"Courage and Patience" - Heidi Baker

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just pouring out to Muslim Veeck and the kids and schweiber what an amazing gift that whole village is coming to Jesus can I come down here now cuz cuz I just um I have a funny quick this is the quickest I can ever share this but Jesus just go for it sakharova go for it in me and through me Lord I thank you Jesus that you want to these precious people to catch the wind of your spirit I thank you God that you're going to blow on them and they're going to catch your wind and they're going to go where you call them to go I thank you show for the wind of your spirit in this place I ask you Holy Spirit yeah just put your hands up again if it's okay shake it off I just say Lord let me catch the wind today let me catch the wind of your spirit open my ears open my heart and let me catch the wind I positioned myself for a move of your spirit hallelujah haha okay okay I have a very quick message from Colossians it has to do about courage and patience for this reason since the day we heard about you Colossians 1:9 this is Paul speaking we've not stopped praying for you asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will shei hmm do you want that the knowledge of his will with all spiritual wisdom and understanding I pray this in order that you would live a life worthy of the Lord and you may please him in every way bearing fruit in every good work how do we bear fruit connected to Jesus you can't bear any fruit unless you're totally connected to Jesus every cell every thought every motive every action totally in unity and union with Jesus he says hey when you're connected with him fruit happens shakin ABBA so Paul's saying come on bear fruit that fruit comes as you're connected with Jesus and then every good work flows out of that place growing in the knowledge of God being strengthened with power shaker Abba according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience and joyfully give thanks to the Father listen to this who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the Saints in the kingdom of light so I was at my staff meeting they know it you all know these guys know we were in there what do we do we're worshipping God right we're worshipping God like you'll would do in your staff time and I noticed that our team was dry has that ever happened to anywhere else they were just dry I'm looking at him I'm feeling like they're dry felt like I was you know trying so hard and people are just looking at me like you know we do live in crazy situations where there are famines and floods and and shootings and difficulty and no electricity and no water and it's hot and there's malaria and there's cholera in theirs ah you know sometimes you get tired do you ever get tired yeah just once in a while not very often their missionaries they're totally awesome they're going with them to the next meeting so don't chase us sha Caramba just stay in the presence so this is what happened I was like all of us and I was speaking to myself too cuz being a missionary you know I want to be fully filled with oil all the time I want to be dripping with oil dripping with intimacy just like but sometimes I'm like ah is it it's a difference you know I don't want to be too you know let's help the day finishes before midnight you know I want to be full of oil I want to be dripping with the presence of God why else would we do what we do you know I want people to come into a to a home that's functioning not to a dysfunctional home yeah it's so good so shake about so I just love family I'm like hug everybody so so I said we need to get in the river immersed in the presence in the glory and they're all like yeah we do it's true okay and then we got on our boat our little boat and we went out to go reach this unreached people group well we'd been there before so a few of them were reached but we went out and it was a terrible day it was a stormy crazy day have you ever been in a stormy day crazy day hard situation that was us we were in a crazy situation listen to this that you would bear fruit in every good work growing in the knowledge of God being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so you would have great endurance and patience joyfully giving thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the Saints in the kingdom of light well I love the part about being qualified I love the part about being strengthened with power I love the part about the joy I love all of that I love the part where I'm just giving myself a life worthy connected to Jesus but this little bit in between about the great endurance and the patience yikes what is that uh supposed to be what kind of how much endurance Oh yikes how much endurance and patience am I supposed to have at that time my husband was so sick he couldn't tie his own shoes he couldn't put on flip-flops he couldn't take a shower he couldn't eat by himself it was a little bit of a patience and endurance time I still took him with me in fact I stuck him in the boat he didn't even know I just put him in their head and know as long as you fed him some chocolate he would be okay and uh so I just put my husband in the boat he didn't know where he was big storm crazy storm he didn't even notice the storm he was just gone he had cerebral malaria many strokes he was completely had post-traumatic stress he was gone he was just gone so I was like I'm feeling the endurance and patience I'm feeling the need for more oil I'm feeling the need for a deeper presence for our whole team and I didn't expect it to come the way it came you know you