02.16.20 - Heidi Baker

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[Music] I know you just all sat down and got comfortable but we want to honor someone who's in this house and so would you guys all stand up as we honor Heidi Baker and she comes up to give the work [Applause] Thanks thank you for so being so full of love and blessing and joy and and it feels like we're in 24/7 doesn't it or this like keep going night and day and day and night and it's just been so wonderful I love seeing legacy churches so seeing mom and dad and sons and daughters in-laws I'd love that that's just for me you always see the health of ministries when the kids want to be involved and then the children's children and there you are I may be you've got you know they made you come but you seem like you're happy about it just saying you know you can't drive yet but it's good you're here yeah our kids we have a lot of children and it's beautiful you know it's really beautiful and challenging and the more kids you have the more more challenging it can be isn't it and they're so different and they're so beautiful and you just love each one of them and it was a joy to be with life and Jennifer and see our Pakistani brothers and sisters with was that just so sweet I know some of you might not have been here but I I don't know I feel like recapping just seeing their their hearts and their joy I love it I love the body of Christ I'm just gonna say it again I love the body of Christ and Jesus I love you with all my heart and I love your body and I love you Father I love you father I love you Abba daddy God thank you that you care about each one of us and I thank you Jesus thank you for Joseph and Shawn Lord they - for Rebecca and her parents Jesus thank you for Laura thank you God for all our family and our friends thank you for John and his anointed staffs thank you God just for your beautiful body God just that we could be here in this feast and just celebrate you we're so grateful and God would you just download the the word Lord the continued word because I feel like we've just been feasting and feasting and feasting like we're so full God and and I I almost don't know how to how to share Lord we just feel so full we just feel so full so I ask that that as you just maybe it's dessert today and and show just just dessert even when it's not necessary we're so full already but it's it's just the sweetness of who you are being offered to us so Lord I asked for that today and and God I ask that especially as we're it is so filled up with you God that you would Commission us as your radical lovers to run the race God cuz we just want to run the race with passion and we want to run the race with joy and we want to run the race as individuals and we want to run it corporately so God show us what that looks like today thank you Jesus to show us what it looks like I pray show total bisognano Messiah more Jesus Cooley Alana must say more Jesus Haiti anonymous ages undo us again Lord why not God we just been I just feel like I'm continuously living in this undone State oh god I just thank you Jesus for it i lord i just i just want to be his shining lord shining inside and shining outside and shining on the plains whether I'm in the second row aisle or the back row middle god I just want to shine Jesus wherever you put me God I wanna shine anywhere you send me Lord I want to just be I just want to be so full of oil Jesus would you pour out fresh oil today Isaiah 55 come all of you who are hungry Oh Lord come and eat drink Jesus we just we say yeah we're hungry but we're also a little sleepy to you so Lord as we rest and we run and we release I thank you God that our appetite will just continue to increase and God I just want I want to pray that you would make us hungry enough for our city just make us hungry enough for our city for our village does make us hungry enough for those around us and take our little lives and break us like bread Lord just take our little lives and break us like bread for the hungry Lord just porous out Lord like like your new wine your oil your milk your honey Christ in me the hope of glory just Christ in me the hope of glory pour each one out thank you Jesus oh thank you Father hallelujah oh I'm allergic for so I'm just just happy to be in a place we just got to worship didn't we do you just feel happy we just got to oh I go I get to just live like this it's just so cool at home we actually have three prayer houses at home and I love that I love where they're not full all the time but but but they're there and it's a beautiful thing that we have an opportunity you know that there is a place you can come away and just be with the Lord the first classroom on the University I just knew it just had to be a prayer room and we we don't really have a lot of most musicians in that actual prayer room so we just make a joyful noise you know to the Lord and and I was in Israel I'm in Israel a lot I love Israel after Mozambique that's my other home and I love it there and so on you know people are wonderfully interesting did you notice that like about the body of Christ hell did did you notice we're diverse did you notice that do you do look no I mean you're you're Colorado you know you most of you're pretty pale but I'm just saying there's diversity out there just saying you know I I mean but diversity is a beautiful thing and I I was in Israel and this lady she's is so precious Asian woman just beautiful Asian woman and she was convinced that the instrument the only instrument in heaven was a golden harp and I just thought that was just sweet precious and so you know you don't have to agree with everything but you can be blessed with every gift so she presented me with this harp and none of us know how to play it really but but we I don't know why I'm telling you this it's just it has to do with diversity maybe so we're we've got my Muslim beacon what I wasn't beacon spiritual sons and his name is Fernando and he's in the prayer house you know and he sings out of tune but he loves to sing and he really does sing out of tune it's the truth you'll come someday and experience it but he's got this harp and and this lady gave it to us with so much enthusiasm and it was just her gift you know and it was beautiful and it's got it's just really a priceless instrument somehow I got it back to Mozambique and so he does he had it upside down you know and he's just like strumming on that thing and I just I just thought it was so precious and beautiful because he was making his joyful noise to the Lord he's playing this heavenly harp and it didn't matter if it was upside down or sideways because his heart was what mattered and the same thing with that precious woman that blessed us with that harp you know her heart is just so beautiful that we were blessed with the harp and and we love it and I strum away at it too I just sometimes I just pick it up and I just sing away I don't know how to hit a single I don't know how to play it but but I just love just strumming it it just sounds cool I don't know why I'm telling this but another thing all of us have different gifts and do you believe that or do you just think we're all little clones just offering done son son son son son we just all do it alike you know and it all has to look like sound alike dress alike move alike I mean that's just not the way it is but we can love and honor one another and and that's a powerful thing and and sometimes you'll be in a flow or you'll be in a place like this where there's so much presence of God you're kind of like well does my piece matter you know do you ever feel like I'm just being honest like does my piece matter because we're so full and we're so just undone by the presence of God and we're also we've been that we're going you know four days right and for me years years I've been preaching the gospel for 44 years and and III wanna lay down lover yeah that's for awesome I've been married to an amazing man rollin Baker for 40 years in May that's an amazing thing and he's just you know he's just so he's just wild he's a wild man he's a wild man he's got one one wild just one wild he just shows up and everybody falls out the slate is whether it's a thousand or three it's just the way it is he's just full of full of holy ghost joy and he sends his love he sees at home just pouring out glory there in Wells and be he just I just can't wait to hear what happened Sunday morning in our church all these old mamas we havin a very diverse group of people from these old old old mama widow mamas and hundreds and hundreds of kids I don't know how many it depends on the day eight hundred a thousand kids in there and then we have all the people in between the youth the the older ones a younger ones and it's just a beautiful thing but when Rawlins shows up everybody kind of knows what's gonna happen like they're just gonna get flattened kids are gonna get flattened adults are you gonna get flattened little old ladies in there couple Ana's are gonna just start rolling and the joy hits and it's just one awesome speed and I I don't know I love it I love that God just does things for different people in different ways and I've been thinking about a church that I planted years ago it was in the UK and I planted this church I I was doing my PhD in systematic theology which was a challenge for me I was the only woman