Heidi Baker – Stories from Africa and Iris School of Ministry

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] it's just such a joy to be here this is my family I love this family and I want you to know all of you that know united pursuit I just want to share a little bit about something you might not know about but they they literally just give their music away to to Iris and they feed a lot of kids tens of thousands of kids just because they love like Jesus and they just said take anything use anything who does that who does that it's just it's so powerful and so kind and so beautiful and a little bit countercultural maybe because they just say just take it in and feed the kids and love the poor and and so their songs are on everything I think it's the only group that ever said anything like that and there's no place I'd rather be than right here right now and the whole earth just to be right here right now with you guys and with beautiful Jesus with Abba daddy with Holy Spirit so I love presents do you love presents are you guys just still hungry are you still thirsty do you just want to keep on worshiping and going so I I'm not sure what I'm supposed to share about yet so the good thing to do is is just press in for the presence and then he'll drop down and he'll let me know what my little piece is and before before I go further on I want to tell you one thing I do and I take my shoes off here thank you I want to tell you one thing I've I've been I've been all over the world can I sit here you're so nice thank you I've just been all around the world and we live in Mozambique but I spent a third of my life going around and around and around and I was just on the East Coast at a place called North Field and God just touched my heart really powerfully and and I had a vision or a picture an impression do you like those of some of you had those in this gathering yes no baby you want to maybe we'll ask for more well I was just pressing in and it was in this old this amazing old building that deal moody built years and years ago and he just sent out a movement of radical lovers and the racist came together and he just he just brought in children from all different races and and he he did amazing things he was way ahead of his time and he just sent people out and if you couldn't afford the school you didn't have to pay and everybody could just come and and learn for free and it was such a powerful legacy and we were just in that building it was full of people worshipping God and the Lord said you guys so many of you see a remnants you know there's a little remnant here there's a little remnant there we're just gonna hold on you know until until he comes back what if just this little remnant and God spoke to me really clearly and he said what you see is a remnant I see as a blanket I see as a quilt and he said when all the people from different streams and different movements and dif different sections of this beautiful body this beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful body of Jesus when we come together there's like a silver golden cord that just knits us together and we become a blanket that covers that that carries Grace and radical love that actually cares for people who are cold that cares for people who are broken and sick and dying and pushed away there's this major beautiful blanket that together we make it up but if you have you ever seen no really beautiful quilts we're in the south have you ever seen one east coast do you see it absolutely beautiful and there are sections of the quilt so a quilt is very very valuable and it's very very beautiful and the thing about a quilt that makes it so valuable and so beautiful is for one thing a lot of people got together and they sewed it together and each piece of that that beautiful quilt each piece has a story each piece has a has a purpose as a destiny has a story and it's only when that quilt all is just sewn together that it's such a beautiful covering and that's how God sees his body he sees his body like that he he says I'm not trying to take away your identity I'm not trying to take away the original thing that I put in you or the way you like to worship the way you like to praise the way you like to do life in me but I do want you to understand that all of you are part of a much much bigger picture you're part of this beautiful beautiful picture and it's the picture of the whole body just covering those who need covering with great grace and great love and great mercy and when we come together like this and and just like this gathering there's this power this great power um this great humility where we can see each other and love each other with different ways of doing what God's asked each of us to do so I just believe he wants to show us together tonight and when we're sown together and and it's not just about this gathering but it's it's the whole body it's the whole beautiful body could we just appreciate the story of each piece could we appreciate the story of each piece it's not supposed to be just this monotonous thing this this white blanket but it's supposed to be beauty in in the each each one's uniqueness but there is something about unity and coming together for purpose to love with a radical love that that only we as people who know what grace is can do as believers as believers in the beautiful one who is Jesus we have a gift to share the world that only we can share it's it's grace do you want to share grace do you want to walk out and just give grace to grace the grace yes kind of we want to carry grace out there wherever we're called to go and radical love and we want to be empowered by the love of God to stop for the one in need and there's the only way I know there's only one way I know that's why I love I love worshipping with these guys I love worshipping with family I love worshipping with any any group of people that want to worship Jesus that want to worship that want to be filled with the holy spirit and we're gonna we're gonna press in a little bit we're just gonna sing in spirit why because I think that's diversity and unity going on right there I think it's really really powerful and and God loves it he seems to just love it so can I tell you a really funny story before I start this is um I I do I travel a lot so when I get to the airport I'm not sure where I'm going I just bought Zoey a book on on flying and I said that's where JT lives that's where JT lives that's what they do with my luggage I'm in that that's where and it was just fun because you can relate I'm there so often when I'm not at home which is 2/3 of the time and anyway I'm in a lot of different places and there's a lot of different ways of worshipping have you noticed that my my um my funny way I I don't know I just want to make a joyful sound right so I played cello growing up but I wasn't really good out of it you know I just I tried really really really hard and eventually I was told it might be good to just lay it down and so I just laid it down so I so appreciate the cello and he said and his love for Jesus and I'm like you can love something and not necessarily be powerfully gifted but it doesn't mean you don't appreciate it so what I had the way we