Going Deeper | Heidi Baker | Catch The Fire Raleigh

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how are you doing you bless we're gonna go up and in now I you know I love to speak in the presence and we've been in the presence all morning I had the best time and just I like to get really close where it can be unjust um undistracted and I felt like the Lord just said go ahead and lay down cuz this is our house is our family so I just I just laid down and this might sound upsetting to some of you but it was like I had a nap I wasn't not worshiping I just got so deep that I rested and it was so beautiful I just thought oh God cuz he knows what schedule you're on and sometimes you know you just need to get knocked down and someone's up by heaven wham and sometimes you need to just lay down and just jump in the river so I had a great time Tory's gonna come up after in a little bit and we're gonna go in further on a Sunday morning why not right but it's gonna go in further but what I feel like doing today is just just I'm sharing from the scripture and I I really got it and we were having prayer and worship up upstairs and I think you guys were having a downstairs and then we met here isn't that just great do you just love that and so God was moving upstairs and God was moving downstairs and God was moving in your car as you were getting here and he's just a non impotent God and he's he's just flowing do you do you just want more he's flowing all the time and and his spirits flowing all the time so I'm gonna read I feel like reading one of my favorite scriptures in in in a renewal house where you all just want more do you all want more you know some people don't don't get that oh but if you really understand what it is and who it is that we're receiving more of and that he literally said that we can have his spirit without measure Wow what would that look like what would it look like to have his spirit without measure I like asking questions hey what would it look like it looks like it looks like you being fully filled so it doesn't look like this same thing is happening to this amazing man it doesn't have to happen to her the same way do you understand and if you try to push people into a box they're gonna get blisters do you understand everybody has to walk in their own shoes and everybody gets to walk in their own shoes so I want to ask a question who has the biggest huge feet in this place I think it's probably Duncan who who who is Steve around with how what size of feet do you have okay come on up Steve shaaka Bob Matt Matt you have four size 14 now that's probably big enough for me all righty okay so Matt hi max I like that name I won't tell you why cuz it might get you upset no why not my sister's dog's name max and so we have something in common because before I ever heard a person named Heidi I met 16 dogs before the age of 10 named Heidi they were all little German schnauzers and so that was a big dog my sister's dogs a big dog he's really awesome and he's really nice anyway your your your a super handsome guy not a dog at all but I want I want to see if we could help me oh maybe we'll go up here Chaka Baba so I'm gonna read something hey and then I'm gonna demonstrate okay you gotta take your shoes off sweetie max yeah that's probably true they might because you like to go around and move so they don't always smell like roses that's okay hey I'm gonna start by reading something here max is just helping just look at max and and and notice the notice the differences between us go ahead and notice that huh so here's a Ezekiel 47 a man brought me back are you feeling comfortable all right that's good hey no pressure snoc Arado to him God Hey so the man brought me back to the entrance of the temple and I saw water coming out just just be you max Chaka Baba I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the temple towards the east from the temple that faced East I'll probably use it later oh and the water was coming down from under the south side of the temple south of the altar whoa go ahead gone and he then brought me out I'm just reading hey he just brought me out hey brought me out brought me out through the north gate and led me around the outside of the outer gate facing east Chikara ba and the water was flowing from the south side as a man went eastward with a measuring line in his hand my first second experience in Toronto was a test do you ever think God might test you some of you say no he doesn't do that usually while you're not watching and you don't know that you're being tested and I'll remember it because it was this guy who I thought was absolutely insane he looked a lot like this this dude here only he had a measuring stick and it was pink and I remember exactly what was going on because we've gotten this letter that if if we were back in Toronto we were gonna lose this million dollar offering which we needed because we we had just lost all our buildings and so we needed it you know what I mean it's like it was a good offering and they were giving it a hundred thousand a month they've given us a hundred thousand and rolling and I snuck in the back of this big old church there and Roland he was very very very serious up till that point super serious and when I got rocked by God and he had to carry me around he used to say is that necessary so I'm just having fun watching people carry around people after he touches them I'm just enjoying it a whole lot because it's so fun watch him he has just been totally transformed by Jesus it's just the best thing ever her so happy 38 years we've been married come on Jesus whoa Shaka baba so I was looking and we were way in the back there probably eight thousand ten thousand people who's counting back there jammed in and Shaka baba and and I'm back there and I'm sitting there and I'm watching these people Hey some of them look like you and some of them look like you and then they'd this preacher he was just upsetting me I thought can somebody remove him please they need to remove him and then I'm thinking about this letter that I had to sign or not saying