they'd ever let in the programs King's College University of London and I was a thorn in their side as a real thorn because here I am I'm a woman if you haven't noticed I am a woman in I'm feminine and I'm blonde and I'm from Laguna Beach and all those things and I'm Pentecostal at third wave Pentecostal in the river so all of that was very concerning and they didn't understand why it was that they that I got in they couldn't understand so the theologians were very concerned and I remember them you know there were Orthodox theologians with long beards they didn't um you know I was just definitely the wrong gender and um in some people's opinion not not mine you know like thank you Jesus um but but but their stroking their beards and they're just like just concerned and I remember one of them just looking at me he was she was not happy you know and I was just like scarers us you know and a stroke and his beers like God's not oh I know he's better he's better than Santa Claus and oh so anyway I needed to get filled up after after being in that atmosphere every day so the way I got filled up see we all get filled up in different ways I mean hopefully not in a you know sideways but filled up with the Lord I'm speaking about for filled up with the presence of God like we get energized in different ways some people get energized being alone some people get energized being in a group some people get energized laying on the floor some people get energized skin down black diamond slope like I love that I like speed any kind of speed I like speed not I'm not talking about the drug you know that was before I say but it was my drug of choice but I am born against Berfield I haven't touched it since but I'm telling you yeah I'm just saying I like to go fast it's just how God created me he just like black diamond I raced motocross as a teenager the only girl again you know just flat out in the desert endowed I hit my head so many times that you know oh wow anyway I like I like speed I like to move quickly and so it was kind of funny when God knocked me out for seven days and seven nights he's just funny he's like here you go I'm gonna talk to you and I'm gonna let you stay there because I know that if I don't like sit on you you're literally gonna move so he just that offended some people I mean not literally that he sat on me but I felt like it I'm just saying so that was point C so I was in this this this interesting place in London and and in Rowland we had our two kids there and Roland was there also studying and and and the way that I got filled up was I just went to the streets and and I would just go out there and just hang with the poor six nights a week I would just hang with the poor just like hold them they were my friends and somehow we just developed this very beautiful relationship just love and and honor and people would drop off food all the time but they would just drop it off and and race off in their vehicles and it was interesting knowing my friends on the street it was interesting hearing how they felt about that like they actually were really hurt by it and their hearts were broken by it because what they wanted was relationship and they were like there's always food like we have access to food but what we want is is family and although they were broken people Margaret Thatcher had closed down all the psych wards at that time so they were broken people right most of them had mental issues drug issues abuse issues they were broken people but it was interesting that the thing they wanted most was they wanted friendship they wanted family they they they were quickly open to receiving Jesus except this one guy named Patrick but most everybody they were really open to receiving Jesus but but they didn't they didn't like just being projects they didn't want some adjust to be a project let's go feed the homeless like each one had a name each one had a face and Holy Spirit so good to me he just leads me around maybe you're not agreeing but I think he's leading me around to this topic and and so this this amazing family developed into a family where we could no longer fit in our house you know because we would invite the homeless home and they'd come with they're rats they'd feed their rats on their tongues and they were interesting you know just all kinds of personalities and and I started sharing with these lawyers about just hanging out on the streets and do you know the lawyers started to get excited because it turned out they were lonely too and I thought wow you know I wasn't really going after Lloyd I was really going after the the people that were broken on the streets and then I started to understand as we reached out to these lawyers that they were just longing for one thing - they wanted family - they wanted to belong they loved Jesus they knew Jesus they loved Jesus they were following Jesus but they were lonely they were isolated in their City law firms they were isolated they didn't feel like they were connected and so suddenly all these lawyers joined us we had 12 lawyers in our church we were lawyer Doug we're all there they used to get beat up on our Sunday night service and they'd have to go back to you know because if people are kind of not all there they can swing at the ushers and so they used to get beat up and and no joke they'd have to go into the city law firm and it's ADA where'd you get that black guy you don't think maybe they went to a bar or something they're like no that was church I got beat up at church and this was but it was such it was it was just called believers Center and I just remember it just being such such a community that we're still friends with those people to this very day we're still friends with those people the ones that were living on the streets and the ones that were lawyers were still close to almost all of them and and it's just I love that but I the reason I started going this direction I was thinking about that harp nobody knew how to play any instruments and so I'm a worshiper right I played cello but it really wasn't working for leading worship at that time and so cello was beautiful but it you know so I tried to play another instrument an autoharp and I played and I swam and Wham and and I wanted to do it had letters and you could push buttons and so I made a joyful noise and one day I pulled out my autoharp for Sunday service and it was broken and I was really concerned like what are we gonna do my Auto harps broken this is terrible and I looked at these lawyers on the team and I looked at some of these homeless friends of mine and they were snickering they're holding and I think what's going on here turns out they broke my autoharp they broke it because they didn't think it was such a beautiful sound we all have our gifts we all have our talents we all have our abilities and sometimes what we think is is our talent other people may not agree with it but the thing is if we fix our affections on Jesus and we just connect to Jesus we connect to his heart we connect to his love then he's going to surround us with people to surround us with people that that are exactly in the right spot for the right reason and and this body becomes the body that it's meant to be I shared a little bit about it the other day but when when people were really focusing on filling stadiums with the man of power for the hour and there was a lot of it was bizarrely expensive for one thing and it was a whole lot of work it was still a lot of team but I saw a shift that happened when when now stadiums were being filled all over the world are being filled all over the world where there's no there's no particular person that they're that they're putting their eyes upon does that make sense that in other words we're all coming for one person the person of Jesus and and I watch things shift over the decades where we started as the body of Christ to start to say yes we could cheer on everybody in the body of Christ everybody who loves Jesus everybody who's called to serve him we can start loving and cooperating with one another what do you think is that powerful and the more we see that the more we can the more we understand sonship the more we understand adoption or daughter ship if you want to call it the more we're free to shine and we're free to let others shine too it's it's like when it becomes a family we no longer have to push somebody else down we the competition's gone it's like I could cheer you on I could cheer you on as an engineer I could cheer you on as an entrepreneur I can cheer you on as a preacher I could cheer you on as a worship leader I could cheer you on I could cheer you on as a missionary I could hear about the amazing works God's doing through your movement and I could say yes not only cheer you on I can sew into what you're doing why because the Lord's pet identity in my heart and I'm free I'm free to see you I'm free to bless you I'm free to cheer you on I'm free to say you are beautiful and and what you carry is beautiful and I don't need to make you into somebody that you're not called to be I also don't need to use you I don't need to use you because the Lord will bring the people around that are called to walk closely are called to walk side-by-side are called to be in association the Lord Himself will do that so it's it's a really beautiful place of freedom that we're walking in though it's 1140 I'm