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we return to redrawing your art basically you submit your artwork to Twitter it with a hashtag to redraw my art and I use that to find an artwork to redraw but it also is gonna go two ways this time that's right I am going to share some of my artworks with you that you will choose out of to redraw because thanks to Huey on who is sponsoring this video and that competition I would choose three winners who redraw my art to win one of these and I also left the screen protector on so we could share this moment together oh my god this gorgeous device is the brand-new QE on canvas 22 plus the Huey on canvas 22 has an almost 22 inch large screen 8,192 levels of pressure sensitivity it's a high color gamut of 140 percent srgb chemically etched anti-glare glass and USBC connection support so you can connect to your mobile device or laptop or phone and the best part of all of this stuff is the 22 is only 399 and the 22 plus is only 499 now if you want to snag one of these in the competition stay tuned to later in the video where I revealed the Twitter competition details but if you want to snag one for yourself on Amazon all the links are in the description and I'm gonna hire a 50-buck Amazon gift code somewhere in this video somewhere on the set so whoever can get that first gets a little helping hand along the way to getting a device like this put themselves a huge thank you to kill you on for sponsoring this video so let's get scrolling we've got quite a few submissions here this is compelling I could do some stuff with that I'll put that in my maybe list I mean some of this art is really cool and does not need redrawn none of the artery needs redrawing oh come on this looks like it's from like a dating sim adventurer of the rainbow island you know what let's have a mixed bag today let's go mean and gnarly monster and adventurer of the rainbow island we're gonna smoke out to let's start off with the adventure of the rainbow island and this will be our warmer I was getting people the choice in previous episodes if I should do one high quality one or a couple of like barely coloured in decent quality ones and in the past people always earn towards just less but higher quality but let me know in the comments if you want me to just sketch out a bunch and not color a man or be as refined I'm open but I'll try and knock out to higher quality ones today let's go like this windswept hair I think to keep it cuter I need to give them a bigger forehead still like a stern expression determined I should say I think because his eyes are wide open it looks sort of manic but actually I need a reference the original illustration here because you'll notice eyelids a half close that was a very clever design move the expression turns from a little too intense being a little more nonchalant a little more like now he's got some sort of a dagger and then of course he has the classic rainbow scarf his hand in his pockets of his hoodie like his hoodie thing he's waving the wind along with his scarf [Music] and it looks sort of like a Dom Indy thing too so I'm just gonna make this a diamond dagger cuz it's rainbow lolly there we go now it's pretty clear we've got this design Flair in his hair he's got like this stripe of red we're pretty much ready to attack the line work and we're ready so let's attack [Music] here's my finished adventure of rainbow island artwork I feel like it needs a name maybe you guys should name it let me know in the comments so what I've actually done is I have created a layer behind the line of work which is just a silhouette like if I hide my long way it's just the interior or everything inside the line work filled in with one flat color because I'm gonna start working with something called clipping masks now the quick tip is if you don't know what a clipping mask is create a layer above the layer you want to create a clipping mask in alt click the line dividing this two layers boom it puts it inside of it making it a clipping mask meaning everything that you draw on that layer is masked inside the clipping mask and it's a super useful for coloring in because it means you can't go [Music] if I now move to the layer underneath and let's say I grab the blue for the jeans I can just create a bigger brush and just slop it in now we're going to do the rainbow scarf and I'm gonna do the sneaky sneaky thing I did before I'm just gonna do every second color because then half of the colors have don't have to do neatly to keep the yellow straight to green get the cyan straight to blue okay and then on the next layer down then I can go to the colors I skipped and just look how easy this is [Music] I feel like it might suit his cartoony style more by tweaking the color of the lines and the way I like to do this is I'm just gonna like pick the skin tone for example and just make a darker color based off of the skin tone and then inside this clipping mask I'm basically just manually coloring in the lines that surround that area I'm just doing all of the lines that clearly connect to the skin tone there you go that's pretty much the skin tone worked pretty well and I'm gonna do the same thing also like every new items apart I will use the same layer to do the same thing to other areas now I'm gonna go a layer down and because I've done those colors it's even quicker and easier they just liked lapping their hair color I'll go like a light gray for the teeth keep the eyes black blue for the jeans they're nice rich locally for the dagger do you know what could be interesting grab my gradient tool is that whoa it's not matching the gradient on the scarf but at the same time that's sort of fun alright I'll match the gradient [Music] and just like that we have blank the adventurer of rainbow island let's leave him where he is that let's move on to our next artwork this monster by I scare you now this is aesthetically quite different now the original is quite liked it has a cartoony air to it but I want to try and amp that into a much less cutesy aesthetic it got quite a big jaw and I want to go for a really dramatic angle now back to the drawing board you know what maybe we should just refer to the original when this blood is blood on the original we're gonna be able to get pretty gnarly with this one [Music] I'll take that cloth just drawn I'll make it far larger that's the exoskeleton it's got spikes on it to make it even spike let's just softly put in a few of the more gnarly details like but in particular the face now though this isn't in the original something I'm going to do that I find makes teeth and now that's really gross is just to show as much gum as possible and also to make the teeth sort of little I want to go a little more alien II so let's let go a little more Coney maybe add a few like lines that turn into the texture of the head oh this is fun this is this is gonna be a good one we want the ribs to all show through and just occasionally have like bones poked out like here in the elbow it's making sure we can like really contort the proportions to be as monstrous as possible I have to say I'm glad I went back to following the original pose I feel like this is way more representative of the original and