Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 3 Episode 10 - Full Episode

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/goatokay 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay heads across the Bayou twosies a famous neighborhood joint where the current owners have alienated the community everybody here is just kind of waiting for the place to belly up this husband and wife team seems to be only focused on the bottom line no passions about portion control measurements he don't give a [ __ ] about raising they have neglected the menu what the hell is that and their loyal staff we are talked down to like we're dirty you don't want to be here don't be here tonight Chef Ramsay faces the most deluded owners he's ever met brushes don't run like this disagree I disagree that also he confronts them with the cold hard truth how the [ __ ] is that special tiny mind when you start dealing with all this crap and your names on that least then you tell me what you want to do but will they change their ways it's us against Charlie that is [ __ ] up or will their stubbornness shut down Zeke's once and for all you are not a [ __ ] restaurant term that's tonight on Kitchen Nightmares located on the Mississippi River not far from the Gulf of Mexico is the New Orleans suburb of Metairie a tight-knit community that is home to Zeke's a neighborhood restaurant opened in 2002 by a charismatic entrepreneur named Zeke Luke gust Zeke was 6 foot 4 big and goofy but you know what the man knew how to have a good time he knew how to run a pretty good restaurant everyone came Zeke's when I first opened because there was just a good vibe in this place good people food was always good and we used to do 750 people in town on a Friday night but in 2005 Zeke tragically died during Hurricane Katrina and the ownership and the direction of the restaurant was up in the air after Katrina this place was in limbo so to cortello was audited and they pretty much took on the place hi guys sorry about tonight welcome Aziz when we bought Zeke's we chose to keep the name because Zeke's did a very good business and that just made business sense to us all right guys first guests when Darryl first took over pretty much changed everything he cut staff he cut product he went to a lesser quality we wouldn't feed that to your dog and then on top of that you raise the prices I feel as though I'm completely handcuffed in the kitchen without love you steamed clams that's not us I don't think that's us I'm always trying to beg him up Liam can we try that can we do this and it doesn't allow it trying to make chicken salad out of chicken [ __ ] I ask myself all the time why do I even stay here I know sitting on the job servers here they're all talked down to or disrespected people just don't feel appreciated Daryl cut my pay in the last six months I can't afford braces right now and it made me work more hours since they cut my pay we got three orders of green tomatoes well cutting them a little thick - I tell you that I'm not looking to squeak by I'm looking for financial rewards in this business that kind of offended a lot of Sikhs regulars and this was just steadily declined meatballs playing boy unless he's got a pot of gold stash somewhere there's no way this restaurant last you know a month all right payroll was today how'd we do that's not a good question financially we were not doing great we got to catch up somewhere it's not happening we're not gonna make it if we don't have Chef Ramsay come in and tell us what he thinks we can do differently to change this because obviously what we're doing it's not really working physically emotionally it's been hard I have put everything I can possibly put in the Zeke's but these aren't full so something's going on and we're killing ourselves trying to find out [Music] before heading to Zeke's Gordon has arranged to meet some Metairie locals to gain some insight into the restaurant and the neighborhood I was doing this morning fair on D Thank You how are we [Music] now tell me about the area metric what is it what does it stand for close the town on East Bay they got a lot of people who got some good Russian sub there and have you heard of reticle Zeke's we used to go there quite a bit I haven't been out of wild before Victoria used to go there quite a bit [Music] what's the difference in food got pricey and average I really quality gone down quite a bit yeah yeah atmosphere wasn't the same just change thank you thank you after hearing unfavorable reviews Chef Ramsay heads over to Zeke's to continue his investigation and there is nothing more telling than lunch help me get up to speed you are the owner yeah you run the business with see my husband there my husband is Darrell down that way sir he's in the kitchen so who seek seek was the original man who opened the restaurant passed away right after Katrina Charley and we purchased it from his estate so we've had it for almost five years what did you change