First Ever Episode of Kitchen Nightmares with Gordon Ramsay | Watch in Full | All 4

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Bonaparte's restaurant is in dire straits new owner sue ray has sunk everything into it it's frustrating don't know what the customers are nowhere to be seen now he's booked non garden it's off no chances at walking bass sleep my kitchens down to two staff and the money is nearly run out I'm going in to identify the problems I'll find out if the markets there if a team are pulling together thank you for you penalty and if the head chef is too tough enough you're taking a piss you know I've got just one week to turn this restaurant into a viable business honeymoons over I've got to start making profit now next to his posh neighbours Ilkley and Skipton CID salesman a little working-class town yet to make his mark on the culinary map of Britain lots of fish bars cafes by quaint little place little small Yorkshire town Bonaparte wine bar and basement Richmond on the high stream was taken over by its current owner just over a year ago in her time sue Reyes sold everything from donkey rides to cavity wall insulation but the restaurant business is totally new to her and so far the locals aren't biting lies so how's it go how many's having for lunch and last night two again so two customers though that's the whole night yeah unfortunately it's just died of death absolute death the stark truth is that two-thirds of restaurant don't survive past their first birthday and as things stand Susan danger of adding to those statistics as a last resort she's placed all her trust in a 21 year old head chef together they believe that fine dining will guarantee Bonaparte's a brighter future it's like being a nice you know I mean you just start from from nothing and create some things that I think that's why I love being a chef from a humble start five years ago washing dishes tim has had a meteoric rise obviously I would like a couple arrest jobs maybe three being leads in London New York you know wherever just big cities you know so that's my main ambition and obviously to make a lot of money Tim's ultimate dream is to become a TV chef but for now he's embracing his first opportunity to run his own kitchen how did you find Tim you found me I mean you I've been struggling with chefs and like of them ambitious you must be [ __ ] good if he's ahead sure that's what you want that either that or is a [ __ ] good bullshitter pleasure to meet you sir likewise and late so you're the head chef yeah and you're the we also you'll be the second chef looking too busy lunch no no absolutely I didn't think so he's standing there twiddling your thumbs no suits food takings are dismal 200 pound a week she should be clearing at least ten times that but she's not even covering Tim's wages let alone food cost and overheads chefs can't get excited less this customs to cook for I'll never know how good they are unless there's any customers in the [ __ ] restaurant Tim ham he's booked none garden nothing it's off no chances of walk-ins perhaps slim don't want to see you on a little bit of pressure tonight right it's 5 to 6 don't wait to get out on the street go knock on a few doors and invite some locals to dinner get your coats on and [ __ ] off for some customers that way if the customers won't come in off their own free will these two young chefs are gonna have to go and drag them in excuse me we'd like to fine dining requires the ultimate in presentation surroundings and service but most of all they requires faultless food it just made the people coming in now it's like a big cake you've got all the ingredients and you can mix it you just gonna find the right consistency make it rise the reputation of this place can't be that great even with free food from a fine-dining menu on offer they've only managed to pull in 11 guess for any head chef this would be a walk in the park that's for a tip engine main course one venison one bro waiter the tickets get well I just put them there because we never really get enough to worry about who's doing one moving the fish tonight I'll do 20 sighs house/funk to organize your kitchen oh please okay the hot starters I'll do the cold start the do the fish smell good to meet with your model please because here then we'll stand here and I'll do this one right just when when I'm not doing anything I'll just jump on an album yeah I'd organize winning race within reason okay here we go red Bartley with the first orders in now I can really see what's going on in the kitchen I just touched a lot of balls never mind fine dining they can't even get the bread right now the fish is ready yes we're about to put them in a bit because the breads frozen pigeons are cute and the [ __ ] Fred's not out there if you toss that [ __ ] cabbage once more on the rim of your ass okay yeah everything handed let's go even