Fusion 360 - Whats New Sketching and Modeling Part One -Season 3

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welcome to part one of watch noon fusion 360 sketching and modeling as many of you know i have been on a 12 month holiday break from fusion360 and it's time to catch up on all the great work the development team have been up to but we're gonna slow down take it easy make sure no man is left behind so let's roll the intro hello everyone my name is lars christensen and thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video time to catch up on all the goodies in fusion 360 and let's be honest unless you're a power user you probably missed a few or maybe wondered how and why you should use them if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you don't give it a thumbs down it's all good leave me a comment i'm back and also in the description of this video you will find a link on how we can connect and you can email me but with all that let's get into fusion 360. the first command we're going to look at is scale the entire sketch now this one is under your preferences your preferences you will find if you click on your little icon in the upper right click on the second one down as preferences and when this dialogue is open over to the left you have a design down here by default it's not checked scale entire sketch of first dimension i would recommend that you check it but let me just show you first how this whole thing works so if i go in and open a sketch i'm gonna do this on the top plane here and i'm just gonna sketch a circle draw a circle up here and notice my my mouse cursor i'm keeping around 100 millimeters i'm not putting a dimension on yet let's go over here drop down and do a rectangle and a center rectangle and draw a rectangle around here now the idea is that right now with it unchecked um if i hit d for dimension d for dimension and i place my first dimension in the sketch if i make this 200 then you will see the circle it becomes 200 and our rectangle kind of stays the same right now i'm just gonna do a uh undo here ctrl z to undo and if i now go into our preferences click that little icon upper upper right preferences go into on the left side go into design and check that scale one so that's what i would recommend you do hit apply and hit okay now when i change that first dimension to 200 you will see that the square updates with the circle and that is to me a preferred preferred way to work let me just show you why that is so if you had to to sketch up if you had to model this part here um i would probably start out with a line go up straight up and then an angle and maybe you do some there's some different pockets in here and the way i would attack this is normally just kind of sketch something that is close to what what i want so if we do that if i go into creating a sketch i'm going to do that probably on the front face here let's create a line and this doesn't have to be important i will just sketch something close to what i think i want here i'll go down a little bit go down you can activate the arc i'm still in the line command if you move back to the starting point hold down your left mouse button and drag it out the next becomes an arc little fancy tip there go ahead here and close this off here and then let's put a slot in in the center in here so i would sketch something like this right kind of getting something close now if i go back up again to my preferences and go to the default state what is unchecked or i don't recommend now the next step for me with that would be take the part i just sketch it up grab my verniers and take a dimension right like my stop dimensioning it up so i can apply them so 35 35 millimeters here so then i would go in and do d4 dimension and type in 35 and you will see things updates here now i was lucky that when i was getting this one out it became you know what i was it was very close let's say that this one had been 15 for example then you would end up with something like this and you would have to start correcting things right like then you're like oh then i'm probably gonna measure this and then you have this this slot you have to figure out let's just go go back one to our there now if i go up and turn that function on oops design turn that on check it apply it okay if i now change this to 15 because this is the first dimension the whole thing scales down so you don't have to worry too much when you start your sketching am i in the right scenario in the right kind of area of all these dimensions so i'll definitely recommend that you check that one keep that as um as as the as a check box that you always have on on your part now the next one i'm going to show you is pretty exciting and that is the 3d sketching update now if you are your first week or maybe your first month inside of fusion 360 maybe haven't gotten to 3d sketching yet you learn about the 2d sketching but the 3d sketching is something that you eventually will get to and i tell you what the changes they have made to this command is pretty cool compared to how it used to operate so let's take a look so you will go ahead and do what you have done in the past where you open up a sketch now it doesn't really matter what plane you're starting on with a 3d sketch which is kind of cool so i'm just going to select the top plane over here in your sketch palette you will see that there is a 3d sketch section if you check that one now you have turned on the 3d sketch kind of tool and i'm just going to spin this around a little bit and get into like a three-dimensional view here so if i go up and select align command what