Fusion 360 CAM Basics

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all right everybody thank you so much for taking the time today to join me for this webinar this is fusion 360 cam basic my name is Lars Christiansen and I am part of the Technical Marketing Group here at Autodesk before we jump in into the software because that's really where we want to be let me just jump over a couple of like the intro here so um well the minutes really I'm just going to show you as much as I can the next hour so but what I want to make sure is important is that you type in your questions in the question area over in the webinar I'm assuming most people have been on GoToMeeting or go to webinars before so you know all about the little box you can type it into but please just start typing as you're going along I will wait till the end just because if not that's kind of like stumbling things up but start typing in your questions if I don't get to your questions in the end I will respond to you per email so don't worry about that but please just you know if anything comes up along the way type them in and then we'll try to address as many of them as we can in the end so quickly Who am I my name is Lars Kristensen and like I said I'm part of the technical marketing team here at Autodesk the best thing I probably can do for you guys is to introduce you to my email address so you can start typing that down and I will want to let you know that anything that I'm showing today the models I'm showing today inside of fusion 360 I will be more than happy to share those with you all you have to do is send me an email and say hey I want those files and I'll be glad to send it to you I'm going to try to do it as fast as I can um as it getting in there now to talk a little bit about who I am for two seconds so my background is I am a mold maker of trade have in industry both when I lived where I grew up in Denmark and then I've been living United States for the past 17 years and also done manufacturing over here so a lot of camp programming and running around the shop shop floor another place besides my email address is also out on social you can hunt me down down there I am pretty much on most social networks or whatever is your favorite you can probably find me there if you can't find me on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter or snapchat or ever again send me an email and says where the heck are you he'll make sure that I I direct you to it but this was really my 25 slide PowerPoint right here this is all I wanted to show you in PowerPoint what I really want to do is I want to jump into software and the idea about today's webinar is really trying to attack the basics of can I let me just jump over to fusion because that's really where most of the fun is and I'll start out with just showing you the interface you've already probably already somewhat familiar with some of the things in here some of the models that I'm using here you maybe have seen before been used in videos and so forth but it's just good models to use um the models that you will get from me at least a few of them will already have a tool path in them so you can kind of like go in and take a look at what I have done in the gaps too to programming these but of course today we are not just going to you know click through here we actually going to go in and create the tool path and my hope is if I do a good job and please you know you're more than welcome to send me the email about that if I do a good job today you will feel a lot more comfortable jumping in and start attacking inside of camp so the first thing I want to do is with this mod to minimize the data panel over here so we get a little bit more real estate that's kind of like nice to do that and I'm just going to go out here and delete these tool paths right out of here to start with I'm going to delete and get rid of those now I will take you through what I will call the three steps of doing cam inside of fusion the first one is the work setup and how we set things up number two is applying the toolpath and number three is actually to simulate and to post out code and that's going to be a lot of repetition in what I'm doing because repetition is the key of learning so I'm going to do a lot of things over and over so if you see things that you can't like whoa I miss them chances are I'm going to show it later on anyway so really just kick back you know with whatever beverage you prefer depending on what time it is if it's before after 5:00 p.m. and and that's you know kind of like dig into it so what I have here is a setup where we have a plate that is located inside of a vise on a table now of course you don't need to always have the rice and the table in there to do that but let me just quickly throw a tool pad on here so you can get kind of like the rhythm of how you apply to a path because if you're like me that you are coming from another cam system all in case that you have never touched cam before it's just important that you get that rhythm down so up in the the ribbon bar up here we have the kind of like different modes so I'm going to start in the to D now the 2d is everything where we are moving with x and y and then positioning with Z and Z is normally what is going up and down we're going to get into that a little bit too so I'm going to start up with just a simple facing operation in there but I click on the facing operation but you will see that we get a little window that shows you kind of like what the tool path is going to do that's really helpful if you're new right you can kind of like hover over each tool path and get an idea about what that tool does so use that to your advantage select the facing operation and as soon as I do that I do get a window over to the right and it's important to say that these this window is always the same no matter what type of tool path you end so if you are in 2d like we're doing now it will always be the same as it is in three axes where it's like super surfaces and so so forth so that's important always these five tabs up here always the same the reason for that is it makes it easier for people to learn and also to remember because some people don't get some people get to program all day long but other