Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 5 Episode 6 - Full Episode

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[Music] tonight on Kitchen Nightmares revisited Chef Ramsay is back in Baltimore Philadelphia and New Jersey early crap Bri checks in on some of his biggest challenges he has ever faced they were the most disgusting that's [ __ ] older than me dysfunctional and most distraught restaurants in Kitchen Nightmares history first we return to cafe hunt and Hampton Maryland the owner was caught in a nasty battle with the community it was afraid for my life what death dress and her staff was ready to revolt your Roux [ __ ] then we visit her Ellis in Philadelphia where the family business was so bad that one owner had completely lost his confidence I stayed bankers were afraid to get up while his wife had completely lost her patience and lastly Chef Ramsay travels to Montclair New Jersey to get an update on Leone's under no circumstances can we continue to serve food I'm sad to say if we're closing down the Oni for the night we're a lazy owner the major problem here is there's no manager nobody in control this restaurant it's hard for me to really show passion was ruining the restaurant that his mother had worked so hard to build get ready for a night of surprising updates as we find out who stayed on the road to success and who veered off turning the restaurant back into a nightmare I'm pissed off you seven wilson foods iseman kill them therefore a child you wake up okay as soon as I leave a restaurant I'm always wondering whether they stuck to the plan and I know you do also tonight I'm going to show you three restaurants I visited last year and you will be surprised at what I found out first up Cafe hon in Baltimore and the Maryland a suburb of Baltimore when I first arrived I visited a local radio station to find out restaurant owner Denise whiting was at war with the community she had trademarked the term hun which is a cultural icon in Baltimore he was threatening businesses with lawsuits the lawsuit somebody went that far he demanded legal fees from somebody that was making tourist stuff with just the word hung on it after finding out what I was in for I mean she's always become the ante hung yes it was time to go to Cafe hon and actually meet the owner but before I made it inside I was faced with a giant and I mean a giant pink flamingo holy mackerel I'd hoped that the restaurant wasn't on his last leg as well I desperately needed a head Denyce his side of the story the problem is I federally registered the hon as a as a trademark people scream at me from across the street just horrible things gonna but I mean I was afraid for my life did you not sue anyone I never sued anybody you didn't sue anybody did you threaten to sue anybody no but Denise wasn't telling me the truth I've done my own work before I got here I did I see you're not being fair now after setting us straight the next step for me what's the taste of food then I met my lovely server Amanda Amanda love the hair yes I know boy her hair was wonderful Wow look at you they sure do love their hairspray in Baltimore little bit that Asami do you stick to the fish sadly the food was atrocious stone cold I don't understand this is perfect perfect trust me they were far from perfect and I could tell already doesn't have my hands full with Denise that night at dinner service this asparagus all right I'm tired of seeing the asparagus different kinds of ways you cut off the ends and you blanch them I could not believe how Denise ran harassment any turkey on the board eighty-six the turkey she was 86 in the whole frickin menu 86 biscuits you guys are 286 the potpie of the 86 the catfish love the item French fries I thought she could eighty-six me next we don't have my god sorry that was Austin happy to go this bar after seeing her better leader Denise was I decided to talk to her staff about her behavior she throws up 20 the girls and doesn't they're stupid or she gets up to my face her hair she focuses on a lot of the superficial things she micromanages it was clear that her very loyal staff were deeply affected by her actions it was time to confront Denise Denise you are your rude [ __ ] ouch and I'm tired of it Denise you're the negative in the restaurant people don't like you they did not hold back but that's exactly what the nice needed to hear I'm sorry that I've been a bit overbearing to lose this business would be for me to lose my soul and I can only say that this is the beginning of a new day beneath his apology was I step in the right direction but the bigger issue was a relationship with her community so I hatched a plan I put together a select group of people I'd like you to hear from okay okay please jump in the car hits this on Denise was forced to listen she pushes everyone around she's focused when Denise whining and if you don't like it you're gonna be sorry what would it take for this community to embrace Kathy hunt again just a walkway from the train.the tremor she has to benefit all claim to it say was a mistake does not own it the niece had a big decision to make give up the