just I have I have to scripture references really on my heart 1 John 13 and once John 17 so how many of you are sensing John 13 oh you're supposed to raise your hand like okay John 17 nothing at all time to go home I saw that in okay so you're just like you don't know maybe that maybe it's both what 13 13 maybe it's both okay I'll start with 13 cuz you're right there in the front and that helps me okay 12 both thank you Jesus well we'll see how it goes with the time but okay John 13 where are we going where are we going and what does love look like what does love look like do you remember John 13 Jesus wanted to demonstrate the full extent of what of his love he's about to go to the cross he's about to get absolutely tortured for the sake of love he's about to give himself his body his flesh all for us that we would be free he's about to give himself away and that that we could be set free from sin and death he knows he's about to do that but here he comes and he's talking about showing the full extent of his love I I just this is I love this I love this book I love it I love it I love it so Jesus has demonstrated a deep and tender love for his disciples right just deep deep deep deep love and now he longed to show them and Ivy says the full extent of his love and the passion says the full measure of his love what does that look like I what does it look like if Christ in you the hope of glory what does it look like if you're walking around with the full extent of God's love flowing out of your life what would that look like like God I wanna I want that point out what other goal do we have you know we want to be connected possessed by Holy Spirit living in the full extent of his love yielded to the one who is worthy what does it look like to to demonstrate the full extent of of Jesus love I think it does have to be 13 and 17 I think if they go together here full extent of his love so what did he did what did he do Jesus is fully aware that the father has placed all things under his control for he had come from God and was about to go back to be with him so he got up from the meal he took off his outer robe he took a towel wrapped it around his waist poured water into a basin and he began to wash his disciples dirty feet and dry them with his towel now in the West like in Colorado it's awkward when somebody talks about foot wash it's just like take off my boots and I know it comes the socks and it's just awkward it just really is and and we're trying to figure out like we want to you know understand and it's precious and all but but in some countries it really does matter in my countries one of those countries like it really matters because we'll walk in the mud we'll walk in the dirt we'll part of my time in Brazil you know I had the great joy of just being in in one of our beautiful family gatherings in the dump you know and and my feet were just covered in black slimy water you know and so washing feet really matters it really matters in those places but I want to give you an example of of what love looks like and I want to speak to you about these two anointed brothers these brothers of mine spiritual brothers they're absolutely powerful in God they have a television station they they're very together they're very anointed they they they know the Word of God they're just beautiful brothers and there was a time in when they came to visit us and I was very embarrassed can I can I just let you know my world I like oh oh crud here come the brothers who have it all together and they're gonna visit us and we don't we're not the tribe that has it all together you know we just don't feel like we have it all together like our tribe is just a little different and so when I go share in their tribe that the they they picked me up you know in a limo you know with with black windows and then they hand me a golden enveloping and being a missionary you know it's kind of like I don't want that to go on Facebook so I I just kind of like duck because Oh someone's gonna say here's the woman that works with the board whatever I got over it but I still duck and so so they they they hand you the schedule and it's just perfect their schedules perfect it tells you exactly when you're coming on and what you're doing and and it's in it I mean that the envelope is so snazzy that it's it really is beautiful you feel the love like that envelope it's just real I think it's gold plated or something it's just really nice you know and I'm thinking and everything they did like their worship was off the hook everybody knew how to play the instruments the lighting was perfect this sound was perfect the big massive building was full it was all just amazing like amazing and then they wanted to come visit us I'm like oh Jesus so I'm trying to Rebecca wasn't with me at the time but another another girl oh they were freaking out they're like oh these guys the boys are common and I said we don't even I mean we didn't even have a printer that worked at that time so we do now thank you Jesus but we didn't have a printer that worked you know and our electricity's off most of the time and the water stops running and these brothers want to come and experience revival and I'm like oh Jesus sweet Jesus so I'd the time we didn't have any bus or anything we just had an open back for tunned these are pale brothers really pale they're like Norway jinda sense blue-eyed pale brothers and they were not they didn't understand you know because they see me in their world so they don't understand my world do you know what I mean my other world where I spend most of my time so they're not expecting this and they show up and it's like sure just jump hop in the back there you go that's Heather eyes okay there's a Sun and of dad you know like you you guys like there you go the son in a dad's they communicate with their eyes they don't have to talk they're just like wow what are we getting into there's no golden envelope for sure and they wanted their schedule and they're like where where what's the schedule and where are we going and I'm like golly try to call the assistants you know but the thing that the phone lines are dead they've not the cell phone that don't work so like trying to go over to see these brothers you know they need a schedule and they're like what are we supposed to write down I said just put something down on a sticky one of those sticky notes post-its and just like give it to the brothers and we put him in our very best room you know we'd really tried our very best room but there wasn't any water or electricity but we we filled up their buckets and we were really feeling you know that was awesome we did we filled them up and they didn't quite understand you know what to do with that bucket and all but I just like just you know you just pour it over your head and you'll feel refreshed and and all that and they were just they were just so precious but so confused because they've seen the anointing flow and corrosion whoo and now they're like oh in this world and I thought okay we're gonna go on outreach I go and outreach I love out just like outreaches outreach we outreach every day we've another dear brother has an outreach once a year that he wanted all the whole body of Christ to sign up for and I'm like he's like do you hear it's this day it's this it's this way and will you join us in Mozambique doing this and I'm like sure he's and we didn't know what day it's like sure every day works for us they said can you send us testimonies I said sure sure we'll send you testimony I just love the body of Christ it's beautiful it's like you're all so wonderful and it doesn't matter what day it is it we're gonna always be reaching out cuz it's who we are it's not what we do it's like who we are we're in love with him so we can't turn him on and off not not here not there not anywhere it's not I don't understand compartmentalized Christianity it's just not possible so anyway we're trying to bless these guys and um we put him on a boat with us we had a boat called iris compassion the the other boat sunk and that was a challenge but this one was still floating and and it was a it was a test do you ever have like a testimony with something God like released to your ministry or your life or your kids or somebody's cousin this this for me was really one of those like this boat had belonged to the king of Spain and when our last boat sunk a friend in Holland felt led to to to just bless us with this boat and it was a ship a ship a little ship and it was really awesome and I I just I didn't want anyone to really judge us for having the king of Spain's yacht that's really what it was so I ripped his bed out I had it ripped out and I put in bunk beds because I thought that looked more like missions and I got the kids like our kids are just full of joy and they they don't know who the king of Spain is nor do they care but they liked the boat you know they enjoyed it and so I would always fill it with kids and they just jump off the sign and they'd eat cookies and and they just enjoyed this boat so much they just sleeping all the bunk beds it was just holy chaos and we never did really find a captain so we just kind of tried to put people in that knew something and this is going somewhere cuz so need somebody see the thing is in the body of Christ if we are all clones or we're all trying to do the things somebody else