Convergence Conference 2019 - Heidi Baker (Saturday Morning)

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love you love you [Applause] bless you guys I asked Jake back up Mike read all the scriptures that I had on my heart I was like this is this is wild and then I was going to another place I thought okay maybe it's this and he read that one and it's just so encouraging could we just just um go in just a little longer just a little longer what what I felt like today I felt like there was gonna be this corporate dance and so all I know right now is just to go in a bit if you could all stand up for just one song I think and then we'll just share from the word and then we're gonna go back in and I felt like the Lord was just saying I wanted to lead you he said into the dance and then for me I know I'm a girl it's very obvious you know but it it was the father-daddy dance and then I saw him just saying I want to dance with my children I want to just I want to dance with my children and Jesus was just in this place he's saying I want to woo them in and in the prayer room we were praying with with Christian Mike and Lafe and Rebecca and he said something lave said something really powerful and and I I got it and it was like you know you talking a lot about intimacy I'm an intimate lover of Jesus I love him more than life but he said some of them don't yet have the ring and and there has to be this place where you know you have this covenant ring that that you all of the body of Christ we are all called to marry Jesus right and I know it's trickier for guys you're like this is just seems kind of odd this bridegroom talk and this but then their scriptures talks about the sons of God and I know that includes the daughters there's something about the bridegroom and the bride and I just all I know this Mike read all the scriptures I mean they're marked I even have my Bibles like definitely full of color but they just kept hitting him I thought well gods on this so whatever the Lord gives you we're just gonna go up just a little longer is that okay you ready and just receive that robe and that ring as we go up the robe in the ring it is interesting my son in love rock rock human just wrote a song that I've been soaking in for about two weeks and it says I'm not an orphan anymore give me the robe in the ring give me the road with the ring I'm not an orphan anymore give me the robe and the ring and I just felt like the Lord wanted that that song to go forth because his his desire is that every single child would be brought home into a loving family and actually yeah this is think you're helping me here yeah Shekhar Abba before we go in show Carrabba yeah I'm kidding I'm kidding something thank you Jesus Chikara bak aroba shitty today sugar Abbas SIA we're like in the rubbish a Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus just a scripture to spin get me from Isaiah just how he puts the lonely into families he puts the lonely into families he puts the lonely into families that's something he's doing even with this unity move of the Spirit from his heart he's putting the lonely into families and I feel like he's just gonna remove an orphan spirit but he's not just gonna do it individually he's gonna do it corporately where the church has been afraid to shine because the church has felt like they're the orphan they're the outcast they're the odd ones now in society and they've been afraid to shine that the body of Christ and that the sons and daughters have been afraid to rise up because there's just so much orphan spirit well they don't like us they don't want us we don't belong and I see the Lord just wooing us in individually and corporately into this place where we understand who's we are and we understand who's we are and when we understand who's we are they were free we're totally free as sons and daughters and as the bride the ones full of oil to yield ourselves fully to Holy Spirit so just I don't know you got something cuz I know it I'm going with you let's just go in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he knows he knows une love he knows you and he loves you he knows you and he likes you he knows you and he longs to he longs to take you deeper in and he just calls you he just calls you would you just put your hands in my hands would you just put your feet on my feet would you just put your hands on my hands and your feet on my feet now would you just let me take you in would you let me take you into a place a fearless place a fearless place where you know who's you are if you would understand who's you are all fear would leave you I just hear the Lord say I've got this I've got this I've got this I've got this you've got this I've got this [Music] got this I've got you I just hear this song I'm sure Jake's never Jake knows it but I got the whole world in my he's got [Music] he's got the world [Music] he's got the mama the babies it is he's got the Mamas and the babies he's got the widow in his hands he's got the orphan and he's got the Catholics and the Protestants in his hands he's got the Catholic and the Provost it is says he's got the Pentecostals Nazarenes innocence [Music] he's got the Baptist Presbyterians it is an she's got the Lutheran's and the Anglicans it is turn she's got the free church the Christ Church it he's got the whole world listen he's got the whole world in his head cuz he's daddy he's daddy he's got the whole world in his hands Wow well well I mean wow oh well come on daddy come on daddy you have a big enough heart for every single one of your kids oh he's got the Moslems and the Buddhists in his hands he's got the Hindus and the Atheist it is he's got the rebels and the righteous it is he's got the whole world in his hands he's got this he's got the rebels and the righteous it is he's got the Hindus and the Muslims it is hands he's got the Buddhists and the nutcases it is said he's got the whole world in his hands come on you got the whole world in his hand in his he's got the cessationist and it is hands he's got the cessationist and it is hands he's got the cessationist and it is says he's got the whole world in his hands got the whole he's got the whole Road well some of you whoa yeah yeah some of you just just thought she's a universalist you are so wrong you are so so so wrong whoa you can sit down if you want hug each other I like this this going on this good really good Chaka da ba see what is it would it wait what years some of you there I have an antenna so I'm feeling him like she went too far too far she just went too far you know some of you thought it was too far with the Catholics and the Pentecostals that was already too far and then when I went to the Hindus and the Muslims you lost your mind but you see Jesus came that every lost son and daughter would come home and they're actually they really really are lost when they're lost and when they're found they're found and they know when they're found because they know Jesus they know a connection with Jesus when they're lost they're really lost but what is the goal of the Father what doesn't he want a bowl to come home so how is it that they want to come home when our house is so dysfunctional our house has to be functioning we've got to be the most loving people on the planet so the orphans will want to come home and stay home cuz they are orphans but believe me daddy daddy wants him all and daddy has the capacity to hold this whole world and daddy got when he sent Jesus he sent him with a plan and then Jesus was sent with the plan when he prayed that prayer John 17 and he said now how is this gonna happen how's it gonna happen do you know how it's gonna happen I'm asking questions unity when we come together when we love each other hatred hatred and anger and bitterness and frustration never brought anyone to Jesus love wins and there is power in love that is so powerful that it will bring the most painful people home I haven't told this story in years and I don't know you could stay or you can rest I you do I want you to feel whatever you do whatever the Lord shows you I just love you to bits I just don't want to wear you out I want you to just be blessed whatever you okay so I want to start with this story but I'll read a scripture just to make this illegal service and I can see the clock now so I know when lunchtime is and that's