The healing golden nuggets from Heidi Baker

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[Music] blessings on you john luke and all of my friends listening to this healing conference what a joy to be speaking to you from northern mozambique where we live we've been here in mozambique the last 25 years and it's been such a delight when i've gotten to travel to europe and meet with all of you and and just experience the power of holy spirit together and lord i just pray that each one would experience your love your glory shall say your power god i ask that you would heal the sick in jesus name that you would empower your people as as they're so limited in the numbers that they can be around right now lord let this be a wake-up call on the body of yeshua the body of christ to wake up that every believer is called to walk in supernatural power and to pray for the sick in jesus name yes that's what's on my heart we're all called to pray for the sick and god wants to do extraordinary things through ordinary people i know because i'm an ordinary person i'm just a little mama in love with jesus and as i just commit my life every day i say just whatever you want to do lord anywhere any place then i know god can can do whatever he likes through my little life through your little life today i took a little break um we're allowed to meet with up to 10 people but i was doing these meetings in the morning i sought the lord i was in the word but then i went out to just swim in the ocean and as i went face down with my mask and snorkel again i was seeing in a different reality you can't see what's under the water if you're just walking near the water you can't really see what's under the water until you go face down and you look under the water and there's a whole nother world under there so in in the instance of of the ocean you'll see coral you'll see fish you'll see rocks you'll see sea urchins you'll see all kinds of beautiful light the light just reflecting on the sand and it's just it's just an amazing world under there but you can only see it when you go face down it's as easy as that to step into the anointing of healing to step into that place where you're seeing the realities of the kingdom realm in and through your little life go face down seek the face of god get into the presence of jesus face to face heart to heart and start seeing in a different dimension here's a story that i'd like to share with you as we're taking in this beautiful message of god calling us deeper god calling us further into the deep parts of the river into the deeper parts until we're over our head until we're supernaturally moving in an anointing that we never understood until we went face down the most beautiful place to live is in the lowest place the river flows to the low places the river doesn't flow up the river flows down into the low places and as we get low before the lord poor in spirit the kingdom of god begins to break forth through our lives i'd like to read this part of the scripture from matthew starting with verse 23 of matthew 4. jesus ministered from place to place throughout all the province of galilee he taught in the synagogues preaching the hope of the kingdom realm and healing every kind of sickness and disease among the people many people who were in pain and suffering with every kind of illness were brought to jesus for their for their healing epileptics paralytics and those tormented by demonic powers were all set free everyone who was brought to jesus was healed how awesome is that everyone who is brought to jesus is healed um that has not been my experience yet but i'll tell you one thing the closer i get to him the more i live face to face with jesus in his secret place the more i see healing manifested through my little life and i i love telling these stories because we for the last 18 years in the north we've been taking children with us on outreach uh little kids 10 years old 11 years old 12 years old we take them with us on outreach and we ask them what's the lord showing you what's what's the lord putting in your heart and i love how god uses these children they don't have any badges on they they don't have any really powerful background music and big spotlights and they don't have certainly don't have a coats to throw on anybody but they are carrying the anointing one of my favorite healing stories i have two to tell you right now are involving little children one of them her name is virginia she's been through hell absolute hell in her life when i found her she was like curled up in a little ball just curled up in a little ball in the garbage she was in shredded rags she was she had a bloated belly she was so diseased she'd been abused many many times she was the epitome of suffering she was the epitome of a broken suffering tormented little girl and i remember as she would start i i brought her home of course she would bring her home i brought her home and i remember as i would be ministering to her she'd start manifesting and she'd start screaming because she was filled with demonic forces as she was so abused so many times she was opened up to demonic forces and i i remember the lord just telling me continue to hold her continue to love her do not let her go just continue to pursue her and and the beautiful thing was she finally started to understand that she was a daughter she was a daughter of the most high god and she came on outreaches many many times with me when she was little before she moved back to the south and uh one night we were in this village that was um really a challenging village everybody was people of another faith and they said come on they called me mommy to come down and pray for this man who's blind and paralyzed and so i thought wow there's no warm up there you know just go straight down and so i wandered down this path in in down down down into this little place where there was this mud hut and this man and i'll i'll never forget what he was wearing he was wearing a smurf shirt a smurf sheet it was wrapped around i thought how do you get a cartoon sheet all the way in northern mozambique i just thought i'm glad he can't see what he's wearing it was just oh anyway i prayed for him he couldn't see anything i prayed i prayed again i prayed again somebody had a flashlight i didn't have one but somebody had one and i i flashed it in his eye and i said can you see this he said no i'm blind i can't see anything and for just a moment i felt a little discouraged and i said is there anything else wrong with you is there anything else we can pray for you about and he said yes i'm a really terrible headache and i thought ah they see headaches healed in europe they see headaches sealed in america but okay here we go and i just with my children we just laid our hands on this man who was absolutely blind absolutely paralyzed from the waist down and we prayed and he he got very excited he started smiling he said wow my headache's gone