if I didn't want to lie on the floor laughing we could keep the million dollars but if we wanted to continue the way we were continuing that we would we would have to give it up and I'm watching this dude and I'm upset and I had just defended my PhD in systematic theology from King's College University of London defended at Oxford so I'm I had my you know I am actually a thinker and a drinker which is somehow some people don't understand that they forgot that were to love God with all of our heart soul mind and spirits you're not called to check your mind at the door you're called to have your mind ignited by the spirit of the Living God oh I'm not done with Matt he's I did I I did not know what was gonna happen but God does he's just let him stay there a while I'm gonna come back to this point so I was watching this guy and I thought is that necessary the same thing Roland said to me as he had to carry me around now I'm in a different mode My Mind's in a different place is this necessary and this guy had this pink ruler and he was throwing tic tacs I thought they've gone too far they've literally gone too far they've actually lost their minds and my husband who's one of the most amazing theologians I know and a real scholar looked at me and he said he's making sense to me wait a minute wait just wait a minute how I want to have an argument with my husband in church you know but I know better you're supposed to wait till you in the car so so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna have this discussion I'm having this discussion in my mind I'm thinking Roland what's going on with you you're always asking me you know we'd only been there once he went before me as a what's going on and he's like this man's making a lot of sense to me and then I was very very very concerned because John Arnott got up and said someone here from Africa I'm like looking for anybody of color praying for anyone of color that they might be there so we could have a little diversity going on just saying and I'm thinking Lord surely there's got to be somebody else somewhere and then he said I think their names Baker I was like Oh crud crud Oh crud Oh crud I don't know if you can say crud in church but I'm just telling you I said Oh crud I do not want to go up there this guy is out of his mind with this ruler saying God wants to measure and I'm like what are you talking about you're just so snockered you're so out of it someone needs to pull you off the stage just telling you what I was thinking I was annoyed took me 10 years to get to anyway I was annoyed and so they they called us up after y'all sweet lord crud and sweet lord they that's that's that that was how how my brain was working crud and then sweet lord please stop these people and as I was thinking that those two John and Carol just laid hands on me and I went out and rolling standing there mr. oak tree we would have not lost any finance if if they hadn't have caught me because he looked perfectly wonderful but then I'll remember Carol saying swim Heidi swim I don't even know how she found out my name swam Heidi swam I'm like I think they're gonna take away my PhD yes they are they're gonna someone's gonna get it they're gonna take it away I thought that as I'm swimming on a carpet seriously but the fact is God was asking me to go deeper and even though I can stand today the you know the meetings not over so you never know and even though I could stand in worship today I actually got down and rested and that was so glorious that was exactly what I needed as I've been going hard for 23 years I've been preaching the gospel for 42 years shaka baba Wow come on so what he was doing we're coming back to you Shah Baba Sheikh keep getting filled he had a measuring he had a measuring line in his hand and he's going there and he measures through water that's ankle deep now what had happened to me as a as a radical lover of Jesus Pentecostal theologian I was in the river I really was I was in the presence I was in the river I shake it up a hundr day I prayed in the spirit hours a day loved God loved my neighbor loved the poor was just in the river but there was this measuring line and that snot garroted man had that pink ruler just there to annoy me I don't know if he annoyed anyone else but he was definitely sent as a thorn in my side and he's doing this and throwing Tic Tacs and I am just perturbed and I'm down on the floor swimming like a fish and then still my mind is saying these people are all crazy they're all just off their rockers I don't know how I never noticed that I'm in them I'm in there and I'm thinking and I'm getting undone at the same time and I don't understand what's happening but I knew God was saying sweetheart you need to go deeper where you've been before isn't gonna get you where you need to go I feel like that's a word for today where you've been before is not gonna get you where you need to go because where you need to go is a lot further out is a lot deeper it's a lot further it's a lot wider and so in the word you see this prophet this angelic brought this prophet and this angelic being and they're like being there having a discussion and he's saying come on Ezekiel come on sweetie I'm measuring there's a measuring line in his hand he's measuring off a thousand cubits and then he's going through water that's ankle deep and he measured off a thousand cubits led me to water that was knee-deep he measured off another thousand led me to water that was up to the waist so you by that time we we'd had great success in ministry acababa we had we had planted three wobbly churches do you know the word wobbly three wobbly churches with all our might with all our guts with all that is within us ankle deep maybe on a good day we were knee deep we worked our guts out trying to do things for God and he was pleased with us because he's not mean he's not saying you idiot don't you know what it's like to be immersed I don't like your little bit of whatever you're trying to think you're doing that's not who he is he's saying come on sweetie let's go deeper he's not giving you some