Gordon Ramsay Helps Momma Cherri's | Kitchen Nightmares

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Brighton London by the sea loads of locals and a steady stream of hungry tourists nesting just a stone's throw away from the seafront if mum a sherry sold fruit Shack offering classics from America's deep south the big soul mama aka Sherita Jones has raised thirty three foster children but running her first restaurant is proving a far bigger handful Shack Cherie Gordon it's quaint it's cozy I'll say if it's like welcome into the you lounge thank you because I tend to spend all my life here this has got to be my front room otherwise when do I get to kick my feet up after three and a half years despite throwing everything at this place and working seven days a week Charita is still in serious debt to the tune of 65,000 pounds a chef I'm kind of a chef I come from a background of big Mama's and all of them come it's called stick-to-your-ribs stick to your roots mama Sherry's Shack seats 40 at an extremely intimate squeeze but sadly for Sherita that has not often a problem as we day trade is virtually non-existent it's great at the weekends but somehow we've discovered that we're in a hole we're just in this hole a financial hole that we can't claw our way out have you made any money since you've been open nope not a penny not a single penny have we made since we've been open it's hard to put our finger on your why is it critical I mean how long how long can you continue staying like this truthfully I'd say three six months maximum max no customers no money it's time to check out the kitchen Charita calls herself the cook but brian mayou is a head chef so who's in charge how you doing dude I'm confused I was employed to come as a hitch him right because the menu pretty chilled head chef who doesn't write the menu I only works 35 hours a week next he'll be telling me he's forgotten how to cook quite nicely very young pathetic efficient and it's nicely fried faint lives check it be back which means for mains my place piled high with a clumsy mess of ribs spicy chicken jambalaya and corn and bean succotash there's ribs so tender have to say so on the plate with real care taste this might be the first time I should go back to a kitchen with an empty plane and thank you buddy delicious thank you and yeah I thought it's gonna be really spicy but it was spot-on they actually made me feel like I was back at mums for the first time there are things I would change okay crazy I know it sounds great aren't you in your head Oh how'd you turn that thing up just shut up [Music] [ __ ] sure eateth down-home style should be a unique selling point but it ain't working I need to go back to the kitchen and find out why Friday and should we just tackle in most of the day's preparations single-handedly in a desperate bid to save money part of this is you've gotta get your hand marinating meat making dressings sauces and bacon are all crucial things to prepare in advance of a busy service but deep fried chicken wings tales of advance of their first booking that can't be right because if you cook them off now and leave them to cool when the order comes in it's just a matter of picking out how many we need and they go back in and they come back up so nice I'm gonna go try no I'm beginning to suspect the good old home cooking isn't as wholesome as it could be most of it's coming from the freezer rather than the salt how many freezers we got 13 by the time Brian turns up there's not much left for him to do so you can't really feel like you're head chef if you've got Sherita in the kitchen every morning cooking the food and you come in and you send it in the sense you're not actually really cooking you're just coming in and putting things together have you lost motivation yes so if sherita's head chefs gone off the boil I'm hoping her remaining crew of part-timers have a bit more spunk heading up front of houses Lauren she arrives ten minutes late for the evening service 20 year old ad seems to be more committed to his glamorous day job kitchen porter gavin lives next door but he appears to turn up when he feels like it and sherita's librarian husband Phil hotfoot sit back from the day job to become basement barman and resident DJ these are numerous other part-time staff are all members of Mamma Sherry's big laid-back family so when he's in the shed I'm in the service he slowed them down Michael Jackson I hate to ruin a good party but if you want to run a successful business then the terms laid-back and professional just don't mix it's not just about how good the food tastes it's about how it [ __ ] gets there as well and that is crucial I can't wait to see this team of jokers in action immediately is clear who's the mama in this kitchen Charita talks to them like they're her children and she's guilty one could be anything from fresh for Brian and ADA there's just an elaborate heating and plating up exercise commands of messy food school dinner style addy - must try harder on hot turkey yeah serves on cold plates yep but cold salad yep what's he laughing at this is serious you weren't gonna break sweat when there's twice as many stars as there needs a this should be an absolute breeze but you just killing yourself trying to do everything