planted a church in the UK in the slums with 12 lawyers and a bunch of homeless people we were the most eclectic bunch you ever saw you think this is eclectic you should have seen it we had the lawyers they worked in the city there were suits all week we had the homeless that that carried rats into our fellowship that drank saliva off their tongues while you were speaking so you know you you you were able to just see this versity going on they they had rats pet rats they fed them from the saliva on their tongue is a different group of people and I'm sometimes you know my kids would say oh yeah well we just missed that can cuz they would take care you know beer bottles or something and if they were really really sloshed they'd start throwing them and so my kids learn to duck duck in church and there was you know there was we we always welcome to everyone and we always had food but we didn't have a lot of talent musicians so I got an autoharp and I stuck some batteries in it and I played that thing for the glory of God just like I am wham Wham and you just push the keys and I didn't really know where I was going but I was singing for the glory of God and one day I was frantic cuz I mean there were a lot of people there from all over the place and and if the homeless guys got upset they really made you understand how they were feeling and I'm like where's my Ottawa heart what do you do with where's my I've lost my instruments and I see these guys all around just I I mean these are my friends these are people that love me and there's snickering I mean the lawyers are snick link snickering my homeless friends are thick link I call us Nick link they're just laughing like and I know something's up like they know something's up and then one of them said it's broken it's really broken and I found out they just took all the batteries out and they just like bash the thing against the wall they said no more auto harpes we love you but no more auto harpes and I only told you that story because here we are with this amazing group of lovers of Jesus who are musicians lovers of God who actually know how to play that's a blessing and we should rejoice but you know what God God likes our sound even if we sound like a toad he likes it I won't what I'm gonna tell a few stories but I'm gonna press in but I have one more just because it's so polar opposite of of this this group and and yet God loved it so I was just in Israel in between seven other places I was in the last ten days I think and and I don't know I was in Israel and and is this huge gathering 150 nations and they said we've got a great surprise for you and we're all like ready you know and they they said they we got these guys from the islands and they're just gonna worship and so we're all excited there one note not one note was not one instrument was in tune not one drummer was with the beat but they were doing their thing for the glory of God and I sat there in my ears you know my ears were going oh and my heart was hearing what daddy was saying what ABBA was saying and I heard AMA say I love their sound and I'm thinking awesome and it just kept saying I love their sounds and I took my heart and my ears I think I got some ear plugs you get them in the plane and I put them in to this kind of mellow the sound that God loved so much and and I just I just pressed in and I'm like I'm gonna worship right now in this place and and I saw their hearts and and Abba saw their hearts and I think that's what he sees tonight in this beautiful group of people that just came for a reunion you heard there was gonna be a hurricane you're still here you're like we don't care we're just gonna go camp in the rain you remind me of the Brits I love it they're always camping in the rain every single time I go to their camps it's raining every time I've been doing it for 15 years thousands of people camping in the rain they love it family does stuff that other people don't understand so right now just for a few minutes can we just lift our hands you don't have to if you don't want to you just don't then you're free I know this is a free place I can feel it can you just start letting out a sound just a sound just to just let it out just let out a love song maybe maybe just start singing a love song yeah watch out what happens when we come together and we just sing we just sing and we worship the one who is worthy Jesus we worship you kitty I just let out a sound of adoration yeah sure I'll just give it more justjust give you more just give it Maurice were these worthy of more Jesus you're worthy you're worthy worthy worthy Jesus sure sure just a little more just a little more just a little more just come like a blankets come like a blanket god oh just come like a like a feather quilts just come like a feather quilts I'll come like a blanket God just fall on your lover's Jesus fall on your lover's Jesus [Applause] fall on your lover's jeez she the air just fall on your lovers cheese fall on your lovers Jesus for all the spirit for flah flah flah flah flah flah flah flah flah flah Flo forever river of the most taiga flow-flow river the most high god yeah just a little longer just play your voice that your voice connects with the one who is worthy whatever it sounds like he loves yourself he loves yourself he loves yourself he loves your voice Abba loves you sound he loves your voice yeah yeah yeah [Music] just drop in drop in just just drop in drop in the most just just just reach your hand up and bless one next to you right now floor you're worthy Jesus you're worthy Jesus you're worthy Jesus you're worthy Jesus you're worthy of our worship you're worthy of our lives you're worthy of our our little analyzed we just lay down for you Jesus we love you Jesus we love you ah bah we love you ah bah we love you sweet a sweet Holy Spirit we love who you are we love that you yourself our family we love that you yourself our family and you show yourself to this world as as father son Holy Spirit all 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 family Wow God the mystery of Union the mystery of the Trinity the mystery of the beauty the beauty of God Lord we're undone so sweet sweet Lord take us on a journey tonight take us on a journey take us on a journey take us on a take us on a trip tonight largest sakuraba take us up I I feel like I feel like before anything else just yeah you might not be used to this but maybe lift one hand up and put the other one on on someone else and just start blessing them see you're filled you filled you filled you're filled with God you're filled with God your field he says Christ in you the hope of glory Holy Spirit fills you habla fills you he says we make our home and you so just bless somebody and say make your home in him just find somebody say just just be home just let him just God God God God make your home in him make your home in and now believe if you can turn my monitor up just a bit I'll be super grateful Thanks oh just believe just believe just believe just believe that that really it's really really true the God God the God of the universe wants to put you on like a glove the god of the universe wants to put you on like a glove and he wants to live through you and