Drawing in HARD MODE: Can I do this?!...

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this video is sponsored by raikon yesterday i was watching youtube videos and ergo josh posted this is not going to be your average art challenge i'm listening i know a lot of our challenges are just for the fun of it you know just to have fun and get used to art using one color using only one material or something like that this challenge is not going to be as easy and fun as those other ones but i promise you it's going to make you a better artist in quite a few ways are you tough enough to do it though i don't know some of you are going to be probably too chicken to try this challenge we're like 30 seconds into your video and you're necking me josh i'm the toughest person i've ever been i've got a beard does it make me look tough the goal is to take something you've never drawn before and you're going to spend 10 minutes drawing it then after that you're gonna take a one minute break and then in that break you're going to try to look at your drawing summarize in your head or maybe out loud what you've learned what you messed up on and then right after that you're going to draw it again for another 10 minutes and then you're going to repeat that take another minute break and then for the last time you're going to drive for 10 minutes again and then you should be finished with three drawings of the same thing different places and then you can look at all of them all right that sounds pretty straightforward i'm on board if you really really want to take this seriously don't listen to any music all right that's a conflict for me for two reasons one i always listen to something when i'm drawing when i'm engaging in the drawing process and two i was scheduled to do a very conspirated video so i'm gonna do your challenge josh the way you want me to do your challenge but after that i'm gonna do the challenge my way we're gonna do the ergo josh 3x challenge and then the jazza 3x challenge we'll get to the rules of my challenge later but let's do yours first now i don't want to spoil too many of the results of josh's video suffice it to say it's really worth watching and i really love josh's content so go check out ergo josh who came up with this challenge i knew i knew something to draw that i've never drawn before if you google something you've never seen before that's bound to come up with maybe i should the thing that that stands out most to me is like kawhi snoop dogg i don't know it stands out i've never seen it before i've certainly never drawn it before so let's let's blushing snoop dogg i'm putting 10 minutes on the clock now and my reaction has to be the opposite to my default reaction i have to just chill out about it because normally when there's a timer i'm freaking the [ __ ] out rod but let's do it i'm going to calmly click start there yeah the time's counting down i'm really fighting my instincts here [Music] all right that's time i'm gonna say turned out better than it i felt it would in the first five minutes i think that's because throughout the course of uh my first go i felt myself loosening up focusing more on silhouette and shape i guess anytime you do anything like this where you do a repetitious thing of something you might normally have done the first time is always going to be a little bit slow starting and i think by the end there i certainly found my feet a little bit i was going to just so like okay stop next one but the rule is you take a break so i'm going to take a break think about i don't know what do you do in your break i don't take breaks i guess we just get to know each other a little bit [Music] i think that's enough of a break um i feel like i'm warmed up let's give round two ago put 10 minutes on the clock i'm going to do exactly the same thing so i've left a lot of shading towards the end i have 38 seconds left and where i did feel like it was more finished sooner last time i have more of the illustration but now i have more to finish i'm just trying to go through and do as much fairly quick shading as i can yep there we go and that's time all right well that's number two obviously i got a lot more roaring done in this one it is rougher it is messier i don't know if that's a good or a bad thing i don't know if that's just the way i get loose because i do feel like it is closer to the original the proportions are closer to the original because i allowed myself to draw high lines and a center line and just sort of figure out the placement of things now i want to move on but i'm not allowed to the rules are going to take the break all right let's go for round three it's sort of fun because i'm like i don't know what i'm gonna draw next i think i'm used to that feeling like a good thing i think a lot of artists not knowing what it's going to look like before they draw it feels intimidating i think maybe that should be a reassuring thing if you're new to this or if you're trying this challenge and it sort of scares you a bit just know that the more you challenge yourself the more you learn to embrace and enjoy the unknown and that that becomes one of the funnest things so just push through it all right 10 minutes on the clock [Music] okay wow i'm really proud of myself i mean a few things that i approached differently with this i didn't outline the hair then color in i just went in and just boom then i had a lot more time and with that time instead of being too detail focused because i was doing such bold movements like just getting the proportions in getting the hair down i thought i'd just do the same with shading and make some bold decisions with shading where in the first ones i was much more subtle in this one i really just sort of went for it all right so these are all three right next to each other and the weird thing is immediately and i don't know if you agree with me let me know in the comments it looks almost like a step-by-step drawing guide like the first drawing was like this is the first step this is the second step this is the third step and that's really interesting because that tells me that first of all i got a lot more done by the third time i was in the mode to get it done effectively second of all it tells me that there are steps that i focused on each time and as i was able to execute them i was at with the next drawing able to release myself to focus on another step while still executing on the first step but just without thinking about it as much going down in the comments let me know how you think i went in this challenge and let me know if you have a preference out of one two or three i've done it i've done the ergo adjust challenge his video title is 99 of people never finish i'm the one percent just wait the one percent is a bad thing usually isn't it in this case it's a good thing and i made it all right what does my version of the challenge look like i'm gonna say my challenge is a traditional art challenge or if you do it digitally no undo and you're not allowed to use the transform tool this is the ergo 3x mine is the jazzy 3x challenge hashtag jazzy3x number one pencil and eraser only or digital equivalent number two generate a random character prompt outside of your control the three illustrations you will be doing will be of the same character in the same pose but you may change the props costumes or elements or features of the character so we're gonna have a timer as well and you're gonna wanna make sure that all three are on the same timer amount and you can change the timer out i'm going to stick to the same timer amount for my