I Remake Viral Pancake Art - Did it work?...

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g'day everyone i'm jasmine today i'm going to be following along with viral and popular pancake art videos and i'm going to be inventing my own so let me start off by doing the first pancake and one of the best things about the pancake art that you sort of watch and want to replicate is that it looks so clean and satisfying so i'm going to try and keep that really clean beautiful aesthetic and here comes the satisfying bit when you do the flip it's always so clean and pretty and surprising one two three oh look at that oh this is an actual galaxy tab a now that i've got this one around might as well give it to one of you guys i'll pick one random subscriber who leaves a comment to be the winner of this beautiful galaxy tablet that was i am really proud of how that that random trans that beautiful little bit but let's make some actual pancake and let's start off by uh by finding a pro and following along fast food pancake art i think half of the satisfaction is obviously from the flip but the the first half is that that filling in and the line process it's pretty enchanting to watch then we flip i'm gonna show their flip after i've made my pancake and we'll flip at the same time all right outlines first all right hamburger time a bit of tomato oh i think we're off to a good start but the cheese going out like that there we go that must be egg the white must be eggs and you've got the beef who puts lettuce under the meat in their hamburger bun this does not make any sense i mean i don't mean to like immediately derail the direction of this but should at least have some sesame seeds all right let's fill this baby in bun filler i'm gonna mix this color with a little bit of white and yellow i don't know if it's going to blend in a little mix at the halfway mark this it can't help but get incredibly ambitious guys right let's get cheesy all right i'll start turning the heat up put down the last color and let it cook the back of mine looks decidedly less neat than the back of theirs but that doesn't matter what matters is what it looks like when you flip it so let's wait for it to cook [Music] all right it's flip time i'm feeling mine's not going to be that good you do you flip do it go on okay oh yeah it's really impressive just gonna flip it i've been waiting for 20 minutes flip hey that is bloody satisfying look at that clean edge of the bun with it because the toasting on the top and the bottom i don't know about you but i i like mine better off to a great start come on guys come on that's a like button click right there i'm on fire today i'm going to invent i'm going to kick my innovation into high gear we've done the clean and satisfying let's do the opposite let's go a little dirty and a little disgusting a zombie yeah let's do do a bit of an angry eyebrow nose all torn up and zombie-like i wonder if by like doing something as gross and as as violent and visceral as i can with pancakes and these clean beautiful colors and lines it's gonna end up looking whimsical and like charming and cute i'm gonna switch to red oh there we go oh this one's gonna be gnarly love it oh he's decapitated this is exactly what people were hoping and expecting little creepy zombie eye dot they're they're the creepiest for sure fill in the mouth gonna have some realistic detail here a little bit of shine just a couple of white little little dots just for the highlights of the blood let me think about this because i want to blend the skin and i want a bit of blood i want a bit of smearing a bit of shadow so let's grab some red mix in a little bit of black and brown just a little bit see that subtle color change i just want it a little bit more shadowy on the bottom areas so the front of the base blood can stand out a little more all right let's let's get ambitious i'm going to mix a lighter skin tone a bit of white at a green zombie start off with the red just along the edges of where we want the blood to be we blend [Music] i'm going to leave a lighter area there and there now before it cooks let's just put it in there you go bit there then we go back oh man i'm getting crazy ambitious super quick yellow teeth i think that's a pretty solid base except i'm gonna need to flatten it a bit so i'll do i'll just go over the whole thing in the red [Music] all right now's the bit i'm weirdly excited for i'm gonna wait for ages one eternity later all right this is uh this is just me on my lonesome not following along with anything this is what i ended up making you ready i'm gonna flip it in one two three oh my god oh that's cool i'm so glad i did as i'll be you my friend can join the plate of prestige all right is there anything online i can't meet expectations or challenge me guys what do you got unicorn that seems like the direct opposite of what i just did let's give it a go by ken squishy i'm just gonna i'm gonna try and replicate the lines might get created with the colors see if i can get fancier [Music] that's my foundation so what have they done for colors they've got pink streak hair they've got different multi-colored hair how can we best innovate here they've got rainbow hair you're not paying attention i can't see it then shut your truck bit of hair shine go with a nice little glisten i feel like i also need to mix in a shadow all right there's that bit and shadows quick quick quick quick mix that together i haven't even flipped it and it's gorgeous we got purple so i'm going to mix my purple shadow do that with a little bit of blue and a little bit of black purple time gonna go straight in with the lighter bits leave room for the shadows and boom man look at that blend i think for yellow i'll