breathe through you and move through you and love through you and sing through you and be through you whatever is needed he wants to empower you with his love so that you can stop for the one in need and every single one in this place where need we're in need of more we do come Lord we come poor in spirit Lord we come longing for more of you God we come wanting to know the source of Allah we want to be baptized in love baptized in radical love and we want to shine in this earth God we want to go to the places the Forgotten places we want to go to the hungry to the or to the sick to the billionaires in their disguise Scott we want to go we want to go as lovers and we want to show what love looks like God so take us deep and take us wide and take us high and take us along and show us the love of God that is in Jesus as we are passionate lovers Phyllis Scott whoa thank you Jesus thank you all bus yeah well if it doesn't scare you too much just give someone a hug and and just say you're God's house haha hear God's help now tell him you're a beautiful house you're a beautiful house oh you're a beautiful house and God says he loves living in you God says he loves living in you yourselves oh oh he finds a resting place in you you're his hands here his hands here his feets you're his heart you're his mouth Oh in the river the river that flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb it flows out through you John for John for it flows out through you you become a river as you connect yourself to ABBA as you connect yourself to Jesus you connect yourself to holy spirits he says I will be in you a river a river a river I will be in you a river a river a river Wow so maybe maybe maybe you just look like a houseboat ha ha Chaka Baba yeah shaka baba just put him on a river in the water love love love through them whoa Wow I think I have something maybe yay that was it though I just I love worshipping sometimes three people make this some they don't do it twice but they usually um you know when they don't know me too well and they'll be like you can worship as long as you like that baddam that doesn't happen in the same place too often so not ever actually accepting our house so I was in Chicago and we were worshiping and we were just getting toasted in God I mean he was just we were toast and completely toasted and we started at 2:00 because we just wanted to and we started it too and I was just worshiping with the worshippers and and we were just worshiping at 11:30 I got a tap at night so 2 to 11:30 I got this tap and it was from the leader of the of the thing and tap tap tap tap aren't you gonna share tap tap tap - aren't you gonna speak tap I said I thought you said we could worship as long as we like and she said well she just started laughing and she said could you just share a while and and part of me was thinking oh no oh no like we're gonna lose the flow and um rhymed I didn't mean to do that I know that drives people crazy I didn't mean to do it but oh no hits see you know Holy Spirit as soon as you pull out um the message some people are like oh here he goes now we're gonna have to write notes or do what are we gonna do and um holy didn't leave he actually just kept falling on us and I remember sharing from exodus 33 and yeah it was awesome it's not it tonight but you know I share it a little there I said in case you heard it be encouraged thank you guys for having me I'm so blessed this really is family and I'm just so happy to be with family it's the best it's just so wonderful I have two spots to go one I'm just gonna paraphrase and then I'm gonna go to another one is that okay they didn't tell me the time to start or stop but I'll just I'll this flow up flow and then I'll just flow and see what he does I just want God to crashing on you that's what I want I want you to just get undone and that he just crashes in that's what I live for ha I left to get on this plane I left a party a pile they weren't they weren't what you call them kittens but I left a pile of people I was I was in Washington DC in them at the mall you know last night just worship and I'm like I just on my face and oh you know we can lift him up anywhere and I left a pile of people in the dirt because we this when I came to go on get on this plane you know this is how I like to come this is how I like to go just piles of people worshipping God and these file I mean think of it these are piles of bodies all over the mall it's just like this God crushed in I'm thinking this is just so beautiful and nobody stopped us oh wow I want to start with with John four and I'm just gonna tell you this story because um I want to get to the next spot but John four remember when when Jesus was healing everybody and and then he said to his disciples I'm gonna go through Samaria do you remember that story and so his disciples went to get food and Jesus was tired say Jesus was tired I love the Jesus got tired I just love the fact that he he got tired I just get so excited about that because he literally gave himself that he could he could walk like we walk on the earth you know he's totally God and yet he gets he got tired how powerful is that that's a whole message right there he he just emptied himself out and he was fully filled with Holy Spirit in and he got tired so what did he do when he got tired do you remember he sat down I just love that I have a lot of energy so but um he sat down when he was tired and the most powerful thing happened he he saw a woman that nobody else wanted to see and the only reason that woman was there and it was quite you - you heard Nathan you don't dig latrine it 2:00 in the morning at 2:00 in the afternoon you just don't do it if you know what you're doing right you don't do it you do it early you do it late is that true however all of you I know you know you know you know what it's like you you always do it in the cool of the day but there's something about people who are unloved people or pushed away people who are disenfranchised people who are not welcomed into the community that causes them to be isolated and they have to do things when other people would never be doing them and so there's this this Bhama this will she's not a mama she's barren there's this woman that nobody wanted to hang out with and and it was in the noon time and she's sitting there in the heat of the day and I'm I'm in Israel a lot and at noontime in the heat of the day it's just so crazy hot and nobody wants to just be sitting out there and Jesus is tired so he goes to the well for a drink it wasn't a trick it wasn't a trick he wasn't like oh I'm gonna find this woman here and it's a project no Jesus was tired and thirsty he was tired and thirsty we all thinks people think of outreaches like oh we're gonna go out and get scalps and bring them back so we have a testimony jesus was tired and Jesus always always had love in his heart because that's he is loved he's loved so he doesn't put it on put it off put it on put it off it's always full he's always full of oil he's always full of love he's always full of passion and when you've seen Jesus you've seen the father so don't you don't need to be confused about what God's like he's like he's like the one who walked