paying two fully qualified chefs to dress and send a plate of naturals come on that's a surefire way to break a business tonight on several occasions you're standing here cooking away in a world of urine yeah and these guys standing there just almost playing with themselves because they're waiting for something from you if you are the head chef yes then you're gonna have to start taking the reins yeah yeah I want to try and get through it a busy night without pissing your pants with laughter two hours pure concentration without laughing okay I bet you can't do it I can be [ __ ] smiling already if there was ever a case of too many cooks this is it one of them will have to go not be scared to get rid of baggage Brighton's best-kept secret mama Sherry's soul food shack is so well kept it's losing a thousand pounds a week no on it 20 past 10:00 in the morning no day three I've uncovered a couple of reasons why I know it's chilled but Frank you know a lot of children's are step on why is no one here this time the morning firstly the food's good but it could be so much better where's there where's Brian yeah secondly there are far too many staff and most of them are pulling their weight what he's late right now see washing up as well she's in she opens up brings all the supplies upstairs you should be ashamed of yourself right treaters next task is to make a huge batch of macaroni cheese that will last up for two whole weeks hop on the stove her food is irresistible people will travel miles to taste it but like a lot of our home cooking this light is destined for the freezer where it's delicious texture and flavor will be lost forever beautiful yeah well I think I don't think I want it's not a case of one no I think you got into a habit I've got a habit which is a lazy habit you're not late nice work so bloody hard it's definitely lazy if you turned up for work half an hour late in my kitchen trust me you'd be home for the day looking for a new [ __ ] job to be honest there's no wonder Brian's lost heart the man's been working in a kitchen for as long as I have but to save money he's been sidelined so much so he's rarely involved in actually making any of the food well you threw it together it looks like I'm throwing it together but I throw it together the exact same way every single week so when you're not doing it who does it I'm doing it okay if Sherita was using Brian properly they could ditch the freezers once and for all there hello skirmishes I think I should go to stop as it stands few customers will taste the food at its best she's just thrown away her unique selling point [Music] and boy does she need one it's a ten plus one Santino's time and this patient salute me round and there's not a soul in there [Music] this is dire staffing and Sunday are your prime days for business but like many failing restaurants sherita's making some classic mistakes poor man's meat pie yeah eight pound yeah I know it's gonna be good yeah you go onto the menu here you've got main courses at the whole team yeah 15 pound why they gone up so expensive it's paying the bills bank manager yeah accounting and I have a saying help me help me how do I do this they say the or again you gotta raise prices eh prices always the bank managers solution yeah literally down to your bank manager well he's an [ __ ] oh good yeah it's killing the business I want to look at restructure in the menu okay making it a little bit shorter okay tweaking the portion size all right having less come back sixty percent our bones come back but it's that forty percent I want to work on the objective for every customer comes through that door is to have a starter yeah her mains and a dessert okay you wait and see the turnover treble if you can squeeze three courses out of them okay but before we can squeeze anything out of anybody you need customers and if they're not coming to us we've got to take mama Sherry's finger lickin food to them got the meatloaf oh ha ha the ribs okay got the chicken that smells amazing and who better to flaunt it than the mummer herself don't be shy I'm gonna come to you think you're not coming to me all cook fresh and Mama cherry soul food just around the corner boy she's good a soul food evangelist and she's out to convert the whole of Brighton just wind her up and let her go don't forget this time is on the house but yeah when they're paying you yep yes I did there's no doubt that sherita's a terrific cook but she's in point Brian to do that job and I'm beginning to realize she's wasted in the kitchen [Music] with sassy night service about to begin it's time to get this Shack in order it's pretty obvious that the business is in dire straits you know that's real that's the truth watching you guys over the last couple of days you actually treat it like it's your [ __ ] home's chilled relaxed and this lady here you talk to her almost as if it's your mum and that really has to stop if this is gonna go any further and if it doesn't work none of you out of business they'll either who's got all of you guys are out of a [ __ ] job you've got no work so when it's that far down we really have to dig deep and come up with sensible ideas and tonight I'm gonna ask you to stay out the kitchen okay if you've got so much to sell yeah and you you