disparaging comment about what you're doing now he's not saying I don't like you because you're not deep enough he's saying the minute you received the blood of Jesus the minute you became a son or a daughter he's absolutely in love with you and as he's absolutely in love with you now you have this choice how deep you want to go you know he's not gonna push you out there this is the Spirit of God leads you deeper and you can say no I like I like controlling myself I'm just walking on my own don't you think I'm going any deeper because that's gonna look strange or I'm not gonna be able to be in control precisely you're not gonna be in control but you may be standing up it's not gonna be your mind it's gonna be God's mind in you and that's when God's mind in you Christ's mind in you you have the mind of Christ when you jump in and you allow yourself to be immersed in the presence your mind and your heart and your spirit start to work in union and unity with the Spirit of the Most High God and that's when the way you think is transformed and you don't think like a little person with a little ministry doing your own thing and worried about everybody else's thing having a way to squish your thing but you start thinking like a child you have no more orphan spirit you have no more worry that somebody else might rise up your desire is they might all rise up and shine because you have no lack and you have no worry about who you are because you know who you are so you know you're just happy with whatever God wants to do because you're immersed in his presence your mind actually starts to think in a different way so this this profit well Ezequiel he was told keep going just go ahead I mean this is catch the fire it's okay nobody nobody's concerned come on this this this this guy you gotta have fun sure i didn't hope now keep going so if I determine that the way he's getting hit right now is the way that I need to get hit right now and I need to start walking in those shoes cuz that's super cool that's really awesome to get hit like that so I I'm gonna start I'm gonna start say oh yeah that's how I'm gonna walk I'm gonna walk like that I must say you yeah you go what I want so here sweet [Laughter] walking walking Heidi's anointing I'll walk in Max's so there might be a little problem with this so many of us try to walk in someone else's anoint hey I am gonna have a challenge with this one time I was at a meeting and it's happened to me a bunch of times come on Holy Ghost I was in this meeting and and somebody took my shoes it's happened to me on quite a few occasions somebody took my shoes because they wanted the father wanted their daughter to walk in my anointing so they took my shoes so I'm looking around for my shoes I'm a generous person I'm very happy if they wanted them they could have asked for him I would have handed them right over but they didn't even ask they just took him yep basically yeah and then they they they said don't worry though and the father actually had some boots in his car they were about this size and he said the Lord spoke to me that my daughter was going to have your anointing and so I took your shoes but don't worry because I'm giving you mine so I had to go catch a plane it was pouring rain and those boots were about this size and I was thinking well this is gonna be really interesting walking through the airport people are really gonna think we should let her on the plane so what happened was I just I took off I I didn't have any shoes and his weren't gonna really do it for me so I just laid down my shoes and then this other kid walks up to me he's about 13 and he had on a brand new pair of sneakers they also didn't fit me but God touched this kid and he started bawling and he fell out in the spirit and he said the Lord I give you my shoes and I'm thinking oh God and then his mother's sobbing and his mother says to me he's never had a new pair of shoes in his life until this pair and I obviously everything within me is saying no no no I don't want to take that man's shoes that young man's shoes I can't possibly take his shoes and yet he's sobbing his guts out take my shoes so I took his shoes and I found a kid who also had never had a new pair of shoes in Mozambique and those shoes fit him thank you Jesus thank you Jesus do you understand the Lord wants you to walk in your anointing and you're gonna have blessings from others over and over and over again but all of us are all called to walk in our anointing so what happens to Max and what happens to me is the same Holy Spirit but the way that we carry Holy Spirit out in a dying world out into our village out into our city it's gonna look as varied as we all look hey I have I have an assistant she worked with me for years she is an actual identical twin and whenever the two of them want to trick people they wear the exact same clothes but because I know these two girls so well I can always tell the difference between Annalise and Antoinette I know exactly which ones which why because I know them so even when you're called to walk in a similar anointing as someone else God is interested in you as an individual you as a person connected with the rest of the body of Christ so he's saying walk in your own anointing walk in your own anointing walk in your own anointing why am I still walking in these shoes because as you watch me walk in these shoes it's sinking in it's gonna sink in more and more and more until you're really gonna understand you know if if by chance he could get up if he tried to get up you see this this right here what's happening to him this is this is the best possible thing you could ever desire to get rocked by God however it looks like whether you're turning somersaults or or going to work with sex slaves in Bangladesh this place of yielded love this place of in the river in the glory in the presence is is the place our destiny is that hey but how it works itself out in this world is going to be as different as all the pairs of shoes the sizes of feet the genders the races the socioeconomic backgrounds the tribes the nations the peoples