Fusion 360 Live - Organic Meshes in Fusion 360

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hello everyone and welcome to another fusion 360 live stream my name is brad tallis from autodesk and uh on the keyboards today i have my friend angelo um what we're gonna be doing today is something a little bit different a little bit more fun um my wife had this this glass vase and i thought how could i make it look more interesting and so i actually did this vase and i'm going to show how you can go about creating some interesting what i would call organic shapes using some tips and tricks with fusion 360. now this is based off of a video i actually saw from this k 18 i hope i'm pronouncing that correctly where he just did it with a sphere so i'm going to take it to the next level so i'm going to show how i went about for example creating this vase and then creating some more of the organic looking shapes so let's dive in so i'm going to start with a new session now in this example i started with um the glass vase and i actually modeled this up i'll walk through here it's it's kind of an interesting shape so you can kind of see the solid glass there's like this little air bubble down here so i actually physically modeled all that um you know here is the sketch that i used okay and just kind of created that weird shape and then of course i just did a revolve swept that around revolved it around added in a fillet on the bottom and a fillet on the top or a chamfer on the top and then finally a fillet on the inside and that's how i created this vase so if you wanted to do something similar to this you can now it looks kind of wire frame and the only reason for that is because i added a glass appearance to it so i'm going to start with this particular shape and then create that organic shape around it so the simplest shape is a cylinder so i'm going to come in here and say create cylinder now these are primitives and actually you know what i'm going to back up i just thought of something i'm going to show you what the end result we're kind of aiming toward and kind of the technology behind it and then i'll start in so let me just start with something simple like this now we're going to end up using a really cool command called the pipe command and i'm just going to create a couple weird little lines here something kind of like this and i wanted to show you the power of the pipe command so here's here's my my sketch i could even if i wanted to move um that point up so it's on a different plane like so and then i'm going to go into the mesh i'm sorry the form workspace and in here i lied let me let me do it this way i'm going to stop capturing my design history let me do form oops create pipe okay so in fact you'll notice the preview or the image kind of shows what it's going to do it's going to connect some curves into like a pipe so i'm going to go ahead and say pipe it's asking for my path so i'm going to go ahead and select all three of these and you'll notice i get this weird kind of blocky looking shape here okay let's go ahead and make this a little bit larger i'll say one in this case and again you can kind of see what this looks like now i'm actually in my form menu this is kind of the t splines this is where you kind of tug and pull and make organic looking shapes and this is where we're going to end up you'll notice i can display either box display or smooth display when i click on smooth display i get this really cool intersection right here okay i'm going to go ahead and jump over to my segments and you'll notice i can do more segments like so and it kind of adds more detail in there but you kind of notice it starts to tuck in a little bit well if i drag to fewer notice what happens it creates these really nice smooth transitions let me crank that up a little bit more so you can kind of see it's adding more density to it if i drag this down i get this really nice looking trans um transition between all three of those so you can almost think of this maybe like a bike frame or a race car frame a roll bar or whatever it might be you can quickly and easily do it with just a couple lines and let the pipe command do the rest so this is where we're headed so let me back up here let's go back to the the vase so instead of me drawing just a couple lines we're actually going to use geometry to create those lines so i'm going to start with the cylinder primitive i'll put it on the the bottom plane here and you can see i'm going to start to draw a cylinder here now i want to give it enough clearance that when i add some thickness to it the vase would still fit down inside the um the 3d print so you can kind of see it and that's actually very and it barely fits in there so that works pretty good so you can kind of see this is this is the end product um and then here's that that weird air bubble i was telling you about and the fillet and all kind of stuff with this vase okay let me jump back so i'm gonna make this um let's just do maybe like 2.7 in this case looks pretty good and then i'm going to drag this up so i'm going to start to drag up now why is it red well because it's intersecting an existing model fusion assumes that you want to use this profile to cut away the vase but obviously we don't want to do that we want to create a new body okay um and then for the height oh i'm let's just do maybe like seven and a half in this case i'll say okay and i'm gonna expand open my bodies folder now i'm gonna rename this guy we'll call it glass base okay this you're going to see a bunch of bodies appear in here as we go through all these different processes but basically one builds on top of the other which builds on top of the other et cetera so this will get fairly lengthy but you'll see it's going to