love when God does stuff right but you don't always like the way it happens sometimes the way it happens is confusing I go out to the bush I'd lay my hands on deaf ears BAM they hear blind eyes BAM they see I come home my husband's drooling it's true it is funny I mean Tony took care of him he didn't know when you came her win did he just like long as you just fed him it was good he was a saint he watched him for years he watched took care of him amazing love crazy love that's what the body of Christ looks like it's great let's all love each other as long as we're doing good you know ah the anointings on you yes I love you soon as your like Oh pennilyn they run but not the true body to body cares when you're sick when you're weak when you're hurting when things are confusing they come they don't say Ichabod Ichabod they come in love and they pour in and they care so there we were and we're on this boat and it was crazy and Rollins there and I mean I I was thinking how am I going to take care of him in this storm I remember it and the waves were crashing and everything was flying in this little boat we had and nobody was enjoying themselves at all and then we got to the to where we were going to reach these unreached people are the very little reached people we got there and we got in this dingy and it filled up with water and we were sopping wet and and it was miserable and then the next load had to go and the next load I got a call and I had to climb up on top of an anthill an anthill in my country's very big it's about like this so I'm climbing up on top of this anthill and I'm just trying to get a signal it's a very funny scene the wind's blowing everything I see these waves I'm sobbing wet you know praise Jesus going to preach the gospel gospel Christ Jesus I'm stopping wet I my husband's super sick i I'm not having a lot of fun but I'm there to preach the gospel I'm still going to preach the gospel because what did it take to get there a lot it took me it would take me two days to tell you what it took to get there Shekar Abba everyone told me I couldn't get a boat can't have a boat can't have a boat can't have a boat Chaka Baba I can't have a boat shakin ABBA cuz I want to reach the Lost so there I am listening and then the captain says we're sinking I said no no we can't be sinking he said but we are sinking I said no please we're not sinking he said yes we are we're sinking I said just tell me we're not sinking he said I can't tell you we're not sinking cuz we're sinking the engines are underwater we're sinking we're going down we're going down I said do not go don't go down don't go down he said we're sinking ciaochao he called he didn't this captain didn't really have a gift so he shot the floor Flair sideways sweet Jesus you're not supposed to do that supposed to put it up flair goes up that's where it goes up that means help he sounded sideways sometimes you know we shoot flare sideways when we need to shoot him up God God God God Jesus Jesus Jesus don't shoot him out where they could hurt people shoot him up shaken Abba needs to be flares going up shake out about when you're in trouble go up up up goes that way shotgun not that way that way shaken ABBA so this drunken captain showed up and he was angry and he was a cussing sailor oh for sure but I didn't want to get in his boat because I just got into my little village there that I loved and they built me a little house they said now you can live here forever I said oh oh sweet sweet sweet it was a little mud hut and I was like that is so nice and then I'm thinking my husband's in that boat that's sinking uh-oh he doesn't know where he is or anything what do I do and then this other missionaries husband was in there and then sweet Antoinette was in there all these people I love were in that boat that was sinking so they got into the drunken sailors boat and off they went back to pemba meanwhile I didn't get to go because the drunken sailors boat was full and I'm stubborn both I mean her heeled so I'm tenacious not stubborn I'm an inner heel tenacious I'm not type-a driven I'm motivated so there I was and I'm in this boat and I'm like I'm not in the boat my husband and friends are in the boat and I'm just in my hut I preaching the gospel I had a friend saying how could you be preaching the gospel when the boats going down I said well well what else should I do sit in a corner and cry I can't fix the boat but I can preach the gospel I can preach the gospel that's what I'm called to do so I'm preaching the gospel that precious lady was upset she got in the boat with a drunken captain anyway everybody has to do what they need to do so I went finally after preaching and preaching and preaching unlike today I'm not going to preach for hours but I could if you let me I I was preaching and I gave every sermon I knew plus my pastors with me Joe say he preached every sermon he knew and then and then DLO preached every sermon he knew and Mario didn't care about anybody or anything and did preach it all he's not a happy man I where preaching and then we go to sleep in this mud hut one one room for me one room for the for the brothers and I'm in there I'm trying to sleep this is all about patience and endurance and catching the wind I'm trying to sleep I'm sleeping there's no electricity of course there's no water so there's no problema you know with you know having to get ready you just lie down and pray please God let it be over soon so I'm just lying down there praying and asking God knock me out please it's hot it's like 120 no fan but I'm in a hut they made me I'm feeling the joy I am I'm feeling the joy