Iris After Hours - Episode 4 - With guests Amina and Angelica

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welcome to iris after hours casual conversations with inspirational speakers off the clock hi we're here again in pemba welcome to iris after hours we have two of our beautiful girls they've been with iris with us and in our family since 99 and 2000 so it's been 16 years 17 years and it's amina and angelica and so we want to hear their amazing stories today they have such beautiful testimonies and there's been a miracle today on base so we're incredibly excited we're here with my mom heidi baker can you tell us what just happened yes um we've been going through such a challenging time with our visas because we we're having a double harvest school so we have uh pastors from 10 provinces and people from about 35 nations studying here all together and what happened was we just did not get our visas to be renewed for all these guys to stay and we've been praying and fasting and crying out and all we got was no no no and wait wait wait and no no no wait wait wait and just a few minutes ago we got the amazing glorious answer that the governor just signed the documents so i'm going in in a few hours and we're believing to pick up all 81 passports of the ones whose visas just expired so you're going to hear a lot of cheering in the background there's been a lot of rejoicing and dancing and jumping and cheering and we're right in front of our harvest school and this means that literally 81 students do not have to be kicked out of the country which is amazing good news and the rest of them there are probably over 300 including staff from other countries and they're all to get to stay and so it's a big big miracle today we're excited if you don't quit you win yeah awesome that's true thank you girls for being here and i mean okay so we're gonna angelica's speaking english and learning english but i'm just gonna work with them a little bit and translate and then sometimes you can throw some english in there because you're getting it really well and i want to say as a mama i know we don't all look alike but we are one big family and crystalline and angelica is so beautiful they're both married they both have awesome husbands and they both gave birth to beautiful grandchildren for me yay um one's named gabriel and that's angelica's little boy and and crystalline gave birth to zoe and they're super cute and they were born three days apart so same week same week and they both had really challenging births actually both of them had c-sections and god brought them through and so so the lord's really blessed and they're really cute i love watching them together i like to see them play a lot more together it's fun because they're the same age so beautiful tell us your story pala astoria my story when i was young my mom and my father they're separate my mom she was live by herself and my dad he went to marina the girl and i started with my mom and then my mom she was like she told me that she wanna go another place and then she didn't wanna take me with her that was sad that was hard huh she take me she went to my my father's house she leave me there and she told my father i need to stay with he needs to stay with me and then my mom just disappeared yeah yeah and and then i started to stay with my father and my stepmother and she didn't like me at all because she she also was have another baby with my father so i was like for her i was like i was um a burden yeah yeah just working watch the dishes take care of her sons and go to the market sometime i was eat some time no and i never been in school when i was with her but her sons they were going to school so she didn't let you study because she didn't want to pay even though it's probably two dollars a year yeah she didn't want to pay for your uniform or your books or anything nothing so i remember the day that i found you do you remember that day yes yeah tell us what happened there you'd feel free to speak english or portuguese either one and then i she beat me and then i ran away from home i went to um i never house and she take care of me she was taking she was giving me food and they gave me a shower and gave her daughter's clothes for me and she was like you can take you can go home if you want and i say no i don't want to go home because my my father was not there he was he was his job he was in south africa he was going to sort of can come home in december so it was long time with her and he died so she had to run away from home yeah stay in the street and then you got abused out there didn't you yeah and it was me and sometimes those visitors brought you home yeah yeah no the neighbors then yeah visitors visit the neighbors [Music] and one day i was just going to run away forever and i i started to bring problems to the neighbor's family and uh he said she's they said i had to go back and live with your mom your real mom or your stepmom no my stepmother your stepmom yeah yeah which wasn't she was the one who beat you and yeah didn't feed you and didn't let you go to school so that was a challenge huh so ah so my dad um finally found my real mother and brought me there and started living [Music] and she didn't have any conditions to take care of me either because she had other children by then she would buy fish and she would fry it and then she would sell it at night my and when we were on the street there it was really dark yo and there was a man that