people you know they program for maybe an hour and then they got to go out and run the part and maybe they don't come back to cam uh you know for maybe two weeks so making it the same all the time just makes it easier for everybody it always starts with the tool so that's another thing that isn't just good for you to know if you're new to cam is don't worry about this you would always get introduced with the same thing as always starting the tool now I'm going to ground hand select tool and we get when students we click on that we get the tool library here showing up on the screen I'm going to come back to that a little bit later too so don't you know dig too far into this right now but I'm just going to select what is called a face mill right here so I'm just going to click on it get a little window that show us what kind of tool is you'll see if I select another tool the window changes sometimes like the face mill and I'm going to hit OK now the next tab is where we can select our geometry now when I click on that one you will see that we get a light orange box around our part here and that's because fusion is smart enough to know that there's something there for us to machine um so we a since this is a facing operation we can I just want to machine the boundary box of this part we actually don't have to select any gr the software is smart enough because it is a solid uh environment it's smart enough to know that there's something there so I'm just going to go ahead here and hit OK and when a kid hit OK you will see that we get presented with some blue and green lines here that shows us that there is a tool path now we can also go up here and click on the simulate button up here so I'm going to click on that and that takes us into a simulate view now in here you can choose either to show the start like I have right now or I can uncheck it and we don't see the stock and then we can go down here and hit the play button and you will now see that it simulates what the tool is going to be doing out of the machine now if I click on stock you will see the stock turns on and of course that's nice now we kind of like get an idea about what's going to happen to the material out in the machine this is really the steps we go through to apply to a path inside off fusion we go up and we select the tool and we simulate it and when we have simulated then we can go ahead and we can post out the NC code when we have gotten what we want and of course I'm going to take it lot deeper into the tool path but after you have simulated the tool path you can now go up and click on post process and when you do that you'll be this dialog here and there is a lot of different posts in here as you can see here there's a lot of different posts so you should be able to find your machine whatever kind of machine you have you should be able to find it in here now there is also another resource that is important for me to show you before we go any further and that is if I go out to my web browser can autodesk.com is a website that we have at all of this that have combined the free products where this HSM cam is running within and if you go to camp out of this comm you go to products you will also see down here that is a post processing tab and if you click on that that will take you out to another in their library the reason I want to show you this is the post file is extremely important because what the post file does is it takes what we've created on the computer screen and converts it into what is called GE code and that is all the machine really cares about if I go back into a fusion here you know all the things we have just done inside the screen really is not going to make us part that is not really important what is important is the code for the machine and we also have a post team available at all of this that can assist you in case that we provide you with generic posts so in case there's not a post for your specific machine we will definitely help you get a post for your for your machine but the drop down I showed you before this is all the stuff that already comes with infusion the the website definition in is like the next level of post so you just need to be aware of that this is no big deal but it's important for you to know that we have all this available for you and it comes with the product so when I have selected the post I want I can go ahead and I can post this out and I'm just going to throw it right on my desktop right and when I do that then I will get uh the code showing up here on my screen and this like I said is what really matters this is the what's going to make your part on your machine this code and in here you will see different things that you can use you will see that it's a tool change it changes tool number one it shows some feeds to speeds some work offset and then all the different commands and this is why it's important you're selecting the right post processor because the post processor is what's going to run the control on your machine to do the right thing so I just wanted to show you really how easy it is to go through all those steps to get the code that's really what I'm going to be repeating from here on and so I'm going to go back and I'm going to delete the toolpath that we just created and I'm also going to delete this setup that was created in here and let me go back to the model tab where we have all the different paths so like what I said earlier was that I have all mine setup here arm in a vise on a table and if you email me I'll be glad to share this in from this with you too many times you can find devices and so on on device manufacturers website but I'll be more than happy if you and I'll show my email on the end of this webinar I'll be more than happy to send you what I got but really what all matters here is this plate that's what we got a machine though that there is some advantages of having things sitting in a vise and I'll show you that in a second so let me go in and right-click and isolate the plate so this is probably how you many times would have the part if you don't put it inside other of device and such so we just have the part on the screen and we are now ready to apply our tool pad now remember that I delete everything I deleted everything