hunt trademark or lose your restaurant would she do the right thing I am so sorry for the animosity and the hatred and everything that trademarking a word just a word it's done please forgive me that must have taken a lot of courage to say that but you never said you were gonna give him the trademark back yes wow this is amazing that's stunning after getting Denise's commitment to change we were ready to relaunch caffee honey with a new deck or a new menu and an owner with a new attitude caffee hunt wasn't well on his way to becoming a fixture in the community once again I've been given great gift and an amazing opportunity and I will be forever grateful [Music] last year if you wanted to see an angry owner at war with the community and trust me captain Han in Baltimore was guaranteed fireworks personally I felt like cyndago shaping a treaty as opposed to fix the restaurant I'm now back to find out is there peace coming up as the nice repaired her relationship with her staff and her community have we got good news bad news she wasn't sincere when she apologized Oh No or has she gone back to being the tyrant of Baltimore you know we've had some issues I'm on my way to meet Winkle and Jojo they're DJ's at a local radio station these guys really do have their fingers on the pulse in the community and they're gonna give you an update to find out how the locals have responded since Denise whiting gave up that trademark hunt and what's really happening in that restaurant six-five it's Jojo and Ragan in the mixed morning show and we've got special guests this morning as you may have been reading in the papers Gordon Ramsay's back in town yeah we're gonna see we're both more things about Cafe hon now good to see you guys again I'm so happy to be back now the word on the street Cafe hon I've got good news bad news in between good news good news the good news is there's there's not a lot of news okay which is really good for Deniz so it's not people just violently angry at her yes right there's still people who say she wasn't sincere when she apologized is bush there's still people who say oh she didn't give up the trademark she did give up the trademark we know that for a fact 1 2 % so there are people that are just not gonna be won over but I think the majority of people have come around things are back to normal in that neighborhood and everything's going ok I'm just as importantly the restaurant as it would have been any feedback my wife and I were there a couple of days ago oh good we had the crab cake we had chicken potpie run it was good rice I saw Denise there was a resurgence in her that I hadn't seen that was nice to say yeah yes are you gonna head over and talk to her yep good to see bugs good to see you chef Gordon Ramsay thanks for joining us this morning on the John Regan show excellent good to see you both absolutely not pink flamingos you too well how are you my darling this place is vv it's wonderful there's a little color miss together somewhere quieter let's go over there the box on the corner wow that is crazy in there and we look great by the way thank you I brought you a little present hey open it please I'm trying to see what you think I thought because you kept it just seemed so special maybe think he was thinking about me other than when he's here how are you personally wonderful don't get upset come on I'm just last time you cried for a different reason I had people scream at me from across the street just horrible things gonna but I mean I was afraid for my life this time it's happy crying it's a happy cry I felt like for a whole year and a half I couldn't be part of the community and as soon as we did the relaunch and I went right to a community meeting that Monday and then I just started getting more involved in the community which is Newsies my eyes you know it's like the restaurant is one thing but as soon as I rejoined the community I really felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders and I could be me again business in general this is the last story where are we since the relaunch business picked up about 20% we're still working to regain people's trust and get them coming back we get in but we've gotten a lot of new people in the door and and people that said oh we stopped coming and now we're coming again yes the food the service how you feeling that I've been kind of overseeing things a little bit more but oh no I think who's member loss always interference it was just negative with Johnny why is it sitting here listen you look great the Russian sounds amazing I'd like you to do something special for me now don't cook me a special I'm dying to taste the food brilliance surprised me [Music] [Music] she's still making things how much has she changed a lot yeah is she support anymore yes and she's awesome the motors we got invited his home for dinner Wow turn my house Denise a lot easier to talk to she's more receptive to our comments she's turned it around she really has what is that that's delicious hmm I get the opportunity to cook for Chef Ramsay Annie it really likes it that makes me feel really good ladies and gentlemen I'm so pleased