was hidden away there next to the wall yesterday and he had a knife and my mother i didn't know what was going on with my mother i had no idea what was happening and we didn't know if he was going to kill us or what was going on or if he was going to kill our mother and then he ran away we were we went home and deposited so one day i just said to my mom in about a week i just i don't need to go back and live with my dad i didn't know what to do go back to the house or go in front i didn't know what to do so this woman found me and she started to use me as a slave comes she made me uh work as a slave in a big big farm the islands how old were you because they think i don't remember no she was very very young she was under 10 years old and i started to pick up fire in the in the kitchen and it was made out of straw the kitchen and so it started to burn on fire and on top there was a masaroka it's a root and it was up on top of the straw kitchen [Music] i just ran and ran as fast as i could i didn't even look back because that woman was going to make me a slave she was making me work in that farm so i got to the city oh my write i couldn't do anything i didn't know my name i didn't know what i opened the door i i didn't close it and i ran and i ended up in the in the garbage dump and there was a woman there he loved me and she took me to her house she gave me a bath she gave me a place to sleep you die [Music] some children he and she she showed me that lady who is passing out bread there restoration away yeah and she was abused the night i found her i remember it well and um i remember i'll cry now but i remember that night when i found you at casa elefante and you were so scared and i remember those boys were fighting in front of us and they had knives and you were so scared you were so little and so beautiful and you're so so beautiful now but i remember that day and um that you never have to be afraid again and that jesus came in your heart and took away your pain and took away your fears and you have a beautiful name angelica because you are our angel and we love the name angelica yeah so you are a beautiful beautiful young woman and how did you how did you finally meet meet jesus and and finally know who you were that you're loved and that you're beautiful and that you're never going to get abused again how did you find that out quality i also want to know angelic because i've watched um i've watched you and for me and i think crystalline too just the way that you learn to forgive you know because uh you've forgiven and you're now in 12th grade you're going to university next year yeah and uh god's redeemed your your beautiful life i mean you i i watched the tenacity in you and the beauty and the resilience in you and i watched how you've forgiven and uh how now you have a beautiful house about a block a block house you painted it so perfect it's blue and cream and it's just it's such a it's such a beautiful place of peace and you you always have people over you know your house is just awesome but how did the lord help you angelica to forgive because there are people i think listening to us you know they can hear this story and maybe they were abused maybe their parents didn't care for them or love them i don't know anyone who's had a story like yours you know even a come on even a missionary beater that's just sad you know i mean it's just crazy what you went through and i remember that night i found you and you've been bitten you know and i was so i i i remember anger rising up in me like i was angry who could do this to such a a little girl and who could do something so evil and and the lord had to deal with my heart that i needed to forgive even those people that could do such horrible things but you angelica you really taught me about forgiveness and and grace so how did how were you able to forgive the people that so so hurt you how how did that happen for you quality we were praying with rosa and chantal those are two of her sisters and they you guys need to learn chantal and chantal i'll tell them a little bit about chantal chantal is now becoming an architect and an engineer and she was literally her her stepdad came with his brothers from congo to kill her when she became a teenager and that was horrific tell me angelica how did the lord just help you to forgive and you can share it in portuguese and just tell us how how did that come about how are you able how did you meet jesus and how did you get to that place where where you could forgive and you could raise your own son and become you know a beautiful wife and mother and have a dream to go to university tell us a little bit about about how you got to where you are now [Music] uh [Music] i actually learned what forgiveness was so i started taking in those the young little boys that were coming in from the streets there in in high risk and i started to bring them in there so that everybody could know them at church at church yeah and they paid to our where crystalline grew up there in that base there and they started praying for us but i really didn't know what was going on that's an honest answer that's a good honest answer there is [Music] i just sat there i would laugh and we started playing together and she started to speak some really sweet words for me she talked to me about jesus that's our harvest school they're really excited about these visas so out there um they were they were um speaking to me these really sweet words and