when the kitchens busy you should be looking to get the startles out within ten minutes of receiving the order these poor souls are waited half an hour for the pigeon breast with mushroom ravioli and that's not the only problem Tim you made her over here yes it's burnt taste that man smell of it do you wanna see talent takes that burn but no no you point out yeah this is really worrying a head chef who can't even taste his own foods burnt he's not gonna win any prize he for his control of the kitchen either and there's only two of them in here buzzing the background that's the vision the microwave that shouldn't go with the main course four minutes ago and get the [ __ ] things out for some allows wait is just too much desperate to keep a staff cost down Sue's got a hands full running the bar upstairs it seems blissfully unaware and the faster has taken place in the basement kitchens a disaster disaster beyond belief the blind leading the blind the left arm not knowing whether I arms doing and you 150 60 seats filled down they've got 11 customers in for dinner and up till eyeballs in [ __ ] ER and I mean real [ __ ] yeah everything's going in these cutters so some bizarre reason they think that rings is the sort of ultimate fine-dining experience but I see I don't understand what the hell's going on there I know is I'm not making money so I don't know what they're at well welcome to cover but it's Sue's business and she should be in charge look at the [ __ ] mess I've ever seen such hard work 4:11 guess doesn't make you feel good I've got just one week to make a constructive impact on Bonaparte's but by day two I'm clutching at straws to find any positives to build on sooo lacks focus and has clearly lost control the kitchen such a tip is a health hazard and worst of all the head chef and his maid just aren't up to scratch I must be missing something [Music] tensing's a dish Scott scoffs can't wait to sit nearly every successful Russian has a dish that is renowned for I'm hoping that by cooking his Tim will produce something truly memorable something truly worth the other place on a fine-dining menu special signature dish which is scopes with their different pattern black pudding sauce hollandaise mmm certainly looks okay what do you think it's going to be sick he's only going given me a rancid scallop some gamma drink elgyn [ __ ] how could you eat that if you knew they're off don't you say not in I didn't know they were off that [ __ ] Ming in you don't taste that I do now yeah took a while I know what it means I feel sick me somehow it's um it's grim it's [ __ ] grim and it's out of order why didn't realize they were [ __ ] off so but I suppose it's my father Elia I could kill someone that's the bottom line [Applause] [Music] in the two days I've spent at Bonaparte I've witnessed total incompetence in the kitchen total lack of direction for the management and last but not least they've tried their best to kill me with a rotten scallop [ __ ] you playing out socially well it's not about being [ __ ] sorry you shouldn't be in a [ __ ] kitchen if you don't know what's right and what's wrong in that sense I mean this is basic [ __ ] cooking you know that I need to check if there's any more surprises lurking in Tim's kitchen when are they from Saturday would you use them today no that's what the [ __ ] they doing in the fridge it looks like rabbit [ __ ] that one that's just some lentils oh this one stuck to the [ __ ] glass there looks like sheeps turd that's been infested with ants we've got [ __ ] fur on [ __ ] potatoes when's that from come tell you what we do with them probably been throwing me a pen but you keep them the future two days before you throw them bin you see I'm trying to get up yeah does it make [ __ ] sense yes or no no it's all this [ __ ] fridge is jam-packed with [ __ ] and we're standing here so you'll put bin I'll get them in the [ __ ] bin this whole kitchen disgustingly filthy and allow things to fester Tim's putting Sue's business at risk do we get that one cleaned out as well yeah yes just one bad thing can contaminate a whole fridge Tim may as well just chuck money out the window a health inspector would have a field day do what I'm [ __ ] gobsmacked yeah I've got a good [ __ ] mind to get hold of [ __ ] soon just tell it just [ __ ] close a place or where you know cuz this is the [ __ ] pits you should be ashamed rock bottom I've never seen anything like this in my entire [ __ ] life you know that because this is a [ __ ] embarrassment to catering let alone [ __ ] ring down fine dining let's mover not best I could have been where it to be honest [ __ ] that sorry sorry oh the [ __ ] is becoming painfully clear Tim's completely unqualified to do this job he's black DS way in and Sue's be naive enough to take him on when you do put so much like hard work into creating stuff and then you know you