Let's Redraw my Childhood Art!!

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g'day everyone i'm jazza and today i'm gonna be redrawing three of my childhood artworks that i've also invited you guys to redraw on twitter so these are my three images let me just spread them out here we've got two semi-topless dudes and one cool alien apparently they were my interest in high school don't judge we have cyborgy dude with blue hair oh blue hair was a thing too apparently with my water bender i guess and then we have my multi-armed cool alien thing i'm going to do the alien last he seems like there's most room for interpretation but let's start off a bit simpler with our water bender all right so i'm going to keep this really straightforward and just draw it in my natural comfortable style i feel like i'm following the proportions like fairly closely with the original and i don't know how much i should feel like free to stray so this is a bit of an ethereal character i'll try and lean into that a little bit i have embraced the blockiness of my style like i really love like artists who have that really edgy blocky style like the spiderverse art style is just amazing to me that really sharp edged interesting silhouette thing so i think when i drew the original i must have been probably if i can recall correctly it must have been about 13. if i were doing this artwork or character now i'd certainly be uh breaking the silhouette around the base and creating a little more motion just to make it a more interesting transition [Music] all right my remake would look a little something like this by the way it's like pouring with rain outside forgive the sound now i've made a few choices that differ from the original i've just gone full water and and i've done bit of a gradient so we start off with the blue of the ocean we go with the sort of crystalline water that makes up his body when he forms and then a little bit more of a green tint initially okay i'm very excited about this and by the way i have not looked at uh your art so i've averted my gaze but i'd be lying if i said i thought all of the entries were based on how inspiring the source material is i think it has a little something to do with the fact that i'm giving away three of these this is the huion canvas 22 plus digital drawing tablet it comes with its own stand but as you can see i've mounted it on my boom arm it's a beautiful brand new device from huion who have sponsored this video and i'll share a little bit more about that later in the video but i just wanted to share that with you now for a little bit of context because i think there's going to be a lot of talented people clamoring for one of these babies all right what a man what do we got here go off to a good start i like the one with him in a ducky pool to be fair i never gave him a context sorry i just love the jellyfish hairstyle ah what how are you all so talented wow man chondra of storms my son's recreation of your drawing thank your son for entering that's so cool watercolor and that's so stylistically beautiful people did like the water thing so much better than i did it just keeps going there's so much and it's all amazing like you guys really want one of these ah this one is so moody this is an amazing artwork but i also feel like he is mid glam rock screen thank you varying the sex appeal very nice that's just incredible look at the texture little drippy nipple there this scene is just so vibrant it's a balloon art remake i've never had that before of course fitting watercolor for our water character and it works whoa this is traditional it's just so impressive this is like next to the standard definition tv standard definition 4k okay so next i'm going to work on recreating a completely different illustration from my childhood i'm going to amplify the pose so much like with this one i sort of i tried to lean into a direction i'm going to do the same with my robot character here this time i'm going to have him facing the cat camera us so he'll be like looking at us after a fight of some sort obviously i'm gonna have him leaning slightly now his right arm is his strong arm so this one's gonna be up and ready to go i think his arm will be sort of like just dangling in front of his body a bit like he can't really raise it anymore because it's been pretty shredded apart which i think i want to contrast with readying this side a bit more let's bulk him out let's lift it up and you know what let's lower the head he's like he's like determined i think that as a core pose is certainly more interesting than the original so i'm going to work on this as the foundation and let's add some details i think for him to look like truly mid-battle and angry and stuff having the hair hanging in front of his eyes is going to help i'm going a little more like trendy sharp looking hairdo i'm going to include in the sketch just a bit of shading because i think he should have really just sunken eyes and look very desperate [Music] oh and he's got like a spiky thing so that sort of makes more sense of this pose too otherwise i think we're ready for color [Music] and there you have it that is how i would redo this character as you can see there's just a lot more contrast and dynamism in the pose and i really like the outcome it feels really dramatic i think this turned out really cool and now to check out what you made all right robot blue we'll call him for sure very cool well done jake and this feels like it actually like is an anime version of the cyborg oh my god this is inspiring as hell what how old is your son a lot younger than i was when i drew it and that is a lot better than what i drew that's amazing i'm a 13 year old i decided i would participate in jazz's twitter com this is so cool hope you like it love it so this is like a way more serious like black and white manga version oh my god they're all too good but i have to pick three winners my 12 year olds are give my commendations to your 12 year old you made a cosplay robot arm based on cyborg that is so cool z animations created this using the compo the art supplies from the jazzy art box there it is right there 11 year old pixel art reinterpretation so unique this is like the coolest like cyberpunk-esque action shot ever i've never expected people would like costume up to enter i love like the textures and the way you brought the piece to life and the lighting on the skin how do you even look at that you've got like the wounds and everything this is another one of the top contenders as far as the arm redesign goes because that's cool wow man that's cool 14 it's your dream to be an artist one day you're an artist now and last but not least we have my zany alien friend here i think for this one i'm gonna stick to the original vision and go a little more cartoony i'm gonna follow the original facial construction mostly as far as like you know the whole alien small lower part of the head thing but i'm gonna give him a different pose because we've got a lot of a lot of arms to fit in here and i want to try and make it interesting he's got one random sharp tooth and he's got a little forked tongue i need to lean into this i'm going to like straight forward i need a i need to ham this up just like