Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored - Season 1 Episode 9 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon rides into Tuckahoe New York and finds a handyman with a dream that's become a nightmare but that doesn't mean the owner is lacking confidence believe is a better operator or restaurateur than me the rather odd menu has turned customers on I can come out of a baby's diaper ride that says I'm told the chef has lost his way do I still have passion for food please help me no and if Gordon can't get through to this control freak on you're fake you're a PHA this restaurant will have no choice but to close this we [ __ ] plate of food we send we're narrowing the chances of this place becoming successful can Gordon restore order to the old stone mill I'm not too sure if you're actually hungry for the change you know that or have they grown accustomed to chaos always scared about being busy yes once tonight on Kitchen Nightmares [Music] Tuckahoe New York a wealthy old commuter town 45 minutes north of Manhattan and home to the old stone mill restaurant and bar but now the old stone mill is in danger of grinding to a halt for good okay six years ago I took this place and I began my quest to convert this old mill into a restroom and here we are open for years now dan we took a risk there's no investors here you know we built it out I did everything in here in myself is this the right spot all the woodwork the carpentry the plumbing the only thing I really didn't get involved in was the electrical work okay I don't believe there's a better operator or restaurateur than me but no one's coming in or trying to come in embarrass that I can't go out with the sides that I need for a table my boss Dean easier Hanny ash is come in and screamed at me come on man read the [ __ ] tickets it's horrible it's absolutely horrible do I still have passion for food no and it shows every day's I just couldn't think of eating the food I eat my food and my family eats my food and I think it's good we don't have very young crowd there is a assisted living facility right behind us and we do have a lot of the blue heads come in that's that's the that's the customer base we do have a problem with the service because it is very hard to get people to work here can I get someone here to clean this ain't missing it this year missing a knife a little piece of glass on the table never hurt anyone right I have a reoccurring nightmare that I've had from day one what happens if I open up staffed up food ready and no one decides to come here what happened this year I don't know I don't have answers for that I wish I did when you're making no money it's very hard to convince you that tomorrow is gonna be a better day when you have bills to pay it's not that nice when it's slow well the slow night is a lot of stare faces you tell me what to do let everybody earn money and let Dean take it in the ass as always why aren't more people coming here I don't know I really really don't know being behind on my mortgage and the thought of them foreclosing on my house I just couldn't I couldn't take it I can't take it hi honey hi babe I need money for trainings money what about these people I think they need money I think my wife might know it this last couple of months have been the worst ever for me I'm gonna be up here and see who the lucky people on it and get paid today this restaurant isn't just a restaurant it's our life it's our future it's our children's future [Music] thank you bye well ready go and himself he'll be here any minute I almost drove by this place what a beautiful building what scares me is why no one's eating here I'm about to find out [Music] thanks for coming by matter what you say the guy's a winner his Michelin stars are like World Series rings he's got them Tom tell me why this is the the Baumann yes this is the chief cook and bottle washer here okay fantastic you know I know his credentials I know how good he is I'm starving okay I do believe Gordon could help the restaurant right how much so I don't know Jeannie this is Gordon Ramsay when he approached me and put out his hand SEC hello to me well first of all I like blonde men so he was adorable Jean nice to see you I felt a very warm feeling so glamorous Gordon would be a plus in my life this is our menu says a little history on one side and our menu on the other thank you you got it so I'd like to know the cupcakes are homemade but fresh company fish lovely I'll start off with crab cake I'd like to see a shrimp please I'll have the chopped salad please thank you and then for an main course risotto and then I'll go for the EPI I'm Pepe ah to you Michael you do things your way I am very nervous he's gonna come in here I'm gonna cook for him and he's gonna say yeah you chewing gum yes you are is that normal I suppose ready apart from being slow the way just think is normal to chew gum hey send it out you know for somebody of his caliber come in I don't know what he's gonna do I don't know what he's gonna say oh thank you [Music] it tastes really strange I can't put my finger on it it's something really weird in there it's like a sour mayonnaise flavor I'm hoping that he likes one of the dishes that he ordered two of the dishes maybe all of the dishes laughter yeah [Music] wrapped in phyllo pasty that fried having some prawns in my life but [ __ ] me that's the first make it out Gordon is this a popular dish on the menu yes Wow so far I don't think he's like this what is that Oh chop salad so excuse me look at that what's that squashed into looks like his meat