🔊 AUDIO ONLY Bob Ross Painting Challenge!! - (🚫 NO Video!)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Edgar_The_Pug_Bot 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
give everyone I'm jazzy and today I'm going to be following a Bob Ross video [Music] you've seen the title on fan now you know what it is I'm going to be listening to a Bob Ross video but not seeing what he paints go little clicker so I can pause and play and I can step back in time so if he says a color I can pause it rewind prepare I'll be using as close to the same colors as I have and I'll be following along as close as I can without seeing anything else doing to make sure I do that without actually knowing what he's doing I can't even know what what the video is like I can't pick the video cuz most of the time you see the thumbnail preview of at least halfway through the video so I need a little bit of unbiased help this is where I'm looking at by the way when I film this is what you look like to me I'm gonna go get the help from one of my editors Gareth who's gonna pick the video that I'm gonna be following today he doesn't know okay hey no come back come back alright so you take the throne of glory basically you'll see on the left screen there's the Bob Ross YouTube channel so if you can kindly pick a video and I'm gonna try and paint that without seeing it right the start of the painting should be a white canvas just don't go too simple I may have made this myself alright good to guys thank you for your help sir I'm gonna put on my headphones let's see how this guy's ran of applause for Gareth we'll add it we'll add the crab in place thirteen all right now actually I have to do it I hey welcome back certainly glad you could join us today let's start out ham run all the colors across the screen thanks Bob I can mmm that's gonna be real helpful so obviously can't pre prepare my colors who's got to listen to what he's using and put it down as I've Garrett kept a standard old pre-stretch canvas up here and it's been covered with a thin even coat of the liquid white liquid white hey guys yeah can you give me some rags and a handful of paper towels please a titanium white and linseed oil - you couldn't prepare this because I didn't know what he'd be using liquid white it's on the canvas to be let's just have some fun well start out with a little touch of the phthalo blue paler blue so they don't need a great deal of paint okay don't need a great deal of pain let's go right up in here today and just just have some fun let's just do something like this their wares up in here that's the problem for now then let's add a little bit of the pressure have that just a little bit and I'm just gonna go around the edge with a little bit of the Prussian blue that's good he said edge not here today we're still just using a little crisscross strokes little crisscross the strikes that's looking pretty neat already I'll tell you what let's use a little pressure and blue and I'll add a little bit midnight black to it I'll go ivory black and layer black milk midnight black midnight black must be the darkest black so which of these blacks is my dark black they look the same they look exactly the same mixing it up with this and we go on a nice dark blue he says alright we'll come right up here we'll just put in a little bit very very dark color and we're still using a little crisscross strokes but we'll wash your brush shake off the excess let's take a little bit of the titanium white there on the 2 inch brush and I was right another two inch brush then we'll read back up in here and decide where the lightest part of the sky is just let it blend out right here I mean if it doesn't look like what he's got already then I mean a little bit of trouble this makes up at nice lavender we'll use a little stay low blue and that is from Crimson blizzard cruising I'd I'd have listened curves that I'm just gonna hope it's salazar and crimson because al azhar and sounds like a carnival is it we skirt waste that's a palette knife that's not a brush it's getting like yeah that's differently lavender ii you will have a fan brush today what the heck this isn't the order his videos usually seem to go in oh just taking the fan brush and sort of tapping it downward where is it what's he doing where's the mountains it's always the mountains with a palette knife next you picked a hard one Gareth I'm just gonna pause it right there and point out that in my frustration I smeared paint on my face so not only do I spend the rest of the video feeling like an idiot I also spend the rest of the video looking like an idiot and you're not gonna be able to unnotice it so enjoy let's go right in here so when he says in here it can't be up or down here it's gonna be in the middle somewhere right then it's go right up here make some big decisions maybe in our world and he said asking is that our pero in here just taking the fan brush and sort of tapping a downward oh we're doing basically in here somewhere whip he said wherever so I'm just gonna do this I don't know what's going on you make it sound so easy but if I don't see what you're doing don't have to make the decision by myself I'm not good at