give us a final result at the end so i don't need the glass vase anymore and to add some character i don't know if you if you saw this i angled the the top of it instead of just having it straight across i thought i'll give it a little bit of character so i put an angle on there so let's do the same thing with this guy so i'm just going to click the top face and say move now i'll just look at it kind of from the front and you'll see i can rotate i can move this face up and down but i can also rotate this face you can kind of see how it's just rotating now the pivot's slightly off center in this case it doesn't really matter in this example but i could move that that pivot if i wanted to so you can kind of see how i could snap it to the center say done and then rotate it so it's rotating right around the center if i wanted to so let's just do maybe a 35 degrees in this case so i'll say okay and i've just moved that face now many different ways to create this i could have drawn another sketch drawn a line extruded subtracted that away but i think the move command is wake faster and i can come back into my timeline and make changes to that if i needed to to change the angle if i wanted to okay so we have our basic shape in fact if i turn the glass vase on you can kind of see how tall that's going to be comparative to the vase okay so now what i need to do a lot of the stuff um we're going to be doing next um i don't want to be capturing design history so i'm going to do a quick fill it on the bottom let's just do 0.1 just to give it a little bit of a shadowed edge on the bottom but then i'm going to right click on the glass base up here and say do not capture design history now why am i doing this well notice across the top are different tabs we've got solid surface sheet metal and tools but we don't see one that says like mesh i want to be able to edit a mesh and to do that that's only available in the direct modeling side of things so you'll notice when i turn off my timeline i'm going to lose my design history i'll say continue but now we see surfacing form mesh etc so these didn't show up until i turned off my timeline or turned off capturing design history so that's one thing you have to remember with this methodology okay so now what we're going to do um is i want to change this into a mesh because with the mesh we can you know remesh reduce we can do a lot of different things with it so i'm going to right click on body 2 and you'll see there's a command called b rep to mesh so whenever you're modeling something in fusion um it's called a beaver app so uh when you do like a sphere when you do an extrude or whatever it's a watertight model um it's called a boundary representation so b rep is the shortcut so what we're going to be doing here is we're going to be converting that water type model into like a mesh which you can almost think of as like paper thin and you'll see this as we as we go through so i'm going to right mouse click on this guy and say b rep to mesh and watch what happens to my bodies over here okay well as soon as i say okay you'll see it but you'll notice it's breaking down that cylinder into a whole bunch of triangular or tessellated faces okay so that's the easiest way to do a curved surface and so that's why you see all these little triangles now we don't want it to be this complicated so over here by default it might not be preview mesh might not be checked so you would want to go ahead and say preview mesh and it kind of shows you what it's going to do and then it tells me how many triangles so in this case about 3 000 triangles what i'm going to do here is i'm going to change the surface deviation so watch what happens as i start to drag this to the right you can see it's still trying to keep making triangles for to do the severe i'm sorry the cylindrical surface but it's using less of them so the the farther i go the less triangles we have okay so in this example i don't want it to be overly complicated because then everything would kind of overlap each other so i'm going to drag this all the way to the right as far as i can and then i also have this maximum edge length so you can actually change this guy so notice as i drag it down it's saying the maximum edge length can only be about 0.6 inches in length well i could crank that up and it's going to basically remove even more and more detail so you can kind of see as i keep going i'm saying seven right for example and so we we've lost quite a bit of the vertical detail i've found around two is pretty good especially if you're gonna like 3d print this or something like that but again go ahead and play around with the surface deviation and your maximum edge length so this looks pretty good i'll go ahead and say okay and you'll notice my object looks a little bit different now we kind of see these weird shadow things and that's because it's actually broken down into triangles are kind of defining the surface of this model so instead of a perfect curve these are actually straight line segments so there's a straight line segment there a straight line segment there etc but there's enough of them to make it still look like a cylinder in fact this is actually a pretty good view kind of from the top you can kind of see those line segments okay so that was converting it to um a b rep to mesh okay then i'm going to if if i were in the solid tab i would make sure i'm in my mesh tab okay and this gives us even more options so for example i can remesh and i can reduce so i'm going to come in here and say remesh and this is what's going to give us kind of this organic looking style so i'm going to come in here and say remesh and now notice we actually have three bodies in here and one of them looks like instead of a solid cylinder