know use it you then you get both welcome football is playing we know a football in it they just run around what's pong or selling their asses after a while are they that's how it is all this ingredients in there and no customers descended sue and yet none of them have been communicating with each other you know that's got to go tomorrow can we turn that into a fish pie can we do something with it but no the blind leading the blind and every bloody ingredient in that fridge is money your money sue has no idea what's going on in their own kitchen key to any successful restaurant is a regular communication between management and the head chef I really need to get these two talking we need to keep the place clean and everything tidy otherwise I can be sued in which case I'm out of business and you're out of a job realize yeah I know when I've taken this got to take it on board as well oh just you shut the sticker our insurer we're gonna say I told you so that's what she was doing yeah there you know she has a little dick so long [ __ ] you know me relations between Tim and Sue clearly aren't healthy plea yeah goggles gloves before we do any [ __ ] cooking in here now on the place absolutely spotless goggles on please that's it show me you handsome bastard it's not just the kitchen as a thought here any clue digression turn nose is damn stupid to attempt fine dining in a basement let alone one that's beneath a busy bar [Music] Suz panic is obvious when you see the weird mix of fine dining menus and scrappy ham written boards advertising TV name cow brains Bonaparte's image has clearly confused potential customers she was trying to let's think to do too many things to be all things to all people so she was trying to have you know live music and have an internet cafe and also the impression that he got when he came in was she'd be shuffling around in our leggings and her slippers I don't think she's gonna attract the people that she wants to attract it's not as now she's the one that something to cross the road the newly-opened competition just two hundred yards away has been fully booked since it opened so the punters are definitely out there it's time to find a clear identity for bonaparte and make a clean start Valentine's name is just four days away it's one of the most important nights the Russian calendar and it can make or break a new venture if we're gonna reinvent Bonaparte's image we've got to do it now but we su accept the drastic change of direction I'm about to propose it's clearly not gonna work as a fine dining experience system know how much pressure you're under financially I say flippantly you know I'll end up going bankrupt if you're not careful but doesn't realize how true that is yeah may have clothes sorry in real terms in real terms probably I've got probably three months maximum Jesus you know I'm willing to take constructive criticism it's not working is it otherwise we'd have more people in the basics are wrong I mean that the basics are so so wrong and it's embarrassing it's going to go back to comfort rustic easygoing food it's gonna become more of a bistro because the place loses that kind of style I know Sue's convinced but if I'm to flush out Tim's pretensions to fine dining once and for all I need to provide him with evidence that you can't fail to take on board gentlemen Tim all right this is a safe scarves with a bourbon black pudding with a nice hollandaise cayenne pepper sauce and a bear deep fried partner um it looks like the dead I'm not going first ah you had a scallop you and this is a beef and ale pie hmm yeah beautiful the scallops and the black pudding and the Parma ham how much do you pay for that fifty-fifty what would you pay for the pie but a pound 795 a 95 well done which what you prefer well thank you Tim needs to learn a few basic Russian rules if you don't know your market you'll never get bums on seats I would probably go with this one too for Kim now next please well you got two seconds here's another one have you got two seconds restaurant without customers will go bust put another way Tim needs to start producing foods the people of SILS and won't be able to resist you wouldn't pay 895 for that in the major cities yeah I'll expect too but now it's very very reasonable and delicious mm-hmm are you listening Bistro yeah fine darling who's going in for it is clear the writing's on the wall she's come the end of her tiller there that's pretty obvious that yeah she's she's had enough fun yeah is that clear yeah and you know you're [ __ ] cocky with her you know that yeah yeah and she pays your [ __ ] salary are you mad how much have you put in here no not a [ __ ] penny not a single penny be taken from avenue yep so now it's time to give back and not cooking for egos get rid of it back to basics you know that what I want you two to do just to confirm that you eat do know the basics