on the earth and showed you what he's like he that's what he's like he's like that Shaka baba thank you God so yeah whoa that's a good word right there Shaka baba Sheikh abhava you know she I got chika Baba I know I I'm I go all over the place so you can just take notes or not but um chika Baba one time I got Sheikh Ababa and Sheikh Ababa I asked does anyone know what it means it was a lot of people it and these two these two Africans were in the front they said yes because I was just singing she kabob and then I sang something else chika bhava and I sang someone else I didn't know what I was singing but I felt the power of God on it and they said yes you're singing hold on to the father kiss the feet of the son hold on to the father kiss the feet of the son hold on to the father kiss the fetus up like yeah and I was singing it in Swahili a language I do not know I just love that hold on to the father kiss the feet of the son it was just so ah so I'm holding on to the father right now kissing the feet of the son and so Jesus got tired he sat down and he saw a woman and he he didn't see her as a project he he loved her and he gave her dignity and nobody else did that nobody else really loved this woman they didn't give her dignity they wouldn't allow her to get water at the same time as them we know because we drove wells we know because we know community that needs to go to a well to get water it's our life and he sits down and and what did he do did he say I talked about Quran listen to me you rotten rascal listen to me you had four husbands and you're a creep and I'm gonna whack you in the head did he get really really high and say woman serve me now how did he approach this broken woman how did he how did he love her he gave her dignity he gave her dignity and he became needy he became needy he didn't just faked needy he actually needed a drink don't fake needy people will smell that he actually needed a drink and the most beautiful thing he could do was see that woman as somebody of value somebody beautiful someone beautiful that that he wanted to connect with and she started falling in love with him she started falling in love with him because he starts sharing who he is with her he says would you give me a drink and she gives him a drink and then they have a theological discussion and he doesn't mind Wow he doesn't say if you knew who I was you wouldn't think of talking to me like that she's saying who are we supposed to worship where are we supposed to worship Him do you know about the Samaritans and the Jews and who worships who where and he's dialoguing with her he's not afraid of dialogue God's not afraid of your dialogue he's not afraid of your questions he literally literally has the time of day [Applause] you should write that down God has the time of day just kidding you can't if you she's out there she's so sweet that's sweet honey I appreciate so so Jesus just loves on this woman and and and he tells her about true worshipers and what does he say he says true worshipers or they're gonna worship in spirit and in truth and and and then he talks about being in them and the well of water springing up into eternal life not not just coming down but springing up that's why I love these these guy I don't just love them because they're family I love because the songs flow out out of them from the heart of God out of them out it flows see often we think it only flows down but but John forces the river of true worshipers it flows out of you out of you out of unit just it just flows out I will be in you a river Wow how humble is our God how humble is our God that he would stoop so low to say where his house we maybe fixer-uppers but but he he inhabits us and he loves it he loves living in you so anyway this is the first point what he what happens is she falls so in love with him and then she she's having another question and he says go get your husband and she's she's telling him she had a few and and he says that's right woman you've told the truth do you know even in that place of brokenness he affirmed her he said well done for telling the truth well done for being real with me well done for not trying to ha who you are with me he already knows it anyway but that wasn't the point the point was he saw her and he loved her and he gave her dignity and and His grace was just flowing out just flowing out his mercy his grace his love and I'm sure her heart just got beating so fast he's like she's going nuts she's going nuts she's in love with this one who gave her dignity who treated her with honor who sat down who received water from her he could have just BAM hit a rock and water would have flown out and he would have said get in the water you filthy woman instead he has her digging not digging she that's us and he has her pulling this water out and and and giving it to him and he a Jew drank from a Samaritan woman cup that's the love of God's he he will drink from anyone's cup when I worship I feel like I'm giving God a drink oh I know he can hit a rock but oh then I get to give him a drink then I get to give him then I get to worship the one who is worthy and give him a drink oh what a privilege to give God a drink one who needs nothing I get to bless him with my drink of worship so what does she do he affirms her she's so excited that she leaves her water pot that's the favorite part of the story for me she leaves it there she just doesn't want to take it with her she forgot why she was there he she felt so in love head over heels in love that she even forgot that pot that pots the pot they reminded her of her shame every time she had to go get water at noontime she had to carry that empty pots and she had to be reminded that no one wanted to see her no one wanted to talk for for with her that that she was barren that she had no help that she was alone that she was broken that part reminded her of that and when she met the one who is worthy when she fell in love with Jesus she left her pot she left her shame she left that reminder that she was not good enough not holy enough not loved enough she just left it there and she ran to the village she said hey guys I'm in love I met this man that knew everything about me and he still loved me Wow how do we share how do we share the gospel how do we share what does Good News look like in this world what does love look like what does it mean to be empowered by the love of God to stop for the one in need Jesus so I'm moving now to the next place Luke do you remember that story you're like which one I'll tell you it's coming I know it well I could paraphrase it too but I think I'll read a little bit Luke this one of my favorite stories favorite stories in the Bible and I just I love it because it's a simplicity it's why I like that song I like that simplicity simple gospel it's just simple it's not complicated we complicated it to death and that's why people can't underst in it and then we just say they can't understand and so never mind when you're empowered by the love of God you shine because you're face to face with him every day you just face to face with Jesus then face to face with alva fully filled with the Holy Spirit oh you're just a shiny one do you want to be shiny do you