that's pretty amazing how much I've grown in through the years sometimes it helps to ask you know where's the big red clock I need to know where that big red clock is but I was um I mean he's just read my grid um also I'm like oh the books that's all good you know all of it it's just like where do you start here I go so I want to read to you from Romans and I want to start with C I can see the words but not the little tiny that little tiny numbers oh yeah I was about to say four instead of 14 whoo that would have been bad 8-8-14 because those who are led by the spirit those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God sons and daughters I mean you are what you are sons of God that's really who we are we're radically loved sons of God for you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear but you received this spirit of sonship and by him we cry daddy daddy daddy daddy Abba Father the Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children now if we are God's children then we are heirs heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ if we indeed share in his suffering in order that we may also share in his glory I think we need to read that one more time now if we are children are we if we are children then we are what heirs what if anybody in this place believed we were really in the air of God [Music] well raise your hand and shout out something what would happen I'm gonna come down where I could see what would happen if you actually believe this I know you believe the scripture bla bla but if you actually really believed that you were an air a CO air what would happen how would you live your life what would it look like for you to walk the planet Earth victoriously in his house with power we'd get a lot done tenacity royalty fearless pardon courageous full of love see when you're left by God you're not afraid to love your neighbor you're not afraid to love your neighbor who doesn't know Gulman you're not a loved afraid to love the Hindus the Muslims you're not afraid to love people from other denominations other walks of life you'd literally know who's you are love transforms everything my alguma coisa mice anything more peace purpose Authority generous heart [Music] transformation now why I think you hit something really powerfully here if you really knew you were an heir you wouldn't live like an orphan right and an orphan you see I know orphan spirit because for the last 24 years we've been taking in orphans they don't stay orphanage we don't have orphanages I hate the word I hate the word orphanage who wants to say they were raised in an orphanage but when the orphan spirit leaves what happens generosity generosity comes now I'm not just talking about financial generosity I'm talking about the kind of generosity that says whatever favor I have I'm gonna use this favor to bless you whatever revelation I have I want to use it to bless you I I haven't heard one yet that's really key but I'm waiting I'm gonna keep going compassion absolutely freedom without limits confidence audacity did you say authenticity audacious authenticity [Music] unconditional love completely abandoned do you see do you see we're just getting a few of them right now what we're starting to to start to act like a family where we can actually communicate and and and give our our opinions and and the things that got downloads inside our heart and one of them for me is when an orphan spirit leaves you humility comes that would years you don't necessarily think of that but Jesus being fully God and fully man was the most humble person that ever walked the planet I know Moses said he was but then Jesus outdid Moses and he walked in radical humility obeying his father he knew who he was so he did not live a life like this orphans don't know what it is to live like orphans are afraid they want they need it for themselves they have to get it for themselves and and when there's an orphan spirit in the church the denominations don't want to work together the churches don't want to work together because it's all about filling our house our building our faith but when we have a spirit of adoption it's like there are children everywhere and the children all are called to be brought home to loving families so when we get a spirit of adoption on us suddenly we don't want to just do mega church only mega church is awesome I love preaching in stadiums one of my favorite things to do is preach in stadium I love it the bigger the better why because it's believers worshiping God and the power of holy spirits there and they're showing signs of unity and it is just so beautiful but but if it were just stadiums I would die because we have to do this we have to connect with one another we have to know and that means there are families within families within families within families so there are there's also there's organic families and there's families that God creates but the Lord says in the word he brings the lonely into family and it has to look like something it's costly I was always talking to life and and I just remember that conversations like Hawaii why is it we can't feed the whole world I mean we're we're feeding millions of people throughout the year millions of meals but I'm thinking this is so ridiculous there are really tens and hundreds of millions of people in need of food and and I'm thinking why is it that we can't feed them all why is it it's because we still have orphan spirits it's because we still say if I feed you I can't feed me if I feed you I'm gonna have less for me but if you change the way you think and you start thinking like a son a daughter the Most High God you you will walk in that that holy humility that Jesus walked so you're not gonna be pushing others down so you can get up you have no need to do that you have no need to humiliate anyone else because you have total confidence in who God has made you and so literally you can prefer one another and you could say whatever I have is yours I'm an heir it's not like I have a problem here I'm an heir but that kind of place is never comes in a place of arrogance did you see Jesus walking around God yeah I've got streets of gold but I've gotta come down here I gotta be barn this cruddy stable I mean he could have just opened his mouth and spoke fluent Hebrew but he's so humbled himself that he was born in that stable he crawled around in that dirt do you understand Jesus showed us what humility is and he said I'm gonna make myself I'm needy as the son I'm gonna make myself needy I need my adopted mom my adopted dad I need them he had the nurse at his mother's breast think of that what kind of a God leaves a heavenly throne and comes down here our God and then he said come and follow me come on come and follow me we get to follow do you want to follow so so I was thinking and praying about what what stories you know tap tap tap okay God come on what story tap tap tap and I heard one of these stories about this day that years ago that it really changed my life sometimes we think you know what I'm gonna say sweetheart I'm gonna think I want you to at rest I do I want you to go and sit down cuz you're gonna come back so much you're such a servant just yeah yeah clap thank you Jesus whoo you'll just come back after you rest go get a snack poof kids need snacks of all ages it's an anointed thing whoa so I believe in it yeah Wow so we are kids we're sons and daughters of the Most High God and we're children then were heirs heirs of God co-heirs with Christ if indeed we share in his suffering all right here we go again now the music's off feel the satiric suffering is a powerful thing he says you can share in his glory if you share in his suffering Nonna asks you some questions as sons and daughters of the Most High and us all of us on our journey into this place where we understand who's we are and start operating as total lovers of Jesus filled with the Holy Spirit possessed by the Living God everything shifts everything shifts but I want to ask you what do you believe that this means now if we are children then we are heirs heirs of God co-heirs with Christ that is an amazing sentence heirs of God do you understand the kingdom realm do you understand the kingdom realm some of you don't it's okay it's not a trick question you can say I don't know if I do I'm just barely getting to that place