both at the same time cook me a [ __ ] omelette show me something that I can eat and be happy with an omelette is probably one of the first things you learn to cook a catering College was last time then I've never cooked tonight before don't be student look inside was that telly um slightly overcooked slimy take like [ __ ] rubber cooked that was [ __ ] by any standard you are a head chef you're taking the piss show you know you are taking the piss you know that yes god it gives you nothing back and the whole idea of telling him off is to sort of help train him an educator but clearly not used to being told what to do right make me another omelet [ __ ] it let's go any chef-worthy soul should be able to source and good quality ingredients at a good price the locals already think Bonaparte's is too expensive they want value for money for suit to start making any sort of profit Tim needs to be clever about what he buys he needs to wake up to the real world he's clearly in need of some inspiration for his new bistro style menu thanks thank you that's all well know and spending on those new trainers with it trying outside the Chinese tunnels tonight we've got a table for it what you okay to buy starter main course and pudding 20 quid five quid per head right and we'll see how clever you are with that money [Music] morning come on in I'm making for you sir I will make you some French onion soup today so looking some lights are rustic like baguettes [Music] clearly Tim's never bought anything from a marker before in his life discount for the trade any discount for the tread always worth bar before you know that so when you're on the telephone in the morning your chicken we need suppliers and you want to know how much the fish needs you can always bargain with them everybody know truth sees money this way do you I will do from now on [ __ ] right you will Tim's menus are packed with expensive fish and meat cuts he needs to open his eyes to the tasty less expensive options on offer yeah what's that next to the pig's head what is that that's oxtail oxtail you ever used oxtail before now what would you do with a brazen steak there may be barbecue all right not some barbecue no and rich against that raises that means [ __ ] crazy so telling you what to do this so what would you do with it very insane like a stew couple down the [ __ ] barbecue just done with some chicken breasts they go looking shown you so check it I watch his chicken per breast so I get it from my butcher and is it you'll butchers more expensive yeah Jesus far them place any discomfort red just careful to it a little bit oh that's my boy there for me yes I never bill plays ed receipt with the eighty with EA T you'd come again him absolutely the more they see you the more banter you have with them and more bargains you get with them and the cheaper it becomes jealous yeah then the richness starts to make a bit of [ __ ] money yeah get the picture how much we spend just over 12 quick 12 quid fantastic for full portions brilliant okay fetch on your suit it costs 75 pence to make a portion how much does he go the menu for you times by four I'm actually cover everything 295 a bowl of soup and we made money on that and one thing we're not gonna do with ingredients for this morning is waste anything we waste nothing with the Valentine's extravaganza just two days away I'm under no illusions as to what we're up against in the kitchen give you some [ __ ] energy [ __ ] 21 for God's sake should be getting [ __ ] twelve hard-ons a day not one a [ __ ] month let's go Lee's got a bit of now so we've got a host tim's hand every step of the way you sure you want to be a chef yes you are this is a one chart that you see if Tim can cope with these new bistro style food throw the knife out put back in and bring it to the edge there yeah gently gently gently into jendi making love to tie it down for Kate outside Lee's yeah what do you do with them you throw them away yeah we used to throw away yeah but before we let him loose on the paying customers I've asked him to cook for four special people in the privacy of their own home what I haven't told us this for his own family no you leave it dangling on top so he gets perfect call she let it [ __ ] stir inside we've got soup chicken lemon meringue pie yeah let's go surprise mum dad shall we let's go around to the house and you cook their tea yeah tweet it as you sauce for the [ __ ] if I'm asking you yeah good the Gaza CentOS is the sauce the cowling sauce hello magic how are you surprised I hate to use Tim's folks guinea pigs but but the three-course meal already prepared all Tim needs to do is reheat the soup and cook the Kiev's this should be a walkover even for him it was always in the kitchen as a boy wanting felt big cuz he loves talking about it doesn't he yes yeah but then he decided whilst he was at school that that's what