Kitchen Nightmares - Season 1 Episode 6 - Full Episode

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for the last three years Chef Ramsay has whipped aspiring chefs into shame on Hell's Kitchen now Gordon Ramsay the most successful restaurateur on the planet which critically acclaimed restaurants in London Dubai Tokyo and New York is criss crossing America for the most difficult assignment of his career it's disgusting I am gobsmacked turning around America's Kitchen Nightmares please each week he will go to restaurants on the brink of disaster he's not doing his job places of disasters are put so much into but to get these restaurants back on track Chef Ramsay will hold nothing back but never ever ever ever met someone I believe in as little as you it will be intense you dirty Pig we need a death in the restaurant before some gets a grip I thought your food was crap I really had this conversation downstairs it will be emotional seriously I'm pissed off it's not my fault it will be shocking flying them in a spot oh my God look at them it's rancid is rotten I've eaten it I feel like spitting on both of them I think this place will run better without you can you go tell them that the kitchen is closed we're shut is the luckiest day their lives with chef Patricia for the night we will make this a success put your hand up I swear to God in the end you will see dramatic turnarounds of not just the restaurants but the people who work in them and while most appreciate his help a wonderful person others aren't so great for you to turn mana tell me when you were like a pig yeah big goodbye get ready as Chef Ramsay turns America's Kitchen Nightmares they go for gots received may the Lord not kill me food poisoning back into dreams please do not tonight on Kitchen Nightmares one of Long Island's most historical and successful restaurants has become a local disaster it's in a dumpster now this place is for a pound there's a stink in this place so bad and the owners a mother and her son he's looking for a man who are going to apologize you mean pay already each other's throats I hate charge if Chef Ramsay can't help me it's done Gordon has one week to turn it around what am I doing wrong title oh you dirty Pig but faces an extremely uphill battle you killed one of the customers we got the head champ is arrogant let him do what he wants the sous-chef doesn't care whatever the waitresses are disorganized just add yours or mine is this in the kitchen this is disgusting is the dirtiest kitchen Gordon has ever seen you didn't see that Gordon returned the seascape to its former glory you're running a business that if you don't run it as a business closes get ready for some drastic measures nothing's being choked in here this evening we're going down now tonight on Kitchen Nightmares Islip New York rich with history and community spirit but a crown jewel of this seaside village the seascape Inn is on the verge of collapse the owners are a mother named Irene and a son named Peter - shuk tell him to get a here's the big deal good because if you don't like him the seascape has been around since 1962 we've been declared the oldest restaurant in the town of izalith in the glory days at the seascape my father he was here when they were doing 300 covers on a Saturday night and the place was alive and everybody was smiling making money there was love everywhere and you could feel it when you walked into the seascape as toilet or care of the seascape in 1967 it was buzzing you wouldn't believe the amount of customers we had on Saturday night they'd actually stand on line outside the door the restaurant sent a dumpster now [Music] I don't even like to tell people I work here anymore there's a lot of contributing factors of wife you know people don't come back we've had complaints about that sewage smell there was a stink in this place so bad and I can't believe anybody came in at all maybe the reason why the restaurant has gone down in the last past two years because chef Doug is not listen to a word I say doesn't make a difference if I want to serve the Nats what I want to serve them I've been doing this 38 is I went to the culinary is to America I worked in successful restaurants world renown I like having the command in the kitchen anybody's got a problem with it they come to me I'm gonna say my piece wherever I go to whoever I meet doesn't matter this status I really don't care don't serve in that that's what you got to do it's that simple dunks loud and obnoxious rock with rock he's crazy my father he was a hands-on in the kitchen I was always the guy that was out front and two years ago my father passed away after you pass away he did hurt us the rug is being pulled out from under me and I got to do something about and I need 800 to a million dollars to save the seascape I don't want my doors to close but what am I doing wrong Chef Ramsay is my last hope because if Chef Ramsay can't help me it's done I'm not wasting more time [Music] it's buildings 105 years old when this restaurant first opened 40 years ago is the hot spot in town now it's at the bottom I'm starting to understand why what is that pilot there yeah good morning good morning how are you doing my first name sorry Peter paint that golden goodness a nice height threw me off didn't realize how tall he was does make you a little bit more intimidating mom this is going Ramsey nice I was very impressed with him very handsome very tall blond good-looking actually it was like 20 years ago I would have said you know what we connect this is the veteran waitress Marilyn Wow who's been here since the beginning anyways thank you beginning how long we been here well I really started in 1967 67 I was born then maybe Chef Ramsay's gonna tell me I just didn't be here I'm too old and I'd respect him if he said that I'll be out the door and this is