really want to shine see you're called to shine we're gonna we're gonna shine we're gonna give God a drink of worship we're gonna shine every time we just get into this place of worship ah the oil oil oil fills us up you can't shine you can't shine like you're meant to shine unless you're full of oil the oil of intimacy he's worthy of our worship he's worthy of a face-to-face with us and he's humble enough to say yes to that oh I love him so much I'm in love I'm so in love love in love with him I can't help myself I don't want to be anywhere else I've been I've been I'm a woman so maybe Ehlers I say I share you know I've been sharing the gospel for 42 years and I'm so in love I'm so in love I'm side love I absolutely love that's what motivates me love the power of his love I'm in love that's why I keep going I'm like weary wherever you want me to go I don't care I used to fuss why do you want me to leave Muslim beacon third of my time I love it he said you said you go anywhere anytime and say anything now I'm joyful about it so let's look at this beautiful story powerful story of the simple simple simple gospel Luke 10:25 on one occasion an expert of the law stood up to test Jesus why not super funny he's an expert testing the son of God like what what's he thinking he's not he says like he's nice he's like Talmud you know he's got an attitude he he thinks he's the experts and actually it's written in the book Luke put it down that way anyway Luke wrote it that this expert so he must have been really well learned he must have been somebody who had studied a long long time and he's a teacher what must I do to in terror inherit eternal life is that a good question who cares whatever it's it's a good question and Jesus just asked him back another question what's written in the law how do you read it Jesus says looking at the man and the man answered like this I'm gonna give it to you two ways he answered bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla amen that's how it sounded because if if this if love doesn't go from your head to your heart then it's just a clanging Gong it's just blah blabbity blah no matter how loud the mic is in in his language translated three four times in two hours it says love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul all your strength and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself but he says it just like superfast he doesn't understand it he doesn't get it I want to be super sweet so the way I say this but you know sometimes sometimes people of faith there you go sometimes people of faith know the answers and they know the law and they know what they should say and how they should say it but it didn't go from the head to the heart so when it comes out nobody hears it they can't hear it they can't hear it because it's just like bam bam bam love has to look like something it has to look like something and it has to feel like something and what love looks like right here in this gathering is so powerful and what love looks like and in Somalia is powerful what love looks like in Mozambique's powerful what love looks like it the Maul is powerful if we're believers of the one who calls himself love incarnate then we should carry radical love and so when when this lawyer this this wise dude answers the question God Jesus doesn't even get mad at him and say man you missed the point you jabber it away and you don't know what you're talking about what does Jesus do just what he did to that Samaritan woman he affirmed the guy he affirmed him and he he loved him and affirmed him and and he said you have answered correctly I mean he had a chance to go whack whack whack and he said you've answered correctly you're really a brilliant man and then he said do this and you will live do what it's open book or open phone Luke do what do what do this and you will live love God pretty pretty simple love God how he first loved you he first loved you for God so loved the world he gave His only Son that whoever believes in him would not perish have everlasting life and God the Father says on you I adopt you I take you away from your pain away from your isolation away from your orphanage and I make you a son or a daughter come on this is who he is he's loved he's errotica love and he says this is what it looks like it and Jesus said you answered right do it and you'll live - what love God passion you can't have compassion on the world compassion on the church we need compassion for the church oh I can easily love people throwing rocks at me and sticking knives in my throat and guns to my head easy easy to love but I had trouble loving the church I couldn't love the church part of me could love some of the church sometimes but it's like too much God they're too much they just eat all the time and people are starving to death and I had such an attitude and one day when God stuck me to a floor for seven days and seven nights one day in the middle of that I'm on my face and and then I was on my back and someone gave me a pillow and I was so excited I was like Oh God I couldn't talk I couldn't eat I couldn't walk I couldn't function I had to be carried to the restroom the body of Jesus had to be told to give me water if God told someone they'd give me water I couldn't ask for it then they had to take me to the restroom most humbling thing my whole life it's the most humbling thing and I'm lying there on my pillow just so thankful for the pillow and waves and waves and waves of love or just flowing flowing flowing and I just I I just got these silent tears running down my face and and and God whoa he just came and he spoke to me Wow and Jesus said you can do nothing without me that I knew but he made it really clear why he not allowing me to move not allowing me to get to a restroom not allowed not even I wasn't even able to speak I wasn't able to walk I was so completely talk about poor in spirit I was like a quadriplegic neck down I could still hear so I heard people laughing thinking it was funny it was it wasn't so funny to me he said you can do nothing without me and then he said you can do nothing without the body of Christ and in a moment on a floor just laid out for seven days and seven nights but in a moment in the middle I fell in love with his body I fell in love with his diverse crazy wild conservative difficult challenging I fell in love with his Bonnie I fell in love with his body you only have Authority where you love you have no authority unless you love you of none I fell in love with a rich body I fell in love with all the denominations I fell in love with the people on the sidelines I fell in love with the fringe I fell in love I fell in love I fell in love with the body and it was supernatural he changed the way I think and now I and you know what happened after that I went 208 Nations you didn't get that you don't have to go miles like oh my goodness gracious I went to a hundred and eight nations because I fell in love with the body so now I could share with the body I fell in love hey I shared Catholic oh oh I kind of speed up but I don't I don't know this story just came to me I was just in Poland in the spring and I was on a tour and it was the end of the tour nos getting tired you