happens is when i'm sketching my lines in a 3d sketch i can actually control um with this little triad here where i want to sketch so i might just go over here and click place my first point and my line will snap in on this case is the y and the x kind of coordinates so it snaps in there you can see that but it would also do it up and down so you have some control here that we really haven't really haven't had really before so if i go ahead here and just place this line here you can now see that i kind of create a line now i can grab this handle and i can move the entire origin up and i can just continue sketching like that and i can even move the plane that i'm working on so i can go over here and select this plane here and you'll see that now when i left click it's going to snap and suddenly be a a vertical plane it likes to snap up snap the point down here so what this does is it suddenly have given us control to actually draw in kind of whatever direction you want so i just finished the sketch i start a new sketch here i can just drag this handle back down to 15 i think i was at and now i'm flat again to where i was before and i can kind of go ahead and sketch on these different planes and they just have taken literally um the whole kind of whole 3d sketching kind of environment to to a whole whole new level at least at least for me so you can now kind of just go ahead and connect things and not only that um as you're sketching things here your normal commands will actually so this will work kind of the way that that you would expect um it to work so you can see in the side view here this was an angle you can see the front here still drew this out if you go up to an isometric view you can see this here and it gives us um this option to literally just go in very quickly and draw things in in a way where you have control over over this and all the the normal things will work in here so d for dimension i can go ahead here and i can make this and make this 35 maybe i go ahead here and say i want this one to be equal to this one so the 3d sketch environment have suddenly become so easy to draw everything up just to finish this off because somebody be like okay so why did i need to do this let's go into the pipe command here and let's apply some pipe so maybe let's make it hollow so it's like tubing or something like that and you can draw in here we can go in and make our frame like this i'm just going to make it out of it a bunch of segments here make that one piece so this could be super good if you're trying to do something like a roll cage or something like that let's just take all the bodies and select the mirror plane to go around right there and that is my lame attempt to uh to give you something that could be made into something like a a roll cage but the 3d sketch is definitely definitely definitely one of those tools that you need to uh you need to to get familiar with next one on our list is surface loft now surface is i would say you you're a fairly experienced user when you start playing around with surfaces loft is one of those things that well everybody should know those what the love command does so let's start there and then get into what is new in the surface love command so the love command itself is um is down here and the love command is super good to connect two entities together so let me just show you that quick now if i go in here and open up a sketch on the top plane here and uh let's just create some kind of a rectangle hit q for press pull and i'm just going to give this um a little bit of thickness this is not really important then i'm going to do like a construction or offset plane here and pull the plane up like that and let's open up a sketch on that plane and let's just draw some kind of a circle here doesn't it matter cuba press pull and up like this all right so now we kind of have these two these two entities here now where the live command is really good is that we can go in and we can connect this portion to this portion right you can see we get a brand new solid that goes all the way up there now what is kind of neat about this is it doesn't stop here we have some options over here between these two so you see there's a profile one and that was kind of like a profile one there's a profile two up here we can actually control how these two you know connects to one another so right now is what's called g0 what means is just straight geometry one to another but if we change this to tangent you will see that we get a bump here and that actually means that we just just like if we drew a tangent line that it goes straight up here and then we get kind of a tangent arc between the two now if we change it to curvature to g2 you will see it's going to get a little bit of a bump like that and that is because not only is it tangent but it's also making sure that it kind of looks at the surface behind it and and controls that so if you wanted to take a look at that in the new surfacing love command then we could be a little fancy so let's go ahead here and go into the surface that sits up here and let's open up a sketch on the same plane we did before and let's just sketch something something over here and in sketching there's a couple different ways you can actually make surfaces inside of fusion so one would be just to go up here and use the patch command and that is now a surface so i've talked about services before and i should probably do another video on this how services is actually the fundamentals of a solid but we're not going to get too far into that now another way that some of you guys maybe haven't thought about you