challenges i did with josh's and most importantly there is no rule number five you can listen to whatever the hell music you want to because that's what i do hashtag sponsored i only just remember that in the talking points for this sponsored spot there was an added element to mention that jr smith mike tyson and snoop dogg are obsessed with the raycon i did not plan this guys there's only one thing i got wrong in my illustration okay just put it put in his little rake on so if you haven't gathered raycon make a whole bunch of different audio solutions and my favorite and the one i'm sharing with you today is the rayquan everyday e25s these are absolutely my go-to especially if i'm out and about or i'm in the gym they're tiny and yet the case packs like a full 24 hours of charge and the buds themselves have six hours of play time so that's four full charges with the case they're really comfortable really stylish have a really nice warm and bassy sound and what they give you they are right up there with the top players and way more affordable than all of them and on top of that you can get another 15 off if you use the link provided by this sponsorship thanks to raycon go to buy rakon.com jazza and get a further 15 off of your pair of e25 everyday wireless earbuds these things are like half the price of other premium wireless earbud brands plus you get 15 off plus i like them better and the best part is they make the arty game soundtrack amazing wait did i did i just segue from one promotion into a no i'm not promoting art again but this is how i randomly generate characters but you can if you want something free and immediate if you don't have jazz anxiety games go to drawingprompt.com or just google character drawing prompt character i'm drawing is a busy accountant that is an insomniac who's wearing large glasses someone who's lost a lot of sleep probably has really wide eyes bit of frantic look about them and they have a lot to do 10 minutes on the clock and i personally like to listen to something thematically similar to what i'm drawing and i'm gonna go to the pixar playlist listening to pixar is like my go-to when drawing whimsical stuff let's go [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that's time okay i think the obvious change here is i deviated from my rules and used a pen i'm gonna change my rules pencil and eraser only plus pen i found that i did my exploration with the pencil and by the time it was taking shape i needed to take that next step for it to be clear otherwise i'd just be using the pencil to make just solid lines i mean i can erase and but that's sort of not the point of the challenge and i guess if if there is a point to this version of the challenge is to practice inventing something and getting good at conveying that in a strong pose with a strong character design so we've got illustration number one of our accountant he's busy he's an insomniac and he's wearing large glasses now i'm going to do the same character again 10 minutes on the clock and go [Music] this is really cool because right off the bat i love this result i know it's an improvement over the last one and i think it's because in the first one i was focusing on pose i was figuring out the character but this time i sort of feel like i know the character a little bit and i knew what the pose was so i got to really dive into characterization and playing with form and embellishments where i put lines and also how i emphasize the features of that character and the previous one i know that i made him look tired by just doing lines under the eyes but that also makes the character look older so with this one i got to think about other ways i can make a character look tired without affecting the age too much so a five o'clock shadow or a disheveled beard do i look tired slightly messy hair and just little things like having the shirt untucked uh emphasizing the collar to show that the collar's not done properly because he hasn't done his tie properly these are all little things that the extra time that i bought by knowing the first few elements allowed me to play around with even more so i'm quite interested to see what another round gives me [Music] hello [Music] um oh i have 17 15 seconds left i haven't finished the outlines yet i had spare time last time time i'm cutting it close eight seconds okay right in the nick of time oh no i didn't do that a bit of his arm oh come on i shaded in his his pant leg but if i'd have seen that i would have just gone like poop that would have been done in the right amount of time so give me that much at least well now's the moment of truth let's put all three next to each other and see how they stack up this is really really interesting and fun to see because just like the ergo x3 3x3 ergo 3x challenge the final result looks like a clear stepped process where you can see the evolution and the improvement over the three with that said i don't think the point of either of these challenges is to have the last one be better than the others it's just to learn from the process and see what you observe but with that said this is distinctly an improvement with every step and i think it's the same benefits from both versions of the challenge just observed in different ways and in this case in particular because the challenge is focused on keeping a few things the same such as the time the character prompt the pose everything else are things you have to play with within that time limit and as you can see the overall proportions and the intensity and the pose and the feeling of depth is i feel objectively far more dramatic and interesting in the final execution and it's a character design that feels way more certain this is really interesting and it's been a really fun challenge i would like to invite you to take the jazza 3x challenge or take the ergo 3x challenge i'm interested to see what your results are either way if you do either of them by the way you're welcome to post them on twitter with those hashtags or on my subreddit i'll link to uh the subreddit in the description there is certainly huge benefits untapped potential in the simple exercise of doing the same thing within certain parameters but allowing yourself to explore within those parameters and you know what just just to wrap up this video let me just say that a couple of videos back i talked about a tweaking direction of the channel and this is this feels so fun now i'm not saying that all my future videos are going to be like this but i'm going to focus on all my future videos being something i can invest myself in and have a lot of fun in so that i can bring and invite you into the process so you can enjoy it and get something out of it too i want to think about it like and put it forward to you as an iterative process just like this we have phase one two and three i'm working on phase four right now and i guess phase four is just going to be a combination of the best bits of the first three phases thank you to everyone who's given kind feedback and really thoughtful responses to that video it really means so much to me and just like how we take something different with every step of the process and we get progressively somewhere more certain i can't wait to see you in the future and in the next video thank you so much for watching and until next time i'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 535,516
Rating: 4.9719329 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: 1ra-8ge45uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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