where I'm understanding a little bit more a little bit more a little bit more of the heavenly realm but he's saying if we we are these co-heirs with christ if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory all right sons and daughters we love the fact that we're heirs we love the fact that we're co-heirs we love the fact that we're adopted by God but put this bit about suffering this little bit that some of you think Paul just kind of threw it in there this just kind of quickly say that really fast and get to the glory what does it mean to share in the sufferings of Christ raise your hand just one one pardon oh oh oh yeah catch lice Oh get lice she was saying yes catching lice from holding the poor or scabies I had an open prescription for scabies in the UK because I worked on the street there for three years they gave me an open prescription cuz I'm always always holding them of course that is one where you share you know I mean I love John G Lake everything just died in his hand BAM that's so cool but there are other times where yeah you might get lice or scabies I've had lice and scabies many times some of you not gonna want to hug me now I've had I've hugged lepers for years Wow so anybody else you see what he sees absolutely do you think Jesus sees everything does he see the sex slaves does he see the starving does he see the broken does he see the disenfranchised does he see his children not getting along does he see so to suffer with him is to see to suffer with him is to see what he sees that actually is gonna help me I'm gonna skip one story and come back to it 1111 whoo shaka baba this this is I liked sometimes those clocks are just perfect right then I looked at it oh thank you Jesus so I I thought that I could see as a missionary I was really thinking I could see and Rawling and I both thought we could see and we just marched off you know to the field I was 20 years old been preaching the gospel by then since I was 16 17 18 19 20 see I can count and count for years I'd been preaching the gospel going to university preaching the gospel anyway by then at the age of 20 we went off to Indonesia one-way ticket and 30 US dollars why he had an awesome Pentecostal experience for generations Assemblies of God Pentecostal his grandfather never asked for anything never would and were like yes this is so awesome this is how we go we were poorer than the poor we were so skinny we lost our wedding rings we we were so skinny and so poor and so feeling so thrilled about this walk and it was a beautiful walk and a powerful walk and I'm so thankful for that walk we continued to serve we did dance drama all around Asia but we were so we were just so poor and and and so needy in ourselves and we actually were still orphans and that's something that I didn't admit for a long long time but we were orphans in our heart we did not understand what it was to be adopted by the father even though that's the that was the whole point we didn't understand and many of you have heard me talk about how we thought it was holy to not have cheese and hot water that was really holy for us you know to pour a cup of cold water over our kids heads in the winter because we didn't want to have anything the poor didn't have nothing the poor didn't have and I had this mentality that I didn't want anything the poor wouldn't have and it was a beautiful season in our lives it was a season of training and learning and growing but if we don't grow past the season something's missing and so when it finally got time to live in Africa and go to the garbage dump and he taught us about his kingdom through the poor of the earth and he said now you're gonna learn about my kingdom through the children I said I don't do children I said I don't do children why as a woman preacher I didn't want to be stuck out there in preschool and I bye then I earned a PhD and I didn't really want to do the preschool class and there were many times you know that my husband would preach and they'd say and your wife you know she can go minister tooth to the preschoolers and I was like I I don't think that's right but that was just my journey and God used it so finally I'm like I know I'm using slang but I just like dude I don't need to go talk to the priest Lord I'm just gonna go to the street and find people I don't need to go to where they don't really want me I'll just go find people so I tried to do that and not tried to I did it found people the poorest people in the poorest place in the poorest nation on the planet and I was out there and and I was thinking come on God's gonna bring a revival in this place and day one here's the story I had earlier day one I'm in the dump and I'm so excited I'm like they're gonna love what we carry it's gonna be so amazing it's gonna be amazing we're gonna go and love on the poor and they're just gonna embrace us and it's gonna be so awesome it's just gonna this is my destiny I had a full-blown vision of the garbage dump I saw Jesus walking there and he was putting robes on people there you go he was putting robes on people he was putting beautiful robes on him and they had bloated bellies you know because the poor have bloated bellies the truly poor bloated bellies worms absolute poverty they're eating the poorest most wretched garbage in the poorest nation on planet Earth at that time he didn't just say go to the poor he said go to the poorest of the poor I want to teach you from the poor I want to teach so I'm thinking oh this is gonna be glorious I saw Jesus and he would put his hands on their stomachs and they would go flat he would put his hands on their wounds and they would be healed and then Jesus called me he said come come come and then he said let's do this together and I started walking with Jesus in this vision on the dumps huge mounds they didn't even have bulldozers back then just huge mounds of garbage and little children running everywhere and and he said come coming and I was so excited and I would put my hand on their bellies and they'd go flat I put my hand on their on their arms and their wounds would be healed and I just I I got to put robes on him and I would I mean this vision was so glorious that I couldn't wait to get to this dump I was like come on we're gonna see miraculous healing is gonna be so powerful and so glorious and God's gonna crash in so I drove up there in my truck Lazarus was the name of my truck this little blonde I'm not blending in anyway I go to the garbage dump got one of my adopted sons with me who I found on the street he was 16 at the time and he was like you are taking me home I said I think you're too old he said I'm going with you he's a tough cookie so I brought him with me I thought he's a tough cookie he'll be fine I bring him to the garbage time he starts vomiting he he was so he said I can't stand the smell I'm like you're such a wimp I can't smell anything where's your problem he's like mom this is a horrible place why'd you bring me here it's like he didn't not want to go back to anything that he had experienced before justifiably I I understood it later at the time I felt like whacking him in love I know it's like get it together you can't just throw up all the time and and so I go to this guy and he's wearing just shredded rags and he's covered in soot he's totally covered in sick because the garbage is always burning and I go up to him I like hi and I'm speaking my in in the local dialect everything I know and I'm just like hi and he grabs a bottle sticks it in my neck and he says in local dialect boo boo boo Luke ooh you're crazy white woman I'm gonna kill you right now wow that just felt so awesome as I go to seek and find the lost that they would just feel the joy and and they would just didn't brace me common and and show us what love looks like on this dump it didn't look like that he put his other arm around my neck he's like I mean he taught me words I did not even want to learn this goes on and I just look at him and I cannot stop looking at he could not understand it we became very good friends I'm ahead of my story but he could not understand why it is that he had this death grip on me with a broken bottle in my neck and I just looked at him and I wasn't afraid I cannot tell a lie I was not afraid I've been afraid other times but I wasn't afraid I knew I was destined to be there so I asked him his