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[Music] get out ladies and gentleman welcome to draw with Gaza I'm Jazza and today I'm gonna be redrawing the artworks of budding young artists out there see I started my creative art obsessive journey when I was about 11 or 12 years old I wasn't great but it was really fun to see people who sort of had experience and if they ever drew something that I drew it was really sort of fun or inspiring and gave me a lot of energy and excitement for what maybe I could learn to do and I thought it might be fun to try and maybe do that for people who are starting out so I've asked you guys to submit some entries of yourself if you're very young or of your kids if they're very young and their artworks are we blurring out faces just to respect people's privacy and all that stuff but we're gonna have a lot of fun today reimagining some artworks from people who are just getting started and seeing what we can turn them into you and I want to get through as many as I can and our first piece is fire Ladd I really like this superhero design now of course I want to respect the original design so I'm going to keep the same poses and general proportions of the character but I guess just doing in my own style and see if you guys enjoy the result your design reminds me of like how much fun I used to have designing my own like heroes and adventures and stuff it's the reason I got into art in the first place so I'm just getting nice and scribbly here now a flame lad seems to be shooting flames from his legs so let's switch up this leg a bit should he have like little jetpack things on his legs probably like incredibly I'm incredibly that looking similar yeah we got a similar he's probably got a bigger smile but let's keep it subtle got a fire happening back here what's his costume like alright we've got the next covered he's got shoulder things gloves and Underpants of course as any true superhero does right here's the sexy superhero Underpants classic so we've got big jetpacking things here on the boots he's probably gonna get pretty hot let's just say he is really great fireproof flame resistant heat resistant boots after all he is master of flame and general Ladd this is awesome when I say this is awesome I'm not referring to my own drawing no I mean flame lad is a great idea and I'm honored to have stolen it thank you for your intellectual property I forgot to mention that you all just obviously agreed to terms and conditions when entering your artwork I now own your ideas and will reap the benefits so there you go that is my reinterpretation of flame bladder I keep saying flame oh it's fire lad I can't even get the name ripe I'm sorry oh I forgot I forgot the most important thing I forgot the logo something like this we've got an F fire lad and let's just do like a flame because he's a lid there you go fire lad so next we have a lovely uh I'm gonna flip this just so I have it closer to my drawing so we can see a company see them next to each other but this is Monique's submission of a beautiful mermaid we've got some quite cartoony proportions here so I'm going to go a little more cartoony with this next one got a nice round bubbly head so I'm gonna do the same to keep it nice and round and cutesy with some large big eyelash II eyes which will pop in here now this does look quite like Ariel from The Little Mermaid we've got the same hair color and we do have the same shells so I'm assuming this is Ariel so I'm gonna draw my interpretation of Ariel through your interpretation as inspiration for proportions and general tone I don't even need a reference of Ariel from the Disney movies because I have this beautiful drawing to work with look at these cute little arms it's almost like a Powerpuff Girls s let's see if we can go with that sort of Powerpuff Girls tone like it won't be exactly the same style or anything but I like that look those cute little ears popping out here we'll do the same for hair flowing elegantly and there we have it this is my this is my reinterpretation of your reinterpretation of Ariel from The Little Mermaid go team unfortunately you're not here to give me a high five I'm very much and next amazing drawing is from this gorgeous five-year-old and the mom Bri who submitted it said she doesn't know what it is but likes the fact that there's a cat and a party hat so we know that those are some elements I'm seeing like I mean that that looks like a button I'm seeing some sort of a play toy maybe like a just some sort of a plush with a party hat let's see what we can deduce from this are these eyes or buttons I think they're buttons because that's the face up there we've got two very round shapes you've got a really round sort of head we can see there's these little legs and arms so I'm gonna make these like little plush toy legs I'll draw the character sitting down and the face we've got this clear sort of like mouth here I feel like these lines could be like little mouth stitches or something and this looks like a button on the right and then a nice glistening black eye here on the left very nice so where's the cat is that I guess this is the cat here so let's have the cat looking up to the toy here it looks like there's some like fluffs of sticking out the side of this character on the shoulders so maybe it's got like a fluffy colour thing and then of course we have buttons time for some ink this is a really cute character design I feel like my toddler would love this soft toy let's call him buttons feel like that's you know a fairly straightforward guess right it's like a beanbag sort of toy very squishy just stitching on the side and then of course we have our little companion on the side here I don't quite know what to do with the faces in the background so okay I'll just keep it to the two key characters for now there's some cute little footsies on a little kitty cat and then that kind of brings us to a wrap-up point there it is our reinterpretation that's too bit really cool I really like your design thank you for submitting next we have not worked why there's very talented three-year-old who said it was a self-portrait of and I quote me as a tree that's awesome alright let's do this I'm gonna have to take some creative liberties here because I'm gonna reinterpret you as a tree a bit as well I can see you've got a lot of the green here of a tree so I'm gonna add some foliage but you do have hair that sort of goes off to the side so your tree is going to be side heavy let's add a branch out here just with a leaf or two just so we can definitely get that tree aesthetic in there by the way kids aesthetic is a big fancy word meaning style or look and it's nice to use when you want to describe something and make people think that you're very smart unless you like me in which case you can overuse the word and make people realize that you're trying to sound smart that's a great use for it as well I like the body here it looks like he's sort of like a trunk so we're gonna use this to draw like a little trunk there like a tree trunk and you'll have your arms poking out the side there you go you