before so so we kind of like our start from scratch so I'm going to go back into cam the first thing we always do is we got to create what is called a setup and the best way I think to explain this is when you have your CNC machine if you go out to that CNC machine in the shop for all you're looking at it um then everything there is pretty much defined right there is an x-axis the table move along there's a y-axis that the table move along and most of the times that Z X is where the head is moving up and down that is pretty much defined out on the machine but inside of cam we have some great flexibility so what we need to do first is we have to tell the cam software how things are defined out of the machine so what the X and the y and the Z where there look where they're pointing up and down and then second of all we need to be able to tell the cam where we're going to pick it up so when we take this powder we put it in device out of the machine where are we picking up on the part so we get the right XY and z coordinates so I'm going to click on the setup box and we get prompted with the menu over here now a little advice anytime you're working inside of pretty much any software one of my rules is always start from the top and work your way down and if there's multiple tabs then start with the first tab just like you would read a book right and and things in here are actually pretty straightforward so working from the top way down if I go to the first one here we can choose what type of machining we're going to do so instead of fusion can do milling you can do turning mill turn and then we have the water laser plasma option in here now this is clearly a milling pot so we don't leave it like that now the next thing we're going to work with is what is called the work coordinate system and it's probably one of the hardest thing in the milling but I think that the developers of Fusion have done a really nice job with this the work coordinate system is also what we many times out of the machine is called in g54 or g55 it's literally like where is our work offset is going to come from now I'm going to give you a little tip here when you click on the orientation tab you will see that there is some different options in here I only use one of these and that is the first one that is called select C X's and X axis and I will almost guarantee that 99% of the time that is all you ever going to need to be able to control the directions of your XY and z coordinates so that's what I'm going to use so just remember that that's the one write that down all right so I click on that one and we get some options over here now look in the graphics though we get this XYZ no man a tribe whatever you want to call it this is really indicating what is the x y&z out of the machine so think about it like that and of course in my case here just like in most other cases for me when I do something it's not right right if there's a 50/50 chance it will not be in the right direction that's exactly what we have here so we're going to have to change this what I want to do is I want to switch this z-axis to be where the y-axis is right now right I need to rotate that because my machine you know I'm not going to machine this face here I'm going to machine this this face here so the way it works is if you look over here you will see that this is nothing and it's kind of like blue and highlighted that tells us that the software is ready to set the z-axis now this is extremely easy whatever face you're selecting right on your model that X's will go perpendicular to that or the XS will point in that direction so check this out if I go over here and I select the top face you will like to see that the blue z-axis is going to flip up 90 degrees and actually kind of like be in a line perpendicular or pointing in this direction so let me click on it there right so now you can see that the z axis is X is now going up and down and this is how we want it now this is actually how I wanted placed when I'm done with this but let me just show you because it jumped directly to the x axis down here so that's the red icon you see there and if I wanted to rotate that 90 degrees I could just select on this face right now you see that now the x axis is pointing toward that face if I go back up again and I select this face you will see them now pointing with that so that is really just how easy you can go in and switch the direction of so you make sure that everything is the same way it's going to be out the machine so if you're standing on the machine how is this paid to fit in there the next thing we got to do is we got a show where we are going to pick up the part and that really depends on you and what you want to do you need flexibility out there there's some some general rules on how you want to do things so if I go down here this box point is showing right now you will see that you have some different options that makes it going to use selected point a little bit later but with box points I get kind of these small golf balls showing up in here that I can click on and place this nomin where we're going to pick up the pot out of the machine now if you're a mold maker of trade you many times choose to select the center of the part because an injection mold normally you kind of like hold the center is the heart and everything kind of like builds from that but tool and die makers for example they like to pick up a corner for example of the pot so I'm going to select this corner over here and this is actually my preferred corner the reason this is my preferred corner to pick up apart is that then I'm selecting the same edge here that is resting against a solid jaw on my rise and is I'm not risking any movement the jaw that is tightening on the pot on this and X have a little bit of movement in it but I also know that the I know one guy who always select this corner because then his X&Y are always showing plus in this code and he prefer that this is really a preference thing but again my choice is normal selecting this upper corner here so now that we picked where am I going to select this pot out at the machine now the next tab over here is stock and this is where we can define how the stock is going to be on this part it deforms to