to see the delights underneath Whiting's face the fact that not only she a part of the community again but you as the locals feel part of this ratio as well [Applause] I'd like to introduce a very special guest give a warm welcome please Baltimore City Councilman Nick Mosby [Music] [Applause] [Music] this thing I would like to present you with an official Baltimore City resolution in recognition of your selfless dedication and continued support to the community and the city of Baltimore thank you so much thank you I appreciate the recognition early and truly and I know that you know we've had some issues and I really appreciate the fact that I've been given a second chance because not everybody gets a second chance in this lifetime and I'm very grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Gordon Ramsay and I feel like you've given me my life back and my restaurant back and I I will be forever grateful I feel like I've earned the right to be happy again I might be crying right now I'm gonna really happy inside I'm very proud of you thank you take care good to see you okay best wishes thank you bye guys [Applause] let me tell you what really happened here this was a PR nightmare that became a PR miracle and if only Denise can always remember to be part of the solution and not the problem then trust me caffeine has a very very bright future in Baltimore it's the biggest [ __ ] flamingo ever seen in my entire life what a monster next Chef Ramsay returns to Philly where Tommy Dafina was a broken man completely depressed they stay in Vegas I'm afraid to you know new fragrance would come Anthony who's gonna shut my gas off as Tommy remained the confident man that Chef Ramsay built up has Tommy personally made any changes or has he left Shirelles fall apart come on no that wasn't me why don't mess with Kitchen Nightmares revisited returns South Philadelphia home to Shirelles owned by husband-and-wife Tommy and Dina Daffy know shortly after meeting the couple but what's missing from the registry we don't know what's missing customers I think our food is better than the areas for the round applause he's fresh right and I stand behind our food I could tell they were really in love with their food so what's wrong with her stuff I don't agree with the way he runs the kitchen is not my businesses that's not the issue and his wife was so frustrated with him and their business the issue is you can't better your business the way you're running it you try right away I could tell this man was broken but now I wanted to get to tasting this amazing food your analogy thank you thank you wow it's so much feel on here bill cut lip Johnny your parmesan veal cutlet with roasted peppers veal scaloppine Oh bill something booked a realtor Anil Sinatra why not add a film with Donna Rae feel Bocelli I mean come on while waiting for my lunch I decided that little walk around what's this you're kidding me what did I discover a full-blown gym that wasn't me there's holes in the wall he's punching some holes in the walls I'll say it wasn't him it was that wasn't me not only was it a gym it was a driving range as well to shank you okay back to the food your Smasher [Music] let's get one thing straight the food was not good that's gasoline what is this custom combination like someone's throwing up on my plate Tommy and Dina failed to see that the food was disgusting hey just for you down at your feet come on hello can somebody say denial I'm not in denial you are gonna have to get your head out your ass and it went downhill from there this foot to what you just saw swimming in oil and you weren't gonna say that Hey coming crowd dinner Tommy avoided the problems need to go back in the back and check on your car keep back free he literally ran away from the problems right now and Dena had no choice but to step in give me table-turning give me the pasta special functional owners and a dysfunctional kitchen I knew if there was any hope of saving Tommy I needed the help of his family Dubble diegs Tina and Danai I came by here this morning to talk about Tommy we need to get him back you see listen I love you I want me back too I'm not the same person I was my whole life get that person you got to reach inside Tommy and pull it out we can make great changes but unless you're back you gonna work I know I don't wanna fight yeah okay good Dina and Renee were able to build up his confidence and finally we'll get in somewhere tommy was ready for change the next day we relaunched Shirelles mom it's gonna die guys let's go more it was now up to Tommy to prove to everyone he can run his restaurant how we looking here are we looking here right now table 20 he found me tables one area and he did just that we're good who's I'm yeah good job the noise great job I'm the [ __ ] [Music] last year when I came to journalism South Philly I met a husband-and-wife team they're about to literally give up on their own restaurant and let me tell you things couldn't have got any worse we had a phenomenal week I made some unbelievable changes we're about to find out if any of them are lasting coming up has the rebuilding of trelles