after you bought it the menu items are similar okay we've definitely taken some off and changed some recipes I'm the chef is the same email it's a new manager yes decision is it with the new dishes Darrell he's got a couple of his recipes on the main meal and where does he trained as a chef he's never trained as a chef if you're not a chef why would you put dishes on the menu being in the business I guess okay this is a chef agree with those dishes or is it just because of the owner that's why gets them on I guess talk to him about okay let me look at how are you I have to be in New Zealand my first time good I saw on the menu the oysters cortello it's an invented dish for our restaurant the court ellos is Darryl and Ellen so they made they made it up so the owners have named an oyster after them yes they you bought the rest now you when your name on the menu yeah sounds like someone's struggling for power yeah I've gotta try one okay yeah I must have some boiled shrimp well sure and what specials do you have my darling we have a chicken-fried steak today let's go from we do have also traditional bread pudding let's go for that and I think we're done okay thank you so what I got alright here we go when Darryl got here he kind of implemented his own menu it really gets frustrating because Darren really has no idea culinary-wise what he's doing Candace you're ready I'm gonna take out the boil trip to him Chef Ramsay is going to love this food it's simple food it's basic food it's feel-good food but it's done very well in French okay thanks to me my first Louisiana shrimp yeah everything's soft they should pale easily and sort of pop out the shell but I'm struggling to peel them that was nasty what I'm struggling for here is the lack of freshness they feel and taste slightly mushy which is a big disappointment again this where the shrimp's fresh they're fresh frozen fresh frozen but I know it's kind of not so far where you can buy if I string up either than lawful yes the frozen shrimp tastes like [ __ ] crap he wanted to know why we get frozen shrimp when you can go to like the market and get them fresh every day it's not uncommon to have frozen shrimp because some things are okay for all right well that back wall is hideous what a mess you're two seconds please and what's with the swamp they call whose idea was that mine in my husband to eat in a swamp for children or adults both boys do I tell oh all right here we go okay thank you hell is that [Music] voices Cortana so suppose you go like that Wow those rich oysters named after the owner I certainly would put my name on that I would even put my enemy's name on that take it for you okay thank you that's depressing as anyone moist is cortello I don't know what to say about that I eat then myself I think they're delicious absolutely delicious now ladies a choice to Sportello just say Morgan this is killing me not to know what he's saying this is the fried chicken Stein right correct thank you Bohannon does anything for seasoning no care candies what the hell is that look like he's just had a drops tongue cut out and deep fat fried people complain that the quality of the food here is horrible unbelievable Darryl's not listening to the feedback that he gets and he's gonna do what he wants to do I'm not gonna agree with that it didn't look that way to me I mean that's what only goes out it's a good product they look like we cut out a giraffe's tongue Wow Jesus thanks daddy [Music] doesn't look fantastic [Music] tastes delicious you might that email it makes it mm-hmm I'm just so happy that Chef Ramsay likes into bread pudding it feels great to end on a good note I took full responsibility for a bread pudding that is all me Daryl doesn't really have influence on that thank God thank God he liked something I did I'll take that any day hello this is Daryl the ownership introduce me to your brigades chef Emil Markos I'm gonna see if I was jasoh garbage I reckon Jason Curtis a chef there's a lot of things that that need changing and you know Darryl is one can talk about lunch yes my god what a disaster the food is below standard why would you buy fresh shrimp simply don't have the time to go to the market excuse me where are we killer Islands come on Big Boy chicken-fried steak disaster what cut of meat was that not a very good good no are you proud to serve that food no sir was that the same quality of steak that we're using years ago no sir then why have you changed the standards it's up to Darrow is that of cutting corner method to say no hello chef everything is [ __ ] to you yeah well we hear diners eating our lunch full dining room well nothing sent back you honestly think just because they don't send it back that your food is [ __ ] amazing that's good enough for you to continue now you can't be that [ __ ] stupid point taken if they want to be that stupid you've got no chance [Music] I don't buy the fact that it's bad quality food as [ __ ] possibly this was once a great