i didn't speak english at that time so someone was translating for me and she started praying for me and i started crying and i just stopped and sobbed and that white person prayed for me and they gave me a hug and she said i said i'm i'm believing in jesus and she helped me me level for me and she gave me a present and she said jesus told her to give it to me i was really happy the boys died i started to pray a lot but it was before i forgave my family i said forgiveness not a solution for me i said if i grow up i'm going to beat my stepmother well that's how you felt i mean she starved you she beat you she threw you out you had been raped abused and turned into a slave so you had a little bit of anger going on right you were you weren't a happy camper to say it in english you were you had a lot of pain and you were only by then you're what 10 11 i think yeah yeah so that's already quite an intense life yeah how did you get to that place um because i know you're at that place now and there are a lot of people listening that aren't at that place they still want to beat their stepmother you know they really do they still want to they still want to beat their abuser yeah how did you get because um i'm emotional right now i i just think angelico the way that you live your life now the way that you love the way that you care for your own son and your husband the way that you shine just you wherever you go you just bring joy and i think um it really is doesn't she like she's one of your best friends too yes she just carries this joy i want to know how did you get there people out listening on this podcast they need they want to be where you are and a lot of them have been through hell themselves you know how did you get to that place in your life angelica where where you could forgive the most evil horrific people on the planet i mean nobody can say what happened to you is even slightly normal it's so evil it's so horrific how did you get to that place in god where you could forgive and you could live your life when i look at you i don't see you don't have a victim mentality you don't go around feeling sorry for yourself you literally just help people and you shine and you're smiling you're kind and how did you get to that place [Music] i really prayed mama or and i started to see people and people started smiling at me and hugging me it's not all the same they're not all horrible they're not all bad and then maybe i could forgive my family george and i started praying and then one day um one day a woman came for me and she said you're really special you are too you really are and she started smiling [Music] and she she just spoke some really amazing words over to me and my heart just started to open and i felt like something was changing inside of me i had a lot of anger mama a lot of anger did and then i started to love to pray and to dance [Music] every night she would pray for me this is her sister adoptive sister one of the other girls that we brought in she would give me a massage and she would pray and and i would be getting more and more free and they were vicky pie pie she was able to forgive her stepfather who actually wanted to murder her and the reason i got her was because he was going to murder her because she was able to forgive you thought because she was able to forgive her dad i'm able to forgive yeah so she taught you yeah from her story that you can forgive [Music] me she was inspired um deeply by chantal's story i just [Music] i forgave my stepmother yeah [Laughter] [Music] and i'll ask for forgiveness and i'll tell her i love her and i'll play on deadly stag and i pray my dad wherever he is that god would protect him what do you want to study in university oh [Music] then another time i thought maybe i'll be a model before your face and then i thought i think i'd like to be a photographer like crystalline you're beautiful you're intelligent and you have great talent so and she enjoys cutting hair too so she's worked in the iris hair salon yeah and she was an actress in compelled by love yes she was yeah she was like you were amazing in that thank you you're so good she she has a lot of gifts a lot of talents so we'll see which one um the university that we're building is going to have a calm call major and crystalline graduated in that area too and you might you might find yourself when you're in university you'll find yourself where you're going to lean like if you want to do more creative communication maybe you'll be involved in journalism and and you might find you love the law as well so i know you want to help people and even taking pictures and telling stories like you've told your story to so many of us um so many tens of thousands of people watching thank you thank you yeah it was powerful it's so beautiful to hear your story thank you and see your journey over the years you're such a beautiful confident woman now and it's such a testimony of what god's done in your life thank you we love you yeah we love you we're super motivated by your story we're motivated to love more than to forgive more yeah yeah and why are you introduced what are you introducing this whatever what do you want to say about amina here she has an amazing story too amina hello she told me her story yeah and she likes other people too likes to help people yeah yeah and angelica used to defend me a lot when i was younger she did yeah cause i was so quiet and when someone came and messed with me she used to