squashes and ice-cream cone right that's is on top was the chef and mechanic no no aside from its appearance of people actually enjoy it you know this is my house he was in my house and he was embarrassing me okay please don't make me anymore this [ __ ] take this out while this is still puffy please thank you looks like someone's got his [ __ ] in the bag and was stuck in the oven don't do disappointment was written all over his face doesn't like any of the food that's all far it's gross pretty gross basically told me everything was serving his [ __ ] what'd you expect them to say everything was great every single dish he had sucked you know I can't help but get defensive risotto the chef likes all these little mesh land lettuce sadly it's hot and disgusting the rice just purees in your mouth it like sort of sticks to the roof of your mouth when a Russian can't even cook a simple mushroom risotto it's a big worry why didn't didn't like the food didn't seem to like anything so nobody's feeling too good right now if you're gonna be a restaurant earn at least know what your food tastes like I don't think this guy's got a [ __ ] clue what his food tastes like okay take you see Joe sit down right and that was interesting interesting but bitterly disappointing is that canned crab that's not fresh crab amazing it's James River when I asked very politely is the crab meat fresh the waiter told me yes course it is the waiter told you that was fresh crab yeah that's why all of it first one was I was don't hold I'm sorry a little taste that and an e that for me looking at and look like you'd come out with babies diapers huh no as I come back to that that as a chop salad from he's hideous it's not a taste of that my eight-year-old daughter could cook better than that probably from anyone else I would have food a table over and threw them out honestly your food's crap he's a little harsh and he got to be a little abusive on the food oh [ __ ] what the hell did we get into if you think that you're gonna continue running this business serving that [ __ ] you may as well turn this place into a museum no one's gonna come back for this I was pissed real pissed I wanted to take the plate and smash it on top of the chef's head [Music] coming up Gordon bursts Dean's bubble I'm not too sure if you're actually hungry for the chain and this owner boils over what I get paid to do to stand here next to people and give them a good [ __ ] experience and later Michael snaps on Kitchen Nightmares in order to fully understand all the issues of the old stone mill it's time to get tight-lipped Dean to open up and these questions might not be comfortable Dean but unless I understand the full scenario then I can't get this place back on line one thing I'd like to know is the financial situation are you aware of the current financial situation bubble um he kind of keeps me in the dark a little bit said I want her to worry no reason for heart to share these anxiety and nerves that I have hopefully unnecessary I try not to bring it up so he's easier just to kind of not think about what's going on here and that's probably one of the reasons why I don't come down very often to the restaurant because what you don't know can't hurt you I just choose not to deal with it right now I'll let him do the house gets taken away you lose that then every reason to be worried I mean the bottom line is you're losing money correct every week every week yes if we had to close yeah tonight just switch other thing off yeah oh [Music] half a million half a million yeah it wouldn't be good for our marriage I don't think if he would risk you know everything that we possibly had in the world got money tied up in the home mortgage why so sure a mortgage a second mortgage and home equity line got so that's back to a big time yeah how'd you manage in terms of getting through month a month in terms of mortgage payments suppliers salaries your salary what do I miss a it's it's it's you know I'm in Hell right now please don't go upset it's crucial for me to understand exactly where we are I've gotta be really frank and honest it's why you're here [Music] nothing is more telling to Gordon than observing a full dinner service fortunately it's Saturday night the one night the restaurant is busy hi folks how are you I know you'll be happy with that it can't go wrong tonight I am on the edge because now the fear of failure is setting in as orders begin to arrive in the kitchen fried calamari chopped salad crab cakes one primary medium rare two cashew chicken chef Michael is clearly frustrated no it's just me and you have to get it done you get it done not easy when you're by yourself Michael works more than is expected of normal chef he does above and beyond as chef Michael continues to fight the battles alone in the kitchen nice to meet you Lee owner Dean and manager Tom are in their own world in the front of the house another day paradise huh perfect I think I might have a beer with you Cheers say the truth there is no place like this in Pennsylvania's no place like mom as the manager here I'd do whatever it takes to keep the place running as smoothly as possible and we're just friends are you sensing what an hour into dinner service and the overly embellished dishes finally emerge from the kitchen my tries to present ate the food real nice what's this crack here with calamara in the martini glass just trying different presentation because the the dishes we have some sug accompany be so [ __ ] polite and neither Gordon or the customers are impressed okay is it cold is there enough sauce on