chef dope don't how I nice miniskirt there what is that apron yeah I say wipe and rank Gordon Ramsay coming here to me it's a slap in the face okay you run the place and your mum assist you yes yes describe seascape for me it's a Titanic it was a luxury liner that's sinking I see it as a very poorly run restaurant that's the last time she gave me a compliment because you just don't listen and that's why compliments are very hard to come by no right now I'm hungry I want to taste the food and let's meet after shall we absolutely anything else that I need to know before I start eating the Board of Health came here and believe me think it was 95 so the place is clean right why should I go for a break [Music] thank you yes I was excited a little butterflies in the stomach I'm gonna be insulted by the best chef in the world somebody bad smell in there it's sewage I can't believe people come in here okay I'll start off with the crab cakes please okay I like the idea of the pesto lobster ravioli I'll go for the Atlantic salmon blackened please call me a pig okay I'm hungry yeah well at least she's honest play stinks the hoses that Chef Ramsay okay no problem one order of crab cakes [Music] this place is falling apart let's hope the Foods good oh hey come here crab cakes passed everywhere okay just falls apart I'd like the deck all it touches just disintegrates they're not fresh they've got it wrong on the menu it's not a crab cake it's a cake cuz I feel if I eat anymore but for the next hundred and five years I don't think so these are something sure they taste poison okay like you make the crab cake here right yes are they frozen I freeze them yeah he says they taste like they're frozen and that's all really yeah they're frozen no parsley [Music] mmm soggy strange taste inside they're definitely not fresh on that occasion salmon do you want you still want the sauteed spinach and a pesto or yeah [Music] what is that that is pesto is it good where's this will separate it looks like an oil slick yeah it's never on the sides it's usually served on the fish when I served in the Sam and he did have something to say about the pesto sauce it was painted sort of speak and the salmon is just solid inside and drying you can't expect customers to come and pay for that you definitely have to try my homemade Greek cookies and I betcha you're gonna say you never had a better one Oh Chef Ramsay he's a lot like me I love him when you eat that quoted you lifted up and you bite my you guys are still alive he just choked on your mother's cookie I mean I don't have an answer I don't before Gordon passes on his comments to the chef and the owners he decides to observe a dinner service to get a more complete picture of the problems in the restaurant New England clam chowder smells fishy with customers complaining in the restaurant Gordon looks to the owner to solve the problems sir like I said if you think I scammed do me a favor do what you got to do but I would have just known something before you make the phone not in front of [Music] after being disappointed with the front of the house it was time to check out the engine room of the restaurant the kitchen he said this is cold and feel the plate it is cold no it's not hey guys he plays the stern Pole if the plate was cold would you take it out the end yeah no it's all right I don't worry about it what's your fascination with a party on the plate hi guys I just having the way like though hardly love to the outfit yeah it stinks it's dried parsley it's a sign of a dated Russian sprinkle on your wife but not on the place he may not like the way I cook doesn't like the way I cook but that's his opinion Oh God [Music] why are they cleaning in refuses this is extraordinary stop there can you walk past that hey them to work in it I mean he just spilt a button a bucket marked sauce why can't you say something to him about cleaning up his mess [Music] chef dog is not listen to a word I say but sometimes I'm not in the mood why is going on no no he's got more Beta Beta 1 second did you hear what I said I heard you I didn't are sure to go mop up that yes for joining while Peter cleans up the mess on the floor he was last time this place was clean gordon realizes that this is part of a bigger problem oh my god coming up this is disgusting Gordon gets up early to investigate you kill whatever customers we got there but what he finds makes him wish he'd never got a look that you didn't see that an owner's Peter and I read suffer the consequences nothing's being choked adenosine coming up on Kitchen Nightmares before the staff comes in to prepare for lunch Gordon arrives early to do a thorough investigation of the kitchen is that twice baked potato thank I missed that one twice [Music] so dirty when was that cleaned oh god please this is ten thousand times worse than I thought it would be it's like lava kitchen help hazard bingo my fresh lobster ravioli saw a strange taste inside fresh I've eaten the general hygiene in refrigeration so that's the pesto I had for lunch just look at the colors in there look at that it's molding it's now lunchtime the chefs are preparing customers are getting ready to eat but Gordon steps in have a quick word with both you two seconds when was last time you went in the kitchen had a little look around once every Tuesday so we'll go in the wall scrub him down God when was that cleaned I mean you mentioned earlier about how clean right this place was the Board of Health came here and believe me think it was 95 so the place is clean that's 95 out of 100 right I really don't think you've got any idea can I just take you in there yeah you just stop Charles stop what you're doing yeah are you aware how filthy your kitchen is yes how dare you cook me a lunch out of this kitchen know full well how filthy your kitchen is so you don't walk behind the