name and he's looking at me like you heard the craziest white woman and the planet-like he's telling me how crazy I am and he's thinking you he said you are not gonna steal my garbage I said no I don't want it I want to steal your garbage I had this vision and I I was here with Jesus and we walked on these on these mountains of garbage and he was passing out robes and are you hungry and he said what do you mean blankly blink blink blink in Makua not Makua in Shangaan ax he's like blankety blank blank blank of course I'm hungry I eat garbage and I said well you know could I just tell you this story I had this story out I came here with this man Jesus and we we were just putting our hands on on people and and there they were they were they were getting healed and there was food and I saw this big feast and and Jesus said you were all invited to come sit in the front he started looking at me and he says why are you why aren't you afraid I said cuz I want to learn your language could you help me please and he's like what blankety-blank I said no I need to learn your language my my Shangaan ax is not that great and you know I just want to learn so teach me whatever word you want to teach me and and he's tit and then he just he didn't know what to do he was taken aback because because I saw him I didn't just see the the rags and the hunger and the broken bottle and the anger and the fierceness and a man who literally wanted to kill me but what I saw was a man that Jesus had his eyes on that Abba daddy wanted to adopt that's what I saw I didn't see the crazy man who wanted me dead I saw the little boy who needed love and as I connected with him after about I don't know I told you I don't do time well but after 20 30 minutes I say would you like to meet Jesus he said again this is going on and Portuguese and dialect he's like course I want to meet him you couldn't bring him here you didn't bring him right here I'll talk to him just like that I'll talk to him he sounds like a good guy I say he really is and then he lives inside my heart and he's like what what are you talking about where is he living inside here what huh I don't know you're not making sense maloo maloo crazy white woman were you talking about I'm like he lives in me he could live in you you you could be free you could be a son you could be forgiven and I'm telling you Holy Spirit showed up right there in that place and I know what a heaven on earth is heaven invaded earth and Holy spirt invaded that moment and Vidal bowed his knees to Jesus and he bowed down on top of those maggots on top of that garbage that wretched garbage he bowed down and and he started sobbing and I watched as as soon as Sun and the tears just washing down his face and this foot coming down and he was the first one to receive Jesus in that place that is a powerful thing and that is something I absolutely loved and and it changed my life forever but this is where I want one to get with today for eight years I worked on that dump that was I don't I didn't call it work for eight years I got to experience heaven on earth in that place I gave communion in that place I found dying children curled up in balls and I brought them home and the video you saw last night you saw Selena she was in her graduation from University ropes I found her there in that garbage and she was littering up her cap Ede guess who I found what he was too and she was they were throwing up the cap was Sarah's you know I found what he was 9 you know for me those aren't just pictures those are people with powerful stories that like every time I look at how stunning like that little girl who'd been raped over and over and sold over and over and just in the worst kind of hell on earth she met Jesus she met all but daddy God and now she's a mama a beautiful mama and a wife and a lover of Jesus and she's helping found our University in Kabul Delgado she's getting her master's degree right now come on Jesus that's what I see that's what he does he transforms he brings the lonely into families he brought us together we are a family and we may be very blended and people don't understand but we do we do we know who's we are and we know we belong to each other and we know the beauty of our history but as I walked on that dump all those years for many of them most of them I still walked not understanding this place of air I didn't understand it it's like lord I love you Jesus I serve you lord thank you for the greatest joy that I could get to live here and serve here and be here and and pour my life out here and and bring these babies home God thank you so much for for entrusting me with the greatest joy that a life could ever find there was no feeling of sacrifice there's no feeling of all this this heart people would be like oh how can you do that is the greatest on it it was heaven heaven on earth and one day I was doing what I normally did cuz they all know me so well you know and they would act they ask every time I arrived I have these flip-flops like later we've discovered Crocs but back then we had these little flip-flops and the glass would go through them but everyone when I arrived they would have this little competition who would get mamas shoes first and I I never dreamed about not giving away my flip-flops and walking barefoot in the dump I never even thought about it I never even dreamed for a moment that I should not give up my flip-flops and walk barefoot in that dump even after being hospitalized with MRSA eight times I did not even consider that it was not the right thing to do to take off my shoes and walk barefoot in that dump and one day as I was doing the usual I'm telling you this story because God is putting us in this place of shift this place of shift there's a shift there's a shift there's a shift there's a shift where we go from an orphan mentality into a mentality of sons and daughters who aren't afraid to go low sons and daughters who follow Jesus are full of intimate love and oil and who understand that their destiny is to see and their destiny is to be full of oil and their destiny is to walk as radical lovers on the earth so there I was taking off my flip-flops again and I heard the Lord I had this very strong impression and he said did I ask you to do that basically I want to say I rebuke you Satan in the name of Jesus there's no one with cameras around this is just our life some of y'all think we do stuff when there's a camera you don't understand or no I don't mean to be difficult there but I do have an antenna III was really upset with the question what are you talkin about he said do you not remember when your spiritual mother laid hands on your feet in Hong Kong when she told you to switch your shoes she said switch your shoes honey and me being so strictly Pentecostal in faith missionary I would not tell her that I only had that one pair of shoes so I subpoena Bokke I said nothing by the third day my spiritual mother who's a very strong Pentecostal preacher 4 foot Oh 11 on a good day in spiked heels she said to me switch your shoes I said switch your shoes I finally couldn't stand any more and I broke my own rule and I said I can't she said what I said I can't she said what I said I can't what do you mean you can't I have 200 pair of shoes she did she she loves shoes she was so short she really loved him she loved shoes she expecially ordered him they were like a 4 size 4 she had shoes everywhere I saw her closet I couldn't understand but but she loves shoes and she knew who she was she had shoes sweet Jesus she had shoes so she puts her hands thumb down and she grabs my feet and she just starts in Hong Kong in the streets in the slums where we were ministering she grabs my feet and she just starts praying in the spirit she did not care who was around they all spoke Cantonese she thought you know I'll just speak shocking ababa he Shah Baba he Shah Baba and she just started praying in the spirit she said I bless you with a shoe blessing I bless you with a shoe blessing from now on you're gonna have shoes she said that that she said come with me honey and she said where's a best store where's a store where's a shoe store I'm thinking oh no what's she doing she said we're going into the shoe store and she takes me in there she says you're trying on shoes oh this is too much so she said I finally pick out one cuz she was so tenacious