know [ __ ] good cook thank you so should we let him cook I'm gonna nail it yeah yeah have to pass the reins over now and if you don't break away from this stove I swear to god the business is gonna close and let them do the job you [ __ ] pay their money for okay yeah yep I'm gonna go put some makeup Charita street hustling and has secured a fully booked Russian tonight if we're gonna get through it we need to get this kitchens working like an efficient one old machine time to whip up a bit of professionalism into these boys thank you open up your eyes okay not just to her but yourself and me I said no smiling no laughing okay yes good evening downstairs Shri to slip effortlessly into the role of the hostess with the mostest Ryan's taking his first decision as a head chef precooked buffalo wings are off the menu from now on they're being cooked to order [Music] we've already spoken and after 20 minutes well almost the rest of the food's going out just as sherita's always done it hot food cold plates uninspiring salads and you're break-in meatloaf [Music] but let's not try to run [Music] [Music] the restaurants cool but now she's front-of-house sweet is using every trick in the book to boost business two hours in and the food's not going out quick enough treaters faith in Brian is dwindling fast so we're in the lift for Brian three years of living the Connery coma is a hard habit to break he's beginning to lose it and sherita's constant interruptions aren't exactly helping come on Brian don't lose it now you know what else on this table I need to see what's on it I need whatever else is there they are getting restless I'll tell you what the problem was with fresh food yet you can't expect the food to just jump on your plate - no we don't play that - Raph - yeah Tina that's a good 14 20 minutes to make sure that you don't kill a noise okay as that pig feet go on cuz it needs to go on now cuz it takes the time yeah I have three minute you in here we're losing money [ __ ] you now so what do you think of that meatloaf thank you didn't I tell you didn't I tell you I thought the kitchen off to a really good start you were slightly nervous being down there because you are sort of not spying on them but coming up now educated yeah yeah you lost it Brian a little bit envious you said something interesting though yeah dude it has to understand it's gonna take three or four minutes longer because I'm cooking from raw and the benefit is the customer but I think this guy yeah with the help of a D and get faster yeah much much faster I mean how would you sum up your in the dining room and it felt good because I'm telling you for three and a half years being it was the first Saturday night uh-huh that I have spent downstairs they've seen you in s the fish they want to see him to come to see mama downstairs I'm gonna be cracking the whip a lot harder it's your business course you know and that's what I was thinking yep you know I gotta crack it let's go okay thank you good thank you guys let me go down here Stan cuz I got a few more desserts to sell yeah if Brian's going to win sherita's respect as a head chef he needs to become more involved in preparing the food as well as cooking it number 13 lucky for some but since his hours were cut he's been dropped in a catch-22 situation where's little lady on Brian's been left holding the baby it became a problem you just Claire had to go to work yeah and we had to find a way of meeting the bill at the end of the month yeah you know and that's why I can't do Tuesdays and Wednesdays the whole thing is just confused yeah you know as Brian's involvement with the food is diminished so too has his confidence the first time he made meatloaf two years ago it was a disaster so we're gonna prove that Brian can not only do it but do it better but you've got to be strong now yes she's gonna concentrate in yes you're gonna be running the kitchen yes you have to be strong yes yes the problem with sherita's meatloaf is the bacon bo time it's cooked it's like cutting into leather back baking you sword dries out tightly fastened bacon okay so yeah streaky bacon place one nice fatty piece of bacon there as it's cooking yeah it's putting moisture exactly inside the meatloaf yeah you know if I put my foot down and said no this is like this like that I think I can see myself going far you know I can achieve things it's a it's a happy feeling you know happy feeling mmm just look at them this is new is just right did not okay that's fine doesn't need name need anything with Brian's confidence slowly returning now I've got to work on Sherita she excels as a natural cook and a great hostess oh my god everything on my menu but when it comes to business she's a self-confessed numbskull but it's not just the Takens that other problem here tuna grams of butter like a beautiful risen cake successful rationals only thrive when three key business factors are working in close harmony 200 grams of flour if we establish 1/3 staff cost 1/3 food cost and 1/3 gross profit combine all those ingredients into one recipe yeah chemistry you have the most amazing cake and that's how any of your business works yeah at the moment treaters business cake way of course I'll show you something what we've got currently happening here