line Peter get you get under there don't look under there why we got product in there why you using is why do not condemn to have another chef in my face about my kitchen I'm pissed off boiling even a croutons got moldy oh my god would you eat that let's go in the walk-in felissa I'm amazed how I'm amazed how you're so cool and chilled it lets you know that dog food in the fridge that's the fish bag it's what you're me actually that's for you yeah don't eat it don't eat it I already had you've eaten it smell that then come on it's pork the pork was mine that's my that's my personal meals oh I didn't expect this kind of a mess that I've seen I'm very upset I mean that's the only way to put it very disappointed very upset what's this that's a chicken does that look half cooked started we cook thank you I'm just not a throwaway person that was cooked on Friday and I had a Rico good Saturday that's what you got to do you kill whatever customers we got left what you got to say about it as someone that owns the place when it comes to the freshness of the food that really falls on just the chef alone oh yeah over there it's his name it's fully his fault get me that bowl of pesto please Charles what was my main course in there yesterday yeah an occasion salmon that's right what's the sauce sauce was a pesto sauce bring it over please I didn't see it you didn't see that I didn't see that you got glasses on the map that the pesto sauce that was not forgivable I'm humiliated about that believe me positively positively and it's not a time a to laugh and take the piss out of me I've eaten it what's going on Peter I'm surprised at cordoning make immediate and this is probably Tuesday oh you've got a nerve to tell me that you clean the walls every Tuesday off when you touch a wall you dirty Pig this is disgusting I'm closing it down Amy's book about 2020 forget it the place steam clean from head to tail I don't care but we're not cooking a cookie out of here Marilyn Marilyn yes nothing's coming out of this kitchen okay when Chef Ramsay shut down the restaurant it was shocking of course and his face was all red Chef Ramsay he was really upset okay should I tell the customers outside to leave please switch it off we're going down now okay thank you for coming but the Chef Ramsay actually he wants to open up tomorrow for all my years we never shut up a kitchen and tell the customers to go home never and that's that's an embarrassment anyway why don't you clean when you're quiet I stay busy all day from 11 o'clock when I walk in the door until 5:30 6:00 when we get things do have we lunge it doing preparation every day by myself Gordon Ramsay it can go off on somebody for absolutely no reason it's impossible to clean everything he just doesn't get what you find so funny charlie what did you find what was funny for you what's want me to do kiss your ass society you do a great job and clean on cheese nice when you sat on your crack boom boom are you doing anything or you gonna stand a stare at me [Music] is that your weakness you don't know how to run staff this is what they keep telling her that's why I keep it telling you all this time time to shut tell them to get out of here close the course if you don't like him take charge this is what he's looking for a man and that's what I'm looking for you to become where's your fire this is your mom where's your fight you are running a business you're lucky I'm not standing here with a writ on your ass about being food poisoned other than that before close down a restaurant about that was a nightmare cease get opened closed up place [Music] after spending 24 hours cleaning what a difference you've got your kitchen back to where Cecilia it's now day four and if there's any hope of relaunching the restaurant Gordon has to get through to the chef's by Doug we do a quick special for tonight yes there's gonna do a pan-seared fan so with some crushed new potatoes it's time for this seafood restaurant to put fresh fish back on the menu Martha's bars Olga's bank this makes it look more vibrant yeah I've been doing this for 38 years I'm not happy at all I think he needs to back off that's a beautiful let's come down to the point where I really don't listen anymore let him do what he wants fresh I'm fragrant okay can we take your throw one Peter yeah and Irene to taste it yes [Music] Irene I want you to taste that first I want you to say as well so it's a fresh vibrant tartar sauce you know once I know I'm going to taste it that no I'm good thank you I didn't try the fish that Gordon had made because I I basically know what striped bass tastes like if you are a chef of 38 years experience just tell me why you didn't want to taste that I know a straight best taste like I'm familiar with this Doug one more chance you sure you want to take that positive he didn't even have the courtesy of trying god that's the first time I guys never tasted my face now I'm seriously insulting now that Gordon has shown them how to make the special it's time to see Doug and Charlie in action okay good off we go I don't expect my cooking to be like his and I'll expect five baths and to be like his at this point I don't really want to be here can you don't cook a piece of fish chef Aram he died award listen to what he had to say Nia the fish is cooked piss all over the place yeah whatever I don't know how both you can even attempt to call yourself chefs you know what start [ __ ] for believable I was so pissed off a sous chef the can't cook fish hey chef that just moping around doesn't care this is a joke I've seen all I need to see your head chef he's lazy dirty and he shouldn't be anywhere near a kitchen he's destroying your business quicker than you can realize couldn't even be bothered to taste what I'd cooked in 21 years of cooking that is a first for me you asked me to come here to work