as many children as God has he's asking each one of them to be fully possessed by his spirit so what happens when you're fully possessed by the spirit is powerful what happens when I'm possessed by the spirit of the Living God is powerful but what really matters to God is that you yield your life so he can put you on like a glove he wants to put you on like a glove see that the church has kind of been interested in cloning cloning we want to clone movements we want to clone movements we want to clone people we want to clone people groups it's called spiritual colonization hey nobody wants to be colonized families one thing families awesome but colonization is not so when you walk in your anointing understand that you've been called to the body of Christ but it's not about being the same it's about being one with him and in love with your brother and your sister and it is about the emergence of convergence which we've all been seeing it is about all of us walking in our own shoes so here's this man and he's there and he's measuring off more and measuring off and the angels there and they're measuring and they're there and they're measuring and they're measuring some of you say God doesn't measure oh yes he does he measured off another thousand now it's a river I can't cross because the waters risen then it's now deep enough to swim in Wow even when you can't see it it's deep enough to swim in a river that no one could cross and he asked me son of man do you see this this anointed being asked as he kill do you see this do any of you see this today do see that God wants to take you further and deeper than you've ever been hey when I arrived there I saw what did he see verse 7 Ezekiel 47 7 you turn on your phone just text in about a half an hour what did he see there go ahead it's not a rhetorical question trees he saw trees did you ever read about trees someone you're gonna be like a tree planted planted by the rivers of living water you're gonna love the law love God everything trees what did he see he saw trees just a one tree all looking the same with the same kind of fruit all looking exactly like cloned trees what it kind of trees did he see very many a great number lots of trees now look around if I try to be the same tree as max I'm going to trip I'm not called to be Max's tree I'm troubled I'm called to be my tree but if I don't understand that this is my brother then I'm also gonna trip because I need to understand the beauty of the diversity of the body of Christ I need to understand the beauty of the diversity of all of us do you understand okay I know I okay zipping a book I remembered what Duncan said so I'm gonna zip in a boca and continue the water flows towards the eastern region he goes down down down into the Arabah where it enters the sea when it empties the sea the water there becomes fresh swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows what kind of how many swarms hopefully fuga Hodor gah Moin Moin Moin Moin - Tata Tata Tata Tata swarms whole lot so this is what's cool right now this is so cool Shaka bomber somehow you're gonna get this cuz cuz cuz you're seeing it for a while you're gonna get it I'm not I'm not gonna take my shoes off and his feet right now he's actually getting something from my shoes come on and I'm getting something from his it's not that we're supposed to wear each other's shoes but we are supposed to appreciate each other's anointings hey we're supposed to appreciate each other's annoying things so while I'm not meant to run in his shoes and he's not meant to run in mind we are meant to cross paths we are meant to cooperate we are meant to love to love one another and to see one another so here's my story one day I was going out to have a swim does anybody like to swim okay the rest of you I guess it's Carolina anyway I grew up on the beach I mean I've surfed since the time I was tiny and I learned to swim probably before I could walk properly and I'd like to swim so I was out there and I loved to swim because when you're swimming know if you're me it's hard to catch me out there so everybody's like mama Ida if I walk on the beach you could forget it I can't even think about that there'll be too many crowds you know chess crowds around me my night and they want prayer they want money they want something food money prayer shoes a lot of shoes they want shoes water so I decided I was good for me to swim Roland likes to swim he swims every day he loves it at home I mean we don't we don't swim here cuz don't know how that would fit in the schedule so so I'm out there swimming and and but before I got under the water this is what happened to me I stepped in and I could walk I had on I forgot the English what thank you there's so nice thanks Annette I walked in with my water shoes so I could walk I could walk in there and then I walked in and I was knee deep and I could still walk and then I I walked in and I was waist deep and it started to get challenging and I realized now it's challenging now I can't really walk properly and the Lord said precisely he said it's time to go face down when I went face down he said you see that I said I do he said it's a different realm he said it's a different realm you see that I said yes Lord he said it's a different realm it's it's easy for you to step into the kingdom to step into the realm that I'm calling you to as it is for you to go face down but it's a place where you lose control and you float now some of you all have zero body fat so you're not able to float but that would be a very low percentage of people in the United States most of y'all can float do you understand you can float because your body fat allows you to float so if this if this illustration doesn't fit for you just pretend for a moment that you can float or stop at McDonald's and then try it out so so here's this guy he's floating and and and in the scripture this this guy's now floating he's going under and the Lord's got me in Ezekiel 47 and I'm I'm looking down there and I'm seeing all these beautiful fish and I'm seeing coral reefs and I'm just getting rocked by