destroyed the marriage at the relationship between you and Tommy and later it's an unexpected revisit not to be missed why is he lying to me great to be back in South Philly a mom away to chiarella's an Italian restaurant run by Tommy and Dina Tofino now last time I was here Tommy was so depressed and Dina she was just a nervous wreck we made some substantial changes not just the restaurant but the owners as well and back to check in and hopefully that momentum have you been okay yeah you're quiet you seem calm last time I saw you you were nervous wreck and it was almost like you hated being here yeah it was very stressful how's the business been 20% better Wow so 20% up which is great news positive how do we take it to the level how do you get it up for 2% um I think the liquor license we're working on you'd be saving yeah just imagine what the business could do if it did have that liquor license getting there once we get that liquor license we'll be able to be open later yeah happy hour will be like set I'm out the relationship between you and Tommy I don't agree with the way he wants to kitchen you can't better your business the way you're running it I didn't think she felt like that on a scale of one to ten si si and these complices back yeah thank God where is it I think it's down this way once we changed in here let me get it Tommy all transitions and do the new person all right buddy Table five five and six make the salads up aye [Music] okay great shape I'm telling you I walk in the place is buzzing last time I was here it was more than 20% down you're now 20% up saving for liquor license yes he put in enough money away each month to say for that I am starting you were still behind I mean you know electric in the occasional leg goes first but we were up from last year and that's what I look at yeah positive exactly that seems more control less anger are you happier inside therefore you see I'm definitely from before me emotionally in a way better place way better you did get back to what a place to fill up that mission it's not easy to find your manual when things are going bad and he put that bag or import it back for me [Music] please busy I actually like coming to work now yeah he's a la presume oh my god yeah he learned how to take control of his business without letting the business take control of him and that's the biggest change in Tommy take a I'm dying to taste this when was this made a really really good indeed last time I was here he was walking around with his head in the sand he was still giving you food ten out of ten and I stand behind our food the food was disgusting how you feeling now I feel the nails ten out of ten and I'm happy because he's happy with Tommy lines working together running a business together raising a family together we're more confident together this is the happiest the time when I've been because we're able to communicate better and I'm not sugarcoating anything coming back and see exactly where first you are now it makes me really proud I want you to really succeed so I'm personally gonna make a contribution to you both to help get that liquor license seriously we can be 20% up now without the liquor license get that liquor license we're on the roads Jeffrey was he is a great guy and putting and helped us anymore I couldn't possibly have saw it but for him to make a contribution towards political license is like just awesome it really is Chef Ramsay coming in there has been one of life-changing experience it's been an unbelievable anything brilliant he's a hundred percent behind me which is a great feeling it's a great feeling all right listen keep it up with you yes yeah seriously yes well done thank you I give a girl figure seriously thank you put those holes in the wall okay take care Thank You chef I love you Wow I am so surprised I mean I had my doubts about Tommy but he has really stepped up and taken the bull by the horns and now isn't in tow of his business and Deana she is completely transformed and as a couple they are united stronger than ever before and I really believe that chiarella's now in on his way to being back on top where it belongs coming up Chef Ramsay goes back to New Jersey where Michael went from the laziest owner to a hard-working manager and he one Cod one our chat night find out if he is still leading his restaurant through SAS unsent disappointed or has his old habits resurfaced that's coming up on Kitchen Nightmares revisited Montclair New Jersey home to Italian restaurant Leone's run by mother and son Michael and Rosalie owners you told me what do you want me to do when I first walked into the restaurant and what's that thing there that's my old television that I watch all the games and watch the games on there yes sir I was absolutely stunned by what I saw do you think it's a good impression because was walking in for the first time Michael just seem clueless a lazy owner watching telly was bad enough but the decor was just as hideous oh my god is that a baby yes I mean they say that there's never an ugly baby I think I just found one but that's not you is it nothing I mean she was quite a character