these cashew chicken yes there is when it just becomes a job nothing you don't care neither you don't put in the effort but it's just the same [ __ ] every day by the way that the paper is edible in your business right now yeah I wish that was the only problem the [ __ ] French fry okay just okay just okay with food now being sent back to the kitchen already behind Michael is now totally overwhelmed I need a result on a tilapia that's done and Dean is not helping the problems but adding to them I got backed up cuz there was too much at once oh my god come on get this to 28 over right now Mikey the result though it's overcooked god damn it got me very frustrated we let the customer wait at the waist 20 minutes and he's happy or he waits twenty minutes gets crap what's worse let him wait twenty minutes we have a dish then please send it out right now mikage yes sir are you happy with every thought that not really chef no Michael if you're not happy with it why did you serve it my man chef to chef now why I forget to get the where's the tilapia yeah Dean he's the owner ultimately it's his decision yeah right now I just want to get people their food it was a Madison with this does it make you feel better if we rushed it to the table now I'm trying to ask the chef that some form of standard and you'll just forget the [ __ ] you should address the lady asked me three times before I'm amazed you don't want anything I don't know I don't know I don't know what you want me to say to you your restaurant is only ass that's what I'm but it's done it's fun boredom it's done I love the facade you put across it you know it's not a facade what they said [Music] they sent back your favorite dish Dean's willingness to send out substandard risotto typifies what's wrong with the old stone mill in addition a great deal of Dean's energy has gone into beautifying the restaurant but the menu has been neglected I don't think you understand the real reason why I'm here the inconsistence the food is obvious the food needs some serious attention and no one seems to address it I asked Michael are you happy with the risotto he said no and you said no I've got to serve I got a server they'll be waiting 50 minutes have you any idea how much damage you're causing what do you want what what it's not about what I want it's just what I'm I'm missed I'm not too sure if you're actually hungry for the change you know that it's one thing to believe in a dream but it's another thing to actually be in a dream world for every plate of food we send we're narrowing the chances of this place becoming successful and I think you bully them into making sure that they get brainwashed too how you think well let me tell you something what you think is wrong stuff to get poked that all day I feel like poking back right now I'm trying to get through to you so I can't get through to you I've got no chance I think you're treating this like a game yeah how dare you accuse me of not having a commitment a UI that a day I'm telling you not telling me anything you do this is your own figment of your imagination that I don't have a commitment in this place Dean's a fighter he's not gonna back down from a challenge you just give me two minutes you guys you might you float on the customers coming around blowing smoke up your ass that's right they do they ask people how their food is anytime it's good it makes me feel good I don't ah've around my customers kisi how was it please tell me I don't got a table there's people headed me always or no you probably pay 10 people they've got a table I listen to the phone every morn staff [ __ ] fully booked I out this is what are you doing to do to stand in here what I get paid to do this yeah next to people and give them a good [ __ ] experience that's what I get paid watch this [ __ ] come out no that don't feel good about it no I don't feel good there you go again that's my opinion good about you [ __ ] this what I gotta do that's what I do you're a fake [ __ ] you you're a fake you're a [ __ ] fake is how you walk away you're not face it like a [ __ ] man [Applause] [Music] it's what I gotta do that's what I do you're a fake [ __ ] you you're a fake you're a [ __ ] Fame oh [ __ ] is that you walk away you know face it like a [ __ ] man I face everything like a min away from nothing that's right nothing nothing not you nothing [Music] I have a commitment to this place that you'll probably never have any place in your life ever what mmm did I stutter I just told you how I feel about this place I'm not gonna suck your dick to make you believe me if you don't believe me you don't believe me you don't like the truth Dean no I do I do no one's [ __ ] the truth of my life more than you'll ever hear the truth oh yeah that's what you think you take pride in your hair your trousers showing you your well-groomed I just want you to take pride in what the [ __ ] you do in a business and if you applied what you applied in yourself each and every day you won't be serving that [ __ ] right now we've got some issues in here and unless you're prepared to change this place has got no chance and you better all your own [ __ ] way for such a long time and it's not going to continue being like that one thing that has to change instantly youth [Music] ironically it's Dean's fear of failure that is preventing him from making the necessary changes for success but before Gordon can put his plan for change into action he decides to explore the local competition Italian Chinese restaurant next door to pizzeria an American Bistro await another Italian restaurants