God he says my kingdom is is is is here and it's an increasing glory and though we're not called to this world we're called to carry what he's asked us to carry into this world as we're moving into the next do you understand so it is really isn't is not yet because every single man woman and child is called to know the love of a Living God is that true do you believe that so if you're trying to walk in somebody else's shoes and you're trying to walk in their anointing what you're doing is you're becoming you're trying to become a copy and nobody will pay anything for a copy not that you want to be bought or sold it's an illustration my father was he ran a very large company but he was also an artist he loved that he didn't really love running a big company but he loved art and he taught me since the time I was three we went to museums even before we even wanted to and then we kept doing it and it took a while before we appreciated any of it and he would take me there and he'd say Heidi now look at this painting do you see the light on it and then he'd tell me where to stand he say now back up you're too close he say back up and now look at he said you're supposed to see it from this distance and watch the light he said you see that the brushstrokes do you see the beauty do you see what the artist did here and sometimes I'd be like and then he looked at me and he'd say copies are worthless he said it's the original we need the original and he would teach me about art God has created you to carry his glory he hasn't called you to walk in isolation but he's called you to carry his glory and original you the way you're created to be fully filled with him it's gonna shake the planet you ready for that it's gonna shake the planet so as the Lord takes you out and under you're gonna see in a different realm see the kingdom really really really our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come I'm not making this up I'm not you can't just put me in some little box and say oh she's the kingdom now she lost it I'm just I'm just praying the prayer of Jesus our Father who art in heaven holy is your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven on earth as it is in heaven how is how is that gonna happen if we're always trying to copy everybody else and we're worried so much about being different and being under or what is it going to look like if if we if we do not cooperate with the rest of the body of Christ the Lord wants to fully fill each one of us and each one of us is absolutely valued by God nobody's nameless and nobody's faceless I I saw you know some of my stories but a few of them really touched my life in a deep way one is in Ostia one of the kids that we took in a landmine blew his face off blew it off just so he had he had little sockets for eyes God did not recreate his eyes as much as we prayed he had his face just blown off his nose was gone he had a tiny little hole as a for a mouth his his mouth was fused shut I found him begging on the street he actually made a decent living there because he he looked like a boy without a face but he had a face do you understand Danny had a name he wasn't nameless and he wasn't faceless his name's in Osseo and God sees his face and I saw his face even the little bit that was left over after a landmine blew it off God sees every face some of you all think if your face doesn't look the way you want it to look that God's not exactly interested or you see yourself in an image that God doesn't see you in and God wants you to bless who you are because if you're covered in the blood of the Lamb then you're transformed and you are absolutely absolutely no longer an orphan and you have a face and a name and father knows it and he's all about you is some people say it's not about you well yes and no it might not be all about you at times if you're you know kind of a selfish kind of a person but if you understand who you are you'll understand it is all about you that he's all about you you're the joy set before him and while you're not called to be selfish you are called to be original hey you're called to be original you walking in the glory of God so there I was I'm I'm gonna get back up here you won't forget this you won't forget this you're just pumped shocked about but neither will max come on Chaka Baba I I am I am happy to be walking in Max's shoes right now hey God's using Max's shoes right now for me I'm learning something from walking in these shoes I don't want to walk out of the building in these shoes but right now God's doing something and I'm getting an impartation Sakuraba and I'm getting strength and blessing from walking in these shoes right now and he's getting blessing walking in me in mind some of your old concerned that he's a guy it's really okay he knows who he is he's happy about it whoa there's a large number of fish why because the water flows there and makes the salt water fresh so where the river flows everything will live fishermen will stand along the shore from the Engedi to the antig lame and there will be places for spreading Nets the fish will be of many kinds like the fish of the Great Sea swamps and marshes will not become fresh they will be left for salt fruit trees where the fruit trees come from it's not a trick question seeds fruit yes how many seeds are in a pomegranate 613 awesome is it always the same number yes I love that 613 but every pomegranate has different seeds in it so what does it look like you know that's in Israel that's the way they they like to show fruitfulness through pomegranates I love it I love pomegranates of drinking pomegranate juice in Jerusalem I just love being there that's my other home I love I love the fact that there's many many many seeds in one pomegranate so what does it mean to be fruitful in the kingdom how do we become fruitful in the kingdom anybody it's a we plant seeds that's awesome we thrive we what abide we plant seeds we thrive and we abide in who whoever we abide in the vine who is who is Jesus outside of the vine where we're totally unfruitful but when we're connected to the vine we become