I TRY PUPPET MAKING - *It goes Horribly Wrong!*...

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there's a load of thank you so much for connecting with me for this collaboration in the box you will find two small bags I also put together a mini puppet kit for you we got some extra little puppets these hold puppetry things gonna be so much fun too bad you don't know how to puppeteer I'll get it and that's what this is all about yeah I reached out to Adam crude injure an extremely talented puppet maker and puppeteer educator in hopes that we could do a collab together and in Adam's video in our collaboration he mentions that link between animation and puppetry which may be one of the reasons I'm so drawn to it and I've wanted to learn it I'm so drawn to it in fact that in a recent project I did with like an anti-drug awareness campaign thing I built half of the content around puppetry it was like this section where I made these little paper puppets and we did all these little paper puppetry things and that was really fun but we also got a custom ecstasy pill puppet made I've had a little bit of experience I'm just not very good a guy I honestly feel like I can't help but become a character on puppeteering which is gonna be a little interesting to see what the result is when I use this fella because he is don't know how to puppeteer yet but I just want to do it I just want to start another thing that is done which I just think is absolutely genius is he's made he's gloves it's like I'm slowly turning into a cartoon so I'm going to get stuck in for it starting off by building my fun simple little smooth puppet I'm gonna learn the crap out of puppetry today and at the end of the day I'm gonna put on a puppet show so that any further ado let's learn to make and pilot a puppet are you ready I'm ready are you ready all ready are you really all bloody ready are you ready we're ready that did I'll pop it well you go with the syllable unknown will and that's the point of us taking away so in getting started I just got stuck straight into building my own puppet I mean as you can see this one I'm building it's it's really simple just a few pieces of fabric a couple of wires which you could probably find some things that'll do a great job at your local craft store or thrift store and then just like a really simple sewing kit anyways at the end of constructing my very first puppet I was ready to finally get stuck into the learning process and learn how to puppeteer and I really wanted to puppeteer effectively so fortunately I of course had Adams video to follow which is a 101 class on puppeteering which went through a whole bunch of the basics I made it really easy and fun to get started and build my confidence you want to be a puppeteer yes welcome to puppetry 101 in this video we're going to talk about the technical techniques to performing puppetry 3 oh I have voices for these things Wow Wow yeah I'm flapping my hand up and down like an idiot why are we all so gravely I'm definitely gonna go with a stuffy nose thing it's gonna be hard to swap between your voices but see I was just trying to make eye contact with the camera I don't like where is it I don't know where it is hey let's swap sides yeah there no this ah it's really hurting my back wait I've got an idea fortunately this is a standing desk [Music] alright before we watch the rest of Adams video I think we need to practice what he's talked about so far I think the first thing is I'm gonna figure I want a sound line and I'm going back to this one yeah that's okay I guess what is this Way's baby boys kids you're gonna pick something stick to it god damn it I got a bit of a Baltimore twang and a black nose so lesson one love your boys yeah I'm going with it okay so I immersed myself in the learning process this is an interesting thing because it's one of those things where honestly you learn by doing but there's no rulebook there's no script to follow so essentially it sort of becomes a game of improvising with yourself also quickly to cover the setup process there's actually a little monitor I had under the table directly in front of me that showed what the front camera was seeing so that way I could see when I was making eye contact and I could have an immediate relay I guess it just by trial and error I could figure out what worked well what didn't work well for me all right so I feel like we're getting pretty good at lip-syncing maybe we should try to pump it with the arms is he ready for that I don't know there's only one way to find out no that's not what I was talking about I'm like trying trying to murder I'm gonna go over here now ah yeah that was pretty good that was my first time using my hand a bad huh my contact is difficult ah oh that's nothing a lid the spiky hair is not helping that's why they wait like beanies and stuff get down damn so I'm gonna do a bunch of puppeteering practice I need to learn to use my arms because they're just sort of dangling uselessly at the moment it's montage - oh my god montage pus-filled night okay so learning to use an arm rod puppet as opposed to that I guess you'd almost call them sock puppets or hand puppets yeah it's a it's a different ball game because at first I felt the pressure to constantly be doing things with the hands but actually by holding the hands in a comfortable sort of midriff position it allowed me to move both together in harmony with something I was saying that felt pretty organic and then come back to that resting position and then occasionally I wanted to use one hand for emphasis I could let go of the other and execute the move oh my god did you see that it's in terrible puppeteer ah express better you really need to give us a personal space sorry let's practice talking with a tongue twister I got one yeah okay shakes out facial but as a shorty sells seashells by the sheet [Music] I really think you found your voice you have the voice of an angel thank ya for the money but airight could you get down Jesus Christ progress but that's wrong Hey hi I'm jaza and I'm a puppet I am okay at this I'm not great but I'm not bad I just can't say I'm not bad and shake my head at the same time I'm not bad I'm not bad hands on hips yeah syllables syllables sound both so I've spent the best part of a day getting right into my puppet starting off with building one he's a special guy I think he turned out pretty good yeah and I've also spent many many hours practicing puppetry now I'm not a master but I feel like I've made a lot of progress and I think as a result it's time for me to put on a puppet show for you guys to enjoy I'm thinking something classical something a little like old school but if I hello oh my god you got sick of him or what gee he doesn't even know what he's doing ridiculous don't