about it she said no not one we're gonna get another pair I'm like no sweet Jesus my vow of poverty is just wrapped here you know like god oh god oh god - I can't have two now I've got three whoa oh sweet Lord this is killing me she's like no we're getting another one one of them was a red pair of spiked heels I think what am I gonna do with these but she loved him so she was like you're getting them you're getting Emma you're getting those shoes at so I ended up leaving that store with with III I told you I'm not a counter three or four pair and then I I went back to my orphan ways you see it was years later in that dump that I would always give away my shoes why because I didn't understand who I was and I still will give away my shoes any time Holy Spirit says it's my joy and privilege but I didn't understand what he was saying to me in that day he said don't you remember I said sorry Lord yes Lord so I said to the young teenage girl you're a guy I know that but I like to look at people I said I said sweetie I I'm not I'm not giving you my shoes for one thing boy your issues and my shoes wouldn't work anyway so we've I've tried that man not happening you're gonna walk in your own anointing so I said I'm not gonna give you and she was shocked she's like what what happened - mama mama got selfish Lord said to me you got a belief for millions of pairs of shoes hundreds of thousands of pairs if you can't believe for millions you have got it all wrong the Lord is so good he's like sweetie in love he's so loving about it but he's like honey sweetheart you got it wrong if you if you can see if you can see the orphan the widow the poor the broken the lost the sick the dying the starving if you can see them and you can see me then you can do what I asked you to do and it is a place where there will be no lack as long as you understand what it's for because God didn't call us to be selfish entitled children he called us to be radical laid down lovers who know who's we are after that first thing I did I went to a store in South Africa we didn't have stores in Mozambique back then I went to a store in South Africa and I remember this day I got called on it I took my arm down an aisle of shoe a shoe aisle and I did this with a carts I had a cart and I was pulling and I and then I turned around got another cart and I went down another aisle and I did this and I just filled these carts with shoes and the security came out and he said ma'am what are you doing I said I'm buying shoes are you settling shoes they said yes we're selling shoes but you didn't look at any of the sizes or the prices I said no I have all needs of all sizes and all prices whatever you have I we we need all of these shoes and the man said I'm calling for backup he got another guy and I'm not stopping I'm like smiling there I want all the shoes he's like you can't worn all the shoes I said I do yeah I really want all the shoes in fact do you have any more in your back rooms because we we could use a lot more shoes than you have here on the shelves he looked at me very puzzled got back up and finally I thought oh I've got pictures so I pull out pictures I said oh these are some of my kids he was he was looking I don't like you wanna see these are just some of my kids we've got a whole lot more kids here's a few of them would you like to look they all have different sized feet I figured they'd just like pick which shoes they like he started sobbing he said next time would you please tell us ahead of time so we could get all the shoes ready for y'all thank you Jesus do you see what happened there a shift you went from this orphan spirit where oh you know I'm just gonna serve God and I'm gonna walk barefoot and and not eat cheese and never have hot water for Jesus because I love him so much this is so holy I love you oh the more I suffer the more closer to you God I didn't understand suffering was seeing and when I saw that suffering was seeing everything shifted everything shifted I started to receive the spirit of adoption I started to understand who I was Holy Spirit hid me in a revival in Toronto BAM this lady prophesied over me she was hilarious she still is she's still alive she's really old now but she's still kicking I just saw her and she just shot me you're not supposed to do that in most churches Shh she went boom-boom no I just didn't know catchers nothing she just bailed Shin shin care she knew I needed what she had so I BAM on the ground she said you're wearing Saul's armor and then she went she never seen anything like that I thought that is so weird what's she do I gotta wear a different armor this doesn't fit you Shh whoa it's like wearing shoes that don't fit you you get blisters trying to walk in somebody else's anointing you look ridiculous sometimes I just do it on purpose I get the guy with the biggest shoes the biggest feet and I say okay you walk in mind I actually I'm gonna do it I feel to do it how big are your feet what they're I thought they were right could you please take those and I give you mine yeah here we go what's your name John thanks dawn I'm Heidi here you go hi you just wear mine and I wear yours I thought you had big feet so here come on John walk in my anointing you know walk in my 19 I carry anoint and I know so if we we want to walk in the anointing so I'm gonna walk in John's anointing and John's gonna walk in my noisy how's that working for you John No what about the other foot maybe if you tried to it'll be easier for y'all you could app we can let the zipper out I'll help you oh oh just try it John I'm super anointed all right how do you feel you're ready to run the race and bring the lost home and reach the world for Jesus not in those shoes why is it we always have watch your anointing I want your shoes I mean I think if y'all if y'all watch me tiny walk in John's shoes and John are you following me sweetheart baby I'm trying to walk in John's shoes here some of y'all he looks tall though anyway Tawes good but you're gonna be like does she not have the resources for some shoes that fit her and you might think something else about John that John's having some identity crisis going on and he's like something happened here with his identity and he's just not sure who he is but so many of us in the body we're like no no no we got a walk in that anointing we're gonna walk in that way with those shoes and God didn't call us to walk in someone else's anoint I mean let's let's just let's just would try it one more time and then I think I'll switch shoes you're ready to switch up your shoes this is it see god absolutely wants us to wear the shoes that fit us to walk in the anointing that fits us and so I'm gonna take him out of his suffering now and I can't wear those shoes either you know I can walk slightly easier than John but thanks so much I see the Lord has enough shoes for us all to walk in he has enough anointings he's not wanting clones he's wanting all his sons and daughters to come into their identity in Christ Jesus and to walk in the way they've been created to walk and to do what he has created them to do it is a powerful thing when we walk in the anointing the Lord has given us since that day when I just knocked all those shoes into the into the carts do you know what happened shoes started coming my way ridiculous amounts of shoes over 500 thousand pair of shoes they just started coming Samaritan's Purse starts sending us shoes containers 40-foot containers of shoes churches some Church in Florida God spoke to them they hadn't even heard the story he spoke to them you need to you need to fill a 40-foot container fill it with shoes it got filled so full they got another 40-foot container filled it with shoes one time we were going to this camp it's like a worm camp where everybody's feet had been infected with Mata Kenya worms and one of my friends who didn't even know we were going to this worm camp she said I felt the Lord tell me to tell our congregation to take off their shoes see some of y'all think it's only gonna work one way now I'm not gonna tell you to take off your shoes don't do it that's not the thing today it's not what we're doing today but in that day the Lord told her to tell her congregation Marcy and Steve fish amazing people tell him that if they felt led they should take off their shoes that she was going to Mozambique