it kind of looks like some you know a bunch of little faces so this is the icon for a mesh so what is the mesh faces or body so you'll notice if i hover over it it allows me to pick individual faces which obviously would take forever so i'm going to come over here and just click on the mesh body it selects the whole thing okay then i'm going to click on preview and notice what happens okay i get this weird looking blob but notice the triangles look different so instead of being all even and perfect they're kind of you know a little bit more organic but obviously it's kind of destroying my model more than i wanted it to okay so let me just kind of go through this remesh menu you'll notice it says meshing type is adaptive so what adaptive is doing is on curved surfaces it's basically trying to keep enough triangles to define the shape but where there was you know more like flat areas like this top and the bottom it's going to use less triangles so you can kind of see it's a little bit harder to see there's quite a few triangles here but they're a little bit farther spaced up here so that's what adaptive does if i say uniform you'll notice that all of the triangles are the exact same size or pretty close to the very exact same size i've had better luck with the organic doing the adaptive because the 3d model kind of defines the shape of it so i like adaptive okay then you have this density which i could crank down and you're going to see it's going to really sort of destroy the shape of that let me crank that up a little bit and there you can see by adding more triangles it's defining a little bit better that edge right so obviously the more triangles you have the more your shape is going to look like the original i'm going to set that back to 1 which is what the default was okay then we have shape preservation so you know it's going to basically this is almost like a random number generator or whatever it's basically trying to keep as much of the shape as it can as i drag that up so it's still using the adaptive you can kind of see i'm starting to get a little bit better shape up there but i'm still getting some weird stuff on the on the back i'm gonna leave that at point five so pretty much i'm gonna leave everything default but i'm gonna turn on this preserve sharp edges and notice what that does it recognized that angled face had a sharp edge so instead of trying to round these off it's going to preserve those sharp edges okay so that's a really powerful option if you turn it off you can kind of see it's just trying to make the shape look as close as it can but by preserving those sharp edges i get a much better result okay so let me do that one more time i'm going to come in here and say remesh what is the mesh i'm going to select that guy i'm going to leave it adaptive i'm going to leave it one i'm going to leave it .5 and i'm going to turn on preview and i'm going to turn on preserve sharp edges i'll say ok and i now have a mesh body still made out of a whole bunch of triangles that kind of look like this so the next step is the reduce because there's way too many triangles and they're all like straight lines and stuff this would look kind of boring honestly to 3d print so i'm going to come in here and say reduce and it looks pretty similar so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to turn on the preview so we can kind of visually see what's going to happen here i'll go ahead and select my mesh body again hopefully let me do there we go i'll click on that guy i'll click on preview and notice what i get and it's kind of hard to see with the blue but what we're doing is we're changing the density so it's taking all of those triangles and now we're reducing the density or the face count or the tolerance so right now it's density if i went to face count you can see we can say you know i want it to be 400 faces and you can see how it added these extra lines in here but if i were to drag this from 400 down to about 200 you're to see it removes a lot of that and now we're down to about 200 faces all the way around i can also say density and it's pretty much the same thing so if i drag this higher we're going to have a lot more lines okay but again a lot closer together you might run into issues of it overlapping and stuff like that so in my playing around i found about .15 is pretty good for stuff like vases etc so i'm gonna type in .15 and you see we get some cool looking lines here this will look actually pretty neat i'm thinking it's these big triangles you can kind of see these big triangles etc okay i'll go ahead and again i'll leave it adaptive i could say uniform but then you're going to get a weird result right where it's trying to keep all the faces and edges uniform but in this case we want it to be adaptive and you can already see the kind of the organic stuff going on here okay so there is our reduced and our remeshed cylinder and even the fillet at the bottom you can kind of see how it's you know created these little triangles to try and create that little blend on the bottom that little fillet on the bottom okay so the next thing i want to do is i want to convert this back to a b wrap so i'm going to right click on mesh body and there's an option in here called mesh to be wrap and the reason for that is when we go to use that pipe command in the form it needs um like b rep edges kind of like what i drew with my sketch those were you know basically b rep edges or lines so that's what we need to do with this guy so i'm going to right click and say mesh to be rep pretty simple what's the mesh body i already had it selected operation it's going to say new body watch what happens it turns my mesh off and it created a new body and now you can see those lines are very defined and