did then then the parts that are needed in the rest of the body are missing so right now like we need boat captains not a few we could use like five boat captains right now we need professors right now we need engineers we need accountants like anytime there's a revival suddenly there's this need for for all kinds of gifts and people and talents and abilities like and this is all over the whole body of Christ so that nobody has to break the autoharp like somebody has a gift and they're sitting out there just we just often don't ask and we don't find out what people's gifts and abilities and talents are so here's these guys and there's they keep asking me where are we going and I said we'll know when we get there and we we borrowed this captain who was he was having some challenges in his life that's that's super understated anyway he was their father placed all things under his control for he had come from God and he was about to go back to be with them so he got up he took off his outer garment and what did he do he poured water into a basin and he went low and and he washed his disciples feet and and later in the second part of verse 12 well start here after washing their feet he put his robe on return to his place at the table do you understand what I did jesus said you've called me your teacher and Lord and you're right for that's who I am so if I'm your teacher and Lord have just washed your dirty feet then you should follow the example that I have set for you and wash one another's feet now do for each other what I have done for you I speak to you a timeless truth a servant is not superior to his master and an apostle is never greater than the one who sent him so now put into practice what I have done for you and you will experience a life of happiness enriched with untold blessing Wow listen to this timeless truth whoever receives the message er I send receives me and the one who receives me receives the father who I sent so put into practice what I'm not gonna pull out basins here I've done that the Lord's had me do that even in the West even in the East where people are a little uncomfortable with that but in our akhantar nobody's uncomfortable with a basin nobody's uncomfortable with their feet being washed they're thankful they're grateful especially they didn't have to go to the well to get that water so here is the story here is the story of how the Lord crashed in and used an extraordinary teacher to see I was all embarrassed like how are we going to just really see these brothers touched or or fulfilled in such a crazy situation that they didn't understand like how could they connect with us how could they connect with our culture our cultures could not have been more polar opposite and yet we are the body of Christ we are the hands of Jesus the feet of Jesus so it's like how do we connect with these beautiful and pale brothers and and and my kids are just like happy and we're eating and they're they throw up sometimes over the side of the boat but it's all good because then they can eat more and or it is like going and we're worshiping and and my brothers are kind of wondering cuz we'll worship like y'all you know we'll go to 3-4 hours we're just worshiping worshiping it and varying degrees of skill you know on the instruments banging on the bongos and just like yeah kids are just going it and we're singing and worshiping and and these guys are getting concerned like how far are we going and where are we going truth be told I really didn't know at the time kind of like as I share messages I it's not that they don't prepare I pray every day I do I fast I pray I seek the Lord I read the word I listen to the word in several languages I'm all about preparing but it's just he doesn't give me the the PowerPoint on the slide projector that I can just slam up there for you I I don't get it that way but I do of a PowerPoint and Shaka Rama a powerful point and he's my point and he's my power so here you go it's just enjoy the diversity it's just it is just the way it is so anyway I was like I'm not sure where we're going but we'll know when we get there and they got a little nervous you know they were concerned and as we just kept worshiping and worshiping and and the kids kept eating more cookies and chicken and getting a little sick and coming back and we're offering them our snacks and they're like no no no no where are we going I said I don't know and then suddenly I just felt like the Lord said stop stop stop and so I tell this quasi captain stop stop stop he's like what weird now why how do you know I said I just just stop let down the anchor stop so he's just he's like whatever he wasn't a cheerful man and he let down on the anchor there and I was pretty excited I told you I like to go fast so I've been on that boat for hours and I wanted to get moving so I jumped off the side of the boat started swimming to the shore because I was excited we're gonna go reach people we're gonna go find villages maybe we'd been before to that village I didn't know exactly I just knew we we were to stop and I could see the shore side just Dovo the boat it started swimming and my kids are like mom you forgot the foreigners oh where are my manners like Jesus these guys I don't know if they were raised in junior lifeguards so I uh better get the boat for these guys so I I swam back to the boat I'm so sorry by now they're just like doing sign language like and then they're try to smile at me like I said just hop in this boat we're gonna go and just find people to share with you know it's like the opposite of their meeting which was glorious their meetings are just like full of glory people are falling out the power strong and millions of people get to watch it on TV it's just awesome but this was different but I believe equally awesome and and so they might not have agreed at that moment but what happened was they got in there and they had nice shoes you know I do want to do this I think Joseph what size are your feet twelve that's good could could I borrow your shoes I liked it and come on up here sweetheart please so but I need to borrow yours and you're gonna borrow mine I I like this cuz this you see people often want to walk in somebody else's anointing right they're like lay hands on me just lay hands on me and and I'm going to walk in your anointing I've literally had more than at once people steal my shoes they steal my shoes and a one dad stole my shoes for his daughter who he wanted her to walk at my anointing and put on my anointing honey Joseph and so he he took my shoes come on honey walk in my anointing and and he put on my shoes it gave him to his daughter and he left me his big old boots he said I wanted you to have some to walk out come on let's run the race honey run the race come on Joseph let's go we got to go faster and this is what many people are asking us to do as ministers we're like we need to we need to look alike be alike move alike and walk at the anointing it's just really is it how's that working for you thankful thankful but you do think I'm anointed all right I think you're not oh love you so much thank you for walking in my shoes when these these are awesome I can actually walk in bigger shoes easier than little shoes but either way if I was still gonna keep trying to speak to you right now and change my point you would have trouble following me because you what you'd be doing especially if you could see it be like wondering what I was trying to do and why is it that I didn't have the proper shoes you see in in the body of Christ we are often trying to imitate and imitations are actually worthless its originals the Lord's looking for and he's looking for original you and you all are anointed and all of you can walk in your anointing and you can all walk in the calling that God placed on your life it's beautiful and it's super frees you up when you're not trying to just copy somebody else or or like where they're anointing where there shoes and do it the way they do it because actually in the ends father knows you like Jesus knows you father knows you Holy spirt wants to fill you and so you just as much as you admire as much as you respect and you admire and you honor all the different anointed ministers you you can be free once you're adopted once you understand that seal you could be free and you could just be super blessed for for your brothers anointing you can be superb rest blessed for your sisters anointing Thank You Joseph you could just be so blessed that you could cheer them on and then we can run together do you understand we can run together and it just sets us free free free so but at the same time as you're free you still want to honor your other brothers and sisters so you don't like try to squish him into your thing like you don't try to make me I remember people getting so wrecked in Pemba for years we had a mission school there before the MAL fighters has showed up and um these people would be laid out on the ground just shaking and crying and then they think they were gonna be living in Mozambique for the rest of their life serving in the bush and they were shocked when they discovered maybe they were called to Hollywood that that was wild or maybe they were called to Asia they were they were called to Cambodia so we're a movement that we we live and work among the poor and so people would be shocked when the Lord