place coming up while Darrell and Ellen continue to be defensive we don't feel like it puts out an awful product you don't give a [ __ ] about food it's [ __ ] the staff goes on the offensive you talk to us like dirt then at dinner service Chef Ramsay makes a shocking discovery so how the [ __ ] is that special in your tiny mind I'm telling you have a tiny mind and makes an announcement that could be in the beginning of the end for Zeke's how would you feel if I told you all that after receiving some harsh words from Chef Ramsay the food is below standard darrell has some words of his own you know chef says everything is [ __ ] it's embarrassing there's nothing good about the menu you know I don't buy that [ __ ] I will never believe the food is [ __ ] you're not gonna commit I've been eating this food all my life Chef Ramsay doesn't under war on food that's it you cut all the food down your wine you can't break me [Music] it's an hour before dinner service and Chef Ramsay hopes a private meeting with the two chefs Emile adjacent can shed some light on the restaurants main issues okay so I don't get it some of the things I encountered that today we're just awful that can't be your wish to cook with frozen ingredients we talk about every day y'all just get swept on the table I tell him the second he starts cutting the cost yeah the cheaper product yeah you know it's gonna taste like [ __ ] and trying to explain that to him yeah no it's not talking to this wall right now and how long has it been going on like that since the right round of time he took over the only thing Darryl and Ellen see is money and that's what scares me their whole purpose is money money money money money we feel like our hands are so tied as far as ordering goes everything goes the only other option was to leave me and him both go you know what do you do just walk out of the place but we got a lot of personal memories in this place just to walk out of it grant it all right I get that but it doesn't stop you from having your voice everybody here is just kind of waiting for the place to belly up and go find a new job somewheres else I need to help put this freakin place back on the map yes sir you have flu right we have only two options Chef Ramsay Oh God and I don't think the second come is happening any time soon thanks for the catch I can't thank you [Music] after gaining some insight from Jason and a meal hey I need strength portion Chef Ramsay is eager to see how this restaurant functions in a dinner service why they backed he pushes them out to order what's the idea of putting everything in bags portion size portion size I like to know everything in quantitative perspective if I give too much you get a happy customer here you don't get a good customer you're happy because they're getting three times what they should be getting I'm getting nothing I don't make money on that it's food you know we're not saying hi welcome to Zeke's how many have in the party it's Chef Ramsay's first time in Louisiana right this way please and not surprisingly Zeke's is completely booked and tonight our specials at lasagna I got a seafood platter no oyster sub strip I'm at the expo station I like to see all the food go out I make sure every dish goes out like I wanted to go out can I run anything no shrimp platter comminity that goes I'm waiting on dishes to complete the order doesn't tell you the foods is dying in the window but we're pushing the charts we can see how Bradford icings one thing standing here and saying nothing is another it's an hour into dinner service and the first wave of food is finally making its way out to the customers [Music] let me get your server my apologies and the food isn't the only thing that's getting a chilly reception can I ask something do you mind not standing there like that it's those dour yeah I think you'd be more proactive I don't want to hover you know but you can make yourself busy okay okay I'm ready thank you Sonia what was it asan you made it last Thursday and today's Thursday right correct seventh stuff from a week ago helped me to understand that that's too fidgety that's a bad thing who's on it's all done fresh cooked and we'll wrap the portions up separately I'll put them in the freezer it works is the best was on you're going to get it's a special right yes it's okay so how the [ __ ] is that special in your tiny mind when it's cooked a week ago I'm telling you have a tiny mind it can't be that special if you gonna stand here tell me that it is special the product is good Darrell runs this kitchen with 90% bravado and you know the other 10% he just wings it this is a good product this is good food my god get worse yeah he's a tough nut your expediter so we have a special today when you think that lasagna was made today homemade lasagna right last Thursday how could be that special waste from a week ago well you know it's frozen so it's not like sitting there getting nailed you want it and a customer's mass won't