everywhere another Italian why yours how are you very good good to see you and what a beautiful little shop thank you very much busy little place very busy fantastic so the great meat-eaters here yes they are you love their steaks then they like them thick beating up and down the street there's not one steakhouse anywhere no there isn't why is not what everyone here ah I don't know but if it was a steakhouse locally you could supply it it would be a pleasant change well listen thank you okay Lucy have a good weekend okay thank you Paul chef thank you again thank you okay so nice [Music] now armed with local knowledge Gordon knows that to turn this restaurant around he must get the chef's back on track this restaurant needs to be known for something first big change primary prime rib on the bone this is a special to get this place in the right direction to make your life easier to make service quicker I am very nervous it's not every day that you get to cook with a world-class chef you know just slice it from that on you down and all yeah exactly go ahead and put that beef in yeah I'm excited to learn those new dishes and then after time just put my own spin on him and hope he doesn't come back and throw me under the bus the idea of chopped salad is having that little bit of crunch there yeah romaine shredded few chives a little bit of bacon in there half dress so it stays nice and crunchy little seasoning on there Ricardo your tomato chopped egg and two chives [Music] meltdown yes oh just think of the complaints what you're not stuffing my salad in a funnel what do you mean you know serve me a funnel salad Mike you're all right with this I'm fine with that that left my ass off when he burned those funnels with the creme brulee tortured I left and I understood his point there's nothing wrong with a simple salad don't try and make him anything that it's not if they come and ask me for their salad to be stuck inside a funnel I will personally lift them and put the next door in the retirement home last of the [ __ ] funnel with the chef we energized Gordon turns his attention to the owner and his team Dean has always had the desire to succeed now Chef Ramsay is about to tell him how to do it okay I've done my homework I've been out and about and I [ __ ] I studied hard what isn't in the town [Music] there's not one good Steakhouse anywhere in this town this place has got every chance of becoming a phenomenal steak house chef Gordon's idea of a steak house would really work here he's 100% right there there is nothing else in the area gives that locals what they want and get them coming time and time again and make money I'm listening to Gordon I'm listening to everything he said and he's making all these changes but when the changes are done I don't know if he's gonna get people through the door this place Suzie's steakhouse I cannot tell you look forward to it how do you say [Music] I can't afford to make many changes because I can't afford to alienate or lose what I have right now I'm fuming they can be a bit man hurt I'm not insane I had a vision you cooked a simple prime rib that was your resurrection of the place was a simple prime rib Hey Wow successful Russians highly profitable and you my man miss down [ __ ] trick when you change concepts when you change direction so radically I think that's a sign of weakness tomorrow we're changing the menu we're gonna relaunch and restaurant you got some serious thinking to do good night [Music] it's day 4 we launch day and time for Dean to embrace the changes that will hopefully save his restaurant Gordon secretly has brought in his design team who worked through the night to spruce up the old stone mill you know when I first arrived here yeah I drove by this beautiful building without actually realizing as a restaurant no sign no nothing let's have a look yes 1 2 3 up look at it beautiful financial stone the old stone mill stakeouts now we know what the place is when we drive by when they unveiled the sign it was just absolutely beautiful I was breathtaking danger like him I loved it oh that's great very nice look next to it jelly cows why didn't I do it call the sign guy work out a barter with him do a trade do something and get the sign I could have I don't know why right let's go inside there's more history this is all the stuff that's been upstairs that you've been kept away so when customers are waiting yeah they can get an insight to what you've done I want people to know from the first minute they walk in here that your heart is in here I was a little intimidated when I first walked in because I didn't know what to expect every nook every bloody piece of stoned look the history's there go ahead and putting up these pictures of me building a place flew me away okay there's more come through beautiful absolutely beautiful [Music] Wow now everybody can see everybody it's just beautiful I can't even put it into words it's open it's classic we've got new plates new linen new tableware bar broad you think you got rid of the dark colors too depressing yes three depressing the candles on all the tables the fresh flowers it's just bright it's cheery it's a place you want to be I'm speechless I'm speechless the same restaurant same people but something is different we have Gordon Ramsay's touch smell let's see if it works it has to work it's there now there's no [ __ ] excuse we've got rid of the clutter look at it looks great ah looks great I didn't know what to expect I didn't know any of this involved any kind of a makeover of any sort but I'm man enough to admit that it's great