that I may be in there there's a few trees wait isn't that anti trees what did you just paint if they were a tree ah ah in truffle man since giving panic attack they live right here in your brush all you gotta do is just sort of shake them out come out your ass caramel will even make this one a big old tree there you go but they're big oh alright here's a big old tree hundreds of episodes of the joy of painting and 98% of them look the same sky mountain as clouds trees ground or like not this this is not that just don't go simple yeah alright we'll have a big one right here big one right there corner of the brush as you work down a little tree push harder than artists or the bristles Bend downward today hang on I feel like you should have said that earlier few more of these little devils I feel like this is gonna be like most of our horizon line is these trees whatever is painting and however is painting him there's lots of them I had no choice but to be pretty aggressive with how I put these things down even if they look nothing like what he's putting down okay now grab your two inch brush can I want to create the illusion of mist down at the base of this very salt up to a roaring start let's get back to it probably here he'll let him shoot I'll tell you what we have an old color go and I'm just going to add a little bit more to our brush what cut what cab see they're almost the same color as this guy that's a clue you meant to paint for the back and come forward but I'm going fair the back so I know I'm doing this the wrong way I just don't want to put these things if they're nearly the same color is the sky and I want to create the illusion of mist don't the base of this chair create the indication of some nice little things that live back in here he says back in here so that must mean he maybe he is painting the background after he painted amid crap maybe I'm not ruining it see they're almost the same color as the sky almost the same colors got I have have faith still I might be on the right track there like I might not be ruining it I'm pretty happy like I mean when I look close I'm not a huge fan but when I step back it looks like something alright let's keep going we'll take the old script liner brush what's the script liner brush I'm gonna guess that the script liner brush is the sort of brush they use in like lettering and stuff you think oh I think that's it that looks like a reasonably long and thin sort of brush I feel like if people actually follow along with the Bob Ross painting video and he says you can put them wherever you want like most people we just put them where he puts him so I guess this is like an interesting exercise as far as that actually makes me make my own decision I'll just put it here and there and there we'll just keep on using that same color it's just basically lavender lizard crimson and phthalo blue I picked the right color oh that makes me feel good just adding all kinds of little things okay that doesn't help but look at all the different layers that we've created that's what would help create an illusion of depth and distance injured I'm a little worried that I've created a horizon line and he may not have I've made room for like mountains or a lake or ground and might come later I'm just really worried it won't I guess it's all right we'll just go right into a little bit of the CAD yellow wait CAD yellow I'm hoping I'll have a full ground coming same brush caddy little yellow ocher yeah IV lurgha I'm gonna start off with maybe doing the here bushes and trees so do one little bush at a time don't get too greedy I think God did I take bushes or watch I'm bush crazy just put a little barn in here today or a big building where am I supposed to put a vine bub my bushes are too big dude that all basic shape I'm gonna do it here I don't know why I'm like rushing about maybe it's to get the toilet over quickly I mean it's not terrible it's definitely not to scale or can't be what he's doing but that's how bad a lot better than what I did blindfolded hmm wished it was that easy to actually build Authority he doesn't say anything about the doors I'm just gonna add him in there big guy there's me door I'm just sort of making it up cuz I don't know what to do and we need up door in there this is an old barn gonna have a place for the cow to go why ahead of you Bob put some color in this rascal wait is he like back up there cuz they're looking pretty flat but I know that sort of looks like a nice misty thing what are you doing Bob just hiding right there in your pocket so we call them pocket squirrels these are just babies are just beginning to get fur fur I feel like I'm missing out on the best part of the video there was a big ol ditch right there I know he hasn't done this much ground but I've got to fill this picture with something script I'm gonna put another freakin tree over here take that ambiguous landscape this is definitely not what he's done no siree from freestyling it looks looks like the weeds have grown up the weeds are grown up he must have used this color in front of bond yeah bet you that might be probably not what he did bagel ditch big this is the foreground bit big old ditch