they love the lasagna I don't think that's our biggest issue is lasagna I mean if that's absolutely correct what do you think they would feel like if you told them the day's special was cooked a week ago frozen no no I mean I'm sure they would probably be surprised that it was so good and that was made last week in frozen horrible like me to walk with you I no longer walk or stand up a shelf oh really [Music] when you come out of restaurants and you read today's specials for instance stay beautiful homemade lasagna would you expect that let's I need to be made today ladies gentleman how many of you have ordered lasagna how would you feel if I told you all that today's lasagna that's been served was made a week ago this is humiliating after making a shocking discovery about today's special when was it us on your minds last Thursday Chef Ramsay made an announcement today's Lysanias being served was made a week ago that is not sitting well with customers my apologies to those that have ordered the lasagna have a look at the potential other specials one of a t thank you humiliating it's absolutely better of course when it's fresh serve right out of the pan but it's not horrible I just told the customers a delay the samuel was reheated from a week ago the feedback was shock horror 86 the lasagna yes sir yeah we're Chef Ramsay's announcement fresh in their mind okay customers have seemed to have lost their appetite after witnessing a dinner service full of problems you're two seconds fix Chef Ramsay is anxious to have a chat with the owners oh dear did you hear the customers tonight I told them lasagna was a week old did you hear here's what happens cook lasagna and it doesn't sell you throw it away no we don't throw it away we wrap it I'm here to help but I tell you what I can't help you when you're standing there and trying to come up with excuses to wake up pay good money for frozen [ __ ] that cooked a week ago and you call it a special we don't feel like it puts out an awful planet you don't give a [ __ ] about food it's not true your passions about portion control measurements frozen foods reheating of microwave brushes don't run like this disagree I disagree that also definitely trust me you are not a [ __ ] restauranteur you're the owner you paying rent here when you start dealing with all this crap and your names on that lease then you tell me what you want to do after being stonewalled by owners in denial Chef Ramsay is called the staff meeting two minutes please hoping to bring all of the restaurants issues into the open okay I want you to tell me the frustrations the anger and the things that really upset you the most Emil I just feel as though I'm getting pounded with them now it constantly when I walk into this place I went from working 40 hours to working about 54 400 hours a week that pisses me off I feel that we don't get any respect I'm here all the time I don't get to eat lunch I should have a meal I should have a shift meal this is messed up we are talked down to like we're dirt and it's not right listen I really appreciate the openness and the honestly and he was bad I didn't quite understand it it hit that level of hurt I think she just said that we're all sitting here and that we actually have to even beat at this point I think we all the whole group of us here pretty much struggling no one's getting that message across I need to get through to them Darryl and Ellen are about to arrive I want you to tell them everybody was saying what they wanted to say and getting it off their chest but it's kind of different from telling Chef Ramsay versus telling Daryl don't be nervous I don't need to be afraid I've got your back okay and here they are good morning I've been here having a staff meeting and we've gone through some issues this morning that's been bothering them but rather than me trying to tell you how they feel I think they should speak so who's gonna go first [Music] first I don't feel as though we are gained much respect around here and I don't think that you as I want to have our back Candace Ashley is that how you feel you really do talk to us like dirt sometimes my intent is not to talk down to somebody but that's how it comes out Jason talked to Tara please my biggest problem that I have is just I don't think you have a clue as to how this place runs me yeah Wow I think that you're so stuck on the numbers the actual essence of having a restaurant serving good food and giving customer service and happy employees that that's going I don't understand we hear it every single night every single day from our customers what needs to be changed and why they don't come back we let you know these things and you don't give a [ __ ] nothing's done you don't care Wow okay this is ridiculous it already I won't break down cuz I I've been a long time and I'm not gonna taste jack [ __ ] there's somebody beer that long [Music] I've been here since 2006 why haven't I never got a pay raise okay let me say