relative size box and what I've done has a head like one millimeter this is a metric whatever one millimeter stock around this part and I'm going to say that's a good rule to use register size stock if you don't have already heavier stock available but if you do have your stock available it is good practice to actually measure of the stock and put it in here so there is a fixed size box if you select that you can actually put in the dimensions of the stock that you're going to be using and that friends that's a good that's a good habit to get into if you're not already doing that so be aware of that there is also a from solid in I'm going to show in a few minutes to an opportunity here that that can be pretty powerful but I'm going to leave this available side box this is really all I have to do to be able to set up this box so let me just recap that so you go and you create the set up up here and then you choose what you're going to be doing in our case milling remember always select the top one the first one select z-axis plane and x-axis and then we're selecting the faces on our model to place this nomin a triad so it resembles what we have out of the machine and down here we can then select where we are picking up the part either were using these stock points or we can actually use different other options in it that you can play around with a little bit yourself so with that I'm going to hit OK and don't forget you know if you have any questions we're going through that throw them in the in the questions section there and I'll make sure that I get back to you and the different ones but this is what we have to do to set up the stock and this is by far the easiest thing I have ever used we cam it just takes a few times going through it you should be be pretty set for that so then we can go in and repeat what I did before we can go in and we can apply the first tool path and many times you will use what is a facing operation in here and then it's really just to face off the top of the pot to make sure that it's flat and you know if we have a good surface and we start putting in pockets and other things we can actually measure from it from a good data right so it again like I said before always start the five tabs are always the same and it will always start with the tool so I'm going to and select that same face Melo selected before hit okay to that and the next tab is always geometry and just like I said before one of the cool things about being inside of a solid is that the computer actually knows that there's something there so the computer already knows the boundary of this plate so I actually don't have to select anything for doing my facing operation so I'm just going to go ahead and hit OK to that and just like again before we do get our tool path showing up here now we can of course go in and simulate you can choose if you want to start turning on and not turn on preferably I normally have the stock on it's just kind of like nice to be able to see see a little bit better but if you're just wanting some quick runs through things then you know sometimes you choose not to stock on you will kind of like find that as you as you're going through the software all right next thing we're going to do is we're going to start machining these pockets out here so for that I'm going to go up and use something called 2d adaptive now this is a roughing tool path but if you come from an auto cam system you definitely have to check this out because this is something that I don't think any other cam system there's all the system other tool paths like it out there but I don't think that's anything as great as the true the adaptive clearing that we have inside of fusion what it does is it keeps a constant load or load on your cutter what actually means that you can cut with a full depth of the cutter because it's kind of like keeping a constant load on the cutter instead of like going in and out of engagement so I'm going to select that and again you will see the menus of the same as before for the facing so the first thing is the tool now I'm going to go in and select another tool in here so I'm going to select the 16 and let me go fat emboli near and then when I go over to the geometry tab now I actually have to specify what it is that I'm going to be machining but prefer to do is I prefer to select the edge down in the end of the pocket so I'm going to click on that and as soon as I do that you will see that it shows very nicely on the screen with a blue shadow where the boundary is and that is also and lifts the red arrow right there that actually will let you switch side so let me show you that if I go over to select in the next pocket you see how it suddenly flipped the shadow it flipped it to be on the outside of the pocket well that's because where I picked the geometry it will it will flip it around but you can just hit this little arrow like that and now you will see that it's back in again so that controls where you're selecting on the geometry right here and does it again with that one there so I select those four pockets right on the edge in here and you can control on those small arrows whereas going to machine now to take you through the rest of the tabs over here the next tab is what is called the Heights tab and this is where we can control a couple of things you can control the retract height so when it's done machining how high does it going to retract and above a clearance sorry research on is here here's clearance height so clarify when we were rabbiting around our part we tracked height is that when it's done machine in a pocket how high is going to move up after this we've done machining so here our clearance height is set to the read track type plus another 10 millimeters so when it's rapid and around it will it will do a clearance height of the reach right height plus 10 and the reach right height itself is the stock top plus 5 it will show the top height of where is our cutter it is kind of like going to start from will be from the top of the stock and then we have the bottom height how deep is it going to machine and in this case is selected the bottom contours and that was why I selected at the bottom edges of the pocket because now I know that that's how he