and then suddenly in the middle of the dark dark darkest of night I hear wow I was like oh sweet Jesus what happened here they're screaming at the top of their lungs Joe saying D Lou and Mario screaming fire ants fire ants fire ants and they're running outside and they're running out in the pitch dark and I'm running out bouncing off the mud hut wall okay fire ants and we had just been you know where Paul when he got shipwrecked remember where he he had a little fire with the people from the village do you remember that and then the snake came out and bit his hand well when we got shipwrecked after we preached we're still wet so the villagers made a fire for us and I said now Jesus I do not want a snake to come out of here and bite my hand we have lots of snakes right we got lots of state we know snake we chop their heads off I didn't want to have to do that I was tired I didn't want to have to chop a snake's head up I could I would but I was saying now Jesus I've been shipwrecked now I got to check that box but could we just you know tell the snake to stay away tonight and we just go to sleep and I forgot to bind this fire ants forgot it I forgot all about the fire ants so they came out they bit and they hurt I mean they sting like well so you've been bitten by them in our everybody want to come to Mozambique yes shaaka rob so they're screaming and finally a couple hours later we get back in and everybody's like alright boa noite all night 190 you know rupa sana dormir to bang sleep well really uh-huh I think we sit as we all put our heads down the villagers came so excited to dedicate this new church that we had built that they had built so excited the had not crowed it was not daylight we've just been shipwrecked and then the fire ants got us and now the villagers want us to come and dedicate the church about 4:00 in the morning and I'm saying thank you Jesus I love you Jesus I love these people I love this place I love you Jesus I love your Jesus so much and they said come on out here and and dedicate the church the sun's gonna come up price God trying to bless the church you know we hadn't slept probably at all maybe one hour at the best if we exaggerate that was it and we're praying over the church we're preaching again God gave us some more messages we preach we preach we preach and then we realized oh we don't have a boat to get home we are literally stuck on this island and I had to go preach at Oxford University the next day I was supposed to preach love Oxford this big event really cool I was excited about it my pastor was having a baby not the man but the wife and they'd waited 10 years for this baby he wanted to see the baby my son was just starving he's always hungry he's like mom I'm hungry I'm hungry mungry the other guy Mario you didn't care about anything so I'm thinking to sweet Jesus what do we do we have no way home quickest story you've ever heard this story oh you've never heard this story maybe you have Pamela's heard it this the quickest you've ever heard this is what happened I just said after we preached and preached and preached and felt oh god you know we're into this endurance and patience just let it in now let it in now let it in now sweet Jesus let it in now we got to get back to the other side and so we get in this boat a local boat made out of one piece of wood we got in there it was rocky because there was still a massive storm rocking it's like oh Jesus help Jesus help so he got onto our boat where the engines were under the water and every all the electronics were fried and we sat there and prayed for the drunken captain to return he didn't he never came he never came it's getting later and later it's about to get dark the man never came he was angry and he never returned we have no cell phones now they're all dead everything's fried nothing nothing nothing yes Jesus we love preaching the gospel to the unreached people groups it's so wonderful sweet Lord we love you so much you're worthy worthy worthy now we're tired tired tired oh we need you to help help help we don't even have a flair Hey help aah we're calling out to you and finally I being the person that I am I said all of you brothers let's just get in the Diggy let's have faith in God they looked at me faith in God you want us to get in the dinghy that leaks I said yes let's just have faith in God we can get to the other side let's just pray shut up I wanna shut that i'ma get in the boat come on guys get in the boat they put on their life jackets we get water bottles cuz we have had revelation waters good we sit in this boat and I'm like come on let's just go to the other side and Jesus name Jesus name in Jesus name you ever do that in Jesus name in Jesus name and we keep saying in Jesus name as the water gets higher and higher and higher and higher over our knees higher higher up to our thighs in Jesus name finally my brother's looking at me like we're sinking we're sinking do you know we're sinking I said I know I know we need help highway Shakur Alba Honda Hyundai let's all pray Chikara by Honda Robuchon that about Sunday we're praying oh god oh god oh god and right then as we're crying out to God this fishing boat the ugliest boat in the entire world that I've ever seen in my life most ugly boat rescues us is full of poop everywhere bird poop it is bird poop boat ugly ugly ugly ugly it's not nice and I said to the man how much is it gonna cost he told me this ridiculous enormous amount of money I mean more money than you could imagine I said no no no VOC Pagar ma Lucas vai Vai Vai novo pakka I'm not paying you it's crazy I'm not paying so he took off oh yeah