I can't start to even think about turning this place around until I get to the bottom of these shoes the major problem here is there's no manager there no nobody in control this restaurant I take care of payroll I take care of receiving doing the menus Wow Paul on the rose she depended on Michael to run the restaurants basically the staff is running this restaurant right now I I disagree he wasn't learning anything except maybe his mouth are you here every day make some wonder young everything yeah six days a week across those six days a week you're in here you're here what 12 14 hours a day no I work the dinner shift from like five to ten fact alone so five hours a day how many of them do you sit down depending on the situation roughly three so you're on your feet for two hours a day yes holy crap in order to get the whole picture I decided to order the whole menu yes holy crap how many items on the menu over 100 a hundred I mean physically their parents oh come on guys grab a knife before please maybe a bag [ __ ] sit back and while the dishes looked awful there's no seasoning in there they taste it even worse ah it's like a [ __ ] flip-flop are you crunching great yes yes I think it's them do you think he's good keep the light that recipe they love it actually I had heard enough Michael was clearly delusional I'll be back later yeah I'd like to catch a plane out of here right now even though I want to leave for good I came back for dinner why is that pink mistake I think it's deal self you think you'd feel pretty sure you do put in there that looks like meat in the pan but what is it though I don't know it's not labeled how could you not know stuff was mushroom that's [ __ ] all over me I'd seen enough the kitchen was so disgusting I had no choice but to shut the place down under no circumstances can we continue to serve food Miss America I'm [ __ ] embarrassed everybody I'm sad this ain't embarrassed to say this for closing down the only for the night my gran myself I think as the boss of the restaurant it was just irresponsible I'm gonna turn the ship around my mother put in almost 20 years for our life in this place their spirit her money I'm crushed that I might look down I want to make good but the truth is I don't know if I could turn it around and it's a scary feeling it really is so with Michaels eyes finally open we spent some valuable time in the kitchen together that's olive oil oh yeah salt and pepper put on the bone why we cook it on the bone or a flavor right get that pan nice and hot how do you know when the oil is greater I like smoking up there that is annoying it just melts in your mouth I think it's time for a change and I'm gonna be the best Italian restaurant in town for the first time I saw this lazy owner making a positive change and then I knew he was ready to run his restaurant you may recognize him from Sally's ass outside watching television but that guy's gone now you ever knew Michael let's go with a new modern look I concise menu are we ready to order Michael stepped up I'm not only surprising staff right now listen I need one part daily one Cod one hour chat day and then we'll worry about everything else but that I need now yes sir but his mother too I'm a rose at the EPI look after your son Michael proved with hard work he can run Leone's three important words but I need you to remember stay the course Stanley Porsche I can't leave you chef in my restaurant I'm gonna stay the course good back in New Jersey hoping he's kept his promise Paul has reverted back to his old lazy ways with next Chef Ramsay gets to the bottom of what's going on at Leone's truly honestly you don't want to miss what's coming up unfortunately here's some bad news [Music] back in Montclair New Jersey to check on the Italian restaurant Leone's run by owner murmur Rose and her son Michael last I was here all my Rose wanted was for her son to step up and actually run the business it almost didn't happen but we finally turned of the leader time to check in if he's continued to make his mother proud [Music] I'm very excited to see Chef Ramsay today and tell him about the progress you've made in their restaurant and all the beautiful changes we have here at Leone's first things first where's the television that's my old television that I watch all the games on seriously I promise you the day you left there was no television took the entire restaurant my work how have you been I've been doing well as soon as you left to follow us around the neighborhood and the food was fantastic rocks and new dishes flew off the menu juice I wake up energized I've been fun with the restaurant supply houses buying all the fresh ingredients looking up new recipes trying new things for me and my folks there's a better stronger relationship there I started a delivery campaign you started the campaign yes sir I did a menu mail them out to the surrounding towns and it's been very beneficial you have been busy so this is complete revolution you are so much more hands-on now than you ever were before are huge big difference nine-day diana is he lazy yes John is he lazy yes I feel like that it's finally