Did I Draw the STRONGEST Character of ALL TIME??... (Character Design!)

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what makes a character tough is it their sheer size or strength is that the proportions of their muscle is it their Stern expression or their great personality and by great I mean great in this video I am seeking to answer these questions and to create the strongest toughest character ever conceived so I asked you on Twitter who is the strongest character ever created oh let's do a mood board again that was Ripley from aliens just look at it Hulk someone had to say hold various and we're gonna divide this into physical traits and character traits muscles but there's also proportioned character I think the biggest one with all of these guys has got to be but they are unyielding I think they can just push beyond their character boundaries and barriers I think that's a pretty good I'm gonna start off with some brainstorm sketches to see which of these pair together and how we can get to the result we're trying to get to now this video is proudly sponsored by Skillshare so I'm gonna be using the course layer in this video that I might put to good use in designing a strong character Skillshare who have sponsored this video have over 30,000 classes and in this video I'm gonna follow some courses which I'll share with you which were hugely helpful to me check out the link in the description to get two months of free premium Skillshare membership this is limited to the first 500 people who use the link don't miss out as there are millions of things ready for you to learn and improve on check out my courses also I have two that I've made one on being a youtuber and another on presenting to camera so if they're things you find interesting I have a lot to say on that stuff after the free trial membership is under $10 a month which by the way when you're considering the high quality of the courses and the unlimited resources is so much cheaper and more effective than pretty much every way of learning once again two months for free in the description and a huge thank you to skill share for sponsoring this video so I started out just by drawing some faces and played with features that might convey strength or toughness thick jaws and eyebrows sharp silhouettes mean expressions all that stuff just getting into the mood and then I started playing around with full body proportions this is where the obvious strong characters like the Hulk look most tough of course but I wanted to experiment with different ratios the proportions of the upper body compared to the lower body the upper arms compared to the lower arms the head to the whole body and even the hands in relation to the arms of the biceps I wanted to try a whole bunch of things out and see what visually felt most strong then I started to stray from that conventional approach leaning less on anatomy and musculature and more on things like clothing and character if for example our incredibly strong character had normal physical proportions what outfits and silhouettes would then complement that aesthetic of power or strength then I decided to try something a bit more extreme because while I was drawing all this stuff I was thinking for hours and hours about what makes us feel like a character is tough I decided to go in the opposite direction and see how tough and strong I could make a little girl scene I mean surely if I could come up with a way to make you truly believe that a preteen girl would be the Hulk in a fight and that packs more intensity into a character than if I simply make a character called the Hulk eeeh Hulk it was basically the Hulk but bigger and with more muscles and let's address the elephant in the room of course when most people saw the thumbnail and title of this video they would have assumed that that's the direction I would go in and I just think that's because of the cliches that the industry has when we think of a strong or tough character most people default to the Hulk or characters like that it got me thinking why does it have to be a choice between the two I mean I felt pulled in two directions here either go against the grain and invent a character who looks easy to underestimate but is hiding incredible strength which by the way can feel incredibly tough like think hit girl from the kick-ass series or of course I could make a physically powerful and muscular viscerally intense design which is effective but predictable in my explorations I really felt like it was a choice between one or the other but I prefer the idea of having Mike and eating it too so I took on the challenge to see if I could effectively and believably do both and so my journey went on a wildly different path than I ever expected because you see I was planning on following a bunch of Skillshare courses on drawing muscles and Anatomy to do this more effectively but my attention was instead directed towards story writing I realized that in the same way that context and contrast emphasize cuteness the last time I did a video like this that story really is the thing that can emphasize strength and if I was going to create a character that really feels like a strong tough character I was gonna have to come up with a bloody good story this is an area I certainly feel like I could stand to improve a lot in so I followed a bunch of great courses on story writing at two courses I found incredibly helpful where daniel jose alders class on storytelling 101 the character conflict context and craft which is a brilliant primer on story writing that gave me a lot of confidence and I loved sabar to his class