I FOUND my Old High School ART PROJECTS - 15 Years Later!...

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oh my god this is gonna be so punch oh yeah it's me time ha ha no idea what I mean for these were discovered buried in the crevices and nooks and dusty crannies of jazz's Studios jazz is dusty crannies that was my nickname these are the folders which in high school art class students used to store their progress their works in progress their projects the point of trying to get to is I haven't looked at these for over ten years and there's actually a really substantial amount of art in here it's really obsessed with my art classes I didn't pay attention in many classes in school but in art it was it was business time now this is you twelve I don't actually know what is what and what the chronological order is look at some fancy embellishments there who would I carry across these I didn't look in them because I thought there is so much in here and I am gonna be genuinely horrified or surprised and delighted or just interested in the contents of sock science this videos gonna be compliant no idea what I mean for mullet joe off to a roaring start this was one of our first original characters if this was a school project I was like just trying to make him part of the things I wanted to do and it was a character turnaround of mullet joke I was really proud of my mullet very character design it's just sort of unnerving it was like a lovely or something no it's like notes on the Renaissance 14:22 1580 some sort of attempted in Apocalypse please tell me my grades are in here that would be fun rightful Oh apparently Jade loves ash that was that encapsulates my high school romance phase someone else wrote about two other people's romance on the back wasn't just loves anyone or anyone loves Joss hello darkness miles Oh who's it all some sort of aquatic gentleman nice equina balls bear all right a nice nice little warm-up there is selection nice little time - let's move on to year 11 I was 16 years of age and this would have been my viscom folder because as you can immediately see there is some product and design observation and projects on perspective I remember being highly ambitious as an art student because I don't think these were the objects we were encouraged to draw I think it was much something much simpler and I was like ha I can do better than that so I did 3 slightly more complex things just to drop the mic and walk away my art teachers were not my biggest fans hey we have some grades got an a where was I liking the imagination and flare of preferred solution they didn't like my imagination Wow what is it it's a telephone children yes some people surprise mother jerry seymour grades i + salute all right there's no mullet Joe it was almost a surprise mother Joe but it's just another I think that's mother joke yeah no that is mala choice surprise mother Joe no I swear to god that's gonna become a female I'm lovin her this is great I think these were like my very early uses of Copic markers I'm not sure what I was doing in particular but there it is pretty sure this had nothing to do with my class and a female paladin this is 15 years ago no barely improve Oh what b-plus ah where was I failing it's there I'm theories that it's my poster design from the Melbourne Zoo it looks like a feral ferret shrieking if I was the Melbourne Zoo owner and a graphic designer gave those to me it's a get out and stay out is what I'd say we got we're wrapping up here's a starship captain or maybe not starship but he's dressed like a starship captain bursts just an ordinary fighter jet so he's just a really enthusiastic fighter pilot that was fun and we're still going oh this is gold I really do keep all my and I think this is why it's a snapshot not only of what I was doing and interested in but also who I was and where I was at all right now we move on to year 12 oh boy oh boy I forgot about this I probably will have this stuff so we're being taught to paint with a reference like many professional fine artists do they'll have models they'll take photography they'll find how the folds of the clothes work of foreshortening is displayed to the eye so they can portray as well as possible so we were encouraged to create our own references this was our next-door neighbor agreed to wear apparently a good stained shirt and stand between two very hastily constructed bars I think the idea was that there's a reference they were in prison I was being meaningful isn't there a subreddit for that I'm 14 and this is deep this is totally that the worst part is if these were found and someone reported reaching a lot of trouble the theme I've chosen for my folio is captivity I was trying to dig deep okay don't judge me so obviously in fine arts in visual arts we got much more emotional we tapped into the messages of the art work there was no right or wrong as far as style goes obviously in this calm or graphic design there is a right and wrong way to do isometric perspective or three-point perspective but in art there is no right answer you conduct the type of Bernard to wall and sell it for millions of dollars and that can be a royal enter son so these are my skits is what I'm exploring the themes of captivity I've got much too cartoony taken my notes so the teacher could see my thought process I like this one though two words no that was both a joke and self-deprecating it is interesting to see the process and to be honest my notes about my thoughts on the process are quite interesting and helpful my god the stupid stuff they must have had some friggin kids write about their deep Aarti thought processes oh my god this is the epitome of the I'm 14 and this is deep subreddit the image of the poor person reaching in a cage is quite powerful the image is a bit too busy okay so at least so self-critical but I was experimenting I was trying man I was really going for deep and it's pretty tacky oh and this is good one all businessman turning their backs on a poor person oh look at this even better this one's really good as you can see here we've got businessman even worse mind you the only thing worse than a businessman I say is a fat businessman I did have no life experience or understanding of the world and I was looking for it and trying to convey it not only is he hungry but his pockets are empty the poor bugger first saw about hanging on a wall I wouldn't spend long thinking I wonder what barristers charlisse a final one this was my first final submission Wow deeper than I expected now we're on to Liz come year 12 the design process which was a heavy focus in the graphic design class there are different representations of the design process but my book drew Jezza creating characters link in the description link is actually just a book on the design process play more about the design process here it's basically my are you 12 this combo oh my god 42 meanings I was designing my high school rock band album cover that's right one of rock bands I was a part of as a teenager I was the drummer with the bare