machine something that you you really quickly can get comfortable with in here really these clearance Heights you really don't have to mess a lot with these on a regular basis and these are more important the top height at the bottom you should of course pay attention to them but the font tab has everything to do with the cutter engaged in the material so what that means is the cover is inside and cutting in the material you will see in here we can control and load on the cutter so how thick can the chips be per step over kind of in here you can control that depending on that really depends on your machine and your tooling so this is something that you will adjust and you can definitely email me about that and we can take that a little deeper true if you want to take a look deeper into that but this really depends on your setup on your machine and your cutter how how aggressive you can be that's really what that means we can also leave some stock so this is leaving a half a millimeter of stock in here and that will mean that we have to go in and clean this up the last tab so just tap here the past except is all with the color engaged in the material the last tab is the cutter not engaged in the material so when it's approaching the pot what we call leading lead out some of the things you can control in here is how it's going to wrap it around between the pockets you can control how it's going to enter the materials in this case it's going to go in with what is called the heel leg so you're kinda like see he's going to do like a corkscrew into the material what is a very great it's a great way to end or a material so um we're going to go in and just we're not going to change anything here I just want to kind of show you these different tabs here so we'll go in and it will calculate and here you will see that we get the tool path in here there were just a pro so here you will see like this corkscrew approach in here now so let's um go ahead and simulate this so we can click up on the chop setups are we selecting everything in the setup going to the simulate and I'm just going to leave the stock on so we can see our facing operation we've already seen that one we can exit down here on the bar the whoops that we kind of like have some color down here at the bottom so we can actually see when it's about done now and so it's gray will give us the next cut and now we can see that it's going to rough out these pockets in here alright so it's going to go ahead here and machine these different pockets and again let us speed it up you can speed it up down here on this little guy down here we get a clear view and again if this is all you needed to do then you could go ahead and and just go up here and now post out the code now I want to show you another thing here and that is so we have left some stock in here many times the next tool path you will do use to clean this up would maybe be something like a contour tool path so what a contour tool path is is just going to follow the profile where you saw the other tool path here kind of like started in the center of the pocket and worked its way out but it left that half and a millimeter of stock on the sides well a a contour tool path will absolutely clean that up so we can go and we can apply that and you will see that the menus again are pretty much the same so again I'm going to select the tool now this time agresar is a little bit smaller cutter many times you do that to get into the corners so that is easy enough and then we can go we can select the geometry and just like before we can go ahead here now we can select down here on the on the part to make sure that we we get the I parked here just like that I think that's it and then we can we can go ahead here and machine that so I'm just going to go into the height type again so the first the first one is the clearance height that is when it's rabbiting around up the c-axis all the way up it's not touching anything the retrack height is when it's done machining one pocket how high is this going to lift up a bump the stock to go to the next one then you got to feed height so that is when as the tool is going to start feeding from before it actually hits the material we have a top height what is the top of the part and then we have the bottom height how deep is the cut is going to go and in this case here it's going to go howdy where I selected the contours what was down on the bottom down here so that will give us those here and you will see that it kind of clean up okay so I hope that that's helpful now another thing I just quickly want to show on this model is also if I machine around the part so I'm going to use the same tool path as before I'm going to go into contours and I'm just going to go ahead here and select the same end mill so I'm not going to I'm going to change the end mill but when I go to the geometry I'm going to select the bottom edge here on our outside and now you will see that we get a tool path that now is going to machine around the outside of the part down to that selected contour right so that's how that height tabs work we're going to do that so I'm going to go and simulate that just that to a pet so you can see how is now machining around the part and you get that here now reason I want to show you this is that this looks pretty good right here right and you could be pretty tempted of doing it like this but in the real world we would have this pot sitting in the vise like I had before so this is one of the reasons that can be nice to have a device in your model so I'm go back to the models tab here and let me just turn all that stuff on on isolated and now we're back to here where you can see I have that pot sitting in device because when I go back into the cam and I rescind late that tool path that I just showed you let's turn the stock off for a second can you see what happens here that's not good right because in this case here at x-ray wheel machine right through our jaws now hopefully you know if it's something simple you don't have to have the vices and everything in here you maybe just can figure that out be like oh my goodness I can't machine all the way down to the bottom I'm going to hit the solid jaw but fusion actually have a tool in here for you to