writing authentic fiction how to build a believable character so bars class shared some really helpful exercises that you can use to really get to know your character in depth so I wrote my own story as I followed these classes slowly shaping my own character until I felt ready to tackle it from the top but it took a long time I mean I went into this expecting to draw a bunch of tough looking beasts deep characters and settling on one that looks at strongest instead I spent two days writing stories and developing a character history and so without any further ado I'm going to read to you the story of the character I've wrote and share that story through those illustrations I'm gonna do my best to immerse you in the story with music and sound and I'm even going to attempt a storyteller voiceover if you would be kindly willing to suspend your disbelief and immerse yourself I'm really hoping to sell you on the strength of this character essen 'test are a rare mutation of humans that can connect to the essence of life and universal forces and who practice the craft of shaping affecting them more commonly this is used to affect the will or abilities of other humans or animals making them stronger or weaker quicker or slower more ferocious more docile in rare cases some Essen tests have been known to manipulate time space or the elements even reality itself in all known cases someone capable of being an Essen test is the first born to an essent as parent but those born of too pure blood Essen tests being generally more powerful and so marriages are almost always controlled and planned and have been for hundreds of years Essen tests are also very secretive as there are so few of them they are often killed when discovered by their jealous and ungifted human counterparts behind many historic leaders of movements revolutions or travesties was an Essen test imbuing leaders or manipulating populations towards their goals many myths or legends were actually historical events with one or more Essen tests at their centre from the Roman and Greek gods all of which were human Essen tests two historical figures like Julius Caesar Jesus William Wallace Joan of Arc Alexander the Great and so on but as time went on the purity of the bloodlines was more diluted with commonly humans to the strength of the gods of old zoos all but a distant dream to modern tests our story begins in the 21st century where an influential S&S couple are expecting their firstborn child they practiced the common Essen test tradition of strengthening the essence of the child in a room to strengthen the powers of the growing child and then they gave birth to twins a son technically firstborn who showed exceptional strength and powers and was immediately favored by his parents and those in their in a circle and a daughter Cara who was weak and barely survived at birth she was malnourished and slow to learn and develop showing no signs Besant its powers it was understood that the son Kai who was indeed firstborn was the one out of the two with the essen test abilities and who gained all the strength his pureblood parents imbued and that Cara was weak due to how strong and quick to absorb power her brother was in the womb and so it was in childhood Kai was given the best of training and education where Cara was all but discarded to a Nessun test nothing matters but their power and practices in fact s intestine one-child so Cara was told simply to be grateful to be alive but refused to let her have anything to do with their traditions or the knowledge and powers they harbored Cara however grew to be a curious child and was hopeful that one day she would be loved and approved off by her parents determined despite her weakness and lack of any kind of S&T stabilities as she snuck into her brother's lessons and watched in hiding through her childhood she tried to practice under the covers at night but she could never summon any powers or touch any essence she attempted to connect with meanwhile her brother Kai grew selfish and vain born into wealth and destined for greatness his strength intelligence talent and power grew effortlessly and so did his pride and greed in his early teen years kai had so far shown himself to be exceptionally gifted and would of course need an appropriately powerful mentor to help continued his education his parents introduced him to a mysterious old woman named Thea who agreed to take over his training it seemed that this woman of unknown origins was much older than she let on in the essence training she led Kai through unlocked ancient secrets and dark intense not only of warping the essence of living things in abominable ways but of reaching into the forces of nature life itself pulling it to his will by the age of 15 kai was a formidable essent ist's second only to his new mentor where in a final test of his worthiness and power Thea commanded Kai to kill his parents so as to absorb their powers into his own shocked and heartbroken at their son's betrayal of his parents tried to fight back but they didn't stand a chance Cara tried to stop the fight but was thrown aside and pinned under a fallen banister as the fight raged on in a frenzy and using all of her strength and will Cara tried to lift and release herself from the wreckage but could not she watched from a distance as her parents were being tortured at the height of her desperation she somehow tapped into a fragment of her own essence instinctively she pulled it outside of her body and gave it a physical form a long-forgotten act known as a self ocation and the certification takes the physical shape as the representation