beat them yeah yeah very nice honestly you're getting the true story iris after hours yes even when we went to mama heidi's house sometimes we didn't have space because it was a lot of kids so she used to fight for the door to open and then she used to say i mean i can't come here yeah she included you that's powerful how did you come to iris can we hear your story yes can they speak yes you can do you want to translate kristen you can doing great you can do it your turn okay yeah okay my name is amina um nice to my family krishna when my mom was pregnant he always would think the child wasn't his in town so i was i was born at six months prematurely and so i was very sick [Music] my father took me to mishkita the mosque oh the mosque [Music] and so they prayed there but it didn't have any result results and they said maybe let's change her name then first i was called anissa hey tambe and they said this is a demonic name maybe that's why and we'll call her amina and but with all of this that never got better [Music] [Music] and my grandmother didn't really have the means to care for me [Music] and my mother gave birth to me at 11 years old wow my mother was only 11. in town um [Music] and there was a man who wanted to take her to south africa but she had a child so he said tomorrow i'll marry you and i'll take you to south africa [Music] and so at night she took me to stay in my father's house and so he woke up in the morning and saw me crying at his door and took me to my grandmother's don't understand where's her mother and she said i don't know i thought she was with you and my father said i don't want this child i don't know that she's even my child and so if you don't take her i might kill her and my grandmother didn't want me either because she didn't have conditions for me to live there and she was a witch doctor ella midday [Music] [Music] and she would always use her her medicine from her witch doctor witchcraft and she thought she was god and she would use witchcraft to kill our neighbors [Music] she would be able to kill people because they said oh she's the witch doctor's child we're going to die and when i would play with kids parents would take children away from me because they were scared because they thought her grandmother would kill them [Music] so my grandmother began to work in a place as a gardener in town with and she'd always go take me with her to work and she would give me milk but when she didn't have milk she would make rice papinas make a rice pop a meal papa it's like just right milky rice yeah like watery [Music] rice but where she works there were some white people that had babies there so she stole bottles and she would hide them in our house [Music] [Music] [Music] even early in the morning she would take a stick when i woke up and beat me but i hadn't done anything and i would look at her and she'd say why are you looking at me you're ugly thank you fi carla for susie you need to live outside by yourself and i would always try to do everything to make her happy but she was never happy [Music] but she would always beat me every day and she would make me carry big things of water to to return home because i thought she'll kill me for doing this and dropping the bucket of water in town and so i started walking slowly and she came behind me started beating me with everything she had at home spoons and stuff that was in the house and she said you should go sleep with the pigs [Music] and i went to sleep with the pigs and i was happy to sleep with the pigs because they didn't do anything to me and when i slept there they slept on top of me and and she found me in the morning and i would take a bath in the place with the pigs and she would beat [Music] and she would take my clothes and say you shouldn't have clothes you should be nude just be naked [Music] and one day she took a knife and she cut me he deposited and said get out yo say pra foreign and she started to see that i had these bruises and she just told her it's because she doesn't know how to play she always plays badly and hurts ourselves and my grandmother was very angry and started beating me so she took me home and beat me even there you should go miami and said you're going to stay here until you know how to play and how to be a normal child and so then she saw that i was almost about to get out oh oh um that i was almost about to faint there on the tree into and one day she [Music] and she when she saw that she said why did you eat that rice and i said i was hungry and she started beating me up and she beat me so much that day i couldn't walk you with um glass pieces when people came era she wanted her to help her to cut people to use [Music] use witchcraft against people and then when she thought it was too much to be with me and support me [Music] and his wife had left him so i took care of those babies and he drank a lot so i would come home and every day he would say i want you in my room you're my wife and i didn't understand the tempo [Music] she was under 10. how old were you maybe eight no she thinks she was maybe around eight so he was using her for sex every day at eight yeah for the continue and i would cook for him i'd put the water for him to take baths and take him his towels [Music] when he came back i would take off his shoes dress him do everything and i would just be quiet and not say anything [Music] because i didn't have anyone to talk to or know where to find anyone to talk to em and he