be warned about this that exists inside of the setup that we set up before so let me show you that so when you do the simulation up here it's not just for you to see the tool path it connects also be used for you to flag you that there is an issue now this is set up in the original setup remember where we set where our work offset are going to be and to edit anything either the tool path of that just right-click on it and hit edit okay now you'll see that now it shows that triad again up here where we said we picked it up the part and what we will see is it I have down here what is called fixture so if I check that I can actually select what is what is fixturing and I can now go and select this job and I can go over and select this joy in here so this is one of the advantages of having everything model up like this because it gives you a good not only a good overview of what's gonna happen out of the machine but it also gives you an option to to use something like this fiction again it exists right underneath your setup down at the bottom and you just select the bodies that is kind of touching your pot overhead okay now we'll see that I get these red flags here and that just says the Sun phase right now is just saying hey something changed in the model you need to regenerate me and just like I hit right click to edit I can also just go down here and say we generate tool path and my tool path will immediately update now when I now go in and hit simulate on that outside contour you will Nexus e and this may be hard to see in your screen but there is X a couple of red lines showing down on this green bar and that is coalition but what is better is look what happens when I hit the play button when I hit the play button my tool exit turns red on the path where it's going to hit that that job okay so this is like right in your face hey buddy we have a problem here with with this so this is one of my reasons that I like to have things set up like this it and again it really depends on what you're doing out there you know sometimes you are you know you're just going to get something done quickly and you really don't have time to set up all this and that's fine too I mean I'm definitely with guilty of doing that but for other people you know if you have the time this can be really nice to have this setup right here and also if you're creating something like a setup sheet for an operator or something like that on the shop floor they can get you know and view of what's what's going on all right so just quickly I hope that this kind of like took you through the stabs to do this and also just so you know there is a bunch of YouTube videos on these steps already and I would definitely be happy to to lead you to those too if you send me an email to to all that content definitely make sure that you we are here to help you to get going with your campus trip all right let's just jump over to another model here so this is a little bit of it kind of like almost the same type of setup at least we have a we have a work table and we have a bias but then we have a fixture right here now this fixture let me just go in and turn some things off right so we can turn things off by going to the tree here we can kind of like highlight them all and then you can actually hit the V key on your keyboard and they will hide them me for Victor or vision and you can also hit these small light bulbs up here but there was a little bit of a quick trick to do that and I'm also going to get rid of these parallels and let's just take a little bit closer look what we have so makes I have a fixture for these two parts here now if I go in and turn those two pots off we get a little bit closer view of this fixture so this fix your hair could be made out of for example aluminum um that that um you know you could machine you put a little block in the vise machine the depart this pot here and then you can put the two pots in to 2 X to do whatever machine you have maybe these pots were casted or something else right sometimes you get parts that you don't have to start from scratch but you actually just could maybe here you have to face them off if you have to drill a couple of holes in these pots here and by the way this clamping here the yellow thing is it's called a mighty bite they have a website I used to use a lot of these claimed what they do is they kind of like when you tighten down the nut in the center the cat like spread out and will claim your pond really really nice nice tooling what I wanted to show you with this part is that there's actually also something else we can do in here when we got a machine apart and that is we can also use sketches inside of fusion as our geometry boundaries so this is really just to make sure that you are aware of that you have this power so you don't always have to have exactly modeled up what you need to machine let me show you so I'm going to go in and start a a set up on this pot so now we're going to go through the set up one more time so this is where I'm telling them the software how things are out of the machine so I'm going to go up and hit setup and this is we're going to start from the top work our way down so this is still milling and there's only one I use in here that's the first one so like the z axis and the x axis and again for some funny reason again my nomen is pointing the wrong way because that's how my luck is so I'm going to go ahead here and change that so again it's setting on the z axis so I'm just gonna select the face that I want the z axis to point that I'm going to click on that and just like that then it's pointing the right direction next thing is to select where I want to pick up the path the g54 and this case a I'm just going to select the corner over here on the on the row stock for this example here now when I hit OK now I want to go ahead and I actually want to start machining uh the parts in these two pockets in here but I kind of like want to make them connected but as you can see the geometry in here is not connected it's two open pockets so you can actually use some of the modeling things inside of Fusion true to your advantage so let me show you that so I want to go back over to the modeling tab over here and what I'm going to do is I am going