would call him to go you know go do IT with the billionaires ended up starting some churches as some well-known tech places that you would all know but I just out of just just don't really want to tell you where but they said to me we're orphans too won't you love us and I was like yes I love the body of Christ I love the body of Christ and I can respect your shoes all yours are really beautiful those are super rockin red boots now come on but it's hard no no sweetheart you got to know something if I try to wear those I couldn't I couldn't I would III mean it would be a joy but I couldn't do it because my feet would hurt and I'd probably fall over but I am astounded by how beautiful they are and how they fit you and it's just awesome so you just wear your anointing cuz you're super annoying and it's just so beautiful I just see you can you can appreciate things without trying to get someone to give them to you as well by the way you know what I mean I don't need to like appreciate them so I can get them I can appreciate just because they're beautiful and that's something in the body of Christ that we can do like we can appreciate our brothers and sisters not so we can get what they have but just because they're beautiful and and I love this and so these that's why it's important for you to understand that I know my precious pale brothers they're we're beautiful in their own right like they're not less beautiful than our Muslim beacon children they're not less beautiful or less lovely or less important in any way they're absolutely equally important but I didn't understand at the time I was still like had my mind on something else and the Lord showed me how I messed up he showed me where I got it wrong this lesson was probably more for me than then for you as probably more for me then for them but this is what it looked like I was so busy with what I was wanting to do reach the unreached people groups go visit a village just get there that that I literally forgot my brothers and and then I got them in then and they had like Gucci shoes you know nice shoes Gucci one I think one was our money one was Gucci I mean there weren't nice shoes they just didn't quite work in the mud you know what I'm saying they just and I did I didn't montgomery no we should have stuck on that sticky paper like you're gonna need to pull out those Havaianas you're gonna need to pull out those flip-flops that you got on that cruise because they're gonna work for you but I didn't do it and that was not sensitive of me I didn't do it because I expected them to understand I expected them to understand what they were about to step into and often in the body of Christ we love we love John 17 we preached John 17 John 17 is a powerful place but we don't always explain we don't always give people the memos we don't what we don't always and help our brothers and sisters to understand and to be aware that that that we see the beauty that Jesus placed in them as an individual and when once we understand the body of Christ and I mean the body of Christ and and I believe I'm gonna just throw this out because of a lot of things that are happening I'm that it is through Jesus Christ he's the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but through him so when I speak of the body of Christ I speak of those who are believers in Christ Jesus and though I may not wear their shoes though I may not understand their culture though we may have not exchanged memos though we may not know how each other dances or sings or prays or eat or rests or the time of their service we can honor and respect one another and we can so honour the point Jesus Jesus is the point Jesus is the purpose and the point and if we all honor the point and we step into the anointing that God has given us to walk in then we start to look around and and there's fruit everywhere because we're connected to Jesus because Jesus is the vine and we're connected to Jesus and suddenly we look around and were connected to Jesus they were connected to the body of Christ and now we can do things now we can do things and go places I honestly believe if one man had tried to fill stadiums in Brazil by himself under the anointing that God had given him that they would not have been full i believed that those three stadiums were full in one day because the whole body of christ everyone that would cooperate all cheer to each other on and laid everything down as said we believe in each other and nobody fought over the mic and nobody fought over the time and everybody just cheered each other on and sure there were people tearing it apart and saying it's only one day whatever but oh what a glorious day to see tens of thousands of people just earning one another and loving jesus said worshipping Jesus so here I want to finish here because I care about your lunch I really do I just care about your lunch so this is this is what happened up I started walking and and I did get him to the shore and I said a snarky comment do you ever get snarky I get snarky sometimes I like snarky you know like looking at their shoes man sweet Jesus it's not that I don't appreciate good shoes I do but I'm thinking did you really need to bring the Gucci's to the bus you know I'm just I was snarky I didn't say it I was just like snarky like you might want to put those shoes in the boat you know we get snarky do you use that word snarky it's a good word anyway snarky is a good word just kind of a little attitude like dudes you got the wrong shoes it's like sometimes you're gonna come watching people they got the Jesus wag you know it's 20/20 and you're like really that's snarky just let it go let him fly let him wave their flag III stay away from the pole flags cuz I was in a Jill Austin meeting in San Diego and they were very excited with the flags and somebody knocked me out flat cold why am i had to speak that out by rights out so I appreciate flags at all but I just like stay I stay away like okay where are they bless the flaggers oh Jesus but you know snark is different I can appreciate him and move to the side but Sparky's like oh they still got the flag you know No thank God for the flag this let them flag on the side a little bit but it's awesome the body of Christ is beautiful and so there they were nice narked my little snarky comment and they they're looking at me and and then I didn't say anything I just walked off with my with my kid and we're like singing we're singing wet an ayah with an ayah with an ayah soon our heroine is about it and it's hot you know you can't even walk in your Crocs like it's hot mud is like black thick mud and I'm in my elements like this is not my sacrifice is not my oh you laid all day or late all day this is my joy like my joy this is the National Geographic you can't touch this it's like I mean I'm just loving it this is like I love adventure I love it I just love being out there and then my kids are like mom you forgot the foreigners again and I'm like oh no and I mean we were I don't know I didn't know like I didn't have on and I watch they weren't there at the time and I like looking back and here's these two like gustas they are like they are like yeah there's red as those boots pretty much red not quite that red but pretty close because they forgot sunscreen they didn't have hats I didn't give them a memo I'm like that's not nice see we all want John 17 but we don't all communicate you know we all want to love and we want to yes Jesus we're gonna all flow together but we don't all communicate so sometimes people want to work together and they want to see the city running to Jesus together but we forgot the memo we forgot the communication we forgot to explain things and so people are confused and sunburned so these guys were we're really hurting you know and they were really hurting and they were bright red and and they're in their little toes they'd never been in the mud and they were they were I think they didn't know what to do it hurt their feet you know wasn't that they didn't want to cooperate sometimes we judge people thinking maybe they don't want to cooperate maybe they just don't care maybe their arrogance maybe they're prideful maybe they think they're better than us we have all kinds of reasons that we get snarky with the body of Christ when the Lord if you just explain things most people would be very grateful and so I went back and I felt really embarrassed I really did and I I I said I'm so sorry I'm so sorry and by now somebody said you know the father taught the son if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything so these dudes were silent sipping a boca they're like walking and their feet are hurting because their little pink toes are in that hot mud and they're hurting they're really hurting and I'm like singing away having a great time walking I don't know how long I walked I wasn't looking at my watch I was just in my element having a blast and these tear dear brothers are trying to follow us because they didn't want to get left there again they actually said before they zip in a boca they said don't leave us here you know like and so we're walking and they're so sunburned and they're so you know uncomfortable we heard a message like that just the other day hear out of your comfort zone David shared about that they were way out of their comfort zone I was way in mind their way out of theirs