and she would take all their shoes and it crazy because she showed up in Mozambique right after I I had shown up in this village that so affected me because they were crawling on their hands and knees because their feet were so infected with these worms and we're pulling the worms out of their feet with needles and and then we had to have socks to keep them from getting re infected and shoes and she shows up with suitcase after suitcase after suitcase of shoes not knowing that I could not even sleep crying out to my daddy God where are the shoes because you promised me shoes and these people need shoes now the same time he's talking to a little woman in Texas saying put the shoes in the suitcases pay the overweight oh you see we are the body of Christ and when we are willing to walk as sons and daughters on the earth and heirs and co-heirs with Christ if we will suffer with him then we will carry his glory the final story that I want to tell today has to do with with another shift in my journey and I know I'm in another shift in my journey right now I'm in a shift because all I can see is I just keep seeing the world and the seeing the orphans in the world and seeing the church eating stale bread that falls from the father's table and I've seen so many in the church to living like orphans and I'm not preaching entitlements jesus never ever ever walked entitled he canosa's he laid it all down he laid it all down he emptied himself out and became nothing taking on the very nature of a servant well true sonship doesn't look like entitled but true sonship true identity looks like you seeing so here's my story haven't told this one in a while either when Randy Clark prayed for me and prayed for life and life's been a huge part in Jennifer of this journey that we've been walking on covenant you guys are a huge part of this journey huge I think we started rolling and I started entering into this healing part of our journey at the same time you were entering in and we were in Alabama Alabama and I remember it I remember the day I met you both so I I we were still like we still are you know we were in Mozambique and and I had this radical word from from the Prophet he says he's not a prophet he's certainly a prophet anyway he put his hands on my head and I mean down I went and I got electric shock faulted and screaming out in church and no security guard took me up nothing they just let me scream ah I'm sure if you're wondering where you're getting deliverance I'm sure I'm sure I was getting everything all at once filled delivered killed it all happened BAM III mean God I said god I'm gonna die I'm gonna die gonna die this is so bad I'm gonna die and he said good I want you dead just like that loving daddy God so sweet he doesn't tell you about the resurrection in the same sentence he's too good for that which is good I want daddy let me die there and I had this awesome prophetic word but the blind would see the Deaf would hear the crippled would walk the dead would be raised and the poor would hear the good news do you want the nation of miles of me I didn't think I mean my brain went somewhere else and all I said was yes I screamed yes not knowing what it means if I'd known what even a fraction of it I sure any part of my flesh that wasn't being killed on that altar would have screamed out loud is anything now now course like now but you see now I'm still thinking like an orphan but at that moment somehow the spirit of adoption hit me where where I could I could say yes not knowing what it would mean because do you think God could give a person a nation don't answer it I'm answering that so don't understand if we don't see the need for the body we need each other we all need each other we can do nothing without Jesus and nothing without each other we need you we need you we need you we need you we need you we need you we all need each other we are not created to do this alone we are not created to just get a word like that say yeah you know I'm a five foot four little blonde lady from Laguna sure I'm gonna take on the whole nation yes God's giving me a whole nation all by myself I'm gonna go right in there and somehow they're just gonna say just like in the garbage time sure come would you like to be presidents what are we thinking seriously we get these words and we're so still focused on ourselves so we've forgot the whole point that it's the body the body the body the body we're all working together connected to Jesus and when we connect to Jesus and each other all things are possible it's no longer this bizarre journey where you're all alone even with your denomination even with your home group even with your family you're no longer all alone the Lord puts lonely into families the Lord wants all his sons and daughters home around the face of the planet oh I have so much to share but 11:51 when God started dealing with me who oh he dealt with me he dealt with me in a glorious way I could love the poor of the earth I thought the rich were just bizarre people I got oh I got so upset with wealthy I was so upset I had such an attitude I just I'd go visit my parents you know but I'd just visit him for a few hours I owe you people you people you people you people I had so much judgment in me I couldn't see oh oh I can't even tell you the whole story but I don't tell me what part of it when I received my inheritance if the Lord said turn around and bless every every house on this private Cove I said first I said no they're all rich he said do it I turned around he told me to do it seven times by the seventh time he broke my heart for the wealthy bawling my guts out that week I made friends with three billionaires never asked for a penny from him wasn't after their money I was after seeing them seeing them it's not about using people it's about seeing people and loving people show but I had no authority to be friend of anyone until I had love for that person you have no power unless you have love and that love comes from the father and it is through the spirit of adoption that you step in and understand whose you are and everything changes how so here is the place where God started me on this journey of loving the body all over the world loving the body of Christ while allowing me to work with the body in my country to see the fulfillment of the word that God put in in all my heart I didn't understand the I just didn't understand they could be this and more I thought it had to be one or the other I couldn't understand that I could actually if I literally understood adoption that I could literally be so loved by God that he could use me among the poorest people on the planet and he could use me among the wealthiest people on the planet that if he trusted me as a daughter that the way that I moved would be shifted that I would no longer worry about how many shoes we needed but I would simply be willing and able by grace to see the one in front of me so with this grand word from Randi I went back to my nation prayed for blind people stopped my truck in the middle of the road grabbed be healed in the name of Jesus I'd shake their little heads and put I mean I can you see that can you see that stick their head up into the Sun and they'd say no I'm blind give me some money that's what they'd say just went on for a year I had such a powerful word my husband got cerebral malaria I was diagnosed with MS nobody saw nobody even saw a tree dimly nobody saw anything nobody saw if I was at nighttime I have a flashlight once in a while I'd stick no give me some money I'm blind I thought wow this word which came with electric shock volts and dying and power and glory and paralysis it's just I don't understand nothing really is shifting here and I was in central Mozambique where I I met you I think the second time or the first time maybe was the first time yeah central Mozambique I was out in a village like usual and I was walking around and our churches are really you know they're really snazzy you know we've got a few Leafs covering some bamboo sticks in the dirt people get really amazed by our church growth don't ask me how many churches we have anymore a couple thousand of them just had to go underground we call them houses of prayer so don't even ask me I don't count and I don't know a lot is my answer so I'm out there one of our churches and and I see again a little boy