and fix your business I can't do it with those two in there [Music] you have got to make the biggest decision you've ever made since your father passed away whether you continue to work with the dead would that have drifted into your business or whether you wake up get a grip and be the boss the one thing that I need you to carry out for me I want you to go in the kitchen and ask Doug and Charles to take off dad got you're comfortable and being lazy there's no excuse for them decisions yours and I realized at that moment that something had to be done do you agree with me I hope so Irene how does that sound to you that's what is horrible fire them fire them in the spots that's what I want to hear that's what he wants to hear they're not good enough for this place guys both off tomorrow we don't get together yes I kind of expected it from the way that we work tonight so I'm a little upset about me I'm a little bit of [ __ ] right [Music] now I'm humiliated it's just freaking hard it's hard [Music] it's now day five and the seascape is still closed before Gordon can solve the chef's crisis he has to light a fire under Peter so this exercise is a way that you let go release and let go yes you need that I now release the tension okay one two when you release that third one one two oh you shout the scream for plenty to be stronger and stronger because I realize how much of an [ __ ] it won't wife you've been honest for me I kind of lied to you I knew my kitchen was dirty I did what I've been doing my whole life keeping the peace and keeping myself down you've got no reason to keep yourself down Pete well my father never gave me a compliment told me I sucked never could do nothing with my life he was a great worker yeah but didn't give up about his own son who cared about him but I'd let it destroy me he died before I could prove him wrong you're doing that now prove him wrong I blame my father for my failures and it was myself can't blame how do we have this gym in the restaurant while Gordon was having a breakthrough with Peter his design team was remodeling the restaurant the red definitely doesn't look how warm it is new wood it's absolutely gorgeous we definitely needed to change and thank God Chef Ramsay you did it all you brought exactly the old seascapes back even the bar stool gives it back your seascape Qiong why'd you say it full of people it is gorgeous Maryland how'd you feel my darling because this must go back in time for you I can't believe the change can you I'm overwhelmed I really am look at your business and to see my picture up on the wall makes me feel really good that I am maybe part of the history of this restaurant it looks almost like the old seascape but it has been brought back to life definitely I think it's wonderful I really do Peter and ladies tonight is the most important night in history of seascape tonight we're relaunching I am so surreal I am so thankful I never expected this never I'm still dreaming I'm still dreaming with the staff reinvigorated by the new decor the focus now goes to the kitchen after scouring the local community Gordon has found a new head chef to replace Doug the bull by the horns and yeah go for it yes and with only hours until relaunch it's straight to work preparing the new menu okay this Martin puzzle sauce the idea behind this is just giving it a little bit of vibrance nice clean fresh flavor yeah a little bit of basil don't rush you find your feet yeah okay good we've involved some of the old classics from seascape and put a modern interpretation on them okay let's go through it together fresh homemade crab cake fresh pesto salmon clams Casino five calamari surf and turf okay any questions all around it's a great menu God must have sent him I love this stuff with the new menu and decor all in order the next step was to turn Peter into a proper maitre d peter john baptist john baptiste runs an Irishman in New York okay his parents are from Lyon and he grew up in restaurants and I want him to spend some quality time now and just sort of grooming you you're now getting polished our first thing is how do you think I'm about to wearing jackets too stiff maybe we can get one for tonight but you think I'm not the most fashion savvy guy around show me how you walk around tables a nice flowing motion is everything right so far this is you walking yes every time I see you it's like running around like a baby rhinoceros trying to have it you just walk nice and slowly put your shoulders back nice and slow you go there no I said again lovely actually is gonna be two seven tops over here I gotta prove myself to everybody Town of Islip to myself to my employees to my mother to my father now it's one thirty-second mm-hmm it's a fight to reestablish this place oh yeah I understand that my dad passed away two years ago so there's no way I can talk to my father so I feel it's the close second [Music] how you feeling no answer okay new deck or new menu new chef and now I hope a new boss thickening for the first time in this guy's life he's got to step up to the mark come out of the shadow of his father and prove to his mother and himself he's more capable running this business let me have the phone no no the phone stays here cuz he doesn't make it tonight you think tonight is the beginning of the new seascape white before it is sweating I'm looking at the bigger picture I got proof that my father I can't control what's going on completely the menu [Music] the waitstaff is revitalized by the influx of customers and the new attitude at the seascape first 10 tables are here atmosphere is electric it smells like a proper restaurant Peter now have to get a grip understand what's going on and host the roof we're looking at probably about a 20-minute wait a hundred customers were coming at us and coming out as hard they were swamped how are we gonna