name was 42 meanings the album name is target practice again didn't know quite what was meaningful and what was probably territory I shouldn't go into so this was actually I remembered this activity vividly and it was one of the coolest lessons I learned from my art teacher and he sat me down to do an exercise he gave me a picture and he said just draw this you have 20 minutes so I sat down with the ink pen and I drew it for 20 minutes and there's okay now draw it again and I was like oh boy come on teach give me a break and then it got faster every time and he was basically teaching me to loosen up I was like focusing on the details and the accuracy and all this stuff and he was just saying do it again start again do the whole thing this time you have less time seeing the result of that and feeling the result of loosening up and having more done and actually more accurately and more like with a more fluid result was really interesting that's that that's that though wait one more and that's a part of some sort is really into Treasure Planet no regrets there so it was pretty interesting little time capsule of my high school art classes and then we have the mystery [Music] [Applause] this is a weird mishmash between some school projects and the law of personal projects these are the character designs for my villain in the Paladin animated series that I did a little bit of a flashback over the screen right now it's some of that fantastic content the pellet in the series it's better with every viewing flip flippity both say hey look at that this was definitely not for a school project that's a pretty cool artwork if I say so myself it's so fun to seeing the things I was just obsessing over at the time whether it be treasure planet or Warhammer and frankly I still feel as fond of those things as I did back then oh my god that's a caricature I got at a theme park I remember seeing the catcher and thinking that just look like new the tail it looks like I looked exactly a lot better again more personal projects so I was with a comic book series this is more cartoony ones then we have a more realistic one tell me again sorcerer when will I finally get to attack this fortress since my Lords in this very moment I have one of my most skilled spines and so we will know when the city is at its weakest state first we burn the inner city weaken the defenses and finally we terminate well it seems it's just about time for a little fun around here first you must contain the earth from battle Michael your time you come offensive and then now actually I think these comfortable pages illustrate what I've said in multiple videos and that was in this phase of my life I was not covered and drawing women and that is why quite a masculine sort of face fishbowl boobs and broad shoulders and narrow waist and no hips I think that's it that's the contents of the miscellaneous mystery folder I think if I can take away anything from this it's that even in the work I found the fun when I had school projects I found ways to incorporate my interests to learn around the themes and the things that I was personally interested in so even if it was a project on isometric perspective I did everything that I could to make it fun and I think that's really important because as you can see there's working here but there's also just a lot of playing around and that's really how you like stop wait another collapsing I know this is random but we finished the video we wrapped up and then in walking out and from the pile of others from because a folder I missed nobody included and the reason is because I think it ties in so well with what I was showing with the design process stuff I learned and how they ended up becoming something I did in my book this folder really shows how much I put that into practice towards the end of high school and how much it really affected the work I ended up doing later so I really wanted to share this with you there's a little bit of a last extra treat but this is just such an exact representation of the things I learned and then later demonstrated in my how to draw book which is character design it's the experimental things and highlighting the stuff that works was a lot of just messing around and playing around with concepts and really refining the ones that I liked and turning them into a final product that's mother to mother chose everywhere these are actually really cool character sketches now I picked that one as one of the ones I liked but actually in hindsight I'm looking at it now this is one of the in my opinion now better character designers these were all right you know like as far as trying different things to come up with the characters on I don't think I actually had anything in mind so it's just trying to throw stuff the wall and see what stuck yes this is a storyboard for an animation over in Parliament House tax will come up saying something like Parliament House 1127 am quiet bustle can be heard printers talking computers simple spontaneous character animation will occur with one shot extras business people bell rings and door opens people can't be seen at first until door begins to close and camera pans down to the characters walk towards the front desk Pondy May and Sandra Davies sigh how can I help you use a variation of mullet Jonah's character obviously I'm here to apply for the interrupted Sandra haha sorry love but the two is next out till 12 o'clock we don't do tours at all well then I guess you're just wasting your time janitor says hahahaha I get it it's really unnecessary mr. janitor that's all there is to do that's where the story ends however I think I'll animated something I think we have to find the DVD player there's a menu it's a DVD menu oh yeah it's me time hahahaha I'm so excited walk cycle that's an all right walk cycle not bad that was it what a great final submission look how many pixels there are oh it's the animation here's animation time here's parliament house 11:27 a.m. the characters walking around a little ballad follow me out please tell me I've done some voice acting how can I help you I'm here to apply for Andhra sorry love but twos don't start till 12 o'clock we don't do too is at all well then I guess you just wasting your time that was a good one there's the whole thing that's not bad so I've done some parallaxing I try to have the whole face and some of the body move oh wow I'm so glad we found that I hope you enjoyed this video I sure did and if you want to enjoy more fun with art and creativity in this channel you know what to do you subscriber you're silly duffer and if you haven't yet make sure to like this video so that other people can see it and check out some more videos over there you might enjoy them just over there on the inside ring the bell you know you want thanks for watching and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,581,630
Rating: 4.9500775 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: RulAIY9S1Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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