my business and I'm not running my mother's business that's been tested that's an absolute fantastic and where's the business savvy now it's probably up 40% since last time it's 40% you are working hard yes sir do my word energize or lovely surprise Michael I'm hungry Josh I'll make you something curse [Music] thank you I've got two minutes yes absolutely mama Rose looks amazing she looks fabulous hair Michael Tommy who's here pressing the mornings here lasting at night is he really working that heart he still shows up at his usual time 5:30 6 o'clock oh no oh no back to the beginning why is he lying to me maybe he's scared I was good since I just have that take a seat please I had a chat with Mike around the corner they told me these workers how hard what time to come in Wow Wow 6:30 yeah I mean crazy father on a business I'm coming at 6:30 yeah just had an example to the staff is he helping with payroll infiltrate so he's no stepping up we're here at nine o'clock today we swept before we lot of the floors we set it up [Music] was physically the last one in here [Music] across the street he found TVs across the street to me oh geez so he goes across to the sports bar watch TV you can paint stripes on a horse but that doesn't make it a zebra left trying I'm so disappointed they did not stay the course toward the days oh my god oh he needs somebody right leave it to me thank you I appreciate the ketchup I'm hoping that Gordon Ramsay would be able to help Michael and maybe give Michael another kick because Michael needs another kick okay chef today we have a mutiny local priests nurse and our holy eggplant parmesan Wow thank you enjoy sir thank you what a difference what a difference what the [ __ ] is that my daughter the Chili's clean-tasting how do you that involved in the kitchen now yes these are both my dishes that is delicious that's good news unfortunately here's some bad news whilst I'm excited about the buzz this has been up 40% deliveries working brilliantly I've just heard from John and truly everything you told me about working so much harder is not what they think my question to you is why [ __ ] me through there listen you're not Manning up you change cause the day I left what's wrong do come in every day for 30 to sing sometimes it's 6:30 monster in a ship not everything on any day you gonna be hitting for the star how many times when I said that are you scheduling the payroll or you're helping out with those right now at lunch for other training on the food you cannot cancel trailer food when you rock about 6:30 and evening mammal rows I'm sorry but I'm disappointed you have to be tough you need to be a leader you need to be in here before you start you need to show that commitment they're loyal members that have been here for a long time they don't hate you they just want a commitment from you up to now I haven't been saying the course it's very hard to make that in front of my mom I should be more hands-on with the food with the specials with the server's and your overall business chef I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry there is areas I could really concentrate one more time that I don't want saying it from my mother I don't want to make her any more nervous who she is but I really want to tell you that you are right so far definitely more commitment I just restaurant do a better job I feel like I'm laying it down no but there's a lazy streak in you when things are going well that's what you got to work harder I set an example all that I've got to work harder than my staff jump back in there and nail it yes please you got my word I want to make you proud don't let me down I don't know yourself down and don't let your mother down you go okay thank you for coming back yesterday I believe that Chef Ramsay gave me a little bit of tough love today because he really does want me to succeed he doesn't want to coddle me he wants me to keep on driving going forward damn little surprise to him like to slip back from his old habits and his staff clearly need more help and without more opening up shortly business has continued to grow so my only hope now he steps up and le's Leone's on the path to success but more importantly god bless mama rose in the days that followed Michael kept his promise to Chef Ramsay and is putting in more hours at the restaurant now only time will tell if he will stick to his work if Chef Ramsay visits the Kenny he's gonna see a more committed Michael that's more in tune with this staff I'm gonna make him proud and make this visit of c3 restaurants three different stories but so far all on the road to success in the restaurant business you're never out the woods the good news is they are all heading in the right direction good night [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 2,999,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay, Full Episodes, Free TV, Free Television, Free, Cooking, Food, Restaurants, Dining, Unscripted
Id: GdOILH1K3w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 39sec (2619 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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