to make up I like to make a plane that is a little bit above my part just because it kinda like it's kind of like splitting the two layers so up here you have all the different planes you can do inside of fusion and if you have not gotten familiar with these I would definitely recommend that you spend a few minutes on that but I'm going to use this an offset plane and I'm going to select the top face here and I'm just going to move it up a little bit away from the part so I can sketch up on this plane this just makes it easier when it's not right on the geometry so I'm going to open up a sketch hopefully you're comfortable with that I'm going to right click create an sketch here then what I'm going to do is I'm going to project these pockets up on that plane so I'm going to go down here and hit project you can also hit the P okay and I'm just going to go in here and see I'm just going to select the faces here of these two pockets just like that okay so now what I have done is I've kind of like projected those two pockets up here and I can actually mess around with this so i'm exid's going to go ahead and delete these two lines because i really don't want them to be enclosed and then I'm just going to create my own line segment and kind of like close it off just like this here right so now what I have there is I kind of like just bond them together what it's definitely good enough for for this fixture that I am I am creating right here now I'm going to hit stop sketch for this because that's what's really all I needed was scats that looked like that and if you go over in a tree you now have that sketch sitting over and it's already highlighted and you could actually go in and rename this one 4km if you wanted to so now it's not just sketch one now sexy 4km and if I go back into our cam tool peper Harow setup I'm going to go ahead and select a 2d adaptive again because that's what I want to use okay I'm going to select the tool and I'm just going to select I don't know this ten millimeter here for example so make that cutter and then I did you how much we tab what do you think I'm going to select I'm going to select that sketch I had then I can actually turn it on and off depending on if it is in your way you can just go or of course hit the little drop-down you could turn the sketches on and off if if it's in your way we leave it on for now so now I've selected that this is what I want to machine but to go back to the hypes tab this is not the height the depth I want the clutter to be in so let's go over to the height tab so like I said before the first ones up here I kind of like coming from the down from down here so the plant side is going to wrap it around and when it's done machining how high it's going to go the top height is the top of our cut is on the stock of the top that's fine but this one down here is not right because that actually has the contour that I selected what is that schedule is flowing up so I'm just going to drop down and go down and hit selection and now I can just select right down on my bottom of my pocket as the face then I want a machine down to and if I hit OK now you will now see that I had a connected tool path that will machine these two pocket of these pockets out of here right so just be aware of that you can actually use sketches inside of fusion to be able to to use that as control the last thing I want to show you here and I had much more to show but I'm running out of time maybe we just have to do another webinar email me if you want another webinar and I'll make sure that we get something else set set up a pot to next level or something like that what I wanted to show you in here was let me just go back to let me just delete this set up here actually now we are all the way back to where we were before and let me just turn and if everything back on get back to Margo and turn anything on cooks turn it all on right so we can see things here again all right there we go so that was how it kind of like had to part now what I wanted to show you is another thing that can be extremely powerful with the job setup when you're setting up multiple multiple parts like this and that is we can actually use a solid and all the solid as stock so what I have is right now these two frontal bodies that's the pads we want to make right and they are like the finished parts going to look like but what I actually also have is I had to other parts sitting down here called body and you will see them missing all the holes inside of here so this is this this is how the stock will look like when I get it because I only got to put the holes in it and this is how it looks when I'm finished this is what the customer as asphalt so you can actually use other bodies at start when you're setting it up now I'm leaving everything on here as an assembly so we have all the tables and devices on and everything because what I want to show you is that when I go in right now to do cam and I go in and do a setup you will see how I kind of like get a big yellow box that kind of covers everything in our window and that's because the software right now is asking us hey what are you actually going to machine in here that is the model tab on the setup and right now it found 16 bodies and we definitely are going to be machining 16 bodies in there so let me just hit the red X but what I'm going to do is I'm going to select the two parts that we are going to machine just like that that's the two bodies that we are going to machine in here so whenever you have an assembly when you have everything set up then then definitely that is not on the phone so so definitely when you have more than when you have an assembly where you have the table and everything you need to tell the software what you need two machines we pick those two bodies that's what we need two machine and then we can can I go back to where we were before right so this is a model milling and we got to select the orientation again there's only one I use so I select that one and again my z axis is pointing the wrong way I hope you're getting this not by now so I'm just going to select this phase it doesn't matter what phase as long as it's you know perpendicular to the direction I want now I want to show you here though because