yeah yeah you you all want to praise Jesus you're in the middle of the ocean with big waves and you don't want to pay the price some of us don't want to pay the price whatever it costs to reach souls to get to the other side we're fussy about the price how much is it gonna cost what's it gonna take I'm not paying bah blah blah blah well you start thinking a little bit differently when your brothers are looking at you saying you are crazy now we're praying you left you told the boat to go why are you thinking do you see how much water's in them and they're just like shake our behind out of uh shunned I give her a brain give her a brain give her a brain give her a brain give her a brain Lord they're crying out to God except for Mario and then so we take our whistles and we say never mind let's just pay whatever it costs we're blowin trick you have you know life jackets have whistles we're blowing come on come back come back come back he turns around he's grinning Hey I knew I could get you we jump in his boat he takes the engine cord just this is a crazy story he takes it like this what we go off about from this where Pamela's sitting to about where you are you to you with the beard yes we got to about where you are maybe a little further back boy where you are and as an engine exploded BAM oh that was kind of funny seriously patience and endurance we want to get filled with holy spirit we want to be full of God we want to reach the unreached people groups we want to love like Jesus hallelujah and the boats exploded there and his smokes coming up he said I never had a problem with my engine ever I said I know brother sweet man it's us it's not you it's us don't worry about it I'm sorry about your engine it's us you know do you have any ores though he said of course I don't have ores I never had a problem with my engine why would I or is I don't have a horse so we're about to crash into this big rock big black rock so now my brothers are getting nervous so am i and we're laughing crying praying in the spirit screaming out to God shaken up Joe say cannot swim it is a situation that is challenging patience and endurance with joy because we have been called to do our inheritance yes to carry the kingdom of light I'm thinking Jesus am I going to die today I mean I was used to want to die now I don't so are we going down now because I'm not sure it's convenient right today because I need to get to Oxford Josie needs to see his baby and DLO needs to eat and Mario needs to care about something Jesus please God I'm praying there and I mean we are we are in big big big big big trouble so I'm crying out to God with my brothers just everything with it you know when you pray intercession you know what talks about in the Bible great and sure about Sunday shut up we were groaning laughing groaning crying groaning we were about to die that man wakes you up you start waking up you know when you're about to die you wake up people wake we just got our attention so finally this boats coming in the distance we saw it we were so excited we got so excited we could hardly stand this other guy was excited too because he's going to die as well I mean we were all excited that his boats coming off in the distance and it comes in and we're whistling and waving it's one boat long boat with and it's coming towards us it's not a boat with an engine it's boat with a no engine and it's coming coming we are watching it and it comes closer and closer I'm so excited I'm so thrilled finally we're going to be rescued oh thank you Jesus we are going to be so full of your spirit and so grateful we're going to be rescued we're going to get to Oxford we're going to get to see Josie's baby we're going to get to eat and Joe and Mario is going to start caring about something one day and we're so excited and then they show up in their six naked fishermen my rescuers seriously I don't all thank you Jesus oh sit there like seriously so I'm gone I said how much is it gonna cost to get to the other side the fishermen answer nothing you're crazy what are you doing in the middle of the ocean we wouldn't charge you and then one of the fishermen jumps off the boat I like what's he doing jumping off the boat in the middle of a crazy storm with huge waves what's he doing and that naked fisherman's he's swimming very fast and he gets to the other side where the the island is and he comes back no joke I've been I've been put in palaces I've been taken by helicopters and private jets I have been honored in many ways but I've never been honored like I was honored that day that man went to the other side in the craziest waves you could imagine and he went and got shorts yes he did he braved himself through that ocean they didn't expect a little white woman bobbing up and down the middle ocean but they weren't dressed for me they went back got these shorts and I was so grateful I just think Jesus thank you Jesus you're so nice they could Jesus and these men put on these shorts I was undone by it I said that is honor that is honor and love and mercy you know thank you Jesus so they said okay you know get in the boat so we jump in and joseph falls in the ocean he was screaming but we drug him back out and stuck him in the boat and his he doesn't like boats at all now he does not like them he's always says he has malaria or something whenever we're going on the book I'm sick my life six somebody's sick we're all sick just don't make me go on the boat I love Jesus don't make me go on a boat so we put our heads down and as suddenly I see all these fish and the Lord said is zekiel 47 fish of all kinds I need you to be immersed