carrying a stick a woman's holding the stick and he's like pulling her along and my heart broke I sobbed my guts out I cried out to God I said Lord you said you said you said I would see the blind see you said it and I grabbed this woman and sobs just sob like a baby sob like God could you do it now she's so old she's so poor she's so frail and as I held her shirt it just shredded in my hands she didn't have two shirts and down she went right in front of me in her eyes went white gray brown absolutely freaked me out it's not like anybody got can we get you a selfie with you you know this is really cool I didn't have a camera I didn't think of having a camera I was like more shocked than anybody the other 20 people in the church I was the most shocked that was it I was I was undone like what just happened here a lady saw in and she totally saw her eye and they start screaming she had my name mama Ida can see mama Ida can see I'm thinking whoa that's weird well that's good and I go to the gas station in Don do in Don do Muslim bacon you know that play slave and I drive in there I'm getting combust evil and I'm and and I'm getting this and there's a blind beggar there and I'm like yes I'm anointed now you know I'm gonna lay hands on him he's gonna get healed I lay hands on him he's like I'm blind do you have any money I'm like what what I just saw the plane ladies say no you don't know what good what's going on I was frustrated the Lord said very clearly call dr. Bob in New York called this guy friend of mine dr. Bob in New York I said dr. Bob can you get to Mozambique really really soon I need you to cut a tumor off a guy's head in dhondu Mozambique he said sure I'll be there in a week dr. Bob bought a plane ticket got on a plane with his own tools he had his own kind of tools the kind of tools I don't have and he went in there and he sliced the tumor off of this kid sliced it right off of his dad and that dad got powerfully saved in the gas station by the way before he got healed but God took care of his tumor - God took care of it God sent dr. Bob some of us have God in this little box there with my way it's my way or the highway God's God you're not hooray that's a great theological statements God's God you're not hooray so same day I could have been discouraged it's day number two first day this blind lady with my name sees second day a blind man who did not have my name and couldn't have my name cuz he's a guy he didn't see second tag go into a hot pray for another lady and they bring her in there cuz they heard about the miracle they didn't hear about the guy who didn't see thank you Jesus they heard about the one who did we often focus on what God didn't do and it paralyzes us it paralyzes us you know I prayed for 75 people and only two got saved I think I'm uh uh uh uh two two had headaches and I don't know if they got healed and so he just quit because we just quit why not rejoicing what God's doing why not hold people in your arms and let them feel the love of God that's powerful why does it always have to look the same way it doesn't it's God does it all different ways so I went prayed for that lady she went blind when she was eight long story short she's screaming and I said what what shirt am i wearing she said a black shirt I take her outside I said go to the Ducks my friend who German friend super German said you can't send her two ducks ducks ducks make noises I said okay go to a bucket and she walked right over to the bucket by then the whole village starts surrounding and screaming mom Ida can see freaked me out freaked out my German missionary friend she's like what she can't have the same name that's crazy that's not possible I said is it what's her name they all said mama Ida that's her name she he was blind now she can see I'm like whoa so then I get up and we're in shenoy you Muslim bacon now I'm like yes I'm in my anointing now I felt really super filled like like a healing evangelists I thought come on bring him on bring him on bring him on bring them on bring him on bring me the bat bring me that blonde I mean I was so excited about it that I did not even start a message I didn't even preach I'm just like break me the bat it was a pink disco hall and she Moy you Mozambique I'll never forget because they covered the holes on the stage with grass mats so you'd be like walking over to not fall into the holes but by still trying to look like an anointed healing evangelists bring me that blood they bring me one blind lady same same deal little kid little boy in shredded rags and a little mama and shredded Ray comes right up to me and I was a stage he was disco hall there was a stage of sorts so I was there and I just I hit her on the head Jesus down she went BAM I looked at her eyes whites gray Brown I'm telling you okay all right something's going on something's going on here so I get down on my knees the people don't take notice of the healing evangelists they just take this mama and they pick her up in very beautiful Mozambique in style they pick her up and they start tossing her in the air taking a sport little skinny little woman who can see for the first time like a baby like a baby dedication that's what they were doing it was like a baby dedication but it was poor this old woman and there's like throw air up throwing her up throwing her up and and I said what's your what's her name what's her name and my friend there Annika who she said oh let's get the real relatives come on come on wear it where's the real we need the real story she was like German who she said what and where's the relatives and they come up to anybody what's her name her name's mama Ida if you didn't know that I have no need or reason or desire to ever tell you a story that's not true you would have a hard time believing this but it actually happened three blind ladies in three days saw and they all had my name son today Shh but this is what where I want to end today we're gonna pray for y'all sometime after lunch yes cuz we don't want anyone to starve to death by that third miracle I realized something something was up so I I nailed down I was crying you know I wasn't like yeah bring me another one no I was I was I was weeping as on my face and I my face was down I'm just sobbing and I'm weeping and I just said God am i entering in now to a me simple Macpherson's anointing I'll receive it yes Lord I'll take the mantle da how about is it Kathryn Kuhlman's anoint come on Lord I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready here I'm ready I'm ready to receive Kathryn Kuhlman's anoint and then I went even further I said oh lord if it's not a me or Kathryn I'll take Benny I'll take Benny's anointing Lord I'll take it here right here right now right here right now I'll take the anointing it's interesting that I listed three people I said what are you saying to me what are you doing what are you saying and the Lord said you're blind it was not the answer that I had anticipated from my loving daddy God so I had the audacity to answer back to God himself and I said I'm a missionary he answered me back again second time you're blind I had the presumption the arrogance to answer back to God and tell him when he already knew I work with the poor a third time you are blind by then I lost all my arguments all of them were gone and all I wanted and what I want today to pray right now we'll just if you don't mind standing we're not gonna come forward today we're gonna pray this prayer it's the prayer that I prayed and it's what I believe is needed for us to walk on the earth ho Holly as sons and daughters sure Ibaka Dorobo Shekar Abbas a joke or a book or a bash a joke or a Boucher Carabas say my purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart colossians two and united in love so that they may have full riches of complete understanding in order that they might know the mystery of god namely Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge so lord right now right now I want everyone in this room just to put your hands on your own eyes and this was my prayer at that time I only went to one other place besides Mozambique it was Fairbanks Alaska in the middle of the winter my spiritual mommas church I I didn't want to go anywhere else I told God what my calling was and what my anointing was and who's I would have now that I'd seen what I'd seen and