black and stuff like that so you can really kind of see that this is a solid body where this is a paper thin body this is an actual solid in fact if i were to um section analysis let's just i'll just click on a face and slice through we can see that that's an actual solid watertight body okay so that was mesh to be wrap so now i can start coming in and using this model we're going to use the pipe command now i started really simple with just three lines now we have a bunch of lines and if i draw a selection box around this you'll notice it selects not only uh edges it selects all the faces it selects the whole body well the pipe command requires edges only okay basically a path is what it's looking for so i only want to select these edges and that would take quite some time for me to select all those so here's a neat tip i'm going to go to the select menu and i'm going to go to selection priority and you can kind of see the priority so it's going to if i drew a selection box around the whole thing it's going to select it as a body first and then it would select all the faces and then it would select all the edges etc okay so i'm going to instead force it to only select edges i'm going to say this is the priority so i'm going to click on that guy and watch what happens now when i draw a box around you'll notice it only selected the edges so that's a cool little tip now with that said be careful because if i go to my selection filters you'll notice what it basically did is it turned everything off and the only thing it's letting me select are body edges so you might go to do something you know three or four steps from now you go to select a face and it won't let you and that's because it is only letting you select body edges so um just be aware of that now and you'll see that here in just a moment okay so i drew a box around the whole thing it selected all of the edges but you'll notice it also selected the edges on the top and so it would actually create you know geometry that would block the top and not allow the vase to enter so i'm going to control click these lines here let me kind of rotate around so i can kind of see everything maybe zoom up a little bit so i'm going to unselect these lines from my selection and so now i can kind of see i don't have any of the edges along the top face selected i could also analyze and it's a little hard to do i could analyze my model and unselect any edges that i think might be too close together or something like that so for example i might come in and unselect that edge so i do have a little bit of control over you know which edges are actually going to be generated using that pipe command so i'll just unselect those guys then i'll come in here and say create pipe okay now we get this weird looking shape so what's happening here well it's basically creating a pipe using all of these paths but it looks like a big blob well the reason for that is the diameter of the pipe is huge right now it's one inch in diameter so let's go ahead and change that to maybe like point one and be patient because it's having to think on all of these um you know paths and stuff like that so it might take a few seconds for it to update but now you can see let me zoom up here you can kind of see what's going on okay smaller diameter but it's following all of those lines it's kind of hard to see but you kind of see this pipe right here is following this path right there and this pipe right here is following this path right here okay so i made the diameter smaller 0.1 in this case the next thing i'm going to do is you'll notice they kind of come to a point right here looks like they're kind of tapering down with like arrowhead type things i'm going to switch to smooth display and again this might take a few seconds for the display to update but watch what happens to these intersections when i switch to smooth display and there you go you can kind of see that bicycle frame pipe example i was giving you earlier so it's connecting all of these together in fact if we look at kind of yeah let's kind of look at something like this guy here so you can see it's a little hard to see with all the blue lines but it's bringing in multiple paths all to one point right here and it makes a nice looking patch basically okay so that's the smooth display the next thing i like to do is i like to go to segments and you'll notice all of these horizontal lines it's defining quite a few segments let's zoom back up here and the more segments you have that you know the tighter the curve and all kind of stuff so if i were to bring this down to fewer and it was already down there so i usually click up to kind of reset it so you can see um let me let me click up here yeah again you have to be a little bit patient as it's thinking uh and that's great uh wait for the program let's see just clicking too fast there we go okay so here is where it is um kind of between fewer and more so you're going to see it's going to generate a lot of lines then i'm going to bring this pretty far down so i'm going to click there and again i'm going to wait for a second and it should update and watch what happens especially in this area right here you're going to see a lot less divisions and again it's thinking i might have gone too far and it's going to create a smoother transition so you can kind of see a lot fewer transitions and we get these kind of nice curved sections and it's going to create that more organic looking shape okay so i usually crank the segments down into the viewer and i'll go ahead and say okay now you'll notice we have a couple more bodies in here we started with body two and now we've got three more after that so what we've done is we're working on this body four um it's a mesh and now it's thinking it's