and we're walking and I met a few mamas and I'm just chatting away with these mamas leading them to Jesus sharing in the local dialect and and the brother suddenly started to get excited like yes yes are we here now is this it like can we go back home by now they're calling the no electricity room with the bucket home you know can we there they're like excited can we go home now did we like reach our mission are we good is this it and they suddenly brightened up and I said oh no no no no no no we just stopped these llamas had never heard about Jesus they already received the Lord and it was awesome but but we're not no now we're not finished at all no no no in fact I I know some of our trucks came along this is an inlet we're in and I think they're some of our trucks are in here and we're gonna find them we're gonna find a village that we visited before and and they're like there now like they're not feeling the joy but just like walking we're singing there they're not singing they're just they're just walking and they're really not feeling what I was feeling or what our kids were feeling and finally we get to this little village she's beautiful she's like all tatted up she's tapped all over her face she's just beautiful it's their culture with condé and Makua and this certain generation they'd this beauty marks tap tattoos all over her face she's just beautiful happy little mama and she comes out she's about she made me look tall that's awesome she's about this tall and she comes running out and I'm there with my kids and I'm there with my two brothers my Norwegian New Yorker brothers and she comes out she's just like and I'm just like we're just happy like we're super happy you know I had been there before and and obviously you know they do recognize veto sometimes people say all white people look like butt but they recognize me and I'm so so she's and she looked at she looked at my feet she was horrified can I wash your feet did I wash your feet as she goes into her hut and and she takes her greatest treasure which is which is her water I mean it took her at least eight hours to get to that well and then she's old you know and she's got to carry that back on her head that's another eight hours that's approximately 16 hours of labor for an old mama and she she like just wants to honor me she wants to bless me and so she pours her water into this little bucket it's like a basin it used to be red now it's pink from the Sun and it's cracked up partially down the side and and she asked me to sit down and I'll never forget this neither will my brothers I sit down there and she takes her couple on off she has two they have one around underneath and one on top as she takes off her outer couple Lata and she looks me in the eyes she just looks me in the eyes and and she's just so full of love she's just so full of the love of God and she's only just come to the Lord I don't know when I'd been there six weeks eight weeks before I couldn't even know where I couldn't find that village unless Holy Spirit showed me and she took off her outer couple on and she scrubbed my feet like this is Kay getting mud hot keiki mud is in my toenails it's in my the cracks of my heels it's just and she's scrubbing away and I'm just feeling the love of God just like dropping in on me this little mama that she's eliris she doesn't even know the word of God but we have these solar Bibles and she's she's like learning through the word just but she just she just knows Jesus that's all I could say she knows Jesus and then she looks at my two red brothers and she said mama can I wash their feet now she had every right to not want to wash their feet well the beak was colonized by people that looked a lot like them there there have been slavery in that nation pain in that nation untold terrors in that nation but she looks past at all because she knows Jesus she looks past the pain and and instead of seeing these two very sunburned men she sees brothers she sees brothers and she showed us what love looked like now if water is your treasure you don't just dump it on the ground you'd put it on a tree but she just dumped it out on the ground so she could go get fresh water for these guys I I lost it because I know what that water means I know that she's like giving her very greatest gift to honor people that she doesn't even know just cause she knows Jesus and she just undid me and she gets down like she's not she's not standing up here commanding others to do this for her she's an elder mama in that village she could have probably called the younger ones but she didn't do that she did not do that she did not do that she came and she went down and with her own koppel on the other side of it she's like scrubbing their feet she's just like scrubbing and and not gently scrubbing like really scrubbing their feet and I watched and then I said we're here now cuz they asked me when we were going to get there I said now we're here and these two amazing men just started bawling like just wailing bawling because they suddenly got it the beautiful body of Christ what does love look like it looks a lot like honor it looks a lot like going low it looks a lot like preferring others it really looks a lot like Philippians 2:3 Jesus taught us what love looks like and this precious mama taught these men what love looks like and through that lesson he transformed my heart and he taught me to stop to really stop for my brothers for my sisters of other cultures of other ways of expressing their joy to the Lord with other schedules some places I go the message they tell me it's 23 minutes and if I don't have on a good watch I get nervous you know because I'm I don't want to get it wrong I want to honor them and instead of judging them that they like to have a 23 minute message the Lord's transformed my heart and it's like if that's the if that's the way they're flowing then honor their point honor honor who they are and how they how they feel to come and to express their adoration to the Lord and so now as I want to honor you and your need for lunch and your need to get your children I like to have you stand with me please thank you thank you Jesus oh he's so good I feel like I learned some things through the years I've learned some really beautiful things through the through the years and I learned that if we allow freedom for people that the ones that are going to be touched say this morning for the next half an hour in this building that they're free and I'm free and the ones that that need to go to the restroom need to go to the I've been in meetings where they've they've lasted for hours and and you weren't allowed to use the restroom and and they told you so and and so that was a really challenging thing for me but I honored the point as best I could until I thought I might pass out so there's there are there are ways that we can honor each other just with time and so with with my eyes wide open and knowing Mike and Christie and knowing this house and the freedom in this house after I pray I want you to be free just to to make your way out of the building and and go hang out with your kids go take a nap go get out we've been we've been going for four days in worship and adoration maybe you're hungry and and when I say that I'm not saying it with any snarkiness and that's that's really a beautiful thing for me because I used to say it with an attitude and I don't I literally don't haven't have it in me like I really love freedom at the same time there are some people that are gonna get totally smashed wrecked undone blown away this morning and and if we don't if we don't allow for freedom in the house or or I think that I'm bound by that clock right now that all of us are bound by the same time on that clock then the people that are gonna get rocked and wrecked in this house know you can get rocked and wrecked in your in your house as well but if we if we don't allow for that then then the ones that God wants to crash in on this morning or this afternoon now are also not going to get that chance so I think you can come back in a minute but I really I really feel like I'm gonna have Sean and Joseph help me here and I feel I just want you to close your eyes I'm just gonna pray a prayer and then feel free to go I I think I'm gonna stay another half an hour so praying with people but I I just the way that I'm kind of I feel created in in my little life to pray for people as as your eyes are fixed on Jesus I love I love just coming alongside of what Holy Spirit's doing and so it would be just a super great blessing to me if you would press in right now for Holy Spirit and and as you get touched as Holy spirt starts to fall on you that you had just come to the front with your hands lifted up to the Lord and you just kneel before him and and when the power of God see the power of God is is here and there's a commissioning going on today I saw it in the spirit a commissioning and it's not just that it's not just the laying down kind of commissioning but there's a power in the commissioning today there's a powerful commissioning today shaka robo sana besides i have manifested who you really are jesus said father i've manifested who you really are i revealed you to men and women oh that you gave to me oh they were yours and you gave them to me and they fastened your word firmly on their hearts and now at last they know that