know so I had learned I'm gonna sit down Lord I'm tired and and then I found out I was speaking at this one and one service first it was Ukraine and then Poland and I get to the service that they're all Jews they're real Jews they're not fake juice they were real Jews like not though not the believers and no no they're Messianic Jews no no yet they're real messianic they believe in the Messiah but they're real juice their bloods Jewish they're Jewish hundred percent Jewish messianic yes they believe in their Messiah I don't know if the others would have invited me but now I'm starting to get some invitations like that but anyway that's a whole nother story a whole nother day but anyway I'm there with these this group of Jewish believers and they are going for it they are dancing and singing and leaping they've got on the keepers they've got on the stuff not the ones you know you see in the southern Church that with the bride dress and the boots and the shawl and then Jesus scarf and the Jewish scarf and that I don't know anyway I've seen everything that but these guys were there were real Jews it and there were lovers of Messiah and they're just like dancing around and we had a blast and God crushed in and I had so much fun and then I got flown to the next place and in the next place they were they were Protestants but they wanted to work with the Catholics but they couldn't quite so they rented one building and had two nights one for the Protestants helmet for the Catholics so but they let me mercifully stay in the same hotel so side the Jews and then I had the broadest and charismatic and then I had the Catholics the Franciscan priests they were all wearing the black with the big crosses and in it and I'm thinking wow wow because I can love them all of them like I get to I get to make friends and share the gospel do I have to agree with everything they're doing and everything they thinking good good answer no but I can carry what he asked me to carry Love Wins do you want to love more do you do you really do you wanna love more okay so in this story love wins and and so it's all about being passionate and compassionate and Jesus is talking to this this wiseguy and then he said do this and you will live and then what did he what did he say he told the story I like to tell stories cuz I know Jesus told stories and I don't want to tell someone else's stories right now because I've got some stories and since I'm sharing a might as well share my stories and you share your story tomorrow or tonight in their tent I don't know but share your story stories matter so here's my story I want to share super fast as fast as I can these couple of stories that are very different because I like diversity I I actually like it I like food what if you you know we at home eat beans and rice or rice and beans depends on the day so like if I if I come to another nation I don't even need to look at rice or beans I just like skip them both cuz I'm gonna be very fine in minutes as soon as that get home that's gonna be it and I know it chicken on Sunday yeah so this this guy is bloody and dying and broken on the road you know the story and so for me I always think he's some guy who's got AIDS I'm gonna contextualize it for you and you drive up with your Lexus any vomits all over your seats and he's bleeding everywhere I'm just I jumped ahead but I want you to see the picture God's love looks like something and it always looks like something and sometimes in the in the communities of faith the people out there don't always feel the love and and if we really are lovers of a God who gave us everything so we could love and we'll crash on in on us every single day with radical love then the way we manifest ourselves out there and in here not just out there but in here and out there and in and out and all around is a radical love poured out and it has to look like something and the people that you want to share this radical love with won't always enjoy you he didn't say share radical love and mercy and kindness with people who agree with you people who adore you people who who say you're amazing share love pontiff II now share love so in this story Jesus is telling this wise man who he affirms and isn't afraid to discuss with and tell a story is like okay the guy says where who's my neighbor please don't let my neighbor be in Knoxville please don't let my neighbor be in Ukraine please don't let my neighbor be from a different group that doesn't agree with who we agree with and how we agree with doing it he said love your neighbor as yourself which is cool you can like you too so here's a story I started asking God let me live this let me live this first one's a Muslim beacon story then I'll tell you a no-no I'm gonna start with the first one was a last week I was flying and I had a really good seat yes God thank you God I had a good seat oh I love good seats I had a good seat it was in a good spot it was a good seat and I was really thankful to God and I was flying from Chicago ooh-la and I was thankful for my seat the only problem was there was this crazy woman next to me she was certifiably insane she was nuts she was she was she had three devices out and then she pulled out a fourth one she was toasted she was angry she was cussing she was talking to herself that she was she was fidgeting and I'm thinking oh sweet lord I got a good seat but I got a seat next to a nut and she got up when she wasn't supposed to get up and she she was like I'm going to the bathroom they're like sit down and she's like blank blank blank blank at a good length and she's I mean she's California royalty she's got the perfect ripped jeans she's she's got the perfect school t-shirt I mean she's royal she's got even a hat I mean she was California royalty I could tell I can see things I'm prophetic and I mean I'm like God how long I mean and then they said the planes broken and I mean the planes broken and she's like I'm in dire more blinks in a moment and I mean she was loud she wasn't quiet about it she's texting and she said play it's like my Energy's gone I'm like Oh sweetie and the stewardess the flight attendant walks by and said um you're gonna have to sit down she's blankie blank is your whine blankie too and give me some more and she's like um is it really that bad you know and then she's just sloshed and angry and and and the planes broken and I'm just considering you know I just wanted to see my grandbaby for a day before I had to go somewhere else and I'm like just one day god I'm flight from Chicago to LA to see Zoey and Kristen come back I mean what God does it have to be this hard I've been stoned beaten shipwrecked you know but is hard this right now this is challenging and I'm trying I'm just trying to be cool like I'm just trying to sit there and praying in tongues of course but quietly gosh please fix the playing God please fix plane oh Jesus you can fix anything fix the plane God I just want to get I just wanna get to California knock the lady out there maybe she needs to like have some more wine and get knocked down and then she'll sleep I mean I was thinking of all these things I'm like god this is just challenging when I hear the Lord I hear the Lord really