incredibly fruitful fruitful fruitful fruitful everywhere we go is fruit everywhere everywhere fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit so there I am swimming and suddenly I hear the Lord as I'm snorkeling and looking at this amazing creation underwater that if you don't go under you can't see it from the from the surface you can't see what's underneath but if you will start to live in a different dimension breathe in a different dimension look in a different dimension and instead of just looking up here you learn how to come down down down down here show you learn how to live face down you learn how to live in the river you learn how to live totally connected to Jesus completely sold out in every way connected to Jesus then everything changes when God changes things everything starts happening so as I am swimming it out there looking at all this beauty in this creation the Lord speaks to me start a university I suck water into my snorkel I am as shocked by this because it didn't matter how much I studied I thought I was stupid and if anyone found out they would really know that I was stupid because I could not read or write until the age of sixteen I wrote what looked like scribbles it would take me over an hour to get through a paragraph my head hurt my brain was confused it was scrambled I had such severe dyslexia that I was put in a dummy class with people from other nations who were also not dummies because we were not able to read them because they hadn't learned English English yet me because my brain didn't work and so when God spoke to me in that water I was confused I was very confused because it didn't matter if I got straight A's in grad school whatever it didn't matter to me if I go to earned a PhD it didn't matter to me because nothing could could could convince me even though I was healed nothing could convince me that my mind was actually called to work and think in a new dimension until that day and God just covered my mind and it was as if spiritual intelligence just came in and I got out of the water and he said how are you gonna start I said I built a first grade built a first grade it took 12 years to build 12 grades we have 3,800 kids in our primary secondary school where 37 points above any other school is by far the best school of a nation of 28 million by far by 37 points the best school that the most anointed men and women of God lead that cool come on that should be exciting to y'all that's what Jesus does 12 years bought property property property property the Lord said keep buying property people said you're crazy you're nuts you're insane I said well I have the mind of Christ they say why are you buying all that property I said I don't know but I will one day and one day I did one day I did because my vision was too small and so is yours would you stand with me please I'm gonna ask Tori to come on up and I'm what I'm gonna do now is is I'm gonna I'm gonna press in Tori Global House of Prayer amazing anointed guy he was brought here you were brought here God's on you Wow God's on you whoa whoa look at your shoes hey see they're similar but they're not the same hey they're both Nike hey there even got the same pattern hey but they're not the same Wow cuz Tori's anointing and Matt's anointing hey hey oh are different but they're but they're very similar whoa whoa hey whoa shock Obama chuckle Baba chuckle Baba I just feel like doing that whoa hey what happened was God touched my mind and showed me a different reality God touched my mind and showed me a different reality and we were gonna build this University at the top of our base in Pemba which was a spectacular piece of property came it was a bizarrely expensive spectacular piece of property and God had given it to us and I had a bunch of prophets coming and they said your visions too small sometimes I never want to hit a person but I do feel like hitting something do you understand if you don't hear preachers being real with you then there's a problema there too I'm telling you I fought these prophets these prophets what do you mean this at university you know that's kind of a big vision a nation cuz Randy Clark laid hands on me the blind will see the crippled will walk the poor will hear the good news the Dead will be raised do you want a nation of Mozambique I mean hello what kind of prophetic word is that a costly one hey anyway bought all this land you're gonna get where we're gonna use he he's gonna use somebody's keyboard yes he is hey yes yes I'll give them back but but you don't need them right now you're stuck or just you don't need shoes hey you'll get them back later shut about cuz you need him you'll be needing him hey so this is what happened when the Lord transformed the way I think then I started to think in a different way I started to think instead of a fishing pole that there was a net and instead of iris global being the net I understood that the net was connected that we were a little tiny piece of the net connected with catch the fire connected with the Assemblies of God connected with the independent Pentecostals connected with convergence connected with Nazarenes connected with Catholics connected with Anglicans connected with Episcopalians connected with Baptists connected with Church homegroup connected with with with the two that were out there shining in some nation by themselves apparently but not I started to realize that the net is not our net but we are a piece of a very very big net and instead of a poll were called to be a net and what happened when the mind of Christ came upon my mind I stopped being a chicken and turned into an eagle I stopped looking like a chicken which sees the dust storm coming in freaks out a headless chicken spurts blood and doesn't even know it's dead but an eagle soars above the storm an eagle soar so above the storm that it can see and a true eagle bears more eagles and more eagles bear more Eagles and more Eagles bear more Eagles and they learn to live from the heights and they can swoop down really freely far and they can catch a snake and they they go so high they