would do this every day until one day i decided to run away i said i'd prefer to be on the streets then to be here in town [Music] [Music] but she said oh you're crazy you're not thankful because your uncle gave you food if if he gives you food then why don't you stay there you say and there were many children there like me in town and so i was there on the boxes and we were sleeping in the boxes [Music] and we didn't have food at night we would go to the visitors the homes around to to steal what they had left outside [Music] [Music] but one night i woke up and she was dead because a car had run over here and so we went and i found another place to sleep in town and people would come to pray that like and they would speak about jesus jesus but i didn't know who jesus so i just heard his name but when he spoke um or when they spoke my mind i was there and then i would oh when i heard his name mamada was there so i at first i thought mama is jesus so sam david [Music] and sometimes on the day she would come that we the little ones wouldn't have bread or water because [Music] is [Music] and i started to be really sick i couldn't take anything or no i couldn't handle [Music] and i thought maybe it's better to die because even living i don't know how to live here like this and my mind came [Music] and i thought jesus has come in but i was really thirsty and i wanted water [Music] so i went to sleep on top of a sack [Music] and my mother went by [Music] and she started to ask where does this girl live he was the first one who met jesus there he was can you say vidal the first guy who met jesus in the dump was there and you said this is where she lives this is her house [Music] and i'll take you home and so that was my first time getting in a car um and with a and a white person taking me carrying me in and i went to the car she again casadella went to her house she gave me a bag and i had witchcraft um things tied to me tied to my body and my grandmother had told me you can't let anyone take it off because you'll die and they started to try to take it off and when i woke up i didn't have it anymore in and i was really surprised and i thought how am i still alive if they've taken off this witchcraft cord that my grandmother gave me and they said but it's jesus and then i thought oh jesus oh but it's it's my did it cut it but they started to pray for me because i appeared really demon possessed um and i would wake up in the mornings and i had this mama had had this puppet i played like i would just use the puppet doll and talk to her with it [Music] if it's someone else controlling the puppet maybe it'll bite me and then a few days passed more days passed and i became used to the place [Music] and to have 15 other kids it was after the government took all of our buildings at that time so we were we had lots of grass mats and children everywhere because i knew i was in a safe place a protected place in tawa would travel and she would go do outreach and when she would come when she would vote when she would come back it would seem like a day of celebration because we would miss her and we always had food well we didn't god always provided me and we were always happy [Music] i got to know i came to know jesus through hearing a lot of stories because i would always hear his name but at first but [Music] but she does a lot of she acts like jesus and she would always [Music] [Music] in and one day she told us to pray and to search for god i prayed but i couldn't find him but i learned how to pray and one day we were lying down and i had a big encounter with jesus and now [Music] and i saw jesus in white and he said this [Music] and sometimes i would go into my room and i would see a vision of god in my room and i would feel that the room was filled with the holy spirit and i would feel a hug it was like um jesus was hugging me stuck with me and i knew god is with me this is his hug his embrace is thank you for sharing your story it's amazing and and um you're also somebody now you're studying to become a psychologist a christian psychologist which i just think is you're gonna help so many people uh you've managed to take a life that started out probably one of the most horrific ways ever and and allow yourself to forgive um people who have just done the worst things you can imagine since you were a tiny little girl and i remember the day i found you and you were you were really almost dead that day and i'd known you in the dump but i just um that day that i brought you home i remember that day and i remember um just i remember how how much pain you were in you know and you kicked and you bit and you fought and you were just in a lot of pain um but you have managed to press through and you've managed to be a an amazing woman who carries a lot of of power the power of love you're resilient you're beautiful your your intelligence and now um you're studying psychology in university um that is that i don't know i don't know what that does for all of you i'm undone here um i think this is one of the most powerful podcasts we've done hearing these stories a lot of people fuss you know maybe they had a bad hair day maybe they got a c in school or somebody called them a name but these two young women are overcomers they are powerful overcomers and i also look at my own daughter here who shared her mom and dad with over a thousand kids and has also become just a very powerful amazing woman in her own right and i just look at