something real quick since we're all telling the truth first of all Darrell and I have taken thousands and thousands of dollars out of our personal account to pay your paychecks so why not just close the place down we're not giving up we don't want to give up if you want to give up that's fine this isn't your business we don't want to leave each other because we all love each other we won't leave not at all but I need to make money to support my family you know what so do we y'all acting like it's us against y'all and it's not this is a business we have costs and expenses I asked you to take that pay cut it's either that or labor costs gets so high I'm out but you can go on five vacations in the summer and you're struggling for money right that is [ __ ] up period if you don't want to be here don't be here after Chef Ramsay arranged for the staff to air their grievances I don't think you have a clue as to how this place runs the Defiant owners are not having any of it if you don't want to be here don't be here if I were piling on money back there then I can see you being pissed off but we're not piling up money back there I can't show appreciation in dollars at this point they maybe have this picture of me with this pile of money gahahaha nobody's gonna get it we don't have the money I'm accepting the truth from you guys accept it from me please things aren't going well I understand that but comes them around there's an air of discontent they feel abuse and I'm not saying to stop a perfect but you're the owners and you set an example we have to fix what's broken within so how about starting over again and turning the page and the beginning of a new chapter I understand those frustrations you're wonderful people so I want you all here and you will have my respect I guarantee that from me and there's a lot of love for you guys from Ellen and I and I truly mean that good we did make some progress yeah it's clearer okay it's a new day here at Zeke's I've got some ideas that I need to put into place to really start putting this place back on the map thank you honestly I don't think that Darren Ellen heard what what we were saying he was just saying what was right just to get Chef Ramsay off of his back let's see what happens after attempting to open Darryl and Ellen's eyes to the staff morale problems Chef Ramsay has devised a plan to test the chefs and showcase their abilities okay it's being so vyas that you've been handcuffed by down and here's what we need to do show doubt act creative how inspirational how exciting you can be with seafood there's a grocery store literally two miles away from here okay have a look at the ingredients get inspired come back get creative I'll see that on a plate yeah good right now I'm pretty jacked up and bored and Randy himself - Jason time for you to be inspired go let it happen let's see what you got all right let's see that they got brush I'm out right fish fresh just put it out out and a half we go that's what we're looking for it's extremely liberating to have this freedom to showcase and do what we want to do cook good food very nice to meet you thanks guys I am looking for red onions with asparagus red pepper this will be the last thing I get ready to ride there it is showcase the skills so puppy figure something creative and go yeah yes okay off you go guys yep now I'm gonna do chicken-fried steak the same time okay put it oh yeah yes yep you can put the old lime juice in that yeah okay good idea bacon and cheddar nice so in terms of the inspiration tell me what it is try to keep it southern with the grits fresh with the salmon and classic with the capers with onions with the tomatoes good keep it with a New Orleans team redfish and then grilled vegetables fresh rice fresh ingredients you just a fun dish pretty good job but if it's a night and day let me tell you that beautiful now say nothing you didn't cook them I cook them understand yes okay let's go come over guys please Wow you think of Louisiana first thing you think of is freshness but when I walked into your restaurant what I didn't expect what's frozen sea fridge so I got my team to get some ingredients on me like you both just have a little taste taste the freshness a beautiful char grilled salmon done with grits creamy tasty absolutely phenomenal and I got hold of some redfish marinated zucchini with some rice and a really nice mango salsa oh my gosh this bread fish is delicious it's phenomenal absolutely absolutely watching them eat my dish and not knowing that it was mine and to say that you know it looked like it was from their heart I might just have a little taste of that chicken-fried steak I just lightly pounded it and then fried it twice so it should just melt in your mouth it does literally literally melted JEP and couldn't believe how good it was the presentation was beautiful and moves fresh ingredients and they tasted wonderful they're all absolutely phenomenal you taste the difference there's something you