at the show with few midweek customers at Rita's gross profits are dangerously low very very profit have food costs are reasonably healthy but a massive overheads are crippling her why sure that one's gonna cost you when we start adding really high staff costs so there's an imbalance already yep bloody heart now I'm doing some purpose to prove a point yeah yeah you can't complete a recipe for successful business when you've got imbalanced situation you can tell me to [ __ ] off by how much you pay yourself a month well I get around 200 a week that's it I'm the lowest out of the kitchen 200 pounds a week oh wait yeah how you hundred pounds a month you working seven days a week that's the [ __ ] this 780 it's more than me some weeks a commie chef that's part time gets paid more than you you're far too [ __ ] soft you really are far too soft well it stops now I know I know I know I know I know I know that is a profitable business and with the right ingredients yeah that is what you're currently running right have a think I know which one you liked [Applause] why you crying cooter I'm not gonna do my business I'm nearing the end of my week in Brighton not sure I found my soul yet but Brian is finally beginning to behave like a head show and Sherita is undergoing a transformation from mother to matron and from now on she'll be ruling this roost with an iron hand but we still have a fundamental problem a crippling lack of weekday customers what we need is a gimmick a bargain that will ensure the shacks full to the rafters all week long the idea is is to sell your restaurant per table okay okay so a table of six six chairs yep ten pound ahead sixty pound for that table if that works yeah every night a 10 pound ahead yeah that's 360 pound in their till think of it this way yeah they'll spend the same amount of money on alcohol my plan is to trade an exciting three-course fixed buffet for each table simply find a service and carry a picking from the existing menu okay but before we do the big presentation to Sherita I've got to inject some life into those god-awful limp salads now is just Holocaust on the menus 54 pounds [ __ ] 50 do you think that's real good value for money for all you serving no made a very simple testing here roasted cumin yes yeah little bit olive oil fresh lime okay look at the difference now I start building it up and get some colors in there yeah four pound $55 a [ __ ] joke and sweet potatoes a huge insult food yeah all they've done had been blanched into the pan yeah nicely colors don't move them so they got color on there okay the more you move them around what happens breaker that boys in the background she's in the kitchen again a lady the secret here now is to keep them nice and hot they go really now almost like the roast never takes yeah not a difficult finicky thing to do for me you know when you look at the style of sweetest foods really important to keep it rustic knowing anything fancy I'm not being funny but Gavin the kitchen porter you can get this stuff done oh that is good I'm in heaven what I'm trying to do is make the place look less cluttered yes food speaks for itself sometimes I see these mountains of food go yes okay yeah you know it's just too much no more food piled high on cold plates at ten pounds a head as long as it's delicious and looks good [Music] Brian can clear the frozen backlog and start from fresh regularly no seven go sell this yeah [Music] simple sexy and irresistible soul food Saul says welcome do me do something you talking around the binge another maybe what you think Table four [ __ ] good this is fantastic honestly what leftovers right Charita basically we've gone through the fridge c1z be used up yes and change yes hey we just made a really nice vegetable pig Lily and it is marinades through brown sugar vinegar look at out there for four people yeah you got a mug of soup as well don't forget I think it's quite sort of fresh and new yeah and it's sort of deep formalized at the restaurant because it is a food it's you know across the table yeah also it introduces everybody to different foods yeah one is having different tastes about your thing yeah and the idea of course is what they've experienced this they come back Friday or Saturday yeah for a full thing yeah yeah this looks great good tomorrow I gotta live oh don't worry I'm gonna be now you said live you wait I'm gonna be live it's themed sherita's well and truly sold on a new idea Wow okay I just gotta think of word for tapas I'm gonna come up with my own word I'm gonna make it up but I guess I can't call it slap us cuz that sounds too rude short dynamic yeah the point yeah yeah the mummer's on a crusade customers so little bold all right and we're launching tomorrow we please have the big party ten pounds each three courses [Music] jambalaya barbecue chicken going by tomorrow night Charita wants the whole of West Sussex to know about mama Sherry's and its brand new bid week eating concept soul in a bowl when you're hungry and you're need of a serious food attack just come to mama cherries the soul food shack we've got so little bone three yummy courses served on a platter fried chicken jambalaya and more we're talking soul food tappers the price is so right so come to the shack to night on a normal