these three women here and i see what jesus can do through a life laid down and i mean i just want to close this podcast with um with this how how did you come to a place in your life sweetheart where you could forgive the people that that so abused you that beat you and tortured you and raped you and left you for dead and sold you for a piece of bread and how how did you get to that place in your life amina where where you could love people and you could forgive how how did you get to that place because the people watching need they need to get to that place most of them haven't had a life as as dramatically difficult as you have but but most people have some area in their life where they need to forgive someone and i feel like i feel like today's about forgiveness and it's about overcoming you know it's about it's about resilience it's about saying nothing's impossible with god even if you've had the most hellish life ever that then god can make a way for you to know that you're loved that you're his daughter that that you're his son that you are beautiful and even if the enemy there is an enemy out there there really is there is darkness i mean what happened to you guys all i can say is that's darkness and that's the worst most it shouldn't happen to any anyone anywhere it's horrible hellish darkness and yet you both have overcome crystalline's overcome by just being able to say okay we're going to share mom and dad with everybody and we're just going to get through we're going to rejoice and we're going to love and we're going to share our clothes and our food and our house and whatever we have so you know i see overcoming in you crystalline and um forgiveness in you when people have done crazy things and i want to know amina just tell tell the people listening out there really tens of thousands maybe millions of people are going to hear this tell us how did you come to a place in god where you could forgive and where you could stop being a victim because i don't see a victim mentality in you you know you don't act like a victim you literally you smile you you are an entrepreneur and you're becoming a christian psychologist so tell us how did you get to that place because the world needs to know how they can get there too let's see when we started to have these classes about forgiveness teachings and we started to pray and i did not want to forgive you and i thought there's no way i'm going to forgive my grandmother because she does not deserve forgiveness [Music] and i'm not going to forgive my uncle [Music] because he just kept repeating the same story he kept on abusing me if nobody asked me to forgive them i'm not forgiving them into they said whoever wants to forgive they can come up front and they can just confess and they can just start to forgive you i could uh maybe i could confess something but i don't really want to forgive and i don't feel like forgiving these people i want them in jail and i don't want them out especially he also violated another eight children he needs to die why is it that he has no chance of being forgiven and forgiven when the whole world actually has been given a chance for forgiveness and i thought maybe if i could forgive him that i'm going to get a heavy weight off of my shoulders [Music] every time i thought about what he did i just felt dirty and i felt ugly and i felt like i was a nothing and in nobody [Music] other people thought you're this someone something somebody somebody but me i felt like nothing like leashes i felt like trash [Music] when other people would be called for if they're called in front i i would always stay in the back because i just didn't feel like i was worth anything and i always cried i just thought and i cried and found [Music] and then they started teaching us that if you forgive you're going to get rid of that heaviness on your shoulders and you can start and you can have a news story and they would prophesy over me you're like a butterfly you know if they and we see you like a caterpillar but just in a very short time you're about to fly but you need to let god heal your heart it was extraordinarily hard for me to speak to him because i never wanted to see him again i never wanted to speak his name um even even if i heard somebody who had his name i didn't want to know them i just was like oh i don't even want to know you even didn't want to hear his name being mentioned his name just being mentioned just did not bring me any good memories i went to his house i got there when he was sitting down uncle i've come to speak to you in town he looked at me he was very embarrassed what i'm about to say to you is something that i don't really want to say to you but god is giving me these words to say to you and i explained everything to him he did not demonstrate any kind of repentance [Music] i said buy some food for your children and i said i leave you to be happy after one year he called me i have no idea how he got my number in he called me i went there yeah okay i want to go to church i want to change [Music] and god changed his life wow wow i just um i'm undone you know i know both of your stories and you grow up here with us and you've you you're amazing women of courage and love and grace and i feel like people watching need need to be able to forgive like you've been able to forgive so i just want um both of you to pray amina and angelica just to pray for the people watching that god would just be able to help them uh to forgive