clear he said do you want to take off like yes he said tell her I love her like I'm tired I just did like seven meetings straight I'm tired and I'm in a good seat she's really angry and really sloshed and really upset and I mean I think she might hit me I hear the Lord again they they they come on the loudspeaker they say the planes really really they don't say it really really they just explained it's really broken and we don't know and she's like frantic now she's really freaking out and and you know when you speak a lot you don't get to eat very much they don't you don't always they don't think of food they said you just go in the anointing you know and I was hungry I was tired and someone had stuck some nuts in my bag and I had this impression salty nuts I hear this this voice or this impression no I don't hear voices necessarily but sometimes this impression that said ask her she wants some nuts I'm thinking oh she's such a nut now I'm gonna feed her nuts and which one am i thinking am i hearing clearly she might throw him at me and not tell her I love her so I just finally I'm just so I'm really tired you know and I'm sitting down in a good seat next to a nut and and so I just gently get into my bag and I pull out this plastic bag of nuts and I just put my hand on this woman I did I played hands on her seriously and I said sweetie it's gonna be okay God loves you we're gonna take off have some nuts this is what it this is my nails story this is like a few days ago she starts she's like people keep telling me that I was just chewing on he's nuts like cracking the nuts she sloshed at evening nuts I think she had a few other things in her system and she's like chomping on the nuts saying wow people keep telling me I said yeah God really loves uni he actually spoke to me I heard him speak to me and he said if I if I tell you he he loves you will actually get to take off she said blankety-blank that's awesome that's awesome as soon as I said it the loudspeaker comes on said the planes fixed we're taking off she she then she tells me she's an actress and I could tell she's from Hollywood she's just been shooting us a film and she has an 18 month old baby that she wants to get back to her child and I could connect with her and say I want to see a baby too and we just became friends um I I hugged her a prayed for her I loved on her and she welcomed Jesus yes it's so cool it was so it was you know sometimes it's easier to share the gospel in the garbage dump than it is to share the gospel sitting in a first class with a woman who's just frantic because she wants to see her baby and she's just exhausted and when she felt the love of God she told me her life story and she had she got in a car crash and she she spun around in the car and she stopped and a black man in a white suit walked up to her and she was she was sitting there a black guy in a white suit said God loves you and she just was amazed and she said then he disappeared I don't know where he went and then she said one time she was driving with a friend through LA and there was a shooting and these guys shot bullets it was one of the gang initiations and they shot bullets through her car window and she she had something in her hand and she looked at and someone had given her a crucifix and she had some Saint on the end of it anyway when she which she opened her eyes she was holding the cross and she said it was so any blank weird but I know that God loves me he keeps saving my life people keep telling me he loves me you see you don't have to be complicated you just love people and it might take you a while and you might need some nuts but love people just love them and do you want to hear another California story okay I want to tell to Western stories I'll just skip malls and be cute I'll come and visit us another California story cuz see people are hurting and they're broken but they're in disguise especially in your nation some of them aren't they're just out there dying on the street stop for them love has to look like something but some of them are Hollywood actresses that just want to get back to their baby and they're just agitated and sad and all they need is just love the love of God God loves you and some nuts just kindness you know she was hungry too so oh and she said about the nuts I don't want to keep telling you but it was important she said someone just told me I need to have nuts that nuts are very very important they calm you down they have something in them that calm you down and and I've been thinking and then she said god oh god oh god you have God you nuts here not and she was just it was cool so here's my other California story because I travel a lot I really you know sometimes you get a little stiff does anyone you're sitting here stretch a little bit stretch a stretch stretch stretch will go Chaka Baba thank you God so stretch so I want I was I got blessed with a massage and I was super excited I'm gonna get a massage and I'm super excited and I go in Laguna Beach where I grew up and I go in very excited that I I am gonna have this massage and I'm really stoked about really happy and I walk in and write on the wall this big sign says Reiki healer I'm like crud I need to leave I don't want that person laying hands on me and then Lord very very clearly with a chuckle said why don't you ask me so I said well why would I have to and I'm having this dialogue like the woman at the well having a dialogue gods dialoguing back hey I mean really God seriously you wouldn't want that Reiki healer to put their hands on me I'm gonna go share the gospel somewhere and what if it's jumping around you know I mean I don't know I just need to leave and he said again did you ask me and I said okay okay I couldn't know the answer if you ask me the question do you want me to stay said yes so uh if this bugs you it's just me just it just explained the fact we're all dis unique so this is me this doesn't have to be you please don't try to be somebody else wear your own shoes walk in your own anointing don't try to be somebody else the next so and so just be you fully filled with God that's it nobody don't try to copy copies are worthless so I was out there and I'm just like doing the warfare thing I'm doing a dance in the in the massage place I've got my robe on and I've got my dance on I'm like I just found every spirit of darkness and every Reiki spirit and I'm like and then I put my face on the on them down there and I'm laying out there under a towel too much information and I'm laying there and I'm just praying quietly in tongues now I don't want to scare her and she walks in the door she walks in the door and she went I said she said well she said first she said there's light light everywhere there's light everywhere I said oh honey that's holy spirits that's holy spirits so she tries to lay her hands on me to try to do a massage and I can't feel any hands just hot liquid drip drip drip she's sobbing presents God fell on her she starts sharing her life story she can't do any massage she's incapable she's undone she she was a an agnostic that went into Reiki with the background from who knows where but anyway after an hour she she just she told me her whole story I never got