he wanted to do and he got himself a job in the kitchen and it just went on from there told me that he was going to be a chef and he was going to the good food sure to meet Gary Rhodes and off he went fantastic look what's happened yeah so I keep you waiting he's ready let's not forget tim is a head chef [Music] croutons Gran's house ladies first this is some French onion soup - the croutons what are gonna do this num fun hole cut up superb torch on the outside and pink in the middle as for the lemon meringue pie you would get a better reception if you threw it at Tim's family wouldn't dream of criticizing him but the paying customers on Valentine's night won't be as forgiving we've got 44 for Saturday night mm-hmm can you 44 for what chance have we got 444 I'm now starting to [ __ ] myself it's my fourth day at Bonaparte's Tim's first attempt at cooking a simplified Bistro meal may have impressed his granny but he and I both know the awful truth it was a spectacular flop you paid as a head chef on you yeah do you think you should be a head chef not really thank [ __ ] for that don't start crying I'm not well you look your bags of [ __ ] bubble looking for tomorrow night Valentine's cabaret are piling in with the rest of nearly booked to capacity I'm trying my hardest to stay positive but with just a day to go you'll take more than high energy drinks for these two to pull it off when someone's been told off first thing we're doing a kitchen is come back at a hundred mile an hour this guy disintegrates every time you telling something he just disappears into oblivion and loses all sense of concentration that little short span that he has why don't we swap the rolls around tomorrow why don't you become the sous-chef and Lee becomes the head set for tomorrow night no answer whatever you want to do but it's your [ __ ] kitchen you suppose say bollocks no I'm the [ __ ] chef my name is Tim gray is me on the menu no yes or no yes maybe it's me I should try the softly-softly approach we've got big night Saturday night is full and into the first time since you've both been here that the place is full okay I was I'm here you're not shafting me as well at the same time you know that yeah they'll work together over the next 15 20 minutes I want you both to think of something really simple menu wise three starters three main courses and three puddings yes bypassing some of the decision make him back to Tim I'm hoping to build up his confidence and he stole some pride in his food it's time to write a simple menu when you've had your head up your ass for so long doing train to make fancy silly food the kind of stuff we're going for it so what I think I might Weiland laying classes liver and onions must macaroni cheese fish and chips mushy peas last shot poor thank you pop that's that's nice and you come with the idea there yeah well we'll just flick through some books and for what what simple and you know basic forward did we start at school what did you like at school I'm not forgetting where are we women still stinging Yorkshire in devising this new menu I'm aiming to take most of the pressure off Tim and Lee join service 90% of the food can be prepared and perfected a Dane advance that's good zivia she'll show me you know Helen two pens at once as long as it's made well they can't fail to be a hit with the customers there should be 15 things going on there all the same time coordination understanding medium pink is it well done onions roasted bang in short Bonaparte's a new bistro menu is designed to be idiot-proof identify them as vegetarians yeah so far Tim's attitude towards Sue as being that of a stroppy teenager rather than a respectful and supportive employee that's probably a first is actually filtered I've had to run down and chase all the time then I need this and then oh yeah yeah yeah it'll come later I need it now Justin boy today seems a lot better don't know what he's been doing to him down there but it's certainly improving in the week I've been here I've hardly seen Tim or Li sample season anything that's made no wonder that tasteless food is failing to woo the customers everything we do in this kitchen has to be tasted I don't care if it's a [ __ ] bread roll a lemon meringue pie or chicken Kiev you have got to start tasting things from now on bland is off the menu weight and the teachings to a lesson they'll never forget I'm resorting to dirty tactics you know what a medium steak tastes like yes does that taste like a sirloin t-bone steak or is it a rump steak sirloin like so long oh you know here we go now for the pancake open up okay tell me whether it's medium or that well done medium and long well done none of you got that right yes yeah Oh pork and [ __ ] lamp it's okay now you know you don't realize and saw something behind photo feature that you're polish so not active could have been worse could have been cheeky