trying to complete you know saying is this a valid mesh it's doing all the calculations and now we have this image like you see right here well let's turn off body 3 and we can now see through the part because we used body 3 to give us all these edges right well by using those edges we were then able to create with the pipe command this organic looking vase and again notice at the top we don't have any lines going across so the vase would be able to slip down inside of there okay i know this is kind of confusing lots of steps to get to the final thing um so the next thing i'm going to show here is this is a t-spline body okay i can't 3d print this right now um it's it's not a valid body i want it to look like this body three like that little icon there so i'm going to right mouse click and say convert and notice the option t splines which is what this little icon is to b rep this is exactly what i want okay so i'm just going to go ahead and say okay now what it's going to do is it's going to analyze this and see if it's a valid t-spline and if it is it's going to convert it to a b rep now you'll notice i got an error message edges or faces may be crossing review in box mode well instead of box mode i'm just going to zoom up and you're going to see a bunch of these red areas that it's complaining about and this actually makes sense where all of these arms are coming together they're kind of overlapping they're kind of folding in on each other and stuff like that so fusion is unhappy unfortunately and it won't let me complete this it won't let me convert it from a t-spline to a solid body and to do that i would have to fix all of these areas and that would take forever and i would probably still not accomplish that just because of how organic this is and you can kind of see as i zoom up here you can almost see how like these are intersecting each other and that's what i want but mathematically fusion is not happy okay so this is where i spent a little bit of time figuring out how can we get this so i can actually physically 3d print this or resin print it or whatever and there's a really cool command called boundary fill it's underutilized i'm going to show you how this thing works so under the let me go back to my solid menu here under the create menu you'll see a command called boundary fill and what this allows you to do is to basically um use volumes to create a new volume and you can kind of see the example here they've got kind of like this wine glass thing stuck inside a block and you might say hey i want to fill that wine glass with the material from that block almost like you're pouring water into that wine glass um so instead of doing a revolve you're just using a big block and saying keep what's inside the wine glass from that block and that's kind of what the image is showing there i know it's a little bit confusing um but it's basically replacing that that cube um it's using that in front that information from that cube to fill in the wine glass and so we're going to do the exact same thing i want to use the information from this form this t-spline form and i want it to be a solid model so i'm going to start with a solid model so i'm going to come in here and say create a cylinder i'll put it on that bottom plane and i'm just going to draw it larger and taller than it needs to be okay so it's encompassing the whole organic looking vase i don't care about the diameter or the size or anything like that and you'll see i now have another body now i do want to make sure it encompasses the whole thing so i'm going to move this guy down just a little bit okay so now this body is fully inside the uh the cylinder okay then i'll go to boundary fill and watch what happens so i'm going to start by clicking on body four and when i click on that you're gonna see a little box appear on the screen right here and this is what we call a cell okay and this is basically what allows you to select what do you want to keep and what do you want to get rid of or what do you want to use instead so i've selected the tool i'm also going to select the big cylinder and watch where the box appears for the big cylinder it appeared up here and you can kind of see it's pretty much in the center of that cylinder okay so i've selected both my tools i've selected the the organic vase and i've selected my cylinder then i'm going to come in here and say select cells and i want to keep the solid body which happens to be the cylinder so i'm going to click on that box right there then the operation i'm going to basically cut so we're going to cut the organic shape out of this cylinder and again this will make more sense as soon as i say okay so watch what happens over here i'm gonna go ahead and say okay and i now have two bodies displayed let's turn off the mesh and notice this guy we don't see all of the variations we don't see all those lines or whatever this is a solid body by using that boundary fill we were able to convert basically something that didn't work into something that does in fact if i were to section analysis this guy really quick let me uh click maybe this top face here and let's just slice down a little bit um i'll zoom up so you can kind of see what's going on we can see that oops too far that that is a solid body it's not hollow it's not paper thin or anything like that and as i drag this up we can kind of see how this almost like it's 3d printing you can kind of see how sure enough those are solid bodies okay let's go ahead and add an appearance to this guy and hit a for appearance so you can kind of see all my different appearances here let's just make it out of maybe metal in this case let's do gold i'm just going to drag gold onto there let's turn the glass vase back on we can see sure enough that