a massage but she welcomed Jesus it was so beautiful so easy you're the light of the world you're the light of the world you're a city on a hill you know you you're called to be the light just love on God and he's gonna cause his light to flow through you do you want to hear one Mozambique story before we worship let me ask in which one yeah huh I have so many yeah well this one has a lot to do with the Samaritan story because if you remember the Samaritan started you remember it who walked by first the dying man a priest right somebody said it over here priest he was going to a church growth conference and he paid like 450 bucks and the guy on the ground didn't have a tithe I'm paraphrasing it and he's going and he just he just you know it's gotta be like that he's a he's he's very busy man wanting to grow his congregation so he just walks by and leaves the guy dying on the road the next one sure a worshiper maybe 24/7 but they were blind love you gotta love you gotta love you go the guy's dying on the road bleeding and dying and the worshippers pressing in a Levite share I'm gonna worship you blind priest blind worshiper one dying man on the road then a Samaritan a Samaritan who's whose half-caste is comin by he's a business guy the guy on the roads a jewy does not want to be touched by this man he doesn't want to be touched by this man when I stepped into the garbage dump because of a vision the Lord gave me I got first impression I'm thinking I'm gonna go there I went with my adopted son and I walked in there I'm thinking they're gonna understand that we've come for love and we have food and we have love and we have kindness no they don't understand that people freaked out this guy grabbed me by the neck stuck a bottle in my neck he said get out of my dump you white woman don't think you could steal my garbage he was ticked I looked at him and in his dialect and he had a lot of blankety-blank stew in his dialect I didn't understand them all I said honey I used those words because I just you know the older you get the more you can say honey sweetheart I'm like sweetheart I don't want to steal your garbage I just need you to teach me your language he's like still got the bottle in my neck I said help me if you want to carry love you have to become needy if you want to carry love out there to people who need it you can't just come with all the answers jabber jabber jabber I know what I'm doing listen to me you come as a learner you come as someone low and slow and you learn maybe they have something they can teach you and if you don't think so don't fake it don't try to go to people and and not communicate people do not want to be your projects nobody wants to be your project nobody wants to be a project people want to connect every human being on the planet once love once family once food once water wants a place to live and once peace everyone on the planet once the same thing you got to go with radical love and ask them for help and I just looked at this guy and he's the bottles still in my neck but I'm not angry I'm not afraid cuz I'm like I'm gonna make friends with this guy and so I just looked at him and and I told I said I'm trying to learn your dialect and so I've just come here to ask you to help me with your language and I don't really understand some of the words you just said and he's looking at me like are you insane Lucas what he said my look a white crazy woman that's what he said local blue we made friends but not right yet I asked him more words and then I said I I saw I had a vision and Jesus is walking on this garbage and and he put his hand out and he when he touched you your belly went flat because everybody's got big bellies from malnutrition and starvation and they're in shredded rags and I said it he touched you and when he touched you he gave you a beautiful garments and then he invited you to this beautiful feast where there's lots of food are you hungry he looked at me and he started to yell again and he said I'm always hungry I eat garbage in this dump I'm always hungry I said well he has food for you and then he looked at me like this he said and a bottle still in my neck but he's like huh you could bring him here I'll talk to him I said he's here he's looking around where'd you put him where is I said he lives inside of me then he's really confused he's like where I see lives inside of me and I've come here just to tell you that he really really loves you God really really loves you and he really cares about you and you're beautiful and I want to say thank you for teaching me more of your dialect can I come back here and he said yeah you can bring that Jesus with you and by the end of our conversation I say would you like to live for him would you like to welcome him he really really loves you would you like to welcome him into your heart and and together the two of us I'll never forget that day it's my sweet spot these are my sweet spot places the two of us knelt down and we were on top of maggots and garbage and I just felt like I was in the greatest palace that I've ever been in is this beautiful man who became my friends because I spent eight years on that dump just tears running down his face and he was the first one to meet beautiful Jesus in that dump and I got to marry him to his bride yes thank you cheese [Music] just love looks like something in the story when that dying man was picked up by the Samaritan what did he have in his hands and I want to ask you guys if if you're okay to come back we I don't know I don't know we do things all different ways but tonight I just I just want to pray God sovereignly just crashes in on you during this this time cuz I know where to go and I know what to do it's you it's you it's you it's you and what did this Samaritan this is where I want you guys to start pressing in are you hungry do you want to just get rekt look what time it is you can get rekt we can probably be here for another 15-20 minutes I don't know do you want to get rekt what did the guy the Samaritan have in his hands do you know the story he had oil and wine he had oil and wine what do you get in the secret place what do you get as you just walk in the embrace of God what do you get what do you get oil and wine in order to carry radical compassion out to a broken world radical compassion out to a broken communities of faith that are divided and pushed to the right and to the left in order to carry radical love we need to be healed our hearts have to be healed by the love of God tonight maybe you feel like the dying man or the dying woman on the road God Himself is gonna stop for you and tonight we're just gonna do something so free if you if you're full of demons don't touch anyone just ask someone to pray for you but everybody else everybody else you ask the Lord right now are you receiving oil and wine are you pouring out oil and wine Christ in you the hope of glory the love of God flowing out for you we're gonna press in [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reunion
Views: 26,489
Rating: 4.1736746 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 51sec (5331 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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