instead of all that the Lord literally called me to start crying out and I want you to just lift your voices right now lift your voices like you've really wants what God wants to give you and ask him for sight ask God to let you see cuz if you would see then you would know and you would see you at fellowship it is suffering and you would carry his glory if you would see if you would really see you would fellowship with the Lord you would see what you the Seas and you would start to do what Jesus does and you would stop arguing with God and starting yielding to the power of his love you would stop telling God why he cannot use you to do what he has created you for and you had simply yield yourself as a little child Oh in the arms of a loving father and you would say if you say if you say it daddy if you say it daddy if you say it daddy I say yes if you show me daddy I will go and I feel this I feel this I can't I can't not do this I do feel this I I don't we're not gonna lay hands on you but I feel like some of you you're feeling this you just this in power and this desire to go to the nation's the Lord's literally called you to go to the poor of the earth to the broken to the sick to the dying to the rescue the slaves that you cannot help but but but just cry out in this time here am I send me I want you to run to the front kneel on the on the altar I just cry out Lord show me Lord show me the poor show me the sick show me the dying show me show me show me and some of you the Lord showing you the the church he's calling you into pulpit ministry I want you to run I want you to cry out do not be wimpy about this do not look for people to lay hands on you you just asked Jesus right now ask Jesus God God God I need you to open my eyes come on you've got to be tenacious about it you gotta be tenacious I balled my car down I I cried with all that is within me I said I must Lord I must have to see and once I saw I could see I could see the church I could see Asia I could see South America I could see Africa I could see USA I could see I could see I could see I could see the body of Christ I could see the rich I could see the poor I could see the orphan I could see the widow I could see the families God started opening my eyes that I could see cry out cry out cry out just for a few more minutes oh god oh god oh god I'm not an orphan anymore give me a ring in a rope I'm not an orphan anymore give me a ring in a robe I'm not an orphan anymore give me a ring in a robe I'm not an orphan anymore give me a ring in a robe I'm not an orphan anymore oh one thing I didn't understand for years the Lord just wherever I started going I started being given rings I didn't know what it was and now it's like now I understand it's like he would give these rings I would just put him on the on the hands of these that were called orphans all over the world I didn't understand at the time why why why was this happening and now even today I do it's like give me a ring in a row lord I want a multiply I want a multiply I want a multiply I want them to know who they are Oh God I want them to see who they are Oh God I want even every person in this in this place and every person yielded on this altar and every person yielded in their seats and every person Lord yielded as they're listening God I asked for the ring in the robe I asked for the spirit of adoption Lord I asked for the Covenant ring of being the Bride of Christ Lord I asked for the power of the Holy Spirit for wisdom and knowledge and understanding I asked today for eyesalve ask him today just a few more minutes ask eyes have gone eyes have gone I said God I will say here am I send me here am I send me here am I use me but God if I can't see Lord if I can't see and I can't hear the cry of the Lost I can't see the poor I can't see the hurting some of you are saying but I'm not called to the poor oh yes you are oh yes you are oh yes you are oh yes you are for every human being on the planet that doesn't eat Jesus and drink Jesus is dying of starvation oh yes you are oh yes you are oh yes you're called to the poor your poor may be in disguise your poor maybe in an Ivy League your poor maybe at Nordstrom your poor maybe in this shop your poor maybe in the salon your poor maybe in the university your poor maybe in the in the shop where they sell vacuum cleaners your pure your poor maybe a billionaire King Oh God is sending you to the poor but oh oh oh he says if you could see if you could see if I could show you what I see and then I would cause you to do what I do on the earth and if you could see that you have a massive family I would start to connect you I would start to connect you if you can see the famine I will connect you with those who have the food if you can see the famine I'll connect you with those who have the food oh if you could see the poor in the IV's I'll connect you with the techies if you could see the poor in the IV's I'll connect you I'll connect you with the fathers and the mothers if you could see if you could see I'll connect you with your brothers and your sisters if you could see who you are you won't be afraid anymore to connect to connect with those who are different from you if you could see you would no longer be afraid to hear the cry of the loss if you could see you would no longer be afraid to hear the weeping of the widow if you could see you would no longer be afraid to see those who are trapped behind their wealth and you see the poverty of their spirit if you could see if you could just I would send you if you could just see I could send you if you would see I will send you says the Lord ho and all over this room and this is how we're going to end this session all over this room I want every single person here to just get just to take hands all over every single one of us every one of us every one of us I want to go down Shay we're gonna take hands and we're gonna ask that we could see our brother and our sister come on come on come on I want you to I want it is just cry out Lord I want to see him I want to see him Lord I want to see him gone I want to see him more I want to see my brother I want to see her Lord I want to see my sister Lord don't let me live in isolation anymore don't let me live doing my own thing in my own way for my own reasons anymore god I need to see God I need to see I need to see I need to see and Lord where I'm short-sighted Lord I need I need correction of vision where I'm nearsighted Lord correct my vision where it's all about the macro Lord show me the micro where it's all about the micro Lord show me the macro do not allow me to leave this place without a laser surgery in the spirit and now before you go to lunch you pray for the one on your right and on your left like you want to be prayed for come on come on you pray you pray for them don't want you pray for them we need each other no one leave the same Lord where we see Lord we want to prove sight where we hear we want improved ear hearing Lord God let the blind see in the Deaf hear the blind see in the Deaf hear I want to hear the cry [Music] yeah yeah god I would hear the cry of the poor when I hear the cry of the hurting what I hear the cracks I want to suffer Lord in the way you want me to suffer so I could carry your glory Lord in the way you want me to carry your glory Lord oh god oh god oh god I want to step into a spirit of adoption God Oh Lord let Mike step in greater greater greater into the spirit of adoption into the place of sonship sonship sonship into the place of inheritance inheritance inheritance inheritance Oh inheritance all gone I asked for the inheritance the kingdom of God to be breaking loose Lord our vision we've been so narrow so so narrow so so narrow sided narrow sided narrow sided we haven't seen how many you want to bring home Lord we haven't even understood it but God O God show us the immense the events the immense the immense the immense the immense harvest field show us the whole world Lord show us the whole world Lord show us the whole world hear my sin me ha ha ha [Music]
Channel: The Rock Church - Castle Rock
Views: 71,295
Rating: 4.0262175 out of 5
Keywords: The Rock Church, Castle Rock
Id: jiFF8KAurrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 22sec (6262 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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