when fee nine Sherita would be lucky to get eight customers [Music] but whilst we've been out bookings for this evening's launch have gone through the roof it's all coming together except for one small hitch there's no Brian there's no ad there's no Gavin no one's here Brian's stuck with a [ __ ] babysitter somewhere God knows where and you know what I've never gonna get this place right then they're gonna have to really understand discipline because this is a joke big day no one in the [ __ ] kitchen where have you been come on go get changed yeah I thought gonna be here by 10:00 a.m. yesterday yeah she said no God just like that get changed yeah and let's get [ __ ] started yeah let's go yeah I was hoping the renewed responsibility of running this kitchen would relight Brian's passion for cooking you need young man eggs [ __ ] rocket of your ass and with it bring a new commitment to both raising the quality and the urgency with which the food's delivered at the same time but even if Brian was making the new improved meatloaf twice as fast it still wouldn't be quick enough yeah where you haven't caught the wet mixture there yet so how can you identify the texture oh yes get the recipe complete first and add the breadcrumbs then do the [ __ ] test some others do I've got one thankfully Street is completely unaware that Brian's already losing it upstairs so how's it looking now it's looking for a Wednesday well this is wonderful look perfect and fifty fifty five games five hundred fifty panel food yeah the same again yep hold on the drink drink yes a thousand pound in the till yeah which is equivalent to a Friday night so yeah yeah that's a funny name Joe a touch of flexibility it's a new start for the and tonight every member of Sherita staff has got to give 100% ok here are a set of rules that each and every one of you are now gonna abide by and it's not a governing rule it's an understanding what this business needs to go further and forward I need everybody here on time and on time means if I say you start at 6:00 you get here a quarter to that way you have your cigarettes you get changed you chat you'll have your coffee and so that it's six o'clock you're on the floor okay the next one is there is always something to do if you can't think of it ask me the queen is now in residence yes Sarita is now on the floor and to confirm that we're gonna raise the flag yes okay okay Charita don't you pull this up here together there you go listen have a great service think customer push the wine and work together let's get it right right [ __ ] now let's go okay the success of Seoul in a bowl relies on doing large numbers at only ten pound ahead Streeter must fill the restaurant is twice over everything yes are you nervous Brian ad and Gavin have got to get those platters flying down those stairs but they're only just peeling the last potatoes I'm gonna send you down a tray design for two comes with corn bread and soup as a starter excellent it's the first Wednesday night ever they've had to turn customers away slightly sweet [Music] you've got a very countess three they've had a person join them so it's now it's already looking better but tonight is got to be perfect take the [ __ ] Bala on track nice and clean okay and for the first time this week Brian's not smiling [Music] well then let's tone please edit send away so now we're looking for a for soup and a tree soup for cornbread treat want bread Gavin you're taking care of the dessert yep the team is pulling together [Music] communication is much much better timing on some of these good job if they can keep it going we might just pull this one off I said they are stuffed it is delicious all of the different flavors that go with it fully satisfying I'm gonna take them some dessert you see that empty bows and for that dessert Haylie surprises all with his homemade pecan pies beating any day you know they have just 40 pounds to make each slice is 1/5 cheaper and ten times tastier than the ones sherita's be buying in things must be going okay because we've hardly seen her in the kitchen all night [Music] now the pressures really it's still not perfect tables called away you stick that ticket on the train no one touches it but the fiber pair has definitely got more professional how's it feeling up there can't quite believe I'm saying this but I think Bryce actually breaking a sweat [Music] very tasty very good food you got this outlets were done quite like this before and it's really nice to the six and a four tomorrow let's get a girl a stable goes out just like the first cell yes I will come by definitely definitely we'll come back [Music] [ __ ] well done everybody good that's one day the real work starts tomorrow yeah let's go I didn't know how much I was gonna cook today you know do you know if I was gonna cope or break basically bad I just one thought in my mind is to get through this [Music] Thursday morning and the whole team are in early they're clean out of food stops a fully booked tonight so they're starting completely from scratch [Music] fresh home-cooking straight from the salt hallelujah could I just say you set me a target yes when I spoke to you last night we hadn't reached that time under pound last time yeah I also fell and I cashed up I hit 1,000 it