to be and right now I'm gonna pray to Lord Jesus for all of those that need to go home right now and just get wrecked in their own room wrecked in their own room it to pray together maybe a husband and wife they may maybe they need to go home and pay their babysitter lord I just pray over them the Lord bless them and keep them and make his glorious face shine upon them to be gracious unto them and give them peace and joy and radical presence radical love take them deep Lord I asked for fruitfulness fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit for them deep glorious fruit I pray for the leaves of the trees Oh God the healing of the nations Lord I pray you send people to the ends of the earth God Oh Lord that you send them Lord all over Australia God that there'll be light bearers light bearers glory bearers Lord that there would be no fear no fear of shining you said where the salt of the earth were the light of the world but if the salt loses its savour it's good for nothing it's just thrown out and be trampled on Lord we want to be salty Lord we want to be salty we don't want to be trampled on by the world we don't want to be silenced I feel like the Lord wants to release the sound in the church the sound in the church the John 17 church that says we are in love with the one who is worthy and he is the one who saved us from our sin and make sense of a crazy world I feel like the Lord just wants to rip rip the silence off the church and whoa he wants to rip the Silence of the church let to say yes Lord yes Lord rip this silence off the church in Australia rip the Silence of the church in Australia God baby not beef may they not be worried Lord O God Pope being a voice may they rise up Lord as they go low and her immersed in Holy Spirit may they know what to do and where to go and how to shine Lord may they be a people who would so show such radical love to people of other faiths that those people would be so undone by the love of Jesus that they would receive the greatest treasure Jesus Oh Lord I asked for that in Australia God I asked for shining lovers of Jesus in Australia Lord I asked for light torches to go bright I asked for lights to shine brighter than they've been before now if you need to go home right now we just bless you in the name of Jesus please please come back in the morning come back come back come back get filled come back but if you need to stay we're gonna stay for another I don't know 10 15 minutes we're gonna stay and we're gonna pray and we're gonna worship there's a lot of radical lovers from around the world right now and they feel called of God to pray to lay hands on you they're lovers of Jesus they serve of the poor of the earth and I feel like the Lord's asking for the poor in spirit to come tonight for the poor in spirit who would say as an Australian one of the wealthiest nations [Music] in the world that you come you come poor tonight to the Lord use you come needy I know you have stuff I know you have food and housing and clothing and education but there's a place we come before the Lord he says blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God we want the kingdom of God to break forth in Australia but there has to be this place of humility in our hearts where we come together we say we can't do it as one church we can't do it as one movement we can't do it as as one denomination as one group we need each other we come to you father we come to you Jesus in need are about unity and I tonight Lord will you come and would you feed the poor in spirit would you come as these missionaries lay hands on them as these as these they're sent to the unreached people groups to the slaves of the earth as abolitionists I believe tonight the God wants to use them as they pray for you for Holy Spirit to crash in on you tonight Oh for Holy Spirit as you come low would you come slow this is something we learned the river flows to the low places the river of God holy flows to the low places again if you need to go home and seek the Lord in your own home we bless you in the name of Jesus [Music] and now could I buy shitty Dion that'll both say DD and I come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit I want to ask just a few people that are working with our movement will and me Joel and Tony just some of you just come with shout gotta ba and we're gonna start to pray now sure that of a son that I wash a we're gonna pray over you and we're gonna worship together we're gonna worship together and we're gonna spend this next this next little bit of time here we're gonna spend it just laying down and asking for the river of God so right now river of God Holy Spirit Oh God you see the poor it's very you see the ones that are laid low Lord you see the ones that are bowing down Lord you see the ones that know they can't do it without more of you - Deb today as I was in worship I kept getting this text that was coming back to me I didn't pick up my phone but it really affected me I want you to press in right now it's just the Holy Spirit put this story on my heart we can have a car we can have a 4x4 truck we can have a plane we can have a boat we can have a helicopter we can have the fastest motorcycle there is we can have whatever it is but I'm telling you unless we have fuel unless we have oil we're not going anywhere and we're calling you in the next few days to radical mission radical mission in Australia and radical mission across the earth but I'm telling you without oil we're not going anywhere but unless we have the oil of unity the Lord touch spoke through the psalmist the unity of the body the unity of believers is like oil running down the beard oh there's oil there's oil of unity being poured out there's oil of unity there's a fence being broken off right now there's a fence being broken off right now where you've been offended with your brother your sister you've been offended with another it's just falling off of you as you see the bigger picture now Oh God may we work together in great love and unity we go low tonight the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nation Lord we go past our waste past our heads over our heads see the world would say protect protect your denomination protect your movement don't send people out [Music] even they worry about offerings and what goes out and they worry about this and that but we as believers we don't worry about those things the more we release the more is multiplied the more we believe the more would multiply the more we forgive the born we walk in grace the more we walk in humility the more the Lord can take us and speak through our lives come on beloved of God we are called to deeper places deeper places come on right now and won all the all the missionaries from all over just start laying the ends on a shake got about so I'm gonna see if wheels here and some others are here we're gonna press in let's go up let's go in whatever the Lord gives you our Lord o our Lord as Heidi was sharing cheat sheet she just shared a word and I felt the Holy Spirit on and it was he's breaking silence off the church and there's many of you you sat by it's like it's like it's like you've just been silent while everybody else stands up and runs well everybody else cries out there's just been a silence and I and I felt like as Heidi was saying love looks like something yeah silence also looks like something and he's breaking in there right now and there's something I just heard this roar coming out of the church and I just want to encourage you right now just lift your voice and begin to cry out for something begin to cry out and take territory some of you need to stand and just rebuked the storm rebuked this cyclone that's coming out children family right now and he wants to break silence of you there's a cry right now that's rising up it's rising up and so you've just been standing waiting for somebody else but the Lord right now he's he's pleased he's asking you would you cry out for something would you believe for something right now come on come on just lift your voice right now come on just list your voice right now hey just lift your voice right and just being a trial and asked for something right now pass gas in your receipt take it you're fine get the door will open at you [Music] ask him right now ask him ask him to speak to you ask for fresh oil just to get a stick-up [Music] holy spirit cub whoa whoa this breaking up Lord Holy Spirit God filled about dawn holy spirit that's done fresh oil if you need a cowboy just lift your hands to the Jesus [Music] right now if the Holy Spirit Sonia I want you to come down to the altar fasted again don't wait don't wait don't wait don't wait he wants he wants all of you tonight right now I know there's people in Isles I want you to come down the altar there's space apparent you to come beginning may become a big an impostor yourself right now I know I know I know with Heidi said we just sent her here a little bit longer but but but I felt like the Holy Spirit he wants to mark you right now and as you've been crying out he's been speaking to I want you to come just come to the altar don't don't wait don't be polite politeness is not a fruit of the Spirit it's not it's not a fruit of the Spirit just come run run some of you need to get down here and put yourself on the altar tonight and put yourself in the offering plate tonight just come come come come come more Lord more Lord mortal or just Calvin put yourself on the altar all the Irish missionaries I just ask you keep moving move through this crowd right now just begin to move there's people with authority that are about to come and lay hands on you right now there's people have fought and cried out for years where nobody else to cry out and they're gonna come and lay hands on you and God is gonna release an importation right now over your life [Music] more Lord
Channel: Iris Global
Views: 10,947
Rating: 4.8732395 out of 5
Keywords: live to love conference, heidi baker, live to love anthology
Id: fDNnnp4vvDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 23sec (5543 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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