need to know about the seafood dishes I didn't cook them for two chefs put those dishes together Wow those secret dishes are your boys tonight they're really are they're phenomenal it really opened my eyes to what I was I wasn't letting them know honestly food is heart and I was not letting them create their art these aren't just delicious they're beautiful and they come from right in Saudi I know that yeah fantastic job it feels really good that Darryl and Ellen recognize my potential and nothing that my abilities haven't shown and hopefully this is the first step forward this is the new Zeke's I can see that's what we're looking for not like I really think to myself was about [ __ ] time you see it pretty good job walk up this incredible coming up its the biggest restaurant redesign in the history of Kitchen Nightmares this is surpassed anything you could possibly imagine but it all could be for nothing if Darrell can't stick with Chef Ramsay's new plan everybody stop just stop after finally having at least a small breakthrough with the owners Chef Ramsay decides to have his team work through the night on the biggest restaurant makeover they have ever done right good morning aunty chef excited are you ready to see the new Zing's let's go welcome to the music let's start with the walls gone is the swamp reclaimed doors that nostalgia and it's got that comfort feel right you've got the most amazing chairs brand new chairs it just feels authentic let me say this please you have found our identity wonderful this is wonderful us I'm astonished I mean truly I didn't really have any expectations but this is surpassed anything you could possibly imagine there is one more thing I'd like to show you you're gonna stop peeing your pants there we are our boy house from shocking your oysters to cook in your shrimp this is gonna be a substantial part of the menu and a meal it's gonna take so much pressure of you and Jason this should just run on its own and it should almost double the turnover did I see you smile again there's a second time Jeff Brampton has given this staff this place my family our friends our customers a new beginning unbelievable honestly when people would ask me where I work I would never say Zeke's I just say I'm a cook mm-hmm no I'm proud to say that I work here a new beginning and the new identity was ease along with making the decor more inviting Chef Ramsay has replaced Zeke's outdated stale menu with a modern update of classic New Orleans cuisine oh my gosh oh my goodness me this is gonna put sinks back on the map be careful it's fresh every dish is absolutely beautiful okay they start off top of the table Zeke's house boil yes book you love shrimps yes Brooke you're the blue crabs a great sharing festive localized bucket push them okay back in the menu the entrees pecan-crusted catfish so with a classic tartar sauce and a herb salad country fried steak big hit say no more such a gravy delicious slightly heated and that gravies got a nice little burn on the back your throat blackened alligator wonderful Creole sauce absolutely dishes because this has now become not the old Zeke's jaw Zeke's got your identity now make it yours absolutely incredible beautiful the way chef created the menu and the dishes they don't have a menu like that around here they can enjoy so not only do we have something great to put on the table but it's not any way around nobody else has it tastes poor man I mean you guys phenomenal we're proud to have it and excited and can't wait for everybody else to come in and try it it's delicious I feel right now we have the most diverse Louisiana Southern menu I mean we very well may have the best menu Richard flavor rich in texture Wow hi guys the community of Metairie had a love affair with this restaurant that went sour enjoying Jordans or shrimps are amazing Chef Ramsay's revamp and tonight's relaunch will be a strong indicator if it's possible for this love affair to resume and with so many changes in place and so many people in the dining room Chef Ramsay is hoping the boil house will take some of the pressure off the kitchen nothing in the boathouse already so get hold of the waitresses call them in and say right start pushing them and we've got to use that place we've got to get used to that let's go great sell boil for sell one okay so onto a big table please tonight we have a special it's boiled lobster for two I don't know if you saw it on the menu but sell it by the bucket this bring us to September right [Music] [ __ ] is the laughter for Table five a little bit of butter on there get a nice little glaze okay tree boxes let's go look what I have for y'all with the boil house now being utilized and satisfying customers over its clearly allowed some breathing room for the kitchen however it's now up to Darryl to manage the time wisely don't work hard today let's make it happen you've got to focus on that window communicate with these guys one time we'll even what type of working