have quite the anime like expression so I'm gonna I'm gonna copy that a bit and you're gonna be an anime character chibi you're a you're a chibi boy that sounds like an insult it's not it's chibi is a type of anime so good at digging myself holes but I know the main thing about anime is that you draw eyes on top of hair even though it doesn't make any sense but that is that is one of the most important things about drawing anime characters so I've heard and that you don't finish the outline of the eyes again the most important thing about drawing anime oh and you need the cheek blushy things cheek blushy things look at me saying it like a new blush 'yes own it baby let's add an extra branch out here for good measure really gonna get that tree point across and there we have a tree boy that's your superhero name your superior now congratulations does it look anime enough or I really messed up on the eyes let's pretend I didn't or did I because actually when you think about the proportions here we've got one large and one small eye and over here we have one large eye or one small eye so it's just you know accurate to its source perfect moving on alright here's an epic submission we have a robot warrior robots are not my thing though your your robot looks better than mine well because I don't do many robots in fact James Ray's can probably own this what I think James does this I think he's done some videos were like redraws his sons art ah that's where I stole the video idea my subconscious latches on to anything it can hold on to particularly anything it hasn't made up for itself thanks James go check out James's channel he doesn't this sort of thing it's really good and now we're gonna try and draw a robot badly I'm just gonna rough out some some silhouette blocking again kids silhouette is another one of those words that you can use especially with aesthetic if you say the aesthetic of a silhouette it makes you sound really fancy you're just talking about the look of a shape but use those worth a lot people think you're really talented artists even if you don't even show them any pictures it's just assumed you know what you're talking about so this is a warrior robot but he's not carrying a sword or anything but his arms are quite blocky so let's do like a big crushing fists I'm really not good at robots ah dude I'm sorry from disappointing you here does that look robot e enough my default robot things are just a mix of medieval armor and Space Marines armor what two robots huh I mean a piston let's draw a piston a bit that's not a piston that's a hydraulic thing I don't even haven't names for these things there's a wire there's another wire a circuit robots here's some circles and some squares the face of this robot we've got this nice little cute little face like that so I want to see if I can incorporate that sort of shape in the face this is like baymax's final upgrade option I will illuminate Roy and the moons I like this do you like my sound effects I like Miss Hannah facts is that how robot hands look probably not he does look like he's wearing a diaper not yours mine I'm losing confidence at the legs it's just loads of circles and wires oh oh oh hydraulic things here's a big hydraulic thing there we go couple more wires couple more circles there's another fan and we're done wait I forgot this whole middle thing whole little wires these are all just wires there's some hydraulic things some Pistons breaking out here bad robot done hey that's attended all right see I told you there was something to the whole like wires and circles thing I feel like we did a great job nice design dude that totally looks like baymax we drew the mega baymax love it all right this is pretty badass we have the Phantom this is this is pretty epic this looks like big character from like a video game or anime but I'm not going to draw anime again because I'm not confident enough during anime and I'll ruin it but that's a really cool design so I'm gonna respect that design and create my own interpretation of it it looks like we've got sort of a bony skull thing for a head I don't know if that's the actual head or like a mask got some cool like armor happening so I guess let's let's say it's a mask cuz it's all like armor and then we've got like a mech bone brass suit that looks epic dude now your design is pretty like I know it's edgy it's a little dark I'm not gonna hold back I'm gonna try and go for the style you've gone for because this looks like a skull and we've got these bright blue eyes showing through the holes in the skull so have them show that alright there's sort of like a loincloth II thing circle in the chest this could be some sort of power core he's got like it is cool like a blade arm the thing you can see there so let's live to word bat into it's sort of part of a big gauntlet so let's work without him there we go nice big blade arm thing there's probably a better word for it than blade on the thing and his skin under the armor seems to be wrapped in this like type gray mesh this arm looks like it's got this massive gun on it so let's just go like all out with this one and then last minute always we have these epic wings and again they sort of look mechanical so let's go in that direction some like that there we go let's whack in some line work get nice and comic book F here this is my favorite so far I love the like it's almost like a goat skull or something but more dragon ass I'm not complimenting my own thing I'm complimenting the design of the entry alright last few lines here we go and the reveal boom look at that that's turned out really cool look at us go what a team that's amazing and I had such a cool foundation to work from look at the I feel like they go together pretty well great job team this was really fun I had a lot of fun with you guys today we've done some more epic and ambitious comic book Star Wars we've gone cartoony and cutesy but most importantly we've explored the diversity of the ages and styles and interests of you guys and this was just so much fun I hope you enjoyed watching this if you did make sure to hit that like button and of course subscribe to George Azzam for more fun with art and creativity and if you guys want to do this again let me know in the comments down below and if we do it again I'll put the hash tag on the screen and in the description mitt to that hashtag on Twitter and just make sure to take a picture of either yourself if you're young enough and or new enough to art or your kid if you're a parent and then I'll approach it like I have done with this video of course respecting people's privacy and really focusing on having fun with creativity with everyone so I hope you enjoyed the process I had a lot of fun and I'm so inspired by you guys and so impressed by your creativity and how much fun you guys are having with art it just makes me have fun so thank you so much that's it for now ladies and gentleman and until next time I'll see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 2,469,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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