fits inside of there maybe i want to see what this would look like in a render so i'm going to switch over to the rendering workspace and let me zoom out a little bit i've got a hdri image of like a bathroom or something so i could position this vase in the bathroom go ahead and hit render and we could kind of see what this thing would look like in reality even before we manufactured it for example so um and this hdri image is reflecting you know in that material and you can kind of see how the glass looks pretty realistic etc so you can simulate what this is going to look like even before you manufacture it okay so that's the basic idea like i said it's multiple steps to to get to where we wanted to get to but it allows us to create some cool shapes that would take forever i would think to model hopefully i'm rendering now so let me turn that off because it looked like it was uh making the video jumpy okay so let's take this one more level deep um i'm going to do the exact same thing and instead of a simple shape like a cylinder let's do more like a vase okay so yeah i just look over the chat empery consulting said boundary fill is a difficult tool to get your head around i agree i would practice with cubes and spheres and wine glasses and stuff like that before you're doing organic weird looking things just to see what boundary field does there's a lot of youtube videos out there that kind of show the power behind it but it is a very powerful tool and it can get you out of problematic areas for example maybe you get a model that you've imported in and it's so corrupt that you can't do anything with it you could potentially draw a big box around it do the boundary fill just like i showed and it might heal that geometry to where you could finally edit it or make changes to it so keep that in mind okay so i'm going to go a little bit faster this time we're going to do the exact same methodology but this time i'm going to create a more organic looking shape so i'm going to just do a spline of like a vase or something like that so let's just do something like this okay i want the bottom to be flat so i'm going to select this line right here on my spline and say make that horizontal and this is the tangency direction and weight so if i were to drag um oh and there it is i just got burned by what i was going to tell you earlier i'm trying to drag this handle and it's not letting me why is that well it's because we changed our selection priority and it's only allowing me to select body edges so i need to come back here say select all and now i can grab that and change the weight of it so you'll notice on any of these i can change the weight of this spline okay so we're gonna make that one be horizontal i might bring this guy up a little bit like so okay i do need this to be closed so i'll just draw a line straight up and straight across like so okay then i will use the revolve command create revolve what's the axis this is the axis i'll say okay now here's another tip i hope you guys know about this here's my vase i'm not overly happy with it so i'm going to turn on my sketches and or my sketch i can actually physically change by dragging my spline around like so and i get the instant preview of what this is going to look like so instead of having to go back to my sketch and make changes i'm able to just basically drag my spline around and get the shape that i want so that looks better i'm happier with that so cool little trick just by turning your sketch on okay i'm going to um switch to do not capture design history that way it'll give me my my mesh tools and all kind of stuff so we'll expand open bodies b rep to mesh and notice all of the triangles ton of them right so i'm going to crank this surface deviation all the way up still looks like a vase but much fewer triangles my preview is on so i can kind of see what that looks like same thing with my maximum edge length i mean obviously these are much shorter than two inches so i'll just leave that alone i'll say okay then i'll go into my mesh and we're gonna do that remesh and reduce so i'm going to say remesh that's my mesh body we're going to do adaptive let's turn the i'll turn this off so you can see what's going to happen here when i turn on preview you can kind of see how that destroyed the top but if i turn on preserve sharp edges it kind of keeps that looking nice i'll go ahead and say okay so we'll just leave that the same the way it is okay then i will do the reduce and this is kind of where the magic happens right so i'm going to turn on preview and we can see oops sorry about that we can see how it broke it down into a smaller density it has a lot less triangles i have my preview on so if i were to drag this up i could kind of see what this is going to look like and this is how you go about making you know much finer shapes and this is actually kind of confusing because it's actually hollow there's an inside wall and an outside wall and the inside wall has stuff on it and the outside wall has stuff on it so um i could i could show how to do that also but again i found like point around .15 is pretty good if you go too small you know 0.05 you're going to get you know it just basically destroys itself so just kind of mess with the numbers until you get something that looks pretty good so i'm going to say 0.15 i'll say okay we get that guy we convert that to a b rep so now we have the body that has the darker lines on it and all that kind of stuff so there's that body well let's jump to the form this is now where we're going to do the pipe but we need to select all the edges so once again i'm going to come in here and say edge priority i'll draw a box around the whole thing i'll unselect the edges that i don't want to have the pipe follow so