just use uh orange as the shadow and then we have one more hair color left let's mix the shadow with a little bit of green and a little bit of black last but not least oh should i do should i show you the face white and let's go a little bit of yellow a little bit of brown all right let's do the fair all right that's the white bit and shadow do it full gradient artworks with pancakes guys let's baste the whole thing in a nice pretty pink and give it a long time to cook and uh solidify let's watch ken squishy flip his unicorn okay all right now watch me flip one two three that turned out amazing a little overcooked with that said i mean there's nothing a little color correction and post-production can't fix oh look at that it's perfect i did it exactly the way i meant to yay okay i think i should finish off in a grand finale applying everything i've learned to one more original pancake of my own creation we'll get innovative and ambitious and we'll go big or go home do you know what it may be unoriginal because i keep doing the same thing but i haven't done a pancake dragon yet we're going to start off very small because i'm going to do a little night figure here's the hand open the sword let's give this fella a cape there he goes there's the knight and i think he has to be climbing a big mountain of treasure now i'm going for detail here so the lines of the the mounds of treasure are orange to work with the gold and for the detail i'm going to come in and put in a whole bunch of little coins [Music] that's the treasure base all right dragon base i want to go like a dark red black bit of brown and let's go like a touch of blue just to give it a little different a little bit of hue variation it's it's moronish that's working dragon color this is going to be this should be the standout feature of the artwork here [Music] and we'll go big spikes on the face big spikes back here whoa feel like his front leg should be coming over the treasure here i want it to feel huge so i have the wing i'll have it poke out sort of down here but it's the other wing that we can go look how big the dragon is oh big wings what next the layer that's it the layer should be quite a dark layer so i'll just use a lot of black oh too much black oh great i've got black food coloring everywhere all right i'm going to mix that this is a dark gray outline to do the dungeon walls with all right there's my dark gray let's make a light gray i think that's pretty good it might go a little darker oh i'm gonna have to be pretty bloody careful when i put this stuff on because if that happens on my artwork i'm screwed but hey look at that perfect color dungeon walls let's do it oh i'm gonna like they'll diminish and then like at the very back they can be it could be like black and dark all right i'm going to color in my gold [Music] moving on to the hero let's give him a little blue cape i'll give him some brown pants i feel like there's not going to be a huge variety of colors throughout the rest of the piece so i'm just going to give him like a green shirt there's a white sword a light brown shoulder and a purple helmet i'm just going for variety here all right dragon time little pupil yellow eye there you go i feel like i need to get a little fancier so let's add some orange highlighting around the arm just so it clearly separates the arm from the body last light bits of the wings we'll go red you know what let's let's go fancy there's a bit of purple and then a bit of brown and black and i'll put some of it down here and this i'll blend into that original red and then i'll use the rest on the wings [Music] all right got me wings so we've got some colors here i wonder if i could use these for the horns all righty that is the dragon coloring done now we have the dungeon where i have my light grey [Music] i'm just gonna go over the whole thing and reinforce it just in the red and i'm gonna go really slow and steady with the cooking might take 20 or 30 minutes but i want to be able to flip it so let's go [Music] i've sat it on low and nothing i couldn't have cooked it any slower so i think this is as flippable as i'm gonna be willing to wait for it to get so what i'm going to do is just try and scoot your piece of paper under the pancake oh boy this is going to totally fall apart i can tell i'm definitely bit off more than i can chew with this one maybe i need to come in from this angle gonna be a oh oh oh oh no come on don't stick to the paper just go just get in i can't go out i can't go back it's gonna be absorbing into the paper i've got to get out no it's tearing i'm gonna go under the paper there you go i got one i'm gonna go two yeah flip so close can we see it there's there's our little hero there's the dragon's head there's the treasure ah come on that was good why didn't that happen the first time [Music] yeah that's a success let me know which pancake you prefer also let me know if you think i should reapproach this and see how ambitious i can get without ruining the pancake and of course if you leave a comment and you're a subscriber you're already then in the running to win a little goodie i want to thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video i have thoroughly enjoyed the activity make sure to click like and again if you haven't subscribe for more fun with art creativity make sure to check out more videos over there that uh you're bound to enjoy if you enjoyed this one otherwise that's it for now until next time i'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 789,860
Rating: 4.9743791 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, pancake, pancake art
Id: iJ-Ex-05sa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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