everything I have is a gift from you and the very words you gave me speak I have passed on to them they have received your words they carry them in your heart they are convinced they've come from your print that I have come from your presence jesus said and they have fully believed that you sent me to represent you so with deep love I pray for my disciples with deep love I pray for my disciples I'm not asking on behalf of an unbelieving world but for those who belong to you oh the body of Christ the body of Christ the body of Christ the sons and daughters of the Most High all rubbish shake those you have given me for all who belong to me now belong to you and all who belong to you now belong to me as well Oh so I ask oh I asked I ask Abba I asked that the power of your name protect each one that you have given me and watch over them so they will be united as one sure rubbish eh oh the tribes the tongues the cultures oh that we would not be a monogamous Bunch but we would be who we are called to be brothers and sisters all the different races and the blends and the cultures and the beauty and the songs and the shoes and the anointings and the giftings and the way that you want to manifest yourself Lord through your people Oh Shaka Rama Cocteau rubbish eh so watch over them Lord watch over them Lord oh goddess you just you just taking me on a journey Lord and you're just allowing me day by day country by country nation by nation people group by people group tribe by tribe village by village you're just putting a passion in my heart for your body Lord you're showing me the beauty the beauty of your body God that just astounds me and Lord you're saying they're calling me you see I know I know I'm a little mama but I know I might know my assignment and I want you to just lift your hands right now if you wouldn't mind and and those that need to go I bless you the Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you all rubbish a his countenance his joy his beauty shine upon you be gracious unto you and give you peace and joy and prosperity and blessing and souls and souls and souls and more Souls coming into this beautiful family o God I know that you've not called us to come to church like an orphanage or Children's Center God but you want the children in homes you want all of your children in homes of loving believers it got whether we visit we could visit all kinds of homes and but Lord there's always places where we have people around us who really know us Lord I asked Jesus that you had put your people in homes of loving believers thought that they would feel your presence God right now I just with your eyes closed to just your hands lifted and if you're not comfortable kneeling you can sit or yeah I just just just lift your hands and yield your heart I just feel like God is commissioning people I feel like he's commissioning people today I feel like he's commissioning you with his love he's like opening your eyes and he's commissioning you to walk in your anointing did your shoes to walk in your shoes or your Crocs or your bare feet in the mud but he's walking you to walk the walk that he's giving you to walk and for me I have different shoes for different occasions I have government shoes they do hurt my feet but I I've found a way to wear them I have government shoes when I meet with presidents and when I meet with kings and queens and I have my comfortable Crocs that I wear most of the time in a home and I have my boots and right oh by open toed boots and my clothes toed boots for the winter places that I go and I have my my $36 Macy shoes that I have six pair of because they don't hurt me and I have all different kind of shoes that I need to wear for different occasions and so some of you are a little confused you're like well I like hiking boots but I also like my gutes you should choose it III like what I like my different kind of boots do I have to be wearing just one kind and the Lord saying no there's there's a diversity even of ministry gifts that I put in my sons and my daughters and their Nations that I want to take you to and there are tribes that I want to send you to and at some of your tribes will be like high tech high tech techie tribes high tech techie tribes techy tribes techy tribes there's an anointing today for techie tribes shaker Abba and there's somebody in this in fact I see several in this room right now I'm gonna ask you to close your eyes so I can open mind because otherwise you're you distracted me Oh shucks out of my shot I'm gonna have you come wear your shoes you're gonna you're gonna start singing over these precious people and we're gonna minister together shock out how about right now yeah could we just get a a mic another mic cuz we're gonna do it together thanks Mike get another mic shot robbed us a fire of the Living God I feel like fire is gonna fall on some of you fire fire just lift your hands there's fire it's a commissioning fire come on fire of God come on fire holy fire God crash it come on crash in on this mama fire Oh God crash it crash it fire Oh God whoa fire Oh God crash hit fire gun fire holy fire of God crash it it's a commissioning fire it's a commissioning fire I feel like some of the older the older ones in this room you're being Reif fired chocobo boat chocobo boat joke a bubble do you have it does he have it Sean get it yeah oo-oo-oo borrow fire more fire more fire show show show I feel like there's amazing anointing that's gonna happen among generations woah generations are gonna start to walk together showboat Oh both shame a little more and more you go I'll release you fired release your fire in this place you fight release release you find your God coming consume come and consume every sacrifice come and consume is coming oh come and consume I say oh you fire I want you fired burn me Lord brewed me Lord burning me who your holy [Music] my heart's one dessert coming sir we used to be whole setup holy coming sassy apart come glory carry your file or a carrier of glory carrier blue fire increase your glory increase your glory increase your glory farce for its ass for its shape for glory fire Jesus too far Oh blow five we Jesus come and fill me with your fire come on Holy Ghost crash crash into death and blow fire fire we deliver of your glory love oh we need an outpouring love your Lori Commission your people gon Commission your people go [Music] whoa - more like boy like more like more efficient Fire Lord for out your spirit step in tonight pour out your spirit Campari Espino commissioning fire your spiel compile your spiel just just a skip Lord come here stop here Lord stop here stop here stop here Lord fill me use me bruise me if need be God I want to be possessed by your Holy Spirit oh god oh god I want to walk Lord I want to walk in the anointing that you gave me to walk in come on Holy Ghost come on yeah there's something inside of the hungry the thirst stop by heal I could crash it on me God put your fire on me God I don't want to leave this place would that be fully set ablaze Oh God Oh God put love in my heart for the body put love in my heart for my five friends put love in my heart for those who are different from me God put love in my heart for the other church well the UH number so Jesus fire fire fire mortars firing fire on theirs fire shoo I rode you more more more more more more more spirit board Bart Bart Bart Marley's peacefulness focus more molecular wrecking my free everything change this is Chicago your spirit City Guard or even Shekinah release of your spear Shekinah glory God Shekinah glory come you can step in step into the Shekinah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah step in step in step in step in [Music] Oh [Music] with confidence with hospital tsunami Oh poor the speed comporting speed [Music] release the fulness come and release the fullness of your spirit [Music] I can't get enough healing I feel your presence can't get enough get enough feel your presence I can't get enough get enough of your presence I can't get enough can't get enough did enough get is not smart enough of your kisses did not presents I can't get enough can't get enough oh I can't get enough get enough for your presence can't get enough get enough of your presence I can't get enough get enough of your presence I can't get enough really stuff of yours [Music] Shekinah glory cow she [Music] [Music] feel me family feel me come and see family feel the calm and feel me come and feel me [Music] I'm sure spare me spare me come and feel me [Music] me [Applause] [Music] well or you have a Stouffer come boys cut me loose in our hearts coming big boy [Music] come with me go here tsunamis coming be glorious in our hearts coming [Music] calling me I hunt coming me boys in our life I'm feeling would you feel smooth that makes us one would you feel sweet Oh [Music] come and fish with that makes us one come and see [Music] with your oh shoot [Applause] with Jesus make us [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] Phil come on Phil Phil Phil please feel free if you're called to pray for people do do that if you're feeling to go do that if you're feeling just a little while longer and just just just just just keep on pressing in and receiving do that here we go out a door just dip your egg lies down with your teases [Music] coming Laureus it up it's gonna be glorious in our hearts