even get me started he's terrible terrible terrible kick and did you see that puppet he made bloody oh I mean you guys are um special in your own way but I mean that thing just look at it honestly I don't think you'll ever be any good at this like not just the puppetry thing but I mean the YouTube channel thing it's just garbage have you seen what's on this channel anyone could do a better job oh I could do a better he's coming hit the deck okay alright I'll see you later bye alright sorry about that it's time to do I put these wait puppet show it's time to put on a puppet show now I'm not a professional but I've learnt a lot today and I'm having a lot of fun so I really hope you enjoy what I have in mind and I was saying I think I might do something a little more classical something a little more old-school which is why I might whip out the old Willie Shakespeare that is pleased to present to you the the puppetry theater rendition of Shakespeare's Hamlet once upon a time there was a guy called Hamlet so Hamlet was in his Hamlet one day there was an old lady who knocked on the door and said to Hamlet Majesty lady who has lime I'm an old wizard lady and I'm actually a witch and I have dreadful news your son sir grappa wants to steal the throne off of you what are you going to do about it yeah that's right our King Hamlet of the hamlet of Hamlet sure was his son wanted to steal the throne cuz he thought his dad wasn't good enough at being a king meanwhile in groton sure his his son was saying stuff like more dad king hamlet of the hamlet in hamlet sure is a crap King and I sure gratin or be a bear King because I'm not as dumb as he is so I'm gonna steal the throne but I think we've established that so I'm gonna just go do it now so we don't just okay and thus sir groton went over to camp to Hamlet sure to confront his dad boy dunno you take the throne off ya hammer I'll be a better king than you are saying Hamlet doesn't do anything it doesn't turn this plane to Hamlet you idiot Hamlet you know a Pokemon hemmed it maybe you are maybe that's why you are crap king now that was a huge revelation so groton realized that King Hamlet was the Pokemon and that's why it was a crap king and the terrible dad because he was a Pokemon think that's what Shakespeare wrote so much takes me a road of goodies dad I know the solution to all our problems overcome a pokemon trainer and you be my Pokemon alert and together we'll rule the kingdom of happen in your Hamlet I love you dad oh what a touching moaning now you might think that's where our story ends nah remember that old lady from the star of the story yep she's back and she's mad because she wanted to rile up so brought him against his dad Hamlet so that they'd fight and kill each other and then she could steal the throne Z it's it's a grand tapestry of narrative Hamlet Your Majesty don't your grass is very low let me just now Your Majesty I have come to steal the throne give it to me home what do you mean you don't have a throne the throne is in all of our hearts well I have a Tyler to lesson about the ethereal nature of Thrones I shall take this lesson with me to the - huh you thought the grass was long it was actually me where's my voice oh no my dad the hamlet the Pokemon and the witch lady are dead which means i got'em am now the king of the hamlet of Hamlet no you were Pokemon but he's still my dad wake up wake up bad dad that wake up and so so gratin was very sad because he's dad the Pokemon Hamlet had died randomly and so had the witch he wasn't sad about the witch because she tried to steal the throne I know he did at one point but he was a changed man but she on the other hand I mean she's a witch so she's just just a bad guy but there's one thing that the witch wasn't counting on and that is that so gratin would discover that it the power of love can bring Pokemon back from the dead so sad oh I love you so much I'm so sad just what my tears on your head oh I don't know why I feel compelled to do this but these probably some sort of magical property matiz the old soon discover dad oh my god my lovin but the power of love and my tears must have brought you back from the dead oh yeah dad cuz I love you even though you're a Pokemon and even though our throne is shared and now metaphorical I love you Emily yep oh wow that was amazing what a great story and how well it was told so mixed I'm so ask you do you know the story of Hamlet he just say yep yep I do so there it is Hamlet have you enjoyed it oh alright I think that turned out pretty good I hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to subscribe for more fun with art and creativity and of course go subscribe to Adam croute enger' that's it for now subscribe and all that and until next time I'll see you later guys he's gone he's got I don't know how long it's gonna be gone for but I think this is a chance so you say would a think you that our thoughts are saying what race folks is son what do you mean I mean exactly what you think I mean he can't run this show better than we can it's time for me to take over this joint I watched him from start to finish as he made that monstrosity you know I think I could do a better job than he can I read his plans I know exactly how it's meant to be done so now that he's gone I can do what he meant to do but the right way I will sew a puppet army just like you guys and that monstrosity a bit less monstrous I know how to make what he made but just let scrap so I will follow that plan and make a puppet army together we can rise up and kill him ha ha ha oh I can't let's get away at last my creations are complete yeah now okay so they um didn't really turn out the way I hoped they're pretty much exactly the same as geez don't either let's stop come back look be that as it may I still think we have a shot at this and in fact if it who is here quick get him I love the bit where I murdered myself now that I am a puppet and I have a puppet on this channel let me know down below what you want to see me do in future videos I'm gonna pop it now I can do what I want and most of its inappropriate anyway I want to thank you for watching this video and if you enjoyed it make sure to LIKE and subscribe for fun with art and creativity and occasionally puppetry now cuz look at me I'm a puppet ah make sure to bring that bill so you don't miss out on a future video and there are more videos you can enjoy over there that there thank you for watching and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,408,944
Rating: 4.9537764 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, muppet, puppet, puppetry, kreutinger, pupets, puppeteer, learning, try, arm rod
Id: kyAyWIygNbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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