6 Vegans Vs 1 Meat Eater - Jubilee React #6

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The guy on the far left is in the dating one too, lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skmownage345 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Am I the only one getting seriously addicted to these videos on jubilee thanks to him? I just can't stop, they are so so good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zso-zso πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That’s video isn’t vegan.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ronald_Mcdonald_420 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pdp confirmed doesn’t shower

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gladwinorino πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Abltablt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

When you find out they eat buckwheat:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BURNTP0TAT0E πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've watched that video 3 times now, if I see erin one more time I'm gonna crack

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/darraghoco πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Poor Brandon

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bisgaar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
six vegans one meat-eater are you able to spot which one it is we're doing another Jubilee odd man out I freaking love these I and I think this topic should be interesting a lot of you guys commented telling me to look at this one so I'm really curious what this is about what's your favorite candy most candies without gelatin in it it's gonna be good beggin I am vegan vegan no one's shocked one if the group discovers who the liar is they'll split a cash prize if the liar survives he or she wins the entire prize these are always impossible do they ever succeed in these I don't know way too good at lying man okay Brandon what do you eat for breakfast I'm so surprised that she started this morning I had buck wheat buckwheat hot cereal add almond milk and some water okay who eats buckwheat in the morning like I know buckwheat not vegan enough why she's singling out Brandon Brandon Brandon what is your problem but I'm looking at him and his body language and how he's telling me and I'm going you just had [ __ ] we are you buckwheat you said [ __ ] we I don't know buckwheat is that looks like cereal food looks like a healthy breakfast that's a normal thing but everyone acted like it was really thing I'll be honest I everything I'm bread I have to because like I just like I'm a recent vegan I've been vegan for like five months it's a challenge I did for myself I have a question oh my god that story was so interesting that they just cut to anything else I made the challenge for myself it's uh no one cares what do you mean you eat everything a bread what is that what does that mean I ate everything I'm right it sounds like really unhealthy vegan what are ya'lls favorite restaurants you guys check out in North Hollywood this is just like awesome is casian vegan why is this funny I don't even care who the mole is this is funny looking at vegans in one room I don't know why what's comedic about it it just feels funny what's your favorite restaurant oh my god I love that one yes you do I really been taking I talk I took my friend Hannah she's actually a big youtuber as well Oh cringe dude what happened to this guy he was so smooth last episode he's actually big youtuber too I'm also big youtuber as well large vegan also everything that came out of his mouth was super random it's good for Brandon Brandon but to you I gonna talk about all the time what are you gonna talk with what I get a contract but swap out the beef and get some beans in there also swap out the sour cream and the cheese nice very like in their rap I hope you don't use eggs in their rap do your brand hmm some people do that you know some use eggs you wouldn't punish this is the most passive-aggressive thing I've ever seen they don't I hope they don't because I hope those people because then that wouldn't be vegan would it Brandon and be vegan I don't know it's like the way I look I don't look like a vegan why is everyone here at vegan I was like alright if I mess up I can keep on doing it so I challenge myself on five months in and I was like alright I'm making tea no one cares no I get because it can't speak got it oh god I can't wait to read the comments about her we got it we understand your life story you're a vegan you were completely changed Alvin was just taking up all the time so that I couldn't find any information about anybody I'm vegan because of the environment I think the meat and dairy industry just contributes way too much to our environmental issues and so that's why I decided to go vegan saving the planet amazing you know there are good reasons to go vegan but it's always this one person that ruins it for everyone all the time to be afraid I felt like a rehearsed answer almost like that I kind of followed like blogs and stuff and then I found out I had like high cholesterol I like cold turkey just like put it the more I learned about it and educated myself the more I wanted to keep going I initially that feels like more of a natural sort of answer she's definitely not in I think vegan for my health and I don't think Brett I think Brian is definitely vegan as well it's kind of helped it hasn't helped that much but I think just when I was doing it I was like why go back right like you're I could do it and don't worry about I don't think there was a huge like pressing environmental factor just like my god she's dying right now so why exactly go back and it's like good so it's almost been like a year so Kirsten where do you it smells like everyone's just like yeah no one cares about them all it's just so weird I became vegan for animal cruelty reasons it's a whole bunch of stuff you know you can go into but yeah for animal reasons and environmental reasons and health reasons cool see that should be the normal answer and then you have people like this vegan for almost ten years combined started off when I was 21 years old I was drinking heavily and I just wanted to be feeling like better in my body so took a yoga class when if he can over and I went raw vegan for two years I became a raw food chef I'm a yoga teacher now yeah yoga teacher yeah I'm a yo Brandon eats buckwheat can you believe this guy and he was like a buckwheat buckwheat buckwheat you're not raw vegan and kinda has like a transition I was pescetarian for ten years what is your favorite documentary Oh helped you go with that Oh help me go vegan I kind of watch like those YouTube one which one like what what name one I don't remember the names I like saw them in the blogs that I was talking about and like which blog um it was called it was like this girl her name is Emma I gave it it's very specific yeah no she's gonna go out for that you know it but I don't think she's the mole that's funny I know they're supposed to find the mole but it just she comes across as so aggressive about it you don't know what blog you don't know what post you don't know this you don't know you don't know anything I watched the VR this