can make a service would actually be to go back to solid and use the create form command so if i activate that and say i want to do that let's turn that offset plane on with it we can create a plane and i'm going to select that plane we had before and i'm going to go over here and let's just draw some kind of a plane up here let me get this we can increase so now this many of you know is now i'm talking about the sculpt environment right but this is actually the same thing this is actually a surface let me just move it here right click edit form and just drag it over to the side a little bit here so what is new when i finish out of this you'll see that this is a sculpt but it could have been a flat surface but what is new about this is if i go into the surface lofting command and i create a loft between this edge and this edge nothing is really different than you saw over here kind of the same idea right we're creating that up there now i can do the same thing in here where i can change these different options so i can make a tangent and if we look at the side view we now kind of like have a tangent one going out right there i can also go ahead and create a curvature and you will see it bumps out a little bit when i do that too same idea kind of like this the the same thing as you saw i did on this one over here what is new inside of of this the latest 12 month release is that you now have an option over here that i want to show you so there's a new option so if i go up to a top view and we look at this one from the top it's set to free edges that is just meaning that a straight line from one edge to another edge oh i just lost my connection here as i'm recording this um if i go ahead and do a align edges look what happens it's aligning the edges on profile number two to that and kind of curves that in like that and then the last one is aligned to a surface but you would need some kind of the surface would need to change uh in here so new is that you can align with edges or having three edges in here and the trick around you know the trick around this whole thing is that if i go back in now it's left on curvature two if i go back into our edit form and i for example grab some of these here and change the surface to look different give it a little bump for example this little surface now you will actually see that this surface change too because this block chain so let me go back in and change here so that was the g2 versus g1 versus the d0 so g0 d2 is tangent to that so it's kind of like trying to keep it handed to that and then when you're saying curvature then it actually looks at the curvature of this face and trying to model that with that but these new free edges that is super cool that that has been added into this release here hope this is useful the last one we're going to cover in this video is parameters now you can actually put parameter names right in your dimension dialog box let me show you so if you haven't played with parameters do a search on youtube and you will find a bunch of videos but in the case here we're just going to open up a sketch on the top on the top face here and i'm just going to go ahead and do a center rectangle and maybe draw something up like this here now what i can do new is i can actually start typing in my parameters right now in the dimension dialog so i can actually start typing with and then just hit the equal and then put in whatever i want the width uh to be here i can hit tab on my keyboard and then i can type in length to get the length and hit equal and type in that there it actually continues with that so if i go into the offset command and place an offset in here like this one minus i could make that thickness so let me type in in the dimension dialog thickness equals and let's like make that minus 10 maybe like that and lastly i'm going to hit the q for press pull select our box here and you can also do this not only in sketches but also in the in the standard extrude command so i can go in here and do which one are we missing height equals and let's make this 50 like that so what have happened is that if i go into the modify command and i go into change parameters i'll just get this sized up a little bit if you go into our sketch diameters and our extrude drivers you will see that these length with thickness height has been saved right in here so now it's super easy to make those variants for these right so if i decide i want to make this 100 it's going to be 100 right here if we want to make the height 25 it's going to be 25 if we want to make the thickness minus five oops minus five then we can we can do that and that's a quick way to kind of control your designs with with these different parameters this is this is one of these super helpful ones if you are one of these guys who starts out with these parameters when you go that's it friends i hope this was useful what's new in fusion 360 part number one better get going on part number two let me know thumbs up if you like this thumbs down if you don't and leave me a comment give me some feedback and until the next time i hope you have an awesome awesome day take care folks you
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 41,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, Manufacturing, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, Best Practice, Modeling, cam, cad, tutorial, How to, 3d printing, free software, software, Product design, Mechanical engineering, fusion 360 tutorial, fusion, autocad, design, inventor
Id: kVPWDqZAlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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