you can see on the screen that the gnomon is of the Triad is in right in the center of the block and before I've been selecting up the upper edge of our part what if I wanted to select synthesis maybe cast apart however want to select by indicating one of the Centers of these holes so you don't have to use these stock points you can also go in here and say I'm going to select my own point invite to select the center circle like that you will see that it's putting it to the center of that so be aware of that you have options in need to select directly on the geometry this could oh if I was making this feature I might also put a hole in here that I would ream so I had like a pickup hole right on the picture there might be make it easier to select that but what I got to show you too is when we go we do this now by default it kind of like have a a boxing is let me just go hit okay to this and show you if I apply a drilling operation so let's just select the tool and I'm going to select the center Brill here and let me just select a couple of holes here that whole that whole and this is just a spot grill so actually I don't want it to drill to the hole to the bottom so I'm just going to select the top and then I'm gonna go down on - maybe 50 thousands of an inch I don't like that okay so I selected these holes now known as what happens though when I go into this you see how the stock is wrong so I selected those two pods and the collectors created a big block from those two and I actually want to do a little bit better than that I actually want to be able to see that raw casting stopped I got so that's why I have those two bodies in hand I'll show you before so let me go ahead and turn off the two bodies that we just use to finish once and select my stock instead and if I go back into the job setup so right click edit and I go so this is why we selected two bodies we're going to machine let me go over to the stock and select from solid now I can actually select these two castings that is actually resembling my stock that I put in there and if I hit OK and I probably want to turn those I don't need those anymore but actually get the two parts that I am going to machine those with a hole I hope this is not too confusing now you will see when I go in and hit simulate that now the stock actually brekford sent that so hope that that that is helpful so now when I go in and and actually simulate this here you will actually see that it drills right into the stocks you just need to know that these options are available all right so with this here I you know of course always running out of time I hope that you got something out of this it's really the steps I showed before is really what you what you need to know when you go in and do your setup you always start with a setup just start from the top work your way down only use the select z axis x axis until that doesn't work then you only welcome to email me selected the where you want to pick up the pots we do that down here with the triad you can set up your stock others relative size stock or as we just did from charlotte if you actually have a model you want you and then just remember when you're going to apply your first tool path that is always the same order it's the tool then it's a geometry what you want a machine then it's the Heights tab where you can control how deep the cutter is going to go and how it's going to wrap it around then where it's engaged inside of the material and then uh the last one how it's going to approach the part this is really you know little bit like bicycling right you stand out and you fall over and then suddenly you get it and then you you really don't have to worry about not getting it any moments of that so let's get my power point back up here maybe alright so let's just show my email address hope some of you guys have been waiting for that we got a couple of questions in here and I just wanted to address those before I'm going to thank you all for taking the time I really appreciate you guys taking the time I know you are busy so um a couple of things is how do we get devices and the table infusion like I said you can you know many times go out to the manufacturers website and the X would have models that you can bring in I'll be happy to share with you what I got arm so um you know sent me an email say you would like to get the the part and I will send all that to you I hope I cleared up the the Heights tab for you definitely something that you know if you have any questions don't hesitate contacting arm one John asked if I could demonstrate cutting two sided pallets you know what John that could be another webinar I actually have a YouTube video that that I think shows that fairly well so sent me an email John I'll say well you know I got your email in here now so I'll send you an email with with those video links and then definitely come back to me if that doesn't clear things up for you will it be another webinar for 3d cam or two and a half yeah so I actually was hoping to show some more I actually had some some free access up there so Jason if you sent me an email I will definitely make sure you get the parts and one of the parts that that I wanted to use today was a free access part and yes we can definitely do do email or definitely do another webinar on that I'm not no problem with that we can have to get that scheduled Joe thank you thank you all for attending let me just you know we'll make sure there's nobody have any other questions if you do definitely send me an email we are definitely here to make sure that you get up and running with with our cam it doesn't make sense if if if we're not so don't hesitate using us as a resource and if you are on Instagram Facebook Twitter snapchat whatever would be tough to to connect with you I share some tips and tricks once in a while just that you know a picture of me drinking a beer my of my port so guys thank you so much for taking the time and until until the next time um thank you so much have a great day
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 188,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution
Id: VEuD31byPxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2016
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