so we don't get bogged down yes strip give me three minutes on that let's go we need to push food up there and cook as fast as we can I reckon 3 chops an alligator hold on one second down smother chop how you like it yeah bro slow down but one minute let us catch up with Darryl calling multiple tickets at the same time potatoes and more focused on speed than anything else ticket is it floor the kitchen is now completely confused yes whatever you got make sure it's done I was being told that I need this this and this right now and I just try and move as fast as I can and get the food out it just looks like crap do you agree yeah no garnish [Music] darrell has managed to get the cooks producing the food at a much quicker pace but the dishes are not at the level that they should be so is that it's not is it this you mean don't you know the one stuff yeah guys the fish is raw not tonight just just stop 24h out everybody stop what a joke it's relaunch night at Zeke's Oh slow down there let its cuts over and with Daryl pushing the cooks food is leaving the kitchen quickly don't you know the one stop unfortunately it's also coming back quickly guys fish is not tonight just stop everybody stop I mean Jacek around I'd rather be three four minutes later then rush food out there and the shit's coming back not tonight an expediter should definitely set the tone for the rest of the kitchen sink daryl lost control of it i it's just a big catastrophe what we've got to do is focus on one table at a time we've got to communicate know talk to me don't get to one where yet don't what say what you want down take responsibility I have to stop refocus let's get these tickets out one at a time I need to do a better job at communicating very simply let's go move to the next ticket I got 33 black and alligator pecan catfish let's go following Chef Ramsay's advice of focusing on one table at a time Daryl and the chefs are now insane please let's get this to a31 perfectly cooked dishes are leaving the kitchen and are being enjoyed by thrilled customers now that this restaurant is on its way to a successful relaunch Chef Ramsay is ready to spread the word this place was legendary it lost this way it's now back on the map and to new owners that are gonna start their own beginning of a new chapter what is the feedback you're getting that the food is fantastic I mean the menus it's fabulous highly recommend that you come in and try it it's finished that's finished somebody get this the port team please there no more tickets come in let's get this stuff out of here that's a wrap jacket Dana tonight the way it ended made you feel good big towers showed more personality at night and he showed in the last few years we still have some improvements to make but you can see it's on the right track nice job thank you so much okay tonight was about establishing a new Zeke's and you achieved it yes my first time in New Orleans [ __ ] me did he give me a challenge if Chef Ramsay told me a week ago that all these changes were gonna happen why don't my daughter I don't think I would have really believed it guys have a quick word with you - amazing look at this place the potential sewage and antastic it's now your Zeke's run with it and dough you do care and you do have a heart a big heart show it to your staff indeed over there don't hide that I'm ready to do things the right way ready to get moving into new it's a new life it's new energy good job can I get organized we had a lot of issues here when I first arrived the staff were at war were the owners the food was miserable and the restaurant was seriously struggling for an identity but why witnessed was a phenomenal comeback and how fitting is that that took place here in the most resilient city across America new leads we killed lasagna not so special in the weeks that followed a glowing report on the local news as a family as a restaurant a speck on the map brought a surge of customers to the restaurant Darryl and Ellen are doing their best to raise staff morale you all did an excellent job I can't do this without you guys and are reaching out to the community that we really thank you all for coming it means a lot to us thanks but Zeke's back on the map [Music] next time on Kitchen Nightmares Chef Ramsay heads to Bourbon Street to a restaurant run by two brothers Moe and Rami who used her eatery as a battleground Gordon is completely disgusted and totally all and challenged by the management punch me - what the [ __ ] you want to do that's next time on the most explosive Kitchen Nightmares of the year [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 4,811,991
Rating: 4.8943682 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Hell's Kitchen, FilmRise, Full Episodes, Free TV, Television, Restaurants, Food and Dining, Food TV, Classic TV, Classic Television, Unscripted, Reality TV
Id: QyeNuqLQP8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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