right here go along here he's ah he's scraping though so it's probably going down I feel like I've drawn this - a way bigger scale and higher up because he did no smoothing out of the ditch ah Bob just put two bushes here on this side of that nature ravine here you want to call this maybe if it's dark it's full ground gonna try and put it together let's take some Braille maybe there's a little path gotta have a little place to walk is that fan brush I'm gonna move to a fan brush I'm using too much 2 inch I like little paintings like this because it teaches you to use just one big brush doctor no Stan oh that's nice son growing right in front of your path front of the open this could not be further away from what Bob's been working on I know it let me go back when I go back is a green biggle the 2 inch brush is the path cut come forward over I went back all right I have two paths one that goes back and the other ones are gonna come around this way there's two paths why not maybe something up here to keep everybody from fallin okay my face oh girl say they're gone I got it oh thank God I got it oh you're saying is that Ben anyway back to the video ah it's looking very muddy in here I have a feeling his piece has more contrast and definition I'm just sort of going yeah another bush is gonna come across here rail rail he's got a Rio cuz I'd fall off in there you fall off in there where the Frick do I put the rail a girl right bushes there's got the rail yeah let's have some fun have some fun you send up before Bob I'm waiting for the fun this is sort of fun you know me big tree lives right there big tree lives right here his friend lives right here yeah the old clock on the wall tells me it's about time to call it a day yeah well don't wrap up well I'm not done yet it just looks like margin really hope you've enjoyed this with you finished his feet what do I do I've just got to fill the gap just bear with me let me just finish what Bob started and just fill in all the crap you didn't really and cuz you weren't paying good enough attention oh boy look good how that comes together do you like my Bob Ross voice I think it's pretty gosh darn well a little bit of the black bear bear to burn burn burn on a bourbon burger it's just like muddy down here what do I do about that you bit of yellow done white nice just stick some Scratchy's that just makes it awful that look like a ravine ha nope look okay I've already gone for a couple minutes more than Bob has I think I have to put my stuff down you know it's not awful in fact if I cropped the image to about there maybe there that's all right like as a painting bit muddy and messy obviously because I didn't have a clear direction but I am dead curious about what bob painted but I think before I see that maybe someone who's seen his should give me a hint how to set this up to be a nice little surprise here you ready again all right soak it in are you looking at the finished picture a beautiful man he's second you go you know what you're looking at okay okay I'm just gonna watch your face for the instant reaction can you say there is no way you did that without even serious is it close it is crazy close is it there's definitely some differences but that is crazy close yeah oh hey minds like he's just hahaha mine looks like it's it's that same but about 50 years later that's how I am genuinely pretty pleased with that I thought I was like way off ha all right good pic hey do you want to come check this out my wife has stepped in go go look at what's on the screen over there tell me if they look similar that's pretty good not bad that's pretty especially for your oil painting skills which are mediocre at best Bob horses taught you something he has even if I'm not watching you he's at my heart thank you buddy Flores freely that's are all sat down I said that's just like his except worse that's really good well there you have it oh I got some immediate feedback because otherwise I have to wait so you guys watching this video but I'm pretty pleased with myself I'm gonna be honest I did not expect a pretty cool result and I think that's a pretty cool result and if you like occasionally pretty cool results and surprises and guess what you're gonna love it here on my channel so if you haven't subscribed I think they got the ending hit subscribe to enjoy more fun with art and creativity in the future sometimes it's surprisingly Pleasant but sometimes it's surprisingly bad but it's always a pleasant surprise while you're at it ring the bell so you don't miss out on a video and hit the like button so other people can see this video and you can tell me how much you enjoyed the result in the comments down below thank you so much for watching oh and if you watch more stuff there's some videos that you might want to check out over there otherwise that's it for now thank you so much for watching and until next time I'll see you later you
Channel: Jazza
Views: 5,084,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, painting, blindfold, blind, no video, no visuals, sound only, audio only
Id: m1-eU-DtljM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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