even though the improvements to the decor are well received that was an easy change to accept now for the hard one the new Steakhouse menu ok let's say let's go through the food very very quickly yes menu let's start off with the meats that's the porterhouse steak for two got the most amazing ribeye next to that you've got the New York Strip the most populous state across America expected a blend of the old and new or changing the menu completely surprised me the most halibut has a really nice sort of rustic meaty flavor you know it's a very robust fish but pan-seared is beautiful and then the crispy skin salmon yeah here squash accomplished a lot and I really nice crispy skin yes okay the appetizers and steamed mussels nice big bowl and then the creamed corn every Steakhouse across the states has got creamed corn on there and then my favorite the old stone mill chop salad sadly no funnel this is gonna be a challenge but it's very exciting to have a new menu with two hours to go before the doors open Gordon wants to make sure the restaurant feels like the steakhouse in town and before anyone eats any food it will be up to the front-of-the-house staff this is now steak house we're gonna confirm it each every table that rise this evening a quick presentation bingo Tom sell it to me my worries are that the food's changed the aesthetics have changed but I still have my dysfunctional staff hello welcome to the old Stormin el steakhouse here are the steaks we have this evening this is art by 21 day aged let's go we have I'm completely out of my comfort zone you can't expect to win the gold medal in a week and on the top o Kobe it's still the same mediocre crew in there God Almighty gordon has introduced a lot of changes to the old stone mill in just a few days and with their heads still reeling it's time for Dean and his staff to rise to the occasion how are you we're excited about tonight we're hoping this goes over well for us what do you think about the new look it's a new start we're exhausted I'm emaciated I'm tired I mean anxious yeah I'm sure there's a little nervous going into it not knowing a menu at all only seeing it maybe at two hours before we're supposed to start not being ready is always a fear okay this is the big night we put a plan together now they have to seriously executed Kobe beef medium-rare if people drop the ball tonight you won't see them here tomorrow tonight is the night of the big relaunch Gordon Ramsay's plan for a steak house to fill the void in this town has generated some buzz that the mayor and the restaurant is fully booked now it's up to Dean and his staff to start building a new reputation for the old stone mill everybody is on their tippy toes the mayor now where does the big shot go tonight will certainly be an indication of the probability of success for this place I was a little intimidated when he first walked in because he's important to me to be here when this place is full and the mayor's here if you're not ready no I don't care how good you are come on it's not gonna work [Music] with the customers and special guests taking their seats the servers are busy making their rounds with a new menu and it's obvious the pressure of the relaunch is already getting to Tom you are stressing I'm sorry the New York Strip the revised and our Kobe beef specials it was crazy I mean this whole situation is crazy in the whole night obviously from the beginning was gonna be crazy [Music] I'm not comfortable with the change is so quick when I don't know if we're ready for it too much for me right now I just think we need you Bobby I'll be fine I'm really well we [ __ ] need you while tom tries to pull himself together boys enjoy your eyes I come back as the [ __ ] manager Tom okay okay the first wave of orders hits the kitchen again like watch your temperature yeah I know what the states can be back ok yes yep there was plenty of pressure a couple of times I lost my composure and when Tom does return he begins to feel the heat once again [Music] I'm concerned about Tom he's sweating like a pig I'll Drive is yeah too much don't you worry right you running around like a [ __ ] through a spa yeah wait I can fake getting the bathroom and do something about it when Tom came back could see he was just totally to sort like this range to he you know he was nervous he was nervous Johnny stinks it's 45 minutes into dinner service and though all appears to be going well only a few customers have been served and the mayor is not one of them yeah don't give him waiting yeah yeah does Michael know that that's the mayor's table will tell myself that's 12 yeah make sure he knows do the same I need the mayor's table man I'm not getting tickets through this printer right now why I don't know this printer right here is not working I'm not getting tickets through this computer it's going to [ __ ] me up no the printer is working [Music] it was a disaster I've already spoken to Dean about that and I finally screamed cursed and yells get someone in here to fix this now or we're [ __ ] she believed that no one's coming in here to fix this [ __ ] computer but if nobody wants to hear it nobody wants to hear it how about those steaks how about those steaks he's [ __ ] standing with his finger up his ass I don't know if Dean understands that'll sink the whole night and you'd be done now we're seriously in the [ __ ] all the orders are backed up tables are waiting tom switched off and more importantly we've kept the mayor waiting 45 minutes of all the people to keep waiting not the [ __ ] mayor right now more than an hour