don't have to chew the snake screaming at the devil they just soar Oh Shh acababa really really high and they suffocate the snake and they feed it to their young they say just hate dead meat do you understand they teach there they teach their young and then they kick him out of the nest and they say it's time for you to soar God we keep talking about his his next move next move I'm telling you the next move is like nothing you ever saw it's the emergence of convergence it's the light of the gospel bearing fruit in every single human being yielded by God it's gonna hit the marketplace like you've never seen it's gonna hit the tech companies it already is I'm meeting with techies now they they just they came to be techy I'm not gonna even tell you which companies they came to me they said could you be our mama we're orphans to the most incredible tech companies in the world those kids are are many of them lovers of God they say we don't fit in the church they we don't even we work 17 hour days but we love God we want to do something for God we want to shine for God but we can't go to the conference we can't go we don't we work 17 18-hour days but we're bringing the light into our company I said you go girl you go guy the Lord's light ecclesia it's not just a building as beautiful as this is as spectacular and miraculous as it is it's all of us coming together 2x2 3x3 a thousand by two thousand by a hundred thousand it's us being the church being the light being the power of the gospel wherever we are Shaker Abbas a core oboe and it is a great great great great great harvest oh sheikh autobus say if you want to let go of your fishing pole today you want to let go of your natural mind today as you want to be immersed with the mind the mind the mind if today you want to say I'm gonna step in I'm gonna step in I'm gonna step in I mean there's hunger that causes you to step in the Lord said yeah yeah yeah he got it don't be timid sweetie come on up come on up the Lord showed me he said your vision so so so small I said well how big is the vision he said you all y'all are gonna build the best university in all of Africa why because it's not about it's not about the little thing you thought it was about and about a continent being empowered one by one by one to rise [Music] because unless we empower people and and call them into their destinies there's still this place of spiritual colonization what God has placed inside of you is much better than you what God has placed inside of you is much bigger than you he spoke to me that word brandy Klark prophesied over me in Toronto 22 years ago he said it's gonna look like something every year it's gonna look like something and it's gonna blow your mind because if I ask you if you want a nation then that's gonna take and if it takes a village to raise a child what's it gonna take to win a nation if it takes a Nation to raise a child a village to raise a child a nation to raise a child what's he gonna look like for a nation to be transformed and you could say well my life doesn't matter then cuz that's too big for me oh yes it's too big for you but if the one on your right and the one on your left the one behind in the one ahead if all of us together step into our destinies and become the original we're called to be fully immersed in an intimate love with Jesus our Savior in our bridegroom king then he says nothing's impossible so here we go what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna go up [Music] if you need to leave right now we bless you in the name of Jesus we're so thrilled that you came and we bless you to go shake out about there me now with great love and kindness Oh we're going up we're going up we're going up we're going up we're going up we're going up oh we're going up we're going up up up up up up holy spirit today is say it's something you could just turn it turn up the the monitor I promise I won't i won't i won't get near it shaka baba think you think thank you shake ah oh I feel like Tory's gonna just he's just gonna hear and what's gonna happen right now is we're gonna yield to God and we're gonna go so deep in the presence so deep in the river I want everybody that feels called especially roll it to pray for everybody they feel called to pray for I want I want I want lord I want I want you I want you to crash in on us today so y'all need to lay down some of y'all need to lay down the Lord's anointing your mind with spiritual spiritual spiritual intelligence connecting your heart and your mind and showing you what your life looks like fully healed and fully lit to Jesus a girl who was told she would never go to university she would never even be able to graduate from vocational school a girl who is mocked and ridiculed by her own teachers but a girl who had a father who said you can do anything you can do anything you can do anything and then I met father God who said through Christ Jesus you can do anything so instead of looking at my deficiency looking at my disability it seems the way I think I changed the way I think and I lost my mind I lost my mind to gain the mind of Christ to gain the mind of Christ the identity that comes in being a daughter and being a child of God and all the fear left me the fear that I'd be found out the fear that they would find me out and say she doesn't belong she doesn't belong that she is not a seeker she's disability disability disability she's a disability disability girl she's a dummy oh no longer no longer no longer Kasturi on account one day he Tory on a couch one day I was yielded and God came to me he said your brilliance when I heard my father tell me I was brilliant for the first time in my life I believed it oh and while I might not think like you and I might not walk like you because I'm not cold to think like you and walk like you and move like you and do what you do we're all cold walk like Jesus and to have his mind so here we go up and in pop it in right now just close your eyes yield your heart or your free really really really free to go home we're gonna press it and God's gonna start touching minds and hearts