i thought well that's wonderful thank you jesus i don't want to complain about what i didn't see i do want to be grateful for what i did see so i just went ahead and reached out and i said uh would you like to meet the lord jesus as your lord and savior he said of course i'd like to meet him he's the one who just healed my head and he said wait a minute i'm not going to be the only one to meet him my entire family is going to meet jesus and he as the head of the family in a tribal culture this is very common he is the head of the family just said to all of his children to his wife he said we're going to all follow jesus and they all just prayed and met jesus as their lord and savior well that was a beautiful miracle i think that's the greatest miracle of all but i still wanted to see those eyes open i still wanted to see him walk and sometimes you know we pray for one thing we don't see what we believe we're wanting to see or what they asked us to pray for but if we stay connected to holy spirit we are going to see the supernatural power of god so this family was transformed and i'm walking up now it's dark i'm walking up and there is our truck our truck was used at as a stage and there's our truck and there's this little girl that i told you this little girl that was so tormented and she's doing this she's moving and jerking this way and that way and what she's doing is she's ducking rocks because that village they were throwing rocks and they were throwing sand and they were they were just chanting at at us and mocking us and it was just not at all what you would think was a any kind of anointed meeting there were a few foreigners with me they locked themself in the land rover they said they were interceding bless their hearts anyway suddenly i heard this little girl who finally was starting to know who she was a daughter of the most high god and she said bring me the blind bring me the death bring me the blood bring me the death and i'm thinking no no don't call for the blind we just went prayed for the blind they weren't saying nobody saw the man didn't see anything don't pray for the blind just just run we need to leave you know i was thinking oh jesus no this is not a good time and then she just said bring me the death and suddenly someone brings up a deaf man from that village everybody knows who's deaf they brought a deaf man up from that village and she just put her little fingers in his ears and instantly they opened up and you know what happened all the rocks the rocks just fell to the ground nobody absolutely nobody continued to pelt us with rocks it was absolutely glorious well before i had left the man who was blind down at the mud hut down there where i was ministering to him i said when you see send me a runner when you see send me a runner so after this experience when the rocks went down the visitors from other countries came out of the land rover that they suddenly had words of knowledge because they were no longer afraid it's best for us to live in fearless love you know even if you pray for somebody and you don't see the miracle that you want to see or they want to see if you really stop for the one if you really see their life and you see their pain and you see their suffering with compassion you will see many many healed and those who are not physically healed they'll feel the love of god so i want to encourage you every day to stop for someone today i came out of the water i was telling you i took a little break to just spend some time praying in the water i really enjoy it i came out and there was this man very very poor man um selling some shells i didn't want to buy the shells but i did feel led to stop for this man because he was so skinny and so poor and we're in a emergency state in mozambique there are absolutely no tourists there are no no people that want to buy shells anywhere he's probably walked for a week with these two shells and the lord spoke to my heart he said purchase his shells purchase his shells and i thought lord yes lord i can purchase his shells and i can stop for him and the lord said bring him the word of the lord and so i i went in i went in the house and i i got the the money for the shells and i brought out a solar bible an audio bible with the word of god in his language and i i went down there and i sat with him and i i didn't have a lot of time because i was about to do these recordings but i just met with him and i asked him his name and we had a little conversation and i led him to beautiful jesus he was just happy to meet jesus it was absolutely glorious how he met jesus and so this is where i want to just encourage you right now listen to this um a couple of days after that man could no longer uh see that man couldn't see a couple of days later i was in a car with a friend of another faith and a man just banged on the window and and he said i'm the runner i'm the runner and i rolled down the window and he said you know that man you prayed for he can see and he's in his farm he's able to walk praise god and the lord was so in the timing of this this man the timing of it was just so perfect because this man of another faith grabbed my hand and put it on his eyes and he said i want to see too i want to see in the spirit the lord knows where you are and what you're doing so holy spirit right now i thank you for deaf ears opening up in the name of jesus i thank you for ringing in the ears right now going in jesus name i thank you father god for fear dissipating right now every orphaned spirit leaving right now in the name of jesus i thank you holy spirit that you are killing cancer i see somebody sitting in a red a red sofa sofa chair and i i see you you're in great pain and the lord's just dropping in on you right now you're sitting in a red sofa chair and the lord is is healing you right now i see somebody you're listening as you're washing dishes right now and the lord holy spirit's falling on you as you're washing dishes right now and the lord's falling on you right now and he's removing fear and the holy spirit's just causing you to weep as you realize that you too you too get to move in the power and glory of god i see the lord just right now i see him healing intestinal disorders right now intestinal disorders right now are being healed thank you jesus i see the lord just bringing a spirit of adoption on many of you that you've felt orphaned and abandoned you've been depressed and miserable even during this time and the lord's putting a spirit of adoption on you and right now we want to say all kovid 19 we commanded to die in jesus name we curse it in the name of jesus and we pray for the blood of the lamb to cover you shakaraba katarabhasi the blood of the lamb to cover all of you affected by coven 19 and we thank you jesus for signs and wonders and miracles we thank you god that you are going to move within the economy thank you god that people are going to come up with new ideas lord download ideas