it's adequately gnarly and intense so this one is gonna take a lot more time to polish off and also nail the aesthetics I'll and dive into that but before I do I wanted to cover a couple of things one the competition so like I said there are three of these beautiful canvas 22 pluses up for grabs this is easily the best large display tablet that huion has made it's brand new it's really high spec it feels amazing and with that stand compatibility it just means that this is capable of so much professional awesomeness in fact let me show you what that actually does if for example you want to mount it to one of these boom arm things check that out simple as that you can attach the canvas 22 plus to any mount oh how good is that so that's pretty cool and if you want one for yourself like I said there's three up for grabs so pick one of these three artworks I'll put the links in the description to some high resolution ones you can use as a reference do what I do in the same way half line of the corner and recreate it in your style and as cool as you can submit your final entry to twitter and use the hashtag redraw Jazz's art all the details and rules and parameters for this little competition or in the description so go follow those as well but that is how you have a chance to win one of these tablets but even if you don't win one guys check out the canvas 22 plus the canvas 22 at 399 and the canvas 22 plus at 499 with all of these features all of this amazing build quality and professionalism you can't go wrong with an almost 22 inch quantum dot LED screen 140 percent srgb with chemically etched into clear glass the brand new pentek 3.0 huion pen and the type c connection with all the great features all the way down to the high-quality and adjustable stand that it comes with I'm sure you get the point by now that this device is amazing and huion is amazing for sponsoring this video all the details are in the description I think at this stage we really are gonna sink my teeth into the new degree this will take some time I'm gonna do the entirety of the line work and just the solid black shading and I'll make it fairly comic-book ass and then we'll come back and I'll go through a bit of the color and how to make this thing really gritty [Music] oh okay sometime later I have the end result as you can imagine the line work for this to a lot longer than the line work for this what would that said oh my god really good and might I say incredibly faithful to the original which I'm particularly proud of so now I'm gonna slap in color and when I say slap in just because I'm slapping something in it doesn't mean it's not gonna be good trust me the most important thing for one like this is we need to lay down a backdrop because well on a white backdrop just looks wrong slap in some texture behind and slowly lay in some color oh by the way if you're wondering what brushes I'm using these are my custom Photoshop brushes I use them for everything you go to the jazz of studios or draw with jazz accom shop and get them for yourself so support to the channel and they're really cool right again I use them for everything so first I need to pick my base color I'm gonna go for like a really sickly green oh my god this is looking too cool too quick just adding a new layer and I have a blender brush now before i shape areas with shading i'm going to start off by pushing areas further into the background just so that the arm can stick out so i can shade in here and then I'll just use the eraser to erase in here roughly and bring that arm back into the foreground and then again back in with my brush but really all they're gonna do is alternate moving between shadows and highlights so just build up layer by layer the depth of the character so the first is this loose layer of shading that's that first layer of shading next I'm gonna move on to my first layer of highlights [Music] now the other thing I love to do and some of you know this about me is I like to make it pop by just picking an edge and really adding a highlight just on the edge this makes it look like there's a light behind the character but it also just adds a real intense depth especially when you have like limbs like this overlaying other parts of the body it also helps create a bit of separation [Music] so I'm gonna add one more layer this is gonna be my second layer of shadows and this time I'm gonna go sort of turquoisey [Music] I've added one more layer the clipping mask and this time I'm gonna go a nice bright sickly yellow this time I'm gonna make him nice and glisteny but you'll make him look slimy and gross [Music] with just four layers we've just slammed in some epic shading it's all I want to do now is just go in and add some final details just to make it really stand out I will be changing this color elsewhere as well but I'm just gonna start off by selecting this layers blend modes you just flick through until I find some magic oh that's pretty magic this is the overlay blend mode that is really good I'll just tweak EQ a little bit just to make it a touch more yellow and now just go through and add that yellow to the other claws and places that have the yellow so just by gently coloring in the gums like that I'll pick a different blend modes that looks gnarly alright let's go with light and then while we're adding some color variation I'll grab like a purple or something like that and just really gently have a gradiation down to the bottom of the body here last but not least one layer on top I'm gonna grab my big brush I'm gonna grab a nice solid bloody red you're just gonna start off by just tapping my brush it's almost like sponging on just a linear burn I'm gonna be pretty brutal around the claw here cuz I'm gonna go around any race and clean up the bits that aren't the claw just a few little details are gonna grab my detail brush and there we go look at that the best part is he's barely parted from the source material reference but what a cool reference I had to work from both this and my adventure of rainbow island let me know what his name is below but also I love that they couldn't be any more different let me know in the comments what you thought of this video and if you enjoyed it how do you think I should approach future sessions of this but just like all the other ones I had a lot of fun with you here today thank you so much for sharing your art I hope you enjoyed mine and once again if you want a chance to win one of these beautiful babies there are three canvas 22 pluses up for grabs if you recreate my artwork which of course I'm going to be looking at all those entries in a future video how wait to see what you do instructions the down below but that is it for this video thank you so much for watching and if you haven't subscribed make sure to click that subscribe button and a notification bell so you can join in future fun there are more videos over there you might enjoy otherwise that my friends is it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 999,813
Rating: 4.9652047 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, KAMVAS 22 Plus, kamvas 22 +, huion
Id: j9v44jg4c_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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