of the inner powers and will of the essen 'test who summons it and so Cara's was thin weak and barely had strength to stand but with their strength combined she managed to free herself but she was too late her parents died in front of her and her brother absorbed their essence into his own becoming even more powerful being cruel and hateful of his sister Kai equally used his immense powers against her controlling the essences of time and then space and Ben reality itself to trap his sister within this moment so that for eternity she would relive her parents torture and death and she would once again be trapped and forever unable to help and so it was within this broken of time fragmented from our reality that Cara fought to find her eccentric ation again and again each time tearing it apart and bringing him back trying to release herself trying to fight but always breaking apart and failing never able to save her parents with every attempt her identification came back and grew stronger but the weight of the trap and the strength of the fight that raged always grew in kind Cara remained trapped in this otherworldly playing of torturous existence never able to give up and never able to succeed but always always tearing her lessons to the very last until the loop was doomed to begin again 15 years later back in our reality an old man was inspecting an abandoned manor house in his research he once called himself an Essen test but in truth he was now more of a scholar studying history and older essences he found himself drawn to a force he could sense but only described as an anomaly alone in the ruins he could feel he was close something strong was fighting reaching into this reality but it wasn't angry or malevolent it was it was desperate heartbroken and incredibly powerful barely reaching out to connect with the essence more led by curiosity than anything that was all it took to connect the two realities and tear the barrier asunder a colossal beast of unfathomable strength tore into our reality story collapsed and from out of its hand felt an unconscious 15 year old girl the old man William nursed the young girl back to health he was immensely protective of her having lost his own daughter to a cruel and powerful lesson 'test who was known for killing and absorbing the powers of any essen test even remotely talented S&T swen are all but extinct except for that dark essence master who as it turns out was this little girl's brother kai he had in the last 15 years created a throne for himself over humanity reigning as the Greek gods of old and always followed by an even more mysterious old woman cara took a very long time to physically recover months more even to talk to the old man who rescued her and who would over time help her regain some semblance of normalcy but Cara will never fully recover from the otherworldly house she endured for half of her living years and she will never rest until she stops her brother even if it takes every ounce of strength she has and thanks to the reckless cruelty of her powerful brother she is now stronger than he could ever have imagined so I've finished my strong character and I have to say I went on a journey to get to this outcome that I just didn't expect to go on the fact that the focus has been so intensely on story has really taught me a lot both about story writing which also was massively aided by the Skillshare courses I follow so guys go check out Skillshare whether it be for your own ambitious projects developing the skills that you already have or learning something new zeal share is an amazing place and resource to do that with fantastic quality courses I love the fact that I've been able to take both boxes with Cara that she has that badass thing as a character but then of course we have her essence which I mean this is Cara it's the same person but she pulls this part out of herself and because over the course of 15 years her will and her essence has been torn apart and rebuilt from the ground up every time she's gotten stronger and stronger and stronger so she has an unbreakable will and incredibly strong and powerful essence that only manifests itself viscerally and like that when she pulls it out of herself like that no I just think that just feels really cool and I think as a character that makes her his 15 year old little girl feel like she could absolutely take on any one of those people in that mood board and also be someone we would want to win and most importantly I'm interested in your feedback because I am trying some very dramatic things with this series that I've started which is essentially to create the most blank character ever it's no small undertaking every time I've tried this it hits me how much I'm up against all of the nostalgia all of the emotional attachment that everyone has to every character that fits in that category but it's a really fun exercise and I really hope that you enjoy the result and make sure to LIKE this video if you enjoyed it and you want to see more of this kind of video and of course subscribe if you haven't for more fun with art and creativity on a thank you for watching there are more videos over there you might enjoy otherwise that's it for now until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,124,647
Rating: 4.9507432 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, hulk, brute, brutal, strong, strongest, tough, toughest, muscle, muscly, anatomy, beast, beastly, beast-mode, roar, character design, how to draw, most powerful
Id: Xs79MBzgny8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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