warping the perspective a little bit because i feel like uh we're gonna be pretty cartoony with this so i'll give him a much bigger head than body how how the hell to fit in all these hands uh this is the hardest bit they're more like tentacles in arms aren't they so let's let's just go with that then i'm gonna change the position of some of these to like give room for clarity and just an interesting silhouette really really effective choice of weapons here we've got the dagger we've got the aerosol can and the match because who needs a flamethrower when you're an intergalactic alien war master and on this hand on this side he's got an a hammer an axe and an ocarina i i'm just gonna guess that's a gun let's make his puffy pants sort of like a good way to sort of cover too much of these sort of standing out it's got these lovely heels really stretch that out [Music] hey [Music] and this is my alien remake now i've left it just with line work and just a basic gradient on the legs it's true to the original it's certainly my style now and you can see how the style has evolved and it's really fun to see them side by side this is the one i'm going to expect the most diversity and interpretive creativity with your submission so let's have a look at those together before we do let me just take a minute to thank huion for sponsoring this video to share with you a little bit about the canvas 22 plus the canvas 22 plus is a 21.5 inch display with quantum dot led screen and full lamination amazing color accuracy chemically etched with 140 srgb and this is their newest pen has a longer and more narrow nib which is way more comfortable to work with full hd screen resolution 8192 levels of pen pressure sensitivity usbc connectivity so you can connect to the computer laptop or even your android mobile device this thing has it all and the best part is it's not expensive the canvas 22 is only 3.99 and the canvas 22 plus which i have here is only 4.99 under 500. for both versions of the canvas 22 tablet is insane i'm gonna link to the canvas 22 plus in the description of this video so go check it out if you're interested in getting a high performance tablet without breaking the bank all right let's get into the alien this is a much more like human version of the alien wait did my original have a cross earring it did oh i missed the cross earring that was a critical detail to miss out oh my god what again this is the one where there was going to always be the widest variety octa punk okay cool interpretation and again another drastically different interpretation i think the fact that my original didn't have any color has let people just go i love it this is my son's entry well done they're all so different and yet so perfect look how stylistically cool this is i love it he's like adorable and a crime lord i like this little minion they're like make way for the king i think that's not only amazingly faithful to the original but incredibly unique i think those leather pants are photoshopped that's dramatic i am just so blown away look at that how cool is that i love your interpretation of my alien that's a really like three-dimensional painting style and i love like little touches like the puddle and the gold rim lighting that's cool what even is going on look at that it's like a demon and look at that sense of scale because you've got this person like worshiping at the feet of the demonic portal how cool is that [Music] it it's taken me hours to look at all the artworks so i think it just it goes without saying what i'm going to say anyway because i have to say it every time i can't even nearly include every entry uh to this competition but i will make sure to link in the description where you can go check out all the amazing artworks there are so many that i couldn't even fit in that it just blew my mind please go check them out to everyone who couldn't make it in this video thank you so much for spending so much time and energy and talent recreating stuff i made when i was starting out making art with that said i have to pick winners so what i'm gonna do is award based on three core elements i'm going to do one for a traditional entry a digital entry and then i'm going to do uh an a let's call it a the encouragement entry first some honorable mentions paleo wow just took my breath away maya's art just such a cool cyberpunk reinterpretation samuel boutin i can barely believe that that is a traditional artwork felipe's i don't know how you pronounce the name but look at that i mean just look at it it's so good annie holm just the beauty of simplicity and talent zayia one of the the most fascinatingly appealing stylistic character redesigns really unique and yet so fiona somalo again like this is like a poster for a second character it's just so well painted but now to the winners i have chosen starting off with traditional this beast by paolo silvia is just so stunningly and stylistically well crafted just the style and the aesthetic and silhouette are just so clean and appealing i'm just blown away so i will reach out to you on twitter congratulations you win a huion canvas 22 plus peachy min who created this super demonic version of the alien character obviously still inspired by the original but that sense of scale the quality of the painting the cleverness and care with which the character was redesigned but also contextualized in a way that just really works this would totally work as like a a villain or a demon in any movie or series and people would be like yep love that thing well done and of course congratulations on your new canvas 22 plus and last but not least the encouragement award has to go to devon who has created three entries each time putting more time and effort and attention and just the persistence and the fact that you're starting way earlier than i am and just look at that so these were my three choices at the end of the day i sincerely wish i could give more to more people because of the time and effort and attention that has clearly gone into this and this is just the honorable mentions and the winners that's gonna have to do it for the content of this video but i do want to just wrap up to follow up on the the last video i released talking about the direction of this channel i feel like i've let go of the pressure to be something or overplay something and i'm just enjoying the creative process your creative process my creative process and that's going to be my focus moving forward all i know is if this is where we are now and if these are the people and the ideas and the talent that are already a part of this community we don't need to go anywhere i just want to thank you so much for being a part of this creative community and bringing something really special to it because all of you have and i'm really grateful thank you so much for watching click like if you enjoyed this video and subscribe if you haven't for more fun with art and creativity otherwise that's it for now thanks for watching until next time i'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 591,611
Rating: 4.9720035 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: FUtnri9ZNWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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