Tim together we have non-stop grief for me put the ball down this boy has really tested my patience and I really don't know if any of it sunk in but with more than 40 guests expected in just over two hours time he'll soon be tested to his absolute limits no no don't tell me it was the nut take your [ __ ] penalty I'll say this for Tim he's no quitter and I don't want to see him fail but now he's got to prove he's master of his own kitchen we're not leaving this as a drawer you know that hey in cooking nobody draws ever one thing's for sure tonight he'll either sink or swim [Music] [Laughter] upstairs okay good news good news no to soar up to 1548 now who's never had so many bookings she's happened to move furniture out tables in yeah boo that chicken Kiev we roasted vines Mars t-bone stay with homemade chips because there's so many involved for dinner I wouldn't stole them upstairs for too long you're really gonna dump us in a big time prawn cocktail three bean salad what do you dare say it but this place has got a real buzz about it there's one thing listen would you like on all your menus we should put that on the back of my name on it we work as a team and it's a joint effort and Bistro you know that's it that's the most sensible thing you said to me all [ __ ] we you know that thank you every decent wrestler in the country is full on Valentine's night the competition down the road is packed to the rafters and for once so is Bonaparte's in a small town like seals them business thrives on word-of-mouth if tonight's a disaster it could break soon I've got a fear that he will not be able to cope with the numbers especially when he's saying that the Elevens busy I don't think so so we'll see what he's made of Tim has got to get this right okay a six o'clock first orders in hello chef yes well don't give it to Scott Scott first order in hey are we gonna let the kitchen put a call out the tickets all you gonna call them out come on an order to soup to chicken one creme brulee one treacle tart let's go suits made get on to boil Scotty put salt in it please something's burning what's that burning he's just on the yes there's not the crouton sir no it's not the cooler don't burn the croutons just soup Sonia Python for the chicken no yeah I think we should put the panel first yep start the chicken and as they're eating the soup the chicken is cooking are you all right yeah yeah first all Irene is upstairs and you're okay well you depend on for the chicken yeah don't burn the croutons okay hell of that soup [Music] 45 seconds what the [ __ ] are you doing by the way young man why you doing slow down talk to him leaky send the 2suit please wait look at the croutons charcoal again [ __ ] order what's up nothing not William you're cooking like an absolute twice you know that's yeah just take your time big deep breath and talk to Lee a little bit you're just on your own spinning around round around and just rating of [ __ ] yeah calm down gay self-organized yes and control yourself now [ __ ] come back to me little bit come back to me a bit yes go on to me fresh startled we're gonna go down like a psycho [ __ ] that's better Lee look at him look hey nice and bright here's a smile it's well done isn't it yeah [Music] what two minutes eventually so I can have two ovals out of their name please Bernardo three-prong cocktail one soup one sirloin medium will t-bone medium will I need you [Music] how long for veg 1 an hour [Music] yeah yeah on our though one prawns one beans won't care what sirloin well done well lemon one brulee I spy two I can out the two ovals are made now you talking to the team which is fantastic here we go yes medium we solid that's a medium on its own without sullen that's a rare yeah we out solar yeah let's not get nervy famous with excellent us very enjoyable well we expected to have ramen itself really tasty having more to come please sue there's another for the local competition I it's got 46 booked if we do this last four we've beaten them yeah one is dead so not just lift them up a little bit I'll get some holiday Vanya cool service please Scotty one t-bone steak medium and one chicken Kiev please and that's all going to table 12 [Music] but it's brownies cook when it's black it's folks [Music] what's the place weaklings [Music] [Music] - so long to meet you dr. Shephard yeah [Music] Tim's gran and granddad are celebrating a 44th wedding anniversary at last Tim can repay them for the rubbish you served up a couple of nights ago with a delicious welcome meal you really surprised me tonight and I'm really seriously over the moon that you didn't [ __ ] it I'm seriously yeah because the first 15 minutes is six o'clock you acting like the biggest 20 in Britain you know that all over the shop and you pulled it back together and that wasn't me that was you and the feedback from them out there has been brilliant what