gonna be Oh [Music] would you feel eyes got me glory seen us can't be glorious in our hearts can't be glorious in our heart come feed us come feel us coming me glorious in our last company be glorious in our heart [Music] Oh just just just ask him come on come be glorious in my heart come and be glorious tonight come on now jump through the commissioning hold you feel oh come and feel yeah [Music] commissioning today's a commissioning we're gonna be the burning ones full of oil understanding our identity oh we're not gonna be in competition we're gonna be in cooperation oh come on oh gods omnipotent omnipresent omniscient he can touch us all at once wow he can use every single son and daughter to run the race he's filling us because he knows that we love to participate oh it he knows how it he knows when and he knows who and he knows you and there's not a single nameless person in this room there's not a single faceless person in this room oh so so daddy's eyes are fixed on you you are the apple of his affection you're the apple of his eye you're the object of his affection so just just in these last few minutes and just just just go ahead and like a childís reach up reach up to Daddy and just fix your eyes on his gaze and and then oh this is this is a lot of fun when the power of holy spirits the power of holy spirit falls on people Shay Shay you just look into daddy's and then you just trust him and so you trust him that when he sends power that that you could you could literally carry that power that anointing that love what does love look like love without power is very very wimpy oh we want more love but it's not just some kind of wimpy kind of love where we just oh it's a kumbaya wimpy kind of love the lowest common denominator kind of unity it's a different thing than you you often think about like we often think unity looks like like kumbaya kind of there's you know we don't want to offend anyone with our passion we don't want to offend anyone with our joy we what we we with but oh you natee looks a lot different than you think Oh cuz when when Holy Spirit crashes in a room when Holy Spirit crashes in some people laugh at some people cried some people shake and some people need to be carried out oh when the power of the Living God crashes in a room he's the one that unifies his body he's the one that causes our hearts to sing he's the one that grips out of hatred out of our hearts and bitterness and snarkiness and attitudes that don't please him when his fire falls he starts to burn away everything that doesn't bring him pleasure so I just long today even though even though I'm getting ready to go into another meeting soon and then on another plane soon and then on a on another adventure soon oh I just feel like they're still more fur or fur fur just something that just feel like this is that we just we're just here today for this I just I just want the fire I just want the fly I want the commissioning fire and I just feel my hands right now are just feeling a heavy hot holy fire of God on them and I just feel like gods what's the commission people I feel like there's a commissioning on people for engineers in this place that professors in this place and preachers of this place and worship leaders in this place and artists in this place and and oh there's somebody haven't been able to have a child and you're gonna be a mom they're gonna be a mom the Lord's gonna Commission you as a mom Oh Shaco Robo shot a robot say and there's just a commissioning where you're gonna carry it I see there's like a fire falling on some people who are gonna build two-ply they're gonna mold to play mode to play mold to play mold play mold but there's a multiplication in the house today there's a multiplication whoa so just just just reach up reach up reach up reach up holy spirits just gonna sovereignly fall on people reach up reach up reach up to Jesus reach up reach up here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go more more more MORE here we go to shmore more more more fire fire fire fire firefox my part my part commissioning permission commissioning commissioning there's a commission Wow it's not too late go go go you go girls you go go [Music] commissioning flyers for people being called to Cuba people been called to Pakistan people be called to Africa people be called across the street people be called to build houses people be called the - real estate people be called to to preschool people are called there's all different kinds of callings and anointings being released right now the Lord says all of you all of you I would have filled with holy oil all of you I want to fill with holy passion all of you I want to fill with holy oil Oh she'll allow my shape there's only one way I know to get oil shale allah ma che la la la ma che i only know one way to get oil shale up mashallah mache and that's time in the secret place oh and it's time in a secret place at times that time in secret places corporate Oh she'll Amish a la mache and right now there's oil being poured out in this room uh I love my Sheila I must say and it ever he says come all of you who are thirsty oh come and drink take your feel he says I'll fill you with oil the oil of intimacy I'll show you my face and I'll light you up in the world or watch you burn Oh sha la vache oh shell of a shave and I want you to know the Lord speaking I want you to know that you have full access full access full access access granted access granted Oh some of you wondered why some some have more than others Oh Sheila Basha NEBOSH eh Oh access is granted the oil the oil the wine of a spirit just just just receive receive receive receive or ah la vache oh I'm telling you one thing when you start to see when the oil of his spirit runs down your eyes and he takes away your blindness and you start to see your brothers and your sisters and you start to see the orphans the spiritual orphans the physical orphans when oil the oil the eyes have run down your eyes and Jesus takes away your blindness then you start to see anybody who doesn't know Jesus is an orphan anybody who doesn't know the love of Jesus is an orphan and Jesus is called every son in every daughter to bring the orphans home but not into orphanages there's a spirit of adoption in this place the Lord's opening your eyes you're going to bring the orphans home like the Good Samaritan he stops the priest didn't stop he was going to a church growth conference perhaps even the worship leader didn't stop the Levites but the business the businessman that Samaritan he wasn't even loved by the guy who had been beaten and was dying on the road he would have preferred anybody touch him besides that Samaritan but that's the Meriton you see a woman at a well fell in love with a man Jesus purity purity pure love for the first time she went and told her whole village she went told everyone about this one she was in love with his pure holy [Music] Jesus she was no longer ashamed of herself she wasn't ashamed of her past she wasn't ashamed of the past life she lived the sin that she's been involved in because she was set free by the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and her shame was washed away that day and the living water started flowing out of her and she could not be denied and so she stopped for another one and another one and another one and so that day with a dying man on the road and God wants to open your eyes here in Colorado and show you that every single human being that doesn't know the love of Jesus and the forgiveness of their sins is an orphan and though you may not want to stop for an orphan the Lord calls you to and though you might say it's somebody else's calling and somebody else's anointing and somebody else's passion the Lord Himself calls every son and every daughter every believer II Holly to stop for the orphan to bring home the spiritual orphan yes in the physical orphan to bring them home into a home of loving believers not to an orphanage but into a home of loving believers where their face would be known and their name would be known and their face would be seen and no one would leave feeling lonely and alone and isolated and not seen and not loved and not cared for so today the Lord is opening up the eyes of his children and he's giving you eyes to see your neighbor he's giving you eyes to see your neighbor those who believe and those who do not yet know who they are there's an oil being poured forth an eye salve running down dripping dripping down opening your eyes you will see the lonely you'll see the broken you'll see the sad ones Oh but now [Music] there's enough there's enough oil for you so you'll stop and you'll share you'll stop and you'll share [Music] you'll stop and you share you love you'll stop and you'll share your love oh you won't be afraid to cover another you'll be afraid of dirty feet [Music] you won't be afraid to share your treasure [Music] and then share it again knowing [Music] the Lord says I will be new a stream River river a river a river I really Oh oh really [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Rock Church - Castle Rock
Views: 17,435
Rating: 4.7771263 out of 5
Keywords: The Rock Church, Castle Rock
Id: 7NaBKp1HxAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 8sec (7328 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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