was at 1080 if I need to yeah they did it ladies quietly impressed me this week but if he really wants to make it as a chef he was got to decide where his loyalties lie I do enjoy it but I don't think I don't like the hours I don't want to be working I sort of hours Monday unless I'm as rich as you you [ __ ] can I just say when I was your age the age of 20 there wasn't enough hours in the [ __ ] day for me to work so yeah I'd be very happy to become successful but you gotta work for it be point doesn't just come on a plate where you got to read the following it'll happen and Brian well the success of Mama sharise depends on his strength and his commitment more than anybody's you've really pissed me off this week you know that yes I felt really but after especially yesterday when I realize that I haven't been really sort of it's like I didn't care almost I just thought when I first saw you the kitchen you're treating it like a job no passion but last night it came back and I could feel it you are the head chef yes so act like the head chef yes take responsibilities of head chef yes get a grip wake up and [ __ ] stop dreaming and I think Sherita knows what she must do you are the most marketable assets understand kitchen morning I am hosting the room and being present amazing you have got to continue that I will do then I've got to take some control back so a [ __ ] example do not be scared to get rid of baggage back in December I spent a week at mama Sherry's fading soul food shack and I've never spent a week quite like it no discipline if you turn up for work half an hour late for my kitchen if you're home for the day looking for a new [ __ ] job and sixty-five thousand pound in debt every minute you in here we're losing money [ __ ] hell I whipped the head chef into shape and the mama found her true calling you don't break away from this stove I swear to God the business is gonna close what's it called together by the end of the week we have the shack firmly back on track it's a Wednesday night and I'm just hoping the mummer will be glad to have me back [Music] where else would I be I'm a little kitchen and soul in the bowl still go going up I mean I wish you could have been here last night we were absolutely full why don't you wanna to see observe and downstairs yeah stop boys having almost something not better he's actually in a uniform oh it's great to hear that Brian sorted out his babysitting problems sherita's been able to take him on full-time as mama Cherry's head chef and he's a changed man on weekdays he's running the kitchen single-handed and he seems to be thriving on the responsibilities that looks fantastic you're not throwing things in there anymore now you play sling and they're nice they actually looks nice what's happened to you over the last two months I went through a phase like I'm in a snake you found me when you care me the Lord's come down and touched you all credit to Brian he's taking soul in a bowl and run with it it's looking really fresh how does it take enough food to come out on the tray on the trains making a bad list I was about six seven minutes sure five minutes so quick quick as possible as I can be yeah so you have unless you touch then it's coming back slowly you know then you lose a bit of confidence it's kind of difficult to so try and find yourself once again you know but at the moment I'm so into it and I'm gonna get it done whatever happens the team has been stripped down and the customers seem to love that new improved food it's all good for business chicken gyro meat jambalaya hot wings January's takings are up a staggering 60% on last year despite now being closed on a Monday and last Saturday Charita filled the restaurant three times over with Brian and AD cooking for a massive 105 customers I'd love to see you spinning around doing 105 covers you know that soul in the bowl we're not here for you tonight is exactly what I wanted him to get some confidence and I walk in to see when your menus and I've also created my own soul and explained in it out seasoning note imitation yeah and you know what I think back that folder what's happening now is I've got people come in on the weekdays or during the song the bowl and then they say to me I can't wait to book a weekend because I know now I'm having those ribs they weren't enough that stress has gone that the stress is gone because now I feel that there is a future you know anything there was a future yeah I've got that fire back inside yeah and you know where the business is going yeah and I know work where it's going and we're in Kenya are you making the perfect why would it come out your cake market will come out married in your cake long live mama teri and her finger licking food I'll definitely be back for more you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 4,926,465
Rating: 4.9551501 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay kitchen nightmares, Gordon Ramsay best insults, kitchen nightmares full episodes, kitchen nightmares online, kitchen nightmares watch online, kitchen nightmares HD, kitchen nightmares best moments, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares
Id: Hwy0EPyPVuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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