does that tell you what does that what does that put in there another service lad for a long time and these stupid [ __ ] illusions of grandeur oh all this stupid fine-dining crap that you're trying to do it's gone do you understand yeah exactly where you are now yeah yeah totally to understand what you're capable of doing within this restaurant yes stop trying to take it beyond something is never gonna be you'll [ __ ] the restaurant and you'll [ __ ] yourself big time - never forget tonight you know with that shot with tonight's Sue's takings our record 2,000 pounds - yes I also think you've been confused - what you want because you haven't been focused on one direction for the restaurant because you've been and that's right and now tonight clearly evident exactly what you need to do from this day onwards and if you changes anything when I arrived at Bonaparte a month ago it literally have no customers head chef Tim gray was a liability realize who are [ __ ] off he couldn't even cook an omelette you're taking the piss oh you know in one grueling week we transformed Bonaparte's my failing with fine-dining restaurant into a buzzing Bistro with Tim sending a quality food to nearly 50 contented customers on Valentine's night but since I left who's given Tim to written warnings over his attitude now I'm back unannounced to find out what is going on my god what's going on Chile Chile it's for tonight it's 7:30 how many's books for four and you got the music blaring away yeah Wesley is upstairs on bath isn't bar what the [ __ ] is that in there you're not serving there I yeah well the fridge is like well you're on a wife why is that [ __ ] in there there's mold and for dear oh dear so you haven't changed have you a whole week drumming into their thick skulls and it comes to this holy [ __ ] this is a living [ __ ] nightmare nobody in this place is taking control and in this state a health inspector would close them down without a second thought so we're gonna show you this because it's part of your responsibility and this is your gaff there yeah you didn't see this thing no I didn't touch that didn't furnace to 10news it was doing okay you seem to be okay for the first three days and then it went no this is not right this is this is [ __ ] miles away this is a nightmare you know that because it's more or less on top of more loss and more loss and more mold that's what worries me because you need to touch that you need to rub your finger on that you need to go to a chip you need to season something you put your finger in this tomato soup and then they'll [ __ ] you've just contaminated the whole place and that's what really worries me this kitchen is not fit to cook a [ __ ] thing in right now and there's your problem I think I better just close and put due to refurbishment now you should burn our grocery yeah it's been giving him another chance and another chance that's I can't tolerate that it's just going to end after that's professional suicide isn't it he's calmly simple as that I don't honestly think he did it deliberately I don't think he's a nasty piece of work I just think he lived in her with Walter Mitty world I'm beginning to think that it's just convinced himself to be honest to God from Valentine's Day evening to this is it's not even fun of this just so long without a lot think I've gone home to bed or whatever feeling in a better happier state of mind and tonight I don't think I forgot to bet in a worse one just beyond recognition really an hour for in stupid that someone could be that'll be me pretty much yeah at least the bars busy that is one saving grace but really thank God she closed that kitchen down because it was [ __ ] disgusting I mean really appalling ly bad shockingly bad before you rang me up all aggressive I will get in on with your fine I will respecting you giving it all the light gentlemanly bloody stuff I could do and then you went shot I don't [ __ ] pump no dope till it on me if a floor is still was filthy doesn't matter yes I feel it does I think we've established our look yeah [ __ ] the [ __ ] floor that's worse [Music]
Channel: Channel 4
Views: 3,040,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitchen nightmares episode 1, ramsay's kitchen nightmares full episodes, full series, gordon ramsay full episodes, gordon ramsay kitchen nightmares full episodes, Gordon Ramsay kitchen nightmares, kitchen nightmares full episodes, Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, episode 1, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, All 4, Channel 4, full episodes, season 1, Gordon Ramsay best insults, kitchen nightmares online, kitchen nightmares watch online, kitchen nightmares best moments
Id: nBx37KQRbZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 46sec (2926 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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