those who have hurt them and that they would have a new story too so can you just just pray for them so you start amina what's god we just want to thank you for everything that you have done in our life jesus we want to thank you god for the new stories that you gave it to us and i want to pray god for those who are broke and those who have the same story or the same situation god that you can come right now and touch their heart god come and teach them how to forgive god we know it's not easy but it's not impossible it is possible on your god come and touch them make them feel your presence your love make them feel accepted god that you have chosen them to have different stories to have new life jesus we want to praise your name we want to say your incredible god god come help those who cannot forgive god who think is hard come and touch their heart make them feel how loved they are how accepted they are and that they belong to you god we want to pray and say we're so thankful because you know everything you do god you do everything just to show us how amazing you are how can you change a sad story to a happy story god how can you change a broken life because to a really really strong life jesus we just want to say you are amazing god come and touch the heart not now god come and touch them right now touch them god holy spirit holy spirit holy spirit teach teach us god teach us how to forgive teach us how to love again god teach us how to trust again god because you are the only god who can do that jesus we just thank you god and angelica just pray for the people thank you dear lord jesus i pray for the all all the world i pray for all the people they have abusing i pray for them lord that you can teach them how to love how to love how to give a love back how to receive a love back i pray jesus that you can bless them you can be with them lord you can show them how to work with to walk with you jesus i pray lord jesus that you can come fill us with the joy with your love with your peace jesus and we need more of you touch this touch all of them jesus touch with your love and give your love jesus they need more joy and i pray for them i pray for your love jesus that you are the best you are the one you are offered no matter just only you lord you are the lovely he was you had everything for us jesus and we thank you we thank you for everything for forgiving for love for bring mama hyde to us so sure to give her love for us so tell us about you and we thank you jesus you are the best you are the one you are the father you are the papa you are the you you are everything and i don't know how to say that and i thank you lord jesus that you can bring more love for us and we can love you back and we can learn how to forgive people how to forgive our family but to forgive people they want to kill us how to forgive people they they they see us like we are dressed but we are not we are lovely we are beautiful we are everything we have joy for you jesus jesus i know that you are here with us you are everywhere you've been there for each one people and we love you jesus and you can give us your love your hope your home that you can open your doors yes we can get into your house we can have a peace we can have your clothes we can be with you and sing with you enjoy with you jesus i thank you jesus that you can be here every time everywhere even when we sleep you can be there you can sleep with us wake up with us work with us go with us to school we can be more more intelligent we can be people everyone everyone they have his story a bad story a good story jesus is here to heal us and we love you jesus who will love you forever forever and ever [Laughter] thank you for sharing thank you so vulnerable yeah and leando it's so humbling and beautiful to hear and shocking and encouraging and inspiring and you're both so such incredible women you are yeah we're so humbled by our stories we are thank you thank you for being brave enough to to talk about it too yeah um your bravery you know just talk sharing your story i really don't you feel that christie like so many women um young women are going to be healed by because you were brave and so we thank you and and we just pray that this you just share this story with your friends and if you know anybody who's been hurt or abused or gone through a horrific life that you just um share this podcast and you just like share it around and let people know jesus is good enough you know to get you to a place where you can forgive and you you both taught us how we really bless you we love you in today bless you and we want to say thank you to all of our listeners we hope that you've been encouraged today and inspired and i'm sure you're humbled as well just hearing these amazing stories and we're so grateful for these women for being here and sharing and thank you for listening and until next time ciao this podcast is presented by iris global for more information or to support the work of iris global please visit us online at
Channel: Iris Global
Views: 33,553
Rating: 4.9081631 out of 5
Keywords: Heidi Baker, Rolland Baker, Iris Global, Iris, Iris Ministries, Africa, Mozambique, Floods, Relief, poor, orphan, love, stop for one, stop for the one, iris after hours, podcast, free, teaching, sermon
Id: rCRrfSdz_vY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 55sec (5215 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2016
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