some of you gonna laugh so we get a weep so we gonna get stuck to the floor but Holy Ghost is taking you deep deep deep deep let's go let's go I'll go in with you Tori all going with [Music] says the Lord I wanna baptize you in the new thing [Music] everybody's behaved [Music] [Applause] [Music] in this moment [Applause] we [Music] Oh would you fill the room with the sound of desperation and hunger Omega sprays glorious let's go deeper oh my restraint let's go deeper Oh singing holy holy holy holy holy Olli but we poured her extravagant love only break around the master box in this moment you a word oh let this room be engulfed in the sound of Jesus Oh at least the sound the burning ones he's healing as we worship here he's restoring as we were oh we fixed our only Jesus all the cheese holy Jesus you're beautiful [Music] can't get it up singing - you can't sing about you you're beautiful [Music] Oh wait out the wave of your glory wave after wave of your pal wave after wave of your love we won come on just ask out more right now this movie forget about those that are standing near you just answer [Music] all bad we're ready for the new thing today as we worship fear is being dispelled fear is being misspelled your perfect cast out fear we were made to be brave in Jesus as we worship as we were oh just sing in the river right now [Music] Oh [Music] we lift you up we lift you up we lift you up even more picking your presence in the room right now we're going up we're going the picture I saw is like eagle's wings and they started touching eagle's wings they started touching we can do nothing without Jesus nothing without the body of clay No I feel like there's something there's something about solidarity and diversity shocker aha that's really really really powerful today emergence of convergence today holy I thought of my shake while I did make his clothes he did call us to work together to jump and to jump and to jump and to work together so what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna take the hand on our right the hand on our left if you're kneeling just kneel if you're standing stand whatever you do maybe you're supposed to go where your other brother is maybe low maybe high I don't know shotgun Abba but we're gonna we're gonna press in for just another few minutes we're gonna do it corporately you're gonna you're gonna start to press it you're gonna pray for the one on your right the one on your left [Music] together up together let's throw up together here we go here we go here we go here we go the emergence of convergence the emergence the [Music] with the streams come together when the body comes together [Music] moves the mouth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a stream doesn't move a mouth but a river what are you might email [Music] before the Lord you will become level ground his shells of graves good [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] let the body be the party [Music] here today [Music] tree tree tree sri sri sri only took a deep deep trip together as we go as we go there oh we want a drink of you [Music] we want a drink of your glorious versus will taste and see we'll taste it see we wanna see we wanna taste it see [Music] or would you release the wine from heaven papa pour out the wedding wine pour out the wedding wine in the room we want a drink [Applause] we want to treat shrink oh you want Oh your little lies we want to drink from you here are our little lives we wanna treat from Papa you're beautiful you're beautiful you're beautiful [Music] sing the song of drunkenness in the room I've been shrunk in the glory we're going higher up up up and away up up up and away up up up and away [Music] we're a sandy [Music] nothing we desire more than you [Music] [Laughter] joy and peace like a river [Music] fear is a stream that makes glad the cities of our it flows from heaven right now in this moment drink up the river of glass fill our souls fill our souls we wanna trade in the home oh we're ready for another way what you did in Toronto was good we know as we gave them fascinators fascinators beautiful one just just teach us right now I feel like some of you have prophetic words you have prophetic words and a man Heather and they're confirming what God's putting in people's minds so we're gonna press in just another few minutes we're gonna press in just another few minutes in worship but if you are if you're known in this hill sir or you're from the harvest school or catch the fire I feel like some of you are here I don't want you to take your eyes off of Jesus I want hold me to keep your eyes totally on Jesus and going low low low low low in the river but there's something thoughts doing with spiritual minds today and there's some people that have confirmations in the spirit over certain people and it's just a very very powerful so I don't want you to make it up but don't want you to stir it up I don't want you to make it up but if the Lord's leading you to go and to pray over someone in these next few minutes to prophesy prophets night to prophesy I feel like there's Socratic words that are gonna shift people out of love knee deep today I feel like that's why I called Tory up I felt like he had a word of the Lord on him and then through this long and I feel like there's this misunderstanding that it really is a global health
Channel: Catch The Fire Raleigh
Views: 363,946
Rating: 4.7193365 out of 5
Keywords: Worship, Church, Revival, Preaching, Ministry, Raleigh, Catch The Fire, catch the fire, catch the fire live worship, catch the fire raleigh, catch the fire raleigh worship, catch the fire worship, church online, church online service, ctf raleigh, encounter, jesus, live, message, music, online church service, online church service live stream, presence, raleigh, sermon, sunday service, transformation, worship, raleigh north carolina, online church services today, Heidi Baker
Id: 37RrmJjr_hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 10sec (4810 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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