and 15 minutes into service and hungry customers are getting restless okay Michael what I need is the [ __ ] man now someone has to fix this computer because I'm not getting tickets for [Music] labor ball give me [ __ ] Dean yeah please anyway yes Dean we have fun in the kitchen I need the mayor's it's a [ __ ] hour it's not easy getting kicked in the nuts every day and being told that you suck I'm [ __ ] embarrassed man where I told you I don't have tickets for this why aren't I getting tickets for this please help me I don't give I immediately take it is woman sorted [ __ ] it this is the copy you gotta have the other hand this is now my ticket discussion the salad brother it's been an hour and I are nothing [ __ ] ticket Oh [ __ ] out here we go [Music] I need the mayor's table man this is not my ticket discussion the salad for it's been an hour nothing [ __ ] alley we go for a love of [ __ ] Christ Jeannie two seconds yet don't worry about the [ __ ] coffee Mike Mike just come around for two seconds please yes with dinner service on the brink of disaster Gordon lays it on the line for Dean and his staff let's regroup a little bit yeah let me just tell you the situation service has gone we're all over the place let's get this thing back on line we've got to make decisions especially this critical moment this is where I need you now to fight back this is gonna make a break this place I was really really pissed off but right now for the sake of the success here I have to just get through it let's get some appetizers I'll pump those out real fast and then we'll get you in there for your own choice I will be right back and I will wrap those up for you you know at this point now let's work together let's correct it let's try to correct it so I can mistake that please the print is working good deal two medium-rare to medium well bone Appetit I certainly hope it was worth the wait [Music] and thankfully Dean gets everyone focused thank you and the night at least finishes successfully [Music] the next day Gordon wants to make sure that Dean's fear of failure would no longer stand in the way of his potential success what really pisses you off the most what is it I know this places could be a raving success and I'm not being blind and I'm not in the [ __ ] dreamworld the first thing thing about you Dean is that you're you're scared of failure walk a mile in my shoes and then we'll talk I failed before in business when when I open the rest up in my hometown thinking I was the dog's bollocks and it made me the person I am today having both success and failure don't be scared you can't keep on sidestepping problems I really believe that he's doing it for my career now I really believe him perhaps deep down I knew that I needed to change and I can't overlook things anymore you can't tiptoe over it this is your business you're right I gotta implement changes to make this work this time I can't wait any longer with a fresh new open-minded attitude Dean masterfully took control of the front of the house and the back of the house prime rib looks to die for right then this is the stake for real-estate users Tom started to gain the confidence he needs in his role as manager good and Michael has rekindled his passion for cooking show time ladies and to honor the old stone Mills 200th birthday Gordon organized a celebration party for the community and for you we'd like you to hang this also getting the key to the city blew me away I'm excited for my husband because I see the smile back in his face the local news even took notice putting the restaurant back in the spotlight and the new Steakhouse menu was just what this community needed and wanted finally the food is now as stunning as the building that it's cooked in the most important thing is the confirmation that it can work the potential is staggering now that you know what to do don't stop doing it thank you my darling yes like it thank you in my heart we're gonna make it you have to make it a pie down below you're too slow make it nice Gordon Ramsay he's such a blessing to our family that we could never ever thank him I'm not for all that he's done for us I rise I found the place finally beautiful now I think you got something [ __ ] phenomenal on now I have something to really be proud of Thanks thank you good luck thanks man I'm excited I'm excited about what the future holds here do me a favor step outside and have a quick look at the front of the restaurant oh [ __ ] how do they do it where is it shooting from Wow I've wanted to sign up there for forever I'm just overwhelmed tonight that is so cool [Music] next time Gordon takes on his biggest challenge yet in the Big Apple ratha and my man with a mixed up menu anything is known his Chinese it's too many managers and a host of uninvited guests said this restaurant should be condemned green burgers kill people to turn this place around Gordon will need a miracle this is the luckiest better [ __ ] live as Chef Ramsay finally met his match and you don't tell them that the kitchen is closed next time on Kitchen Nightmares [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 2,434,913
Rating: 4.8833818 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, Cooking, Dining, Restaurants, Food, Television, Classic Television, Free TV, Free, Full Episodes, Uncensored, Gordon Ramsay Uncensored, Kitchen Nightmares Uncensored, Ramsay, FilmRise, Complete Series, Complete Season, Competitive Cooking, Cooking Competition
Id: 6XW0MGMOong
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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