in my presence I want you to be immersed this is the place in total dependence on me that you will see the catch that you will see the fish that you will see the harvest this is Ezekiel 47 I'm like you could have just told me I would have listened now it's very bad because we're too big for the boat too many of us four of us six of them problema there we go sinking sinking sinking can you believe it sinking how many boats did you count 1 2 3 4 5 we're now sinking sinking this is not good we are now screaming again in tongues these fishermen aren't saved they never heard the gospel they never heard tongues we didn't care shaken over hotter than Jesus and as suddenly I hear ho ho ho ho I'm thinking that sounds like Toronto I'm hearing a ho sound as I hear a whole sound this sail goes up and as soon as the sail goes up as we are about to go under the sail goes up and we catch the wind now I want you to stand with me please because the Lord has something today for you as you worship as you position yourself God wants you to catch the wind this is what happened when the winds caught the sail we were saved we were saved we came up right and we were saved from total total crazy situation where we would have died in the middle of the ocean in a big storm we were saved because of the wind Holy Spirit wants to fill you Holy Spirit is looking for lovers who will position themselves to catch the wind of the Spirit when the wind of the spirit caught us show we were blown by the wind to the other side one last thing in this story I had been approached by this group that gives away free Bibles and I could have been offended because they said they would not give free Bibles to a woman and they said we will not give any of these Bibles to you we'll only give them to men and the Lord said to me just get the men so instead of being offended I got the men and I said all you men all you men be blessed these are free Bibles we were given 30,000 New Testaments and once the men blessed them then the women some women could have them and I happen to have one in my little pack that I had on had I been offended had I said but I'm not taking these Bibles from people who say a woman can't touch him if I had had a bad attitude I wouldn't have had that New Testament in my backpack but because I said I don't care who gets them I don't care what they say I just go lower still my ideas if God can use a donkey he can use me so I didn't fuss I just brought all the men forward and they took 30,000 New Testaments I had one in my backpack so I started reading it to those fishermen in the middle of the ocean as we're going by the best sons that I've ever seen in my whole life as we're sailing to the other side I'm reading them John 3:16 in this beautiful Bible that's a gift from these these organizations that give free Bibles and I'm reading it all six fishermen received Jesus as their Lord and Savior hallelujah we got to the other side and a long long long story short we hitchhiked until a truck got us not the banded truck a different one and we got to the village of joy and the Lord said this is your destination to be fully filled with joy to be carriers of my glory to carry the gospel no matter what it costs you to be full of kindness to be full of intimacy be full of good works to be full God has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light he's rescued us from the Dominion of darkness he's brought us into the kingdom of the son he loves in whom we have Redemption the forgiveness of sins God was pleased to have all the fullness dwell in him and through him to reconcile to himself all things whether on earth or things in heaven by making peace through his blood shed on the claw on the cross after we got to the village of joy the children ran down crying and shaking and crying they say we thought you were dead no one heard from you we thought you were all perished we thought you're all dead and the joy unspeakable and full of glory came and the next day I flew to Oxford and preached in the rain and thousands of people gave their hearts and their lives and their destinies to Jesus shake out Abba and they somehow didn't care about the rain I want to pray right now and I want you to I'm going to have pastor Jeff come but I want you also if you want to position yourself to catch the wind of the Spirit you just come kneel on this altar and lift your hands to the Lord I feel like Holy Spirit wants to blow on this congregation blow upon the people in this Faye's he wants to get you to the other side he wants to position you for for the move of his spirit he wants to position you to be fully immersed in the glory of his love to bring in the harvest the fish of many kinds he wants to take you to the village of joy he wants you to know the love that he has josei saw his baby being born DLO 8 and we're still praying for Mario come on lift your hands and as you worship and as you press in and as Jeff shares what God's put it on his heart God's just the wind the wind the wind the winds gonna blow the winds gonna blow you who thought it's too late you feel like you're gonna sink you who haven't seen every promise fulfilled God himself by the power of Holy Spirit is blowing on you blowing on you blowing on you blowing on you filling you with this power and his glory you will get to the other side you
Channel: Grace Center
Views: 113,279
Rating: 4.765348 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor
Id: tQhQHWoNkA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 9sec (2229 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 08 2014
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