i'll do something like that and again if i wanted to i could select any of these you know like for example let's let's make this so it's fairly open right there so i unselected those guys i'll say pipe and again depending on the complexity depends on how much time it takes for it to do a preview and all that kind of stuff so you can kind of see it's thinking for a minute it remembered my last diameter which was 0.1 and now you can see for example it didn't create these segments on those lines that i unselected so i'm going to leave it 0.1 i'll go ahead and go to smooth display it takes a minute for that to appear but you'll look at these intersections here and watch what that looks like in fact i'm going to zoom up on it once it's finished generating so there we go okay then i'm going to go to my segments and this is that thing i was telling you about it kind of remembers fewer but you'll notice there's quite a few so i basically click up here i wait until it kind of generates using this particular number whatever that is on the slider so you'll see and it might even be pretty similar to this i'll probably have about the same number yep it didn't even really change now i'm gonna come down here and click on the the fewer and it'll take you know 10 seconds or so but watch these intersections so instead of being kind of sharp you're going to see them be a lot more organic and kind of almost like they're pulled apart and stretched a little bit so it'll take a second here but it's going to use fewer segments to define the curvatures and again this is a fairly complex model so that's why it's taking longer hopefully not too long okay while it's thinking i'm going to switch over let's um oops let me take a look at hopefully all the questions are going good um okay so dan asked what's the deal with the black hole in the front of the vase or whatever that was just the reflection so right here is what he's asking about watch what happens when i rotate okay it kind of goes away so this is actually the light reflecting off of these surfaces so so yeah great question um and it depends again like even like how close up you are so you can see like there's black spot right there that's just the reflection of the environment on the model so yeah great question there okay so it it updated it took a while but you can kind of see how it updated and a lot less segments in fact there's basically two segments for each of these arms um sometimes three depending on the length of the arm so i'm going to say that's good i like this organic looking shape i'll say okay and it's going to take a second to finalize and i'll save you guys some time it's i'm not going to try and finish the form it'll fail right it'll give me those red intersections and say um you know this is not a valid form so we're going to do the boundary fill one more time as it's thinking so be careful don't don't do something like super crazy with you know ten thousand faces or whatever but now you get that particular shape i'll turn off body two and there's that vase and we can it's hard to see but there is the the opening that we made yeah there's so much geometry in the background it's kind of hard to see but there you go okay so you do have control over what this is going to look like um okay so let's do the boundary fill really quick so i'm going to do the exact same thing i could use a sphere honestly but since the vases are kind of cylindrical i just chose the cylinder so bigger than it needs to be taller than it needs to be and then i need to move that guy down like so i'll say okay i want to make sure it's fully enclosed which it is bound refill i'll start by selecting the body and i do it one at a time i could do both at the same time but i like to see where the cell icon shows up because that allows me to figure out which one do i need to click on which is right there i'll go ahead and add in the cylinder and i'm assuming its cell will show up a little bit higher up once we add that in there and sure enough there it is so then i have to click on select cells i'll say cut and you can see there's lots of options in your intersect we could join each of these would give you different results and this is what amphorae was talking about you kind of need to figure out what each what's the end result that you want do you want the liquid from the cylinder to end up inside your wine glass do you want the wine glass to be cut out of the cylinder you have a lot of options in here so we're going to say cut i'll say okay and we now have a solid body and there you go you don't see any of the transition lines or anything like that anymore um we could add a material to this so maybe instead of metal let's do um like a metal flake paint let's just drag that on there see what that looks like and you can kind of see the metal flake paint and its reflections and all that kind of stuff so okay so with that this was a little bit more kind of a fun one you know how you could take something as simple as a vase and really kind of make you know change it up make it look a little bit different i just did this on my 3d printer really quick it printed last night so i'd probably make it a little bit thicker some of the posts were pretty thin but my wife actually saw it she's like hey that's pretty cool so i did something right so with that i want to thank everybody for attending angelo thanks for helping answer the questions and hope to see you on a future live stream have a good day you
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 26,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wpWXSI44n7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 50sec (3350 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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