actually helped encourage me and I watched um from a first-person perspective yeah cows getting butchered from you could see them getting cut up she had a little more makeup on and she had nail polish on and so I guess in my head I think vegans just go further more natural look what she doesn't have that much makeup look and like what people were wearing and he was wearing like suede shoes most like vegans don't really wear leather Brett is this a chill guy he's gonna get eliminated for Big Joe I was really doing I knew it a little bit shy in the beginning when Aaron was curling me um I just got really nervous and like I forgot the names of everything and I put a uniform on her she fit right in you know which one like those cameras here and like everyone's watching me like the time is ticking and what is your favorite soap I use I don't know okay I couldn't tell you a single soap bread I'm more vegan for like food related reasons right but typically like if you're vegan you use all your hi right but like see she doesn't care about fighting who's that they're wrong why she just wanna grill Brandon I love it I surprised vegan but I do it more so for food related reason not exactly because I'd like did it for my health yeah can you wear a leather I don't know mother it's interesting I own leather didn't the other girl said that she's where he's wearing leather shoes liar it's him we're gonna be funny what's her name that green wouldn't be fun if she's the mole that'd be so good my mind would be completely blown I would quit I would question everything I'd be like well now anything can be real now ghosts can be real I mean if she's like oh really many questions - oh my god shut that sure yeah I I don't I just don't oh my god what happened to him he seemed so cool the other episode no one cares about our name no one cares about bees I refuse to believe people care about bees okay I know allegations for this I don't care shut the [ __ ] up you don't care about bees you don't no one does I don't care to be fairy I hear they make honey supplement now that tastes just like real honey so good I just don't care about bees I don't care about bees I will never give a [ __ ] about bees bees I know they're important though but I don't care about their feelings if bees are happy I don't give up it'd be so sad I don't give up at all I honey good good Brandon you should I think yeah I mean we know you know okay I wanna okay I wanna I wanna try and educate myself why not eat honey all right why not what's a good reason all right we got Peeta here all right it's not unusual for lottery honey producers to cut up the Queen's bees wings so that she can't leave the colony or to hat okay that's kind of messed up have her artificially inseminated on a bee sized version she surprised that's I don't care it's beat me feel like my reason for being a vegan wasn't good enough because it wasn't coming from the same place that they were I have a question yeah so okay everyone think about the immediate circle how many folks in your circle are vegan I'm supported can you just say bye-bye my circle yeah like they thought I was unhealthy after what is he acting like he's made the most important decision ever so far you've said that you don't really consider yourself vegan the products you use like eight months actually he's not into the idea he didn't mention that he said that he got the taco and he removed everything and my dog she's so insufferable she's trying to be like you actually heard that part it's vegan no you mentioned that later on I have seen vegan youtubers who like go to talk you can make it just to show people that like it can be like convenience I don't know why you guys are you trying to tell me level 200 insufferable vegan about what isn't or is why don't you go there I thought it was pretty aggressive what's your favorite candy favorite candy I thought they were I mean I write you here not a vegan I mean I don't think am I wrong here I mean listen I don't care you can call himself whatever you want but you eat gelatin that's seen every candy ever you should know that you should know that come on I don't care I'm just saying but you eat honey I mean I don't care see oh my god I'm doing the vegan thing I'm policing that's not what it's about read what you're what's inside your food read the packaging okay you'll be surprised every candy does it's really annoying I don't get why I guess it's cheaper to use gelatin but I don't I wish people would stop maybe I'm not a vegan I exactly what you're faking I don't eat candy yeah I don't yeah I hate fun yep Brandon's out for sure but it's not brand don't go after Brandon everything surrounding you matches that either one of these these two are definitely beigan I feel like it's him they always go in here I think they might okay that explains why he was so annoying my god they don't this all makes perfect sense that it's been scientifically proven vegans are more annoying he went from a cool funny interesting guy to holding hey can you stop talking literally whispered to Aaron I think is jaylen I think it's June I'm a little mad if I go first I can speak the most oh that's funny he seemed like she was he was caught up on time there right now so it'd be like it nice brother would that annoyed me yeah look so you work me aside started talking everything smart I got one from my fam okay that's not vegan I'm caught up with her like on that one at least why is Aaron always aiming at bread no Aaron so rude she's so rude everyone hates her oh I'm so surprised I'm surprised how many people sided with Brandon I like there are so many people like this errand girl that just makes it so one owing to be vegan I know people that don't even want to talk about being vegan because if they're youtuber everyone on you basically open yourself up to the Internet I'm becoming like a target of the police what was that in that video huh who was doing that who was eating that thing it just becomes ridiculous when truth be told there are a lot of benefits from being vegan I wish people will focus that more on instead of just policing each other about it especially the environment could benefit a lot for it especially the king bat eating would be great how about that it we things could be different who eats buckwheat in the morning like I know people do but she went after him right away what's your favorite TV show the oppan that's not all so finally what you eat is not a personality no one cares thank you for watching smash I could be in joining one more of these I'm not sponsored by your blade but I just enjoy these so check them out as well if you want to and that's it see you tomorrow guys Hado you know what's big peepees do they play PewDiePie's pixel ings of course pixel ings is a creature collecting game I'm the primary shareholder over a bazillion players have downloaded and it's got a perfect score it's safe to say it's the most popular game of all time PewDiePie pixel aims it's awesome deal with it build with it you [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 10,334,398
Rating: 4.9573574 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: jEExcR41NTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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