see those people in how long I don't technically wait now it's thought to be messy yeah that was me no it's missing so far I think he's not going that well to balance it right Peter this is what we need to step up again now big time let's go [Music] with the restaurant packed the new chef and the veteran waitresses are about to be put to the test [Music] these girls are used to be busy okay this is really critical their manager starts running is bloody dining room because Peters restaurant is now in the orders getting backed up the service is starting to become slow kitchens falling behind Peter you gotta start cracking the whip just not the food's just not coming out I've been waiting for the entrees it's like 6 o'clock 6:30 and what we they getting what were they getting and mussels Table three did not get there I mean on the back of the line [Music] the waitstaff here there to set in their ways no one telling them what they can and can't do they're just coming in they're taking what they want they're just grabbing food is that yours a mind I mean this is mine very frustrating I can't communicate when this is too stupid making sure the front of the house is in sync with the kitchen is Peters responsibility and Irene is losing her patience because he's not stepping up and taking control Hey somebody pick up this food my apologies I'm sorry not what do you want what are you doing I can't believe this hasn't gone out Probab what do you want mom Kennedy brother take charge mom you know how to rip into me for two days saying I'm never gonna grow up chef well this is why I never grow up come you are the boss start acting like one take charge I'll do the take charge all the little things mushroomed into a big thing I'm sorry we're trying the best we can [Music] can you find out where Peter is you know doing major Peter I don't know what I'm doing Peter here I'm ready to give up my reins yeah my father right now is turning over in his grave [Music] it's the big relaunch of the seascape and the restaurant is at full capacity but with the front of the house not communicating with the kitchen's way too many people touching food in this kitchen my apologies I'm sorry Peter is losing control he's only 2 seconds of you I really want you to shine tonight you've got no idea natural when you're not happy with certain things get it just think back to the boxing ring under I asked you to be viable asking you to run Gordon is a hundred percent rider tonight I got poop to myself to my employees to my mother that I'm willing to take the challenge and be a boss you can do it of course you can count on hug why not there we go that's good yes ooh it's a nice girl yes we got it try stand up straight okay all right guys we're starting it up I know what has to get done I might piss some people off but sorry we gotta get it done right you're making a plan right now okay take this off okay there we go and make a new one right at a critical time in the night Gordon's pep talk has finally inspired Peter I asked john baptiste to go back into the kitchen that's our annex without the food to make the kugel out faster so we can sit the people down just to me they take the order and give it a new number and explain to jump at what it is now you can talk to Marilyn while she's here Diane it's what they call improvising good for top now as I heard three top here you had gotten the bar table right okay here we go finally they're on a roll Marilyn you're on a roll baby I felt like I was back when I first opened up when the passion was still here we were moving and grew it finally got everything under control considering where the seascape was just days ago the reopening was a success please yes it was only just literally a few days ago that this place was closed we met the chef today for the first time to put that standard out job well done finally I feel Peter actually no charge so I'm really really happy we know where to work at it together better yes but for me I know damn well customers tonight will come back yes you have to seriously continue running your business [Music] as the week progressed gordon worked with the new chef to come up with a vibrant new menu making sure to introduce fresh produce from the local vendors you are the luckiest owner in the world to have this boat in your backyard yes telling you then to endear the restaurant back into the community Gordon created an annual chowder cook-off that was judged by the town mayor ladies and gentlemen welcome to the seascape I quite like that little burning sensation the back of my cloak different the winner Joe barrini both are on the menu for dinner Scot the new chef with the kitchen into shape and Marilyn brought back one of seascapes old traditions tableside flambe [Music] place was alive and everybody was smiling is it lovely if you've got some room don't be scared to ask for more yes last but not least a new respect has been established by a mother for her son all right mom started up okay we have a party of six that they call okay so you're leaving us tonight yes it is amazing what he did he taught me to stand up and be the owner love and support yes thanks yeah one two three I feel very grateful to Chef Ramsay I will never forget what the man did he put his heart and soul into this place he did save us [Music] even though Gordon successfully restored the seascape to its former glory Peter accepted an offer that he couldn't refuse and sold the restaurant [Music] you you [Music] you
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 499,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, Cooking, Food, Food Competition, Restaurants, Fine Dining, Dining, Chef, Reality TV, Classic TV, Television, Reality, FilmRise, Free, Free TV
Id: qXqT3RBn8iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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