i feel like there's been massive fear in some of you especially in europe as as your businesses have collapsed as even ministries have collapsed that you have fear fear fear fear the lord says perfect love chakaraba will cast out fear so holy spirit i pray for the perfect love of god to encompass everyone i thank you jesus that john lucas healed chakra rabbi say that all of his families healed that oh god as he reaches out with these healing conferences that tens of thousands of people will be healed and tens and tens of thousands will be released into the healing anointing that jesus our lord places upon all of his lovers in jesus name ciao ciao from mozambique if you miss it we just had an historic healing gathering with more than 70 healing ministries worldwide from all kind of denominations everything if you go to register to the website hitting or you go to our youtube ihm you will be able to find hours and hours of teaching preaching ministries and even special healing songs from very powerful worshiped human but i want to invite you and it's my great privilege to announce today the launch of this miracles and healing school online with most of the speakers we're gonna teach every week since september one two three session going deeper regarding the miracles and healings but also having question and answer we will have not only these speakers but other things will happen our desire as god spoke to us we want to equip you and to train you that you can do the same as the speakers did during the conference but for your country for your region and your own family so be sure to register to healing for the miracles and healing school online is going to start on september god bless [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] now i want to launch something that we do every year with ihm and we want to do in a special way this year we want to launch the operation gideon 2020 where i'm looking we are looking 300 men or women ministries or churches who are ready to give 1 000 euros or 1 000 or more to support ihm for what's coming and what we are going to develop and tonight we want to do it in a special way everything that will enter we want to divide it by two and to give it half to heidi baker heidi baker is a friend of ihm since many years actually she is my spiritual mom and we love her so much we love what she is doing we love iris ministries we love her family and most of the time she has been part of this healing conference and actually on this conference as well she will be able to join i think tomorrow after tomorrow go to the program and you will see when she will be able to join us but tonight we want to give you the possibility to open your heart not only for bringing the healing to every nations and denominations of this globe but we want to give a special offering for id baker i just had her on a phone call she is living in a terror today in mozambique the media doesn't speak so much about that but it's the truth that the terrorists started to invade mozambique destroying hundreds of villages killing people uh doing crazy things even they they they cut the head of many people crucified people and burn them it's just the terror and actually the people are flocking just close to where eid is living where it's a big fight actually and it's hundreds of thousands that are hungry they are desperate and we want really to give you tonight the opportunity to bless id baker and iris ministries so if you want to join this operation gideon we want really to invite you to be part of that go to the website they will give you all the information also to the the page right now you can give in a different way but the main way is to go to the website where you can give by credit cards paypal bank transfer and whatever the way you can give it and i want to show you just a video that heidi has done so the lord may touch you uh to give what you can give but to have a heart for those who are suffering today and who are persecuted if we can pass the video clip poverty goes a lot deeper than just the physical needs of food and water love is an action jesus came to satisfy physical and spiritual hunger here in mozambique we see the extremes of both and are passionate about being jesus hands and feet to those starving and desperate to be fed in the midst of a global pandemic communities in northern mozambique are facing a dire situation with villagers being attacked and burned we are stopping for the one on an increased level because thousands of displaced people are desperate for food and shelter through our reach we're able to bring food packs to families that will sustain them for weeks and a soul revival in their own dialect that will fill them spiritually for a lifetime [Music] bless you john luke and iahm i'm coming to you from northern mozambique and we're praying that the miracles that we have seen over the decades in mozambique the blind i see that you will see the blind i see the deaf ears hearing that you will see the deaf ears right now even now deaf ears would be opening up that people would have absolutely cancer die right now in jesus name and the glory of god take away your depression and your anxiety that god himself would heal you from from coven 19 that there would be power and glory released upon you right now in the name of jesus every miracle that we've seen in northern mozambique i pray it would just flow all the miracle working power of god would flow to you in in europe right now and i thank you so much for caring about the displaced people here in northern mozambique they've been displaced because of radical insurgents because of terrorists we also have a shutdown because of kovit of our country we're also dealing with major food insecurity but jesus is the bread of life and he said unless we eat and drink him we have no food so we are feeding people but not just physical food we're giving them audio bibles in their own language and we are providing shelter for people why because jesus is king over the flood so thank you so much for asking me john luke what we're doing we're praying for you in europe we believe this is the time of the billion soul harvest not just the the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands we've seen for for years in mozambique but for europe that europe shall be saved i bless you and i love you ciao ciao from northern muslim please believe with us for the miraculous provision and strength to continue feeding the hungry clothing the naked and giving homes to the homeless then jesus declared i am the bread of life whoever comes to me will never go hungry and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty again [Music] [Music] is [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: IAHM - AIMG
Views: 10,032
Rating: 4.9250002 out of 5
Keywords: AIMG, IAHM, Miracles, Healing
Id: x05yeoArSJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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